#ss is devo though
chalkodareal · 11 months
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various homestoodles......siiigh. the guys
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bd-steelyfam · 5 years
We've all heard of standswap. But what about standswap-dadswap?
//So the dads and the SS!dads switch places, huh? This is such an interesting scenario! Will they get along with each other? Will everything go haywire? Will sadness happen?
//I was only able to fit the stoplight trio here because I don't have time to properly make up characters for Emperor, Osiris, and Bastet. I also used their stand names for the unnamed standswap characters for a placeholder.
Steely Dan <=> Deacon Blues
Deacon and Terunosuke will get along very well because they relate to each other (both of them had pretty fucked up backstories and have to hide their real, more mature personality behind a childish attitude).
And the same could be said for Illuso. Both of them spent most of their childhood being lonely because of their stand powers.
When Illuso talks about his teammates (he calls them best friends to avoid suspicion), Deacon remembers his old friends back in his SDC days. He probably sees himself in Illuso and feels a little melancholic.
Deacon and Gwess can get along too, as they have to fake a smile and carefree personality to make everyone else not worry about them.
Unlike Dan who is pretty sarcastic and sassy, Deacon speaks more honestly, as he despises people who aren't direct and honest about their words.
Alright. Enough of the sad shit. Deacon and Terunosuke occasionally read books together and tell each other about their specific interest in comics (the former is into American hero comic books, and the latter is into mangas and light novels).
Deacon would probably at some point tell them about his adventure from 1989. Then Illuso sighs and comments, "Darn. Just like Padre."
He likes to show them his proud machinery and inventions to the three, which of course amuse them because of how absurd they work.
"What does this thing do?"
"Oh! This bad baby right here lets you read while you sleep, write while you sleep, and eat while you sleep!"
Deacon and Terunosuke are the ultimate short depressing smartass solidarity.
Meanwhile Dan and Deacon's kids? Eh... could maybe count.
His personality made him hard to get along with them, especially Velare. At first, he can hardly relate to them (his backstory is plain and nothing really gutwrenching happened to him, unlike theirs and their father's).
But then, after some time, they start to warm up to him. Behind his catty attitude, he is actually a pretty nice and caring person (even though it isn't really that obvious because of the way he generally acts).
Velare is going to get along with Dan first, because he is a pretty patient person and can handle his new dad's (?) unfamiliar attitude.
Tojiko is probably be slightly annoyed by how sassy and snarky Dan is. Dan would just comment on his chuuni behavior just to annoy him even further.
Since Dan is pretty good with cooking, Prada would sometimes watch him do the kitchen work (even though she's just more mesmerized by the way the stove fire dances around the pan). He would try teaching her how to make simple dishes, even though it's reduced to a pile of ash by the end of the day.
Of course, Dan cooks godlike food. Which somehow reminds them of their father's....
Rubber Soul <=> Yellow Temperance
Unlike the loud and obnoxious Rubber Soul, Yellow Temperance is generally a well-mannered and elegant man. This makes the three kids a little taken aback because they're not used to the quieter and nicer version of their dad.
Since Yellow is skilled in singing (and acting) and Akira is good at playing his electric guitar, they both spend a lot of time together! Akira would sometimes show Yellow how to use his guitar, and in return he teaches him how to sing properly.
Like Dan, everytime Hazamada becomes annoyed and acts like an ass to him, Yellow would do things like making sassy remarks to annoy him even further.
One time Anne asks Yellow about himself, and then he tells her about his bizarre adventure from Singapore. She replies, with a monotone voice, "Wow. I've been there with my father, ya know."
"Wait, really kid?"
"Yeah. Was kinda wild."
Yellow can cook pretty well, unlike Rubber who is absolutely not allowed to touch anything in the kitchen.
Because Yellow "disappeared" for twelve years, his kids are more than happy to see him back again. There were tears and laughter too. Even Surface is crying.
.....except the "him" is Rubber Soul, a greasier and more irritating version of their father. He has no choice but to tag along and act like him.
The stoic and serious Surface doesn't like Rubber Soul at first. His annoying way of talking hurts his ears, but because he's "their father" he just ignored it.
Like father, like son is the best sentence to convey Red and Rubber soul. They both are loud and act all cocky, which makes Surface's life a living hell.
SS!Anne is no different either. She is used to Yellow's calmer and more composed personality, which makes her a little suspicious. Whenever Rubber did or say something stupid, she would just shake her head and say, "Wow. Dad's job must've been weighing on him pretty hard, huh?"
Either way, the kids are very relieved to see their "father" back home safely without a scratch. If only it would last forever...
Devo the Cursed <=> Ebony Devil
From the surface, Devo and Ebony share similar traits. From their ungodly amount of scars to long hair, both of them look the same. Their personality isn't that different either.
...which surprised Vittorio at first.
Because Ebony was separated from his son years ago, he saw this as his chance to be a better father. He'll spend as much time as he can with him, as Vittorio and his long-lost kid looks the same to him.
Related, Ebony has poor eyesight and probably thought that Vittorio is his kid because of their resemblance.
Ebony, half-crying and started to take off his tough guy shield: "My son.... I am sorry for causing trouble for both your mother and you..... I promise to become a better father from now on."
Vittorio, eating an entire can of spray cheese: "What"
You know that clip of a wrestler that broke a claw machine's glass and gives all of it's toys to a crying kid? That's him.
Being dead in 1988 makes Ebony not familiar with things like video games, so Vittorio is more than delighted to show him things in his game and take him for a small walk around his hometown.
"What is this small screen that you can open and close like a book?"
"Dad that's a computer. Do you hit your head on the kitchen counter again?"
"Computer? But the last time I saw them, they look bigger and wider than this."
"Hold on a second"
The boy sometimes tell Ebony about his team (which he refers to as friends), and Ebony is somehow reminded of his old friends.
"There's this really cute girl that I like, but she's sickly and I'm afraid if I somehow hurt her unintentionally"
"Can relate."
They watch soccer games, eat outside, and Vittorio introduces Ebony to more things. Just classic father and son bonding time.
Unfortunately for Dolly, he never had the chance to properly memorize his father's looks and true nature. His mother just said that Ebony is a horrible and cruel murderer, which makes his first meeting with Devo not so wonderful.
Not seeing his father since he was two, Dolly just thought that Devo is actually his father and acts grouchy and all angry at him.
"I despise you. Mom told me that you were a very evil and violent man. You must've done something very bad for mom to have left you-"
Then Devo realizes he wasn't talking to Vittorio. Which pisses Dolly even more because he thinks his own father forgot his name.
Then of course, they get along really slowly. Everytime Devo wanted to ask Dolly about what just happened, Dolly curtly replies, "I don't know!"
He then gives up just takes Dolly outside and spend some time together with him to make the kid satisfied.
Devo just rolls with whatever this kid wants.
And then Dolly becomes more softer acting around "his father", because he himself wanted to spend some time together with him after a long time.
"Sorry for yelling at you, dad."
".....whatever you say."
By the end of the day, Dolly feels content about "his father" being back in his life. Even though he doesn't show it directly, he just wishes that he won't be gone like last time...
//So now. Who do you think deserves the best father of the year award?
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I've Seen It From the "Other Side" and it Isn't Pretty
I get so frustrated when people say I'm "closed minded" or not "looking at the other side" for not considering Republican ideology. First off, it's not always necessary to consider all sides because we already HAVE ample evidence regarding the outcome. For instance: Person: Hey! Drink this bleach! It's great! Me: um... no... that will literally kill you… Person: no way! I saw a YouTube video that says it'll instantly heal all of your illnesses! Me: what?! Where did you hear that nonsense!? Drinking bleach will kill you! Person: oh you're just closed minded! You should look at both sides! As with drinking bleach, history and past events have already shown us the disastrous results of Republican ideology. On the Economy: When it comes to economics, as a society we've already seen what unregulated capitalism does to those that aren’t filthy rich. What we got from that was a non-existent middle class and poor people being used as fodder for the industrial complex (including young children). They made slave wages and worked in unsafe factories where they regularly had their limbs ripped off if they didn’t just burn to death in fires. Multiple families lived together in closet sized apartments and rarely got to eat, and the cities were clouded with pollution. That is what unregulated capitalism gave us in the past, yet Republicans would take us back there by slashing regulations that protect employees and the environment. This isn’t wild speculation. We’ve SEEN it. If the rich business owner CAN open a factory just safe enough to pump out his products, pay the workers next to nothing and provide no benefits or days off, and make no efforts to spare the environment, then they will… Because they'll make more money that way. During the Industrial Revolution, businesses were left pretty much to their own devices. It took government regulation to reign them in. So no, I don’t NEED to “look at the other side” here. We’ve already BEEN there and DONE that. It was a disaster for the poor and there WAS no middle class. On Education: The new big thing coming from the right-wing regarding education is “PRIVATIZATION” and “VOUCHER” programs! As if we haven’t seen how for-profit colleges work. Sure, there are private schools (for the upper-middle class or the wealthy) that are good (if they don’t come with a heaping dose of religious indoctrination that is…), but it’s nonsense to think that for-profit schools for middle to low-income children would be anything but a disaster. For-profit colleges NOW do nothing but take advantage of people trying to make a better life for themselves. Look at Trump University! There are countless stories people with hopes and dreams of getting an education being scammed by these “schools” of fraud. Education is about just that… Education… It’s about teaching people the skills necessary to enter into the world. Making it about money takes the focus off of education and makes it about rich businessmen making a profit. As we’ve seen, if given the chance, they will cut corners at every opportunity in order to make money. Up to and including, not even providing the “product” they promised to provide (in this case a good education). That’s not speculation… I don’t need to “see the other side” or “open my mind”. Real world examples that are happening RIGHT NOW show us how privatizing the future of our children would turn out. They put Betsy-Fucking-DeVos, a science-denying, for-profit college promoting, billionair with no experience and no clue about running the Department of Education, in charge of the Department of Education! That tells me all I need to know. On Social Security: Again… We know the right-wing plan for Social Security. Let’s take a little look at the history of Social Security. It was set up as a trust meant to be a retirement fund for aging Americans. Nearly each and every one of us pay into this with each of our paychecks so that we’ll have a guaranteed income when we retire. The program was PERFECTLY SOLVENT until Republicans decided to borrow from it. Now they want to pretend it’s “failing” even though, if the government paid back what it borrowed from the SS trust fund, it would be perfectly fine. Again… NOT SPECULATION. I don’t need to “consider other opinions” about this. It’s basic history and current Republican proposal. On Medicare: We know the right-wing plan for Medicare. What’s their solution? It’s their answer to everything! PRIVATIZATION! But again… How has privatized health care been for the country up to now? Answer: It’s been a disaster! Prices for health care were skyrocketing, and no that wasn’t the fault of Obamacare. Prices for health care were skyrocketing BEFORE Obamacare was put into place and MILLIONS were left without coverage. Obama care SLOWED the rising price of healthcare and extended coverage to millions who had none. Before Obamacare people had to choose between living with illness (or dying) or going bankrupt. Americans NOW have to choose between getting medicine they so desperately need and paying for basic necessities. THAT is what privatization brings us. As with all of the other things I’ve mentioned, that’s NOT speculation, it’s FACT. We can also easily see, by examining other real world examples, that tax-payer funded Universal Health Care would work if implemented here. It works in Canada, it works in Sweden, Denmark, etc… As Bernie Sanders is so fond of stating, we are one of the only major countries that doesn’t guarantee health care for all of its citizens. I don’t need to look at the other side. I’ve already done that, and it’s sickening. On Equality for LGBT Citizens: Once again… Already seen the plans of the “other side”, and what their plans would mean for me would be to have my rights stripped away. I would lose my right to marry the man I love. I’d lose the right to take part in the economy without fear of discrimination. I’d have to fear being kicked out of my home or losing my job just for being myself. THIS is the Republican plan for LGBT Americans and I don’t HAVE to “think about the other side.” The other side is a cesspool of bigotry and hatred that would force a religious doctrine upon me that I do not prescribe to. That’s not speculation. It’s fact based off of statements made by Republican politicians, promises from our “President”, and bills presented by Republican congressmen. On Race Relations and Civil Rights: We know how Republicans feel about race relations. We saw them promise to do everything they could to stand in the way of the first black president, regardless of whether his proposals would be good for the country (and they made good on their promise.) We saw Conservatives and Right-Wing zealots burning effigies of President Obama. We saw them call his wife a monkey. We saw them insult his children… His CHILDREN for Christ’s sake! We see them deny that white privilege exists. We see people like Jeff Sessions fight Civil Rights and racial equality tooth and nail, yet this is who Republicans placed in one of the highest legal offices of our country. I don’t need to “see the other side.” I’ve seen it. I see it still. It’s a nightmare coming true. On the Gender Pay Gap: We know what plans Republicans have to close the gender pay gap… What are their plans? They don’t have any! When you deny something actually exists at every opportunity, why in the world would you plan to fix it? It’s not speculation. It’s fact based off of their statements and their votes to help fix this very real problem. On Wealth Inequality: Once again, we already know how Republicans plan to fix the problem of wealth inequality. Surprise! It’s Trickle-Down Economics! Free the wealthy from their HORRIBLE tax burdens and surely that wealth will trickle down to those of us below, right? Except… Every time the Republicans have tried this, the country has been left with disaster (See: The Great Depression, and the multiple Recessions we’ve been through.) That’s not speculation. I don’t NEED to listen to the other sides arguments. We’ve already SEEN the other side’s way in action. Every time the Republicans have been given control over our economy the poor and middle class that have suffered, while the rich got richer. There are SO MANY other issues that are frequently debated between Republicans and Democrats, but when it all comes down to it, the Republican attitude on things is “ME FIRST and screw everyone else!” So please.. Don’t tell me I’m closed minded. Don’t tell me I need to “consider the other side” because the truth is… I already have! For more than 10 years, I WAS them. I argued, I researched, I believed their nonsense… Until one day I realized how fundamentally selfish it is. How hateful to those not like them it is. How disastrous for the country and the WORLD it is. I see it now, playing out on the news and on the internet every day. I see the type of man that ideology put in charge of the country and the type of people he’s appointed to the highest positions in the country. I see it, and it terrifies me. I will speak out against it every opportunity I get to do so. If you don’t like it, if you don’t want to see or hear my protests, then move on, because I won’t remain silent. I won’t “let it go”, I won’t “move on”, I won’t “get over it.” I’m not even CLOSE to being finished, and neither is anyone else. The resistance has only just started. #NotMyPresident #LoveTrumpsHate #YOUGetOverIt #ProudSnowflake #ProudLiberal #ProudProgressive #Resist James Garcia - February 11, 2017
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