rhythmlessgay · 2 months
We’ve just launched a new campaign to help Mohammed and his family, and so far, we’ve raised only a little bit. 😔 They’re in a really tough spot and need urgent help to get to safety. 🚨 If you can, please donate or share their story. Every bit helps and could make a huge difference! 🌟💖
Here’s the link: https://gofund.me/f751a38a 💸
Thanks a bunch! 🙏😊
Details of vetting are here.
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nishp · 1 year
🌸 Embrace Pink for a Purpose: World Breast Cancer Research Day🌸
Hey, Tumblr community! Today, we're turning our dashboards pink to shine a spotlight on World Breast Cancer Research Day. Let's come together and make some noise for a cause that truly matters. 💖
🎗️ Pink Symbolizes Strength Pink isn't just a color; it's a symbol of strength, resilience, and hope. It represents the fighters, survivors, and those who continue to raise awareness about breast cancer. By embracing pink today, we show our solidarity with the cause.
🔬 The Power of Research Breast cancer research has brought us far, but there's still a journey ahead. Research unlocks new treatments, and early detection methods, and empowers individuals to take charge of their health. Today, we celebrate the scientists, doctors, and advocates pushing for progress.
🌍 Spreading Awareness Your voice matters. Spread awareness about breast cancer – share facts, stories, and resources. By educating ourselves and others, we contribute to a world where everyone is informed and empowered.
🎀 Supporting the Fighters Whether it's a survivor, a friend, or a family member, breast cancer impacts lives. Extend your support by donating to trusted organizations, participating in local events, or simply offering a listening ear. Every gesture counts.
🌟 Taking Action Today, let's turn awareness into action. Schedule that check-up, remind a loved one to do the same, and make your health a priority. Our choices today shape a healthier tomorrow.
💕 In Unity, We Stand World Breast Cancer Research Day is a reminder that together, we're stronger. Let's stand united against breast cancer – not just today, but every day. Let's raise our voices, spread hope, and make a lasting impact.
Check out our recommended items here:
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pinkfeathergurl · 2 years
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Some things are ‘Not for Sale’, taking away someone for slavery/prostitution means taking away their dreams. It’s high time to protect yourself against human trafficking online. 🛑♀️
Traffickers have adapted to online platforms including social media, marketing sites, and matrimonial/dating webpages to recruit victim and attract them.
Make sure you set strict privacy settings and beware of strange friend request. Beware of fake advertisements and avoid sharing it among your social groups. Educate yourself from warning signs of trafficking and don’t forget to raise an alarm. 🛑
There are several ways to stop human trafficking, including: 👉Increasing law enforcement efforts to identify and prosecute traffickers. 👉Providing support and resources for victims of trafficking, such as shelter, counselling, and job training. 👉Educating the public about the warning signs of trafficking and how to report it. 👉Strengthening international cooperation to combat trafficking across borders. 👉Addressing the root causes of trafficking, such as poverty and lack of opportunities such as education, employment, and skills.
Working all together in a concerted way on a local and international platform with survivors on prevention, detection, and response efforts, we together can stop trafficking of women and girls around the world for good.
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fabiochampioraro · 2 years
The level of the comments under the bare performative post from the current group, stating they don’t want to use the nick “farfalle” anymore, is truly disgusting. Pure victims blaming, people telling them to stay strong “in face of injustice”, someone even commented “maccarani nel ❤️”. I really hope karma is gonna fuck then asap! #StandWithSurvivors
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weareemilydoe · 5 years
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We can't take your pain away, but even at your darkest we are here for you. Sometimes all we need is someone to sit with us through the darkness, and into the dawn.
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I don’t normally post about anything really serious here. I like to think of this tumblr and as a space to celebrate all skaters. However, let’s be real the skating world has loads of problems and as we have seen, turning a blind eye only makes the situation worse. To everyone talking about John Coughlin’s suicide and the allegations of sexual abuse, please read Mervin Tran’s genuine, nuanced, and heartfelt twitter posts. We can feel for the family members and grieve a suicide. But we cannot erase the experiences of victims and survivors. It’s a hard line to walk. No doubt. But we must walk it and talk about it honestly if we want any change.
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turquoiseandtangelo · 6 years
I think this song is very timely today. 
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gdcribbs · 5 years
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Join in, raise your voice, and speak out, in whatever way you feel comfortable for #AllSurvivorsDay Sunday November 3rd, 2019. On average, there are over 320,000 victims of sexual abuse in the U.S. every year. Survivors are everywhere! If you’re feeling alone or need support, we are here for you. Speak with someone in your area today SNAPNetwork.org/snap_locations. 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually assaulted before they turn 18. November 3 is #AllSurvivorsDay, a chance to stand in solidarity with the women and men who have been abused in homes, churches, military bases, sports teams. Help us bring awareness, healing and hope for survivors and learn more about #AllSurvivorsDay at www.allsurvivorsday.org #StandWithSurvivors #MeToo #MenToo #WeToo #ChurchToo #SurvivorStrong https://www.instagram.com/p/B4XyNX2gzN1/?igshid=wllpjhnwpit2
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eprecious · 5 years
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#Repost @projectconsent with @kimcy929_repost • • • • • • In an interview with David Letterman, Ellen DeGeneres opened up about being sexually assaulted by her step-father when she was a teenager. In the interview, Ellen emphasizes the difficulties that survivors face - especially at young ages - in standing up to their abusers, reporting an assault or even telling a family member. Time and time again survivors come forward and their stories are dismissed because they didn't report their assault at the time it occurred - perhaps due to the fact that they felt unsafe, did not have access to an outlet or resources that could assist them, or were experiencing severe post-traumatic stress that inhibited their ability to process and report their assault. Ellen shared her story in the hopes of encouraging other survivors to not suffer in silence, and to help establish an environment in which they will feel supported should they choose to come forward with their own stories. As we continue the conversation about sexual assault, we come closer to dismantling assault, abuse, and rape culture. Thank you, Ellen, for being apart of the conversation. The interview will be released in full this Friday. #EndRapeCulture #SexualAssaultAwareness #Consent #EllenDeGeneres #StandWithSurvivors #MeToo #TimesUp https://www.instagram.com/p/B0AfLEyg3eD/?igshid=19yzae8eruhkw
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feelingsdoctor · 5 years
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🎆”I believe you”🎆#standwithsurvivors #lelunastreetart (at New Orleans, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzooAAoltJx/?igshid=194xyyfjyhiwc
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thisisntfarmlife · 8 years
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My #letsbeclear gear arrived today! Check out their important hard work on #consent education and awareness at letsbeclear.us and pick up some swag to show that you #standwithsurvivors and know that #coercionisnotconsent.
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Jennifer's Story
TRIGGER WARNING: These stories may contain explicit descriptions of rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, relationship abuse, and other forms of personal violation that may be triggering for survivors of sexual violence.
Originally published on verahouse.org - read more here.
I was 18 years old, and he was 21. He was interested in me, and he was cute. What wasn’t to like? He was my boyfriend and I trusted him. We had been dating about a month when suddenly things turned sour. I never thought my life could come crashing down around me in just one night. But it did. He had been drinking heavily and he wanted to have sex, but I said “no”. I was a virgin at the time. I just wasn’t ready yet. He wouldn’t take “no” for an answer. He used force and violence to get what I wouldn’t willingly  give. He held a knife to my throat and raped me repeatedly throughout the night. (He even went as far as putting the knife inside me, and throwing me into a wall.) You don’t do that to someone you love. You don’t do that to anyone! In my head, I clung to thoughts of the people in my life who I loved and anything I could think of to keep me sane. I thought he was going to kill me. There were times when I wanted him to kill me. Questions flowed through my head: “What did I do to deserve this?”, “Why me?”, “How can I get away?”, “What is he going to do next?” The next morning he drove me back to school as if nothing had happened.
I was in shock. I didn’t know what to do. I vowed never to tell anyone about what had happened. I hid the pain and the bruises hoping no one would ask, but part of me wishing that someone would notice something was desperately wrong. I buried my feelings and the pain for a year. The first anniversary of the rape came and went with sudden feelings of depression. The memories came flooding back. I felt like the rug had been pulled out from underneath me. My world as I knew it shattered like a piece of glass. A month later I finally confided in a friend and cried for three hours. My secret was out. Now what? Help. I needed help in dealing with all the emotions. I put on the mask, pretending to be the “normal” Jen. I would be exhausted by the time night came and I was able to take the mask off. Eventually it became too much to handle. I needed outside help. I told two teachers who I felt could help me cope. I started therapy at school in January. I tried desperately to heal, but things just continued to get worse. I didn’t know how to control my feelings. I was upset, angry, hurt, anxious and sad. I had nightmares, couldn’t focus on my classes, and the things I enjoyed most were a now a burden. There was no end to the pain. I eventually told my mother about what had happened. It felt good to not be hiding it anymore. I wanted nothing but to be normal and happy again...
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weareemilydoe · 5 years
Food for thought
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November 2012
TRIGGER WARNING: These stories may contain explicit descriptions of rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, relationship abuse, and other forms of personal violation that may be triggering for survivors of sexual violence.
I went out with some people from my course for a Christmas thing, we went to the markets and drank mulled wine, hot chocolate with amaretto and warm cider. I was drunk too quickly but felt safe with the people I was with. At some point in the evening, someone suggested we go to a club that we always went to, an indie disco that played all my kind of music. Although I was wasted, I was happy to go along with everyone else, I just knew I didn’t want to drink anymore. But that was fine. I can dance without drinking. In the club I lost my friends really quickly, the place was packed, drunk, sweaty bodies everyone, jumping up and down to an anthemic indie track. I remember when he approached me, he was big, tall and well built - he carried himself with a certain aggression that I can still feel now. He asked if he could buy me a drink and I said ‘no’, I knew I’d had too much and I knew, already, that even if I hadn’t, I didn’t want a drink from him. I didn’t want to be obligated to talk to him, or give him my attention. I walked away, moving through the club to try to spot my friends on the dancefloor, I was tired, drunk and I knew I needed to get home. Soon, he was with me again, offering me a bottle of water, I’m not sure what happened next. The next thing I remember is I’m lying face down on a bed, in a room that I don’t recognise, there are smells I don’t recognise and he is on top of me. Inside me. I am repulsed and terrified, gripped by fear and an overwhelming urge to be sick.  I try to speak but I don’t think I can, I try to move, but I don’t think I can. He carries on, he tells me to stop moving and to be quiet. When he is finished, he asks me to give him oral. He grabs my head violent and pushes me down, I just do it because I’m scared and I hate myself for not resisting. Afterwards he brings me water and calls me a cab. A couple of weeks later, I get a text from an unknown number, asking if I ‘want to meet up for a repeat’. I’m sure it’s him. I don’t reply. I am so disgusted and repulsed by my behaviour, that I complied, that somehow he has my number - did I give it to him? Why did I give it to him? I got STD tests very soon after and was all clear, I’ve never told anyone. And I don’t think I ever will. I’m too embarrassed and ashamed of myself. 
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asurvivornotavictm · 6 years
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All survivors of rape, domestic violence & sexual assault are so strong and courageous... even if it can feel like you are not. I had taken a break from Instagram to deal with some issues surrounding my rape. Recently, and wonderful women inspired me to get back to posting. It’s crazy for me to believe that I educate, help and inspire people. That people who I don’t know contact me with questions, their stories, or seek advice. Everyone who seeks any type assistance in any form after going through this type of ordeal is so strong and brave. When it happened to me I even was hesitant about seeking out people who might be able to help. While I still seek help at various times to deal with what happened to me, I am so grateful and sometimes can’t even believe that at the same time, I am also helping people. When I started my blog, I told myself that I would be happy if I could just help one person. After two plus years, it amazes me that I have exceeded my hopes to a vast degree. To ALL survivors...I stand with you! 💕 . . . . . #sexualassault #asurvivornotavictim #rapesurvivor #rapevictim #rapevictimsupport #rapevictimrecovery #domesticviolence #isupportsurvivors #supportsurvivorsofsexualassault #supportsurvivorsofdomesticviolence #supportsurvivorsofsexualabuse #supportsurvivors #believesurvivors #ibelievesurvivors #standwithsurvivors #istandwithsurvivors #metoomovement #domesticabuse #timesup #timeisup #nomore #truth #domesticviolenceawareness #inspiration #ibelievehim #hope #courage #strength #support #inspiring https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp2-BtrHjLY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m8vnjyx9op4s
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girl-atrest · 7 years
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As a survivor myself, this cause is close to my heart. We as a society have such a long way to go to abolish rape culture and stand behind survivors. #sexualassaultawarenessmonth #abolishrapeculture #standwithsurvivors
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