midnightmanagement · 1 year
The Transforming Power Of Tea...
Our Iaso Tea has been changing lives for years now, with countless testimonies of transformation from this powerful tea! I too, have had the pleasure of finally getting to my ideal weight from consuming this tea, along with exercise and other healthy habits; and I am not looking back. This Summer a new limited-edition flavor has arrived on the scene…Watermelon! Iaso Tea is a gentle cleansing tea…
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yuriwangfingermedia · 4 years
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坐著單腳站不起來 下肢肌力不足恐有肌少症 【健康醫療網/記者黃心瑩報導】肌少症這個名詞許多民眾已經不陌生,肌肉太少除了直觀的身體虛弱外,還可能增加跌倒、失能風險、產生代謝問題、引發心血管疾病,增加死亡率。由於肌少症導致下肢力量不足,進而影響活動能力。下肢肌力指的是身體核心肌群、大腿、臀部、小腿肌肉力量的表現。 6個老人中1人跌倒 身體機能下降摔傷易骨折 根據國健康署106年國民健康訪問調查,3,280位65歲以上老人中,自述過去一年曾跌倒者有495人,也就是說每6個老人,就有1位有跌倒的經驗。物理治療師鄭宇劭說明可能跌倒的原因有三個: 一、身體機能(視覺、聽覺、肌力)下降導致平衡感降低。 二、慢性病與服用藥物導致精神與體力不佳。 三、住家活動空間動線不良導致。 鄭宇劭表示,從人體功能來看,隨著年紀變大,會肌肉流失、骨質疏鬆,遇到跌倒容易骨折;再來是韌帶、肌腱和肌肉筋膜的延展性變差,因為這些組織的膠原蛋白含量比年輕人少,所以跌倒的時候也可能會拉傷或脫臼。更重要的是神經動作功能的反應時間變慢,跌倒的時候身體沒辦法做立刻反應,就只能直接跌倒摔傷。 適當阻力運動可增加肌力 維持生活功能自理 已有許多研究顯示,循序漸進的運動可以增加下肢肌力,減少跌倒的風險,並且讓生活功能盡可能自理,包括打掃、吃飯、上廁所、爬樓梯等。根據亞洲肌少症共識會 (AWGS) 所建議的臨床篩檢流程,目前肌少症的篩檢項目主要有三項:肌肉質量測量、握力量測、身體功能表現評估。 居家檢測肌少症 雙手圈小腿或單腳起立 除了這些,日常也有方法可以在家自己檢測,一種是將雙手的食指與姆指圈成一個圓,接著放在小腿最粗的地方,若是圈起來還有空隙,表示有可能罹患肌少症;另外一種是坐在椅子前緣,一腳舉起,藉由另外一隻腳的力量直接站起來,單腳起立需要大腿與臀部肌肉的力量和柔軟度,並且維持身體平衡。如果站不起來的話,必須注意是否有肌少症。 鄭宇劭呼籲大家趕快單腳起立測試(#stand4health),看看自己的下肢肌力是否足夠,但是長輩及慢性病患者測試時須注意環境,避免跌倒。 【延伸閱讀】 一個不小心變朝天鼻 想隆鼻這些要注意 打呼竟是鼻咽癌四期! 做基因檢測進行雙免疫治療成功 鞋子會磨腳 皮膚科醫師提醒選鞋2秘訣 資料來源:健康醫療網 游勝鈞;游胜钧;指動傳播科技;指动传播科技;指傳媒;指传媒;華民通訊社;华民通讯社;民生新聞網;民生新闻网,健康醫療網,資料來源:健康醫療網新聞
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midnightmanagement · 1 year
Love Your VaJayJay Day 2023 - A Gynecological (GYN) Cancer Awareness Initiative - 10th Year...
Your #HealthMatters #CheckupOnIt and #Stand4Health for yourself. When you stay on top of your health it allows you to catch any developing problems, or detect anything serious at an early stage; which can save lives. If you have a loved one who is a survivor or has passed on from any one of the five GYN Cancers or Breast Cancer, and you want to honor them on our Survivors and or Memorial Walls…
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midnightmanagement · 3 years
Start Your Own Online Health And Wellness Business For $4.21 Until April 22nd 2021...
Start Your Own Online Health And Wellness Business For $4.21 Until April 22nd 2021…
Join our #Stand4Health Team and become a part of a network of online/offline Health and Wellness Independent Business Owners. Get paid to lose weight, if you have weight loss goals, make some extra money or both! Click Here to Start Your Business–> Stand4Health Enrollment
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midnightmanagement · 4 years
Great Morning🤗 Don't Worry, Be Happy & Healthy😁❤ My Morning #NutraburstPlus Shot! #BWSU #Stand4Health #Stand4Health4Yourself (at Harlem) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAcv3kFnbm9/?igshid=yvj50sib6ad
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midnightmanagement · 4 years
Who's on Your Team? Who's Got Your Back, Who's Back Do You Have? It is so True that Together Everyone Achieves More! #Team Don't Be Afraid to Work With & Learn From Others...Being Part of the Right Network is Crucial to Your Growth as a Person & Your Business if you are an #IndependentBusinessOwner #IBO BlackWomenStandUp #BWSU is Serious About Empowering Women in Every Area of Their Lives! We are Committed to Helping 1000 Women Discover #Entrepreneurship Let's Get Healthy & Wealthy Together! Learn More About How You too can #Stand4Health For Yourself and Create an Additonal Income Stream! DM for More info. It is ok to want #More (at Harlem) https://www.instagram.com/p/CALFoZCFY-d/?igshid=10j7reau7wp7k
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midnightmanagement · 4 years
#Chaga #Superfood #ImmuneSupport with #IasoDetoxTea #BWSU #Stand4Health #TLC #HealthAndWellness #HealthIsWealth For Real... https://www.instagram.com/p/B_PtZcRlQsj/?igshid=1aoc00inai7ec
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midnightmanagement · 5 years
#BWSU #Stand4Health #Stand4Health4Yourself #CBDdetox #CBDChallenge #CBDtea #iasotea🌱 #IasoTea #TLC https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Zs03tluRY/?igshid=cans9it1xkbq
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midnightmanagement · 5 years
Started the #CBDChallenge Yesterday, this was Me Making mine for the day! #CBDdetox #CBDtea Love The Flavor❤ #Stand4Health #TLC #BWSU https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ZovofFBqt/?igshid=1emufvn4foskh
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midnightmanagement · 3 years
Free #MyHealthMatters Virtual Event 12/20/21
Free #MyHealthMatters Virtual Event 12/20/21
Join the #Stand4Health Network for a FREE Virtual Event on 12/20/21 – The Solution To Your Resolution! An event you don’t want to miss, with special guests, information and tips to help you jumpstart your health and wellness goals for the New Year. Join Us, get the support and community you have been looking for and so much more…Sign Up Here —> https://myhealthmatterschallenge.com/Stand4Health
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midnightmanagement · 4 years
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#BlackWomenStandUp #BWSU #Stand4Health My Lunch...Put Something Good Inside Your Body! #healthisalifestyle Eat To Live. #Stand4Health4Yourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CEIA6tOFmlm/?igshid=147j0ynkuqhfq
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midnightmanagement · 4 years
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#BlackWomenStandUp #BWSU Some Just Want Real Results In a Shorter Amount of Time... #FatBurnerKit #fatburners When You Are Serious About Your #Weightloss #Stand4Health #Stand4Health4Yourself #HealthIsWealth https://www.instagram.com/p/CD9u6ywF0Mc/?igshid=ku4fbs66rj24
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midnightmanagement · 4 years
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Lose Weight Quickly And Naturally – See How Below…
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midnightmanagement · 4 years
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#BlackWomenStandUp #BWSU #Stand4Health #30303Challenge #30303 #MindAndBody #Transformation #TBraxton https://www.instagram.com/p/CD31DN-lg1h/?igshid=ewe0pqxre7tn
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midnightmanagement · 4 years
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#BlackWomenStandUp #BWSU #LiveLoveLaugh & #Stand4Health #3030 #1000Families #MindAndBody https://www.instagram.com/p/CDZkLx2lmy-/?igshid=15k3hzl0wbd7y
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midnightmanagement · 4 years
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#BlackWomenStandUp #BWSU Happy #SelfCareSaturday Have An Amazing Day🤗❤ Cheers to You! #MatrixMealReplacement Shake The #CoCoBlast #Stand4Health #Stand4Health4Yourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CDWvdHlFd6M/?igshid=1wkxkfaxzrtpc
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