#star trek au beard cut when?
walkman-cat · 9 months
hands up tell me abt Your star trek au right now!! on the double bro. what are the tensions it all looks too kind & magical i don’t trust it yet
(if it is literally kind & wonderful i am grateful i am thankful i am honored i’d just like to hear more)
i'm ngl my star trek au au is mostly running on vibes wbwbwb so it is pretty kind and happy and warm (i just really like how much everyone in the enterprise's crew has such a respect and care for each other yknow. found family and all that innit).
that being said, here are some funky things about the characters ive been thinking about lately (under a cut because i'm incapable of being concise):
the stars were essentially jack's santa fe. he grew up surrounded by stories of starship captains and space and it became his lifelong dream and ambition to captain a starship, something which he dropped everything to attain. now he is captain of a starship– one of the youngest in starfleet's history– and it's wonderful and fantastic and he's never felt more alive! but there's always something gnawing at the back of his mind (he's based his entire life up until this point around this moment, it was a driving force and a beacon to look up to when times were tough. what if the experience is nothing like his dreams and he ends up disappointed? what happens when the mission's over? what'll become of him?).
also starfleet's assigned him a galaxy-class starship with families onboard and he's having a Time because of it (what if they get hurt under his watch. what if he gives the wrong order and a child dies. starfleet officers know the risks of space travel and are aware of this but the families. the children). other than that he's having a great time !!
kath's half-betazoid on her mother's side, but she never knew her mother nor has she ever been to betazoid (i really went woe! being mixed and only connected to one of your cultures but still being unable to fit in even there because of the fact that you're mixed be upon ye!). she's trying real hard to learn more about betazoid and who her mother is even though she knows she won't really feel like she "belongs" in betazoid either. she's working on understanding and using her empathic/telepathic powers more.
oh also!! pulitzer is a notorious and not-well liked admiral, when kath joined the acedmy she officially had her name changed to plumber and has since told no-one that they're related (this surely won't backfire terribly on her in the future)
also because this is the spot (cat) show, kath loves spot (cat) and wants to babysit her and play with her but alas. she is allergic to cats
race cannot catch a break– he's got a massive losing streak at senior officer poker night, spot (cat) hates him, he can't grow a beard but every time theres an impostor/clone/mirror universe situation the other version of him always has a beard (this is half in jest but also it amuses me wbwb)
jokes aside, i've been having a whole bunch of race as first officer thoughts (and a lot of riker and race parallel thoughts but. that's another story). i don’t really know how to explain it other than the way riker acts in the last episode of tng season two (yes, the riker montage episode) when facing death (joking around and keeping up the appearance of flippancy and courage in the face of agonising death because he’s first officer and there are people who look up to him and he has to set an example) seemed very race and very kony to me, in a way. (youve got this to blame for riker beard race. im not sorry)
race is also one of the first people to advocate for les becoming acting ensign. he makes it very clear that he's in les' corner and makes himself responsible for his studies and sometimes his training (and he teaches him poker).
OH ALSO! sarah and davey didnt know les ws going to be onboard and only found out about his presence after they'd set off. did he sneak onboard?? mayyyybeee (he just really wants to be a starfleet officer). after the initial shock (and notifying their parents) sarah and davey start the Let Les on the Bridge campaign (letting him watch the bridge from the turbolift, helping out in sciences and engineering, etc etc) the that eventually leads to les becoming acting ensign. it reaches a point where most of jack's senior officers would probably mutiny all for this kid.
there's more stuff but i'll stop rambling now because, again, i have a problem with being concise wbwbw. thankyou soso much for the ask rizz once again i love your star trek au so much and am always eager to hear more wbwbw!!! :D
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candied-peach · 5 years
ao3: “still standing” rating: T warnings: supernatural au, blood, food, cheating implication (but no actual cheating), remus typical stuff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus, dukeceit genre: angst with a happy ending description: Sometimes the best present is each other. And perhaps a Milkbone? (written for @timelesstragedy as part of sanders sides secret santa 2019 ♡) (beta’ed by the amazing TheLittleTrashCat)
It's getting late, Dee frets, shoving his hands in his coat pockets and wandering down the sidewalk, eyes scanning the busy shops for any sign of his boyfriend. Snowflakes lazily spiral down from a slate grey sky, nestling in the soft wool of his yellow hat, knitted by his friend, Patton. It's a little clumsy, but Dee treasures it.
He also treasures the lack of sun right about now. The stories are, in the whole, wrong (he has no issue with garlic, for instance, and the profusion of selfies on his phone shoot down the pernicious idea that he can't see his own reflection), but the sun certainly doesn't do him any favors. He doesn't burst into flames or anything as dramatic as that, but it does weaken him. And a lack of energy does not bode well when it comes to dealing with his boyfriend.
Speaking of Remus, Christmas is fast approaching and Dee still has no idea what to get him. Nothing that springs to mind feels worthy of the greatest gift to ever stumble into Dee's life. He knows that a lot of people are put off by Remus. They find him abrasive, crude, and obnoxious. Gross, even, by his sense of humor and lack of personal boundaries. But Dee knows he's trying, he really is, and what's wrong with a little exuberance and curiosity? No one else in his life has ever dragged him out of bed at three in the morning to go pelt stray students with open packets of barbecue sauce (they almost got caught by campus police and Dee nearly forgot in his panic to run like a normal human would, not putting on a preternatural burst of speed).
His tongue absently swipes across one of his fangs (dismissed as an unusually sharp canine tooth) as he finally catches a glimpse of Remus, talking animatedly to a mall Santa who looks like he's just clocked out for the day. The mall Santa has a dazed look on his face under the fake white beard. A common occurrence for strangers meeting Remus for the first time, Dee thinks in amusement as he sidles their way.
"-and personally, I think frog spawn makes a great gift," Dee hears as he picks his way across a thin scrim of ice. Remus turns his head, catching sight of Dee, and his whole face lights up.
"Dee Dee!" He exclaims, abandoning the mall Santa without a second thought. "There you are!" As if he's not the one who ran off in the first place.
"Here I am," Dee agrees. The wind is cold suddenly, biting into his exposed skin and making the birthmark that covers one half of his face ache. He still doesn't know why it does that. Perhaps it is a side effect of his vampiric status? It certainly never did it before, or perhaps he never paid enough attention. "Are you ready to go?"
"For now," Remus says. "What next?"
"We're meeting up with Virgil, aren't we?" Dee asks, surprised by the cloud that sweeps briefly over Remus's face. "Is something the matter?"
"No," Remus denies. It's a lie, but Dee doesn't want to push it. Remus will tell him when he wants to tell him and until then, he'll clam up, stubborn as any old hard-headed mule.
Virgil waits for them at the smoothie shop- surprisingly still busy, despite the icy weather. He stands out amongst the festive shoppers, clad in purple and black like a gloomy storm cloud. Purple-dyed hair falls over one eye and black eyeshadow swoops beneath both eyes. He smiles when he sees Dee and Remus, standing up from the tiny table he'd ensconced himself.
"Hey," Virgil greets. "Did you get everything you wanted?"
"Not quite," Dee admits, rueful. "It's so hard to buy for this one." He nudges Remus playfully. "I want to buy him the moon and stars, but sadly, they aren't for sale."
"Ask Logan," Virgil jokes. Logan is the neighborhood librarian, and he is more obsessed with astronomy than any person Dee has ever met.
"Buy me a human skull," Remus suggests, his eyes glittering with suppressed laughter. "Ooh, better yet, Dee Dee, just get me a human skull! A fresh one!"
"I'd rather not end up in prison," Dee says, laughing. "But there's a macabre idea. I like it."
"Want a smoothie?" Virgil asks. Dee nods.
"Nah," Remus says, stuffing his hands in his pockets. His shopping bags dangle from his elbows. Virgil wanders up to the counter and Dee takes a seat, sighing as the weight is lifted from his feet.
"Are you still going out with Virgil later?" Remus asks abruptly. Dee nods.
"Present shopping," he lies. In reality, he and Virgil are fang buddies (although he's told Virge more than once never to utter that phrase again), and they need to go and feed.
"Oh," Remus says, his face clearing a little. "Okay."
"Here you go," Virgil says, arriving breathless, his cheeks flushed. He presses a berry smoothie into Dee's hands, sipping on his own mango one. Dee takes a happy sip, offering the straw to his boyfriend. Remus regards it for a moment, then takes a noisy slurp, his cheeks hollowing out.
"Leave some for me," Dee jokes. Remus's eyes sparkle as he swallows his mouthful of ice cold smoothie, before pain creases his forehead.
"Smoothie headache," he says, his voice creaky.
"Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth," Virgil advises. "I think it's supposed to help." Remus looks dubious, but does it anyway. Moments later, relief floods his face. Dee brushes a few strands of his unruly hair out of his face, fingers sliding through the grey streak in front. Remus won't admit if he's dyed it or if it's a stroke of luck that it's all centered in one or two locks of hair (although Dee's money is on Remus dyeing it).
They start the long trek home not long after, Virgil trailing after them. Dee is acutely aware of the other vampire's presence, even as he makes small talk with his boyfriend. He reaches over and snags some of the bags Remus is juggling, purely to grasp the chance to hold Remus's hand. Remus's slow growing smile is a reward in and of itself, and it makes precious warmth bloom in his chest.
"Love you," Dee murmurs, just loud enough for Remus to hear. Red stains Remus's cheeks, climbing up his neck, and Dee smiles in satisfaction.
"You little-" Remus cuts himself off abruptly.
Virgil's phone rings behind them, disturbing the moment.
"Sorry to interfere in your homosexual love affair, guys," Virgil says dryly. "But I gotta take this. It's Patton." He slows further, mumbling into the phone until Dee can't hear him very well.
Patton is a mutual friend who just so happens to be a werewolf. You would never know it, though, looking at his sunny exterior, Dee muses. Slightly chubby, spattered with freckles, and always smiling, he doesn't exactly fit the 'look.' Then again, Dee doesn't really look like a vampire, does he?
Now Virgil, he really looks the part, a brooding emo with purple-dyed hair and a perpetually black wardrobe. People used to jokingly call him a vampire in high school. They never knew how much it hurt him. Maybe it shouldn't have, Virgil told him one night, as they sat on the roof of the school and watched the moon come up. But it did, anyway.
I could hurt them, he remembers Virgil saying, sprawled out over the roof. I could really, really hurt them. Bet they wouldn't make fun of me then.
But you won't, Dee had said, with utter certainty.
No, Virgil had admitted. I won't.
Remus slides an arm around Dee's waist, pulling him free of his reverie.
"Do you have to go so soon?" He whines, licking Dee's ear. Dee scrunches his face.
"Don't do that," he says, laughing. "And I don't have to leave quite yet."
"Good," Remus says smugly, just as Virgil catches back up, stuffing his phone in his pocket.
"Patton wants to join our quest," Virgil says. "If that's okay with you, Dee." What looks like relief passes over Remus's face as Dee nods and he wonders why.
"Fine by me," he says. He knows what Virgil really means. Patton has found a willing blood donor this time.
"Here we are," Dee says, stopping by the walk up to their apartment. "See you in a little while, Virge."
"See you!" He says, giving a short flap of his fingers and continuing on, shoulders hunched.
"I'm going to find you the best Christmas present in the whole world," Dee tells his boyfriend, as they start up the stairs. Remus looks wistfully at him.
"I just need you, Dee Dee," he says. "You know that, right?"
Dee doesn't know what to say to that.
Remus watches his boyfriend continue up the steps, too low to even give his customary salacious wink and wiggle. It's a sign of how preoccupied Dee must be that he doesn't notice. He hopes that it's purely because of what Dee said, he's trying to come up with the perfect Christmas present (Remus himself has long since given up on the idea of perfection). But he can't help but fret there's a more sinister undertone, one that he desperately doesn't want to think about.
It's just your intrusive thoughts, he tries to convince himself, as Dee unlocks their front door and ushers him inside, shopping bags banging against his side. It must be just his intrusive thoughts. Dee wouldn't do something like that, would he? Not with their friend, Virgil.
But he's been friends with Virgil a lot longer than he's been boyfriends with Remus. And they're always hanging out. Dee never outright excludes him, but after a long life in his brother Roman's shadow, Remus knows when he's not wanted.
But Patton will be there, he argues with himself, taking his shopping to put up in the back of the closet, where Dee can't reach without a step stool. He's always been a little persnickety about his short stature, but Remus has to admit it has its uses right about now.
Unless Patton is in on it-
But no. Not even his intrusive thoughts can believe that. The same goes for Logan, the librarian who's so much fun to tease when he gets all prickly. He knows all the cool books about cephalopods, though, so Remus doesn't tease him too much. Besides, if he does, Roman will find out and he's taken great pains to distance himself from his brother.
It's not that he doesn't like Roman. He does. They're twins, after all. But Roman is-
Well, it feels like Roman is everything that Remus is not. Roman is good. Valiant. A prince. Human.
Remus winces as his own thoughts remind him of the monster he transforms into, every full moon. He keeps his human mind when he transforms, but somehow, that's almost worse.
Sometimes he wishes his brother shared it. Other times, he's relieved that Roman, at least, gets to be normal. He knows, of course. It would have been pretty hard growing up otherwise. But it's always been impressed into both twins that it's a family secret. Not even Dee knows, and Remus kind of hates himself for it. Dee isn't hiding some earth-shattering secret like being a werewolf-
No, instead you're just freaking out that he's cheating on you and you don't even have the balls to ask him straight up what's going on. He winces, returning to the living room, where Dee has sprawled out on the sofa, winter coat folded over the arm.
"You all right?" Dee asks, his brows crinkling in concern.
"Never better, Sir Hiss a Lot!" Remus chirps, lying through his teeth. "Just a little tired, that's all." He flops dramatically next to Dee on the couch, hand splayed over his eyes.
"Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him well," Dee says, deadpan. "Are you going to take a nap then? When I leave?"
"Yeah, probably," Remus says, letting his arm flop to one side. He turns his face aside, avoiding the truth.
He intends on napping. That much is true. But he also knows that curiosity is burning like a trash fire, deep in his belly, and he can't guarantee that he won't try his hand at a bit of espionage. He used to follow his brother around all the time when they were kids, and Roman never suspected a thing.
"Okay," Dee says, cuddling into his side and basking in his warmth. He feels cold and Remus yanks him closer, wrapping a warm arm around his boyfriend and breathing in the soft scent of Dee's shampoo.
There's nothing going on. He's sure of it, he thinks, relief sagging his shoulders. There is no way that Dee can cuddle him so lovingly and have something going on the side. He knows his boyfriend.
But he thinks maybe he'll follow Dee, anyway. Just for the practice.
"Sleep well, my little cephalopod," Dee murmurs, kissing Remus's forehead. His boyfriend whines, clutching at him, and for a moment, he's tempted to text Virgil and tell him that he can't come after all.
But no, it's been too long since he last fed, and it's hard enough to line up willing donors as it is. He feels like an ass when their only option is a blood bank (as funny as it is to think of a vampire stabbing their teeth into a bag of blood like a Capri Sun), but he refuses to feed from someone who's not willing.
Virgil's waiting outside, his hands shoved in the pockets of his hoodie.
"Remus is gonna take a nap," Dee greets him. "Do you think maybe I should tell him on Christmas?"
"If you want to," Virgil says, pushing his hair out of his eyes. "I don't think that he'd freak out."
"I don't think so, either," Dee says. He bites his lower lip in thought. "I just- What if he doesn't believe me? What if he does and wants to break up with me?"
"What if you're borrowing trouble when there is none?" Virgil counters. Dee laughs shakily.
"All right, good point," he acknowledges. "So, where's Patton and this mystery donor, anyway?"
"The library," Virgil says. "Patton reserved a conference room."
"Only Pat," Dee murmurs, with a laugh. "Afterwards, I still need to buy Remus a Christmas present." He sighs. "I hope Logan and Pat have some ideas, because I am clueless."
"Have you asked his brother?" Virgil asks. Dee looks at him in surprise.
"You know, I still haven't managed to meet him?" Dee says. "Remus always has an excuse."
"I've only met him a couple times when he's hung out with Pat," Virgil says. "But I think he and Remus don't get along very well."
"I wonder why," Dee muses.
"He and Remus are complete opposites," Virgil says. "I prefer Remus, to be honest." A fond smile touches Dee's lips.
"So do I," he says, a dreamy look entering heterochromatic eyes. Virgil snorts, elbowing him.
"Of course you do," he says.
"Dee! Virge!" Patton's exuberant voice spills out of the library doors before the rest of him. He beams at the two of them, hands clasped in front of him. He reminds Dee of a Christmas postcard, dressed in a pastel blue sweater, his familiar cat hoodie tied loosely over his shoulders. It has always amused Dee that a werewolf would be so enamoured with cats (although Patton's deathly allergic and Dee's had to tug him away more than once).
"Back here," Patton says, leading them into the warm confines of the library. Logan nods to them from the reference desk, adjusting his glasses as he bends over his computer. The library is closing soon, but that's all right. Logan and Patton have arranged everything. It's easier for them to do it. Virgil gets so anxious about the thought of arranging his own blood donor that he would rather die of thirst, and Dee's too self-conscious about his birthmark. He still does, of course, but he has to admit that it's easier when Patton volunteers. He likes to arrange for a special tray of Patton's favorite cookies to be sent over afterwards. Patton loves his cookies, especially chocolate chip ones.
"Are they here, Patton?" An unfamiliar voice asks from the dimness of the conference room.
"Yep!" Patton answers cheerily. It's easier when it's dark, Dee thinks as he sidles past the pun-loving werewolf. At least for the initial bite. He doesn't mind seeing afterward, but looking into someone's eyes right before you sink your fangs into them is a little, well-
Uncomfortable, to say the least.
"Don't take too much," Virgil cautions, but Dee already knows the generally unspoken rules. Their new blood donor sits at one of the tables, and Dee can barely see the pale expanse of his neck, bared to him.
"Er, maybe your arm would be better?" Dee suggests, hesitant. "Just so, you know, you don't have two holes in your neck..."
"Oh!" He sounds startled, but soon enough, a wrist is thrust in front of Dee's mouth. "That makes much more sense. I just assumed-"
"A lot of people do," Dee says, trying to hide his amusement. "This will only take a moment."
He sinks his fangs into the delicate skin of the stranger's wrist, just beginning to feed, when suddenly the overhead light flares on, and he looks into the shocked eyes of someone who could only be Remus's twin.
"Remus, I told you, they're busy in the-" He hears Logan's voice stutter to a stop as Dee jerks back from who could only be Roman, eyes wide.
"When I followed you, I thought I had to worry about Virgil, not my own brother," Remus says. He sounds utterly heartbroken, and Dee feels his heart crack that much more, hearing the utter desolation in Remus's voice.
"Remus, it isn't what you think," Virgil tries, but Dee could have told him it's the exact wrong thing to say.
"Really?" Remus snaps. Now he sounds very brittle. "My own boyfriend won't even face me. He's too busy facing my stupid twin." Dee's not facing him because he's too afraid blood is smeared all over his mouth, but how can he say that? As if his boyfriend will believe that he's a vampire now.
"That's what I thought," Remus says heavily. Dee stands there, listening to the plod of his boyfriend's boots, leaving the conference room, and his heart shatters.
"This has gone on long enough," Logan says after several long, tense moments. Dee's eyes burn with the force of his suppressed tears. "Dee, he deserves to know the truth."
"My brother's boyfriend is a vampire," Roman says, staring in wonder at the puncture marks on his wrist. "That's a new one."
"I'm sorry," Dee whispers. It's all his throat will let past.
"No need," Roman says. "Hey-" He thrusts his other wrist at Virgil. "You were gonna feed, too, weren't you?" Virgil jumps, his eyes darting around the room.
"Maybe later," he says. "I uh- this should probably get resolved."
"Agreed," Logan says crisply. "There is no reason to hide the truth of your vampire status from him any longer, Dee."
"But what if he-" Dee starts.
"I think he'll accept it," Roman promises. "I can't say why, but trust me. He will."
Dee heaves a ragged sigh.
"I hope you're right," he says.
A brisk knock on the door interrupts Remus's crying jag. He looks up from the pint of Ben & Jerry's he's dived into, eyes red rimmed and nose running.
"I'm not in the mood to hear it!" He yells at the door. "Why don't you go back to my brother?" Of all the scenes he thought he would walk into at the library, seeing Dee bent so lovingly over his own twin never even came close to the realm of possibility. It still hurts, burning deep inside like a tablespoon of sea salt packed into an open wound.
"Your brother is with us," Logan calls back, his voice measured. "Dee has the key, Remus. We are coming in, whether you like it or not."
"Fine," Remus growls, dropping the spoon into his ice cream and stalking over to the door, jerking it open. Sure enough, everyone is crowded in the hallway. Dee's eyes look just as swollen as his own must be, and Remus feels a vicious splinter of satisfaction at the sight.
"Please let us in," Patton requests, twisting the knotted together sleeves of his cat hoodie. Remus steps back, watching them shuffle past him. Dee won't even meet his eyes.
"What do you want?" He asks sharply.
"You misinterpreted what happened at the library," Logan says.
"I'm not cheating on you," Dee whispers. "I wouldn't- I couldn't, Remus, it would physically destroy me, I love you so much-"
"Then explain your little lovey dovey scene with my brother," Remus hisses. Dee winces.
"It's complicated," he mumbles. "I, um-"
"This will take forever," Logan says, with an exasperated huff of breath. "Dee's a vampire, Remus. So is Virgil. Roman was going to be their blood donor."
"And I'm a werewolf!" Patton pipes up, an uncertain smile spreading across his face.
"What?" Remus asks blankly.
"I'm a vampire," Dee says, glaring at Logan. "Logan's not wrong. Virgil and me- we are best friends, but a lot of the time, when we don't invite you, it's because we need blood, and I, um... I didn't know how you'd react."
"You thought I wouldn't accept you?" Remus asks. Hesitant, Dee shrugs.
"I don't know?" He says. "And that's- well, that's part of the problem, I didn't think you'd take it bad or want to break up or think I was crazy, but I didn't know-"
"Bluebirds on bagels, this is too funny," Remus says, leaning against the wall and wheezing a little. "Roman, you didn't tell them?"
"It's your secret, bro," Roman says. Dee looks at him in confusion.
"It's been a big family secret," Remus says. "And I've been so afraid to tell you, but I'm a werewolf."
"Like me!" Patton squeals, and suddenly, Remus has an armful of Patton, squeezing him round the middle.
"Like you," Remus agrees. He looks up, serious. "I'm sorry, Dee. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that. It wasn't fair- to anyone."
"I should have told you sooner," Dee says, his gaze downcast. "I'm sorry." Remus crosses the room, tugging Dee to him.
"I love you," Remus says, kissing Dee's temples. "So much."
"And I you," Dee murmurs. Remus barely registers the others filing out, shutting the door with a quiet click.
"I guess I'll have to find you a real Christmas present tomorrow," Dee mumbles, as Remus leads him to the sofa, curling up on it and pulling him to Remus's side.
"I told you," Remus says, peering into Dee's mismatched eyes. "The only Christmas present I need is you."
tag list: @k9cat @i-wanna-be-m-e @paravigilant-virgil @croftersgamer @airiervessel @bexxbeauty @did-he-just-hiss-at-me @yalltookmyurlideas @matthindavick @killjoy-3000
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peacefulwriter88 · 4 years
Epilogue: Reprieve the Punishments of Yesterday
Part of the Hades & Persephone Steve AU Series 
Steve Rogers x WoC, Bucky Barnes x WoC 
Tumblr media
Catch up on the series here
Warnings: SMUT, 18+ 
A/N: I know I said this was going to be in three parts buuuuuttttt I had to write this last part. It's the last (maybe) and brings some closure to this series. I also have never written the reader character as one single strand of thought - I always captured her from the eyes of Bucky, Steve or her mother so I thought it would be fun to finally show the reader unshackled by the filter of others
I enjoyed very much exploring my love or the Greek gods played out with these MCU characters and hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed creating them. 
I made Hades run to me. He saw my bones beneath and offered me half his kingdom. Do you really think I ate the fruit unwillingly?  - Anonymous 
Our apartment is quiet. It's Friday afternoon and while the city bustles with energy, another warm spring day that was fighting the former winters cold our home lies still. The buds for the variety of flora, spices and greenery that I’ve planted weeks earlier are already peeking out of their boxes among the windowsill, the air dances with dust in the sunlight and the faint smell of jasmine and hickory lingers in the air - my perfume braided with Steve’s cologne. 
I close the door quietly - perhaps Steve has had to leave on an unexpected mission; they’ve picked up more and I’m left a few hours to figure out how to share the news with him. The thought gives me relief as I hang up my jacket, place my bag and purse on the console table as I start to sift through the mail, briefly pause and drink in the fresh vase of peonies that he’s replenished on the dining room table. 
It was a lofty thought. 
Steve’s steps are heavy and silent but they betray him enough as he emerges from his studio, walks down the hallway with a smile on his face as he wipes his hands on a rustic red cloth. He’s covered in paint, overpowers his white shirt and worn jeans and  handsome features of his face, the strong biceps in his arms. Mentally I make a note that I need to take him shopping, that he’s somehow gone through yet another month's worth of clothes and wouldn’t think to go shopping without my urging. His face is clean of the beard I’ve learned to adore, fresh faced and revealing his sharp cheekbones, chiseled jaw that still steals my breath away. 
He smiles at me the same time I smile at him - how could one person still make me feel like I’m falling in love over and over again three years later - and before I can speak I’m in his arms, gravity an afterthought as my legs naturally wrap themselves around his waist. 
“Hello Ms. Benedetti.”
“Hello yourself Mr. Rogers.”
He leans in for the kiss before I can finish the words and I moan into his mouth, treasure the way his tongue lavishes my own, tighten my hold around his neck as he carries me into the kitchen, placing me on a counter. When he pulls away his breathing is hard and he’s giving me that sinister dark look that causes my stomach to drop, my panties to flush themselves in desire and he moans knowingly, mouth raking down my neck. 
“Steve, no. We can’t. Sam, Natasha and Bucky are coming over for dinner a few hours from now and we haven’t started anything at all.”
He pauses mid kisses - there’s something bothering him in the statement I’ve said - but he doesn’t reveal it. Instead he pulls away and smiles at me. 
“You’re right.” 
He still has that dangerous glint in his eyes, lust dancing in his irises and I take the opportunity to lean away from him to rest my head on a cabinet, tug on his shirt. 
“How was school?” 
He smiles, leans into my touch, keeps a nose distance from my face to his, 
“It was fine. I got an A on my last project. Got out of class early, went over some reports for some upcoming missions. Got some work in.” 
“Sounds like a very productive day. Congratulations on your A.” 
“Ummm hmmm,” he bends, nibbles on my ear, causes a giggle to erupt from my chest. “How was your day? How was rehearsal? And your mother when she found out that you’re going to tour in Italy this summer?” 
He says the last part lowly, his distaste to her reaction from the last world tour still bitter in his mouth. His hands find my legs, wrap them around his waist again as I breathe out, 
“It was good. A very good day. That pain in my hip has gone away, and the chiropractor thinks that I’m healing well from the surgery on my leg. My mother reacted...the way my mother reacts. But she did express her happiness that I was even considered. She sends her regards.” 
His mouth is busy on my neck, hands moving up my back and dragging me closer to him. It's a lost cause, we didn’t know boundaries to our love and I had rejected his advances this morning when I realized I had woken up late. He was insatiable, needy and I wiggle my hips in his embrace, whisper out, 
“You have an hour Rogers. One hour. Then I need to start on the pizzas I promised everyone.” 
He lifts me, causing me to laugh as he pulls back enough to look me in the eye. 
“One hour.” 
Love making with Steve evolves every time, is a mystery that appeals to my mood and I wonder how he knows what I need from him, what I savor. 
This afternoon he’s lazy in his touches, kisses me languidly and possessively, hands exploring each part of me like it was the first time again. He’s mindful of how I respond to his touch, takes pleasure in going down on me immediately, his tongue lapping at me hungrily until my need for him is admitted through my words. He takes pleasure in having me ride him until I orgasm not once or twice but until I’m exhausted, he wants me to be worn out as his hands find my hips and juts into me, ensuring that I can feel every inch of him. He watches me reverently, in that way that makes my heart stop and my lungs give away, reminds me that I was given the gift of love. 
He’s selfless, only comes upon my urging and when we lay in each other's arms sticky, fingers skating down my arm slowly as he presses another kiss to my forehead I know he knows. Don’t know how he would but something tells me he does. 
He confirms it in an innocent question, 
“How was your doctor's appointment?” 
I hum, watch the way the late afternoon sun falls on our photo hanging opposite on the wall - him and I on our one year anniversary in the coffee shop we met in. 
“It was good.” 
I try not to have my heart betray the anxious thoughts that have plagued me for four months, the question confirmed in two simple words. 
“Your health is good?” I nod and he hesitates, “....and the baby?” 
I lift my head up at him and he watches me, cool blue eyes that drink me in. His face doesn’t betray anything and I try to keep the same stoic look but know that I feared his answer. I still answer, 
He looks at me, smiles though his eyes start to betray the fear that also lives in me, 
“I didn’t think I could get you pregnant.”
“I didn’t think you could get me pregnant.” 
A pause, 
“I’ve never thought about being a father. I don’t know if I want to be.” 
“That's okay,” I don’t mean for the tear to fall down my face, “I don’t really know if I want to be a mother.”
He wipes it away, drags his lips across my own. 
“I don’t know if I want to be a father because I gave up on that future a long time ago. I……..I love you though. I want you to be happy.” 
“I want you to be happy.” I counter back and he pulls away. 
“So do we keep it?” 
“I don’t know.” I laugh, more tears falling down my face. I bite my lip, rest my chin on his chest. Keep my eyes on his. 
“I like knowing that I’m carrying your child.” 
He smiles, cups my cheek. He doesn’t deny the tears that start to fall down his eyes. 
“I like knowing you’re going to be the mother of my child.” 
I sigh, raise my eyebrows, 
“We’re going to keep it then, aren’t we?” 
He laughs, brushing a fresh tear from my cheek, 
“Yea. I feel like we are.” 
Bucky and Natasha are late. 
Sam, Steve and I pass the time playing charades and munching on the bruschetta I whip up while Steve and Sam sip on expensive wine that Tony has gifted Steve and I. Occasionally I check on the pizza cooking in the oven and salad already whipped up and it's halfway through Steve guessing Spock and my admonishment that Steve even knows what Star Trek is that there's a knock on the door. 
I answer it to find a disheveled Bucky in our doorway, black hat disguising his normally bright blue eyes, hands stuffed in his jeans as he gives a slight smile to me. It doesn’t reach his eyes.
“Hi Bucky, are you okay?” I move to let him in and he shrugs, his eyes avoiding Steve and Sams. 
“I’m fine.” 
I want to push more but know it won't serve anyone so I ask the next absurd question, 
“Where’s Natasha? Running behind more than usual?” I try to tease and he shakes his head, moves away from me towards the living room. 
“Not coming.”
He doesn’t stop at the couch, or even to snag a drink but instead moves to our balcony, shutting the door snug behind him. I close the door, turn to Sam and Steve who are giving knowing looks to the other, avoiding me. 
“Steven Grant Rogers,” Sam snickers as Steve flickers his eyes to me. “Explain. You too Samuel Thomas.” 
My voice is stern as I cross my arms. Sam looks at Steve, who gets up and walks toward me. 
“Don’t put your hands on me until you explain what's up with Bucky and Natasha.” I say as I put up my hand he sighs.
“They broke up.” 
“Why?” I ask Sam and he shrugs, 
“I actually have no idea. Natasha just told us that Bucky was a piece of shit and she never wanted to see him again. And she might cut off his dick in his sleep.” 
My eyes look to Steve who is watching me, a knowing glint in his eyes and I place my hands on his chest, lean up and kiss him, his hands automatically wrapping around me protectively.  
“What are you going to do?” he whispers lowly when I pull away slightly and I give a small smile. 
“Finally telling him the truth.” 
Bucky doesn’t look back at me when I slide the door open, step into the cool evening as I close it behind me. Sam and Steve have turned music on, are checking on the pizza and chatting lowly among themselves and I stand at Bucky’s side, nudge him softly. 
“Normally I’m the one trying to avoid all the commotion.” 
He smiles, slightly, looks over at me. Watches me in the heartfelt way he always does, eyes saying far more than his words. 
“You know, don’t you?” he finally asks. 
“I bullied your friends to tell me.”
He sighs, looks back into the horizon. 
“They know why?” 
“No,” I lean closer into him. “But I do.” 
His head snaps to me quickly as I look down at my fingers. 
“Natasha didn’t tell me.” I look back up at him and he watches me curiously. On guard. 
“Who then?” 
I’m silent as I look back at him, sigh as I return my eyes to the sunset.
“Bucky, do you remember the first time you met me?” 
He looks away from me, that shameful way he used to before we had gotten closer, when he’s trying to deny something in himself. 
“It was….two years ago. With Steve. At that cafe you both like.” 
It's a small mumble that I can barely pick up as I look out into the sunset. 
“No it wasn't. It was three and I wasn’t with Steve. I was standing in line and I let this couple step ahead of me. You looked at me and looked like a deer caught in headlights. I was listening to…….. I don’t remember aside from it was for a show, I think. I remember being hungry and thinking you were cute but my hunger won over your attractive looks.” 
His breath wavers, his metal arm tightens around the rail we’re both leaning on but he doesn’t look at me. 
“....what are you saying?” he finally asks and I shrug. 
“I’m saying Bucky I know why you and Natasha broke up. It has to do with me.” 
He looks over at me and I look back down at my fingers, picking at them. A terrible habit I couldn’t break from childhood.
“You never went to that cafe before that day. Neither did Steve. It was some strange coincidence that on that particular afternoon our paths crossed. And afterwards you were always there. Rain or snow or shine I could expect you and Steve in that same spot, Steve looking out the window aimlessly and you, staring into your cup of coffee until I walked in.” 
I laugh, looking up from my fingers into the busy street. 
“You really flattered me you know. This handsome guy checking me out every day. It was the first time any man had given me that much attention. I was waiting for you to ask me out but you never did.” 
I finally look over at him and nudge him and he scrunches his eyes together. 
“You noticed me?” 
“Yes. And then you disappeared one day. And Steve remained.” 
Bucky bites his lips, presses into the rail. It creaks and he pulls away slightly,
“You went to Steve first.”
“I did. But that was innocent. The cafe was packed and I wanted to read my book. It was the only spot open and I at least felt like…..I don’t know I could sit there and he wouldn’t bother me. Steve never paid me any mind, even when I walked by him. I liked that. He was Captain America but he never flaunted this celebrity, this power he has. It made me feel like I could read in peace and move on.” 
“But something changed.” his voice is laced in pain and I resist reaching out, grabbing his hands. 
“Yes. The second time I walked by Steve I was looking to sit at the table next to him. It was his art that grabbed my attention. It was the only reason why Steve asked me out. And...admittedly when I gave him a second glance he took my breath away. I liked being in his presence. I liked the safe, calming effect that came from being around him. The way he looked at me. I don’t think I could have fought it,” he turns away from me, eyes burning. “That’s the point Bucky. I know you….I know how you feel about me. I know you won’t let it go. Me go. Steve’s told me about when we first started dating. About you….following us.” 
Bucky whips his head toward me in fear. Ashamed. 
“Don't be upset. Its okay Bucky. He told me because he felt terrible about the way things played out. But you need to know that I love you, but not like that. I don’t think I ever will love you…..like that.” 
I place my hand carefully on his shoulder and he flinches, eyes tearing up. 
“Of course.” 
“Doesn’t mean your unworthy of it though, the kind of love Steve and I have for each other,” I whisper lowly. “Doesn’t mean you can’t give it. Natasha really loves you. You should…..well not now she might actually kill you but you should fix that. I know she’ll let you after a while. She’s told me how she feels about you. I think you really care about her too and you just let me get in the way.” 
He breaks, hands falling into sobs and I wrap my arms around him, draw him close. 
“What if I can’t. What if can’t get over you?” 
I sigh, rub his back. 
“Oh Bucky. I don’t know. Why condemn yourself to hell when you have a chance at heaven?” 
Tag List: @Sad-af1121, @whichwayisthebeach-Sebass, @theplumbclub79, @4theluvofall, @tatathekissypatato, @baezen​, @lostinthoughtsandfeelings-blog​, @plumbfondler, @pegasusdragontiger​, @prettybubblesintheair​, @docharleythegeekqueen, @brieannakeogh​, @palaiasaurus64​, @emotchalla​, @thejenniferincident​, @shayla-markele​, @supernovasandcoronas​,  @toastmaster94​, @brandybucky​, @papi-chulo-seb​, @jaamesbbarnes​, @paulxrudd, @badassbaker​, @letsalltakeanap​ @papi-chulo-bucky​, @moonbeambucky​, @jaceyfade​, @samingtonwilson​, @violentlybarnes, @wehaveathor, @buckfics​, @frostbitebakery​,  @killmongerdreams​, @plussizeappreciationfics​, @softlybarnes​, @prettyyoungtragedy​, @angryschnauzer​,  @221bshrlocked​,  @yslbucky​ @zohoffman @ssweet-empowerment@capsofwinchesters@tacohead13@harleycativy@pietrotheavenger@francezka10@papichulosebastian@obsessionsofmynerdheart@melaninmarvel@avengedqueen26@nasteaxluvgal@winterbuttmunch@nys30@buckyslongasshair@ohlumi@wellthirsted @jalapenobarnes @geminimoonbeamx  @ssweet-empowerment  @chrisevans-sexualfrustrations @xceafh @misskenni @younghades
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bennguinfest · 6 years
Spring 2019 Fan Fest Prompt List
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Hey fan-festers! 
We’re happy to say that we received 81 prompts this time around, and we spent the last few days distilling all those amazing and creative prompts down to a list of 63 prompts! (If you’re keeping count, that’s far more than last year’s 48!) 
As with last year, we had some repeat prompts and prompts that were similar enough that it made sense to condense them under one item. Additionally, most of the prompts we distilled down to a few words for the sake of having a concise list! Again, like last year’s fest, we’re providing the full text of the original prompts under the cut, in case you’re looking for more details to get started!
You’re free to create any kind of fanwork based on the below prompts! There’s no minimum word count and no rules on what to create, or even how many - if you want to combine prompts, that’s cool! If you’re called to make more than one thing, that’s awesome too! The only limit is that this fest runs from now until April 15th - so if you’re creating something, make sure you post it and tag it with #bennguinfanfest so we can share it to this tumblr! If you’re posting to AO3, the collection is now open for submissions as well, so make sure to include your work there so everyone can find it!
One final thing: even if you didn’t submit prompts, feel free to participate and join us on the discord! We’ve set up a discord server here: bennguinfest on discord to stay connected, inspire each other, and have fun! It’s a great group and really active, so don’t be shy!
That’s it! On to the prompt list!
Matchmaking dogs
Space AU
Birthday gifts
Coming out/being together in the NHL
Acting like a couple (but they’re not actually a couple)
Tyler as a WAG
Transported to a parallel universe
Abducted by aliens
Superhero/Superpowers AU
Amnesia from an injury
Soulmate AUs: Color-based, name-on-wrist
Thirst follow/Met online
Drag AU
Time loops
Alternate histories
Cop AU
Reality show AU (Survivor, the Bachelor, Married At First Sight)
Jamie Poppins/Single dad AU
Supernatural races (vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, etc.)
Omegaverse: Courting
Delivery boy/Uber driver AU
Tyler gets traded back to Boston
Breaking up & making up
Omegaverse: Bonding drama
Boring office desk job
Road trips
Protective Jamie defending Tyler
College/University AU
Tyler tries to be Jamie’s wingman
Lites’s comments affecting the boys
Taking care of a sick hockey player
Cuddle pile/team bed fic
Harry Potter AU
Fire alarm meet-cute
DnD/Hockey Mashup
De-aged after a fight
Bakery/Tattoo Artist AU
Friends with benefits - and then with feelings
Zombie AU
Homeless AU
Nerds are hot/competency kink
Omegaverse: scents
YouTube channel AU
Bridal shop meet-cute
Beard appreciation
Tornado warning
Figure skater mpreg
Self-conscious Jamie
Winning the cup and a kiss on the ice
Lifeguard AU
Haunted farm
Animal daemons
Surprise/sudden parenting
Jealousy from dating/flirting with someone else
Secret relationship and almost getting caught
Long-lost childhood friends
"Come here."
“Close the door.”
“I feel like I can’t breathe.”
“It’s three in the morning and you want me to do what?”
“You could’ve died.”
“I thought you were dead.
Full text of the prompts under the link! If you have any questions, feel free to send us an ask - and as always, happy creating! 
1. Matchmaking dogs: Tyler’s dogs want to get their human with a certain cow-eyed captain
“well this is really awkward considering the last time we saw each other, i was screaming at you to never talk to me again, but like, my dog recognized you all the way across the park and literally dragged me over here because she misses you so hi” AU
2. Space AU (ex. Star Trek, Firefly, or something else entirely)
3. It's Tyler's birthday and at first Jamie gives off the feeling that he's forgotten and this hurts Tyler but it turns out that that Jamie wakes Tyler up at midnight on his birthday with two tickets to an offseason trip
4. I want a fic that REALLY captures what it would be like if two NHL players were to come out in 2019. I'm talking teammate reactions, press reactions, social media, family, the whole shebang. I wanna see the real raw reactions and the struggle the guys would have to go through. I would also loooove if you could fit Jamie proposing to Tyler in there somewhere but it isn't a necessity.
Jamie has a hard time dealing with how public Tyler’s life is, with the insta stories and with random people filming him all the time. It feels like it’s only a matter of time before their relationship is exposed because of how much Tyler is in the public eye. Jamie doesn’t want to break up but it seems like that’s the only choice he has. He doesn’t want to do this so much that he calls a press conference and comes out of the closet.
Jamie and Tyler have been dating since 2014 and he’s tired of hiding it. So with Jamie’s consent he posts a cute photo of them being a couple and writes a heartfelt monologue about their story. And the whole hockey community blows up about it. And it’s kinda about how they deal with being and out couple and Tyler posting obnoxiously cute couple photos on his Instagram. Sorry this prompted is a mess I just want Tyler to be a troll and post cute cliche couple photos on Instagram of him and Jamie and the world loading their minds about it.
Jamie and Tyler come out to the team about them dating. Management wants to keep their relationship secret so they make Jamie fake date someone. And him and Tyler struggle with the stress that puts on them.
realistic consequences of being together with the team
5. Tyler and Jamie are super close but super oblivious to the fact that they act like a literal couple. Jamie has a gf and she hates the fact that it seems like Jamie cares more about Tyler than he does her.
6. Fluffy fic where Jamie still plays hockey, he meets tyler and they fall in love and tyler becomes an nhl wife/husband/boyfriend.
7. Parallel universes -- somehow Tyler (or Jamie) finds himself in an alternate universe where his life is radically different (for better or for worse) which makes him realize how much his relationship to Jamie (or Tyler) means.
waking up in the future/alternate reality fic
8. Jamie and Tyler are abducted by aliens and taken to a faraway planet where they are prisoners in a bizarro planet. Is it real or is it a nightmare though?
9. jamie and tyler are in danger and major trouble when their identities as superheroes are revealed and bad guys are after them.
powers/mutant AU (as in pick one, not all at the same time) One hides their ability from the other, and when the other finds out, its...not good
Superhero AU! Are they superhero partners? Is one of them a superhero and can't date the other because he has to keep him safe? Are they both trying to keep their secret identities secret from each other while simultaneously dating in both iterations? Up to you, or anything else!
10. Amnesia angst for the win - Jamie gets a particularly hard hit, wakes up and can remember everyone except for tyler (maybe not explicitly, say they can *remember* them, but not remember that they've been dating for eight months now) cue tyler avoiding jamie because its too hard him to be around him
11. soulmate au! people are born with blackmarks - on their hands, their faces, their skin in general - the black marks is the first place their soulmate would touch them. Jamie was born without a mark. Tyler was born with two pitch black palms. Years after tylers been traded to the stars, Jamie falls asleep, and tyler can't help but run his fingers through Jamie's hair, just once, and then he looks down at his hand and the tips of his fingers are colored, and so are the few strands of Jamie's black hair.
Soulmate au- either abo or name on wrist. No drama, just fluff!
12. Tyler thirst follows Jamie on insta. This can be hockey or non-hockey, but Jamie follows back and they start talking.
13. Rupaul’s Drag Race au. Tyler and Jamie are competing against each other but are constantly talking about how much they like each other/are attracted to each other in the confessional. They’re both single, so why not go for it? Alternatively, one is a queen and the other is a member of the pit crew.
14. groundhog day au (aka, tylers/jamies day keeps getting reset, again and again until they get together finally and wake up the next day)
15. alternate history, tyler is never traded to dallas, but they still somehow meet and fall in love anyway
16. cop AU, where in tyler the rookie transfers and get stuck with Jamie the sorta senior to show him the ropes. Jamie gets attached. And that’s...a problem, in their line of work. Or at least it is for him.
17. Survivor au- same or different tribe, as long as they’re the “showmance”
"The Bachelor" AU
Married at first sight au- either within the parameters of the actual show, or they literally get married the day they meet
18. Jamie!Poppins - tyler is a single father with a new baby and no clue of what he's going to do. enter Jamie Poppins!
19. Minotaur Jamie
The Dallas Stars are a pack of werewolves, and Tyler is the vampire that’s been traded to their team.
Shifter verse!! and ive got nothing else for this other than wanting to see tyler as a tiny lab puppy pls and thanks
20. Alpha Tyler and omega Jamie: “usually when I meet an omega I wanna bone, but with Jamie I wanna fucking hold his hand and feed him bonbons all day, what the fuck”
21. Jamie the delivery boy. Kay hear me out. Like he keeps delivering huge quantities of food to this particular house and it always seems like there should be more than one person. But there’s not. And Tyler orders. All. The. Time. Hopeful it’s jamie. But they’re both too dumb to ask each other out. Lots of pining
Uber driver! Jamie picks up Tyler from a one night stand
22. Tyler gets traded back to Boston AU - Everything hurts and nothing is okay. (except that at least one of them is retiring at the end of the season so it's actually more okay than they think) (also a future fic)
23. breakup and makeup but spanning over seasons - no cheese plots
24. Bond drama (abo) either they bond too quickly, like at the all star game or something and dont know ehat to do because theyre on different teams, or they really want to bond and its not happening as fast as they think it should
25. Boring office desk job
26. road trip to Montreal to visit Jordie
27. while out chilling at a bar celebrating a win, jamie and tyler are having a couple of drinks and when jamie gets up to go the bathroom, a drunk stranger and a couple of his friends decide to harass Tyler, upsetting him. A furiously protective Jamie intervenes and despite holding his own, Jamie is beaten up and him and tyler end up in a dumpster.
28. A University fic where Tyler is out and proud and gay and Jamie is still trying to figure out his sexuality but he's having a hard time. No homophobic Jamie tho please, just a guy trying to figure himself out. Would love if he would rely on his family throughout the fic for advice.
I’m always a sucker for college au, or masters/PhD students etc
'the cops showed up to a party we were at and chased everyone away. You and I happened to run in the opposite direction of all our friends and got lost in some dark and creepy street.’ - College AU
29. Tyler finds out Jamie is gay (outed/comes out/whatever you prefer) and embarks on a wild but good-intentioned quest to find Jamie his perfect man.
30. Tyler is hurt by Lites' comments more than one thinks and Jamie is worried when he sees Tyler crying in private.
31. sickfic? jamie taking care of tyler is- like just how pathetic is a sick hockey player?
32. team bed au omg someone pls
33. Harry Potter au but not as high school student, just something in the magical world
34. "3am and the fire alarm in our apartment building went off and you look cold here is my jacket"
35. Hockey AU but they’re all dnd races. I would love to see half-orc Jamie, and goliath Bishop, and tiefling Tyler. Please be as creative as you want with this!
Hockey AU where instead of going out, a core group of guys plays dnd in their hotel rooms while on the road. Tyler and Jamie’s characters are getting flirty in game, and it’s starting to translate outside of it as well.
36. Tyler and jamie fight - a *big* fight, and the next day Jamie suddenly got a deaged tyler on his hands and no idea how to fix it
37. Jamie owns a bakery and tylers the new tat artist next door plsplspls gimme that slow burn bullshit with this one
38. ty/jam used to have a whole friends w benefits thing that went oh-so-wrong because one (or both of them) caught feelings—as one does—and the fic is kind of that aftermath and trying to repair the broken relationship.
40. Homeless AU w/tyler
41. Tyler is smarter than he leads people to believe, and Jamie is into privately nerdy Tyler
42. Abo verse surrounding scents. Tyler smells like the most delicious thing Jamie has ever smelled, but he thinks he shouldn’t bond with a teammate
43. Youtube channel
44. Designer and single friend of client at a bridal shop AU
45. Beard appreciation
46. a tornado warning hits dallas and everybody is ordered to seek shelter. jamie follows tyler back to his house and hide in the basement with the dogs, frantic and terrified.
47. Tyler is a figure skater, Jamie still plays hockey. They meet and fall inlove but whoops tyler ends up pregnant. The world still isn't 100% accepting of LGBTQIA+ people and even less accepting of men getting pregnant. Tyler feels down at some point cause he has to put his career on hold. but it all ends up great in the end.
48. Jamie feels self-conscious about his ass after some chirping from opposing players and it's up to Tyler to comfort him
49. Wing!fic
50. They win the Stanley cup and kiss at centre ice
51. Jamie's a lifeguard. They meet after Tyler basically drowns himself. (It's not an excuse to have Jamie kiss him. Its *not*.)
52. Haunted farm au- Tyler is a witch that lives on a farm where extremely weird things happen. He ends up rescuing Jamie and Jamie pledges his services for one year in exchange for his life. During that year, they fall for each other hard, but there are outside forces in the farm trying to keep them apart.
53. Animal daemons
Goose daemons
54. Marshall, Cash and Gerry turn into human kids (temporarily or not), Bennguin handle being sudden parents
55. Tyler having a serious boyfriend for a while and Jamie is jealous because he wants to date Tyler but he’s not ready to come out. And he’s also upset because everyone is taking it so well and nothing has changed and he realizes he really missed out. But in the end they still get together.
56. secret relationship and how they almost get caught - many many times
57. Childhood pen pal / long distance childhood friends?
58. "Come here."
59. “Close the door.”
60. “I feel like I can’t breathe.”
61. “It’s three in the morning and you want me to do what?”
62. “You could’ve died.”
63. “I thought you were dead.”
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Diagnosis: Love
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*not my gif
Title: Diagnosis: Love
Fandom: Star Trek
Relationship: McKirk
Warnings: swearing, flirting, pissed of Georgian doctors
A/N: Happy (slightly belated) birthday Tia ( @captainsbabysitter-blog )!!! ♥
This was done for Tia’s Birthday Challenge! I signed up and claimed the prompts of McKirk and the College Professor!AU because I had this little beauty - that I had shared with @thevalesofanduin and @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets -floating around my head for months! This was just the perfect opportunity to write it :D
And, oh, this is also the idea that sparked the reader fics, At the Center of the Universe and High Energy ;)
Anyways, Tia, I hope you enjoy it :D
Enjoy!! ♥
Diagnosis: Love
Pressing down the edges of the bandage one last time, Leonard stepped back away from the examination table. “Alright,” he said, “That should be it. Just keep an eye on it and replace the bandage as needed. If it doesn't look any better come Friday, come back here so I can look at it again.”
The kid on the table, Pavel Chekov, nodded his head, the short blond curls bobbing with the movement. “Da, I know.”
Leonard did his best to smother the frown that wanted to form before giving him final instructions and sending him on his way. Once the door closed, leaving Leonard all alone in the small exam room, he collapsed into the lone, rickety chair and rubbed at his face with a sigh.
This was not the path he ever expected to be on.
He had had everything - a gorgeous wife, a dream job, and the perfect home.
Then everything had to go to shit.
Now look at him.
Freshly divorced and living in an okay apartment as he crushes the dreams teaches bright-eyed med students and plays campus doctor in his free time.
Okay, sure, Starfleet is technically one of the top schools in the world and teaching the kids has its moments, but the doctoring has been grating on him.
The panicked patients coming in for various sex related treatments and advice he expected.
Treating overly caffeinated and sleep deprived, stressed out students wasn’t a shock.
The repeated treatments he had to hand out to the engineering majors...that was a bit out of the blue.
His first month at Starfleet, Leonard thought nothing of it. Just treated the kids, gave them a warning to be more careful, and then sent them on their way. It was during his second month that he began to take notice of how many replied with “engineering” when he asked about their major. And it was barely into his third month that he noticed a name that tended to be brought up by these engineering majors - James Kirk.
Dr. James Kirk.
“You mean you’ve never heard of Kirk?”
Christine Chapel had given him an amused look when he had questioned her about the guy. Apparently, he was a pretty big deal at Starfleet, enough that Leonard should have already known this dude.  
Leonard pinched his nose.
Knock. Knock.
And Chris should have been thrilled that he had even thought to ask her! Nurses know everything and since she was the core instructor for the nursing majors of course Leonard thought that she would give him information about this irritable thorn in his side.
Knock. Knock.
“Dr. Kirk is a genius, Len, and one of the most popular professors! He’s only been here for two years and you would not believe the influx of students wanting to take Astrophysics that Starfleet got. Not to mention that his Robotics Club is one of the most popular clubs on campus.”
Of course she handed over the information he wanted, but not without teasing him from then on.
“Robotics Club?”
Knock! Knock!
That just explained everything.
“Hello - You okay, Doc?”
The sudden appearance of the low voice had Leonard jerking his head up. The action causing him to lock gazes with the most stunning pair of blue eyes he’d ever seen set in the face of an incredibly handsome man. A man whose head was not only currently popping through the small opening he’d made with the door, but also giving him a very quizzically amused look.
Leonard didn’t even realize he’d been shocked into silence until the man had questioned him once more. Flustered, Leonard shook his head and stood, motioning for the man to step inside the room and take a seat on the bed. As he did so, Leonard took a chance to take in and assess his new patient.
With black, vintage glasses set upon a delicate nose, the man’s face was framed with a bushy beard and hair in a burnished gold that just begged for someone to run their fingers it. Going lower, he noted a well tailored white shirt with its sleeves rolled up as the man cradled his right hand to his stomach, a dark blue suit jacket hung over one arm, black honest-to-god suspenders running down his torso and attaching to a pair of fitted dark blue pants that nicely accentuated the man’s pelvic area and thighs -
Leonard’s mind ground to a halt as the man tossed his jacket on the bed and hopped up to take a seat, cradling his hand once more.
Cradling his hand…
Injured hand…
Leonard was quick to pull his healing instincts to the front of his mind. “What happened?” He asked, grabbing gloves before stepping forward into the man’s space - between his spread legs - and his heart absolutely did not stutter when the man peered at him with those baby blues .
“I, uh, I was working and cut my hand,” he said, holding out his hand for Leonard to take. Which he did, taking great care to not think about knees on either side of his hips as the man’s warm breath ghosted across his face nor the faint scars and calluses that littered the hand as he examined it. Upon finding the cut, however, Leonard’s brows knitted together as he processed what he was seeing.
“This - This is what you came in for?” He looked up then, meeting those blue eyes that were completely free of shame.
And there damn well should have been shame in those eyes, because walking into a medical professional’s office and requesting medical treatment for a tiny fucking paper cut was one of the most shameful acts a person could possibly do.
Instead, the man just gave a casual roll of his shoulders and flashed a grin. “Well, I just wanted to make sure it was properly taken care of by a medical professional and all of my kids spoke rather highly of you.” By the end of his spiel, the expression he exhibited had shifted into one that had a knot twisting low in Leonard’s gut, sparking whispers of thoughts not welcome at the present moment.
“All it needs is to be cleaned and have a bandaid slapped on it.” Shifting and regaining his focus, Leonard squinted at the man as the gears in his mind went into overdrive over the latter part of the man’s sentence. “Who the hell are you?”
“Kirk,” he responded, plush lips tipping up into a smug smirk. “Doctor James Tiberius Kirk.”
Leonard straightened, eye twitching as he stared down the still overly pleased Kirk.
This man - this gorgeous, golden man that he’d been attempting to not ogle this entire time is the same man who, due to the repeated appearance of his students in Leonard’s office, has become the bane of his existence?
“You son of a bitch.” The words ripped their way out of Leonard’s mouth in a hiss, triggering Kirk’s brows to jerk up in surprise. Much to Leonard’s chagrin, though, Kirk did not lose his grin and that just set him off even more. “Are you out of your fucking mind?! You have spent the past five months allowing your kids to be so pathetically careless where they have to come to me to fix the injuries that they shouldn’t even fucking have and then you have the goddamn audacity to march in here with a fucking paper cut like this is all just a fucking fantastic joke?!”
By the end of his tirade, Leonard’s chest was heaving as he glared at Kirk, unaware that he had leaned in closer during the scolding.
Close enough that they were nearly nose to nose.
Close enough that when Kirk’s breathless word ghosted across his lips, Leonard found himself blinking in shock, listing and unsettled by the realization that he couldn’t tell which type of frustration was the cause of his thrumming, heated blood.
The slight bump of Kirk’s nose against his, the briefest tickle of his silver streaked beard, had Leonard swallowing. “Christine was right; you are incredibly hot when you’re frustrated.”
Another blink. A flex of his hands revealed that he was still holding Kirk’s hands in his. “Excuse me?” He said, voice coming out rougher than what he would have liked.
Kirk, on the other hand, appeared more than pleased by the sound, his eyes brightening and grin widening as his knees squeezed Leonard’s waist. “Sampson’s on Saturday night at seven. They have fantastic food.” His voice lowered. “And I make amazing pancakes,” he added with a wink.
And just like that, Leonard was left sputtering as a kiss was placed upon his nose and he was left alone as Kirk slipped away with a quick, “See you Saturday,” tossed over his shoulder.
Son of a bitch...what the hell just -
With a curse, Leonard snatched up the suit jacket and ripped open the door, holding the jacket aloft, yelling, “You left your damn jacket, infant!” Hearing no response, he dropped his hand with a huff, but a flicker of white had his irritation turning to curiosity.
And the scrawled out number on the slip of paper he picked up had him reevaluating his weekend plans as his lip twitched in amusement.
~ ;D ♥
Post A/N: So idk if I’ve mentioned this anywhere, but I imagine Jim for these fics to be the Astrophysics professor and the supervisor for the Robotics Club - well, okay I know I mentioned those bits of info but in regards to his own education I imagine him to have doctorates in astrophysics, engineering, and physics. Or a doctorate for at least one of those 
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