#star wars beach towel
deadsetobsessions · 8 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny AU- Pt.1
[Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6] [Pt.7] [Pt.8] [Pt.9] [Pt.10]
As someone who lived in the middle of nowhere, Amity, the ocean both terrified and enthralled Danny Fenton.
The first time his parents took him to the beach, it was the middle of the day and he’d been stuck in the prototype GAV for hours upon hours on their “quick, ghost rumor hunting field trip.”
It wasn’t quick, and they caught exactly zero ghosts. When Danny saw the expanse of sand underneath the summer sun, he and Jazz both bounded out of the van like feral little monkeys. Danny and Jazz sprinted down the sand, their parents ambling behind them with their arms loaded up with towels, a first aid kit, and an ungodly amount of mildly ecto contaminated food that they already fought before getting onto the beach.
Danny had splashed into the water, yelped at the freezing temperature, and then promptly found a shell to keep. His mom taught him how to swim with the waves, having come from Surf City herself, and his dad taught Jazz how to dive.
It was a day full of fond memories, especially the memory of the Great War of Sand-Castle Crushing he and Jazz waged against each other.
They stuck around for the sunset, the ripples of colors and peacefulness that swept across the vast waters caught Danny in its hold.
He hadn’t forgotten that moment. Not even when he died.
After a particularly hard day as Phantom, Danny would fly to the coast and loose hours just sitting on the sand and watching the waves lap against the shore. And when those nights were clear? It felt like a slice of his own personal heaven, with the stars shining on his shoulders and the encompassing crash of the waves sheltering his heart.
And on some days, when being Danny left him frustrated, Danny would fly out to the coast and use his intangibility to walk beneath the waves. Near the coast, it’s cloudy with swirls of moving sand and disturbed waters. He walked, and walked, and floated and floated beneath the waters, taking contentment from the way the moonlight of his stars filtered through the water. He admired the way light would glint on the scales of fish and crustaceans alike as he floated beneath the surface. On those days, Danny would pick up trash and polluted things and bring them to shore, to place in the trash cans and all of the recycling cans. He picked up shells and decorated the beaches he frequented, because if it were decorated, perhaps people would refrain from chucking their waste into the sea.
Well, usually, it’d be trash.
Danny watched speechlessly, jaw cracked open just a smidge, as an explosion happened right over his head. The distortion of the water did not hide the fact that there were large chunks of plane pelting down at him, a different figure flying away from the explosion. Danny went invisible and intangible as large metal pieces plunged into his current water space.
“Gosh, people these days,” he huffed. “This is gonna take forever to…”
Danny trailed off, seeing a humanoid shape crash into the water, clearly unconscious. Danny didn’t hesitate before shooting towards the drowning person, glowing green and fully visible again. The stranger’s eyes- holy shit, that’s Batman- turned towards him before closing behind cracked open lenses. Batman slumped falling unconscious. That’s not good.
Danny rocketed out of the water with the vigilante in his arms. If it weren’t for his supernatural strength, there’s no way lanky teenage Danny would have been able to carry Batman’s grown ass built like a tank self to the shore. Likewise, if it weren’t for his strength, Danny wouldn’t have been able to start chest compressions through the layers of armor.
Danny leaned back with a sigh as Batman coughed out only a bit of water, because Danny hadn’t taken all that long to get to him, and held up his hands in a “I don’t have weapons” way as Batman whirled to him.
“Hi. Are you alright?” Danny asked, ectoplasm and instinctive ghost speak fuzzing his words a bit. Damn, Batman must have nearly died a lot. He’ll freak out about meeting Batman later.
“You saved me,” an awkward pause. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. The other guy went that way.”
Danny waved vaguely.
“…What are you?”
“Oh my god, Batman, you can’t just ask someone what they are!” He immediately replied, inwardly smacking himself for the joke. He watched Batman’s face, watching for any sign of discrimination against ghosts, or any sign the man had a sense of humor.
Neither, apparently, was the answer.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m just here to clean up the beaches. You humans really like to pollute the beaches. It’s quite rude, you know. That plane of yours, well, it’s not your fault,” he amended. “But it’s gonna damage sea life. And I don’t know if you’re in the habit, but please don’t litter on the beach or in the water, especially with your unconscious body. It’s tedious to clean.”
“…I see.”
“Stay. I’ll take out your plane. Make sure it doesn’t stay on the sand, alright?”
With that, Danny stood. Unaware of the way the moonlight lit up his hair like white flames and accentuated the sharp points of his ears, Danny turned away and flew back to the plane site, dragging the pieces up with ease.
Batman sat on the sand, likely exhausted from his fight, and watched him carry the pieces of the aircraft up.
“Here. All done. I gotta get going,” because Danny has school and this just lost him two hours. “Will you be alright?”
Batman nodded once, sharply.
“Good.” Danny went invisible, watching Batman sat up straighter, glancing around in a suddenly visible awareness. Oh, well. Tucker’s gonna freak out.
Three years later, Danny’s moved to Gotham for university.
And after midterm season, Danny went for a ghostly walk, but this time, in the waters surrounding Gotham.
When he surfaced, Batman was crouching on a lamp post, waiting for him.
“Oh, it’s you,” Danny said. “Hello. Did you know that people are polluting these waters with bodies too?”
“Yes,” Batman said, graveled voice resounding on the shipping containers around them.
“You should do something about that. Do you like places that are polluted?”
Batman sighed. “What are you?”
Danny hears a small, tinny voice by Batman’s ear, coming from a comm.
“Oh my god, B, you can’t just ask someone what they are!”
Mind flashing back to the night Danny drug a waterlogged Batman out of the ocean, Danny cracked a smile.
“Phantom,” he said, decisively. And, because this isn’t Amity anymore, “the Beach Clean Up crew from the flip side.”
Bruce, waking up on the sand: wtf
Bruce, seeing a child next to him who probably saved him: wtf (in “adoption”)
Bruce, seeing Danny’s skin glitter like stars, hair aflame, and pointy ears: wtf (in “I can adopt fae folk, right?”)
Bruce, seeing that Danny doesn’t leave any footprints: wtffff (detective mind goes brrrr)
Bruce, after Danny leaves: *donates 20 mil towards beach clean up efforts and anti-pollution causes*
Bruce’s Goggle Search History, documented by Oracle:
Sea spirits
Sea vampires
How to parent supernatural kids
How to thank your sea child
Are shells a good gift?
Ocean conservation efforts
Sea spirits that glitters under moonlight
Sea spirits that cleans up beaches
Wayne corporation waste disposal
Companies that dump trash into the sea
*outgoing call to Lucius Fox*
What is “mean girls”
Bruce, learning “current pop culture” from his kids:
Bruce, remembering the kid who saved him and realizing he’s probably as old as his own kids are: *adoption tendencies intensifies*
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hiii, how r u?
Most People in the Star Wars world don’t think of clones as something special since they are, well, clones; including most clones, if not all, themselves.
So I thought about: What if the crush/lover (preferably fem! Reader but everything is ok!) of tbb (+maybe Rex and Cody?) gets a tattoo of their clone number/helmet or something with their name? Like Imagine the reader not even telling them that in the first place and then noticing it someday.
I feel like it’s such a cute idea, but you can change it up if you want (if you are even going to write something for this because you don’t have to!)
Have an amazing day and thank you for feeding us with clone fics!
Oh I love this idea! Very sweet! I think the boys will love it!
The Bad Batch / Rex / Cody x Fem!Reader HCs- Under My Skin
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Fluffy/ Suggestive/ Not necessarily 18+ throughout, but still Minors DNI
He takes his time undressing you, exploring your body. You're on cloud nine as he slowly peels one piece of clothing after another from your body, his lips leaving a soft, glowing trail on the bare skin he exposes.
Lolling under his touch, you swim in that feeling of absolute pleasure and comfort. You trust Hunter blindly, in every situation. Once again, he proves that this trust is justified during your tender meeting.
But suddenly he stops, his hands at your sides, his lips had just wandered down your naked back. His thumb strokes your right hip, gently, thoughtfully. You hear him let out a shaky breath.
"Cyare, how long have you had that tattoo?"
It comes back to you, you haven't had time for intimacy in weeks, you've almost forgotten about the tattoo.
"A few weeks," you say softly, "Do you like it?"
Hunter traces the letters of his name and his CT number in your tattoo.
"It's… surprising, but wonderful. I'm honored," he speaks softly, and you can hear in his undertone how taken he is.
You chuckle softly and let him admire the tattoo for a while longer. Finally, you turn back onto your back and look at him.
"I love you, you're special, I wanted something like an everlasting dedication. Then I thought of the tattoo"
Hunter smiles, you see the joy on his face and beam at him.
His face comes closer, his lips touch yours, entangling you in a heartfelt kiss. When you take a breath, his lips still touching yours, he says, "Now I want one with your name on it too".
"You want to imitate me?"
Hunter laughs softly, "Is that so bad?"
With a grin, you intertwine your fingers on the back of his neck.
"No, I'd like that"
You're at the beach, the weather is gorgeous, but the sun is also quite aggressive. The water is great, clear and beautifully blue, as you know it from vacation brochures.
Echo and you are sitting in the shade of some palm trees on a bath towel, you just rubbed him with sunscreen and Echo is just returning the favor. He's very tender, very conscientious. He knows you can put sunscreen on your arms and legs yourself, but he insists on doing it. Echo loves to put cream on your skin. Not only that, but he does it after every shower or bath with lotion, if he has time, and you let him.
Echo has only one hand, but he is three times more skilled than other men with both hands. He gently massages the cream evenly into your skin.
As he starts to pull your blouse off your shoulders, which you have on over your swimsuit, you bite your lower lip excitedly. You know he'll discover a surprise at any moment.
"Why are you wearing that blouse on the beach anyway? It's hot like-"
He interrupts himself, pauses in his movement, and finally removes the blouse entirely.
"Mesh'la," he says softly, almost in a whisper.
His fingers glide gently over your right shoulder blade, so gently that they barely touch your skin.
Echo says understandingly, "Oh, I see, you've been hiding this from me".
You say softly, a little nervously, "I wanted to wait for the right moment to show you."
You hear the smile in his voice as he says, "It's not only my name in this tattoo, but also my CT numbers, both of them. How do you even know the numbers? I don't think I told you."
With a little giggle, you say, "Tech helped me with the number, even with the tattoo."
"Tech did that?" asks Echo in surprise.
"Yeah, he hesitated and told me a lot of things about side effects of tattoos and from it being painful to 'you can't change your mind later'" you explain, laughing softly.
Echo laughs as well.
"Yeah, that sounds like Tech."
Echo kisses the tattoo gently and says dreamily, "That's a great honor, Mesh'la, and it looks fantastic on you."
"Do you think it's sexy?" you ask, chuckling.
Echo kisses the tattoo again, your shoulder, up your neck to your ear, wraps his arm around you from behind and hugs you to him. Touching your earlobe with his lips, he says suggestively, "Very sexy, my love."
You were cooking with Wrecker and of course he was fooling around again, and you spilled on your blouse. He follows you into your bedroom when you want to change it.
"Sorry, Mesh'la, I didn't mean to mess up your favorite blouse," he says meekly behind you.
You laugh softly and say, "It's okay, Wrecker, it can be washed out."
You hear him sigh in relief, glance briefly over your shoulder and smile at him. But as you look back into your closet, taking off your blouse, you can literally hear him holding his breath.
You want to turn around and ask what's going on, when you realize that you've just accidentally revealed the surprise you were saving for tonight. Your new tattoo.
"What's that?" he asks breathlessly, "Did you get a tattoo of my name and CT number?"
You laugh nervously and turn to face him.
"You like it?"
Wrecker comes closer, gently grabs your shoulders, and spins you around again. His fingers gently glide over the tattoo on your shoulder blade.
"Woah," he gives out in fascination, "What an honor!"
He turns you back toward him, takes your hand and places it on his chest.
"Can you feel this? Can you feel how excited my heart is beating right now?"
You laugh softly and beam at him. Sure enough, you feel his big, strong heart beating wildly in his chest. Your gentle giant looks at you with misty eyes, quite touched by your gesture.
"That's so wonderful! That you're immortalizing me on your body, I can hardly believe it!"
He hugs you and says softly, "I love you."
It's late, you've been working all day in the Marauder, and you've been late going to your apartment. Tech, who is spending the night with you tonight, follows you into the bathroom, you want to take a shower together before snuggling into bed. It's been a long, tiring day.
"I wish I wasn't so tired, then I could finally enjoy seeing you naked after a long time," you say with a grin as he starts to undress like you do.
He pushes the goggles up the bridge of his nose with his index finger and says with a little smile, "I hope you don't mind that I'm still going to enjoy the sight of your nakedness."
You laugh softly and kiss his chin.
"That doesn't bother me at all"
However, as you take off your shirt, he suddenly stares at your upper arm, very spellbound. Tech rubs over the lenses of his goggles to make sure he sees correctly. He comes closer and gently grabs your arm.
"Cyare," he says, surprised and intrigued, "Is that a real tattoo?"
You nod and bite your lower lip.
Tech blinks and says, "That's my name, and my CT number."
"It is"
His cheeks flush a little, and he beams at you.
"Mesh'la, I don't even know what to say. I'm all warm and fuzzy…. I'm honored to be immortalized on your beautiful body"
You beam at him and say dreamily, "I love it when you call me beautiful."
Tech laughs softly and says, "I do that every day, Mesh'la".
"I know, but I can't get enough of it"
Tech kisses your temple and says, "My beloved, beautiful, Cyare"
You two are sitting on the sofa, today is your day off. Your feet are in Crosshair's lap, his skillful hands massage your feet while you watch a movie. It's relaxed, and you enjoy his massage to the fullest.
As Crosshair looks down at your feet, however, he sees something peeking out from under your pant leg.
He frowns and asks, "What is that?"
Crosshair pushes the fabric aside and turns your leg a little to get a better look at what he has discovered.
"A tattoo," he says quietly.
You bite your lower lip nervously. Until now, you didn't know how to tell him or show him, that he discovers it now is rather unplanned.
Crosshair blinks, his fingers running over the tattoo above your ankle.
"That's my name, my CT number… and a crosshair."
He looks up in surprise. You can see that at first he doesn't know how to react. But finally he shows you a smirk.
Confident and teasing, he says, "You seem pretty taken with me, Kitten."
With a shy little chuckle, you ask, "That's a good thing, right?"
Crosshair leans over and kisses your neck up to your ear and whispers, "I really like that, you should show it around, so everyone knows you belong to me"
Nibbling on your earlobe, he gives you pleasant goosebumps. He is overjoyed and honored that you have immortalized him on your body, but of course he doesn't show his joy about it quite so openly. As always, he plays it down a bit. But by now you know him well enough to know how pleased he is.
You tease him, "You know, I chose the ankle specifically, so it wouldn't show right away, maybe there's a better option coming my way."
He growls softly, pinching your side gently but firmly, at which you start laughing.
"Don't be so cheeky" he murmurs and gently bites your neck, "We both know you're crazy about me".
You had a busy day and are a bit tense when you finally sit with Rex on the sofa in the evening. Of course, your attentive lover notices right away that you're a bit unrelaxed. Rex can always tell when something is up and as always he wants to counteract it immediately, caring and loving as he is.
"What's wrong? Rough day?" he asks gently, pulling you close so that you're sitting with your back to him.
His strong hands tenderly grasp your tense shoulders and deftly begin to massage the muscles. It doesn't take long before you feel like you're just pudding under his strong fingers.
"That feels great," you say with a relieved sigh.
You can hear Rex smile in his voice as he says, "I know what my Cyare needs."
But suddenly he stops, he pulls the collar of your shirt down a little, and you can hear him let out a soft surprised "Wow".
You say softly, "So you finally discovered it".
"Mesh'la," Rex says a little breathlessly, "I am more than honored, what a wonderful gesture"
His fingertips, trace the letters and numbers, gently and intrigued. His heart beats faster, he smiles delightedly, entranced by the fact that you feel so strongly about him to take this step.
His warm, soft lips touch your neck, the tattoo, tenderly. With his lips still touching your skin, he murmurs, "My love."
You knew from the start that Cody would quickly discover your tattoo, because it's on a part of your body he regularly kisses tenderly to show his affection, your wrist.
As expected, when you finally see each other again after a little over a week, he grabs your hand, kisses the back of your hand, trailing up to your wrist. For a moment you think he has missed it, but he suddenly stops, still holding your hand in front of his lips.
You see him blink, he seems thoughtful, surprised, a bit like he's not sure what he's looking at. Cody looks up into your face, his expression softening, his voice soft as he asks, "Mesh'la, am I seeing a tattoo?"
You smile, almost a little shyly, feeling your cheeks grow hot, you literally melt under his curious, gentle yet penetrating gaze.
"You see it right"
Cody smirks, his eyes once again falling on the tattoo, he kisses it gently and sighs in devotion.
"It looks great on you. The fact that you're immortalizing me on your body makes my heart sing".
You beam at him, pleased and relieved that he likes the gesture, the tattoo.
"So you like it?"
Cody laughs softly and nods.
"Very much so" he says softly, tenderly stroking your cheek before his lips touch yours.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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ghostedeabha · 1 year
hello! i read your family fic and absolutely loved it with all my heart<3333 i was wondering if you could write more about the riley family :33
maybe they’re celebrating someone in the family’s birthday! your pick on who it is :D
but i would love to see what you do with this<3333
you ask for birthday and i raise you:
soldier returning home for his children's birthday🥰
i hope you enjoy !! <3
simon "ghost" riley x mom!reader/children!ocs
word count: 1433
warnings: pure pure fluff, tears of joy, so so so so much crying from reader and the 17 year old son (bc men are allowed to be vulnerable too <3)
a/n: simon returing from a mission early for the twins' fourth birthday?? i think yes :) idk why but this is immediately what came to mind when i read this request. this fic takes place just before the riley family vacation to soap's beach house <3 in my mind it's like early july
a/n 2.0: also we officially have names for the riley kids. bug, matthew, lyla and luka <3
"mandy it's not his fault he can't be here, he's literally in a another country fighting a war right now. i'm sure he's just as heartbroken about it as the rest of us." you sighed to your sister in law.
it was the twins' fourth birthday, you and your sister's wife mandy, were in the kitchen prepping the food for their birthday party in 20 minutes.
"i don't know, i just think he should've asked for the time off. he knows when his kids' birthdays are." the blonde said as she cut up some strawberries.
"he can't just request time off in his job. his job isn't like a 9-5 mandy."
you were starting to get frustrated with the conversation so you just decided to change the topic and turn the attention towards the stars of the day, the twins.
"anyhow, the twins are going to wake up from their nap any minute now so i'm gonna go upstairs and shower really quick before i lose the opportunity."
"alright, i'll start bringing the food and games outside."
"okay, bug and matthew should be out there setting up the tables and decorations so ask them for help if you need it. when is erin coming back again?"
"she said she'd be back just after the party started, she needs to go pick up the rest of lyla and luka's gifts."
"gifts? plural? mandy, you two already brought like four seperate bags of gifts! they're four they don't need this much." you replied with a laugh, disbelief overtaking you as mandy reveals her and your sister were absolutely spoiling your children.
"they deserve it! plus, i promise, you'll like this last part she's getting too. now go! go! get your shower."
"god, you two are insufferable." you mutter, mostly to yourself, with a slight laugh as you walk up the stairs to get to your room and take a quick shower.
almost immediately after you step out of the shower and wrap a towel around yourself, the cries of one of the twins rang through the house, their cries triggering the cries from their twin. you let out a soft sigh and dried yourself off as quickly as possible and slipped on your bathrobe, making your way to the twins' room.
"awake from your nap my darlings?" you say softly as you enter their room and approach their separate cribs.
lifting luka from his crib first, you hold him out for a moment and then bring him close, pressed to your chest.
"happy birthday, my sweet pumpkin." you say softly, rocking the crying infant whose cries die down slowly now that he is in the arms of someone safe and loving.
you walk over to lyla's crib, adjusting luka in your arms to carry him in just one so you can reach in a hand to lyla to let her know you're there.
her cries begin to cease as she grabs at your hand.
"hi there baby, did you nap well angel? happy birthday~" you coo at her.
lyla nods as she grabs at your fingers.
"i'm gonna put your brother in here with you for a moment so i can go get your outfits." you tell her with a smile as you set luka in the crib with lyla.
you turn to their dresser and pick out their outfits for the party, you suppose you'll just have to get dressed in a few minutes.
it was a bit of a struggle to get the outfits on thr twins, both having woken from their naps with a lot of energy meanth they were wiggling around as you were trying to change them and that only prolonged the task.
eventually though, you were successful and placed the two down onto the floor and smiled at them. "goodness, look at how cute you two are... gotta take a picture for daddy, yeah? look at mummy, smile!"
you take your phone out from the pocket if your bathrobe and snap a picture of lyla and luka, adorable smiles on their faces.
a small twinge of sadness pokes at you as you take the picture, sad that simon will only get to see them on their birthday through a picture. celebrating his babies' birthday alone on base.
nonetheless you shake off your negative thoughts and pocket your phone once more, picking the twins up and carrying them both back to your room so you could keep an eye on them as you tried your best to get ready in time for the party
you were now 40 minutes into the party, games being played, the bunch of kids in your backyard ran around and laughed happily. you scanned the area, taking note of where all your own children are.
bug was playing in the dirt with lyla, probably looking for critters, something they bonded over frequently.
matthew was playing tag with luka and some of the other little kids, letting them tag him as they played.
"erin should be back in about five or so minutes." mandy says from behind you, causing you to jump a little at the suddenness.
"jeez! oh, okay.." you reply, putting a hand over your heart to calm yourself as you laughed a little from nerves.
"we should probably start opening presents, yeah?" mandy suggests, motioning to the overflowing presents table.
you couldn't say you didn't spoil your kids, that's for sure.
"yeah, you're right." you nod and begin to call out to the guests and your family.
"guys! it's time for presents and cake!"
"present!" you hear luka scream excitedly, beginning to try and run over to you.
you laugh at his cuteness and sit down, letting everyone gather around, situating the twins on your lap while they open their presents.
you were almost to the end of all the presents when you heard the patio door slid open and closed, erin walking through with a few bags in her hands.
"so sorry i'm late! but i have lots of presents!" she calls, waking over to you and the twins as she holds up the bags.
"here, here, take them." she says, pushing them all onto the table.
"thanks erin, you really didn't have to get this much." you reply with a laugh, letting both of the twins reach out to try and grab the bags, you make sure they grab their own bags, watching as they opened them excitedly.
"okay, erin and i have one more present, but it's for all five of you. gimme just a minute, i'll be right back with it, it's a big gift." mandy says as the twins finish opening their presents.
this makes you look at erin and mandy, a confused and almost worried look on your face. you knew your sister and her wife pretty well and there's so many ways this could go.
mandy runs into the house as everyone at the party waits in anticipation for whatever the hell mandy could've brought.
when mandy returns, her gift is the very last thing you expect.
simon walks through the back door with her, a smile on his unmasked face.
"daddy!" lyla squeals loudly, wiggling from your lap to run over to simon, hugging his leg as she cried from her overwhelming happiness.
"dad?!" you hear matthew and bug yell in shock, both of their voices cracking.
matthew full on runs into simon's arms, hugging his father as tight as he possible could as he also cried, overwhelmed by shock and happiness. he sobbed hard into simon's shoulder as simon chuckled and rubbed his back. "missed you too bud."
"oh my god.. simon?" you say softly, getting up from your seat as you keep luka in your shaking arms.
"c'mere, love." simon responds, motioning in a come hither motion to you.
like you were on autopilot, your feet carried you and luka over to simon, joining in on the family hug. bug was the last to join, wrapping their arms tightly around simon from behind.
"i missed you all so much..." simon says softly, quiet enough for just your sweet little family to hear.
"we missed you too dad." matthew says between sniffles, his emotions still getting the best of him.
"and happy birthday to my two little rascals, you're... three now right?" simon says, teasing the twins.
"no! daddy silly! we dis many." lyla says with a giggle, holding up four fingers in her father's face.
"ah yes, my mistake princess." he chuckles and gives her little head a kiss.
this was definitely the best birthday party you could've ever had for the twins.
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Romulan Summer
Pairing: Chairman Koval x fem! Reader Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Words: 1.7K Summary: Koval knew that Humans we're fragile, however he was not aware of the extent to it. A/N: I recently fell in love with Romulans. It is summer. Et voilà. I know he's not that known or liked, but I like him.
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Koval looked at his wife with a raised eyebrow. She had her hands folded as if in prayer and looked at him from begging eyes.
"Please." Koval massaged the bridge of his nose. "E'lev. Do you think it's a good idea to do this? Can you even remotely imagine the risks involved?"
"It's a trip to the beach. Not to a war zone."
"And you're the wife of the chairman of the Tal Shiar. Even a walk in the park comes with risks."
Sighing, she looked to the side. "Of course. I forgot, forgive me. It's just-" Her gaze out the window seemed almost wistful. "It's summer, it's hot, and I used to just lie on the beach or swim or do something with my friends or family for weeks at a time sometimes. It's been years since I've been able to do it, which is why it sounds a bit ridiculous now, but it almost feels like... like homesickness. Which is silly because my home is here, right?"
She smiled at him, however Koval could see that her smile did not reach her eyes.
"You know what. Just forget I asked." She stepped towards him and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. "Excuse me, darling, please. Cetax let me know earlier that he wanted to try his hand at human cooking today. Again. I may not be a master chef, however, unlike him, I know you don't make spaghetti in the oven." She laughed lightly and then left the room with a light step and scurried down the corridor.
Koval gazed sadly after her and a heaviness spread in his chest that almost took his breath away. Guilt.
She had given up everything to be able to live a life by his side. She had left her home, was hardly able to see her family or friends, and with him as her husband she was exposed to constant danger, which often robbed her of even the last bit of freedom.
In all that time, she had never complained, had accepted every disappointment with a smile, and all that because she loved him.
Koval closed his eyes. What was a little trip to the beach? He was one of the most influential and important people in the Empire. Such a thing really shouldn't be a matter of concern to him.
He owed it to her.
Concerned, Koval paced up and down the corridor, a certain anger at Doctor Onduk.
This was ridiculous, absurd. He was the chairman of the Tal Shiar! He should not be ordered around in his own house!
Instantly, however, his anger fizzled into nothingness and he wiped his face. It had been his own fault that he had been thrown out. Koval should have done nothing but sit still instead of pacing like an animal in a zoo, but he had not been able to pull himself together.
After all, it was his wife who was lying there in their marriage bed, pale and weak, and who had fainted in his arms not even an hour ago.
It was his right to be nervous and upset.
Apparently, however, it had distracted or annoyed Doctor Oduk too much, because he had unceremoniously thrown the chairman out of his own bedroom.
Koval leaned back on the spread towel and watched with a gentle smile as his wife splashed in the waves, squealing with delight. It was an unusual sight, as she was usually quieter and more dignified, but he feasted on the view.
As expected, he had not found it particularly difficult to have a part of a beach near her house cleared for the afternoon. This order might have seemed strange to others, but he didn't care what others thought about him.
What he did care about was the enthusiastic expression on his wife's face as she dug her feet into the sand for the first time in a long time.
In the last four hours she had frolicked as much as Koval had ever seen her do. Although she had mostly been busy swimming in the sea, an activity he was not particularly fond of, she had also returned to him under the sunshade for a short time.
As a Romulan, which, as much as he would like to forget it, he was related to the Vulcans and accordingly highly resistant to the sun, however, he had learned a long time ago that most humans should not stay in the sun for too long, especially in summer, as this could lead to unpleasant consequences.
Cetax had given them drinks and food, Koval had made sure his wife had some regularly, and she had enjoyed aiming grapes at his mouth.
With her aim, she would not even be able to become a cleaner in the Romulan Senate, but Koval had simply let her do it and enjoyed the joyful glint in her eyes.
As Koval emerged from his reverie and looked over at her, a worry furrow began to form on his brow.
His wife came walking towards him, though her walk lacked the vigour of the previous hours and in general she looked more tired.
Koval brushed his worry aside and stood up.
She was probably just exhausted, nothing more. After all, she had hardly rested today.
"Tired out, e'lev?" His words were teasing, yet his tone was gentle as he placed his hands on her arms.
"I'm a little woozy," she mumbled and Koval's worry crease returned at the slurred tone.
"E'lev?" His voice sounded concerned, even to his own ears, yet he could say no more as in that moment her legs gave way beneath her and her eyes twisted before she fell, caught by his arms.
The door opened and instantly Koval's gaze shot up.
Doctor Onduk stepped out and towards him.
"Well?" Koval made an effort to remain calm, though he had to admit, ashamedly, that he did not manage to hide his emotions as well as a Tal Shiar member should.
"She is fine so far. She did suffer a heat stroke, though."
Koval frowned. "A heat stroke?"
" Heat stroke is an occurrence among humanoid species, humans most especially, in which the person is exposed to too much sun and heat, especially in humid environments. Normally, as the body temperature rises, the human body regulates the cooling of the body with sweat.
However, when the humidity is too high, the sweat does not evaporate and makes it much more difficult for the body to cool down.
The rising body temperature can damage the central nervous system in particular, which can then lead to fainting, as we have seen."
Koval swallowed. "Symptoms?"
"Mostly weakness, nausea, headache, thirst and coordination problems. Heatstroke can be quite dangerous once it is not treated immediately by a doctor."
He gave Koval a sharp look. "Your wife is still not perfectly adapted to the Romulan climate and is often unable to assess her abilities and resistance. Take better care of her next time."
Koval's jaw worked sullenly in the face of the Doctor's rebuke, however, he nodded.
"What can I do?"
"Fortunately, because of today's medicine, she doesn't need to go to hospital. However, I have left some medicines which she must take three times a day, morning, noon and evening, one hundred milligrams each. In addition, make sure she doesn't move around too much, it's best to keep her lying down, her legs raised and to drink plenty of fluids. I will check on her again the day after tomorrow."
Koval nodded stiffly. "Khnai'ru rhissiuy Ihhai."
Onduk bowed his head slightly. "Dhaemnasi."
As soon as the doctor had left the house, Koval quietly opened the door and entered their shared bedroom, where the lights had been dimmed. His heart grew a little heavier at the sight.
His wife lay in their bed, a little more central than usual, her feet propped up on pillows and still looking pale, though not as much as before.
For a moment he thought she was asleep, but he quickly noticed that her eyes were half open and looking at him sleepily.
With brisk strides he was at her side, kneeling beside their bed and gingerly taking her hand in his, pressing a gentle kiss to its back.
"E'lev. How are you feeling?"
"Better." Her voice was still a little slurred, however he sensed that she was already feeling much better. She tugged lightly on his hand and after a moment's hesitation he complied with her request and settled down on the bed beside her, where she sleepily leaned her head against his shoulder.
"You scared me to death," he whispered in her ear and pressed another kiss to the back of her hand. "I knew humans were weaker than Romulans, however I was not aware of exactly how fragile you could be."
"Hey," she protested faintly and Koval thought he saw a smile on her lips. "We are not that weak. We can be very tough too."
Despite the circumstances, he chuckled slightly and kissed her forehead gently. "I know, e'lev. I know."
Gingerly, he took her hands in his and looked into her eyes, which made him twist his head a little. "Promise me you'll take better care of yourself next time. I'm an old man. I can only take so many heart attacks." His teasing brought the familiar sparkle he loved back into her eyes.
"Next time? We're going to go again?"
Koval frowned. "Don't you want to?"
"Yes, I do!" She tried to sit up, however Koval pushed her back into the pillow with low murmurs of reassurance. "However, I thought that after today-"
She didn't finish her sentence, but she didn't have to.
Gently, Koval put his hand under her chin and lifted it.
"E'lev. I admit that today did not go as I had hoped. However, I saw how much you enjoyed yourself." He stroked her cheek. "I have rarely seen you so happy. However, I certainly plan to do it more often." The smile on her face was all the reassurance he needed to know his decision had been the right one.
A yawn escaped his wife and gently he kissed her forehead one last time. "Sleep, e'lev. You need to rest."
She snuggled a little closer to him.
"Of course."
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roosterscockpit · 2 years
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x reader p. 7
click here to see the master list
It is here my lovesss! The second post for this double post day! I really hope you all are enjoying the fic so far! Once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love and support! I love you all 💕 Happy reading!
A/n: Get your sun hats and sunglasses ready bestiessss! We are going to the beach 😎 Things are about to heat up 😉☀️🌴 Enjoy! 🍹
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Cursing, description of hot naked torsos of men (If there are any that I missed please let me know!)
y/n/n: your nick name
Please don't take my work, I will find you.
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Today was the day you and Bri were going to bring Leia to the beach to hang out with Penny. You dressed Leia in a cute bathing suit, lathered her in sunblock and finished with a cute bucket hat. You put one of your sweaters on her so she could wear it in the mean time. You put on a black one piece that had cute cut outs to show a little skin. Then you added an oversized sun hat and a black sheer long skirt. You and Bri loaded the car with stuff for Leia to play with and a cooler filled with drinks and food. You drove to the beach and parked in the parking lot of the Hard Deck where Penny was waiting for you. 
You got out of the car and greeted one another. Penny got Leia out of the car and carried her over to the sand while skipping. Leia was giggling as she bounced up and down with every skip Penny did. “Are you ready for some sand, sweetie?” Penny put her down.
Leia’s feet hit the warm sand and she did a little jump. “It’s a little warm.” She hopped around getting used to the sand. “Penny can you take off my sweater! I wanna make a sand angel.” She lifted her arms up.
Penny lifted the oversized jacket over Leia’s head. Leia laid in the sand and started to move her arms and legs to make an angel. She got up and pointed to her masterpiece. “Look!” Penny bent down and drew a little smiley face on the angel’s head. 
Penny: “Okay, let’s dust you off before mom comes and sees you’re already covered in sand.” She laughed and patted Leia down. “Can you help me set up some towels, sweetie?” She handed Leia a Star Wars towel she brought for her and Leia squealed. 
She hugged the towel and threw it in the air, “Thank you!!! I love it!!” She laid it down and Penny sat with her on the towel. 
Penny adjusted Leia’s little bucket hat and pulled a plastic bucket with some little shovels from her beach bag. “Do you want to build a super cool sand castle with me, Leia?” She said while holding the shovels by her face. Leia smiled and nodded her head. Penny gave her a shovel and they started to fill the bucket together.
Bri invited Billy and Austin to come as well. They got there a couple of minutes after you two. They unloaded the car and went to go set up the umbrella, towels, chairs and ice chest where Penny and Leia were already starting to build a sandcastle. 
Austin gave you a kiss on the cheek after he was finished setting up and you blushed. 
Austin: “Hey, you look really beautiful in your beach attire.” He fiddled with part of your sheer skirt. He looked at you and you could pretty much see the hearts in his eyes.
You played with your skirt and tilted your head to look at him under your oversized sun hat, “Thank you, Austin.” You smiled just keeping it casual. You were still getting to know the sweet guy.
He nodded to you, “You’re welcome, y/n. I’ll see you around. I’m going to go take a dip with Billy.” 
After Austin left with Billy to the water Bri ran over to you. She almost trampled you over. She threw her hands around you, “God girl he was basically drooling over you.” She bumped your hip with hers. She laid her head on your shoulder and you two watched the guys as they submerged into the water. “They’re so cute I swear.” 
You gently pushed her head off of your shoulder, “Sis you're drooling on me.” You laughed and she pushed you. 
You, Bri and Penny relaxed on the chairs and were tanning as the boys took Leia out to the water. Your hot skin felt cool and the sun was being blocked. Then you heard a familiar voice approach the three of you.
Mav: “Ladies.” 
You lifted your sunglasses and hat and smiled up at Mav. “Hey Mav!”
Penny: “What are you doing here Pete?”
Mav: “The pilots that I’m teaching are actually going to come out here for some football today.”
You shifted you look to Bri and your eyes got wide. She looked at you and lifted her sunglasses too. She wiggled her eyebrows at you and leaned over. “Some hot aviators on the beach, say less girl.” She put her sunglasses back on and sat back to tan and listen to Mav. 
You felt the butterflies kick up in your stomach and your body started to tingle. That meant Bradley was going to be here. You wanted to get up and gather all your stuff grab your daughter and run. Right as you sat up, Mav was already looking in their direction and flagging them down. 
Mav: “Hey everyone! We will go and set up down there!” He pointed to a spot that was kind of far away from where you where sitting. 
You peeked over your seat slightly and barely lowered your sunglasses. You searched the group of pilots and saw Bradley in the back talking to one of the female’s. He was showing her something on his phone. He was wearing a Naval academy shirt, some jean shorts, flip flops and his famous aviators. 
You sighed in relief when they all started to walk over the other way, away from you. You turned back around to face forward. You looked out to see your daughter running up to hug Mav. 
She gave him a big hug from behind. She was all wet, getting him wet. “Hi Mav!”
He looked under his arm to see your daughter hugging him at his hip. “Hey my little Jedi. How are you sweetheart!” He picked her up and gave her kisses on her cheek.
You smiled. “Jedi?” 
Mav looked at you. “Yea like... Star Wars…”
You interrupted. “No… Mav. Princess Leia is not a Jedi.” You laughed.
He smiled back at you and shook his head. “Well I don’t know, y/n!” He laughed.
Leia yelled at looked at Mav. “I’m not a Jedi!” 
Mav: “Okay what are you then, sweetheart?” He patted her belly.
Leia:  “I’m a princess, Mav.” She frowned and pushed her forehead to his.
Mav: “I know you are a princess, sweetie. But how about you be my little Jedi warrior?” He poked her nose.
Leia: “Okay but then you’ll be…” She thought about it as she tapped on her chin, “My Papa Mav if I’ll be a COOL Jedi warrior.” She was smiling at Mav. 
Mav narrowed his eyes at her and smiled. “Deal.” He poked her on her nose. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and let her down. “I’ll come back to catch up after work is done today ladies. Enjoy your time in the sun!” Then he jogged over to the group and waved bye to you all. 
The boys came up to the area where you girls were sitting. They started to dry themselves and dress back in their clothes. 
Billy to Bri: “Hey babe, Austin and I have to get going. We were gonna meet up with the guys.” He sat at the edge of her lounge chair dusting the sand off of his feet. 
Bri: “Okay! Well thanks you guys for coming out for a bit!” She kissed Billy.
Y/n: “Yea thanks for coming out guys.” You smiled at Austin. 
Austin planted a kiss on your head and they were off. Penny looked at you with a devilish look. You rolled your eyes and shook your head.
Penny: “Was that Darth Vader?” She was smiling.
You didn’t answer just stayed silent and she started to laugh. “God, I love you y/n.”
After you were all finished sun bathing, Penny played with Leia resuming their sand castle as you and Bri went for a walk by the shoreline. You walked by all the naval pilots that Mav came with hoping no one in particular would see you walk by. They had their own little set up. They had chairs out with umbrellas, some food and a radio that was blasting some music as they started to form the teams. You could see that Bradley was one of the team captains and the other was a tall blonde haired man with abs of a god. You watched as Bradley called for people on his team. Thankfully he had his back toward you as you walked behind him on the shoreline. You literally were inches from him. Your skirt grazing his leg. You got the slightest whiff of his cologne and your body tingled. 
You leaned over to Bri, “He literally still smells the same.”
She looked at you confused, “What are you talking about?” She looked around, “Who still smells the same?”
You pointed over your shoulder to the group of pilots, one of which was Bradley. She was looking around and looked back at you, “Girl, what the hell are you talking about?”
You sighed loudly, “Bradley! Bradley Bradshaw! Our old roommate!” You were now walking further away from them. You turned to start walking up the beach, so now they were on the side of you but still far. You pointed him out. He was standing there with his team, still in his clothes from earlier. He had his hands on his hips as he was chatting with his team. 
Bri stopped and pulled her sunglasses off. She studied the man you pointed out. You both stood there for a little bit. Bradley started to run up to their little set up. He kicked off his flip flops and pulled his shirt over his head. 
Her jaw practically dropped, “NO FUCKING WAY THAT IS BRADSHAW, Y/N!” She looked at you in disbelief. She pointed to him as he started to stretch his arms out. You followed her finger’s direction and now your jaw hit the floor. 
Your eyes got wide, “Holy fuuuuuuuck…” You said slowly as you admired his strong body. His shoulders were broad, he had freaking abs, his biceps were huge, his back so toned. You blinked a couple of times. You were stunned. 
Bri pulled you to continue the walk, “There is no way that is Bradley.” You nodded at her. “The Navy definitely did that boy some good because holy HOT y/n!!!” She kept looking over at him. 
You hit her arm, “Stop staring he will see us!” She pushed you away from her and kept looking. You started to pull her in a direction away from him, “Come onnnnn Bri.”
“He has the body of a thousand Gods, y/n! How could I not stare! He used to be…. Well not exactly like that when he lived with us.” She was still staring at him. She looked at you, “You should totally go talk to him!” She gave you a little push in his direction. You stopped yourself and ran to the other side of her giving her a death glare.
“I am not going over there. He’s working, Bri.”
You made it out safely and continued your walk. On your way back you walked away from the shore line more in the sand. You were walking by their set up and their radio was blasting, Take My Breath Away by Berlin. You could still hear the commotion coming from the group of hot shirtless men and women as one of them with glasses caught the ball and ran into the end zone. Everyone started to cheer for him. 
Then there he was, glistening like a damn vampire in the sun. Picking up the one with glasses so effortlessly and putting him on his shoulders. God he looked good. His toned abs and his V line that peaked out a little because his shorts were slowly trickling down his hips. His arms bigger than ever and his pecks so full. He looked so good you started to feel yourself get flush. And it wasn’t from being warm from the heat. You were practically drooling at the sight of him. You could see his veins bulging out of his biceps as he held on to his teammate. He was yelling and cheering for him. The vein in his forehead was popping out slightly. He was definitely a sight for sore eyes. He took your breath away. He looked so damn good, it was a crime.
Bri nudged you because she noticed you were heavily distracted and you looked at her, “Take my breath awaaaayyyyyyy.” She sang with the song as she mocked you. You rolled your eyes and looked back over. 
He put the guy with glasses down and readjusted his aviators. He started to look over in your direction and you turned away quickly. You were hoping you were far enough for him not to notice you. You and Bri walked quickly back to your area. They continued to play football and you watched him from afar. You saw Penny doing the same as she lightly bit her lip as she watched Maverick. 
You chuckled to yourself. “Is someone getting the googly eyes for a certain captain?” You smiled devilishly at her. 
She threw her towel at you. “Not a chance.” And she looked back in their direction doing it all over again. 
You continued to watch them play and Bradley threw the winning touchdown to one of the guys. He ran towards one of his teammates and jumped up to chest bump with him. As he planted back onto the ground, he did a little dance and your jaw practically fell and hit the floor. That was the hottest thing you had ever seen in your life. You bit your lip and were in a daze until Mav came over and sat at the end of your chair. 
You looked at him and he smiled at you. “Were you enjoying the view over there ladies?” He laughed as he put his shirt back on and adjusted his aviators. 
You looked at Penny. “I know a particular someone who was enjoying one person’s view.” You smiled.
Mav: “Bradley’s?” He looked at you while he started to dust the sand off of his legs. “Your jaw is still on the floor, sweetheart.” He was laughing at you. 
You slapped Mav’s arm and scoffed. “Not a chance, Mav.” You laughed.
Mav patted your foot, “I’m kidding y/n. I’m just teasing you, sweetheart.”
You shook your head at him, “mmmhmmm.”
Mav started to dust the sand off of his feet, “So you going to go talk to him, y/n?”
You sighed. “I don’t think I will today. I haven’t put too much thought into what I want to say to him.” You were being very solemn. 
Mav looked at you and took a deep breath as he accepted your answer. 
You continued to lay on your chair in the sun. You had your eyes closed. Then you heard an all too familiar voice.
Bradley: “Hey Mav, here are the balls. We are about to kick back and have some food.”
Mav: “Okay cool. Thanks Rooster.” He took the footballs from Bradley and placed them next to your feet. 
Your eyes shot open you turned your head slowly away hoping he wouldn’t look at you.
He cleared his throat and lowered his aviators, “Y/n/n? Is that you?” 
IT'S FINALLY HERE!! BRADLEY HAS SPOTTED YOU FORREAL BESSSSTIES! How do you think this encounter with Bradley will be? What do yo think is going to happen? Oh my gossshhhhh!!! He's hereeeeee! 🤗 Brb I don't know how to act 🥹 I'll see you in the next! 💕
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jojoseames · 5 months
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Another sketch card I did while tabling at Free Comic Book Day, as I was still in a Star Wars-y type mood. I've always loved Maul's character design.
Fun fact: in my early 20s I had an ironic Darth Maul shrine in a closet. There was such a proliferation of every kind of merchandise when "The Phantom Menace" came out, and people kept giving it to me in a situation that was a sort of a spiral, so I set it up in a closet with red Christmas lights and red and black candles on a sort of altar. Big Darth Maul beach towel hanging as a banner over the whole thing. I liked the way it made my mother nervous.
(I no longer have the shrine or any of the Darth Maul items. I got to a point in my life where I need every inch of storage space I can get.)
Ink & Watercolor, 2.5 x 3.5 inches JoJo Seames, 2024
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neetily · 2 months
Madrian/Madison :)
star wars, bright bold red lipstick, sunbathing at the beach when no one else is around and you have your favourite towel to lay on, the sweetest oranges, cream filled donuts, the smell of freshly baked bread, tight hugs where neither participant is ready to let go, those beads instead of doors, big thick black rimmed glasses, your childhood teddy staring back at you in the middle of the night and you think that they're trying to communicate it's going to be ok, and strawberry milkshake!
send me your name if you want :D
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chickensarentcheap · 8 months
Sneak bedtime peek :)
It's rough, but yeah...
@secretaryunpaid @tragiclyhip @munstysmind @themaradwrites @youflickedtooharddamnit @thebejeweledwatercat @kmc1989 and anyone else who reads/supports
“I should probably go in there.  Help her.  If she can’t find Carmen, I don’t want her going all  Swedish Chef and burning Nik’s house down.”
“First Star Wars, now the Swedish Chef? You’re a Muppets fan, too?”
“That was the second secret I had.”
“You are just blowing my mind today. I lived with you for a YEAR and never knew ANY of this stuff  How?”
“Some things I wasn’t ready to tell you.  Guess I was worried you’d think I was a dag.”
“Dag meaning…”
“A geek.”
“You are a man of many, many, MANY layers, Tyler Rake. What else are you hiding?”
“That was the last of it.”
“A true enigma,” she declares, turning her face up towards him when he leans down for a kiss. 
“You need my help? Getting you over there and settled?”
“I’m not a complete invalid, you know. It’s not even five feet.”
“Still…” With a hand on her hip, he guides her closer to the table and pulls out an empty chair. The fingers of his free hand circle her bicep; keeping a firm, protective grip as she carefully lowers herself into her seat. “Here…”  Reaching for a hoodie and beach towel slung over a nearby chair, he drapes the former across her shoulders and spreads the latter over her lap. Giving an almost sheepish grim when she glances up at him, her lips curled in amusement. “It’s kinda chilly out. Pretty good breeze coming in  off the water.”
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blueikeproductions · 3 months
-JD and Braverman are hanging out in swimsuits by the Ohio River watching the other kids play in the river-
JD: Soooo… -sees Gold Heather and Red Heather ride by on a jet ski while Green Heather struggles to water ski behind them, only to stumble and fall in the water- This is the pinnacle of Ohio culture, eh, Danny-boy?
Braverman: Ah it’s not that bad, Jason. -sips on his New Coke- It’s a good way to stay cool in the hot late summer! -Specs and Sputnik float by on Star Wars themed pool floats, both red from the sun- C’mon let’s go for a dip!
JD: I saw Thrash & Throttle push Chandler’s old lemon of a car in there the other day, I think I’ll just lay here and bake rather than risk needing a tetanus shot. -leans back on his beach towel- …Damn I could go for a cigarette now… -pops in some gum-
-Veronica swims by with Martha-
Veronica: Hey guys! Whatcha waiting for! The water’s great! -swims off-
JD: -bolts up erect, runs down the hill and dives into the water- Hey Veronica, wait up!
Braverman: -shakes his head- Hey, what happened to that tan, Jason? -Tracey floats by on an inner tube baked in a different way-
JD: Shush, Danny-boy! -splashes at his friend cheekily as he catches up to Veronica-
Braverman: -shrugs and jumps in too, but makes an audible clanking noise, as he lands on the broad steely shoulders of Ram-
Ram: Waugh! Get off me, Braver-pud! -throws him off-
-Braverman goes sploosh in the water next to Kurt who helps him up-
Braverman: -coughs- Sorry! …Wait. -notices the boys are wearing diving suits- What’s with the frog suits…?
Ram: None a yer bee’s tax. -dives, but comes back up holding his foot in pain- FUCK I STEPPED ON A NEEDLE! -Braverman plucks it off-
Kurt: -sighs, turns to Braverman, but blushes seeing him shirtless and tries poorly to hide it. Braverman similarly blushes at how cut Kurt looks in the suit- Thrash & Throttle dunked the wrong Heather’s car for insurance fraud and they’re making us fish it out…
-All three boys hear a rumbling and feel themselves being pushed to the shore, they find they’ve been sitting on top of Green Heather’s car as it chugs on to the sand-
Ram: The hell…?
Kurt: Hey that was easy! Man, we’re good!
-The door opens as water and fish pour out of it, followed by an annoyed Green Heather-
Green Heather: -slams her car door, and glares at her cousin and the terrified jocks- What the shit, guys! How’d my car get in here?!
Kurt: -grabs Braverman and Ram- Dive! Dive! -they all jump in the water-
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mrs-dr-reid · 2 years
My Personal Bucky Barnes Headcanons
Part 1/?
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He’s stupidly good at hide and seek. So much so that you have to buy a metal detector, because he can literally go unfound for a week and a half because of his “ghost of HYDRA” training
He was genuinely terrified of microwaves when he first came back. Because “why is it beeping at me, Y/N? What do you mean the food is ready?! It’s only been two minutes, I don’t understand!!!”
He hoards Girl Scout cookies and stashes them in the weirdest places. You move the couch to dust behind it and find 6 boxes of Tag-Alongs, you’re restocking the linen closet and find 4 boxes of Do-Si-Dos behind the good towels, and you almost have a heart attack when you open the hatch to your attic to grab the Christmas decorations and 14 boxes of Thin Mints fall out
He takes you out dancing every Friday night when he can, especially if he can find Throwback Sockhop Nights near you guys and you can get all decked out in 40s fashion and make an evening of it
For a while he was really self conscious about his metal arm and only ever wore long sleeves and gloves, but the longer he’s with you the more his confidence goes up, and eventually he’s confident enough to go topless at the beach (which is a good thing for the both of you *wink wonk*)
He loves karaoke. If you guys are out with the team at a bar and there’s a karaoke machine, you bet your ass he’s going over there and absolutely KILLING whatever Frank Sinatra song he can find. One time he even got you to perform “Somethin’ Stupid” with him
He either drives like a maniac or a grandpa. There’s no in between. You’re either massaging your temples because he’s driving fifteen under the speed limit, or you’re white-knuckling the “Oh Shit Handle” because “JESUS CHRIST, JAMES, WE ARE NOT IN A CAR CHASE, WHY ARE YOU GOING SO FAST?!!?!?”
His table manners were ATROCIOUS when he first met you. Since he had limited social interaction for 70+ years, he would eat everything with his fingers and a frickin tactical knife and chew like a goddamn llama. After months of work, he eats with actual utensils and chews like a normal person now
He taught himself how to crochet when he was bored out of his mind on a stakeout once, and now y’all’s house is littered with little animals he made and pattern books. Your favorite is the little turtle he made that’s wearing the Cap uniform and has a shell that looks like the shield while he’s partial to the pigeon he purposely added Sam’s headgear to
Peter gets him hooked on Star Wars, and now they have lightsaber duels around the compound all the time (because of COURSE Tony helped them make functioning lightsabers. Peter’s is blue and Bucky’s yellow)
Much like his best buddy Steve Rogers, he’s a gentleman to a fault. Always gives you his arm when you’re walking anywhere, opens doors for you, pulls chairs out for you when you go out to eat, and is constantly kissing the back of your hand
He’s very wary of trains when he first comes back because of the accident, but after some time and “exposure therapy” (aka making him take the train with you to various places) he gets over it
You buy him a box set of all the “Lord of the Rings” books for his birthday, and he cruises through all of them in about a month, then he makes you marathon the movies with him
He’s a gigantic cuddle monster. If he had a say, he’d just become a blanket burrito for the rest of his life, and cocoon you in his pile of blankets for the rest of yours. If he can hold you as close as he can while watching cheesy romcoms, he’s happy
He gets really into laser tag and paintball, because why wouldn’t he use his assassin training for something fun and harmless as a final “fuck you” to HYDRA? The only problem is that he gets too good at it and nobody wants to play with him, so now he just goes to random arenas where no one knows who he is and destroys a bunch of teenagers for shits and giggles
He accidentally stumbles upon bullet journaling, and it becomes his entire personality for a month and a half. He’s a lot more casual about it now, mainly because he was just so excited to find something that would help him get all of his thoughts no matter the subject material out of his head and onto paper. He used to go all out with very specific themes for his journals, but now he just says “this month my journal is green, next month, perhaps it will be blue”
He overreacts to jump scares. He can’t handle them. Horror games, scary movies, spooky tv shows, you name it. He can’t do them. So obviously Sam exploits the hell out of that and scares the shit out of him whenever he can
He gets really into Animal Crossing. Like… REALLY into Animal Crossing. He makes his little character look exactly like him minus the metal arm, curates the cutest little outfits once he gets his mits on a wand, cycles through all of the villagers until he gets a collection of them that remind him of all of his friends and you, makes his island look like if the Compound was a college campus, and completes the whole musuem in the shortest amount of time possible
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rawiswhore · 5 months
Various WWF Wrestlers x Fem Reader- "Model Behavior"
I want to ask some of you fem readers...do these fanfics I type objectify women? How do you feel about it?
In 1997, World Wrestling Federation diva Sunny would stroll down the ramp modeling an Austin 3:16 shirt during "Monday Night Raw" episodes.
That same year, Sable would also model a Raw is War T-shirt on television.
While you were a popular star during the WWF's New Generation era and you had some merchandise of you made during that era, your popularity would skyrocket when the Attitude era was coming about, which would lead to even more merchandise made of you.
When the Attitude era was arguably coming about, you had a beach towel made of you.
Speaking of the Attitude era, your popularity would increase when you'd walk down to the ring wearing nothing but a towel---sometimes a really short, tight towel.
You feel a little bit uncomfortable with modeling a towel made of you in front of an audience filled with fans of all different ages---some of them aren't much to look at and many of them are underage.
So, at the beginning of 1998, you invited some of the sexiest male wrestlers and placed them in various places in a completely empty audience.
Now, some of them weren't in the very back and top of the audience, in fact---some of those men were even in the front row.
You invited them not during a "Monday Night Raw" and "Shotgun Saturday Night" episode and a pay-per-view.
Those sexy male wrestlers you invited were Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Billy Gunn, Jacques Rougeau and Sean Morley---who would later become Val Venis.
Billy hadn't yet cut his hair shorter.
All of those aforementioned men had their long hair hanging down.
There are so many male wrestlers and even non-wrestlers you wish could've been in the audience, unfortunately they're all in different wrestling companies.
As those aforementioned male wrestlers stood in the audience, you then walked down to the ring modeling and wearing a beach towel with your image on it.
You didn't wear anything else under that beach towel besides open toed sex kitten heels on your feet.
You smiled, waved and blew kisses at these male wrestlers in the audience as you modeled this towel.
The towel you wore managed to not fall off of you as you modeled it.
Since so many other male wrestlers and even some non-wrestlers aren't in the audience, you imagined so many sexy male wrestlers and non-wrestlers were in the audience, where you blew kisses at them and waved at them as they cheered and whistled for you.
You would let some of these male wrestlers---even the ones not in the audience---masturbate to you as you model this towel.
While you modeled that towel, those male wrestlers in the audience cheered, hollered, applauded and whistled at you with smiles on their faces.
For a bit of titillation, you paused from walking when you stood in front of those male wrestlers, where one of your hands grabbed the bottom of your towel placed at your side and raised and pulled it up, showing a bit more of your upper thigh.
Your face changed from smiling to your mouth making an "o" shape while your opposite hand was placed on the side of your face as if you're doing something shocking.
You really got even more cheers from those men.
You let go of your towel and resumed modeling this towel, where you changed your facial expression and moved your hand off of your face.
When you reached the end of the ramp, you turned around and strutted down showing off the back of your towel.
You basically acted like how WWF diva Sunny struts down the ring.
It's a good thing you were modeling this towel not in an audience filled with males of all ages, because if you approached some male fan in the front row and kissed him, he'd yank the towel off of you.
"Three's Company" actress Joyce Dewitt's birthday is this month, and I'm going to post many fanfics related to her on her birthday.
Although, this fanfic could be posted on her birthday considering she used to wear towels on that show!
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suvidrache · 1 year
summer nights event masterlist / schedule
➳ Devil May Cry
➳ weird shit with Dante
➳ Final Fantasy
➳ by the campfire with Reno Sinclair
➳ don't forget your sunscreen with Ignis Scientia
➳ enjoy your vacation with Ignis Scientia
➳ his love is gone with Vincent Valentine
➳ into the night with Vincent Valentine
➳ mistakes were made with Ignis Scientia
➳ time for a break with Ignis Scientia
➳ we're going on a trip with Reno Sinclair
➳ Hellboy
➳ sunshine in his darkness with Abraham Sapien
➳ the jokes weren't funny with Abraham Sapien
➳ damn birds with Abraham Sapien
➳ next time with Nuada
➳ House of Wax
➳ an unforgettable night with Lester Sinclair
➳ Kuroko No Basket
➳ summer with Mayuzumi Chihiro *NSFW
➳ tropical paradise with Reo Mibuchi *NSFW
➳ move to the freezer with Taiga Kagami *NSFW
➳ how long? with Shintaro Midorima *NSFW
➳ into you with Shoichi Imayoshi *NSFW
➳ Mortal Kombat
➳ a painful desire with Quan Chi
➳ alone in the world with Kung Lao
➳ another chance with Hanzo
➳ anything you want with Shang Tsung
➳ beach games with Erron Black
➳ beach time with Kung Lao
➳ bonfires on the beach with Erron Black
➳ chaotic ways with Hotaru
➳ chasing that fame with Shao Kahn
➳ freezing temperatures with Kuai Liang
➳ games with Taven
➳ getting lost with Kano
➳ go again with Rain
➳ good friends with Tomas Vrbada
➳ hard times with Havik
➳ human activities? with Rain
➳ i like the sound of that with Kabal
➳ maybe before with Hanzo
➳ my wish with Hotaru
➳ never easy with Kano
➳ new places with Fujin
➳ not going alone with Kabal
➳ on the beach with Erron Black
➳ relaxation with Fujin
➳ safe places with Kabal
➳ sea breeze with Kung Lao
➳ seein' you out with Baraka
➳ smoke with Tomas Vrbada
➳ snow with Dairou
➳ strange coincidences Erron Black
➳ summer nights with Kano
➳ towel wars with Havik
➳ training alone with Kano
➳ vacation time with Kabal
➳ watch the stars with Dairou
➳ welcome to new york with Kabal
➳ wonderland with Kung Lao
➳ wonderstruck with Taven
➳ wouldn't mind with Kuai Liang
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Family Road Trip
Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: short fic ab Eddie taking you and your friends in a road trip to the lake
a/n: hi everyone! this not proofread plz be kind lol! also i’d like to promote my other Eddie fic ‘Tis the Damn Season which won’t show up under any tags for some reason,,, Thanks :)
The van makes thudding noises as it hits potholes and cracks in the road. Dustin and Mike are in the backseat arguing over something involving Star Wars lore. You sit in the passenger seat as Eddie drives the van full of your friends to your aunts house for the weekend. Mike, Dustin, Gareth and Lucas rode in the backseat rows of Eddie’s van. It’s summer break and the underclassmen in the Hellfire club had been complaining about not having anything to do so you offered a road trip across the state to your aunt’s place on the lake.
Eddie has one hand on your thigh as you switch out the cassette that had been playing. The boys in the backseat shout music requests but you hardly listen, opting to play music you and Eddie enjoy.
Eddie smiles and glances over at you as one of his favorite songs starts playing.
“Nice pick babe.” he grins as he starts to bop his head and drum on the steering wheel.
“When are you gonna play music that anyone other than you guys likes?” Dustin shouts from the backseat. The other boys grumbled in agreement.
“As if Henderson. I’M driving your asses to HER family house, so WE are picking the music.” Eddie pushes back as you turn around to look at the four of them in a “yeah, fuck off.” kind of way.
That shuts the boys up and they go back to their conversations. You turn to Eddie, fixing a piece of his hair that has began to stick straight up “Thanks for driving us Eds.” you mumble as you mean back in your seat, staring out the windshield at the passing road.
“Course, babe. I’d do anything for those guys, plus I get a romantic lakeside getaway with you.” He makes a suggestive face as you laugh lightly in response.
“How much longer?” Mike whines. You and Eddie look at each other and roll your eyes.
Finally arriving at your aunt’s house, you take advantage of the boys and make them carry your suitcase into the house. Your aunt is gone for the weekend, leaving the six of you with the house to yourselves. Everyone chooses a room to sleep in, or the couch in the living room (Gareth doesn’t want to share.) You and Eddie share a bedroom in the back of the house, closest to the lake. As you begin to unpack your necessities, Eddie flops down on the bed, throwing an arm over his eyes, seemingly ready to take a nap.
As you finish, you lay down next to him. He pulls you into his chest, one arm around your shoulders, the other one stretching across the bed like a starfish. He kisses the top of your head and you close your eyes, ready to pass out when there’s a knock at the door.
It’s Lucas, he asks if the two of you are going to come and swim in the lake with the other boys. Eddie groans and stands up, trading his nap for a swim. You follow, putting on your swimsuit, you take a moment to admire Eddie’s tattoos as he changes. He ties his hair up into a bun at the nape of his neck, taking you by the hand and dragging you out of the room and down to the lake outside of the house.
The boys are already in the lake enjoying themselves when Eddie runs down the small sandy beach jumps in. You slowly follow after, adjusting to the water temperature. You join him at his side.
Eddie puts his arm around your shoulders and squeezes where his hand rests. As you watch the boys swim, Eddie realizes he forgot towels inside, so he runs back in, returning with a hot pink inflatable chair.
“I found a throne for the queen.” he bows as he pushes the chair towards you, gliding over the water’s surface.
You grin and thank him, taking his hand as he helps you into the floating chair.
You lounge on the lake with the boys for hours until the sun is setting. You couldn’t be more grateful for your friends and Eddie.
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enkisstories · 7 months
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Battle for Batuu, round 6
Mua Pel’am island, and there Tartosa, in front of a vacation home:
Jarik: "Oh, newcomers! Fresh from the front?"
Finn: "Uh-huh."
Jarik: "Resistance, I take it? You have that look about you."
Poe: "Yep. You?"
Jarik: "First Order."
Finn: "Sorta both."
Jarik: "Sounds like a story! Alright, I guess we'll see you in town soon. Have a good time!"
Poe: "Same!"
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And that was it. The battle for Batuu was decided, now former enemies worked together to make the planet a home for everyone. As far as Jarik was concerned, this was the happy end, and the war in the rest of the galaxy just a scary story in the news.
But for Finn, Poe and BB-8 their stay in Tartosa was just a brief breather in between missions.
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They rode down the path to the lagoon with the majestic waterfall, that they had heard roar from their vacation home.
The sky was overcast today, so they had brought the beach towels in vain. Sunbathing would only give them goosebumps, not a tan.
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But a few brave souls were swimming in the lagoon, so the trio decided to give it a try.
Say, how waterproof exactly are Star Wars droids again...?
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dreamlandforever · 1 year
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@writersmonth Prompt: Day 6 - Surf
Fandom: Teen Wolf | Sterek WC: 600
AO3 Part 2
VI. Surf | Wrong Kind of Surfing
Stiles had big plans for his summer, his first time back in Beacon Hills after a whole semester away at Quantico. And Stiles’ plans had been widely discussed with the pack. He wanted to go surfing. He had even bought a new swimsuit and a waterproof bag. He should have known, really, that having fun was not in destiny’s plans for him. So, he’s sitting at Derek’s living room table, which he’s pretty sure is an outdoor patio table, surfing the internet, instead of sick waves in California beaches. 
“Have you been able to find anything on how to kill harpies?” Derek asked, coming down the stairs. He had arrived about half an hour ago and had gone straight to take a shower. Stiles refused to turn around to look at him or to answer. Besides, if he had found something he would have already made sure everyone knew and were in their way to the beach, surf boards firmly attached to the roof of his jeep. 
Instead, he was still researching after almost three hours of non-stop reading, wearing his favorite Star Wars shirt, his lobster swimming trunks and water shoes. If he was going to stay and get hurt during his summer, he was going to make as many statements as he wanted.
“You don’t even know how to surf, Stiles.” Derek says after he realizes Stiles isn’t going to answer him and takes a sit across from the younger man. He lets the towel he was using to dry his hair fall on the table, hitting Stiles on the arm. 
“I could be learning!” Stiles protests, swatting Derek’s hand away when he tries to reach for his notes, and throwing his towel back at him. “I have nothing so far that’s useful. I just know that if you take a feather, even a single one, they won’t be able to fly until it grows back. Which doesn’t take as long as he’d like, at most a few days, and it has to be plucked from the root.” Stiles quickly riffled through the books he had piled at the end of the table and gave Derek the one with the passage he was referring to, letting the Alpha read it for himself.
“Okay, that might help buy us some time. I’ll let Isaac know.” Stiles just nods and continues to deep dive in his computer to find anything that might be useful. There was nothing on harpies on the bestiary, and the only thing he found in Derek’s family’s old books was what he told him. So he had spent the last hour going through every website where harpies were mentioned to see if he found anything that could be considered trust-worthy. Derek stood to leave, but before he could make it to the door he turned back to Stiles. “Stiles…”
Stiles rolled his eyes, but turned to look at him. 
“I will take you surfing once this is figured out, okay? We can all try and surf, and whoever breaks the least amount of bones can choose what we have for dinner.” Derek promised, closing the door behind him.
As soon as the wolf was a safe distance away, Stiles celebrated his victory with a little dance. He could defeat some ugly bird-women in less than a week if it meant he got to go to the beach, and got to catch up with his Pack instead of just reading blog after blog of people who had no clue there were so many things out there that were not humans. 
It also didn’t hurt that Derek trusted him enough to leave him in his own home unsupervised, trusting him to find the information that would keep them alive. It didn’t hurt at all. 
Part 2
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bayisdying · 2 years
Lucky Penny- Chapter Four
(Okay I'm a little sorry) As always feedback is much appreciated and encouraged 🥰
Dogfight football had to be the dumbest thing Lucky had ever heard of. It made zero sense, and it hurt her brain. Plus while she worked out, sports were not her strong suit. She was however enjoying herself by tackling Fanboy as often as possible.
"Why are you so mean to me Lucky?"
"You make such an easy target!"
She couldn't deny the fact that her man looked damn good running around shirtless either.
Poor Fanboy's brain had short-circuited when he saw Lucky in her bikini top and shorts. He didn't even pretend to look away when she had shed the shorts. Standing there looking like a goddess in her tiny, black bikini. He noticed Hangman staring too, he didn't even blame the blonde. Lucky was hot as hell, but Fanboy knew who she would be sleeping next to tonight and it wasn't Jake Seresin.
As the sun went down the group decided to spread out a couple beach towels to chill on. Beers were drank, jokes were told, and Lucky never felt so close to a group of people before.
Now that Maverick was satisfied with their dogfighting skills, they were moving on to actually running the mission's course. After several mess ups, they moved into having four planes in the air at once.
Dagger One was Coyote, Dagger Two was Lucky, Dagger Three was Payback and Fanboy, and Dagger Four was Phoenix and Bob. It was going so well even with Maverick acting like a bogey trying to throw them off their groove. That was until they reached the 10G climb. Lucky watched in horror as Coyote went into G-Lock.
Even when he came back to, Lucky still felt like something wasn't right. That's when the bird strike happened and she plummeted towards the ground.
The last time she had gone home to see her Mom, it ended in the same argument that always happened. Delilah Steele was a strong woman, and she was damn proud to have raised a daughter just as strong as she was. However, she still held a little resentment that her daughter had left her so soon after they had lost William.
Everytime Baylie came home it was the same. They would both play nice for the first few days, filling each other in on their lives. Then her mother would bring up her retiring from the Navy, coming home to settle down, and giving her grandkids.
Baylie wasn't ready to give up her wings, and she sure as hell wasn't settling down in Illinois. Mickey and her had talked a couple times about marriage and babies. They decided that California was only fair, that was where they had met and fallen in love. Plus that way neither of their families would feel inferior to the other.
Baylie had stormed out of her childhood home and flown out to California to spend the rest of her time off alone, in the home she'd created with Mickey. Crying herself to sleep, because she never wanted to hurt her mother.
Now as she spun out of control, she wished she had made up with her mother. Wished she hadn't stormed out, had instead hugged her mother and told her that she loved her one last time.
The last time her and Mickey had been on leave at the same time had been over a year ago. They had only a week until they were both shipped out again and had spent that whole week in New York. It had been around Christmas time so they walked hand in hand around Times Square taking in the beautiful sights, while sipping hot cocoa. They had declared a snowball war in Central Park (Lucky had won, but Fanboy swears he let her win). And they spent every night under the sheets in a hotel room that was far too expensive for the accommodations.
When their week was up it had been a bittersweet goodbye. It never got easier leaving the person you loved behind.
"I love you so much mí amor."
"I know."
"Did you just Star Wars me?"
"I did, nerd."
As the ground came closer and closer she heard that same voice ringing in her ears telling her to eject. She couldn't respond, but she hoped that her nerd knew how much she had loved him for all these years. That if he had ever asked her, she would have said yes.
The very last time she saw her father, she had been saying goodbye. He was so fragile and so pale. The past five months on chemotherapy had destroyed him. She knew it was the end. He wasn't getting better and the cancer had spread too much. It was only two weeks before her high school graduation and she hated that he was going to miss it. That had been his goal, he told every nurse and every doctor.
"I want to see my little girl graduate."
He wouldn't get that wish, but she knew he would be watching from somewhere much nicer than here. A place where he was no longer in pain.
"You can let go Dad, I promise we will be okay." She whispered. "It'll be hard but me and momma will take care of each other."
Then William Michael Steele took his last breath and his daughter's life would forever be changed. She would chase clouds across the sky, knowing that she was as close to heaven as she could get. Hoping that he could see her, and was proud of the path she had forged. Praying for more pennies from heaven.
As she pulled the eject handle, she could almost hear her father's voice.
"That's right, Lucky girl. It's not your time."
I hope you enjoyed! As always thank you for reading and shoutout to my bestest friends on this silly app for loving these two as much as I do!
The Forevers: @kloofspeaks @notyoursbutlewis @roosterscockpit @callsign-milano @callsignthirsty @callmemana @likelyrowdy
The Discord Loves: @mtnofgrace @callsign-dragonbaron @cycbaby @askmarinaandothers @persephonesportal @callsignscupcake @mrsjaderogers @biehnybaby
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