#sso rpg
jorvikcowboy · 6 months
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Horses have been bought.. welcome home to those two stunning KWPN's! The top one is Frostfeather aka Jay, a stunning young gelding, and the bottom one is Eaglefeather, nicknamed Indy, who's a half brother to Jay and comes from the same facility. He and his brother both got started in dressage originally, but Indy never liked it particularly much. He took a liking to western pleasure however, so their former owner tried to find a buyer who could meet both of their needs!
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wvexyz · 11 months
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got a new horse for the first time in a year??? her name is sandwitch :). and also!!! got a new hairstyle today 🫡 gen's looking pretty cool hehe
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sadie-wolfdawn · 11 months
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j0them0971 · 6 months
A lovely warmup video
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sweetsmellosuccess · 1 year
It was sometime in 1979, I believe, when a good friend of mine came bounding up the stairs of my parents' house to the living room one evening, where I was hanging out, watching TV. He was excitedly brandishing a couple of books and some dice, even as he was trying to catch his breath from running all the way over to my place.
He wanted me to try this game he had just played, involving elves and orcs, and swords and magic and all the stuff we normally got really excited about. With his help, I created a basic character, just as a proof of concept, and he gave me a simple set up. My thief woke up in a dark room somewhere deep underground, in a room empty except for a piece of rope, a bag of mysterious powder, and a walking stick. What, he asked me, did I want to do?
At first, I couldn't really wrap my head around what he was asking me. Free will? I had never played a game before where the outcome wasn't pre-ordained. In "Clue," you roamed around a giant mansion and interrogated people in order to determine the murderer. In "Monopoly" (which I always hated), you bought properties on an expensive boardwalk, trying to bankrupt the other players -- capitalism in its most vile and naked form.
Here, though, it was open-ended. There wasn't a single right answer, and whatever you came up with changed the dynamics of everything else. Despite the fantasy elements, it was an emulation of life that seemed to me limitless, at least as compared to the paltry results of other board games. It was a mind-blowing revelation.
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uniyou · 2 years
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Star stable Autumn photo shoot 22′
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centeris2 · 8 months
You know, I feel really bad for the SSO writers
Not even from a "constantly changing lore, unfinished story threads, and so many NPCs good luck remembering characterization" sort of way. I mean in a meta and game writing way.
I look at the events and wince because oof, these are tough decisions. I play through the latest story quests and think about how hard that job is.
Unless there has been a staff change since I did contract work (and given it's been a while now, that is possible), it's mostly two ladies trying to wrestle with a difficult challenge:
How do you create the illusion of choice and feel of an RPG when writing a linear story with no possible deviations?
A player gets dialogue options, they are given a choice! The choice they pick doesn't matter, it doesn't change the outcome of the quest because it can't change. The story is linear. The characters ask the player for ideas, but either have to shoot them all down or the player can actually only suggest one idea.
There is also the issues of the world of Jorvik changing and not matching what the text says. The dialogue says to hide in bushes to stay hidden, but no bushes are around where the characters have been positioned. Katja and Jessica ride off on ice made by Katja, but the quests are released during winter, so the ice effect isn't visible at all under the snow textures and the dialogue about not being able to follow across a river now look very silly. A character mentions Moorland Stables getting renovated, which doesn't make sense years after Moorland's update. And so on.
And then there are events! SSO comes out with these brand new shiny models: the Dark Riders! So obviously they want to use their newest and best looking characters in events to show them off to all players as soon as possible. This makes things no longer make sense. How does Sabine know a brand new player? Why would a player recognize Katja or Sabine, who they have never met in game? There is the tug of war between "this doesn't make sense to have these characters at these events" and "these are the best looking models in the game and therefore we want to show them off", so the writers have to find a way to write these characters in and just sorta accept that the events are non canonical for most (all) players. How else would all the soul riders the brand new player hasn't saved yet be there standing around?
It's tough, it's a tangled mess, it's a balancing act with lots of other departments and needs pushing on the scales. I don't envy them and I don't know a good solution. (Short of like, releasing a single player story game for the story quests. IDK about the events, have event-only npcs? having every event have an ongoing updating story every year means a lot of time and resources is going toward just events, I can see why they would want to stop that, especially with 4 major events a year.)
Don't get me wrong, if I had a chance to do another writing or proofreading contract for them I'd do it in a heartbeat. But my god, tough job.
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juni-ravenhall · 6 months
why is sso adding more and more ways to get horse xp..... its already way too easy to max ur horse (i know there are ppl who hate levelling their horse and thats valid, but training ur horse is a core part of the horse game experience for a lot of ppl)
i wish it took longer to max a horse so i had more purposeful bonding time with each horse where i felt like we were making progress. instead of like, a week or two (or a couple days if you play a lot)
i can tell that theyre just not taking the game in that direction, but like, the entire rpg branch unlock system of hollow woods magic feels like something that shouldve been done to horses first (or to the existing magic branches of the story at least.... but off topic for this post)
i wouldve preferred to see different branches of horse disciplines for each horse, where you can train a horse in all disciplines if u want but u can also just pick one, and u have to do like. lunging, groundwork, do certain types of races. get a medal in certain races, get x minimum score or x minimum time (also for lunging and groundwork) as the levels go up.
i dont want it to be boring but i do want to actually be training my horse. not just level up bc my horse had a theoretical bee fly past it 2 times and i clicked a visual novel dialogue option. and adding all this, xp from gathering fireflies, more xp from horse care, xp from the dialogue popups, its just really not what i want from levelling my horse..... and its fine if you like it.... im just saying what i would prefer.
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that-sso-raven · 2 years
it’s not as needed as it is in RPGs with voice acting where they need something specific to call you that can’t be as specific as your individual name, but i would love if sso had a ‘title’ you could refer to the MC by other than ‘MC’ or ‘protag’, etc. granted npcs in sso can just call you your first name, and that’s a lot more personal, but it would be cute if, like ffxiv’s Warrior of Light or gw2′s Commander etc., your sso oc could be your Lightbearer or some other pet name of the kind
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diaryofellen · 2 years
diary of ellen, thats ,me. i am The Diary Of Ellen is an anecdote released on November 2nd, 2013 written by Fummy, detailing the life of Ellen prior to the original game's setting. The novella covers the context of her home and the histo
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
i forget i had a phase where i had considered getting into ARPGs on deviantart ("art RPG" for those unaware, basically a system of drawing characters with light RP elements, usually earning you a in-universe/game currency to do more/get more of a character/breed/etc)
i was in the depths of wcrp, and i wasnt super into the idea of juggling rping *and* drawing-- that was one thing that made me step back from one i was in. some of these groups were not really... rp groups, they were art groups first. the narrative focused rps i did with wcrp were about writing and forming a large world and story- with no currency or anything to progress. nothing but participating in rp was recquired. most of the arpgs do have lore and all that but the ones i saw were more about making art to get more ocs and other kinds of upgrades etc. because art could earn stuff, and so could rp posts. rp posts earning something kind of made it feel more like homework to me in the end.
regardless while i stepped away from looking at arpgs like that, there was another section of arpgs which was far more about original species or the even less rp focused ones-- things like horse breeding, dog breeding etc with focus on genes, show potential etc. some of these groups still encourage storytelling or others do it on their own, but they arent often "rp" groups in the same way as wcrp or even the other arpg groups not focused on breeding. people also would collect these animals into their own kennels or stables, giving them proper show names etc and becing known for their animals by that name. some even being more sought out with their history.
the thing is, i had a weird introduction to these breeding focused groups. i was aware of it with some fantasy original species, but when i was....looking for mods for dogs in sims 3 i opened up a door i never expected to dive into lol. i was looking for mods for better customization of dog sims. well, i found a shit ton from players of sims 3 who had made their own kennel websites showing off their show dogs, what dogs were available for breeding/their pups, their family history, etc etc..... in turn these sites ofte had resources for the markings/cc/etc used to make these dogs look good, along with more sliders for changing their shape. (sadly this kind of scene did not seem to exist for cats. they also definitely existed for horses too, if not more.)
uh anyways how did this lead me to arpgs??? well it happened when some of the links i followed started heading to deviantart again, and i found that some people in the dog show arpgs would unitize sims 3 renders of their dogs. drawing over them, etc! the dogs and horse people did this and i thought, you know maybe itd be cool to get into it i used sims 3 for that stuff.
anyways. i never got into it, at the time i was far too busy. but every so often i see art from the people i followed for it, and i just love seeing it. i love seeing how deep these people have gone into their original breed's information and all that. i did lightly make my own dog breed in sims 3 as a test but, never got far into it....
oh uh, other fun fact about sims 3 renders? in 2019 before all of this, i was in the sso community on instagram and was gonna try rping on their, and quite a lot of people actually used sim 3 for their horse photos instead of sso, in order to have more accurate interpretations of their horses.
i guess this is my post or random niche community facts.
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jorvikcowboy · 9 months
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She's a big girl. The Ardennes came to Sso today and of course I had to get a few. NOT ALL OF THEM. But a few. I love them. Chunky horses have my heart. As for the rpg, I'm thinking about just ditching a realistic timeline because it just does not work with work and social life taking up most of my time. So I might just post once in a blue moon but story wise, time wouldn't pass that slowly.
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⚄ - Nevada 🛡 - Makona
⚄- RPG Class? "RPGg classS huhH? HardD toO sayY. PlayingG supportT isS prettyY funN, butT alsoO soO isS tankingG. Ii tendD toO floatT aroundD betweenN classesS aA lotT whenN playingG rpgsS soO it'sS hardD toO pickK justT oneE. MaybeE... PaladinN? Aa littleE bitT ofF everythingG."
----------------------------------------- 🛡- Is your troll overprotective? "Overprote-what? No... Maybe... A little.. ssometimess. But there'ss good reasson too mosst timess." "Baabe, you violently hissed aat thaat olive blood from my livingroom window the other daay."
"He sshowed up in the middle of the night unannounced with a ssusspiciouss box."
"He waas delivering my order of sheaaring tools to the doorstep, hun."
"... Sso maybe I'm a little overprotective of Aari."
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tildagloomfeather · 5 years
Found this Polaroid I took with Lisa when we finished the Red String Trail together. We needed way too many attempts because we just couldn't get our angles right. But I think this one turned out nicely, with the sun and all.
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ssolilian · 5 years
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Guess who’s back with a fresh new look! 👀
Me and Raincloud 🌧
Lost love for this game for along time but just got sucked back in by the remodelled tinkers, always been my favourite breed of the game.
So I’m back for the time being , please can we have some story quests or something I get so bored. The graphics updates are looking on point though 👌🏼
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centeris2 · 6 years
sso I am begging you, give me competent and well written enemies
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