Watch out for Sammy
sort of sam/dean drabble (557 words), kind of just a prologue but idk if i'll get around to writing more
set during stanford era, dean started taking jobs as close to stanford as he could to keep an eye on sam in his spare time until he eventually ends up just watching sam at all times when he's not on a job, but people start to notice.
content warnings: stalking, implied sex (jess/sam)
    "Sam?" He turns to face his friend, Matt, who called him. He puts a hand on Sam's shoulder to lean in a little so he could be heard over the music. "I don't wanna worry you, but there's a guy over by the bar that's been watching you the whole time we've been here."
     Without turning his head, Sam flicks his eyes to the side, seeing the bar in his periphery. His nostrils flare as he tries to contain a smile. Dean is there.
     "We thought maybe he just thinks you're cute but it's been hours now." Jess, his girlfriend, says from the other side of him.
     "How do you know he's looking at me?" Sam asks unbothered. He wraps an arm around Jess's waist and kisses her cheek before continuing. "Maybe he was looking at the beautiful girl next to me." Despite herself, Jess laughs a little. Matt doesn't find it too funny. 
     "It's definitely you," he reiterates with his big arms crossed over his chest. Sam lifts his eyebrows seeing how genuinely concerned Matt seems. "When you went to the bathroom, he got up and followed you. You didn't see him in there?"
     Sam shakes his head. Dean would never come that close and make it too obvious. Then again, he clearly isn't being very subtle if other people are noticing. Humming, Matt tenses.
     "Want me to tell him to back off?" He asks seriously, making Sam smile.
     "It's fine. He hasn't done anything." Though Sam doesn't mind his brother's antics, Matt and Jess are clearly perturbed at the thought of someone watching him. "Are you guys ready to go then?"
     "Yeah, sure," Jess chirps. They hadn't planned to be out long anyway, so they agree to leave. Matt calls for a cab, and as it pulls away, Sam clasps his hand with Jess's as they begin to walk the few blocks back to their apartment. 
     With one hand busy, he shoves the other into his jacket pocket and fidgets with a loose string. He tries not to be obvious, but every time he passes a window or car mirror, he checks behind them to catch a glance of Dean. By the time he and Jess get home, he still hasn't seen Dean, and he's not disappointed...
     Being chivalrous, he lets Jess into their apartment building first, and if his eyes dart around the street when he closes the door, that's just just to check there's no danger lurking outside. 
     It takes him so long to finally close the door that Jess is already in the bedroom when he locks it. She's waiting for him when he steps into the dimly lit room, sitting almost naked on the close side of the bed. He smiles as he moves towards her, taking her face in his hands and leaning down to kiss her.
     Her leg hooks over Sam's hip as she gently pulls him on top of her as she lies back. He laughs as they fall back. Pushing himself up, he lifts his shirt. Just as it covers his eyes, he notices the curtains are left open, and as his clothes drop to the floor, and his mouth presses against his girlfriend's neck, he can't help but keep an eye on the window, wondering if anyone would climb the fire escape stairs and look through.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
Plain Sight
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Summary: The reader notices a man following her one night at a bar. Things escalate when she finds a green eyed stranger in her home but he might not be what he seems at first glance...
Pairing: Stalker!Dean x reader
Word Count: 2,800ish
Warnings: language, stalking, kidnapping, angst, fluff
A/N: Go with me on this one, I promise ;)
“Y/N,” said Emily from behind the bar. You were halfway to sliding off your barstool when she caught your wrist. “Dylan’s gonna walk you to car.”
Your head turned and you glanced out the dark window of the bar out to the street. 
“Is that guy out there again?” you said quietly.
“Matt said he saw him passing by a few times from his post out front,” she said.
“Thanks, Em,” you said. “I might take a bit of a break from the bar for a bit.”
“You got my number?” she asked and you nodded. “Be safe girl, okay? Call if you need anything.”
“I will,” you said. You gave her a hug and sighed as Dylan walked out from the back with a smile.
“Watch her ass,” said Emily.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get you home safe.”
You jumped as you were climbing the stairs of your house twenty minutes later. The back door had unlatched and you could hear it creaking in the wind. You swallowed as you spun around slowly, breath catching in your throat when you saw the man with the short brown hair and green eyes standing on the landing.
You chucked your purse at him and tried running but he grabbed your ankle and dragged you back down to the foyer and threw a hand over your mouth. 
“Relax,” he said, pinning your wrists together in one hand. He was straddling you and you tried swinging your legs up to try and pull him off but he was sat back just far enough to make that useless. You panted under his hand, trying to break free but he seemed patient enough to let you struggle. 
After a moment you stopped and took deep breaths through your nose, the man satisfied with your response.
“Y/N, I’m not gonna hurt you but you need to come with me whether you want to or not. I don’t expect you to believe me and I don’t expect you to not fight back. I don’t expect you to not try and runaway either. But I’m doing this for your own good. Now if I move my hand away and you promise to be quiet, I won’t put tape over your mouth, understand?”
You nodded and he waited a moment before he moved his hand away.
“You gonna pretend you’re some kind of undercover cop or something,” you got out as he reached behind himself and pulled out zip ties. Thick ones that wouldn’t break like the ones in your self-defense class.
“No. I’m not a cop,” he said as he slipped them over your wrists and tugged them taut. “I used to work in sales. I recently took a sabbatical.”
“You’re gonna kill me, you’re gonna-” you said before his hand was over your mouth again. He sighed and reached over to a bag by the door, taking out a roll of tape. You shook your head and he frowned.
“You said you’d be quiet and you’re not being very quiet, Y/N. It won’t stay on long. I gotta get you someplace safe first is all,” he said.
Thirty minutes later you were being carried over a shoulder, kicking your bound feet against the back of his leg, smacking your fists against his chest. He’d pulled into a garage so you had no idea where you were other than the inside of a very nice house. He’d taken the highway at some point so you figured he’d driven to the outskirts of the city. He worked in sales. Maybe he was a big financial guy or something like that.
He nearly dropped you as you went down a flight of stairs to a basement. He opened a door and you looked around, the space finished with a couch and TV in there. There looked to be a bedroom and bathroom at least from your upside down view. He plopped you down in a metal chair and you whimpered when you realized it was bolted down.
“Relax,” he said. He tied your upper body back against it and cut your legs free before securing them each to a leg. When he was satisfied he stood and pulled the tape off.
“I’m gonna kill you the second I get out of this. I know people. Everybody is gonna find me and-” you said before the man put his hand over your mouth again.
“Your best odds were back at the house. We both know that. No one has a fucking clue who I am and you will go missing and the trail will go cold and you will learn that I am on your side. Understand?”
“Put your dick anywhere near me and I’ll bite it off,” you said when he removed his hand.
“I imagine you would. You’re angry right now which is completely understandable. The only time you’ll be in this chair is when you’re a threat to me or yourself. Eventually you’ll understand that I am doing this to protect you.”
“You kidnapped me to protect me. Ah yes, you learn that at serial killer…” you trailed off when he narrowed his eyes.
“I am potentially destroying my own life just so you can live. I would suggest dropping the attitude.”
“You said you wouldn’t hurt me,” you said quietly. He crossed his arms and looked you up and down. “Please let me go. I’ll never say a word to anyone. I promise.”
“I’m sorry but that can’t happen. I’m the bad guy right now so an even worse bad guy doesn’t find you.”
“Please. I-”
“I said you won’t believe me but someday you will and not because of stockholm syndrome or some shit. You’ll do it because you know I’m right. You’ll do it because you know you can trust me.”
“Trust what?” you asked, hoping maybe a softer approach would get you farther.
“The man that’s been stalking you? He’s an actual serial killer. He wants to take you and hurt you and kill you. He is so powerful though you don’t even know. Police aren’t your friends this time, Y/N. The only way to keep you safe from him is to kidnap you myself so even you don’t know where you are. It sounds so much like bullshit. I get it. But it’s the truth. It’s-”
“You have green eyes,” you said as something clicked for you. “Green eyes. Not blue eyes. Green.”
“What does-”
“You work for Sachman & Associates. I fucking met you six months ago at the charity gala,” you said. He dropped his head and you nodded your head. “Who was the man with blue eyes. The big shot. Who was he?”
“Why?” breathed out Dean.
“Because he gave me creepy vibes that night and you noticed. You fucking noticed. Powerful enough to own the police? Blue eyes from the end of a bar I noticed months back? Who the fuck is he and who the fuck are you.”
“I found out a secret about my boss and he wants you. There have been others before you and he was going to make a move very, very soon. So I did a bad thing to stop an innocent woman from getting hurt. There’s no way if I just said this to you randomly you’d believe me. No way. The only way you were safe from him was if you didn’t know where you were, it you’re out of sight. You don’t have to believe me. I will happily go to prison for this after he’s gone but until then you need to stay here whether you want to or not.”
“What’s your name?” you asked.
“Dean Winchester.”
“Dean, untie me.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t trust you not to run off.”
“I’m supposed to trust your crazy story but you can’t trust me to stay here?”
“I didn’t say it was fair,” he said. 
“Trust goes both ways,” you said. He stared at you for a good solid minute before he cut your feet free. He undid the rope around your chest and your hands. You stretched out and sighed before you kicked him in the back and ran for the stairs. You got all the way up them and saw a front door before you were tackled in a hallway. “Ow.”
“I knew you were gonna try that,” he said with a pant as he sat back with your arms pinned behind you. You took a deep breath and dropped your head. “Y/N, I’m not fucking around. I-”
“W-Who the fuck is that?” you asked as you stared into a home office. “That picture.”
“My boss. The one that wants to kill you. I-”
“Okay,” you said. You stopped struggling against him and after a moment he released your hands. He stood up and put a hand on your bicep, walking you into the office with him. You stared at the picture on the wall, a whole lot of articles and things taped up around it. “I believe you.”
“Okay that’s a little fast. I mean I’m not trying to make a case against myself but you really should take things with a grain of salt,” said Dean.
“Dean, I know that man. When I was...when I was in college me and my friend got pretty wasted one night and walked back from a party. An older guy offered to give us a ride, said it was safer that way. I got bad vibes from him but she went. I didn’t see her again after that. They never found her. He looked so different but his eyes...see?” you said, pointing at an article. “That’s her. That’s-”
“Please believe me,” he said as he let go of your arm. You looked him in the eye before you punched him in the dick. He groaned and dropped to his knees. “Y/N.”
“You deserved that.”
“Yes, I did,” he said. He sat back on his heels and you crossed your arms.
“I can...forget about the whole kidnapping me thing,” you said. “If you make sure this guy doesn’t find me.”
“We’re isolated out here. You’re safe,” said Dean as he got to his feet. “And you don’t have to do that. I did a fucked up thing. If you want to press charges-”
“Keep me alive and I’ll let it go. Deal?” you said.
“What was your next step after you grabbed me?” you asked as you looked at the wall.
“I was planning to...you know…” said Dean. You raised an eyebrow and Dean shrugged. “Come on. You want to what, get him arrested? I already told you, he’s buddy buddy with the heads of the police. He’ll get off and probably pin it on me or even you.”
“I didn’t say it was a bad idea. I just think there’s a way to do this so he doesn’t bother anyone and you don’t have to be a murderer.”
“I’ve been thinking of alternates for months and got nothing. I’d love to hear your plan if you have one.”
“You say he’s friends with cops? I bet he’s not friends with federal agents,” you said. 
“How the hell would-”
“Dean. Think for a minute buddy. Don’t you think it’s a little odd that I didn’t panic that much?” you asked. He stared at you and shook his head.
“Oh fuck,” he said, wiping his hand over his face. “Fuck me, what’d I do.”
“Kidnapped a US Marshall for starters,” you said with a smile. He groaned and shut his eyes. “Dean, we know exactly who Mr. Paul Jones is. The thing we do need is evidence though.”
“So I kidnapped a Marshall and fucked up your investigation of a serial killer,” said Dean. He sat down in a chair and put his head in hands. “Fuck.”
“I thought a good samaritan offered to assist the lead agent on the case considering he has insider information we could really use. That’s what my report will say.”
He tilted his head up and you smiled.
“I see no reason for you to get in trouble for trying to save a woman’s life. I know bad guys, Dean. You’re not playing for their team, understand?”
“How can I help?” he asked as he got to his feet.
“When you took me, how discrete were you? Did neighbors see? Did you check that Paul wasn’t there?”
“He was at a fundraiser tonight. I saw his work schedule. It’s-” said Dean as the lights went out.
“He saw you and followed you,” you said. “Do you have a gun?”
“I don’t think that’ll help you out now Marshall,” said Paul as he rounded the corner and walked in the room. You frowned and he smiled. “It took a long time to track you down and Dean? You’re not getting that promotion after this.”
“Fuck you.”
“Alright,” he said. He pulled a gun out and aimed in Dean’s direction. The window shattered behind you and Paul dropped lack a sack of bricks, the gun slidng across the room. You dropped down, Dean picking it up with a sigh. He held out a hand and made a motion with his fingers. You got to your feet, Dean pouting as he stared down at Paul.
“I really wanted to see him on trial too,” said Dean. You watched him handle the gun with ease and the power turned back on, some people in black coats walking inside. 
“You’re a cop,” you said.
“Undercover one. I didn’t realize we were working your case otherwise we would have ran this up the chain,” he said.
“I’ll let it slide if we get a peak at your evidence. Must have had something good,” you said.
“Yeah, we do. We’ll talk outside.”
“Hey,” said Dean the next morning at the police station. He brought in some coffee and you smiled. “Long night.”
“Yes it has been,” you said. You sipped on the too hot liquid and sat back against the table. “You call Shelby’s parents?”
“Yeah. We got ID’s on the girls,” he said. “He was coming for you last night. There was something off about you we couldn’t figure out. Y/N Smith didn’t exist before the past couple years. We had a working theory you were an apprentice of his or something in exchange for your life. I was never much a fan of that one. I just thought you were on the run from him.”
“Kinda true,” you said. “Sorry for punching you in the nuts.”
“Eh, it’s fine,” he chuckled. “I had suspicions when you didn’t freak out and were trying a few tactical moves to get away from me. Glad they turned out to be right.”
“If there’s ever a next time, you can be the bait, hm?”
“Deal, sweetheart,” he chuckled. You shook hands on it, Dean sitting back against the table with you. “Your boss just had a long chat with me on the phone. He thought I should apply to the Marshall service. He said I’d have no problem getting in.”
“We got a guy retiring in a few months, he’d love a young gun to back fill him,” you said.
“He said it was your call,” said Dean. 
“Gonna kidnap me again?”
“Only if I have to,” he smiled.
“Put me as a reference on your application,” you said. “I’ll see you in a few months when you get out of training, Dean.”
“Looking forward to it, sweetheart.”
“Oh and Dean?” you said as you started to leave. “You owe me dinner.”
“Won’t I be your junior partner?”
“Oh yeah. Normally I’d pay and all but I’m normally only a fan of a man pinning me down when I ask him to,” you said. He raised an eyebrow and you winked. “I’ll be senior partner. Doesn’t mean I’m your boss. Just something to keep in mind.”
“Maybe I can come visit some weekend, you know, take you out to that dinner early,” he smirked.
“Anytime, Dean. I’ll see you soon, Winchester.”
“Yes you will, sweetheart.”
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fairy-with-a-kn1f3 · 6 months
Dark!Castiel Au's are my favorite. Yes, go stalk that boy with the pretty green eyes and freckles for miles. Yes, manipulate him into loving you. Yes, pamper and spoil him rotten. PLEASE.
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maritamorgado · 1 year
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Walker Stalker Con San Francisco - April 15, 2017 
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how-very-salty · 1 year
You were meant to be mine
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... well, I'm thinking of starting to translate my stalker!au, once I finish translating Veronica Sawyer decided to die~
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“The boy I love's got another girl He might be fuckin' her right now I don't have an apartment Thought if I was smart, I'd make it far But I'm still at the start
Guess I'm contagious, it'd be safest if you ran Fuck, that's what they all just end up doing in the end
Take my car and paint it black Take my arm, break it in half Say something, do it soon It's too quiet in this room”
~k. flay, Blood In the Cut
hellooo Stanford era-Dean, fancy meeting you here
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thestruidora · 2 years
Supernatural Fanfiction
Rating: Explicit
WARNINGS: This story will contain but it’ll not be limited to explicit 18+ content including Yandere, Borderline Personality Disorder, Stalker, Possessive Behavior, Romance, Angst, Angst, Fluff and Smut, Rape/Non-con Elements, Hurt/Comfort, Therapy, Miscommunication, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with Feelings, Obsessive Behavior, Smut, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Oral Sex, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink
Category: F/M
Pairings: Dean Winchester/You, Dean Winchester/Reader
Summary: Dean has borderline personality disorder and the reader is his favorite person.
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Author’s notes: Yes, I'm still alive. You go on and pay that bet now.
Chapter Two
Two of Cups
“The Two of Cups is about two people working together. It reflects an energy of mutual feeling and support, and reminds you that there is love in your life, whether you see it or not.”
“Alright, I’m heading out!” He announced, right after attaching the leash to Thor’s collar, already moving towards the front door of the house.
“Wait, hold on.” Lisa’s voice sounded from the kitchen, stopping Dean in his tracks. He let out a sigh, feeling impatient.
The brunette walked into the foyer, visibly surprised by the sight in front of her. Her fiancee had left for work early that morning, leaving her with a kiss on the forehead and a soft pat on the head. By the time he came back home, she was barely able to greet him as he moved into the bathroom, took a quick shower, and changed clothes. Now, without so much as a word, he was about to leave once more, one hand on their family dog’s leash and the other holding his keychain.
“Babe, you’re gonna take Thor for a walk? You just got home.” She looked at the clock on the wall, 2 p.m., he didn’t usually return home at this hour. “You left work early?” It sounded like a question. It wasn’t.
“Yeah, there was a problem down at the plant, one of the guys got hurt and we had to shut everything down so…” He explained, body still turned halfway towards the door.
“Oh, is he going to be ok?” Lisa asked, not a hint of true concern on her face.
“Probably gonna need a couple stitches, it wasn’t that bad. But you know, with all the safety measures and everything, we had to stop for the day.” He said, smoothly, without any uncertainty, looking her in the eye. Dean had always been a good liar. “So when I got home I just thought I might go on a little walk with Thor, get it out of the way for the day.”
They both glanced down at the dog, sitting there with his tongue out and his tail sweeping the floor, clearly excited by the idea of going out for a stroll. There was a certain tension in the air when they looked back up at each other, the way Lisa’s eyebrows formed into a subtle frown giving it away. Dean put his keys in his pocket and tapped on the fabric of his jeans, almost itching to move. He just wanted to be able to go already. A silence fell in between them for a long couple of seconds, but it felt longer than that. When he couldn't handle it anymore, he broke it.
“Anyway, I’ll be back in a little bit, ok?” It sounded like a question. It wasn’t.
His body turned all the way towards the door, hand reaching for the knob.
“Maybe it was, actually.” He completely stopped moving when he heard her say it, craning his neck to see her, an unpleasant expression staring back at him.
“What?” He asked, confused.
“Maybe it actually was that bad, the accident your colleague had today, you just didn’t take the time to notice.” She replied, matter-of-factly, voice calm and even. Dean easily understood the underlining meaning of her words and she knew. She knew that he was aware of her unhappiness and she of his, but neither of them did anything, just patiently waiting for the other to make a move. The fact that she knew that broke her heart and it made her eyes burn, it made her want to scream. “Have a good walk with Thor, babe.” She said instead.
All he could do in return was give her a quick nod and a tight smile before finally opening the door and exiting the house, Thor following close behind.
Dean wished he had it in him to spend the short path to the dog park thinking about Lisa and their lives together. Think about how he used to love watching her sleep and now the minute his head hits the pillow at night he turns his back to her. About how he used to enjoy their long talks during breakfast and dinner and now he dreads the mealtimes they do share, because he sure avoids them when he can help it. About the way her touch doesn’t quite fit anymore and the way her voice hits his ears with a grating tone that he could swear wasn’t there before.
Did he change or was it her? Did they both simply fall out of love?
Because he can tell by the way she looks at him sometimes, when she thinks he’s not paying attention. It’s like she hates him. Resents him somehow. He never did ask why and probably never will, but he doesn't need to, there’s no point. He knows why.
He’s never going to be the perfect husband and father she wants him to be. He’s never going to stop waking up in the middle of the night because of the nightmares. He’s never going to not feel guilty for being with her, choosing her, instead of being out there searching for a way to bring his brother back.
He tries though, he really does.
Sure, there’s a gun perpetually under his pillow, holy water under the bed, and a silver blade in the top drawer of the nightstand. But that’s just the bedroom. Imagine if she knew what he keeps in the garage. But she doesn't wanna know, doesn’t want to think about it. So he doesn’t tell her and she doesn’t ask. Isn’t that a good compromise?
He has virtually erased his whole past life to be with her, started out brand-spanking new. He gave up on hunting, completely. But every guy needs a hobby. So he’s been going out to the dog park a few more times than usual in the past few weeks, so what? What’s wrong with that? He likes the fresh air and the sound of the kids laughing, even the barks are kind of nice. It’s overall a very wholesome environment. Then there’s Y/N. The beautiful, charming, and captivating lady that he gets to see every time he’s there.
Did he ever even mention having met you to Lisa? Mention you at all? No, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Absolutely nothing. He’s sure that Lisa has friends that she has never spoken about to him either. And that’s fine. That’s healthy.
Because that is what Y/N is to him, a friend. Since the day they got acquainted a few weeks prior they have continued to meet at noon, sometimes a little early, sometimes a little later, whenever you would make clear you would be walking your friend’s dog as a favor while they’re on a trip. You’re kind like that, considerate. Easy to talk to, a good listener. Dean really enjoys your company and he thinks the sentiment is reciprocated.
And that’s what he thinks about the whole way over, you, he wishes he didn’t but he did and will quite certainly do again in the days that’ll follow because he’s not going to stop coming to the park if it means he gets to see you.
It’s just that being near you feels so right, simple . And sometimes it’s hard to not, you know, compare.
“Hi, Dean!” He hears Y/N’s voice and it washes all other thoughts away. You’re there, sitting on the usual bench, sun beaming down on you. You have that pretty smile on your lips while you watch him approach. “And hello to you too, Thor.” You say to the German Shepherd that completely ignores you in favor of jumping on Loki, he and the Husky immediately falling into an enthusiastic match of play-fighting, clearly happy to see each other.
“Hey.” Dean kneels down to remove the leash from Thor’s collar, looking up at you in your sitting position, stealing the quickest glance at your thighs, skin exposed in your summer dress. “How are you?”
“I’m good, a little tired from work. You?” He starts wrapping the leash in his hand, moving to sit next to you, just close enough that your knees touch, but you don’t seem to notice, or maybe you just don’t mind.
“I’m okay, actually a little tired from being at home instead of work.” The words just flow out of his mouth before he can filter them, which is so not like him.
At least it's not when he's with anyone else.
“Want to talk about it?” He knows you’d listen, really listen, without judgment. But he doesn’t feel like unpacking whatever is happening between him and Lisa, he would rather be here in this moment, with you.
“You just said you’re tired from work but here you are trying to listen to my problems.” He brushes it off, changing the subject, and this time he can tell you did notice, but doesn’t mind.
“Well, what can I say? You can take a girl out of the therapist’s office but you can’t take the therapist out of the girl.” You said, nonchalantly. There was a beat of silence before you both started to laugh.
“Did you just make that up?” Dean smiled, leaning towards you.
“Yep.” You nodded, dimples appearing.
“Cause you made it sound like it was a saying.” He teased.
“Yeah, but it’s definitely not.” You admit, and he appreciates the way you don’t take yourself too seriously. “There’s not a lot of sayings about psychologists, you know.”
“My family has one: don’t go to them.” He replies, still smiling.
“Really? No one in your family has ever seen a therapist?” Y/N sounds a little shocked, which makes him want to laugh again, thinking about what you’d say if you only knew the half of it.
“No, we were raised with that midwestern, salt of the earth, just rub some dirt on it kind of attitude.” He said it like it was no big deal, but it was clear that you didn’t think the same way by your response.
“Dean, talking to someone about your thoughts and feelings is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. It can be… Very healing.”
“Well, ‘course you think that, it’s your job.” Dean’s comeback came quickly.
It wasn’t that he hated therapists or was against them or anything, he just didn’t think it was for him. He couldn't trust some random stranger with the ins and outs of his life, plus he knew it just wouldn't work for him, the whole ‘healing’ thing. He was too far gone for that.
He remembered being a little taken aback when you mentioned your job, didn’t like the idea of talking to someone who’s constantly psychoanalyzing him, except he never felt that you had done that. Quite the opposite, you hadn’t ever compelled him to open up any more than what he was comfortable with. Problem is, he’s always comfortable talking to you. You’re so easy to be near and it feels as if there’s never any judgment being passed.
So his first impression of your career was quickly shattered, but that hasn’t stopped him from picturing you from time to time, sitting behind a desk with your legs crossed and a pointed look, a thin-framed pair of glasses resting low on the bridge of your nose while you jot something down in your little notepad. Maybe he got that visual from porn, but it’s not like he has much else to reference from.
“I’m not saying you should be my patient, that wouldn't even be ethical, we’re friends.” You say it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world and he feels a pang in his chest.
He did think of you as a friend in his own head, but to hear you say it out loud burst some sort of unstated bubble that had formed between the two of you.
He had never spoken about Lisa to you, had only mentioned Ben a couple of times in passing and you never pressed him on for more. Did you know he had a family and was practically married? Was it obvious? And even if he didn’t would you care? Would you see him as anything more than a ‘friend’ if he wasn’t already in a relationship or that thought hadn’t even crossed your mind?
Did you find him attractive at all? Most girls do, are you different?
And if you ever made a move, if you ever touched more than the top of his hand or the side of his shoulder in that completely oblivious way, if you ever made it known to him that you had an interest; what would he do? Did you know? Does he? Because he can’t even decide for himself. Would he give up on everything he has now to be with you?
“What are you thinking about?” Your index finger tapped the middle of his forehead in a playful motion and he came back from his pondering, watching you swiftly remove your hand from his personal space as if it had never been there.
“Huh?” It was all he could say, trying to swim out of the stream of hypotheses that had been racing in his brain.
“You were very deep in thought, were you considering getting a therapist perchance?” You smiled like you already knew what he’d say.
“Oh, hell no.” He was quick to answer, shaking his head and regaining his focus.
“Cause you think psychology is a bunch of bullshit?”
“No, I used to think that.”
“Oh, you used to think that? But now you changed your mind?” You smiled openly, and it felt like the two of you had known each other for years, falling into a lighthearted banter just like that.
“Well, you wouldn't waste so much time of your life dedicating yourself to bullshit, you’re too smart for that.” Now it was his turn to state something as if it was obvious.
“Thanks.” You laughed then, taking the compliment. “But listen, I really should get going, I have to go meet with my landlord, again.”
“Seriously? I just got here.” Dean said with feigned annoyance, not wanting you to know that he was, in fact, annoyed at your departure.
“I’m sorry, but I really need to talk to him, he’s gotta fix my apartment’s heating, I’ve been asking him to for weeks and he comes over, messes with it for a little bit, and then the second he leaves it gets cold again.” Dean’s brows furrowed in confusion at your words.
“Cold? We’re in the middle of June.”
“I know! It’s the craziest thing, I’ll be walking around and all of the sudden it gets freezing cold, like, I can see my own breath.” You explained, miming an invisible fog out of your lips with your hands.
“That is weird.” Dean said slowly, processing what he was being told.
The Winchester’s thoughts were going a thousand miles per minute. It couldn't be what he was thinking, it would be too much of a coincidence. What were the chances that the girl he had met only a couple of weeks prior was being haunted? What if that was the reason he had met her in the first place? To save her.
“And does it usually happen at a certain time of the day or just whenever?” A wave of realization washed over your features as he asked, as though you had just remembered something important.
“It’s funny you said that, it actually does only happen at night and only when I’m alone.” Your response made a shiver run down his spine. “My sister came over the other day and it was totally fine, but then when it’s just me it happens again, it’s like my heater is possessed or something.” You had no clue how on the mark you were with that one.
“No way.”
Dean had quit hunting, he was out. He promised his brother that much, he promised Lisa. But there you were, right in front of him, clearly in dire need of his help. He just couldn't let anything happen to you, not on his watch. It wouldn't be right.
“And I haven’t even mentioned the rodent situation.” You called Loki over from where he and Thor were playing in the grass a little further away from the bench the two of you had been sitting in. The big dog came over in an instant, his other furry friend literally on his tail.
“You have a rodent situation as well?” He was so invested now.
“Oh, yeah, I’m a very lucky gal, Dean.” Your hands made quick work of putting the leash back on Loki’s collar, preparing to leave.
“How do you know you have it? Have you seen them?” Dean reached for your arm to stop you from getting up, a quiet desperation brewing underneath the surface, but you, silly you, didn’t pay enough attention to realize.
“No, but they’re all up in my walls, I can hear them scratching at night and I’m deadly afraid of mice so it’s just awful.” He was looking you right in the eyes as you said it, examining every inch of your innocent face, suddenly very aware of your vulnerability. You were just so frail, so fragile.
“I can imagine.” His voice was low, he didn’t want to let go of your arm.
There was a ghost in your apartment and you were in imminent danger. He had to do something, find an inconspicuous way to work the case. Wait, ‘work the case’? But… he was out, he was done hunting, he left the family business behind, and he built a new life for himself. Yeah, that’s right, he was done. He should just call in a favor from Bobby and get that ghost out of your house, that’s all. He didn’t need to be the one to do it and that would be better for the both of you. That would be healthy.
“Anyhow, sorry to dump all of this on you; my horrible apartment and all its problems.” You smiled at him and looked down, almost embarrassed.
You were so helpless, so unaware of your own mortality. Dean had no time to call Bobby, no way, he had to fix this himself. You could go home and die a bloody death today. And then that would be his fault, it would be his burden to carry, just like the death of his brother who he had sworn to protect no matter what. That was his job and he failed. He wouldn't fail you, too.
“Come on, it’s fine!” He was quick to reply. “That’s… that’s what friends are for.” He still hadn’t let go of your arm, drawing tiny circles on your skin with his thumb.
“Yeah, guess so.” You offered a nod, short and sweet, before moving to get up.
“Hey, Y/N, before you go, can I ask you something?” Dean’s pupils were dilated, even with the sun shining down upon him. It was the adrenaline, it was knowing that now he had a mission, a purpose, something that he had been missing for a long time. Too long, in his opinion.
“Sure.” You retorted, curious.
“That thing you said about not being able to take me as a patient, is that set in stone?”
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ephemerasnape · 2 months
Poacher Stalker - H. Wm. Macnair
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More photo mode photos beneath the cut!
Also just redid Macnair's music video - Mac(nair) the Knife - with better pics and music. I included fanart from @theepicmirroregg and @giselsann-opencommissions
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"I always knew you wasn't right in the head, Poppy."
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⇡ Caption this... ⇡
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This is the exact setting of my audio "Battle Royal at Horntail Hall"
There are far more pictures of Macnair and pretty much every other Ashwinder and Poacher, as well as, of course, Daddy Rookwood, and multiple Infamous Foes, in the Rookwood Gang Repository.
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locke-esque-monster · 11 months
You know what I find really fascinating about the destiel confession? The entire discourse about if it's canon or not.
Let's ignore those who say Cas's speech wasn't romantic love for the purposes of this post (though I beg them to try to limitus test I've seen of giving that speech to a platonic friend or relative and it not being uncomfortably weird).
I'm talking about how the argument I've seen, both by Destiel shippers and non-shippers it isn't canon if Dean never responded.
And like yeah - that's fascinating.
First because it means everyone has their own definition of canon. Is it someone confessing their love to the person they're in love with? Is it both parties confessing? Is it a physical action like a kiss or sex? Do you have to have both the love confession and the physical act or will only one suffice? Is it someone acknowledging to themselves or another 3rd party their love for someone even if it's not to the person in question?
We all have our own definition of canon intrinsically and this one happens to fall in an incredibly loose gray area.
And that's because there's the other limbo of this confession in Dean's lack of response. I actually can think of no other example of a show that does anything like this (though if they exist I'd love to know). Any other show would have something definitive at some point of Dean acknowledging the sentiment. Dean confessing back. Dean telling Cas he loves him, but as a friend. Dean telling someone after Cas's death he was in love with Cas. Dean being confused by Cas's confession and him dealing with that love after the fact that he doesn't share. Dean acknowledging afterwards he doesn't know how he feels about Cas's confession. Quite literally - any verbal acknowledgement either during or after the fact this confession happened.
And it doesn't exist. It's Schrodinger's confession. Or maybe Schrodinger's response. We all (Destiel shippers) assume the cat is dead because all evidence points to the fact (it's been in the box 3 years after all). But there are factions pointing to the lack of proof because it isn't official because we haven't looked in the box. And frankly, a lot of people would love to look in the box, find out definitively, but it's not an option on the table. The box isn't in our hands to check.
So instead we treat it like a knock of "Shave and a haircut" without the two knock response. If there's a call, there has to be a response. And we all fill in what we assume the last two knocks are based on our own individual definitions of canon and fight over why our knocks don't match someone else's.
And, on top of that, Cas's confession is all about the being and not having. We can be in the moment and enjoy this ship is canon. But we also can't actually have it (it being a concrete response, a kiss, a happy ending) as much as Cas couldn't. It's prophetic - breaking the 4th wall by accident - it's something almost not quite nothing - regardless there's something about the parallel here that's telling about the ship itself.
So yes, while the shipper in me is eternally torn between this being somehow both terrible and great, the English major/secret TV critic in me finds this terribly fascinating.
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deansawthetvglow · 1 year
oooo i wanna read a horror fic again
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soullessjack · 10 months
live footage of me begging convincing Steve Yockey Andrew Dabb Bobo Berens and whichever half of Buckleming is the better writer that they should absolutely keep going with their special little guy in the prequel and perhaps even beyond it if they feel so inclined
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zonetrente-trois · 1 year
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Cassidy Barry and Andrew Legg
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rottenhouses · 1 year
I think I'm gonna look around ao3 to see if there's any stalker!dean fic mhhh I'm having thoughts
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Top 20 new-to-me movies of 2022
1. The End of Evangelion (1997, Kazuya Tsurumaki/Hideaki Anno, Japan)
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2. The Tin Drum (1979, Volker Schlöndorff, Germany)
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3. Marcel the Shell with Shoes On (2021, Dean Fleischer Camp, USA)
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4. Little Miss Sunshine (2006, Jonathan Dayton/Valerie Faris, USA)
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5. Beginners (2010, Mike Mills, USA)
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6. I, Daniel Blake (2016, Ken Loach, UK)
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7. Stalker (1979, Andrei Tarkovsky, Russia)
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8. Bo Burnham: Inside (2021, Bo Burnham, USA)
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9. Licorice Pizza (2021, Paul Thomas Anderson, USA)
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10. The Mitchells vs. The Machines (2021, Mike Rianda, Hong Kong)
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11. Daddy Longlegs (2009, Josh Safdie/Benny Safdie, USA)
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12. The Worst Person in the World (2021, Joachim Trier, Norway)
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13. The End of the Tour (2015, James Ponsoldt, USA)
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14. Hollywood Shuffle (1987, Robert Townsend, USA)
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15. The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales... (2017, Benjamin Renner/Patrick Imbert, France/Belgium)
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16. The French Connection (1971, William Friedkin, USA)
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17. Another Round (2020, Thomas Vinterberg, Denmark)
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18. The Trial (1962, Orson Welles, France)
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19. Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010, Banksy, UK)
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20. Human Traffic (1999, Justin Kerrigan, UK/Ireland)
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maritamorgado · 2 years
Walker Stalker Con Atlanta 2019 (just remembering…) 🥰️
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hartnettlover98 · 2 years
I never once spoke to @naughtyneganjdm or knew they existed. They then proceeded to tag me in their posts and are now calling me a stalker. My gosh baby girl you found me and tagged me in multiple posts. Go the fuck away. It was probably killing you that you weren't dragged into the drama you are now complaining about. For someone who had @neganghostwriter blocked you sure know a lot about what she was posting. Seems like you're stalking us.
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