#stan pudge
simminginstars · 5 months
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is Pudge judging Noee's dancing skills or the fact she still has her christmas themed lights up? we'll never know :)
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Kept on going back and forth on wearing this, but decided to just be myself, and be okay with my weird. Gravity Falls is the show that is meant to celebrate the weird kids, the outcasts, and the oddities of the world.
I love my shirt. It's a unique piece, from a show that's weird, made by a guy that wants to bring joy to the wearer. It's a familiar hug from a place that doesn't exist, but is a state of mind we all can share. It's home for everyone that seeks adventure, acceptance, and a family that they didn't know existed until they truly needed them.
Mid life crisis be damned. You're never too old to be yourself.
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sonicrainbooms · 3 months
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catsandbats13 · 1 month
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Since Gravity Falls is trending again, I figured I’d repost my Ford pinup art I made a while back
Grunkle Stan will always be my first love but I do adore Ford a lot too!
I like to imagine his sweater got shredded by a cryptid of some sort, blessing us with his beautiful bod 😍 I tried to give him some pudge while still keeping him fairly built from his 30 years trapped between dimensions
I’ll definitely be making a Stanley companion piece for this at some point (and I may or may not be writing a Ford x Reader fanfic at the moment 😅 if there’s enough interest I’ll post it on here)
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thicctails · 1 month
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@thundersteel this one's for you~ Thanks for giving me an excuse to blabber 'bout this au! This post really got away from me lol, kinda becoming a mini fic for a while there.
So, the catalyst for I Grow Maddened (with grief) happens between The Last Mabelcorn and Dipper and Mabel vs The Future, with the twins dying before the Rift gets broken by Bill. Ford captures the creature (not sure what exactly it will be yet, but something with large claws for sure) likely while they're gone on the road trip, and it escapes and attacks Stan, Dipper, Mabel and Soos while he is down in his lab trying to figure out what to do about the Rift.
He only realizes something is wrong when Stan barges in, holding his bleeding stomach and screaming for Ford to come and help. Any anger at being disturbed by his brother is immediately drowned out when Stan collapses, clearly very hurt. His multiverse survival skills get him upstairs in record time, but he's too late: the damage has already been done. Soos is knocked unconscious and the twins are sprawled unmoving on the blood-soaked floor. The creature takes advantage of his shock and manages to catch his right eye with two of its claws before Ford recovers and manages to kill it. He tries everything to save Dipper and Mabel, but their injuries are too severe.
Ford panics when he realizes what's happened, knowing that losing the twins will kill Stan. They are his brother's closest family members, and Ford has just allowed his work to kill them. When Stan finds out, Ford knows that whatever fractured bond they have now will shatter irreparably.
Which is why Stan can not find out.
That absolute truth kickstarts Ford to action, running on autopilot while his mind tries to force what he has just seen into a little box to unpack later. He rushed back down to his lab and finds Stan slumped over, bloodied almost as much as the kids were, yet still breathing. Stan rolled the dice and landed a saving throw, it seems.
Years of living in monster-filled Gravity Falls and even more years spent being a multidimension-hopping criminal has left Ford with incredible first aid skills, and he manages to get Stan to a state where he wont, you know, die when Ford moves him to his bunker. Its a struggle; his twin has quite a bit of pudge and even more muscle, but Ford manages to drag him up to the main floor and out to good ol' El Diablo without injuring him further. The dark night sky masks his shameful, selfish act well, and he freezes Stan without issue, if you don't count his minor breakdown and bout of vomiting that occurs when he catches sight of the form a frozen Shifty has taken.
Soos is awake when he returns. Ford knows because he can hear the young man sobbing and screaming hysterically from well outside the Shack. He's almost mirroring Ford's earlier actions, frantically trying to stop any more blood from escaping the now cooling, tiny bodies. He catches Ford's gaze, and instantly begs for the elder Pines twin to help him.
Coward that he is, Ford can only give the handyman a deeply remorseful look as he slowly shakes his head.
It takes nearly an hour to convince Soos to let him get near the bodies once he realizes that it was Ford's captured creature that stole the life from his grand niblings. The man was closer to them than Ford had realized, and it only makes the gaping wound in his heart deepen as he watches him hold Dipper and Mabel close to him, uncaring that his shirt is now more red than green. He only allows Ford to take them when he points out that they will begin to rot if they stay where they are. As Ford leaves, he fishes one of those cellular mobile phones out of his pocket and shakily begins to dial someone's number.
It's not the police, not with the way Soos hesitates for so long before pressing the call button.
There is a large freezer within his lab, used for storing perishable specimens and the occasional popsicle. He lays Dipper and Mabel there for now; he will scour the valley for the perfect resting place when he has the mental capacity to grasp that they are truly gone.
When he returns, Soos is leaning against a doorframe, one hand holding his bleeding cheek as the other holds his device. Ford can faintly hear a feminine voice shouting on the other end, and he faintly recognizes it as the red headed cashier girl, Boyish Dan's daughter, if he remembers correctly.
In what seems to be his next breath, pain erupts across his jaw as someone delivers a powerful left hook directly into his face. There is screaming, the same as before but much louder now. He must have disassociated, because the girl is standing over him now, tears streaming down her face. Soos is beside her in a moment, pulling her into a hug as they both cry into each other's shoulder.
Ford cries as well, but the other two could care less. It is only what he deserves.
Yeesh, sad yet? I was originally just going to focus on Ford (and he's still my main focus) but then i realized that pretty much no one includes Wendy and Soos in AU's like these (heavy emphasis on Soos, my mans is done dirty) so i workshopped them in.
Soos is Ford's companion in the multiverse, coming along mostly to be a familiar face to whatever Dipper/Mabel they decide to 'adopt/rescue', but also to make sure Ford doesn't kill himself through neglect. He knows what happened was an accident, and he knows how badly Ford has been affected by everything, but a small part of him remains angry at the scientist. Dipper and Mabel were like younger siblings to him after the whole Globnar situation, and Stan is like a father to him. He leaves his handyman hat behind "until he can fix this" and instead sports a protective bandana and Dipper's Pterodactyl tooth.
Wendy absolutely blames Ford for what happened, and only doesn't enact lumber-justice because she also wants Dipper and Mabel back. She has taken up the role of Waddle's caretaker and occasional helper to McGucket, who is monitoring both the portal and Stan. The man feels he owes it to Dipper and Mabel to help, since they helped him get his memory back. She can usually be seen sporting the Huggy Wuvvy Tummy Bundle for Waddles and one of Mabel's sweaters wrapped around her waist. She and her friends also help keep the Shack functional, though she can't bring herself to go into the "incident room."
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— ❀
Summary: Durning a sweet moment between you and your husband, you tell Stan his dad bod will soon come in handy.
Warnings: teeth rotting fluff.
Author’s Note: I love him so much actually, I thought of this randomly, still in my baby fever phase. send in requests!
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DOMESTIC BLISS, as many would refer to the interaction taking place between you and your husband, Stan. It was very blissful in fact, the rain hammering on the windows by your bed, but you happily wrapped in your husbands arms, giggling at the tv screen in front of you.
You pulled out your phone to read the text notification that lit up the screen as Stan’s eyes were skillfully trained on the movie.
Kyle : Have you told him yet?
You smiled to yourself, looking over at your husband with nothing but love, before responding.
Y/n : not yet, but soon.
“Are you texting Kyle again?” Stan asked, a hint of playfulness in his voice as you nod. “Tell him you’re my wife not his. He can go find his own wife.” He teased, taking your phone away. You both chuckled as he held the phone above your head so you couldn’t reach.
“Oh come on, he’s both of our best friends. He just misses you so dearly.” You teased back, making Stan scoff.
“Then he should be texting me instead.” He grumbled. You couldn’t help but laugh, knowing that Kyle knew the same information that you did, and that he was simple waiting for you to spill before he texted his best friend again. You sighed, snuggling into Stan’s chest.
“We are seeing him soon.” You said, making him scoff.
“Exactly, so he can wait to see you.” He teased, kissing your head softly as you chuckled “Speaking of, you need to decide my outfit for today.”
“Oh come on now, can’t you decide?” You asked, hoping to stay in his arms as long as possible.
“We both know I can’t, now here, I’ll give you a nice little fashion show.”
He got up from the bed, careful to not have you tumble over the other side as he did, and he went to take his shirt off. You couldn’t help but admire him from where you were on the bed, now laying on you stomach as you looked at him with lovestruck eyes. The scuffs of black hair littering his chest, the thick stubble on his chin, which was overdue for a shave. His black locks that he had managed since you were kids. And his beautiful baby blue eyes that perfectly brought together his entire body. His dad bod, that you had to admit was one of your favorite things about him.
“Oh stop that would you?” He grumbled, making you raise an eyebrow at him, meeting his stern eyes in the mirror.
“Stop what? I’m not allowed to admire my handsome husband?” You argued, and he shook his head, pointing a finger at you through the mirror.
“No actually, I’m the one who admires you remember?”
“Oh, how dare I.” You say teasingly, getting up to come stand behind him, hugging him from behind.
“God, I look just like my dad.” He grumbled, holding his stomach.
“I love your little dad pooch.” You couldn’t help but hold the pudge on his stomach, it brought you so much joy. No matter how he thought he looked, Stan had to admit hearing the things you loved about him he couldn’t help but love too. Yet still, he scoffed and playfully rolled his eyes. “No really, maybe mine will match in a month or two.”
Stan rolled his eyes, thinking you were teasing him for his tummy. It took him a few minutes of looking down, and playing with your fingers that wrapped around him from behind, before he looked up to meet your eyes. His eyes were widened, and widened even more when he saw the smirk on your lips.
“What do you mean by that?” He asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at you. You looked back at him, smiling. He pulled away, and you giggled as you sat back down on the bed. You could tell his head was racing a mile a minute, but the teasing was just too fun. Soon enough he smiled back, getting on bed in front of her, grabbing her hands.
“Do you mean that…” he stuttered, suddenly unable to form words. You smiled at him teasingly, his cheeks now a bright blush red.
“I don’t know Stan, what do I mean?”
He shook his head, trying to form words to shake out. He still was completely flustered, and his eyes wondered all over your body.
“Are, are you, are we.” He gulped, and you squeezed his hands. You looked him straight in the eyes, lifting his chin slightly so he would look back into yours, his baby blues holding so much love and worry, and joy all in one.
“Use your words Stanley.” You whispered, not being able to hold back the slightly tears that brined in your eyes when you saw a single tear drip down Stan’s face. You wipped it with a smile, and he took a deep breath.
“Are you pregnant.” He asked softly, practically whispering, unable to speak from the adrenaline he felt. You nodded, and his eyes lit up as his hands held your face.
“Oh wow, ohh…wow!” He practically jumped from the bed, smiling widely as a few more tears of joy dripped down his cheek. God he was such a baby. “I’m pregnant! Well, you’re pregnant, we’re pregnant?!” He shouted, and you stood up, coming to stand by him.
“Yes my love.” You said back, and he let out a happy sigh.
“Oh my god, oh wow, I, wow.” He pulled you into a tight hug, running his fingers through your hair as he held you close. “I love you so much.” He whispered against your hair, pulling away to kiss you.
It was, domestic bliss entirely. It was lovely, and wonderful, and Stan was extremely giddy to be able to go to see his friends tonight, to tell them all the good news. Well, Kyle already knew, but Stan let that slide. He was just too damn happy. You two had attended a welcome home party for your best friend Kenny at Kyle’s house, and the entire night Stan’s arm didn’t leave your side. It was as if his hand was permanently glued to your stomach. He couldn’t wait to tell each and every person there about the new baby. It was actually quite adorable, and even though he would t shut up about it no one could say they were annoyed by it. Even Eric Cartman, who was reluctant to admit that he was excited to have a baby in the group to spoil.
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bebexstevens · 2 years
enjoy your youth, I'm gonna cry - 09.30.22
Skipping class in favour of hiding in the bathroom was hardly a strange occurrence for Bebe. She did it often enough with some of the other girls who weren't as future focused as Wendy. Their usual haunt if they didn't want to hide outside in the bitter cold or sneak over to Sizzler's for breakfast. Except it wasn't the usual girl's bathroom this time, and Bebe had snuck her way into the solo gender neutral bathroom, flipped the occupied switch and leaned against the sink. [iMessage to Stan🌱] meet me in the bathroom in like, 5 minutes [iMessage to Stan🌱] gender neutral one, knock 3 times so I know it's you and not Cartman about to shit himself.
She'd done her business already, not the first time she had to pee on a stick before. She'd been "sexually active" since the first time she'd touched Tolkien's dick during a round of 7 minutes in heaven during his birthday party in 9th grade. A gift, because what could she have afforded to give the richest boy in South Park beyond his first real handjob? It had started a precedent, and she'd made plenty of bad choices since then.
Just not as bad as this one. Bebe didn't want to look at it. There was no way. Sure, she wasn't the best with remembering to take the pill on time, but there was no way she was pregnant. Turning to look at herself sideways in the mirror, Bebe pulled up her shirt, examining her stomach closely. She'd have felt something if she was. Her belly was still flat, right? The little bit of pudge was just from breakfast, and the strawberry frappe Heidi brought her this morning. Right? Poking at her stomach, she looked harder, nearly jumping out of her skin when she heard the 3 knocks on the door. Bebe could have thrown up on the spot. Nerves, not morning sickness. She yanked her shirt down, pushing her blonde hair back behind her ears. Smoothed her outfit out, brushing imaginary dust away. Even now, she needed to look put together. Not like some fat, pregnant teenager about to have a breakdown. When she finished, Bebe pulled the door open a crack to look up at Stan's familiar face. Her stomach lurched again. She should have texted Heidi to come do this with her... "Is there anyone in the hall?" she asked quietly, before letting him slip in the small, closet like space behind her. @stan-r-marsh
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So first, I have Animal Crossing and let me tell you I love Pudge s o much-
So I drew him! He’s beautiful would die for him! I gave him a leaf umbrella and he keeps it in his room and uses it when it rains 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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ben-the-hyena · 3 years
Grunkle Stan logic for Spamton and possibly the Addisons
Looks fit when wearing his black jacket/shirt/whatever
Actually has a tum
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taketheringtolohac · 3 years
also the breath mints getting a player named trebuchet PEAK comedy good job tgb
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scraptrashbug-rp · 5 years
Soft tummies, yee or nah?
Hella yeah1
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hi! while i dont agree with the anon defending deku, the reason 'fuckt/rd' is considered abliest is because the 't/rd' part comes from 'ret/rded' i hope that helps!
oh!! that does help!
okay, i didnt know that, but thank you very much for explaining it!
I apologise for my past use of the word which i used only out of ignorance of the origin, and promise to never use it again. i truly didnt mean to offend anyone with its use, and i honestly thought it was just another random insult. i never even considered where it came from. i did not mean to cause any damage inflicted, please understand that my use of the word while i realise now is not okay, was not used in a way to demean autistic folk
thank you for letting me know!
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sonicrainbooms · 3 years
the mitchells vs the machines had a CANON wlw protagonist who CANONICALLY got in a relationship with a woman at the end of the movie. this is now a lord miller stan account.
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huccimermaidshirts · 6 years
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i-write-boop-spoops · 3 years
Guzma w/a chubby S/O headcanons
i will not apologies for the rickrolling but i have written some more guzma x reader! thanks so much for the request anon anon!
features discussions of body image and weight and mild sexual references because this is guzma we're talking about.
I’ve said it before
Guzma is a BIG guy
While some of it is just his muscle and his natural body-shape
A fair bit of it is chub
Meaning he’s got a lot to love
He also has lot of love to give
And who does he bestow this love to?
Why, it’s lucky you!
And who gives him all the love he needs?
Also you!
I’ve done the maths, it checks out
Guzma LOVES your body
Wow, he just finds you so freaking sexy and beautiful
All your soft curves and valleys and dimples
You’re so warm, so comfortable
And your booty is just A+ in his humble opinion
He’s a certified ass-man, this is high praise
Expect plenty of ass-smacks and booty grabs
Actually, he will gladly grab any part of you
My man is handsy and has absolutely 0% shame
In public, in private
In Ultra Space even
If you are looking fine
Which undoubtedly you are :)
He will be all over you
Also oh, Arceus
The way you j i g g l e ?
He’s floored every time
Guzma’s broader than you
And even if you’re taller
He’s still the perfect big spoon
Enveloping you in his nice big arms
Making you feel all nice and safe and small and comfy
Cuddling you is like a healing experience
For the both of you really
You’re both so lovely and warm and soft
You guys don’t need pillows when you have each other!
Ya boi’s not the judgemental type
So if you’re out and ordering some ice cream or pizza or sweets or etc.
Maybe some extra fries
Yall know he ain’t gonna say anything about it
Heck, he’ll probably encourage you
And order some for himself too!
Guzma loves all your pudge
But he doesn’t really like his own
You’ve often caught him in front of the mirror
Shirtless in some sweats
Sucking in his gut and letting it out again
With this disappointed, almost angry look on his face
It’s honestly heart-breaking, seeing your big sexy boyfriend feel so down about himself
You love his belly!
Not just his belly!
His entire body!
You always make it a point to tell him just that
It takes a while but eventually it sinks in
And he starts seeing himself in a better light
After all, if someone as gorgeous as you thinks he’s hot
Then there must be some truth to that right?
This situation is reversed sometimes
Even if you’re super confident in yourself and your body
You have your off-days too
Guzma’s your ultimate cheerleader
Man never withholds his compliments and love for you
He’s give you one of his patented big hugs
Reminding you of how gorgeous every inch of your body is
Giving you plenty of kisses too
Blowing raspberries against your plush skin to make you laugh
It’s almost effortless, the way he can brighten your mood
And make you feel just as beautiful as he thinks you are
Fun fact!
You are just as beautiful as he says! :)
Anyways, stan the cuddly bug man and his cuddly bug boo
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mello-life25 · 3 years
Chubby Chasers
MHA edition!
Ft. Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, Sero
Genre: Fluff, maybe suggestive(?)
Pronouns: Intended he/him but they might not be mentioned
Warning: fluff, body worship(?), Nicknames, suggestive stuff, mentions of sex(?), (please tell me if I missed anything that should be added to the warnings)
Happy readings :]
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- Midoriya that likes to hold your soft tummy while you guys cuddle
- he can not fall asleep unless he's holding you
- your hip dips and your thighs
- he loves it and when you wear his clothes, especially if it's over sized
- he will make you look in the mirror naked while he says all the things he loves about you and not just your body
- he will make you feel valid
- amazing boyfriend/husband material 10/10
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- Bakugou who likes to squish your cheeks(upstairs and downstairs too if ya know what I mean ;})
- bakugou will rain hellfire on any person that says even the slightest rude thing about your body or... Anything for that matter
- We stan a protective bakugou 😎💅🏽
- he will be staring  respectfully if you decide to wear any shorts in the summertime even if it's just in the house he will be staring
- you'll feel eyes in you the whole day
- when you ask what he's staring at he’ll either make a snarky comment on you purposefully putting shorts on to get him riled up
- or he’ll blush and turn around to hide it saying it’s ‘nothing’
- Another man that will get a hard-on and blush so hard if he sees you in his clothes or Merch
- the way his sweater covers you like a blanket 😋
- and it feeds his ego that you're his and if you wear it outside he feels more pride that you show it off to others and let them know your take, at least that's how he sees it
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- Kirishima who likes your chub soo much
- You're like his own personal cloud
- If you feel insecure he's another one that will take your clothes off and show you how much he loves you right in front of the mirror in your bedroom
- why you think he put it in there?
- if you come to him in his clothes he will call you manly
- “you look so manly babe”
- *cue flustered but happy kiri*
- but no deadass he will be so flustered, the way your curves fit so perfectly in his sweater and if you wear his pants he will die from the sight of seeing your pudge spill out it's so cute
- he will be another one to hold your chub while you guys cuddle or fall asleep
- and sometimes he’ll come up from behind you and while hugging you from behind he will hold your rolls and with such gentleness -v-
- He will make you feel like a king
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- Denki will need to be touching you at all times
- ngl I head cannon Denki as touch starved for his s/o and when they chubby he will combust
- not that my other kings out there won't have a chance, we don't discriminate
- I also head cannon that mha boys like all the body types
- but back to Denki
- he is someone that will hold onto your chub and rolls no matter what like it's his comfort
- your stomach and thighs are probably his favorite body part
- he won't apologize for grabbing your chub, he will do it in public
-he probably has written a dojinshi with you and him
- and it was probably very hot
- he will ask you to squish his head with your thighs, saying that's how he wants to die
- with his head in-between your soft squishy thighs
- he would buy you some high-quality lace thigh highs for you to wear in the bedroom and he will almost cum untouched by the sight of your thighs
- and the way your chub spills off the sides 😫
- he might go stupid so don't break him
- He's into thigh fucking ☺️
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- sero will worship you like your his god
- I mean like how couldn't he fall in love with you
- when your dating if you steal his clothes he will find it adorable
- you know his clothes won't fit you but you try anyways
- he’ll walk in after he's done with patrol and see you in his clothes
- basically half his closet in a pile on the floor
- and he sees you looking in the mirror with his shirt on and his pants
- it's pretty tight because of how skinny he is so it hugs all your curves
- it leaves almost nothing to the imagination
- your bulge is visible in the pants
- your tummy spills out
- he can see your rolls
- and all he's thinking is of how fiinnnee you look
- lookin like a whole snack
- yum :3
- he’ll wait on the door frame just looking at you and taking in your beauty
- you notice he's there when he says something
- “such a handsome boy”
- which makes you turn around so quick
- recognizing the voice or your boyfriend/husband
- he's just staring at you up and down
- you don't really know what to do so you kinda just stand there
- until you break out a small hi from your voice after a good minute of silence
- “...Hi Babe” 😅
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Hi guys! It's been a bit but I got some ideas today on some writings I could do so you might see some of that. I've just been going threw some writer's block fever along with art block so I haven't had any motivation or ideas in a while. But I'm back to give you some of this :}
I hope you all stay safe, drink water and have a amazing day ;]
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