#stars align blog
transingthoseformers · 10 months
One of the things i love about bayverse fics and Earthspark fics is that they seem to be bolder about human & transformer interaction, I know it's a whole ✨thing✨ about how much focus is often put on the human characters in the shows but I adore it when we get to see a human plopped in the middle of the cybertronians' metaphorical world even if they're on our literal world
This is based on that physical affection ask making me remember some of my favorite bayverse fics and just. Loving humans living amongst transformers in general.
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mogai-sunflowers · 3 months
🌌a warm celestial welcome! REQUESTS: OPEN!🌌
hello wonderful friends! I am Reign, they/them, I'm a xenogender + genderqueer aroace sapphic bi lesbian! this is my main mogai blog where I coin genders, orientations, and do combo flags! below you can find: what I will take requests for, my tagging system, my boundaries, and ways you can help Palestine and Sudan!
🌌what I do-
Xenogenders/gender identities
orientation terms
Combo flags (no more than 5 flags)
allions, otherspirit terms, and alderns
🌌tagging system-
🌌a star is born ; coining🌌 ← for both my terms and my flags
🌌written in the stars ; asks🌌
🌌wish upon a star ; reigns requests🌌
🌌when the stars align ; reigns rambles🌌
i know I cannot stop people from interacting. that being said, fuck Zionists, queer exclusionists of any kind, TERFs, radqueers, ableists, and racists.
I hate all cops (especially ur cop dad <3). abolish police, prisons, and landlords. Land Back. fuck white saviorism- hands off Congo and all of Africa, free Sudan, Tigray, and Palestine, and last but not least, FUCK ISRAEL AND THE UAE!
PALESTINE: Consistently updated master list of vetted Palestinian fundraisers
SUDAN: Donate to- Sudanese-American Physicians Association, Khartoum Aid Kitchen, Darfur Womens Action Group , x
SUDAN: On Instagram, follow @/red_maat , @/bsonblast , @/for Sudanese liberation , @/Sudan.updates , @/Sudansolidaritycollective , @/yousraelbagir , @/modathirzainalabdeen , @/forsudaneseliberation , @/nasalsudan , @/zzeirra , @/sudanuntold , and @/kandakamagazine to stay up to date on how to get involved
CONGO: Donate to- Focus Congo, Congo Friends
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Water Signs & Dreams
Cancer dreams are filled with reciprocation of love. Yet even in the dreams, there's the insecurity of not knowing when to fall in love and when you will suddenly hit the ground with falling to fast. You take your inner thoughts wherever you go, child, even when you're awake. Don't be afraid of your own emotions, they're a strength.
Scorpio dreams are filled with all the things you secretly wish for but know you can't have or wouldn't ever ask for. Aching isn't gallant, and longing doesn't do you any good. Don't try to find excuses for why other people are better off without you. Do your best and show them what a good person you can be. Then you can let your dreams roam free and become true, in the best way.
Pisces dreams are full of symbolism. Whether full of fulfillment that awake hours just cannot reach, colorful streams of fantasy places, or what you see when you look in the mirror, your dreamworld knows it all. Take a little something, a little magic, with you. And then open your eyes and be present in the real world. It's quite good sometimes, you'll see.
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cliveguy · 7 months
the universe is kind of crazy bc i moved to a random town to do this course + figured out (roughly) what i want to do as a career through taking a random module. and now i'm realising that this town is pretty good for that career choice and i might end up getting a real job here.
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stillcominback · 7 months
🎀 🎀 🎀
#hi friends!#local cryptid laurel making a quick little dash appearance just to check in tbh 💗💗💗#miss you all and writing loads but life continues to be a lot lol 😮‍💨#still job hunting which has been really rough in general but also mentally#then raising my daughter aka puppy who I love but takes a lot of my time and energy 🐶#BUUUUUUT a couple things!#1 - i’m better at checking into discord these days so if you would like to plot/write there and/or make servers to do so I would LOVE THAT#2 - RE: depressing job search - I’m working on opening up my own small shop!!#I’ll be starting with a collection inspired by The Traitors aka one of my fave shows atm#but will be doing all kinds of designs going forward!#I’ll drop more info here once we officially ✨launch✨#but I would love to get more followers on our IG page and just get some hype/interest going!#so if anyone wants to check us out to see what’s to come (soon)! the IG is sonichedesigns#(and the website is thatsoniche but it’s not fully opened yet!)#I’m nervous but excited because I’ve always wanted to do something like this but never really had the time or creative/mental energy#so maybe the stars are aligning who knows!#LOVE YOU ALL and hope to catch you on discord at least!#(again not abandoning tumblr or rp at all! just don’t have much time for it so my blogs are basically for aesthetic things and w/e I have#time for haha 🤪💗 but discord I would love to do more writing and stuff so hmu or ask for my handle! MWAH!)#💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years
all the posts about harry kim getting shafted have me thinking about What Could Have Been and YES he should have gotten promoted and that is the LEAST they could do, but it should have been so much more than that. harry could and should have been the audience self-insert pov growing-into-hero character we deserved.
basically, he's perfectly set up to fill the wesley crusher role on voyager without the three things that pissed off tng fans (unfairly imho): that wesley was a literal teenager, a civilian who hadn't earned the right to be an officer, and that he was overpowered because he kept figuring out answers alone.
harry's strength isn't in his individual genius, but in his a) relentless starfleet optimism, and b) ability to collaborate and bring out the best in other people. his weakness is that he has been on the job for 14 hours when everything goes to hell.
if they weren't so allergic to continuity, voyager is set up to be theee individual character development show and they should have leaned into that hard (because tng was the "these characters are already the best starfleet has to offer" one and ds9 already had the "we all have to learn to collaborate with our different objectives and points of view" story well in hand). so let harry be the flagship character of that story!!
first off: he shouldn't have walked on board as the operations officer. almost nothing has to change for this. let his first conversation with janeway when he comes on board be about his potential. "it's a special privilege to be a starfleet officer's first captain," she says, which tells us a lot about her character right off the bat (she's great at spotting potential and loves to develop people). "your job is to do your best and watch and learn from the experienced officers around you, and one day you'll make a great one."
and then two scenes later we get flung into the delta quadrant and the senior bridge officers DIE, and in that moment of holy shit this is my first day on the job and all these people died and i don't know what's going on, harry steps up!! and in the ocampa arc he shows how he handles first contact like a starfleet officer even when literally dying. after the pilot we would totally get why janeway is like "welp i guess you're getting that chance to be a senior officer a lot sooner than expected." both he and the audience know that he's stepping into huge shoes he's not really qualified for (last held on-screen by DATA) but we want to root for him!!
and i don't think anyone else's story has to be sacrificed for this either. i know the EMH and b'elanna have fish-out-of-water senior officer stories already, but this is something different. those two are both fully confident in their individual abilities, but need to learn the interpersonal skills to work with others and lead a department. harry needs practical experience to offset his academy idealism and develop faith in his own skill.
and tom's story isn't competition because that's a "second chance" narrative and has a totally different arc.
so that's the setup, and THEN we get to go through all the things that actually already happen on-screen with harry (and more of the same -- a "nightingale" type story should have happened way sooner). there should have been more of the kind of scenes with janeway that we got at the end of "emanations" where she helps him process his experiences and recognizes him for his development. give the kid some medals! his night shift command could have been be a big deal!
and YEAH he finally gets promoted! i think it should come either after "the killing game," or after an unwritten episode where all the senior officers are captured somewhere and harry has to rally a handful of lower decks crewmen to save the day. that would be a fantastic episode in this storyline actually, because it could start with him kind of bemoaning that he's not really a command officer because he doesn't get to / can't make these bold command decisions on his own that janeway & chakotay do -- janeway especially gets a lot of individual heroism moments. but here you have him in charge of some scared crewmen and yeah he makes some decisions but also he leans into his strengths and raises them all up. in some nice narrative parallels, he gives them a speech that janeway gave him early on about how You Can Do It Actually.
and at the end of that, janeway gets to talk to him about how every captain has a unique style. she can't give him his own ship, but here, now he's one pip closer.
anyway since that did NOT happen paramount owes me money and they can pay me back by having the phrase "youngest admiral in starfleet history harry kim" spoken aloud and guys you literally have FOUR actively airing shows where this could happen.
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Since humans and Vulcans are so close and have been since the beginning do you think Romulans ever regret not finding us first? Romulans are just spicy Vulcans and humans are like catnip to Vulcans so do Romulans get jealous of their Vulcan cousins? Or am I just reading into this to much lol
I am not as knowledgeable about Romulans tbh so I don’t actually know? But I like to think they are!
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bugbyte · 1 month
I have no idea when we’ll be able to afford a place to live again, let alone anything in addition to that, but the little Hope™️ part of my brain has been forcing me to make a map in Apple Maps with markers for every tourist thing and national park and hole in the wall eatery I want to see someday, just in case.
I have no idea if I will get to see any of them, both for money and for health reasons. But I keep adding them anyway. The list is up to 53 things.
Scrolling around the map watching the little markers pile up is fun, though. :)
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kitteneddiediaz · 4 months
#I am having such a bad day#like the fucking worst#and the stars aligned for me to have no one to really talk to about it#my parents are at a concert (jealous)#I don’t want to talk to my brother bc he’s the main reason I’m upset#my bff is in south central working and doesn’t have cell service#my other bff is across the us and is already asleep#two of my close friends here are over seas or on a cruise without cell service#my other friend here is out with his guy friends having fun and I’m not gonna stop him#get ready for a self-pity moment here#I know my blog is pretty new#that I’ve been here for… maybe a year?#tbh I can’t remember when I stopped lurking and started engaging#but I always feel like I’m outside looking in at all my mutuals#who dm each other and talk and are friends#and I often feel just like a mutual and not a tumblr friend#and I know that shit takes time#but I just want someone to talk to about my fics and stuff but I feel bad reaching out#bc why would anyone want to talk to me when they have other people in this fandom they like more#man the demons are really getting me today#even my cat bit me#she’s snuggling me now but she bit me earlier#ugh#I don’t think the never ending overcast 40 degree weather is helping either I wish it were warm and sunny#just one day for the love of god#anyway#if you’ve read this far thanks for listening#I’ll probably feel better tomorrow or maybe later in the week#honestly thank god I rebound so fast and generally have a happy disposition
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
most exclusionists have probably never had to ACTUALLY struggle to figure out their identity. like, i mean ACTUALLY struggle. not just being a little confused for a little while but figuring it out without much pain or hassle and after that point not really questioning again. and it fucking shows.
like oh i’m so sorry you spent a month slightly confused over your sexuality or gender, but then you figured it out and that was that. so now you think you’re the fucking end all be all of the queer experience and expect it to be that fucking easy for everyone. good for fucking you.
every night for four years, i was up agonizing over my sexuality. a lot of the times it was so painful i couldn’t breathe, just had to fucking keep going feeling like there was no end in sight to the NOT KNOWING. and some of y’all will truly never ever understand what that feels like but instead of acknowledging that you act like it should just be fucking easy for us.
5 years later, i’m not actually that much closer to figuring any of it out. but i’ve never been happier. you know what helped me get there? realizing that my worth is not dependent upon whether or not i have myself figured out, that i don’t need to have myself figured out in order to move forward with my life. and then, fucking THEN, gender came into the picture and sometimes i feel like i’m right back where i started.
last night, when i was outed to my mom, she was more accepting of my gender identity than most of the people in this “community”. my 60 year old mother who got confused when i said i thought i was a boy because “i thought you were asexual”, still managed to be more comforting and supportive of my journey with gender and sexuality, than any of the exclusionists who’ve come for me on here. my mother, who doesn’t know the difference between a trans man and a trans woman, still was able to tell me that my soul doesn’t change just because my gender might and that i have time to figure it out and don’t need to rush myself, whereas i’ve had hundreds of OTHER QUEER PEOPLE tell me to kill myself for being bi and a lesbian and a boy.
so fuck you. fuck you if you think that you know more about me than i do. fuck you if you think those years i spent in constant questioning agony, don’t matter because i just have to use the definition that makes everyone else comfortable. fuck your exclusionism, fuck your gatekeeping, fuck you forever.
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lottieurl · 1 year
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Fire Signs & Dreams
Aries dreams are waking you up in the morning with the intense feeling that your absurd dream was absolutely real. It's feeling like you can actually fly, like you actually burn, like you actually fear what you saw. Don't be afraid, the terrors are only as long as the night.
Leo dreams are when you wake up and feel at peace with yourself, and then you remember there are other people. It's the feeling of total control when you just got good credit for something you worked hard for. Leo dreams feel like feverish phases of intense self-confidence, like a danced-through Saturday night, like summer and margeritas. Sad the energy is not lasting through the day always.
Sagittarius dreams are more like dreaming yourself away to a different place, a different time. They happen in the twilight or at nap time in the afternoon. Dreamlike trances are what brings you your next wonderful idea. Sagittarius dreams are full of longing, full of unfulfillment when waking up. Use the pull they give you. Use the inspiration.
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lunarfied · 2 years
one like and i drop my next genshin smau 🥱
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avarkriss · 7 months
just had the very awful realization that im going to bring an aries/taurus cusp into the world - which wouldn't be horrible except it's also the year of the dragon, and there's every single chance that this kid arrives during the solar eclipse
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vriskaserketdaily · 2 years
Love your vriskas Do you have an art blog?
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but i do sometimes post non-vriska art on my main
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merevide · 11 months
finding posts to lead up to the goodnight post is such a task. n i do it because i have to. who needs sleep. need to blog. need to lay my head against cool metal surface. need to blog
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