annachibisims · 1 year
ssatinn replied to your post: They both look great! Would you share the lady?
Sure! Just a package for your savedsims folder because all her CC is either defaults or has been geneticized for my game, and she’s not wearing any makeup. I gave her a placeholder name just so the file isn’t a string of nonsense. There’s a preview in there, too. Enjoy!
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sims2packrat · 6 years
Hello! I've tried searching this, but does anyone have Satinn's recolor for the industrial holy smoke stairs? ssatinn(.)livejournal(.)com/1393(.)html
(post in question) I’m afraid I can’t find this, but maybe someone else has it?
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The filename is “[satinn]HolySmokeStairs_Industrial.zip” Also since Ssatinn has a tumblr, it likely doesn’t hurt to mention them here in case they happen to still have the file stashed somewhere. :) @ssatinn 
Edited to add:
sligpants said:
I think there’s only one recolour maybe? It’s all I have anyway. :/ Fence and stairs - https://www.simfileshare.net/download/772171/
Thank you for the reupload! It seems to really just come in one color, or at least the link below is also only one color.
ssatinn said:
I no longer have the file but technomatri asked me about these a while ago, and they managed to find them on simscave.
Thank you! I found the topic in question, and it looks like it’s the same file Slig uploaded but for the sake of having double links here’s that download link too.
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Before-bed replies. :)
For @emeraldfalconsims, @tamtam-go92, @scibirg, @didilysims, @penig, @ssatinn, @immerso-sims, and @fuzzyspork...
emeraldfalconsims replied to your link “ModTheSims - (Updated!) Mood Swing + Midlife Crisis”
Tbh, I looked at those and was immediately turned off by the terrible English in the popups. I wouldn't care if it was just the post itself, but I'm the kind of person who wants mods to fix the EAxis grammar errors, soooo...
I get you, but...Really, that's all easily fixable. One just needs to find and rewrite the text strings. I've done that often, especially when I used to use custom careers in my game, many of which included chance cards littered with badly-worded and grammatically-incorrect text written by obviously-not-native-English-speakers. This particular modder is obviously not a native English-speaker and obviously not fully fluent in the language, but I'm all kinds of tolerant when that's the case. With EA? Not so much, but even with them? We all make mistakes and typos from time to time that are missed in the editorial process, even when that process involves multiple people. Also, I'm well aware that my own grammar when yakking online and in forum/blog posts and things like that is far from perfect -- often deliberately so because, let’s face it, “speaking” with perfect grammar just “sounds” weird and/or unbearably pretentious -- so I try to be neither a pedant nor a hypocrite on the subject.
Anyway, yeah...Text strings be totes fixable, m'friend. ;)
tamtam-go92 replied to your link “ModTheSims - (Updated!) Mood Swing + Midlife Crisis”
Those Sound like really great Modus but im always a bit nervous about adding stuff like that to my game...
I am, too, mostly because I already use hundreds of mods in my game, so the outcome of adding new ones, especially those that alter lots of things, is always uncertain. 
So, what I do is have a testing neighborhood that I don’t care about. Its associated downloads folder contains a copy of just the Mods folder from my “real” game. I put the new mod in and play with it a bit in debug mode, see if I get error messages or if menu options go missing or any other stuff that’s a symptom of mod conflicts. If I do, I change loading order to see if that fixes the issues. If it does, then I copy the testing Mods folder back over to the folder in my “real” game. If it doesn’t, then I either don’t use the new mod or, if it’s something I really want, I run the Hack Conflict Detection Utility to see if it can tell me what the conflicting mod(s) is/are, and then I decide which I want more. And if the HCDU doesn’t give me any useful info, then I 50/50 until I find the conflicts and then decide between mods. Anyway, this way I find out if I can use the new mod along with those I already have without the possibility of doing any damage to any neighborhood I care about.
tamtam-go92 replied to your photoset “More random captioned pics because, basically, this is a household...”
Hopefully the girls will be old enough when Amalia dies...
Margo was like a day or two away from teenhood when those pics were taken, so no problem. :)
scibirg replied to your post “I'm excited about the olympics too! Especially ski jumping. I love to...”
Did you see the ladies ski jumping? Brave girls!
Honestly, most of the winter events involve bravery. Well, except curling, I guess. *laugh* I guess the worst that can happen with that is you drop a 40-lb rock on your foot or maybe slip and fall on your butt. :) And I guess the cross-country skiing is more physically-taxing than actually dangerous. And I guess the figure skating isn’t that risky, although some of those things that the pairs skaters do look more than a little scary for the female partner. But yeah, the ski-jumpers and downhill skiers and sliders and speed-skaters and snowboarders are all completely nutty in adrenaline-junkie ways that I totally identify with. :D
scibirg replied to your post “dunne-ias replied to your post: I’m excited about...”
Slalom is from Norwegian, meaning ski track with turns. In Norwegian cross-country skiing is called "langrenn" meaning long slide. Probably due to it being used for travelling long distances.
ssatinn replied to your post “dunne-ias replied to your post: I’m excited about...”
We call Nordic skiing "längdskidor" - direct translation would be "long ski". Alpine skiing we call "slalom", no idea where that word comes from though..
Hm, interesting! So in Swedish, any type of downhill skiing is called “slalom?” Because in English that word is reserved for the type of downhill skiing where you’re zig-zagging in a pattern through gates -- as the Norwegian word would imply -- not the kind where you’re just shooting straight down the hill. Or does Swedish have a different word for that, too?
I don’t know why I find stuff like this so interesting, but I do. :) Maybe I shoulda been a linguist or something...
didilysims replied to your post “I'm excited about the olympics too! Especially ski jumping. I love to...”
Woo Olympics! I find just watching the events gives me an adrenaline rush. Watching luge reruns today had me all "oh my-ing" and "oh no-ing" and actually jumping out of my seat a few times. Love those crazy dangerous downhill events. :D
OMG, that poor American luge-slider today! Did you see that? Quite the wipeout she had. Even so, I sooooooooooooooo want to luge. Like, if I could just go and do it once, like how people go skydiving, I totally would. Buuuuuut I suppose it’s something you actually have to learn how to do before you lay on a minimalist sled and zoom down a track of ice at ungodly speeds... :)
emeraldfalconsims replied to your post “I'm excited about the olympics too! Especially ski jumping. I love to...”
It's too bad that marksmanship is so tied in practical applications to killing. It was so empowering for me when I discovered a sport I was actually naturally good at.
That's not really the case, though. I mean, maybe it is in the mind of Joe Q. Public that's been fed a daily diet of crazy people killing other people mixed with glamorized violence in "entertainment," but beyond that, the practical application of marksmanship isn't killing (either people or other animals) but rather marksmanship competitions. Aside from niche things like biathlon, there are all sorts of local, regional, state, and national marksmanship competitions that happen throughout the year, regulated by their own governing bodies. I used to do 3-gun competitions, myself. 
Marksmanship isn't about killing anything because when you get down to it, hunting animals -- or even killing a person, if that’s your goal for whatever reason -- doesn't require sharpshooting levels of accuracy, certainly not with automatic weapons. (With those, you just kind of squeeze the trigger and try to hold on while pretending the thing is a garden hose. I don’t like them; I like precision.) Killing just requires doing enough damage, and you can do that without being at all accurate. Marksmanship's about consistent accuracy, often under pressure. Which can have applications in killing things, and can make you better at killing things (ideally things that are legal to kill, of course) but that's not what it's about. I wish more people would realize that. And I wish the NRA would GTFO, but that’s an entirely different subject.
penig replied to your post “Do you know why some custom doors and arches doesn't work in apartment...”
Custom content that was made before AL came out doesn't update and confuses the already-confused apartment code. To reduce annoyance I tend to use Maxis doors and arches inside exclusively. Windows are no problem.
Good to know. :) I guess I never really noticed because I don’t build apartments all that often. Mostly because I think furnishing them is mind-numbingly boring. :) And even when I do build them, I mostly use Maxis interior doors, often add-ons like centered-on-two-tile versions of a Maxis door, but since those use Maxis coding, I’m guessing they don’t present a problem in this regard.
immerso-sims replied to your post “The feel-good song meme. :)”
Thanks. I tried searching for happy songs in my iTunes collection, but I realised I am a total sad/dark/melancholic/whatever songs lover, so I'll pass on the meme :D
HAH! :) But hey, if a sad/melancholy song makes you feel better, I suppose that actually counts as a feel-good song! :)
fuzzyspork replied to your post “Big long reply post about...lots of stuff”
I've had both the high witches (excluding the neutral one because they are apparently very anti-social) on a community lot at the same time several times. If a Sim interacts with whichever arrives first then when enough time passes the other witch will usually show up. I think they must have negative relationship by default, so I've seen them fight! Fisticuffs style though. This is where magic would have been awesome. :/
Really? I don’t think I’ve ever had more than one high witch on a community lot, even when I’ve had playable stay on them for multiple days at a time, like when I send them on a weekend camping trip or what-have-you. Maybe it’s because I pretty much never have Sims interact with the high witches, since I use other means to have Sims become witches? Maybe I should try interacting with them... Although if there’s just fisticuffs as opposed to zapping each other with magic, I suppose there’s not much point. Then it’s just yet another fight between non-playables.
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trappingcrushes · 10 years
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Ssatinn shared an outfit for teens at their LJ :)
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sims2packrat · 7 years
Industrial Holy Smoke Stairs
Does anybody have these beautiful stair RCs by ssatinn originally found here https://ssatinn.livejournal.com/1393.html ?
Answer: Looks like somebody (possibly you?) asked about those in Simscave and somebody already reuploaded them here. :)
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