#starr should probably not ever be left with a child in her care for longer than five minutes she uhh never has kids
br1ghtestlight · 1 year
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needlessly complicated diagram explaining the relationship between my sims 4 family (except they are objects bcuz they are objects ocs first and foremost. they arent in game obviously)
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The Night Before VI
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Chapter: 6/15
Rating: T
Summary: Ringo hangs around after the club closes and meets a stranger.
Tags: Smut, Slow Burn
Pairing: George Harrison/Ringo Starr (Background McLennon)
AO3 link here / Fic masterlist here
Saturday couldn't come quick enough. Ringo found himself going to bed early and waking up later just to make the time pass faster, he knew it was a little pathetic but he just couldn't wait to see George again. At first he planned to keep it on the downlow with John and Paul, but it was almost impossible with how inquisitive they both were, and deep down he really did want to get them involved. His only worry was that this would be yet another instance of him falling head over heels for a guy only for it to end in disaster, followed by weeks of the sympathy treatment from the seemingly perfect couple.
Ringo spent far longer than he'd admit trying to find the perfect thing to wear. He was making an assumption, but judging by the way George dressed he really cared about his image, and Ringo wasn't about to look like a fool either by trying too hard or not trying hard enough. He had a few statement pieces in his wardrobe, usually ones that John had left behind and never wanted back, but he didn't feel confident enough to wear them. In the end he decided on a black turtleneck and some corduroy trousers, he felt it struck the perfect balance.
Rooting around in his kitchen cabinets he found an assortment of half-full bottles of alcohol, exactly how much they'd be able to get through Ringo wasn't sure but he figured he should offer them all up all the same. He'd just finished putting the final touches on the place before his phone buzzed; it was George letting him know he was outside the building. It wouldn't be exaggerating to say Ringo practically sprinted down the stairs to let him in.
George gave him a wide smile, he looked far more presentable than the last time he'd seen him and it was a definite improvement. His shoulder-length hair had been brushed out, it looked smooth to the touch, and he was dressed just as expressively as before.
"Hey." Ringo smiled back, letting George into the stairwell and heading straight to his door.
"I brought some mixers." George held up his Tesco bag evidently "I hope you weren't joking about the alcohol."
"Far from it." Ringo chuckled, determined to not let his nerves get the best of him tonight "We've got a little bit of everything."
"Perfect." George replied.
Ringo headed directly into his kitchen to get two glasses, the bottles of alcohol were already strewn across the coffee table. George made himself comfortable, though not as comfortable as he had done previously, stripping off his jacket and laying it across the back of the sofa.
"Jeez, you weren't joking." George noted, relaxing back into the sofa as he admired the array of alcohol before him.
"Well you know, you're near the end of a bottle so you buy another one and after a while this happens." Ringo returned with the glasses in hand, setting them down on the table gently.
Sitting down on the other end of the sofa, Ringo felt the panic beginning to set in, but that was nothing alcohol couldn't fix. George pulled out his knock-off mixers, a few lemonades and colas which would ultimately go with anything.
"So, where should we begin?" George asked, rubbing his hands together excitedly.
"I think we should work our way up." Ringo suggested "Leave the whiskey and rum for last, start with some gin?"
"Sounds good to me." George grabbed at the gin bottle immediately, pouring a liberal amount into both of their glasses and topping it off with lemonade.
"Cheers." Ringo offered, clinking their glasses together and drinking about a quarter before putting it back down.
It was strange to be drinking without John and Paul, Ringo had to admit, but it was nice to keep some new company for once. The only problem was he had no idea what to talk about, he didn't even know George's last name, where could he even begin?
"Now I was thinking about this on the way over." George started, Ringo fought the knot forming in his stomach "I think we should play a game, just to get to know each other a little better. Skip all the small talk and that bullshit."
Ringo relaxed instantly "What kind of game?"
"Might I suggest truth or dare with a twist? Forget the dare, replace it with drink; if you don't want to answer, you drink. Simple." George explained, taking another sip.
"Sounds easy enough." Ringo replied, his mind already racing with potential questions "Why don't you go first?"
George chuckled "Alright, I'll start us off strong." He shifted in his seat a little so he could face Ringo better "How many people have you slept with?"
Ringo was thankful he wasn't drinking, because he might have spluttered "Oh I see, going straight in there are we?"
"I said I'd start us off strong, not easy." George raised his eyebrow "Now, tell me the truth or take a generous sip of that drink."
Ringo paused for a moment, he seriously debated lying to seem cooler but he figured that defeated the whole purpose of the game "I don't really know for certain, but around thirty. Give or take."
George made an affirming noise "Your turn."
"Hmm..." Ringo pondered "Alright, what's the most amount of people you've slept with at once?"
A grin grew across George's face, he opened his mouth to speak but the grin took over once more. He said nothing, taking a long sip of his drink and letting out an exaggerated noise of satisfaction afterwards. Ringo couldn't help laughing.
"Wow, that many?" Ringo joked "I'm really not gonna judge you or anything."
"I didn't think you would, but if we don't drink it kinda defeats the purpose." George said matter-of-factly "My go. Let's see... You ever fucked Paul or John?"
Ringo hadn't been so lucky this time, he choked on his drink in surprise then burst into laughter "Jesus, no!"
George squinted his eyes "You ever wanted to?"
Ringo matched his gaze and took a sip, making George laugh. Whatever tension Ringo had been worried about was nowhere to be seen, he felt like he'd known George for years. At least, he'd have years of dirt on him after they'd finished playing.
"Okay... What's something that turns you on that you're kinda ashamed of?" Ringo asked, he spoke like he'd only just thought of it.
George leant back on the sofa, knitting his eyebrows together in thought "I dunno, I'm not really ashamed of anything like that."
"Really? There's gotta be something." Ringo pressed eagerly.
"Alright, alright... I was with a guy a while back who was into some freaky shit. Once he got me to piss on him, it was a little gross but at the time I got a kick out of it." George spoke with confidence, as though he was saying the most mundane thing.
Ringo couldn't help laughing like a child "Piss, seriously? That's taking it a bit far for me."
"Hey, don't knock it 'til you've tried it." George winked, taking another sip "What's the kinkiest thing you've ever done then?"
"I don't think I can top that." Ringo thought back as best he could "I had a girlfriend who used to get me to pour hot wax on her. It was pretty sexy, I can't lie, but the mess afterwards was a ball-ache and a half."
George seemed pleased with his answer but when he spoke he sounded surprised "You fuck women?"
Ringo chuckled "I guess... At least I used to, I haven't been with a girl for a while now."
"Why's that you reckon?" George asked, his interest piqued.
Ringo let out a huff of air "I'm not sure. If I'm being honest it probably cause with guys you just go straight to anal, and I just think it feels so much better. With girls a lot of the time you've gotta work up to it, and I just don't have the patience." He felt a little sleazy saying this, but he didn't think George would judge him.
"Fair enough." George sat up straight "Time for a refill. Down yours, I don't wanna be ahead."
Just as before, Ringo did as he was told and finished off his drink. George poured another gin and lemonade, being far more generous with the alcohol this time.
"Is it my go?" George asked, but didn't wait for answer "Favourite porn category, quick!"
Ringo panicked and failed to get anything coherent out quickly "Threesome." He surprised himself.
"Good choice." George grinned "Now you go, I want a really tough one."
It took Ringo a while to decide on the right thing to say, this could be his chance to get a truth out of George that he'd been longing to know, but he didn't want to risk making it awkward. If truth was the only option, that would be a different story entirely.
"Were you lying when you said I'm the biggest you've ever had?" Ringo spoke slowly, as though it made the question less intense.
George debated his next move, Ringo watched him in anticipation. He made a show of moving his drink to his lips then moving it away as though he were about to speak, repeating it a few times before he committed to downing the drink entirely.
"You bastard." Ringo scoffed jokingly, taking a similarly large gulp of his own drink.
"Sorry, Ringo." George began "You know in the heat of the moment you say all kinds of things, it made you feel good and that's all that matters."
"Don't worry, I forgive you." Ringo smiled innocently "I was lying when I said you were the tightest, so..."
George's face lit up, he shoved Ringo playfully "Sack of shit! You didn't even have to tell me that."
Ringo finished his drink off, allowing George to pour them a rum and coke. They still had a while before they had to be at the party, but Ringo wasn't nervous about being able to hold his drink. Even if he did end up getting too wasted, he could just crawl into bed happy with the knowledge that he and George had a good time.
"Alright, my turn." George looked Ringo dead in the eye "How many times have you wanked over me?"
It was blunt, Ringo wasn't entirely sure why he was surprised since it was coming from George. Yet again he debated lying, but it didn't feel right. It hadn't been that much, really, when you considered the short time frame that they'd known one another. Meeting George's fixed gaze, Ringo finished his drink with ease. The taste wasn't the most pleasant, but it got him well on his way. George's eyes seemed to grow darker as he watched Ringo, clearly satisfied with whatever answer he was giving himself.
"Can I repeat your question?" Ringo asked with a grin, pouring himself another liberal drink.
George ran his tongue over his sharp tooth "Now that would be telling, wouldn't it?" Following Ringo's suit, he finished his drink off.
Neither of them said anything for a while, but they kept their eyes on one another. Ringo felt he was breathing too loud, but it was just the silence of the room that was warping his perception. Nobody seemed to want to speak first, either that or George enjoyed the tension. Eventually it was too much for Ringo and he reached for his phone.
"Music?" He asked simply, George nodded in response "Anything in particular?"
"Put on whatever." George waved his hand dismissively "If I don't like it I'll tell you and judge you immensely for it."
"No pressure." Ringo chuckled, picking one of his favourite playlists and putting it on shuffle "Figured we could get some good music in before we head out, some of the shit people play these days I can't stand it."
"In all honesty Ringo, I don't think we're gonna be spending much time downstairs." George smirked "Not if things go my way, that is."
Ringo sipped his drink, his mouth was suddenly dry. Exactly how this night was gonna turn out, Ringo saw no point in trying to guess, but the look in George's eyes told him everything he needed to know.
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