#squish | zech
desperrados · 2 months
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Redesign concepts for the Squishguys after the big revamp! Individual PNGs under the cut for anyone interested.
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roseuscrystallum · 4 years
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@wayward-sword​ said: Someone said it was boob day? Zech is just going to loudly declare "MY WIFE HAS THE BEST BOOBS IN THE UNIVERSE!" and then give her the cheekiest stare.
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     There’s a moment of pure shock that washes over the woman instantly, words lost to the flow of time as she stared at her husband with mouth hung agape and eyes wide, struggling to find her voice as he stared at her, so clearly waiting for a reaction of any kind from her. It took one, two, three seconds of complete silence for her emotions to finally spring forth, color erupting all at once to fill her features with a thousand shades of scarlet as she frantically reached out grabbed her husband’s face with both her hands, effectively squishing his cheeks as she cried out,
   “Yvolevw, what are you saying?!”
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ikuzeminna · 4 years
Gundam Wing Recap - Episode 8
"The Treize Assassination" 
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You know stuff has happened when exposition guy changes his intro. So OZ has now come to the fore and is kicking Alliance butt left and right, while the poor Alliance folks have no idea what's going on or why they are being attacked by their "own" men and are entirely headless since their top brass is dead. Throw a bunch of Gundam pilots into the mix who just FUBAR'd their mission to keep OZ from taking over control, thus heralding in Romefeller's conquest of the colonies and Earth (OZ is Romefeller's army, after all) and you have yourself a wonderful mess. And the reason one needs to watch the series thrice to get what's going on.
As for this episode, there are three stories taking place. First, we have Une deciding to nuke the Gundams and everything in a 300 kilometer radius to kingdom come (that's about 187 miles for you imperial system folks), which Sally Po stops by first trashing a plane and then asking Heero to disarm the giant missile that is to go off. Heero, who had been blue screening up to that point, complies and shuts the system down 1.45 seconds before detonation. Talk about a dramatic rescue. Special mention goes to the missile computer reading "Intel Outside", Heero bending iron bars with his bare hands and the hissy fit he throws afterwards for screwing up his mission. Why some fans call him stoic is beyond me. Next up, Zechs avenges his family and fallen kingdom by killing the Alliance dude responsible with a very fancy looking gun. Take note, as Treize will be going philosophical about fancy guns in a later episode. The third part is the most interesting. Une, after being scolded by Treize for nearly blowing landscapes to pieces, is the only one to realize that planes coming from New Edwards are enemies. What did the comm officers expect? That they'd tell them they're Gundam pilots? Cue Wufei flying his plane into a ship and Trowa following soon after. But not before noting he's low on fuel, so he'd probably cause more damage if he went out in his Gundam. Yeah, remember that death wish in episode 6? It's still there. Une gets fed up pretty fast with the soldiers' incompetence (gotta love the guy who reports that the Gundam is still attacking all the while you can hear and see all the explosions), so after Heavyarms gets flung into the sea to deal with a horde of Cancers, she takes a souped-up Leo and rams the crap out of Shenlong. Pretty sure Wufei suffered a cranial trauma there. Sadly, Une is in a Leo fighting a Gundam, so there's no way she could win, but she still puts up a darn good fight, showing us she is actually the better swordsman of the two. Wufei also makes good on his words not to kill women, before he is challenged to a duel by Treize. And here begins epic facepalming for many. Instead of squashing Treize with Shenlong, Wufei accepts the challenge, only to get his butt handed to him, which is no wonder since he fought with the sword fighting equivalent of a butcher knife. Why does he have a sword in his suit anyway? So, he loses the fight and Treize lets him go. Does he turn around then and crush him? Nope, he jumps into the sea to mope in his Gundam. If one hasn't read Episode Zero, Wufei is simply a huge, honorable moron here. But those who know his back story should see that Wufei isn't so much interested in freeing the colonies as he is in avenging his wife. Imagine what a gargantuan disgrace it would be not only to himself, but also to his wife's memory if he had just squished Treize with "her" there after losing his own fight. Since, you know, he equates his Gundam with Meilan. It's no wonder he lets him go, really. And no wonder he doesn't use Shenlong's full arsenal in their rematch later either. Props for the subtle writing.
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Favorite scenes: Shenlong running in slow-mo, Une owning Wufei in a Leo, Treize taking a Dragon Fang crashing into his room in stride and Heavyarms in the sea turning its head to find itself surrounded by Cancers (you can practically hear the "Oh, c'mon").
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desperrados · 2 months
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Here's a few redesigns of my Squishguys prior to the April revampening.
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desperrados · 1 year
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desperrados · 2 years
Guy lineup for the fans. The haters too.
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I'll add the solo images under the cut tomorrow. I don't know how to do a cut on mobile LOL
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desperrados · 1 year
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A colored sketch or twelve, for you and you alone.
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desperrados · 1 year
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desperrados · 1 year
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Tournament outfits. WOOHOO! Individuals here too! Cept Marcy I already posted them.
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desperrados · 2 years
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desperrados · 2 years
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Wahoo! Some design changes? throughout the story. I think that's the right way to word it.
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desperrados · 1 year
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desperrados · 1 year
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Massive doodle dump. Tagging this will be hell.
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desperrados · 2 years
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Autism moment over, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
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desperrados · 2 years
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Fun little character icons... ough. Hope you guys like these two I draw them way too much.
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desperrados · 2 years
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Silly bird guy is actually terrified of bugs!
The thought of this just gripped my brain so. Doodle page
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