#sry for my bad English I don't like to use translator
sweetiejunie · 4 years
Txt reaction to having a s/o that speaks another language
Genre: fluff
💕 Request: Hi I wanted to make a request if you don't mind. Could you make a reaction with txt having a foreign S/O (full request: [X])
A/n: thanks for the request!! Sry it took awhile and i hope your feeling better bub 💜 hope u liked this! I decided to choose a different lanaguage for each of the boys so sry if got anything wrong 🥴
Another language
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Language: Urdu <pakistan>
There were days yeonjun knew you had a bad day, and he wouldn’t mind sitting and just letting you rant to him
He actually found it quite funny and entertaining
Cause halfway through your rants, sometimes you had the habits of saying some words and phrases in your native language, urdu
Of course, he couldn’t understand it but most of the time he can’t help but smile and laugh a bit cause he just found it so cute
“I swear to god yeonjun. Sometimes she’s just so annoying. Seriously, damn bey waqoof.”
“Hey, hold on, i have no idea what you just said,” he laughed lightly.
“Oh, i just said she’s an idiot,” you replied nonchalantly, causing him to laugh a bit harder
“Don’t laugh at me,” you pouted
“I’m sorry, my love. It’s just sometimes you’re so cute when you rant, i cant help it.”
With that, he gave you a small kiss, smiling and listening as you continued to rant
By the end of your rants, yeonjun practically had a new vocabulary list, containing just swear words he heard you say in urdu. And of course, he would use them on the other boys every now and then just to confuse them.
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Language: Chinese <china>
You were his crush and yes, he knew you spoke a different language
But did that stop him? Well, it almost did. But with yeonjun and beomgyu’s constant persuasion to at least try and talk to you, he eventually gave in
With yeonjun having a dictionary in hand and beomgyu having google translate with 4g, they were going to make this work
After wondering around the library for a bit, they finally spotted you sitting at one of the booths in the study room
“Stop drooling and go talk to her,” beomgyu shoved soobin forward
“Just say this,” yeonjun chimed in, showing him some words in the foreign language
With the game plan, soobin approached you and said, “你好,亲爱的。<ní haǒ,qīn aì dè>”
He immediately panicked when he saw your shocked expression, turning back to yeonjun and beomgyu, who were now holding their stomach, trying not to burst out laughing
“What on earth did you idiots make me say?!?” He whisper yelled, glaring at them
Beomgyu showed him the translation on his phone ‘hello, my darling’
In conclusion, soobin really hates his friends sometimes
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Language: Spanish <spain>
The first time he heard you speaking in spanish, he would be so intrigued
He always loved listening to you talk in your native language and the more he heard you talking, the more he wanted to learn it
Every now and then he would ask you how to say something in Spanish or when he came across a word and would ask you what it meant
One day he came across the phrase ‘te amo’
Like always, he went to ask you what i meant
But the moment he asked you, he realised that you were starting to blush
Thinking he said something R- rated, he couldn’t help but smile and chuckle at your reaction
“Why? What did i say?”
When you didn’t respond, he would just probe again, “come on baby, tell me. Was what i said really that bad?”
“I love you,” you replied in a whisper, your face a bright shade of red by this point.
“What?” Confused and shocked at you sudden confession
“You said ‘i love you’.”
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Language: Dari <afghanistan>
He opened the door to your apartment and heard you in the kitchen, singing along to a song you were playing
The thing was, it wasn’t the normal songs you played when you were with him
It wasn’t in korean or english, it was in Dari
You probably didn’t hear him enter since you were still singing
He never heard you speak in your native language much, so he took to opportunity to just stand at the doorway for a while, listening with a smile on his face
And that was the day he wrote it on his bucket list to learn some Dari so he could sing to you
I mean his motivation was his passion — singing. And you, the love of his life. He couldn’t give up that easily
After a couple weeks of hard work, and a little a lot of help from google, he finally learnt the song you were singing
When he finally sang the song to you, before he could even finish the last line, you pulled him into a hug, telling him how proud you were of him
All his hard work payed off, from the start he knew he loved you like no other
Huening Kai
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Language: Italian <italy>
When he found out that you spoke another language, he knew that he had to learn the basics if he ever wanted to meet your parents
So, thats when he decided to ask you to teach him some common phrases and words
He knew that having to learn Italian would be hard, but he loved you so he tried his best
And things were going well. For the most part at least
“Kai, are you still paying attention?”
“Y/nnnnnnn. Im tired, this is hard. Can we go sleep?” He whinned, “i really want to learn, but its been hours.” :(
“It hasnt been that long,” you replied, turning to your phone, only to realise it had been 3 hours. “Oh, sorry Kai.”
Folding his arms, he leaned back in his chair, pouting as you gave him a small kiss. “Va bene, y/n.”
I guess he was paying attention, more than you thought he was
Well, even if kai didn’t master italian, you had no doubt your parents would still love him
On another note, my exams are finally over 🎉🎉 if everything went smoothly ill finally be graduating after my internship ahhhhhhh cant wait
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sly-merlin · 3 years
I don't want to be rude, but what's written in your banner? Can you translate it? Also, like what happens if you date a white guy? Or like stay single or come out as gay in the Indian community?
And yeah, i asked about umbridge. I'm actually trying to build a cot for myself. Trying to learn furniture building and interior design.
You mean in description? It's not rude. Nobody understands Punjabi here sans two people!
It's "KITAAB-E-ISHQ" meaning "the book of love"
Ishq means love but it's an urdu word(I don't know the etymology) and it just means some high form of love. The English word love fails to describes the poetic values and the feelings this single word can fill you with. It's so romantic. Ishq is more than just love. It's giving your life in your lover's hand. Ishq is willingness to die for your lover if it means they'd live. Ishq is everything a person can desire from love.
Oh lord. Its from a poem of Amrita pritam . The two couplets means - I'M CALLING OUT WARIS SHAH(another poet)TO SPEAK FROM YOUR GRAVE AND TURN THE NEXT PAGE OF THE BOOK OF LOVE" *shivers*😭 sry for unwanted knowledge but I've no control.
😂I'm single af 😭 depends on the family. How progressive they are! This is the only factor. Upper class and highly literate families don't pose any problem. Mostly. But orthodox and religious values can hinder. Stay single?? HUUAUAHAHAHAH verbal joust! That's wt you gonna face. Emotional manipulation of bad kind until u say yes. Come out as gay? Honestly rare chances of acceptance. RARE. a positive love approach from family is needed to come out. There's no way society will accept. It sucks here. In poor families, people marry their daughters at like 13,14,16 or 18(regardless of child marriage act)bcs the laws fail to protect. Daughter is 21? OH MY GOD MARRY HER BCS SHE'LL DIE OF SINGLE STATUS😥it just simply sucks. The centuries old values are the driving force here and nobody is ready to change.
Wow. Nice. You are using your time in a productive way. Keep it up. Here I am doing nothing 😂
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Oolong tea, rooibos, pu-erh tea, 24 flavours :D
thanks for the asks 🥰 but, umm, i feel bad now bc i have to break it to you that i don't read lmaoOOo
Oolong - Which book series could you read again?
I wish I was a kid again so I could read Geronimo Stilton ugh those were my favourite books
(this makes me sound like I've never read a proper book in my life sksjdkssjsls BUT I HAVE PLS BELIEVE ME I WAS ALWAYS AT A HIGHER READING LEVEL IM NOT DUMB I SWEAR)
Rooibos - What is one of your favourite books?
i can't remember any book ive read bc once i do smthg i immediately forget so i can't say i have one sry lmaooo
Pu-erh - What is a book you would recommend to others?
uhhhhhh pls refer to the above questions bc idk how to answer this
24 flavours - What is your favourite word?
English is overrated so I'm gonna name Urdu words (I love Urdu so much bc its so romantic uff)
i don't necessarily have one favourite Urdu word but let me name some off the top of my head that i like
Jaan (means soul, and is also commonly used as a nickname for your s/o, which i think is so fkn adorable omg i would die if someone called me this bc)
Fanaa (idk how to explain or translate this but in simple terms its a Sufi concept that means 'the annihilation/destruction of oneself' or 'to die before one dies')
Ishq (means love, but like intense, passionate love)
Noor (means light/divine light/illumination)
Soz (means burning/passion)
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