#star wars original trilogy oc
vintagevibessketch · 1 month
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I just realised I never properly introduced her so I'm doing this rn
✨️✨️Star wars original trilogy/comics oc ✨️✨️
Karyita is a togruta diplomat with questionable loyality.
Her backstory under the cut:
She is the only child of an upper class togruta family that became popular thanks to their great political skills. Unfortunately, her parents died in an "accident" that was most likely caused by someone affiliated with the Empire. Soon she became as good as her parents, but unlike them she made sure to stay on the Empire's good side. She meets Zaya (while Zaya was still the imperial seer) and they quickly became friends. Later, after Zaya joins the rebelion they meet again and the rebel is not sure if she could trust her friend, but Karyita helps her and offers to provide support for the rebelion in the future. Karyita starts developing feelings for Zaya, but it's not mutual, the rebel seeing her as a friend (and because Zaya is attracted to Luke). The togruta notices and easily accepts it, remaining Zaya's friend and occasionally playing matchmaker.
Personalitywise she comes off as a little flirty and shallow but she is actually cunning and quite funny if you get to know her better. She is also a lesbian and she finds it amusing when men find her attractive and try to flirt with her. :))))
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brainrotparsecsaway · 25 days
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*Throws rebel fighter pilot Quasar at you and runs away*
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shapelytimber · 5 months
Happy lesbian visibility week <3
The one week of the year I am being perceived (that's a lie, I am aggressively a lesbian irl. No one can look at me and think I am anything else) ! To celebrate, here is a compilation of what have been slowly taking other my mind these past few months : my star wars sapphic au :)
It's silly, it's inconsistent, it's made for me to have fun drawing women ! So here is every piece of art I made for it until this point, enjoy !
(A lot of them are available as prints on my inprint)
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As always, the Palpatine and Dooku designs were made by Stagbeetleboy :) these are his designs
Here is a link to every og posts :
Disco maul
The anime wives
Butch4femme Hanleia
Blood hound
How to woo a countess
Fem Obi-wan sketches
t4t obimaul hooking up
Maul should have been at the club
Girls night out
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fictionproblem · 9 months
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commission for solo.chapters on instagram !
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sahsalart · 4 months
Star Wars: 3 Generations
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Yippie yippie yippie Star Wars brain rot lol
Togrutas will always stand to be my favorite species in all of Star Wars. Just a colored sketch of my characters cuz they’re so pretty. They are all family, Athsok being the mother of Saasa and grandmother of Pa’loa, they are all Jedi’s.
If y’all noticed Pa’loa doesn’t look like your typical Togruta cuz she isn’t😏 she is half Human and half Togruta. Did I forget to mention that Pa’loa’s father is literally Luke Skywalker ehehehehehee
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 7 months
Congratulations on hitting 450!
Maybe you could do Tech x Jedi!Reader post Order 66?
I've recently been obsessed with all youre writing, youre doing GREAT!
Awww thank you anon! That's so sweet of you.
I hope you enjoy this little fic.
Love oo
Warnings: Order 66 mentions, deaths, loss, angst, fluff, comfort, I think that's it. If I miss any please let me know.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
The datapad gave off a faint glow as you looked at the list of wanted Jedi in the galaxy. There were so many that had been declared dead, even your name had a line through it. You were no longer a threat to the Empire, that is until they found out you were actually alive, and living with Tech and his brothers on Pabu. 
You let out an exhaustive breath, it was all gone. Everything you had grown up knowing. All your friends, family, people you looked up to. Gone. Tears pricked your eyes and you did your best to stifle a sob, the last thing you wanted to do was wake up Tech, but you’d failed.
He stirred and sat beside you putting on his glasses, “What is it?” his fingers played with your hair, hoping the action would calm you down enough to tell him what was wrong. However, he didn’t have to take too long to guess, as soon as he saw the datapad in your hand, he let out a sigh. 
He wanted to comfort you, to take away the sadness and pain, the loss you felt from that day. He slipped the datapad from your hand and placed it on the stand beside him. As he pulled you into his arms and leaned back into the mattress, he slipped off his goggles and placed them on top of the datapad, and then turned his attention back to you. He squeezed tighter as he kept you tucked into his side, kissing your temple and forehead.
“It’s okay.”
“They’re all gone. Everyone …” you stated as you tried to fight the sobs.
“Shhh … it’s okay. I know.” He pressed another kiss, “But you’re not, and I’m still here.” He held you tighter in his arms, tucking your head under his chin. “And obviously that list is faulty, so who knows how many truly survived.”
“Maybe we could try and find them.”
This was a point of contention between the two of you, you wanted to go out there and find other Jedi, track down every lead; and he could understand your desire, but for Tech that would put you needlessly in danger, and it never sat well with him. 
“Listen, cyare, I know you want to find your people. I understand, however … you’d be putting yourself in harm’s way, and you wouldn’t even know if it was worth it. If you’d even find the ones you’re looking for… no one is as important as you. I know I’m being selfish, however … I don’t want to lose you.”
You couldn’t really argue with him about that, you didn’t want to lose him either. You wanted to stay on this paradise island, and remain in his arms, but you couldn’t. 
“I know, and you are the most important one to me too, but … I need to do this. Alone if I have to, but … I need to know. I need to know I’m not the last one.”
Tech fought back the tears, he would gladly go with you, gladly stay by your side, but not if it meant you’d be putting yourself in harm’s way. He couldn’t handle seeing you in that vulnerable position again. It took everything within him to find you after Order 66, and when he did he thought the galaxy gave him one final gift knowing you were still alive and in his arms. But now … now you wanted to leave. 
“There’s nothing I can say that will change your mind, is there?”
You shook your head, staying tucked under his chin and holding him close. “I’m sorry. I love you, Tech. I do. However, I … there’s a calling deep within me that won’t rest until I know there’s at least one more Jedi out there. I … I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want to have the weight of the Jedi order on my shoulders alone. I’ll stay in constant contact, and I’ll start looking for those who were already declared dead. I know some of them died on Coruscant, but there are others whose deaths were confirmed but their bodies were never found. I can start there. It’ll be safer, for now at least.”
“And what happens if you do find out you are the last?”
“Then I’ll come back to you.”
“I’ll come with you. I … I don’t want to be apart from you, and not being by your side and worrying will be worse.”
“Tech, you don’t have to, I know how much staying with your brothers and looking after Omega means to you…”
He shook his head, “No. They’re my family, but you’re my cyare. It was my duty to make sure Omega, Hunter, and Wrecker were safe. However, Echo already left to pursue his own sense of duty, it’s now my job to make sure you’re safe. We’ll tell everyone in the morning. Hunter can take us to a space port, where we can ‘borrow’ a ship.”
“I love you, Tech. Thank you.” You shifted and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“I love you, too. But so help me if you die on me, I’ll bring you back just to yell at you.”
You laughed as you pressed your forehead against the side of his face, “Okay. You have my approval to bring me back from the dead and yell at me.”
“Good. Now go to sleep cyare. I’ll keep you safe.”’
“Thank you, Tech. I love you.”
“I know.”
You closed your eyes and let out a deep sigh, as though a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. You didn’t know if this was a smart idea, but the force was telling you, you needed to look for those on the list, it was telling you to help. How could you say no to the force?
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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rubixcuby · 6 months
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Here’s my really late contribution to the Barbie ship art meme :3
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heartofmortis · 3 months
✶ Evenstar
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gif by @houseofamidala
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PAIRING: Anakin Skywalker x OC
TROPES: tragic romance, princess x jedi, forbidden love, secret relationship, kate & anthony coded enemies to lovers, anakin’s pov, mandalorian anakin skywalker, fluff & angst, found family, artist gf x mechanic bf, canon divergence, original planet, big old tragedy
WARNINGS: major character death(s), depictions of war, pregnancies & miscarriage, grief, violence, eventual smut
TIMELINE: post-tpm – post-rots (31bby–16bby)
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✶ . *. ⋆ READ ON AO3 ! // PLAYLIST !
chapters 1 – 14 completed (last updated july 12th 2024)
━━ ACT ONE (complete; 5/5)
━━ ACT TWO (currently writing; 9/15)
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━━ ACT THREE – SEVEN (coming soon)
current word count: 33k
Elia Valarys is a graveyard. A display case for all the former, torn up iterations of herself. Her innocence, her girlhood, her youth. She has died so many times before it is like a memory. She is no longer flesh and bone, but tendrils of smoke, a mournful spectre. Not a girl anymore, only a ghost.
She was not always so tragic. She was her parents' miracle, born nine years after they were told they would not conceive again. She was their ray of sunshine. Her three older siblings showered her with love, despite being nine and thirteen years older than her.
For her first nine years, Alana Uttara was happy. Her mother's role as a handmaiden to the Queen of their homeworld, Aphelion, allowed her to spend time running circles around the vast palace with the princesses and her little niece. Alana's niece was born when she was five years old. Violet was the daughter of Alana's oldest brother, Aerrik and his girlfriend, and she became Alana's favourite person in the galaxy. Alana and Violet were always more like sisters than aunt and niece.
Her first death came when the sky was lit by brilliant fireworks.
As Aphelion celebrated its liberty with a fine party, Alana's world collapsed around her. As sparks showered behind her, she learned that two of her siblings and parents were dead. She wanted to scream until her throat was raw, until the stars trembled above, until the universe gave her family back. Until she had nothing left to give. (Fate is not kind to little girls with big dreams.)
Aerrik Uttara begged the Queen of Aphelion to allow him to adopt his sister — they were all each other had left. But the Queen took her instead.
Her second death arrived a year later.
Alana Uttara was buried in cotton dresses and sunlight smiles next to her parents and twin siblings. Her soft heart was not built for such anguish. (Her mother always said her heart was as vast as Aphelion's great oceans. Alana's heart and gentle nature were no curse, no weakness. It was her greatest strength.)
In her place, Elia Valarys was born. At last, she was official. A Princess of Aphelion, the Third Daughter. Not an heir; a false princess; a royal without a crown. Her people adored her, and Elia Valarys shone bright as the sun, hiding her grief behind tiaras and balls. She refused to break. But when she did, she built herself back up like a mirrorball. Elia and Alana became two different people, but their hearts were still the same.
Alana let her pain drown her, Elia grew despite it. When death stole from her, her heart flourished and made room for more love. If she could not be happy herself, she would make the galaxy better for others and make them happy. She had two new sisters and a new father who loved her like she was his own. Until little Violet turned nine years old, the last of the Uttara family would visit the Palace as often as possible — much to the Queen's disapproval.
But Alana Uttara still stalked Elia like a shadow. She was the bottle which Elia poured her heartache into. When the novelty of being part of the royal family wore off, Elia had two people living within her: the lost girl and the quiet princess.
She died a hundred times during the war.
Like a blossom in winter, her famous heart grew brittle. Her hands turned to frost as she cradled dying children. She tried so hard to protect them all, to keep them safe and take them far away from the war. Even though she saved hundreds of children displaced by the war, she was tormented by the ones she lost. After you watch a child fade away in your arms, you cannot be the same.
When she believed she could not suffer through anything worse, the betrayal arrived. It cut through her knife, twisting in her heart. Finally, she surrendered to her stone heart. Nothing can hurt you when you cannot feel anymore.
The final death caught her a lifetime later.
(The worst betrayal came as a blade through her stomach as she clung to her lover's arms. He could not protect her anymore. She could wonder forever if his last words were a lie: “I love you.”)
In any universe, Elia Valarys and Anakin Skywalker were not destined for a happy ending. (But they still fell for each other like Icarus fell for the sun every time.)
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emarraharts · 4 months
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My Rebellion Medic, Chora Asichi
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a quick GrimSoka for an art trade with @thechaoticfanartist
I hope you like them your gal is always wonderful to work with
[if you want something like this for yourself, headshots/busts for $20]
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vintagevibessketch · 22 days
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Sith Darév (and his master - the shadowy figure)
I finally came with an idea for his sith design and his lightsaber :). He is inspired by grunge and warcore aesthetics.
I'm starting school soon and it's my final year (I'm a senior, woohoo) so I'll be very busy and wouldn't have much time for my hobbies. That's probably my last complete drawing (well, until next summer).
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graaid · 1 month
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The safest little girl in the galaxy 🥺🥺🥺
(my ramblings under the cut)
This is a little ironic since in my original canon, Atticus (left) didn't have Ryan (right) until after Cyrus (middle) was already long dead lol
Honestly though I think it would be really cute and funny instead if I just shift things back a bit and have Atticus get her while he's still working for the Empire instead of after. Then I can have a funny scenario where he's this cold and calculating Imperial 'officer' who can kill you without even touching you… but then sometimes in the middle of important meetings you just hear "DADDDYYYYYY I HAD A NIGHTMARE!!!!" and Ryan runs into the room and Atticus' demeanor changes instantly, much to the amusement/annoyance of the officers lmao 🥺🥺🥺 heehee
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write-and-wander · 9 months
Touch: Chapter 7
Pairing:  Kylo Ren x Fem!Reader
Warnings:  Swearing, angst, and a new version of the sequels
Word count:  7.6K
Author’s note: Everything comes down to this- the final chapter :)
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(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
Chapter 7: Journey's End
He’s searching for someone.  Who?  He’s not quite sure anymore.  A Kenobi not yet brought to the dark side, now running loose, should be his enemy.  Another target to hunt down before the resistance gains another leg up.  A companion gifted to him by the force, however- someone who needs him just as much as he needs her- that’s something entirely different altogether.  If he is meant to rule the galaxy with her by his side, then he now has no way of protecting her.  What if they find her first?  What if she strays from her purpose- from our purpose?
He knows that if you were to turn against him, you could very well be his downfall.  What if I don’t have the strength to stop her?
He paces the room, his mind racing through multitudes of possibilities and their solutions.  The tablet still sits open on the table, the red indicator for the missing ship’s tracker still lying to him.  You are gone.  And he has no way of finding you.  Unless…
The force has brought us together before, he thinks, focusing on you; on the shift in the atmosphere- in the force itself- when you were present.  He calls out to the force.
And it answers him.
As if rounding a corner, you walk in, your name immediately tumbling from his lips.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••  
You’re walking- almost jogging- through the resistance base, discerning faces and scanning over heads in the search for Poe.  Come on, come on, where is he?  You pull a couple of different people aside, asking them if they’ve seen Dameron, only to be met with shrugs and wild guesses.  You start to make your way out of the main rooms and begin to weave through hallways, praying to the force that you don’t get yourself lost in the maze of the bustling base.  You come to a fork and stop for a moment before you feel the force pulling you to the left.  Rounding the corner, you stop dead in your tracks at the sound of your name and the sight of your abandoned Commander.
“Where are you?” He asks right away, his voice gentle.
Why would the force do this now, of all times?  “I need to go,” you say curtly.  You try to move past him, but he steps over, blocking your way.
“You were so close,” he says low, his brown eyes boring into yours.
You pause and take a breath to speak, but you can’t seem to find anything to say.
“Please, come back to me,” he pleads, his voice breaking, “I feel so lost.”
You shake your head, taking a step back.  He closes the gap, his face just inches from yours.
“Come home,” he whispers, bringing his arms up to your sides.  He lowers his eyes to level with yours and moves to grab your shoulders.
Just before his hands touch you, the man right in front of your face snaps to Poe Dameron, whose hands are now holding your shoulders.
“Hey, you!” he greets with a smile.
You jump, breathing hard.
“Woah, woah, hey-” his voice drops as he immediately switches gears, “you okay, Kenobi?”
Relaxing into his grasp, you let his strong arms keep you steady as you collect yourself.
“Yeah, yeah-”
“Deep breaths,” he interjects.
You nod, swallowing hard.  “I need you to come with me to Coruscant.”
“Just me?”
You nod again.
“I have something you need.”  You watch excitement grow in his face as he nods, taking your hand.
“Well, then, what are we waiting for?”
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••  
You land on Coruscant shortly before Poe does, as he had followed you closely on the trip over.  You land further off than you normally would, attempting to divert attention to from your house.
When you walk in, you realize that this time, the house feels stale.  There’s a noticeable layer of dust on the surface- this place hasn’t been so well kept.  Did Vilya just… stop taking care of this place?
Poe lands even further yet, and waits a while to follow you into your home.
“So,” he starts, looking around at your home. “this yours, or?”
“Yeah,” you answer quick, focused on what you came for.  You head straight into your parent’s bedroom and withdraw the wayfinder from its hiding spot for the last time. 
Poe is looking around when you return. You hold it out towards him.  His eyes widen.
“How the hell did you manage to get this from them?” He asks with a grin, taking it from your hands to inspect it.
“I didn’t.”
He freezes, looking up at you.  “Then how do you have it?”  Though his words form a question, his sudden shift to a cold tone frames it more like a statement.
“It’s a long story, Poe.”
“Oh, we’ve got time,” he retorts.  He pockets the wayfinder.
Staring back at him, your expression shifts from nervous to hurt.  Does he not trust me?  I guess I didn’t think about how I would explain this to him.  How do I even begin to explain everything?
“You’re lucky I trust you,” he adds, pulling up a chair to sit and motioning for you to follow suit, “or you wouldn’t still be standing.  Now talk.”
You nod, sitting down in front of him.  You know you can’t blame him for his reaction- any person with half a brain would respond in kind.  You’ve never seen Poe this guarded before though- especially with you- and it’s unsettling, to say the least.  Shaking off your discomfort, you collect yourself.
“Remember how my parents left me a few gifts after they disappeared?”
He nods.
“That was one of them.  But it was different then.  The light in there was green.  It felt different when I carried it.”
“Different how?”
“It wasn’t anything... dark; just the opposite, actually- it was light.  And it promised hope.  And I used it to find Luke.”
You nod.  “Turns out, he changed it so my dad could find him down the line- but when my dad disappeared, he changed it so I could use it.”
“That’s a real convoluted way of leaving an emergency contact,” he quips, relieving some of the tension in the room.
“Wasn’t my idea,” you defend, putting your hands up.
“Fair point…” he affirms with a soft smile.  “So why’d it change?”
“Well, Luke smashed it the second I showed it to him.”
Poe laughs, “right.”
You can’t tell if he was being sarcastic, but you’d rather not try to clarify.  Instead, you continue.  “But I wanted it back.  It was still something my parents gave me, and I thought maybe it was worth a shot.”
“So, what, you built a new one?”
“No, no, I, uh…” You pause, realizing this is going to sound ridiculous.  “I reached out to the force, and it… fixed it.”
Poe stares blankly.
Desperate to move things along so as to not waste anymore time, you give up on trying to explain it.  “It would make more sense if I could show you.”
“Sure,” he says hesitantly, clearly not buying your story, but not in complete disbelief either.
“May I?” you ask softly, lifting your hand to his temple. 
He shoots you a confused look, but when your expression remains completely serious, he finally nods. 
You place your hand on the side of his head and call out to the force.  Please.  Let me show him.  Show him what you showed me...  Show him the wayfinder.
Your memories flash through the front of your mind- holding the wayfinder, hiding it, using it to find Luke, watching it shatter, reaching into the dark side to retrieve it, seeing Exegol, hiding it from Poe, hearing of it on the resistance base, and handing it to Poe.  You drop your hand in your lap, watching Poe’s expression shift from confusion to resolution.
“I’ll be damned,” he murmurs.  “You’re a special one, Kenobi.”  He stands.
“So you’ll get it to Rey?”
“I will.”
“Do you think General Organa will be okay with it?”
“I think she’ll be relieved to know it’s almost over.”
You nod, taking a deep breath in relief.  It’s almost over, you repeat to yourself.
“What’ll you do?”
You stand.  “You’ll need time to get everyone ready and get over to Exegol, right?”
He nods.
“I’m gonna buy you some time.”
His face falls as he mutters your name in disbelief, his head tilting slightly to one side.
“I’ll make sure the Order isn’t on your backs.  And if they are, like I said: I’ll buy you some time.  I’m kind of a big deal over there,” you joke half-heartedly.
He shakes his head.  “Are you sure?” he asks, concern saturating his tone.  He knows better than to try to stop you- not because you couldn’t be convinced otherwise, but because he knows damn well he’d try to pull the same card if he were in your shoes.  That was something the two of you undeniably had in common- the guts it takes to come up with big plans, and the iron will to try no matter how risky. 
“I’m sure,” you answer with a deep breath, “it’s the least I can do.”
He nods, reaching out to shake your hand.  You oblige, before he immediately pulls you into a proper hug.  “Just come back to us, okay?” he whispers.
“Only if you promise to come back too.”  You pull away just enough to look him in the eyes.
Poe lets out a breathy laugh.  “You’ve got a deal.”
With one final squeeze, you both let go.
Poe heads straight to his ship and you watch him take off.
You’re about to jump into your own ship when you pause for a moment.  Though you made a promise, you both knew it wasn’t one you were certain you could keep.  You decide that, just in case you don’t make it back to your new home- to your family- you want to get one last look at the place you grew up in.  Just a few minutes can’t hurt.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••  
He’s tearing through space in his TIE Whisper, combing through the galaxy using the force- though it isn’t helping as much as he had hoped.  He feels like he’s holding his hands straight out in front of him, reaching into darkness, feeling around blind, hoping that eventually his fingers will graze your shoulder just long enough for him to understand how he can reach you.  She’s close.  I can feel it.
He glances at the navigator and sees a familiar planet marked on the map.  He looks up, almost as if to confirm that this map isn’t lying to him too.  Coruscant is right there.  He thinks back to the tablet- to the tracker installed in his ship that you managed to remove.  He’s hesitant.  Would she really have come here?  Where I could so easily find her?  Is she leading me away from something else?  He debates diverting his path, feeling stuck between going after his latest lead and going after you.  If she is my way forward, he reasons, then I can have both.
Arriving at Coruscant, he sees a ship parked away from your home and lands next to it.  It felt odd to be back at this place- it’s been a while since he last visited.
With your first trip home, he used the tracker in your ship to pinpoint where your house was.  In between your visits home, he would stop by to search through your house, ensuring his own security.  Unfortunately, on one such visit, he ran into a woman dressed as a stormtrooper stocking up some food in your cupboards, her face red and stained with tears.  Even worse, he recognized her; she tried to replace him years ago.  He knew it would only be a matter of time before she turned you away from him, used you against him, or managed to do both.  He was quick to dispose of her.
He leaves his helmet in his ship and walks up to the doorway, in which the door was wide open.  For a moment, he worries that this is a trap, but the thought vanishes the moment he sees you.  You’re alone, humming to yourself as you stand in the center of the main area, looking around the space.  Again, he speaks your name into the silence.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••  
You jump at the sound of a familiar voice calling to you, whipping around to see Kylo standing in the door.
“I was worried I’d never find you again,” he professes breathily as he rushes towards you, raising his arms to embrace you.
You step back, uncertain of what to say.
He stops while his brows stitch together upward in a pained expression of confusion, arms slowly returning to his sides.
“I don’t need you anymore,” you assert, finally finding your words.  “I found someone to restore my memory.  I just wanna be home now.”
“But you promised…” he trails off.
Your heart breaks as you watch his face.  He looks exhausted.  Desperate.  Lost.  You think of the resistance and the friends counting on you as they prepare for their hardest fight yet.  You think of what Luke had said to you when you first met: ‘You can guide him back.’
“I can’t do this without you,” he adds, his voice hovering just above a whisper.
Taking a deep breath, you nod.  “Okay…  But I won’t go back to the Finalizer-”
“You won’t have to,” he interjects, “I know where to go.  Just come with me.  Please.”  He offers his hand to you.
You take it, your motions stuttering for a moment as a wave of déjà vu hits you- you’ve seen this before too.  Maybe this is how the force reassures me that this is the right way, you wonder, by reminding me of those visions.
As your hands join, you both pause to take in the moment before moving on.  Kylo leads you out of your house and onto his personal ship.  He plugs in a new set of coordinates and takes off.
You’re both silent on the way over.  Kylo is focused on piloting the ship, eager to get wherever it is you’re going as fast as possible.  Meanwhile, you’re thinking about everything that suddenly seems to be happening at once, worried that you’re bound to let someone down.  Before you can worry about it any longer, you seem to arrive at the destination as Kylo lands his ship.
He steps out and offers his hand to help you step down onto the slippery surface of the wreckage, surrounded by raging sea.  The roaring waves seem to you like a physical manifestation of the dark chaos that surrounds this place.  In your mental periphery, whispers tease as your thoughts.  You brush them off, focusing on your footsteps.  One step at a time. Keep moving forward.
Kylo guides you through the wreckage of the destroyed spacecraft, eventually making it to the room in which the wayfinder was kept.  Your heart stops as you watch him pick up a pyramid made of stone and green glass.  There’s another one?  As he picks up the guiding device, admiring it, your heart continues to sink as you realize: not only is our deal over, but now the resistance is in danger.
He turns to you.
“Is that the wayfinder?” you ask, hoping he’ll buy into your clueless act.  Think, you plead with yourself.
He nods.
“So… what did you need me for?”
“We can move forward now- together,” he begins, closing the gap between the two of you.
You pause for a moment, trying to think of something to say, desperate for a course of action.  I can’t convince him to stop.  But I can’t let him have that wayfinder.  Suddenly, it dawns on you.
You hold your hand out in front of you.  “Can I hold it?” you ask, softening your tone as best as you can.
“You won’t be able to use it.  You don’t even understand-”
“I know, but… The Force gives me visions.  Sometimes it shows me the past, sometimes it guides me towards the future.”  You place a hand on his shoulder.  “I want to understand,” you whisper.
He nods, gently placing the object in your hands. 
You take a couple of steps back as you stare down at it.  Visions of Exegol flood your mind again- but this time, darkness grows as lightning erupts from below the surface up into the sky above.  Your eyes widen.  No, focus, you reprimand yourself. You look up at Kylo.  Without another word, you think of Luke and smile.
“What do you see?” He asks as his face begins to light up.
With as much strength as you can muster, you catapult the wayfinder through the massive broken window on your left.
Kylo’s gaze follows the object as it flies into the violent waves outside.  In an instant, curious eyes flip to rage.  He draws his saber.
Without a moment of hesitation, you draw both of your own sabers.
“First, I killed your father,” he growls, his volume rising as he walks around you in a circle, “then, I killed your friend-”
Vilya, you realize in horror, no!
“Don’t make me kill you too,” he yells, his threat echoing against the metallic walls surrounding you.
With a yell, you charge at him, lifting both sabers and bringing them down towards his head.
A clash rings out as his saber crashes into your own, blocking your attack.  Kylo pushes up and to the right, forcing your blades off of his own and bringing them downward.
As he attempts to swipe at your legs, you jump and twist around to swing towards his arm.
He spins out of your blade’s path as you land and jumps off the mass of shrapnel behind him, pushing his blade straight down towards your shoulder.
You roll out of the way and jump up as Kylo swings at you again, meeting his blade with one of yours.  You aim your other saber at his side, but he swings down to catch it with is.
With an angry yell he begins to swing wildly, moving towards you.  You start to walk backwards to maintain distance, catching his blade with one of yours at the end of every swing.
Making your way out of the room, you manage to find an opening and graze his side as you spin your saber around his arm.
He retracts for just a moment- just long enough for you to turn and run.
He chases you outside of the decaying construct, catching the back of your thigh with the tip of his saber. 
With a cry, you reflexively spin around with your blades pointed towards him.  Your foot nearly slips on the soaked metal you stand on, but you manage to catch yourself and use it to slide over to dodge another attack.
Kylo continues to push you backward as he swings at you with increasing speed and ferocity, his anger guiding his every move.  He lifts his saber over his head and forces it downward, meeting both of your sabers crossed over one another in a screaming clash. 
You struggle to keep the red saber away as he pushes down, forcing you onto your knees.
“After everything I did for you,” he spats through gritted teeth, “you destroyed our future.”
Just as your arms are about to give out, the pressure suddenly lifts and Kylo stares out blankly.
He hears his mother’s voice calling out to him. ‘Ben,’ she whispers.
In an instant, you realize this is your only chance to get out alive.  I promised.  You spin back up to your feet and bring your blade down on Kylo’s thigh. 
He feels that she’s fading, and a searing pain in his leg tears him away from her, and then she’s gone.  He drops to his knees with a cry. 
Before he can retaliate at all, you’re sprinting towards his ship.  He stands to chase after you, but as he turns, he sees his father, Han Solo, standing in the way.  Another wave crashes over him.  The water comes down, and with it, Han Solo is gone.
And you are flying away.
I can still buy them time.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••  
When Kylo finally gets back to the Finalizer, you are the only thing on his mind.  Finding you has never been more crucial to his life’s work.
However, the moment he arrives, he’s called to the throne room.  His search will have to wait- just for a while.  Soon.
Walking in, he kneels before Snoke, who briefly delivers the news.
Time suddenly moves differently as the words ring in his mind.  ‘She’s been sent for execution.  She is useless to us now- and only a distraction to you.  A weakness to be eliminated.’
Unbridled fury blinds him and commands his body to move.  Though his mind is far from him, his body is swift in its delivery of judgement.  It all seems to move past him in a blur.  She’s dead, he hears, over and over and over in his mind, screaming louder and louder. She’s dead.  My future is gone before I could even reach her.  She’s dead.
When his body finally stops, his chest heaving in labored breath, he looks around him to see bodies scattered across the floor.  Snoke’s legs still sit in his throne, but his torso lies on the ground beside it.  The blood of the praetorian guards riddles their already-red suits with dark crimson splotches. 
He’s killed his way through everyone that attempted to confuse him- to turn him from his destiny- and yet he’s never felt so lost.
But before he has another moment to think, someone else reaches out to him.
‘Kylo Ren,’ a familiar voice called out in his mind, ‘You are losing your way- straying from the legacy of your grandfather.  Join me.  Allow me to guide you again.’
“Okay,” Kylo whispers to himself.  He finally tears his eyes away from the slaughter he’s surrounded himself with and heads to his ship, on which a map through the Unknown Regions has been transmitted.  Ignoring the unfolding chaos around him, he takes off from the Finalizer’s hangar, headed for Exegol.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••  
As the troopers drag you away for execution, adrenaline slows time down to a crawl.  You think about everything that has seemed to go wrong since you made it to Chandrila, and how every decision- whether for better or worse- has brought you here.  You think about your father, the man you never got to meet again who died just the same way you’re about to.  It’s almost poetic.  Almost.
You think about the people you care about.  Vilya, who sacrificed her livelihood and her life for you.  Poe, whose promise you’d be breaking.  Kylo, who may never make it back to the light.  Finn and Rey, who trained with you and welcomed you into the family you never had.  Luke, who became like a father to you.  Obi-Wan, the man who believed in you despite the odds, and would now have to be let down.
Be with me, Grandfather, you think as the troopers bring you to your knees, the laser ax humming near your ear.
‘Bring balance back to the force,’ his voice replied urgently, ‘balance, padawan.’
You hear the whispers of the dark side teasing your mind again, and this time, you take its hand.  In one swift movement, you wrench from their grasp, turn around, and lift both troopers off the ground in a chokehold with the force.  The moment they fall unconscious, you dash to the hangar, taking the lesser-known hallways and shortcuts you've grown acquainted with to get there as fast as you can undetected.  When you arrive, you run to the closest ship and hop in, taking off the moment the ship starts running.  Though some troopers notice your sudden departure via an unauthorized ship, their blasts are powerless against your escape.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••  
Arriving back to the resistance base, you’re surrounded by chaos.  Countless ships are beginning to take off, while many others are speeding around to gather their supplies and say just-in-case goodbyes and well wishes.  Looking for any familiar face, you find Finn handing off gear to some pilots.
“Finn!” You call out over the noise of the crowd, weaving through the bodies to reach him.
His head perks up at his name, and upon your arrival, he greets you.
“Have the others left yet?”
“Rey is already there.  I think Poe is on his way, but he’s still reaching out to our allies for help.”
You nod.  “What about General Organa?” you ask, realizing the normally hands-on general is nowhere to be seen.
Finn's face falls.  He glances to the pilots, who wear a similar expression, and they take the rest of the gear before promptly heading off to their respective ships. 
“She’s gone,” he says finally.
Your heart sinks.  I didn’t know…
“But we carry on,” he adds.  “In her honor, and in the name of everyone we've lost along the way.”  Finn puts his hands on your shoulders.  “We could use your help.”
“I’m no pilot-”
“No,” he interjects, shaking his head, “Help Rey.”
“I don’t know if I can-”
“You have to try,” he pleads.
His look of desperation takes you back.
“Someone has to try,” he reiterates.  “I’ve seen you train.  You’re the only one of us who can keep up with her, and I’m worried she can’t do it alone.”
“Okay,” you nod, “I’ll try.”
He pulls you in for a hug, whispering a ‘thank you’ beside your ear.
“I’ll see you later then,” you suppose.
“See you there,” he confirms as he takes off towards the base.
You get back into the ship you had taken from the Finalizer to find that Finn sent you the map they had retrieved from the wayfinder.  With a deep breath and a prayer to the force, you take off to Exegol.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••  
Rey steps off of her ship and onto the ground of Exegol with Leia’s lightsaber in hand.  Before her stands- no, floats- what must be an old Sith temple just above the planet’s surface.  She looks up at the massive black structure as lightning strikes the ground nearby at random.  She moves forward, eventually finding a platform that begins to lower her underground.
She watches the statues surrounding her grow in height as the platform falls lower and lower until it finally stops.  She steps off and follows the guidance of the force as it leads her into the amphitheater that holds Darth Sidious, held by the Ommin Harness, and his throne.  She slowly walks up to Sidious, who greets his granddaughter with an all-too ominous sense of anticipation. 
With words he knows will sting, Sidious taunts her, insisting that her legacy is here.  Though a comment on her parents and a threat to her friends tempts her for a moment to give in, the force pulls her back as she realizes:  I’m not alone.
You’ve arrived- she can feel it. And you’re just in time.
She steps away, the hum of her drawn saber echoing in the massive room.
Sidious senses a shift and pulls back.  At the same time, the Sovereign Protectors make their way out of the shadows.
Rey brings her blade up with a smile.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••  
Kylo lands beside an old X-Wing fighter when he arrives to the stormy planet.  The dark side is potent here, meaning that the light stands out all the more- and Rey is a crimson stain on a blanket of snow.  He doesn’t need to see her to know that she’s already here.  In his mind, though, it’s just one more person from a long line of people that must be eliminated.
“All these lives, just for control?” The voice of Han Solo beckons from behind, stopping Kylo in his tracks.
Kylo keeps his back to the ghost of his father.  “They’re sacrifices for the greater good.  Control can put an end to the suffering.”
“The suffering will never end, son.  It’s life.  And no matter how hard you try, you’ll always find more like me- people who want to really live.”
“I killed you!” Kylo bellows, fists clenching at his side. “What makes them any different?”
“Did you?” Han asks, taking steps towards his son.
Kylo stops.  For once, he’s wordless.
“No matter how hard we try to run, we always end up back home.  The sooner you accept that, the easier your life is gonna be, kid.”
“I have no home,” he laments, turning his head back just over his shoulder.
Then, Leia speaks: “Oh, that’s a terrible excuse.”
Finally, Kylo turns around to see his father and mother standing side by side, looking at him with nothing but compassion in their eyes.
“Pave a new path, Ben,” Leia beckons.
He takes a few long moments to think. 
“There’s so many choices,” he finally whispers.
“It never matters how many options there are,” she reassures him, “you’ll know which one is right.”
“But even the right path seems so dark now.”
“The light will find you,” Leia encourages.
“It always does,” Han adds.
His parents fade, and he turns to stare out to the horizon.  With a grunt, he throws his saber.  As it arcs in the air, a bolt of lightning strikes down, running through the lightsaber and reaching the ground.  The hilt cracks as it falls to the dead earth, the kyber crystal inside shattered into pieces.
No more.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••  
When you arrive to Exegol, you take comfort in the feeling of having been here before; it gives you more confidence in your ability to help Rey.  Landing near the massive black box that seems to float on the planet’s surface, you notice two other ships are already there.  You take your place in line with them and step out of your ship. 
Your eyes are immediately drawn to the man you had been running from for so long now.  He stands at a distance, his body half-facing you, and yet he seems to be staring off into nothing, taking no notice of your arrival.  You watch as he throws his lightsaber into the horizon, a lightning bolt catching it as it flies.
You hesitantly walk towards him, but as you approach, you realize something is off.  The man before you is not at all the man you had come to know, and at the same time, he has never seemed to be more himself.  Suddenly, you’re reminded of one of the first times you had seen into his mind, all those months ago: the visions of his mother longing for him to come home- the sound of her calling his name.  As you look to the man before you, only one name comes to mind; so, in a shaky voice, you call to him:
He turns to you.  The light.  His mind takes a moment to process the sight in front of him. He runs to you.  Before you can embrace, he stops just short.  But what if she’s only a ghost, too; here to haunt me for my failure?
You sense his hesitation, his fear, and his aching heart.  You take his hand in both of yours.  “It’s me,” you affirm softly.
His shoulders relax as he lets out a shaky, thankful breath.  She’s alive.  Despite his moment of blissful victory, he is still left unsure of what to do or say next.
Something tells you he didn’t come here to help.  Yet, you know now that he can.  Together, you think. 
“I have to do this,” you finally say, your voice carrying a greater confidence than you were used to.
“I know,” he says softly.
“And you do too.”
He nods.  “Together.”
You remove your sabers from your belt and hold them out in front of you.  Your eyes linger on the saber in your left hand- Anakin’s saber.  The one Kylo unknowingly brought you to in Tatooine.  The one Luke gifted to you and trained you with.  The one that could bring balance to the force when carried with the other.  Looking back up at Ben, you hand him his grandfather’s lightsaber.
You both draw your grandfathers’ blades as the Knights of Ren suddenly surround you.  Clashing blades and strained yells and thuds of bodies ring out in a cacophony accompanied by the sound of thunder as you fight.  As blades once turned against each other return back to weapons meant to work together, you both feel the spirits of Obi-Wan and Anakin guide your minds and your blades to act as one.  Though fighting well, the Knights of Ren could not stop the power set in motion by the two of you.
It's as if the force is using you both to heal a wound neither caused.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••  
Luke was first caught off guard by the smell of smoke, as if a giant bonfire had been started somewhere nearby.  It wasn’t until he saw the source of the smoke that he began to panic.
Running towards the old tree, he’s horrified to see flames engulfing the trunk.  As he begins to hopelessly attempt to put out the flames, he realizes Yoda has been standing there all along in his ghostly form.
“Help me!” Luke cries out in desperation.
“No need, there is.  Start the fire, I did.”
Luke stops as Yoda’s words sink in.  “You did what?”
“Time, it is.  Pave a new path, we must.  One of balance.  Set in motion, you must,” Yoda explains.
“But we could still use those!”
“Create something new, you cannot, if, cling to the old, you will.”
Though a little reluctant to admit it, Luke sees the truth of Yoda’s words, even if he disagreed with the drastic actions taken to underline them.  It was time to let go of the idea that there could only be one or the other- light or dark.  He could still leave a legacy, but it could be a better one; it could be dedicated to accepting the balance already within the force.
“So how do we start?”
“Your nephew- needs you, he does.  To Exegol, you must go.  Made right, wrongs will be.”
Luke wonders if perhaps the force will make a way for him, so he could still help guide his nephew; perhaps he didn’t fail Ben completely.  Maybe he could help his latest padawans, too.  But there’s only one way to know.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••  
You and Ben manage to finish off the Knights of Ren and make it down to the throne room of the Sith Citadel by the time Rey defeats the last of the Sovereign Protectors.
As Rey steadies herself again, the three of you line up and ready your blades.  For a moment, with the each of you giving it your all, it seems you just manage to counter every move Sidious can throw at you.  We have a chance of winning this.  However, after only a few moments of vicious back-and-forth attacks, Sidious forces the three of you backward.
Holding Rey and Ben back with the lightning that streaks from his hand, Sidious force chokes you, lifting you up and towards him.  “Give into your pain,” he growls at you. 
He then turns to Ben.  “Your anger made you stronger,” he taunts.  He throws you off to the side, your back slamming into the stone wall surrounding you. 
Using the force, he holds you there, a few meters off the ground.  “And you cannot save them all,” he cackles to Rey as the ceiling of the Citadel splits open.
Hanging above you are hundreds and hundreds of ships flying amidst a massive Sith fleet.  Canon blasts riddle the sky as the ships all fire at each other.  Suddenly, a gigantic bolt of lightning arcs up into the sky, splitting into hundreds of small branches, each attaching to a resistance ship.
As the lightning shoots upward, Sidious slams you to the ground.
You hear both Rey and Ben yell as you hit the ground with a thud and blackout.
When you come back to consciousness, you look up to see Luke standing a few yards away from Sidious.  Casting out from his hands is a cluster of lightning, aimed directly for Luke.
Luke’s eyes are set on Sidious, his determination made clear in his expression.  On the other side of the bolts of lightning are Luke’s hands, catching the lightning and pushing it backward.
Sidious laughs as Luke begins to slide backwards due to the force of the attack he’s holding back.
Blueish spheres of energy begin to build in front of Luke’s palms as he finally holds his ground and begins to take steps towards Sidious.
Sidious’ expression shifts to concern as Luke overtakes the power used against him and harnesses it.
With a shout, Luke pushes the energy he had channeled back to Sidious, and suddenly the lightning bolt branching out in the air above disappears as Sidious is forced backwards.  Cracking and crashing sounds ring out as the harness holding Sidious up and keeping him alive breaks down, some pieces falling to the ground.
Luke flies backwards from the resulting explosion, landing hundreds of feet away from the fight.
Ben jumps up with his saber, set to fly down on Sidious and split him in half, but he’s stopped just inches before his blade can touch the Sith.  His saber falls to the ground as he’s held in the air.
You finally manage to get to your feet and run to Luke, but before you can make it even halfway to him, you’re suddenly being dragged backwards towards Sidious.
In just a few moments, You and Ben have been forced to your knees side by side.  You watch helplessly as beams of whispering, swirling light are drawn out for your chest and his.  You feel the force cry out as you become increasingly weaker.  Your body fights to get into overdrive as death draws near, but to no avail.
A sick laughter echoes in the chamber as Sidious watches his decomposing body come back to life, sapping the power of a dyad.
Suddenly, the pressure holding you and Ben up relieves and you both drop.
Rey stands between you, two sabers clutched in her hands.
Another arc of lightning crackles over your head, which Rey catches and pushes back with Obi-Wan’s saber.
“I,” Sidious bellows, his voice ringing out in the room and in your minds as you struggle to stay awake, “am all the Sith.”
Rey begins to push forward.  As she passes you, you can hear the voices of countless people whispering.  This time, the whispers aren’t dark, hissing threats.  Instead, light seems to glow around her as the whispers make her stronger.
“And I,” she answers through gritted teeth, drawing Anakin’s saber and crossing the blade over Obi-Wan’s, “am all the Jedi.”
She reaches the steps of Sidious’ decayed throne and forces the lightning back onto him. 
His flesh begins to rip and tear away from his bones.  He cries out in agony as his power, his throne, and his life are finally ripped away from him for the last time until there is nothing left.
The moment he’s gone, you glance up at the skies to see the Sith ships explode as the resistance ships- now recovered and revitalized with hope- destroy everything that’s left.
You smile weakly, looking back to Ben to make note of the victory, but he’s no longer there.
He sits beside Rey, who lies limp on the ground.
You manage to crawl over to her.
“Do something,” he pleads to you.
I’m the healer.  I should be able to do something.  You look down and gingerly take Rey’s body from Ben’s hands.  As you hold her, though, you sense that she is too far gone for any tincture or medicine.
“Give her to me,” Luke instructs softly as he kneels down next to you.
You look up at him hesitantly as you shift Rey from your lap into his.
“It’s time we bring an end to the Jedi, too,” he begins, looking between you and Ben as he holds Rey, one hand cradling her head while one rests on her stomach.  “One extreme will always foster the growth of the other.  Forge a new way.”
You nod, and though you don’t understand why, something churns in your stomach telling you that this is goodbye.
Ben nods, and it seems he understands more than you do.  “Thank you,” he whispers, his eyes sparkling as they well up.  A tear gently rolls down his cheek in silence.
With a soft smile, Luke closes his eyes and calls out to the force one last time.  He takes a deep breath.
Rey’s breathing grows stronger as color comes back to her body.  She looks over to you, then to Ben, then to Luke.
You smile at the sight of Rey sitting up, her strength renewed.
She turns to Luke to thank him, but before the words make it out, Luke disappears.
You blink a few times as you look down to see his robes left behind in his place.
Rey turns back to you both with a grin, sharing a knowing look.
Though he’s gone, you realize you can still sense his presence, and you finally understand.
Without wasting another moment, you pull Rey and Ben into an embrace.  You all let out a breathy, almost incredulous laugh.  We did it.  We won.
You all help each other onto your feet and stand.  Rey gathers the robes of her mentor and calls the stray sabers to her hands.  You and Ben take your sabers back from Rey and look up to the skies. 
Though the ships are no longer firing, and most are still, you can almost hear their cheers from down here.  One by one, the resistance and their allies begin to take off, heading back to wherever they came from.
The three of you silently return to your ships.  Rey gets into hers first.
“I’ll meet you there,” you promise.
She nods, thanking the both of you one last time, and takes off to return to the resistance base.
You watch her leave before looking back down at Ben, who can’t seem to take his eyes off of you. 
He closes the gap between you and wraps his arms around you in a strong embrace.
You return the affection without a moment of hesitation.
While you’re holding each other, it feels as if something has finally finished; as if a chapter is closed- one that you both-and the force itself- were waiting for all along.
You let go just enough to see Ben’s face and, with as much courage as you have left, kiss him.
When you finally pull away from each other, you both wear a bright smile.
“I need to return to my friends,” you finally say.
“Go,” he encourages, walking backwards to his ship.
“Where will I find you?”
“I’ll be home.”
You laugh as you watch him take off.  You know he means your home, in Coruscant- but, you do like the idea of sharing it with him.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
Arriving back to the resistance base, you struggle to find a place to land among the scattered ships that were hastily parked and the masses of people celebrating the final victory.  Eventually, you do find a place to comfortably park your ship.
Although you’re exhausted from the insane day you had just endured, you’re also antsy to see your friends again.  You wander through the clusters of people, scanning for anyone you recognize.  You realize trying to ask anyone for direction would be hopeless- not just because they would have no real answer, but also because they’re caught up in their own moments.  Finally, your eyes land on Rey and Finn, locked in a tight embrace. 
You jog over to them and see a weary looking Poe approaching the couple.  You run straight to him, nearly toppling him over in a hug.  He lets out an easy laugh.
“Thank you,” you whisper.
“For what?”
“For keeping your promise.”
“Only because you kept yours,” he answers, relief clear in his voice. 
You lightly peck his cheek and pull away.
He gives you a wink before Finn barges in and hugs Poe, the two of them laughing.  You turn to Rey and the two of you embrace again, your laughter joining the cacophony of jubilation that surrounds you all.
It’s over.  You all won.  And you can change the future for the better.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
After some retellings of the battles you each fought and making plans to meet up again to discuss the journey that now lies before you all, you decide it’s time to head back home.  You start making your way back to your ship to see Luke leaning against it, grinning as he waves at you.  Beside him is Obi-Wan, arms crossed, watching with a smile.  The two of them, though appearing to you clear as day, seem to be somewhat translucent.  You stop in your tracks.
“Thank you,” you whisper to them, “for everything.”
With a wink from one and a nod from the other, they fade away.
You get back to your ship and arrive at Coruscant to see Ben standing outside, leaning against the doorway of your home as he watches the sunset.  When you reach him, he lifts and spins you in another hug, setting you back down with a kiss.  There is so much to say, but for now, it will have to wait.
The two of you head inside to celebrate, rest, and dream about the future you will create together.
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houseofamidala · 3 months
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EVENSTAR / anakin skywalker by @heartofmortis
11 notes · View notes
stars-n-spice · 3 months
Some New Ocs! - WIP
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Been wanting to make an Ocean's 11 inspired heist group and a clone squad based on a deck of cards for a while now and finally got to it, lol.
Introducing: Auro's 10 (Name pending) and Deck Squad!
I guess these are first-draft headshot designs for now. I don't know if they're concrete or anything, but I'm pretty satisfied with how they've turned out so far!
Also,, just now realizing that they're both groups consisting of 10 members AND they're like,, casino-themed. Lmao.
Anywho! Some miscellaneous information/lore about them (at least what I have so far) under the cut!
Auro's 10
Heist Group - their motto? be gay do crimes. Don't have an allegiance but they aren't exactly pleased with the Empire
Reluctant found family - forced to work together and gradually become used and fond of each other (they don't want to admit it though)
Danu Felis (he/him) - "The Leader" - Former Cathar Jedi - Based off Danny Ocean
Chae Oro (they/he) - "The Demo Expert" - Nautolan Mandalorian - Based off Rusty Ryan/Basher Tarr
Aure'yela Dava (she/her) - "The Financier" - Pantoran - Based off Rueben Tishkoff
Ishani Pazel (she/her) - "The Charmer" - Twi'lek - Based off Tess Ocean
Keox [Redacted] (she/her) - "The Pick-Pocket" - Human - Based off Linus Caldwell
Yobit (they/it) - "The Guy-in-the-chair" - Reprogrammed Super Tactical Droid - Based off Livingston Dell
Lucky (he/him) - "The Pilot" - Former clone pilot - Based off Turk & Virgil Malloy
Amon Lavull (he/they/she) - "The Inside Man" - Clawdite - Based off Frank Catton
Vatnuoi Djalu (they/them) - "The Greaseman" - Lasat - Based off Yen
Tacui Beno (he/him) - "The Muscle" - Dowutin - Based off Bruiser
Danu and Chae have a hate/love relationship - they do NOT get along but unfortunately they actually have impeccable chemistry (somehow) to the point where they can practically read each other's minds
Keox doesn't have a last name because she's an orphan that Chae forced Danu to let onto the team (he's still traumatized over losing his padawan)
Danu and Lucky don't get along because of Order 66 - however this is one-sided because Lucky has amnesia and has no recollection of it happening (his plane crashed during it and he sustained injuries as a result)
Deck Squad
Don't know their armor/battalion colors yet but as you can tell they're based off the cards in a deck (plus Uno + Wild Card)
Probably will deal with the number "52" since that's how many cards are in a deck - 52nd Battalion or something, idk
Probably specializes in recon/undercover missions or something idk - I'm just picturing them all dressed up in a casino
Queen (she/her) - Commander
King (he/him) - Also a Commander (idk if it works like that but bare with me)
Diamond (he/she) - ARC Trooper
Spade (he/him) - ARC Trooper
Club (he/him) - ARC Trooper
Ace (he/him) - Pilot
Wild Card (he/they) - Pilot
Uno (they/he) - Trooper
Jack (he/him) - Trooper
Joker (they/them) - Trooper
The Main Deck (Queen, King, Diamond, Spade, & Club) + The Special Deck (Ace, Wild Card, Uno, Jack, & Joker)
Space and Ace are tube twins!
Wild Card and Uno are also tube twins!
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