#sr 2023 pride thing
masschase · 1 year
SR Show Your Flags: Day 1
Happy Pride month!
I have a few of these drawn but it was always going to be my bi4bi weirdos first, wasn't it?
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I thought this would be a fun way to go over my hcs for a lot of the Saints' identities as well as drawing all my neglected OCs, I'll start off with romantic pairings but some of them aren't in relationships so it will diverge eventually.
It won't necessarily go all 30 days, but I probably have enough from my universe for at least for the first week... after that I could do with some suggestions if you want me to fling your ships in 👀
My SR Boss Casey Clark (Bisexual) and Matt Miller (Bisexual) pictured 2022.
Fun fact about them:
One of the things these two bond over in the first few months of watching Nyte Blayde together is that they both came out to their parents as bi for the same reasons; being caught making out with a close friend.
Casey was fifteen and had known she was bi for a while. As I'm sure I've mentioned many times by this point, her mom catching her out was the turning point that led to the events of Saints Row as her deeply homophobic mom threw her out.
Matt's is a much more lighthearted story. He had just turned thirteen and had only recently started to notice his feelings. His parents were supportive, but had made some pretty strong assumptions about their shy, slightly effeminate son, so were very surprised to catch him kissing a girl. After that he wasn't allowed to go to sleepovers/slumber parties at her house anymore. 🤭
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somescenecatholic · 1 year
ALL TUMBLR PPL PLEASE REPOST THIS ANYWHERE U CAN! THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE PROTESTS ABT THIS BC IT'S PRIDE! This can't go on for any longer. TW: p0l1c3, h0m0ph0b14, tr4nsph0b14
Qween Jean, a Black and Trans community leader was arrested at a PEACEFUL march for Trans Liberation on May 31st, 2023. AS SOON AS THEY GOT THERE there was lots of police and they arrested Qween Jean. I'm not sure if she's out yet as I can't find info on tht. On instagram it says to bail support at 7th precinct 191/2 Pitt St, New York, NY, 10002
This can't keep happening, there needs to be nationwide peaceful protests abt this!! Demonstrations need to be everywhere!!!! IT HAS BEEN 53 YEARS SINCE THE FIRST PRIDE PROTEST! I say protest bc PRIDE STARTED AS A PROTEST! It can ONLY be a parade when we truly get our rights. We can't celebrate until we see our victory. Like, our victory is in the bag bc good ALWAYS wins but we need to take ACTION!
ALSO, ANOTHER THING! NOTE HOW WHEN THE NYPD GOT KICKED OUTTA PRIDE, THEY STARTED ARRESTING AND STUFF! If they actually cared they would let this go on. They would actually do smth and hold their own protests for police brutality and etc to stop. Ik there are good police out there who are actually helping out the communities but lets be honest, the system is screwed up. There is far too much corruption. You KNOW it's bad when even little kids are scared of the police! No, not bc they may look intimidating. But because they are literally scared for their life. Same thing with guns. I was walking home from the bus stop when I was in like 6th or 7th (i forgot) and I thought I saw a gun in someone's car tht was parked in front of me and I was scared to the bone. Thankfully it wasn't a gun, it was smth else.
Anyways I'm getting kinda off topic. But yk what I mean right? (if u got any questions, do ask, my dm's and comments are always open! ^w^)
I'm just so sick tht the stuff tht should be in HISTORY BOOKS is happening right in front of my eyes. Like there have been sm protests and stuff against this for FAR, FAR longer than I have been alive!!! (Ik im only 16 but still this is a srs outrage)
It srsly sucks that this is the world I gotta grow up in.
Any action u do can help the world change fod the better. Never miss an opportunity to do good! (big or "small")
SOOO! If u can, go to a local protest! Try to put ur community first, yk? Also, reblog this post and spread awareness about these kinda issues. I'd love to go to a protest buttt I do not have supportive parents and I don't have a car. ALSO, remember tht every act of kindness counts. And dont just keep it to ur friends. Support good local businesses, give compliments to everyone u meet, cheer ppl up, listen to others, donate to GOOD, TRUSTWORTHY charities, do NOT give canned food to food banks bc they need actual food, so give them money, and give homeless ppl money too yk? Ppl are like "WHAT IF THEY SPEND IT ON DRUGS AND STUFF?" Well ofc yea tht's a possibility but who says they won't spend it on what they need? Yk? Basically be a good person, support queer ppl and poc ppl, etc. The world needs sm more kindness. People say "HAH friendship, love, and kindness is such a simple concept tht's not needed". The fact tht it's simple says everything. If we had more of tht, all these issues would cease to exist.
Also, another thing:
Take water and stay hydrated! If someone doesn't have water and u have some to spare, waterfall it.
Keep face masks and switch your phone to airplane mode. This is a surveillance country. They know how to find you. And if u take pics, make sure tht ur location is extremely hard to pinpoint.
If a police officer arrests u, know ur miranda rights and STAY SILENT AND BE CALM! They will use what they can to take it against u. You have to think a stairway ahead of them. They can't say anything if u don't say anything! And justice will be served so dw, God's with you. Also, yes u can say ur manners like thank you and excuse me.
Again, please repost this everywhere u can.
Remember,God loves u ALL, no ifs ands or buts. ACAB and love is love. Trans rights are HUMAN RIGHTS!!!!!
You matter and the right to speak and protest is a human right. This is our world and we have the power to change it!
(also please tell me if I got anything wrong in this post)
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boozye · 2 years
VALENTINES EVENT 2023 (Lovely chocolate+flowers aprons for the brothers)
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Lucifer: Gluttony UR (majolish outfit)
Asmodeus: Sloth UR (majolish outfit)
Solomon: Wrath UR (no outfit)
Leviathan and Beelzebub: SR (no outfits)
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Leviathan: Greed UR (majolish outfit)
Beelzebub: Pride SSR (majolish outfit)
Mammon, Satan and Belphegor: SR (majolish outfit)
Asmodeus: SR (no outfit)
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Some things of interest, as usual:
- Box 1 contains 1 D-Energy
- Box 2 contains 2 D-Energy, 1 SSR+ voucher and as always, the event exclusive background
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- Box 3 contains 4 D-Energy and 3 vouchers
- Box 4 contains 8 D-Energy and 4 vouchers
- Box 5 contains 10 D-Energy and 5 vouchers
- Final box contains mostly card shards and devil tree materials
Good luck!
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melverie · 2 years
Right away-this guide is resource-heavy. You'll need tons of glow sticks, Grimm and preferably Devil Points, but it'll be far faster than raising all your cards to level 150
I'll link this back to itself for those of you that would like to reblog can check for updates every once in a while (last updated: September 25th 2023)
-> guide for Nightbringer -> intimacy raising guide
Things discussed on here include:
card building
leveling vs Devil's Tree
glow sticks
dance battles
try to get at least one UR(+) demon card of each sin to level 90 minimum. I’d recommend two tho you should first focus on building one strong card per sin;
getting them to 150 would be ideal but that’s insanely pricey + finishing the game with level 90 cards is still doable as long as you use glow sticks
if you don't have any UR(+)s yet, SSRs on level 80 can also help out a lot
SRs also work for early game, just make sure to swap them out for something better as soon as you get the chance to
check your cards' secondary and third sins. The following Satan card has pride as its secondary and lust as its third sin, meaning it'll act like a SSR card for stages that favor those sins
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The above also goes for memory cards
get your memory cards to level 50 minimum and have at least one per sin
only build SSR or UR memory cards
again, SRs and even Rs are perfectly fine for early game as long as you swap them out as soon as possible
focus on demon cards first and memory cards second
max out your cards’ Devil's Tree
if you try to put the same character in your team twice, the message below will pop up, so make sure to level the cards of multiple characters (especially if you're only building once card per sin!)
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if you have the following memory card, level it up. It’s a lot stronger than other memory cards on the same level with the favored attribute
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if you need Grimm, only grind in hard lesson 14 and upwards. You'll get about 1k Grimm per sweep from a 3-star stage there; normal ones only give you up to 575 Grimm. Later lessons won't give you more Grimm than that
DISCLAIMER: I'm probably not 100% correct on this but from how I understand it, this is the main difference between the two:
Leveling raises a card's strenght for ALL sins, which is more helpful for using that card in stages boosting a different sin than its own and is generally more useful in the long-run
Maxing out a card's Devil's Tree does also help in raising the card's strenght for all sins, but since it focuses mainly on the main and secondary sins, it's more useful for stages that correspond with their sin
Whichever one you decide to focus on first is up to you. Personally, I alaways level my card up to the level cap, max out the entire Devil's Tree and then max out the level. However, especially for newer players, it's probably best to to raise all cards you're planning on using to level 10, then unlock the first level lock in the Devil's Tree, raise all levels to level 20 and so on
if possible, have a card of each brother (or side-character that corresponds to their sin) so you can use all of your sin-specific glow sticks
Lucifer, Diavolo -> pride
Mammon, Barbatos -> greed
Levi, Luke -> envy
Satan, Simeon -> wrath
Asmo, Solomon -> lust
Beel -> gluttony
Belphie -> sloth
save your resources; don’t use two rainbow glow sticks if you can win with a rainbow and regular one
buy the defeat flash sales if you need more glow sticks! You'll be able to buy them almost daily if you do your daily missions + it’s the cheapest option for rainbow glow sticks
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alternatively, you can exchange 8 ravens for a rainbow glow stick. Additionally to the surprise guest rewards, you have a chance to get 4 ravens after finishing a shift at Ristorante Six. Make sure to choose two preferred workers since that increases the item drop rate
you can still win battles if your team's strength is below your opponent's. It varies a bit from stage to stage but generally speaking winning with a 60k difference is doable, it just might take a few tries
if you want a (more or less) easy win, opt for 50k
if your opponent’s skill is either paralyze, curse of the zombie, curse of the frog, scarecrow, confusion, stun or sleep, go for a 50k difference, I’d recommend being 40k weaker at most tho
getting hit with berserker is actually a good thing bc it doesn't disable your skill and increases your charm; it's only mildly annoying when you try to time all your skills but other than that it plays into your hands
prioritize being able to use each one of your skills twice per battle (four times in boss battles) over countering your opponent
if you lost a battle but were close to winning, fully close the game during the battle and open it back up again. You’ll get the option to restart the battle and won’t lose used glow sticks. Just make sure to do so before the loading symbol shows up, otherwise the game saves your defeat. The ‘TIME’S UP’ is your very last chance to close the game before it saves. If you did it in time, you'll get this screen once you tap the start button:
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you also can sometimes get fever time if you restart battles with the above method, so it's worth a few tries
if you need help with surprise guest interactions, you can check here
send out friend requests! You can get up to 50 AP a day from friends, so always make sure that your friend list is full If you want to add me, my ID is 4238288113. Just as a fair warning though, if I get new requests while my friend list is full, I check who's still actively playing and delete anyone that hasn't been playing for the last 2+ weeks
Anyway, feel free to add more and ask aways if you have any questions!
Best of luck to all of you!
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crimescrimson · 1 year
Welcome to my gifset blog! Here is my one and only rule from my previous post:
First and final warning guys! Don't tag my stuff with any type of Cleon tags please! Someone just did and the ship makes me very uncomfortable! I don't like blocking people because of this kind of thing but I have and will do so if you refuse to listen to me. It's the one and only boundary I have for now when it comes to my gifs, please respect that!
Gifset Masterlist Tag: #Red's Gifset Masterlists
Below is my tag masterlist! Happy viewing!
|| = RE || = TEW || = DMC
|| = SR || = TWAU
Basic Tags:
Crimson's Gifs: Resident Evil
Crimson's Gifs: Devil May Cry
Crimson's Gifs: The Evil Within
Crimson's Gifs: The Wolf Among Us
Crimson's Gifs: Saints Row
Relationship Tags:
Pairing: Encantado - Romantic Pairing of Ashley Graham & Luis Serra
Pairing: Keeping Score - Romantic Pairing of Leon S. Kennedy & Ada Wong
Pairing: Billy Coen Is Dead - Romantic Pairing of Rebecca Chambers & Billy Coen
Pairing: I've Got You Super Cop - Romantic Pairing of Jill Valentine & Carlos Oliveira
Pairing: Come On Supergirl - Romantic Pairing of Jake Muller & Sherry Birkin
Pairing: See You Around... Wolf - Romantic Pairing of Bigby Wolf & Faith
Pairing: Is This What You Want? - Romantic Pairing of Nero and Kyrie
Pairing: From My Gunsmithin' Days - Romantic Pairing of Lady and Nico
Pairing: I Need My Partner Here - Romantic Pairing Of Joseph Oda and Sebastian Castellanos
Partnership: Fill Your Soul With Light! - The Dynamic Duo that is Trish & Dante
BroTP: Ashley and Leon - Platonic/Siblingly Pairing of Ashley Graham & Leon S. Kennedy
BroTP: Claire and Sherry - Platonic/Siblingly Pairing of Claire Redfield & Sherry Birkin
BroTP: Devil May|Never Cry - Platonic Pairing of Lady, Trish & Dante
BroTP: I Had A Hunch Myself - Platonic/Familial Pairing of Nero and Trish
Relationship Type Tags:
Theme: DMC Ships - Red's Preferred Devil May Cry Pairings
Theme: Red's RE Ships - Red's Preferred Resident Evil Pairings
Theme: Minor Pairings - Any pairing between secondary characters in a game
Theme: Pairings With History - Pairings that obviously have had previous history off-screen
Theme: Sparks In Dystopia - Romantic Relationships that grew further in apocalyptic settings
Theme: The One That Got Away - Romantic Pairings that end up losing one another or one party assumingly passes away
Theme: LGBT Pairings - All sets with LGBT relationships
Theme: Pride 2023 - All sets related or made for Pride Month 2023
Theme: Like Father Like Daughter - Father-Daughter relationships or Parallels in sets
Theme: Soulmates - Platonic or Romantic Pairings that have so much dynamic chemistry that they cannot be separated and come as a set
Theme: Saviour And The Saved - Sets featuring somebody saving someone else and the dynamic of that!
Theme: Power Pairings - Platonic or Romantic Duos that kick ass together
Theme: Iconic Duos - Famous character Duos in sets!
Theme: DMC Power Duos - Powerful two-person team-ups in DMC
Theme: DMC Power Teams - Powerful team-ups in DMC
Theme: DMC Interesting Dynamics - Sets studying dynamics between characters in DMC
Theme: DMC Mentor/Student - Sets studying the relationship between a person setting an example for someone else in Devil May Cry
Theme: DMC Platonic Relationships - Sets exploring platonic or familial relationships in Devil May Cry
Misc Tags:
Theme: Dedicated To Friends - Sets I've made for my friends
Theme: PTSD - Sets exploring canon depictions of PTSD in games
Theme: Grief - Sets exploring canon depictions of grief in games
Theme: Insanity - Sets exploring imagery or games where the characters lose their minds
Theme: Introductions Aside - Sets that introduce characters
Theme: RE Parallels - Sets that compare Resident Evil scenes
Theme: RE Set Pieces - Sets featuring Resident Evil Scenery
Theme: Classic RE - Sets featuring Resident Evil 1, 2, 3, CVX, RE0 or RE1R
Theme: RE Romantic Parallels - Resident Evil Romantic Parallels between multiple couples
Theme: Jill Valentine's Fashion Sense - Sets involving Jill Valentine's Outfits
Theme: Umbrella's Legacy - Sets depicting Resident Evil Characters affiliated with the Umbrella Corporation
Theme: RE Dream Cast - Red's Preferred cast for a new Resident Evil game
Theme: Pieces On The Board - Resident Evil Sets depicting each faction or Affiliation within the games
Theme: Hidden Gems - Relatively unknown or unpopular games I've made sets of
Theme: Character Death - Sets featuring the death of characters
Theme: Faked Character Death - Sets featuring the false death of characters
Theme: The Heroes - Sets featuring main characters or heroic characters
Theme: Supporting Cast - Sets featuring NPCs or side characters
Theme: City Of Ruin - Raccoon City Tag
Theme: Blood and Gore - Game typical Gore tag, can range from horror game typical to mortal kombat typical
Theme: Infection Spreading - Sets that involve zombie/zombie-adjacent behaviour or infection
Theme: Morally Grey - sets that feature Morally Grey characters
Theme: Morally Sound - sets that feature Morally Sound characters
Theme: Take My Breath Away - Scenes that are very attractive or aesthetically pleasing
Theme: Women Of My Dreams - Red's Favourite Female Characters Of All Time general tag
Theme: Favourite Female Characters Of All Time - dedicated tag to this set series
Theme: Feminine Power - female empowerment! Typically found on female-only sets or sets that display women at their best!
Theme: Masculine Strength - male empowerment! Typically found on male-only sets or sets that display women at their best!
Theme: Character Development: found on character sets displaying a change in behaviour or a comparison to the past and present!
Theme: Red and Redder - Characters affiliated with the colour red for my namesake
Theme: Colour Palette Blues - Sets with Blue tones
Theme: Colour Palettes - Rainbow - Sets with multicoloured tones
Theme: Resident's Fashion - Resident Evil outfits tag
Theme: Game Interface - Depicting game title screens, menus etc.
Theme: Dream Cast - Red's Dream Casts for any game
Theme: Truth and Lies - Depicting paralleled scenes where a lie is told and a truth is revealed
Theme: SR Parallels - Saints Row Parallel Sets where scenes are compared
Theme: TWAU Pairings - Pairings I prefer from Telltales: The Wolf Among Us
Theme: TWAU Set Pieces - Scenery from TWAU
Theme: Dream Dream Dream - Sets that feature dream, nightmare or hallucination sequences
Theme: Red's Favourite DMC girls - Devil May Cry Women I adore in gifs
Theme: DMC Alternative Costumes - Ex Colors and Alternative Costumes in Devil May Cry
Theme: DMC Parallels - Scenes in Devil May Cry compared
Theme: DMC Iconic Moments - Famous Moments in Devil May Cry
Theme: DMC Hilarious Moments - Funny Moments in Devil May Cry
Theme: Domesticity of DMC - Domestic Bliss in Devil May Cry
Theme: Favourite Male Characters Of All Time - Favourite Male Characters Tag!
Theme: Favourite Characters Of All Time - My Favourite Game Characters
Theme: Best DLC Of All Time - My personal favourite DLCs in games that are the best of the best
Theme: Aesthetically Pleasing - Gifs based around the beauty of what's featured in the set
Theme: TEW Set Pieces - Set Pieces from The Evil Within
Theme: Gothic Horror - Gothic Horror in video games
Theme: Goth - Gothic elements in video games
Theme: Demons and Devils - Demonic related content in video games
Personal Tags:
Theme: Red's Personal Preference - Anything to do with my own interests, basically a get to know me tag!
Sorry for the wall of text. Thanks for reading!
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merrock · 10 months
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face claim: Christopher Abbott
full name: Elias Brian Wyler
nickname(s) / goes by: Elias, Ellie to close friends.
pronouns & gender: Cis man, He/Him
sexuality: Heterosexual
birth date: May 11, 1987
birth place: Honolulu, Hawaii
arrival to merrock: Originally moved to Merrock as a teenager, leaving shortly after high school (2005-2009) and has only recently returned in the summer of 2023.
housing: The Suburbs
occupation: Fisherman and Charter Guide
work place: The Marina
family: Jacob Sr. & Samantha Wyler (parents), four siblings
relationship status: Married, but separated.
His good days are good and his bad days are the worst -- Elias leads a life with no middle ground. He tends to exist on a high frequency, abundant energy transformed into a tunnel vision focus for errant hobbies, often shirking basic responsibilities and bailing on those closest to him. He's little talk and all action, impulsivity and passion creating a colorful reputation in his wake. Even when he's deemed pretentious and cynical, he still takes pride in the fact that no one could ever call him lukewarm.
WRITTEN BY: B (she/her), pst.
Elias would tell you that he was born on the run (most likely while sitting in a nondescript bar, fishing cherries out of a Dirty Shirley), but that's not quite the truth. It sounds like it, on the first telling, when he carries on to list everywhere he lived between the ages of zero and eighteen; Hawaii, Georgia, Italy, Japan, Washington, Maine, etc. It's a lot, sure, but there was never any urgency to it. No fear or rush as the Wyler family packed up for the umpteenth time and moved across the country again. The excitement of getting a fresh start in a new neighborhood and new school district wore off somewhere around the sixth grade for Elias. It had become routine. After all, that's just the hand you're dealt as a military brat, huh?
For being a Marine, Elias never viewed his father as a particularly strict figure in his life. He was absent, mostly, sometimes even missing holidays at home. And his mother, overburdened with five children and a part-time job as a school nurse, never became a fully-formed individual in his mind, either. As he grew up, he became thankful for their habitual moving, frequently acting out and never facing consequences because of it. It wasn't until they moved to Maine just before the start of his senior year that Elias felt like anything would ever be permanent -- and even then, it still wasn't. He made sure of it.
With stars in his eyes, he graduated from Merrock High in a rush, desperate to start his life in every conceivable way. The first thing he did was get married, impulsively (AKA stupidly) tying the knot with his then high school girlfriend. They ushered in a rocky relationship that had no chance at lasting. Elias stuck it out for a few years, determined to believe that he'd put down roots for good, but after a few summers working at The Marina, he cashed out. He left without warning, not telling a soul when he booked a one-way ticket to Australia and just went.
Elias would argue that it's his upbringing that's kept him on the move for all these years. After a paradoxically sheltered yet cultured life experience, he wanted to explore the world in his own way. To literally broaden his horizons. Somewhere along the way, Elias picked up photography, becoming half-decent at it and garnering a few minor publications, but it's mostly odd jobs and mooching off his siblings that's continued to fund his world travels. Being back in Merrock for the first time since his early twenties, Elias only considers it a pitstop to tie up loose ends. Funny how he's found himself signing a lease and working a steady job... Surely it doesn't mean anything.
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superpowerprayer · 1 year
Mapalo Spreads Love & Casts Out Demons During Pride Month
1,151,059 views  Jun 4, 2023
Worldwide Revival. Please Pray For.
Dedicate and Rededicate your life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Neville Johnon / The Academy of Light  / Prophecy https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xwo6fVqslF832pq7X2ZK3OP
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj / Prophecy / Angel TV     https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xxWWpNCBcMNZh_wgq9Io63D
Dr Bruce Allen / School of Translation / Prophecy https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xw_MXN157uQWUUrckfqYkz6
Steven Francis / Jesus My King Church / End Times Remnant https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xxYAFP-LxKq26XwBf0PTQ5v
Prophet Michael Van Vlymen / School of Translation https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xzwww3X6okxZp_D2Arn6-cO
Trey Smith / Bible History / Prophecy Movies https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xwdppFhJu3QBIURlc29Y5Dr
War Room Prayers / Take Control of Your Life https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xztyt0YgLmOg1HmNuZ0_Mqz
Speaking in Unknown Tongues  / What does it Do? //  Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj   https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xzKzsQnqrHdfzXv-5dw4lUX
Worship Worship Worship Praise Music / Shekinah Worship Center https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xwbLuba-6eBCVoan0Giz6pi
Worldwide Revival. Please Pray For
Heavenly Father in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ Destroy  every Demonic plot against  Me, My Family, My Church, My  City, and My Country. In Jesus name In Jesus name In Jesus name Satan, Lucifer, Every Demon, All Witch Craft, Sorcery, Every Principality, All Spiritual wickedness in High places, Prince of the Power of the air, Dominions, every Unclean Spirit, every Infirmity, Chief Prince, all Generals, all Captains, all Centurions, every Watchmen, Principalities and every other Devil. I rebuke you in Jesus name. I cast you out in Jesus name. I cast you Down in Jesus name. I Bind, Cage, Chain, Mute, Muzzle, Gag,  Cut you All Off, Destroy, Strip and Ruin You All. I Nullify All of Your Actions forever and ever In Jesus Christ name. I take back all of the permission that I have given you in the past to operate in me and through me. I take my Authority back right now by the Blood of Jesus Christ and as a Son or Daughter of The Most High God. I render you all Powerless in my life from now on in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ. The Holy Bible States in Phillipians 2:10-11 " That at The Name of Jesus Every knee shall bow of Things in Heaven and Things on Earth and things Under the Earth And Every Tongue Shall Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. To the Glory of God The Father.” I now command you All to Bow Down on your knees and confess with your mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord. Father God Destroy, Strip, Ruin, Confuse and Cast Down the demonic kingdom in Jesus name. Most High God,  His number is 644, Jesus, Emmanuel, Holy Spirit, Almighty God, Father and His Power Aleeth. Please Forgive Me of Every Sin that I have ever Committed and Thank You for dying on The Cross for Me. I Give You All of the Praise Honor and Glory forever. Lord Thank you for hearing and honoring my prayer and setting me free. Please Lead me and guide me from now on. Amen
My Two Sons Died on the Same Day  Then This Happened //  Timothy J Douglass Sr https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xx1BarkXoAwPMqN00JTmCzl
Be My Friend On Face Book / Super Power Prayer / Timothy J Douglass Sr / End Times Prophecy / Prayer / Worship https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010641464829
Psalms 91 / Prayers for Protection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOZKQz7rnHg&list=PLTA9JOYHK1xyRxubnpND6QgEz3gQwWVzO
Pornography  / How does It Affect People? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xxJt8OhUtotFuDsUUkPYHAk
The Two Witnesses  / Who are They? When will They Come? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xyc_hth4h79wUwXnboxh1P-
The Deep State  / What is It. What Does It Do? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xzGURojGv9GCjREs76WpYix
The New World Order / When will it Be here? What Is It? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xzRwm0kqwUVT3mKiUUlsa8N
The Rapture / When will It Happen? What Is It? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xzmsDhXQkE877-JiBxg-SG-
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nonotranslates · 3 years
Translation Masterlist
No guarantees I’ll finish what I started. May just drop it if I’m too tired.  
Promise of Wizard (Mahoyaku)
Mahosute (Mahoyaku Stage): Songs Masterlist Chapter 1 ——  Chapter 2 —— Chapter 3
Prelude Part 1: M4 - West Group Song (City of Desire)   
Mahoyaku Radio: Mahoradio Ep 23 Audio Skit by Tsushimi Bunta (Faust & Lennox) - Reminiscence on a Certain Late Night
   Magazines: Cross Talk with Wizard - Owen & Mithra (Animedia August 2022)
Manor Notice Board Passing - 5th Floor Edition (Animage March 2023)
  Game (Event Story): Valentines 2023  - Entrusting An Intoxicating Love With Dolce Chapter 1 ——  Chapter 2
   Game (Card Story, Episode, Voice Lines, Chibi Description): Misc: Pre-cooking Voice Lines for All 21 Wizards
Cards:  Mithra R Card (Summer 2022) - Just The Right Amount of Crispiness
Owen SR Card (Woodcutter 2022) - Here’s A Thank-You Gift For You
Faust SR Card (Lago 2022) - The Changed Water Surface
Faust SSR Card (3rd Anni) - Someday, It May Become A Beloved Story [Card Episode & Voice Lines Only]
Owen SR Card (Walpurgis 2022) - To the Beast Pretending It’s a King
Faust SR Card (Wine 2022) - A Hospitable Service
Shino R Card (June Bride 2022) - Whose Tiara Is This?
Owen R Card (Pride Caulis) - Bring It On
Owen SR Card (Christmas 2022) - What’s Trapped Inside the Birdcage Is  [Card Episode & Voice Lines Only]
Owen SSR Card (Wizard’s Party 2023) - A Mocking Laugh for the Forest Where One Dreams 
Faust SSR Card (Birthday 2023) - Invited by a Dazzling Blessing 
     Game (Login Story): West Fantasia - Short Story 3 (20220626) [feat. Heathcliff, Faust, Bradley]
2nd Anniversary - Short Story 4 (20211126) [feat. Cain, Shino, Heathcliff, Owen]
April Fools 2020 - Short Story 1 (20200404) [feat. Cock Robin, Cain, Shino]
April Fools 2020 - Short Story 2 (20200406) [feat. Rutile, Arthur, Faust]
White Day 2022 - Short Story 1 (20220307) [feat. Faust, Lennox, Owen]
Walpurgis 2020 - Short Story 1 (20200502) [feat. Bradley, Rustica]    
Game (4koma Comic): Owen 3rd Anniversary 4koma Comic (feat. Akira, Faust)
Figaro 3rd Anniversary 4koma Comic (feat. Mitile)
Cain 3rd Anniversary 4koma Comic (feat. Lennox, Mithra)
Owen Valentines 2023 4koma Comic (feat. Chloe)
Oz Walpurgis 2023 4koma Comic (feat. Shino)
Shino Birthday 2023 4koma Comic (feat. Akira’s thought bubble)
Mithra 3rd Anniversary 4koma Comic (feat. Bradley, Nero)
Owen Birthday 2023 4koma Comic (feat. Shylock, Akira)  
Heathcliff Birthday 2023 4koma Comic (feat. Faust)
Figaro 4th Anniversary 4koma Comic (feat. Riquet)
Oz Tanabata 2024 4koma Comic (feat. Riquet, Shylock, Akira’s speech)
Hypmic ARB Voice Lines 2022 Birthday Lines - Yumeno Gentaro [Gentaro, Ramuda, Dice]
2022 Birthday Lines - Amemura Ramuda [Ramuda, Gentaro, Dice]
2021 Halloween Lines - Fling Posse [Ramuda, Gentaro, Dice]
    Hypmic ARB Event Scenario Decisive Battle of a Billionaire - Part 1/2 ~Duelists on the Board~ [Card: Dice, Jiro, Jyushi] 
Decisive Battle of a Billionaire - Part 2/2 ~Duelists on the Board~ [Card: Gentaro, Saburo, Rosho] (3/4 chapters done)
Eccentric Journey ~  The Forest where Dangerous Creatures Lives ~ [Card: Riou, Kuukou, Jyushi] 
   Hypmic Radio Season 2: Hypnosis Wave - Gentaro 
Season 2: Hypnosis Wave - Fling Posse Team Radio 
Season 2: Hypnosis Wave - Bad Ass Temple Team Radio (2/3 done) 
    Hypmic Miscellaneous Division Rap Battle- + : Jyushi’s Chuuni Lyrics Subtitles
Just sharing the link to some other translators for anyone interested in ARB and HypRadio stuffs (pls let me know if you want to be removed from this list!):
Hypmicarb_ENG’s amazing FAQ which contains links to most ARB things, My Room lines, and lots of events’ translations! 
A great translation of the hilarious April Fools 2021 ARB Event 
This Twitter user does a lot of ARB event and home voice translations
This Twitter user translated a few ARB events (Dangerous Pension, Demon’s Lucky Day) 
Complete MTC and DH HypWave radio translations 
Dice’s HypWave radio translation 
Saburo’s HypWave radio translation, they do short summaries of the radios too
Video translation subs of some ARB events (e.g. Gentaro’s Neo-Folk tales, Case File of a Corrupt Cop, etc...)
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masschase · 1 year
SR Show Your Flags: Day 2
Next it's the ship I pretty much picked up from tumblr around the time I joined at the beginning of this year and it stuck in my mind forever 😅
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Yep everyone gets a *slight* redesign as befitting the years these are set.
Shaundi (Bisexual) and Viola DeWynter (Lesbian) pictured 2016
Fun fact about them:
Viola had a thing for Shaundi ever since 2014(SRTT) but Shaundi could never fully get over Viola being part of the Syndicate. She starts to realise she's attracted to her but the guilt around the idea holds her back for a long time.
I like to think they had that sort of dynamic where they eventually build a friendship and have the same banter as everyone else but with just that little bit more viciousness from a combination of hurt feelings and sexual tension.
Due to the time travel nature of my hc/fic however, everyone ends up finding out that Johnny's still alive a little early; in 2016. Shaundi takes a few days to get her head around it but it definitely lifts a barrier in her head.
I find it hilarious that she makes the statement “I would rather remove my entire reproductive system than have any part of the Syndicate inside me.” just two days before ending up with Viola's tongue in her mouth.
How long something lasts between these two is something I haven't set in stone yet. Having them be together for years and parted by Viola's death is too tragic to mesh with my hc of Shaundi. I'd prefer to think they had an incredibly passionate relationship that ended amiably.
The main thing I know is they went back to the hotel together that night and I am positive they found other ways to contravene Shaundi's statement 😉
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masschase · 1 year
SR Show Your Flags: Day 8
Them 💜💜💜
This is the last one for now as I'm on holiday next week. I did have plans to draw some peoples Bosses with their pairings so if I decide I want to do more that's likely what they will be.
Anyway, started with my Emperor and Empress(?), ending with my King and Queen.
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Johnny Gat (Bisexual... I feel like my final decision on this was based on the fact I'm such a fan of multiple GatBoss ships!) and Aisha (I still have work to do on my backstory for her but for now I guess I see her as a straight ally so I gave her the progress pride flag) pictured in 2008. I took a lot into account for their between sr1&2 looks but this post is going to be really long if I get into that, haha!
I don't really talk about these two as much as I should for how much I think about them, really. I feel like because I don't ship my Boss with Johnny... it's made the way I write him kind of tragic romantically. They saw a tangible future together. What they had wasn't perfect but it was real.
After she dies, Johnny just can't move on for a long time. He has sexual relationships but finds romantic ones difficult to say the least. At the end of the 3 years, he is starting to begin the healing process, but then he gets captured and made to relive Aisha's death for YEARS and has to start the healing process all over again.
I haven't really found a conclusion for him in this respect. Obviously he picked a new planet for the Saints over seeing Eesh because he knew they needed him and he knew it just wasn't his time. The Saints are his family, they mean the world to him, and I do think he's happy. I have a vivid picture of him reading to the other Saints' kids ("Johnny, is that a gun catalogue?" "Uhhhhhh... No..." *quietly* "It's a gun manual.") and other funny stuff like that.
Thing is, of the other people aboard the ship, the only age-appropriate (just in his opinion) pairing I have for him would be Jane Austen which I actually like in a way but it's always going to seem kind of cracky, right?
But after every remaining human is removed from the pods? Who knows. Maybe he'll find someone. :)
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masschase · 1 year
SR Show Your Flags: Day 6
Was not in a state to post any yesterday but now I'm back to fling more OCs at you.
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OC Charlie Taylor (non-binary, bisexual) and OC Ward Maxwell (pansexual), pictured 2017.
Charlie and Ward are yet another couple brought together by the 4th July ball. They're both painfully socially awkward to the point where it's a mystery they even managed to get together.
Charlie is the manager of the Castillo hotel in Cleveland where the Saints stay for one night. They are a huge fan of the Saints.
Ward is a Saint based in Stilwater, specialising as a helicopter pilot. Shaundi and Pierce both show interest in him but end up too busy arguing about which of them he might be into rather than making a move.
Subsequently when the dancefloor gets packed these two find themselves together against a wall or in a quiet corner. Their eyes meet. They both look away. An introduction is stuttered out by one of them, then the other. Two compliments. A slightly stifled conversation.Then an invitation.
When the dancefloor begins to clear, that's when they feel comfortable there. Suddenly they're in their own little bubble and it doesn't matter how anxious everyone else makes them feel.
That bubble stays intact until the untimely end of the world.
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masschase · 1 year
SR Show Your Flags- Day 3
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I don't know if anyone actually likes these pride thingies enough to want me to do their OC ships? 😅 If so I need to know how they and their partners identify(and their heights because I took that into account for some reason)...
Pierce Washington (Pansexual) and Rhys Garrido (Gay, trans) pictured 2019
Fun fact about them:
I was going to talk about how they're on again off again in a way you wouldn't quite expect but that's all here in my post about Rhys really!
So let's just talk about some nice things about them.
Rhys calls Pierce "Mi rey" and he really does treat him like a king and vice versa. Insert VK/Kingpin jokes here. Rhys doesn't really fit into the snarky culture of the Saints at first because he's quite serious and sweet. But for Pierce, even though he does genuinely love the jokey bond with his friends, Rhys's attitude is a most refreshing reprieve.
Only a few months after they are reunited on the new planet, they get engaged. Pierce is the first of my universe's Saints to get married; some time in early 2024. 😊 Casey cries her fucking eyes out.
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masschase · 1 year
SR Show Your Flags: Day 5
Idk if you can tell but these are kind of grinding me down. I'm up to day 7 and after that I might give it a rest.
Anyway... I could've made the page bigger but it was funnier to make Oleg stoop down:
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Kinzie was incredibly difficult to pin down in this regard. Maybe bc in my hc she's an exclusive top.
Kinzie Kensington (Aceflux) and Oleg (Demisexual) pictured 2017
Fun fact about them:
So in my hc these two had a romantic-ish platonic relationship for quite some time and this shaped how I defined their sexualities.
Kinzie has some heavily fraysexual leanings in my headcanon (she enjoys her fetish encounters with strangers and *ahem* certain friends she's not romantically interested in but isn't generally sexually attracted to people she actually cares about). But I don't know where I sit with the relationship she has with Oleg and anyone else so rather than claiming she's fray and then having it be problematic if she later enters into a sexual-romantic relationship, I've decided she's aceflux.
Oleg, on the other hand, I hc as demi, which makes them appear sexually incompatible at first even though they have a very sweet bond emotionally. She finds it very hard to make a physical connection with him because she adores and respects him so much, whereas he's only really interested in her sexually once he gets to know her and falls for her. 
They do eventually enter into a romantic relationship, and I think their relationship is at times sexual, but it's not really something I'll ever "see" through writing it so who knows. It's just a shame they are doomed by the canon.
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masschase · 1 year
SR Show Your Flags: Day 7
This is the penultimate one of these at least for a while as I'm going away next week. I'm obsessed with how tomorrow's is looking though 🙂 (Huge hint: it's canon).
I'm sure precisely no-one recalls that a very long time ago I mentioned I have an OC with the same surname as Lego's boss, well I finally drew her! Jenny is the owner of Castillo hotels which is a biiiiiiiiig deal in my hc universe. As far as I can remember, she's the first major non-Boss OC I wrote for my fic.
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Benjamin King (questioning) and Jenny Castillo (aromantic) pictured in 2018.
Fun fact about them: Firstly I just want to talk about why I gave Ben the questioning flag because there's a lot of ways to interpret that. I won't really have a defined hc for Ben until I look more at pre-pre-pre-SR1 but... I like the idea that he may have been too bound by societal pressures to really look at his sexuality when he was younger, but begins to think about it more as he gets older and is y'know... completely fucking surrounded by LGBTQIA+ people. I think this reflects something that quite a lot of people in their 60s/70s would relate to in all honesty.
So this maybe wouldn't really be classed as a romantic relationship as such because Jenny is aro, but it's an important relationship for them both nonetheless.
These two meet often at various networking events for years and are acquaintances for a long time, but there is definitely some sort of spark between them.They do have a casual relationship in 2017-18; her job takes her all over the place so they tend to just hook up whenever she's in DC.
This suits Ben well because, as I've mentioned before, he finds that his insistence on keeping his relationships a secret often leaves serious partners displeased. It also suits Jenny well because she worries that more serious partners will expect their romantic feelings to be reciprocated due to bad experiences in the past.
They end on good terms when she retires and decides to spend a lot more of her time travelling internationally.
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masschase · 1 year
SR Show Your Flags- Day 4
OK this is probably going to be a brief one bc my current mood is not amazing.
I don't expect most people to be that excited about OC and OC but I FINALLY DREW MORI. He will get his intro post *eventually* and a proper drawing but just know that the answer to the questions "Who kept Stilwater under Saints control when the other lieutenants were in Steelport/DC?", "Who was Casey's best friend before Johnny Gat?" and "Who could possibly be a bigger conspiracy theorist than Kinzie?" is Mori.
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Mori Alleyne (identifies as a man but also as genderqueer, polysexual- in his own words he's been attracted to multiple genders but doesn't know if he's met them all yet!) and Nessa Alleyne (omnisexual: she identifies this way because she's attracted to all genders but in distinct ways.) pictured in 2015.
Fun fact about them: OK I was totally wrong when I said Pierce is the first Saint to get married. I guess I just don't think about it bc it's 'offscreen'. Mori and Nessa sign up to the Saints around 2012-13 when they're more famous and have cleaned up their image a little. They get married in 2014, and have their daughter Faith in 2015.
Casey is a little shocked to find out about the latter two facts in 2016. The wedding invite was in the huge stack of paperwork she left in Stilwater when the Saints fed to Steelport. Mori knew she'd always been a commitmentphobe so just assume she was that anti-marriage she never RSVPed.
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masschase · 1 year
I did have major plans to draw a lot of other Bosses with whoever they're shipped with for the pride thing but... honestly I got pretty major burnout from doing something so repetitive.
I had to leave it for like 3 days and I was only able to finish the last one bc I was so invested in drawing Aisha with twists 😅
So yeah, won't be picking that back up this month. Might go back into it another time 🙂
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