#stargate mod
aceofwhump · 30 days
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@whumpgifathon | Day 28 "Choked"
Stargate SG-1 4x13, Daniel Jackson
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stargatevp · 10 days
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Stargate Atlantis S02E18 Michael Sunday 22 September 2024
3pm EDT / 8pm GMT / 9pm CEST (Check your local time here)
Link: Watch HERE
DM a MOD for the password: @1989nihil; @dorothyoz39; @angelblaze;
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memesmadefullmetal · 16 days
1 for the ask game
1. What is the first fandom you were ever a part of?
BBC Merlin 🧙🏻‍♂️⚔️
It was and still remains my comfort show of all time (if you don’t watch the last episode 🥲)
And the way this fandom refuses to die 👏🏻 Still praying for a revival 12 years after the episode? Yes
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- Mod Mustang 🔥
Merlin definitely had a chokehold over us both (The BBC Robin Hood series did not age as well I fear 😔😶)
BUT for my first actual fandom, it probably would be Stargate SG1.
I wasn’t old enough at the time to actually be within a fandom as we can be now, but I did meet, and get, Michael Shanks’ autograph at around the age of 6!
And I mean come on, is it any surprise I ended up loving Fullmetal Alchemist when Captain Samantha Carter and Colonel Jack O’Neill are right there?
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(If we’re talking animated though, technically it would be Cubix: Robots for Everyone, if we’re being specific. I remember nothing about it, other than that I adored Cubix the robot itself)
- Mod Hawkeye 🦅
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sparktober · 1 year
Sparktober is here!
We’re a pretty chill server with channels for fanworks, episode discussion, hobbies, pets, and more!
Come squee with us!
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stargatelover · 1 year
I was wondering if you had any Stargate fanfic recommendations, my favorite characters from the Franchise are Daniel and Zelenka (I don't know why, I guess I have a thing for sweet nerdy scientist guys), but otherwise I'm really not sure what I'd be looking for since I'm new to Stargate Fanfiction and Fandom in general.
Hi! Sorry this is such a late response! Welcome to the fandom by the way! Since Stargate has been around a long time there's a lot of fanfiction to explore. You can find pretty much anything you like.
Okay well I mostly read hurt/comfort and whump fics so all my recs are in those genres. I don't read romance or smut or super fluffy stuff so I can't be of help there. I do read a LOT of Daniel Jackson fics (he's my favorite).
Here are some of my favorite Stargate fanfics (and yes most of these are angsty and whumpy so keep that in mind if you decide to check them out.)
The Barista by dietcokechic Summary: Standalone vignettes of life as seen through the eyes of Daniel’s barista.
Don't Mess With Danny by Orrymain Summary: SGC personnel learn an important lesson -- don't mess with Jack's archaeologist!
The Stuff of Legends by Nkala99 Summary: Can Daniel live up to the reputations of his teammates?
Best Friend by ivywatcher Summary: A collection of short and not so short stories from throughout the series showing the Jack and Daniel friendship. All episode tags, these can be read in any order.
Going Home by Titan5 Summary: John Sheppard is sent back to Earth to recover from his latest set of injuries and decides to visit his father. He is very surprised at the homecoming he receives.
This one is OC related but I looooove it: Below Decks by DaniWilder Summary: Atlantis through the eyes of archaeologist Victoria Parker. An OC story about some of the unknown people of Atlantis. Cameos by a lot of our favorites.
If anyone has fics to rec please reply!!!
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userboxvariety · 3 months
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stargate and power rangers userbox for @lupinegirl !
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shiftermod · 1 year
Updated thoughts on A Canterlot Wedding.
I've been thinking about the whole love-sucking thing and other people's headcanons and my disagreements with them, and I realized a few things many years ago—and a few things now, a bit over 11 years later (the episodes were screened on April 14, 2012, and aired on television in the U.S. on April 21, 2012.)
So, there are some key conceits to this two-parter but I've glossed over the biggest:
These episodes are, at their core, an advertisement for a Princess Cadance toy.
Every single thing we see in the episodes stems from that.
In Part 1, we see flashbacks of Princess Cadance, who—it must be stressed—is a princess. This character is royalty, and she's royalty in Equestria in the MLP universe.
In this instance, she has a signature spell that can—at this time at least—only be cast by her. It is clearly something she developed, likely as some aspect of her duties as a princess. It is something that is unique to her specifically, because it is also marketing for a toy.
In order for the episodes to succeed as an advertisement for a toy, she must use this spell in the episode.
We'll call this Chekhov's Spell. It is shown in a flashback, and talked about with great fanfare, which means the spell is going to be used in the climax of the episode in order to save the day. Why? Because these episodes are an advertisement for a Cadance toy.
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Unfortunately, spoilers:
Cadance is behaving very differently from her usual behavior—almost the opposite of her usual behavior, come to think of it—and it is eventually revealed that she has been replaced by a shapeshifter called a changeling. The imposter is narratively, thematically, functionally, and archetypically an "evil twin" whose behavior is the opposite of the original (compare the impostor's behavior throughout Part 1 to the montage at the end of Part 2 featuring the real Cadance), and this is important.
Now, Equestrian Magic as seen in Season 1 has three main components:
Emotion: the fuel source for the spell. Friendship is literally magic.
Concentration: the magic-user shapes the spell to accomplish a specific task or goal.
Physical effort: the magic-user casts the spell. The larger or more powerful the spell, the more of a physical toll it takes.
In season 1, Twilight Sparkle casts a spell that allows her to lift a very distant, very large, and very heavy structure that was initially filled with water and was later filled with milk—and in doing so, she plants her feet, grits her teeth, scrunches her eyes, and visibly struggles. She then also lifts an enormous heavy animal AND the water tower, and transports them into the Everfree and into a cave that the animal emerged from in the first place.
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Casting takes a physical toll on the caster, and that toll might be nothing or it might be significant depending on the circumstances of the spell. Twilight herself explicitly states that magic takes concentration and effort twice in Season 1.
Here's Twilight collapsing after she finishes:
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This is going to come up later in this essay.
So, Cadance's signature spell (presumably using her love as fuel) takes magic out of her, converts it into love energy, and puts that love into a pony as an act of giving (altering the pony's mood and thought process, which is Totally Not Creepy At All™.)
Reminder that this is a toy commercial for a Princess Cadance toy.
Within that boundary, our changeling imposter—the evil twin who behaves opposite to the original—is revealed to fundamentally function by doing the opposite of Cadance's spell.
The changeling queen takes love out of a pony, converts it into magic, and puts it into herself! Cadance specifies that the changelings "gain power" by doing this, suggesting that they either need to fuel their magic with stolen emotion, or that they wish to increase the power of their magic with stolen emotion.
The thing that makes Cadance marketable unique is the opposite of her evil twin's entire schtick! Queen Chrysalis is the figurative and literal opposite of Cadance's whole deal—not just her behavior but her signature spell! The evil changeling's behavior is the opposite of how the real Cadance would behave; the evil changeling's love-sucking is a thematic and literal reversal of the thing that Princess Cadance does!
The corollary then is that Princess Cadance's signature spell is the thematic and literal reversal of Queen Chrysalis' love-sucking.
Cadance's signature spell is Chekhov's Spell—and is what is used to market the Cadance toy. This means that Cadance's love-installation spell is going to save the day... by installing love in someone.
Someone who Chrysalis has drained to the point where only installing love can save them.
We see ponies under Chrysalis' mind control spell in Part 2:
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Contrast with Shining Armor:
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Shining Armor isn't merely in a trance because of Chrysalis using a mind control spell on him; Shining Armor has been drained dry. He's empty. No love, no passion, just apathy to the point where he can be controlled easily.
(I'm sure there's a metaphor in here somewhere, something something Neverending Story maybe?)
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(Well, I was close.)
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(Shut up, Gmork!)
Although maybe a better take might be Elie Wiesel's famous quote:
“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.”
As a side note, Shining Armor does get mind-controlled but briefly:
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Then Cadance saves the day by reinstalling love into Shiny.
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Same visual effect and everything.
Shining Armor awakens from his trance, with an emphasis on "awakens"; he is groggy and confused. A villainous monologue ensues and Shiny stands tall, glares, glowers, bares his teeth, and is clearly ready to kick Queen Chrysalis' butt.
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Cadance encourages Shiny to use his signature spell, and the guy with the cutie mark of a shield with a magic symbol on it attempts to cast a magic shield.
What happens next is more easily understood if you've ever worked a job doing manual labor. I mentioned earlier that magic requires emotion (in this case love) as fuel; concentration to shape the spell; and physical effort to cast it.
Twilight collapsed after lifting and transporting a water tower and a very large bear.
Shiny is trying to create a magic shield the size of a city with only the small amount of love that Cadance installed in him to wake him up—and he can't: he doesn't have enough fuel.
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The logical thing to do when you realize you can't do something is to stop.
The problem is that Shiny, like many people, is an illogical creature and so he does what many, many people do when they find they can't do something: he tries harder.
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And harder. And harder.
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Remember that magic requires physical effort to cast. What happens when you actually continue trying to do something physical that you can't physically do?
Your heart rate increases.
Your pulse rate increases (because of your heart rate.)
Your blood pressure rises.
Your body temperature rises.
You perspire.
There are other symptoms I am missing, but the end result is you begin to develop a medical condition called "exhaustion" which is not merely "being tired." Keep trying hard enough for long enough and by the time you finally stop trying, you are drenched in perspiration, your heart is pounding in your chest, your breathing has changed, you can hear a rushing sound in your ears, everything hurts, and when you stop, you immediately go limp. (Hi, I have personally done this; don't do this!)
At this point it is prudent for someone to help you into a chair in a cool room and administer first aid because you are at risk of heart attack, stroke, heat exhaustion, and all this other stuff that can kill you. This is not "being tired", this is dangerous.
Shining Armor tries to cast, and tries, and strains, and strains, to no effect... and then he finally stops and goes limp, drenched in perspiration from the effort, displaying clearly identifiable symptoms of exhaustion.
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We have learned throughout Season 1 that unicorn magic takes concentration and effort. Shiny is not some exception to this rule!
Shiny's exhaustion was caused by his failed attempt to cast a spell the size of a city without any fuel.
At this point Cadance leverages her signature spell—the reverse of the changeling's feeding technique—and essentially uses herself as an external battery to give Shiny the fuel he needs to cast a spell the size of a city which somehow only expels the invading army while leaving the residents and guests unharmed.
So, why is any of this confusing to the layperson?
Well, the layperson isn't trained to recognize and treat exhaustion; misidentifies the symptoms as side effects of fever instead of side effects of exertion; and assumes that Shining Armor is near the point of collapse because Chrysalis fed on him—despite his ready-to-kick-Chrysalis'-butt behavior and stance immediately preceding a bunch of physical exertion.
This is then compounded by Katie Cook's (and by extension, Andy Price's) assumption—based on this symptom misidentification—that changeling love-sucking is functionally identical to the modus operandi of The Wraith from "Stargate: Atlantis": quasi-insectile aliens with doubled voices who suck the life out of their victims, resulting in rapid aging and death.
So, we get a comic book with illustrations of changeling victims withering and dying as seen in a science fiction TV show from the 2000s which has nothing to do with emotion-sucking vampires in a cartoon and everything to do with lifeforce-sucking vampires in a live-action sci-fi show. This then reinforces readers' existing misapprehensions with regard to changeling love-sucking.
Anyway, this rant is a delayed response to a bunch of blogs a decade ago ignoring the subtext and thematic and narrative elements and arbitrarily deciding that changeling love-sucking is lethal based on a fundamental misunderstanding of Shining Armor's symptoms and when those symptoms set in.
This then allows those blogs to justify killing changelings because the Canterlot Guard have Chekhov's Spears, and therefore they need to kill someone—and it might as well be the parasitic insectile menace because American movie audiences don't seem to understand that "Starship Troopers" (1997) was a practical joke/experiment on American movie audiences (and the majority of viewers failed the test), but they did like "Aliens" (1986).
And since none of those blog admins have the slightest understanding of the Geneva Conventions (or the UCMJ, or the Hague Conventions, or the body of U.S. Military Law going back at least as far as 1882, or god(s) forbid the Articles of War or the Law of Armed Conflict) we get "Hey, let's have the Canterlot Guard give no quarter and execute enemy prisoners in custody and face no consequences! Also jokes about torture! Because applying/obeying military law selectively instead of uniformly is clearly a great and effective way to maintain good order and discipline; I'm sure nothing can possibly go wrong if we apply the Uniform Code of Military Justice in a manner that isn’t uniform! Obviously Special Forces are 'Special' because they get to ignore all the military laws that absolutely everyone else in the army (including the brass) has to follow! OLC unilaterally said that illegal combatants are not party to Geneva, and then failed to ever define what the phrase 'illegal combatant' means, so it must be true!"
Side vent about Queen Chrysalis' motivations as a megalomaniacal lying sociopathic narcissist and (perhaps more importantly) a despot: the Canterlot Invasion was never actually about food; Chrysalis has inserted herself into the process to keep herself necessary and uses it as a carrot for her soldiers. When she tells the ponies it's about finding food, she is either lying or at least shading the truth.
(Side note, Season 6 later confirms that Chrysalis' own actions were keeping her army starving and desperate; the question is whether those actions were—as I strongly suspect—deliberate in order to point her people at external enemies in order to keep herself necessary and cling to power. You know, like most human despots.)
After they bring the Mane 6 to her, Chrysalis orders a large squad of her soldiers to "Go!" and then qualifies that instruction with "Feed!"—to get them out of the room, only giving away her actual motives during a music number once the soldiers are safely out of earshot.
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Seriously, she literally closes the door behind them so they won't hear her gloating.
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🎶 "Every pony I'll soon control; every stallion, mare, and foal!" 🎶 has nothing to do with food, but has everything to do with a malignant narcissist and despot who repeatedly demonstrates an obsession with being obeyed, whether it be by Shining Armor (e.g. "Are you disagreeing with me?!") or anyone else. This isn't about food, it was never about food; it's about conquest, but her army doesn't realize it. If it was about food, that would have been explicitly mentioned in the musical number.
Seeing Season 6
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and then Season 8
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actually confirm that Chrysalis' obsession with ruling is her prime motivation in all things warmed the cockles of my little black heart.
Anyway, enough ranting, at least for now. Getting that off my chest felt good.
EDIT: I have never served—partly due to chronic health issues, partly due to research. But a good friend later enlisted and fought in Afghanistan and went career; he’s the most ethical guy I know, period; and I have asked him questions about U.S. Military Law and the Rules of Engagement, Geneva, etc. It's all public-facing stuff, but it's easier and more reliable for me to ask someone with actual experience instead of looking stuff up on the internet and hoping Wikipedia is accurate.
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Would Jack O'Neill (Stargate SG-1) be an avatar of the Desolation?
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bantoos-corner · 2 years
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Don’t mind the castle in the background, still working on that. This is the same world as my last Minecraft screenshots on the Paleocraft SMP server, I’ve just done a touch more work to my industrial area.
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ofmdjanuaury · 1 year
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Welcome to OFMD AU-gust! Check out the prompts and start creating 💙
Rules and text version under the cut!
Any OFMD fan creations count! Fic, art, dioramas, bakes…
You can do one day or all of them, and use as many prompts from the day as you want!
Tag everything #OFMDAU-GUST
Every time you post something, try and comment on someone else’s, too!
You can post any prompt any day AFTER that prompt’s official day! So you can post Improv fics any day after 8/1, but you can’t post theatre fics till 8/31.
Text version of the prompts:
1. Mechanic | Mail Carrier | Improv
2. Fantasy | Solarpunk | Fiber Arts
3. School Staff | Art Model | Taxidermy
4. Social Media | Tentacles | Identity Theft
5. Music/Band | Specific TV Show | Jumanji
6. Journalism | Specific Movie | Planetarium
7. Phone Operator | Rennaissance | Y2K
8. Sports | Ancient | Pacific Rim
9. Medicine | Aquarium/Zoo | Makeup Artist
10. Celebrity | D&D | Gig Worker
11. Science Fiction | Superheroes | Birdwatching
12. Coffee Shop/Bakery | Magical Girl (gn) | Influencer
13. Restaurant | Medieval | Eldritch Horror/Cryptid
14. Science | Place-Based | Weed Guy (gn)
15. Porn Star | Specific Book | Natural Disaster
16. Crime/Mob | Specific Cartoon | Drag/Burlesque
17. Farm/Rural | Time Travel | Polar Explorer
18. Small Business | Apocalypse | Stargate
19. Writer | 19th Century | Escape Room
20. Law | Nightclub | Professional Cuddler
21. Rebels | Zombie | Desert Island
22. Bar | Ghost Hunters | LARP
23. Transit | Daemon | Community Meeting
24. Archeology | Aliens | Paint and Sip
25. Epistolary | Public Access TV | Gas Station
26. Neighbors | Heist | Reality TV Hosts
27. Noir | Grocery Store | Blacksmith
28. Disney | Olympics | Sentinel/Guide
29. Boats | Non-Anglophone Place | Lumberjack
30. Canon-Divergent | Gardening | Kink Club
31. Theatre | Free Space | Someone Else's Universe
(Thanks to yerbamansa for reminding the mod to be accessible!!)
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aceofwhump · 1 year
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Day 5: Pinned Down
Teen Wolf 3x02 | 9-1-1 6x18 | The Eternals | Stargate Atlantis 5x01 | Casualty | The A-Team 3x05 | Arctic Air 1x02 | 9-1-1 6x18 |Hawaii Five-0 4x19 | Stargate SG-1 2x07 | Doctor Who 3x01 | Broadchurch 2x03 | Spiderman: Homecoming | The Man From U.N.C.L.E
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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stargatevp · 2 months
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Stargate SG-1 S08E03 Lockwdown Sunday 28th July 2024
3pm EDT / 8pm GMT / 9pm CEST (Check your local time here)
Link: Watch HERE
Drop by our ask box for the password: https://stargatevp.tumblr.com/ask or DM a MOD: @1989nihil; @dorothyoz39; @angelblaze;
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citg · 5 months
modding is so important because now i NEED to watch Stargate VERY BADLY
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mylittleredgirl · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @geneeste. :) i may have done this one before, but tumblr blog search was traditionally unhelpful and i have several very important things i should be doing, so here we are <3
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 219
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 655,471
3. What fandoms do you write for?
stargate atlantis is the runaway lead, then sg-1, 90s/00s treks, the x-files, and a grab bag of other things. only two fics so far for m*a*s*h but the forecast looks good!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
no sooner met (star trek voyager, j/c, eight years of friends-to-lovers in 5k or less)
career day (stargate sg-1, clone!sam/jack, damn that sure was a choice to go back to high school amirite)
next chapter (the good place, chidi/eleanor, the intimacy of reading)
first date (star trek voyager, j/c, falling in love again)
occupational hazards (the good place, chidi/eleanor, eleanor would rather not be the architect)
5. Do you respond to comments?
eventually!!!! i tend to keep nice ones on my home page for a while to cheer me up and then sometimes they get buried. i wake up nights like "damn the good place fandom really went all out with amazing comments on that random fic in like 2018 and i never replied," so maybe i need to go through my inbox and belatedly clear my cosmic debts.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
twilight (stargate atlantis, sheppard/weir, what if john didn't break the cycle). strong on style but real weak on comfort.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
weaving loose ends (stargate sg-1, sam/jack) ends with a wedding! in twenty years of writing romance fic, that has maybe only happened once?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not yet! but the year is young.
a fic of mine did cause a dramatic fandom schism once, in the dancing with the stars fandom no less. a splinter fan group created in exile! a mod claiming to be personal friends with the stars! everybody storming out and then blocking each other! so my fic did cause hate, but somehow i personally escaped unscathed. i didn't even get blocked. (lesson: in some spaces, rpf is encouraged until They Fuck. second lesson: if you start a fire and then stay very quiet, everyone forgets about you.)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do!! i guess!! but i'm struggling with it right now and it's giving me a complex. and "what kind" is like......... vanilla het fic for the most part tbh. gauzy curtain vibes, even. basically, i have to really sit and think about whether to rate something M or E, you know?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
yes, but not since the x-files days. rip geocities webrings we salute you for your years of service.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but i think i'd like to! passing chapters back and forth sleepover style like "haha write your way out of THIS" would be fun. (or collaborating in a more mundane way, i guess....)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
john sheppard/elizabeth weir (stargate atlantis). first fic in the tag and i'm still fuckin there. three years on tv and a lifetime in my goddamn brain.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
realistically, i'm feeling pretty down on the chances that i'll ever finish ANY wip that's longer than 20k, but the two long ones withering on the vine that i'd like to finish are a sam/jack sg1 episodic soulmate fic and "what if janeway went undercover with the maquis instead of tuvok: the novel."
16. What are your writing strengths?
stealing one of geneeste's answers because "character complexity" is a good one! i don't feel satisfied with any fic unless i feel like i have learned something new about a character, or highlighted it in a new way.
my more specific strength, according to @coraclavia, is missing-scene fics that weave through an entire series canon to make a thesis statement (they are In Love).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
😭 i can't write anything long 😭 i really wish i were different 😭 i envy those of you with staying power who can return to a story after going to work or writing something else and keep plugging away at it. i used to write sprawling things when i was a teen, but since becoming Adult With Job now many years ago, i've totally lost that skill!!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
haaaahahahaha. talk about a weakness. i literally couldn't bring myself to write a fic that required dialogue in Ancient from stargate, a language that -- i cannot stress this enough -- is not even real. i'm like "well maybe i'll study latin for three years and then analyze all the episodes where they speak it to reverse engineer the differences so i can write the bastardized space latin correctly" GIRL WHY. JUST FUCK IT UP.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
first completed story that i recall would have been star trek voyager in my early teens, and by the grace of rural internet and some kind of prescient sense of self-preservation, it does not live online. first internet-published fic was several years later, for the x-files. for better or worse, that one can still be found.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
i think pieces (stargate atlantis, sheppard/weir, catharsis through sex pollen) might be the new best, and i had a lot of fun writing erasers on pencils (stargate sg-1, clone!sam/jack, catharsis through truancy).
i am sure many of my fic-writer-meme friends have done this already but @ussjellyfish if your answers have changed since whenever you did it last; i'd love to hear how @havocthecat, @anretc, and @coraclavia would answer this; and blowing dandelion meme seeds over the fence to the mash fandom: @remyfire!
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sparktober · 2 years
Come one, come all! The Sparktober Discord 2022 invite is live! We’re a pretty chill server with channels for fanworks, episode discussion, hobbies, pets, and more! If any watchalongs happen this year, they’ll be happening in there.
Come squee with us!
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We have a new mod!
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My name is Remi (she/they) and I am very excited to be here!
I have been in many fandoms for many years (LJ and Webrings kind of years) - I read copious amounts of fic and participate in fandom most often by being an enabler, beta reader, and cheerleader to various fic writers and creators.
.. I also have been known to make a crocheted character amigurumi on occasion.
My fandom list is ever-growing (but I am rarely a completionist or strictly faithful to canon) - Stargate, Star Trek, LotR, Teen Wolf, One Chicago, Doctor Who, 9-1-1, Marvel, AtLA, DC... I go through lots of media and will be excited about the vast majority of it if given the chance.
I am in the process of building up the queue, but if there are things you would like to see on this account, please feel free to send me an ask!
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