#starscream x ultra magnus
artxssa · 5 months
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If TFP had BeReal...
Smokey would love that app lol
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tinydefector · 4 months
Do you think cybertronians ever get a bit freaked out on how tough we are? Yes they can break us like toothpicks but humans seem to be able to take a good beating as well with adrenaline helping. Even our own body and oxygen trys kills us and yet we stick around like roaches. We're fragile in some reasonable and dumb ways and then resilient in the most dumbest ways.
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Oh definitely, alot of the bots are very off put by how fragile humans are just in general and tend to avoid them.
But then there's the moments like Ratchet working a late shift and a small knock on the door alerts him someone's there, he turns around expecting it to be Rodimus or Whirl who he's about to scold but instead it's one of the humans and they look worse for wear. After fussing over them for a moment, detailed scans relay fractured ribs, a broken collar bone, and a heap of bruises and yet the humans just like. "Can I have some Panadol, Nurophen, and a glass of water?" Because they don't know what else to do its what they would get. Most of the times they ended up in the hospital. Ratchet is losing his God dawn mind as he rushes around looking for the best painkillers he can find for orgaincs in the smallest dosage he can give, hoping to primus it doesn't shut their heart down. In the end, they end up on a medication that makes them extremely drowsy, almost like the green whistle/ Weed.
Ratchet ends up doing alot of study on the human body and realises just how fucked up little monsters we are. We literally need oxygen to survive but he we have to much pure oxygen it will kill us. Water, we need a certain amount of it, if we don't have enough we will get dehydrated and die, if we have to much we will get water poisoning, intoxication, or a disruption of brain function. This happens when there's too much water in our cells, such as the brain and blood cells, causing them to swell. When the cells in the brain swell, they cause pressure in the brain, resulting in death. The issue is that it can become an addiction to drinking too much water for the effect it has on the body. Same with nearly everything we consume, it can kill us, but we need a lot of it in moderation.
Human: "I just need some basic pain killers and a nap"
Bot: "No, you need full surgery, sedations, and 3 weeks of recovery!"
Human: "nah she'll be fine!"
Bot: "Absolutely Not, bed now before I cuff you"
Following that imagine a first contact AU where Cybertronians and humans are just slowly getting to know how the other works and next thing a human is kneeling over in horrific pain and it send the bots all into panic mode trying to help them, wondering what's happening and thinking they are dying. And the human after about ten minutes some pain killers still looking rather pale and unhealthy just go. "Sorry about that fuck I hate, Cramps/palpitations/ phantom pains/ and such" and the bots are just looking at them horrified like.
Human: what you talking about?
Bot: everything that just happened you literally just short circuited!
Human: nah that's causal wait till you see the really funky shit.
Human pet AU
Cybertronian's keeping humans as pets is like humans keeping hamsters. Humans are some of the most homicidal, suicidal and just deranged creatures that Cybertronian's could keep as pets. It's gotten to the point that they are a luxury/ exotic pet because if you do not feed them the right stuff, give them the right amount of light and socialising, and they will just die. There are so many Cybertronian's who take their human into clinics worried as and its just the human being a little bustard because they didn't get the treat they wanted 2 weeks ago and are still holding that grudge. Not to mention, we are prone to causing as much trouble and issue. We are like cats.
But we are also very easily sick and primus forbid a human gets sick because to a bot they think it's a death sentence for their sweet little spitfire of a human who they have had now for ages. And the human looks ready to die, and the next day, they are up and about like nothing ever happened.
Human: if you don't feed me the meals I want I'm going to pretend to die. If you do feed me what I want I might actually die because I shouldn't be eating it.
Human: totally worth it.
In conclusion, the cybertronians are rather wary/ concerned about how resilient humans really are.
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in1-nutshell · 11 months
How would the tfp autobots and decepticons react to the toy furby
Ooohhh! I remember furby's, granted they were a bit creepy in my opinion. These are a bit shorter than what I usually write, I was trying to get most of the characters in. Let me know if these needed more writing in them.
Hope you enjoy everyone's reactions to the furby's
Autobots and Decepticons reaction to seeing a furby
SFW, mentions of blasters
How did this all happen? One word to simplify everything: Miko. She thought it would be funny to start leaving these little menaces around the base and to get the bots reaction to it. How did she acquire these furbies, don’t ask any questions. Jack tried to stop her, but she successfully bribed him by promising to send him the video of Arcee’s reaction. Raf promised to edit the videos to be at their finest. Operation: Furby reaction is a go.
Optimus Prime
He notices the first furby as it sits innocently near one of the control panels. At first, he thinks that one of those ‘birds’ had entered the base and tried to move the thing.
“Hello little one. How did you get in here?”--Optimus
“I see… Ratchet did you let the creature inside the base?”--Optimus
“Did I do what now?”--Ratchet
Then it suddenly started moving and squawking its native tongue that may or may not have startled the Prime a bit.
He doesn’t mind the furby too much… but does sense something about it.
He notices when he sees Prime slightly startled by something.
He goes to investigate and nearly squashes the Furby thinking it was a scraplet.
“Ratchet! Do not harm the creature!”--Optimus
“Optimus with all due respect, that thing is definitely some sort of scraplet! It might be a different type of mutation but look at it!”--Ratchet
“It even looks evil Optimus! I’m getting my wrenches.”--Ratchet
He does not care about Optimus’s code on not killing living being. That thing looked at him weird and he is going to end it before it eventually causes trouble.
Nearly has a whiplash when he sees the little thing. He also thinks it’s a scraplet at first, but slightly calms down recognizing it as one of those human toys he saw on commercial with Raf.
Everything is fine… until it started screeching and moving by itself.
Does not like furby’s at all. Claims that they were trying to speak to him.
Her encounter with the Furby is short.
Mainly because she saw something move out of the corner of her optic and blasted the poor thing to bits.
“Huh? What on Cybertron—”--Arcee
“SCCCCRREEECCH—”—Furby remains
Blaster firing intensifies.
She doesn’t know what that thing was, but it started it.
He is running to see where Bumblebee is after hearing him screaming. He has his wrecking ball at the ready and ready to comm in back up if necessary.
“What is it!?”--Bulkhead
Absolutely loathe those things. It reminds him too much of the scraplet incident that happened. He would be swinging his wrecking ball if it hadn’t gotten stuck in the wall.
He is running as soon as he hears Bulkhead and Bumblebee screaming. His katanas are out as is ready for some slicing and dicing.
“Where’s the danger!?”--Wheeljack
“BEEPPP! (ITS MOVING!)--Bumblebee
“There, its sliced in half. Huh. You two where afraid of this little cute—”--Wheeljack
“SSSSSCCCCRRREEEAAAACCCHH!”--- The two remains of the Furby
Blaster firing and wrecking ball smashing intensifies.
Isn’t a huge fan of the little things. It’s a bit cute in a creepy way. Does remind him of scraplets if they had gotten some mold and gained some sort of upper-level sentience.
Like Arcee, his encounter with the Furby is short.
He accidentally stepped on one effectively crushing it.
“Hmm? Hmm.” –Smokescreen
He is completely oblivious to the tomfoolery that is happening all over the base. He is too busy with looking at the latest relic they managed to find.
Ultra Magnus
He finds a Furby near his work area. He tries to speak to the Furby as he would to anyone else.
“Excuse me but you are in classified—”—Ultra Magnus
“That was unnecessary and—”—Ultra Magnus
“Listen to—”—Ultra Magnus
“Ultra Magnus move!”--Ratchet
Furby is hit with 10 wretches in one go.
He doesn’t mind furby’s like Optimus. Mainly because he was trying to communicate with it and never got to finish his sentences with it.
No one knows how it was done, but the impossible was made possible. After Miko finished getting all the Bots’ reaction to the furbies she decided to do something else. Somehow, she managed to scatter the remaining furbies on board the Nemesis. How did she do this. Not even Miko quite knows how she did it.
He finds the Furby on his throne. He doesn’t know what this thing is, but it is on his throne, and no one sits on his throne except him.
“You! How dare you sit upon my throne!”--Megatron
Blaster firing intensifies.
The furby would be gone whether he is on Dark Energon or not. Will not admit it but the furby noise sent a little shiver down his struts. Good thing no one saw that.
He finds the furby in his habsuite. He is curious in how this weird looking organic thing managed to find his room. He takes the furby to the interrogation room.
“Who are you? Speak worthless organic!”--Starscream
“How dare you! I am Starscream, Second in Command of the Decepticon Army! You will—”--Starscream
“Two can play it that game!”--Starscream
He ends up staying in the room with the furby for a while. Takes the furby to his room and plays on doing a hostage exchange if it is needed.
Finds the furby on his desk. Lazerbeak deploys and flies around the small thing. Steps a bit closer to getting a good look at it.
He immediately groundbridges the furby outside the Nemesis to have it fall and burn on reentry. He does however keep the screeching noise recorded and will use it if necessary… or if he is bored.
Knockout and Breakdown
The pair enters the medbay and finds the furby on the medslab.
Breakdown looks at it and thinks it’s kind of cute. Knockout on the other hand.
“OH, PRIMUS KILL IT!”--Knockout
Breakdown smashes the furby to oblivion. Did he regret it? No, it was causing Knockout stress, and he was happy to get rid of it for him. Knockout knows the furby’s horrors, he knows…
His time with the furby is short. He accidentally stepped on it as he was trying to get some creates to his habsuite.
“What in the All Spark? Hmm…”--Dreadwing
He does wonder what the weird noise was, but he has other things to worry about, so he quickly forgets about the encounter.
He doesn’t know they exist. There were no furbies in the lab or in his habsuite. The two places he really goes to. He does hear from the others about the furbies though.
“They sound illogical.”--Shockwave
“You’re illogical!”—Starscream
He doesn’t care about the furbies, he has science experiments and war crimes to commit.
He finds one near his kennel and does not like it. Sure, the Nemesis isn’t the greatest place, but that spot is his!
“You! Vermin! Who are you!”--Predaking
Fire breathing intensifies.
Does not like the noises and is quick to end the furby.
She finds one randomly walking in the halls screaming. She just stabs it and puts it on her trophy case. She doesn’t have time for anything else. She has Arcee and Megatron to kill.
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muaan · 1 month
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jhalocurse57 · 13 days
I did this one just for fun lol, you can think of whatever Gen of each of them you wanna, if you wanna comment which gen you were thinking of when you chose who you chose and explain why go on ahead I'd love to hear your answers and reasoning behind them 😄 I'd also love to hear what you'd do on Cybertron long before it fell!
I don't expect this to go viral at all like the last poll lol
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What’s gayer, the month of June or whatever the heck these bots had going on.
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yoayoaa · 7 months
Hi nice to meet you can I ask the transformers prime bots and cons react to finding in a pod an bunch of sparkling beans I imagine them to be small enough to be hold by human arms and soft and squishy like alike mashmellows until they grown giant size
Prompt: Tfp Autobots and Decepticons reacting to a pod full of small sparklings
Warnings: no warnings, this is sfw
Notes: THIS IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! I'd want to hold one or two tbh 😔😔
-well this is unexpected-
-the team found a stasis pod before bringing it back- although with a bit of hesitation due to some previous experiences...
-ANYWHO the last thing they'd be expecting for the pod to be FULL OF SPARKLINGS
-Ratchet is worrying his aft off about their health, he's old give him a break 😭
-Optimus and Bumblebee are worried for the sparklings, how long have they been in that stasis pod
-Arcee, Bulkhead, and Wheeljack is confused onto why are there a bunch of sparklings in a pod, sent to Earth
-i feel like Smokescreen would have been worried yet confused at the same time, he has no idea whats going on 💀
-Ultra magnus...well i think he'd be worried about the team's availability but also minding the fact that the sparklings also need someone (somebot-) to watch over them
-the bots would be more aware of their surroundings with how small and squishy and sparklings are
-more so when Miko was able to hold them 😭
-Thankfully Ratchet deduced that the sparklings would grow much larger than their current size...now to think of where to house them-
-well well well what do we have here, a soon to be deceptico-
-im kidding 😭 (or not? Depends on said cons-)
-again they thought there was a relic in the pod, AND NOT A BUNCH OF SMALL SPARKLINGS IN IT
-bet most of the cons were to baffled to speak until Megatron tells someone to take care of this 'problem'
-Starscream would have the thought of making said decepticon army from sparklings, but probably forgot how hard it is to teach sparklings
-Soundwave would entertain some of them with his visor (the smiley faces, using his tentacle(?) thing by tickling the little sparklings)
-Knockout would check on the sparklings, probably let out a horrendous gasp or two from how dinged up the sparklings' paint job are
-Breakdown (lets assume he's still alive for the sake of this-) would help Knockout in the med bay
-We do not talk about Airachnid because we know she wont give a damn about those sparklings 💀
-Dreadwing would be confused on how to handle them, i feel like he'd be the type to stiffen up when a sparkling was handed to him
-Shockwave wouldn't really think much or spend much time with them, probably considered it "illogical"
-WE CANT FORGET ABOUT THE VEHICONS. BET THEY ABSOLUTELY ADORE THE SPARKLINGS. A bunch of light to the dark and gloomy lifes of said Vehicons
-Again both Knockout and Shockwave probably reassure Megatron that the sparklings would grow larger than their current size
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cozzzynook · 2 months
Since Bumblebee is a twin that means his sparklings are more likely to be twins, however Seekers are more likely to be triplets.
This means when Bee finds out he is sparked he is just expecting one or two bitties nothing more. So when the scans come back allowing Star and Bee to see their bitty for the first time the yellow bot nearly fainted when he saw he was having a whole LITTER of Sparklings. Bumblebee is just sitting there on the med berth and DREADING the day of emergence, Meanwhile Starscream is giddy and trying to comfort his little bug as well as planning on just how many rooms they need to add to their new House as well as all their toys and furniture they need to buy.
(Bonus: Roddy gets a call from Bee asking how he managed to handle his litter sparklings with Megs and Minimus, The red speedster offers some words of comfort and reassures Bee that everything will be fine. He even offers to be there on the big day if his little brother is that worried, Bee is super thankful and promises to himself from now on he will be using protection a lot more frequently.)
Bee will never allow Starscream to hit it raw ever again and he’s so thankful his big brother and Starscream made his emergence as easy as possible.
Poor Bee.
He expected twins or one bitty and got a whole litter just like his big brother.
Starscream is so happy but i just know he’s fiendin for the day the spike wraps breaks and they have a whole new litter or triplet bitties. Sorry Bee two aren’t enough. He has to see his conjunx heavy and gravid with sparklings and he’s enjoying every nanosecond watching Bee swell with their sparklings while Bee is just dreading it because losing all that frame gain is gonna be tuff.
Starscream hopes he never loses it. He loved Bee chunky when they first met and he still loves him now that he’s chunkier.
Rodimus, unfortunately for Starscream, introduced Bee to sparkling sappers which is an oil one shoots up their valve that coats their forge and gestation tank with a natural repellent to transfluid.
Starscream wanted to commit war right then and there and now he knows how Megatron and Magnus felt when Rodimus got to the stuff
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dragonridernoobie · 4 months
Hi, can I (TFP) Optimus, Starscream, Megatron and Magnus, who got into Y/n's consciousness and saw her unpleasant "memory", and they encounter the dark side of Y/n (fem!reader)
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And then listen to Hit Single Real : Silly Billy (lyrics part)
Then they find out that she used to have a girlfriend/boyfriend, but she/he died and Y/n has been depressed for a long time
Ooooo, dark >:) I will do it!, also, I changed it up a bit since it's kinda boring doing the same thing soooooo.....
Trigger warning: death, abuse, starvation, sexual assault.
TFP x Dark Conscience Reader
Optimus was with (Y/N) when they found an artifact. When they tried to get it, it somehow activated and shot a Lazer right at (Y/N)
They dropped where they were, and optimus thought they'd died intel he noticed how they where still breathing.
In the base, the find out (Y/N) was in a deep sleep. Not a coma but a slee that the artifact caused.
So, they all agreed to make a device that will let them go inside of (Y/N)'s mind.
When they figured out how to, they activated it and optimus went straight in.
There, he found himself somewhere he was not expecting.
He found himself in some type of memory and saw (Y/N) on the bedside of somone he has never seen before.
(Y/N) was crying next to them and saying they will revenge them.
While he watches they slowly fade away and behind him he hears "what do we have here?"
When optimus turned around, he saw some type of (Y/N) but more...evil.
Optimus asked them who they where and they interduce them self's while bowing.
He asked them why they where here.
They explained that they are the dark side of (Y/N).
Optimus dident like the sound of that but he asked where the deta from the artifact was.
(Y/N)'s shows them the deta and optimus takes it.
When He returns to the real world, he gives the deta to ratchet and pulls (Y/N) aside to talk to them.
He will help them with their dark thoughts.
Starscream was with (Y/N) when they where ordered by megatron to go to Shockwaves lab.
When their, Shockwave told them they where going to be test subjects but it would not hurt or kill them.
Starscream would absolutely reject but when Shockwave suggested telling megatron that, Starscream suddenly agreed.
Shockwave hooked up (Y/N) and Starscream to his machine and turned it on.
When starscream and (Y/N) opened their eyes, they were in a white void.
They both where confused intel they both saw them self's in the distance but they where...darker...creepier...evil...
When they got closer, starscream actally showed Confidence and got infront of (Y/N)
Evil Starscream: "what do we have here?"
Evil (Y/N): "seems it's us."
Starscream and (Y/N) where confused and asked who they where.
When the told them they are their dark thoughts, they where scared.
Before they could act, they were in a memory of starscream.
They where on cybertron and starscream was infront of his brothers.
Blaster in hand, aiming at his brother's.
(Y/N)'s watches how starscream kills them.
Before she could ask questions, they are now in a new memory but it's (Y/N)'s.
(Y/N) was cowering in a corner while their boyfriend was yelling at them.
They where beating them because they forgot to sweep.
Before starscream could respawn, they both wake up and Shockwave was there checking their vitals.
Shockwave waved them off, thanking them for their time.
They where both back in starscream berthroom, quite since what they saw are their darkest part of their past.
They soon learn to talk about it and get closer.
Megatron captured (Y/N) months ago.
He was trying to get information from them but failed.
He built a friendship with them.
While he had a friendship with them, he decided to check their mind.
Since he noticed how they seem to panic when they can't fond food and get aggressive.
He dident like that and wanted to know why.
When he asked for Shockwave to make a device to make him enter (Y/N)'s mind, he made sure to keep it secret.
When it was time, he got (Y/N) to eat somthing that was drugged and (Y/N) fell asleep.
Shockwave Activated the device and soon, megatron found himself in a warn down bedroom.
There was a rotten mattress on the floor, broken glass, needles, and dirty dipars on the floor.
While he was confused, he sees (Y/N) but...smaller. he was looking at (Y/N) when they where a sparkling.
They where on the rotten mattress while he could guess his caregiver was yelling at them and beating them.
He sees them tell young (Y/N) that they are not getting food for 2 weeks and locked them in that room.
Before he could Comprehend what he just saw, everything disappeared and he sees (Y/N) but...evil.
This evil (Y/N) says in a deep and creepy voice "you aren't supposed to be here."
He suddenly was pulled out into the real world where knockout and Shockwave were checking his vitals.
When he asked what was that, Shockwave said the evil of (Y/N) tried to enter his helm and he needed to pull him out.
After he let's the news set in, he realized what (Y/N) had to go through.
When (Y/N) woke up, they found themselfs surrounded by food, pillows, stuffed animals, and blankets...
Megatron was their, waiting for her to wake up.
He asked her what he saw which he understood why (Y/N) was mad.
He drugged her and entered her mind without permission.
He told them that he understands but he will do everything in his power to make sure she is fed and protected.
Ultra Magnus
Ultra Magnus met (Y/N) when he arrived on earth.
Like always, he was not on bored with the humans.
Ultra Magnus was always hard on (Y/N) since they would not work with the other humans.
He kept pushing (Y/N) and the kids like they where solders.
(Y/N) told him off since he was pushing them to much.
Ultra Magnus was getting pissed by this and was pushing them more and more.
He asked what was wrong with (Y/N).
The autobot team explained they had their reasons but do not push it.
He pushed it.
It got to the point Ultra Magnus had an argument with (Y/N) infront of the autobot team.
It was nasty.
Eventually, Ultra Magnus said somtbing he shouldn't have said it caused (Y/N) to snap and try to attack him.
The team was quick to separate them and take them to their own spaces.
Eventually (Y/N) came to him and offer him a chance to see what happened to them since they cannot love at eachothers throats forever.
Ultra Magnus agreed.
Ratchet set them up and made them switch Conscience.
While (Y/N) was in his Conscience (I don't know his story well enough sorry)
Ultra Magnus was in theirs.
He sees himself in a bathroom and looks around surprised.
When he hears crying and struggling.
When he looks in the stalls, he sees (Y/N) being attacked and sexual assaulted by somone.
Before he could react, the world fades away and is face to face with (Y/N)'s conscious.
While he looks at them in shock, they speak.
Evil (Y/N): "you see what they go through. You see their pain. They have evil thoughts...do you wish to push them to the breaking point?"
Before he could respawn, he is back at the outside world.
(Y/N) was next to him with tears going down their face.
Ultra Magnus stat their in silence.
When the team gives them space, ultra Magnus apologizes to them and said they will go easier to them.
(Y/N) apologizes to Ultra Magnus for not understanding the pain he had to go through in this war.
They agree to become better, and they are able to get closer as friends.
I hope you enjoyed this and if you need somone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out! Boy, girl, autobot, decpticon, anything living! Reach out if you need help! There is no shame!
Links if you need help.
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bots-and-cons · 2 years
Hello! can I have some headcanons about OP, UM, and Starscream reaction to finding out that there human charge that is harmless and weak is revealed to be a deadly crazy manical person when using dark magic which the human charge save them from mech??? It's fine if no but yeah thankssss😅
I just did something for this. I didn’t do Optimus, because I couldn’t come up with anything fro him and I’m tired as hell, and I need to go to sleep soon
•Starscream is not really used to anyone helping him, decepticons are pretty much supposed to deal with shit on their own, unless it’s with the cost of their underlings’ lives
•So when you’re basically going on a rampage with and plowing through the M.E.C.H troops, he’s pretty baffled by it
•People are being thrown around, and you’re shooting down the helicopters with energy blasts
•All this while laughing like crazy
•So when you end up helping him and saving his aft, he doesn’t really know how to be appreciative about it
•He’s more like arrogant and telling you he could have handled it himself
•He didn’t know there was this side to you, and he’s a bit freaked out to be honest
•You’re usually so calm and meek and he didn’t know you had the ability to do something like this
•So when you’re done with absolutely demolishing the little army of M.E.C.H soldiers you just march up to Screamer and it’s like someone flicked a switch, because you turn back into your normal self
~Ultra Magnus~
•Magnus never approves of bringing humans into the field, but you happened to be with him, when he was ambushed
•So he transformed and told you to hide behind a nearby rock, but you step in front of him before dashing at the M.E.C.H troops at a very high speed
•You grab the first car you reach and throw it at the closes helicopter
•Magnus is just standing there, because none of the M.E.C.H soldiers can even reach him
•You’re going absolutely berserk and laughing like a maniac while doing it
•Magnus does not know what’s going on, but he’s still very much on guard
•When you’re done and the enemy is retreating, you walk back to Magnus who is now pointing his blaster at you
•You’re a bit offended by this, because you would never hurt him or anyone else that’s not a danger to you
•He asks what that was about, and lowers his blaster
•You explain and he’s doesn’t really believe it, because how could a human possibly have some magical powers?
•You don’t really have an explanation for that though
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king-leos-world · 3 months
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I'm bringing an old project of mine back!
For those of you who followed me on DeviantArt I'm certain you'll remember this comic. When I first wrote it my writing and drawing skills were horrific but thankfully those skills have evolved and this new cover was the result.
I will be giving the characters brand new designs and also hope this won't take me three years to complete! :P I have learned a lot from the last two versions of the comic and will take my time on each page.
Characters featured on the cover; Megatron, Soundwave, Starscream, Skystorm, Novian;
Optimus, Gearspark, Ratchet, Savvy, Starlight, Ultra Magnus, and Blaze.
First page will be in the works at some point!
TFP belongs to Hasbro
Art and my OCs belong to me
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tinydefector · 4 months
Is it too much to ask for a follow-up on the Human' Effects fic?
This is more just some more information of headcanons I have and how I like writing the bots. So I hope you enjoy it. This one's more on the differences and similarities between humans and Cybertronians.
Word count: 2.5k
Warning: mentions of reproduction, and exploration of body's. Valveplug.
So this is just a continuation for Human effects. This one also delves into some more information on biological, cultural and different frames and how they interact with each other, humans and other organic Creatures. 
Biological Humans and Cybertronians are vastly different even with quite a few similarities. 
Sparklings and children 
There is a very big difference in the body function of Humans and Cybertronians. Size for one but also Organic DNA and CNA. There are many things which can Line up with the other species but also function very differently 
Such as. 
structure and organ comparison 
Plating - skin
Helm - head
Processor, brain module - brain 
Faceplate- face
Audio Receptors, Audials, Receptor orifices - ears 
Nasal ridge, enstril, olfactory sensors- nose
Optical ridge - eyebrows
Optics, visors  - eyes and glasses sometimes visors are used as optics
Intake- mouth, throat or a breath. 
Denta, denta plating- teeth 
Glossa- tongue 
Mandibles (insecticons) - jaw 
Vocalizer- voice box 
Chin or chin plating are the same 
Chestplate, chassis- chest and higher stomach (abs area) 
Fuel tanks- stomach. 
Backplate, back struts, binary system,  bipedalism - back and spine, spinal cord. 
Servos and digits - Hands and fingers 
Sounder plating - shoulder blades 
Pede - feet 
pump and Spark - heart and soul 
Energon lines - arrays veins. 
Vents - lungs, breath. 
Pelvic plate - pelvis
Aft, tailpipe, skid plate- butt
Interface panel - covered reproduction organs
Spike - penis 
Value - vagina 
Carrier chamber, Gestation chamber - womb
Helm and head
With the fact one is filled with circuitry, coding and wires and the other is filled with flesh, fluid and other organic matter. Humans' heads are covered in hair most times. And even those who aren't their head Is still rather soft and smooth. And the bots love playing with human hair and facial hair when they are allowed too. 
It also leads to humans giving the bots head scratches, and it's something so man you the bots had never thought of and they love it. They will lay their head in their human lap and just enjoy the gentle touches to their Finial, audials, and helm crest. It becomes. Causal thing of the humans using soft little microfiber cloths to clean out dust and dirt from the small crevices in the bots Plating. Head pats and scratches really becomes something that Cybertronians love alot and it makes a lot of humans consider the bots large cats.
Faceplate and Faces. 
One of the things which is very different between humans and Cybertronians is how they show affection to each other. Cybertronians do a thing called a helm hold. Where they each hold their partner's helm in their servos while looking into each other's optics, it's how they show how much they care, because they are focusing only on that one person. And it means alot more after the war, to focus all your attention on just one bots servos shows a lot of trust, affection and love for someone.  
While humans have Hugging, kissing. So the bots are rather confused the first time they are hugged, tensing up not wanting to hurt their human. And they nearly short circuit when the human kisses them it's more out of fear. 
“Do you know how dangerous that is! What if I crushed you!” The bot hisses in panic while looking at their lover. “not to mention the fact that is my Energon Intake! Do you know what energon can do to Humans!” It nearly sends the bot into meltdowns as they hold their lover's face staring into their eyes trying to show them how much they love and care for them. It would break their spark if they accidentally hurt them. 
“it's called a Kiss, I was kissing you” the human tries to explain, their hands cupping around their bots servos. 
“a kiss?” the bot inquired. “Yea I'm sorry if you didn't want it, it's just I thought we were in that part of our relationship” the human begins rambling out of anxiety thinking they had messed up. In the end they both settle for a small gesture in-between. Pressing their head and helm, together as they cradle the other. 
Eventually they will come around to accepting kisses but it is only for very special occasions. Because the bot will make sure that there isn't a trace of energon in their system for their partner's safety. Over time it becomes them pressing soft kisses to each other's noses. 
Skin and Plating 
These are all the parts which somewhat are similar to humans, but also work vastly different than the human body does. So with this listed here are many of the things that vary with the similarities. 
Plating and skin are vastly different due to one being metal and the other being flesh, it's one of the things a lot of the Cybertronians love is how soft Human skin is. They really enjoy just fondling their human companions, pulling their checks, and enjoying how their skin moves. How pliable, warm and squishy they are. Cybertronians finding out about human breasts really takes them by storm. 
“What are those?” the bot asks while pressing a finger to their breast feeling how soft and squishy they are. 
“breast, boobs, tits they have a lot of names” 
“What are they for?” The bot continues to just slowly play with them out of curiosity, not knowing what the human would need them for. 
“they are used for feeding babies, they fill with milk, it's not a constant thing and not everyone's do but they are for feeding babies.” the human tries to explain and it just leaves the bot shocked. 
“You're with Sparkling?” The bot asked as they began fussing over the human more, gently pressing their digits to the human's body more. 
“no, no I'm not pregnant!” They laugh out loud while rather embarrassed. “‘but wouldn't they deflate?” The bot shoots back as their digits begin needing the flesh which makes the humans sigh and lean into the touch. “human babe, don't have the same functions as you.” They tease softly.
 It ends up with one bot having their human lover back pressed to their Chassis. The bot's servos just cupped around their partners breast slowly massaging them as the human leans back just enjoying the feeling because it takes the weight off their back and the cool touch of the metal feels delightful against their skin. 
Heart and spark
The difference between a human heart and spark aren't that different at all. They both pump blood/energon to where it's needed, it's the life provider of the body. Each has a beat or pulse. And the said beat and pulse sounds different. A human's heart beat feels like a thump but to Cybertronians it's an echo. Each beat they can feel and see like A beating light. And they love how it feels laying against them, their spark will actually fall in tune With their heart beat as a way to calm the human.  While for humans a Cybertronians spark pulse feels like electricity dancing across their skin it's like the build up of static but it doesn't zap. The vibration of a spark is like energy building and releasing, the buzzing sound that just resonates through their body as they lay against their bot. 
olfactory sensors and nose
Unfortunately humans don't have the enhanced scent sensors that a lot of other species do, and Cybertronians have one for the most advanced ones, they don't just smell it but they can break down the chemical compound to its base and are able to tell humans emotions based on how they smell. It also leads to bots becoming rather touching with their lovers when they can smell their cycle. It also leads a lot of bots realising they have a breeding kink after being with a human, because the moment they can feel their partners change in hormones they are hovering. It becomes an even bigger thing when they smell the scent of a young spark, they feel the EM Field. 
carriers and pregnancy 
There is a major difference between human pregnancy and cybertronian pregnancy. Humans can only be born from reproduction.  a new spark can be formed in multiple ways. 
-Cold construct. 
-split spark
- Sparked 
Forged new sparks are bots that are formed in hotspots across cybertron and on occasions sparklings can also be formed from these hot spots. 
Cold constructs are bots that have been made by others for a purpose and were originally classed as 2nd class citizens, miners or lower than other bots, 
Split Sparks made from splitting your spark into another form. It was very rare due to multiple laws being inplace against it. 
Sparklings were formed through spark merging with another and creating enough energy to form new lifeforms. A carrier would then have to host said spark in their Gestation chamber until the spark could grow its own protoform. Then from there they are moved into the carrier chamber where they learn off their carrier's coding, and also receive food, coding and personal information from their Sire via Transfluid. As sparklings are still not able to consume normal energon and it has to be processed down enough for the sparkling. (Similar to how humans breastfeed) from there once they are ready the sparkling will be ‘birthed’ and from their they will need to be carried in a spark chamber until they have fully developed but gives them time to learn the world around them but still have the safety of a parent to protect them. 
This leads the bots and humans to both be horrified at the differences of the others' reproduction. The bots are horrified over the fact a human's pelvis bone breaks just to birth a baby. But also the fact that humans can carry more than one child. They eventually watch a documentary over human birth; it makes a lot of bots short out and crash. 
Humans on the other hand are shocked over the time it takes for a bot to have a sparkling. 100 years is longer than a lot of humans ever live but it's how long it takes for the full process of a sparkling to be formed and born. That's without all the issues with CNA, temperature, spark energy, energon. A Lot of Cybertronian pregnancies don't make it to term due to these factors. 
So when by some chance a human gets pregnant by a Cybertronian it has the whole planet up in a tissy. Not just the fact of how genetically different they are but how it happened. The first human Cybertronian sparkling is a miracle watched by man and documented. And it turns out the human womb is actually the best possible hosting spot for the start of a sparkling, it's the perfect temperature, and it's not a temperature a lot of bots can keep their own frames. The human womb actually short cuts a lot of time over the birth Due to the sparkling Not needing to be shifted from one chamber to another. It comes down to being pregnant for 3 years. It's a long time for a human but it's decades Less than what it normally takes for a Cybertronian if they made it through the full progress. 
And when the sparkling is born it's discovered that the sparkling doesn't have any human traits, defects or appearance. Due to the human body mainly working as a host, the CNA and DNA don't mix when it comes to creating a sparkling but they work perfectly in sync When it comes to helping the sparkling grow. And it also turns out humans are able to sustain more than One sparkling. 
That also brings me to the function of spike and Valves. For Cybertronians spikes and Valves aren't how Sparklings are created, sparklings are created from two sparks merging together and creating enough energy for a sparkling but interface is needed to start the process of how they form. Sparkling needs Transfluid to begin and that is what Cybertronians use interfacing for outside of sharing memories, information and emotions. Most times Cybertronians interface for fun, feeling close, sharing information with a loved one, or to help feed a sparkling the necessary data, fluids and programming. 
so When a Cybertronian and human interface it has a lovely mix of a 50/ 50 chance of getting pregnant due to how the human and cybertronian heart and spark link in a frequency that is almost essential Spark merging. And a human doesn't even need to interface with a Cybertronian to get pregnant.
Here is a list of ways humans have gotten pregnant/ a bot has gotten pregnant. 
-spark bonding 
-a human touching a bots spark. 
-having enough hated for another you get them pregnant by sheer Anger
- spark And heart syncing 
-A human being on their cycle will make a bot pregnant. 
Megatron entered the medbay of the Lost Light, feeling unusual warmth and pressure in his chest. "Ratchet," he said gruffly to get the medic's attention. "Something is...off. I feel as if I have consumed fool's energon again, but I know that is not the case." 
He looked down at the medic, his optics betraying slight concern beneath his usual stern demeanour. "Examine me and determine what ails me. I need to be at full function." His pride did not allow him to admit weakness easily, but he trusted Ratchet's skills. 
Ratchet nodded to First Aid and They as they stood ready to assist. He turned back to Megatron with a scrutinising gaze.
"When did you first notice the symptoms? Any other anomalies in your systems?" he asked gruffly, scanning the Decepticon warlord from head to foot with a diagnostic tool. The scans showed unusual activity in Megatron's Gestation chamber.
"Hmm...it appears your spark is pulsing more rapidly than normal. And the pressure you described suggests a buildup of energon flow." Ratchet paused, analysing the data. "This could indicate...no, it's not possible. Or is it...?" He leaned in closer, inspecting Megatron with keen optics.
"We'll need a more detailed scan. Over here, lay back - this won't hurt but may feel peculiar. First Aid, fire up the resonator. Ambulon you're in charge of monitoring vitals."
"What's wrong, ratchet he was fine this morning?" The human asked in concern. 
Megatron lay back on the medical berth as directed, his massive frame dwarfing its size. his expression softened ever so slightly. As the detailed spark scan began, Ratchet's optics widened in surprise. "By the Allspark...it can't be..." He motioned First Aid "Look here. What do you see?"
First Aid peered at the monitor in amazement. "Two distinct spark pulses...but how is that possible?" Ratchet glanced over at Megatron, then back at the others. "It would seem Megatron himself is carrying sparkling. The increased energon flow and pressure were signs of protoform development beginning."
He chuckled wryly. "Well Megatron, it seems that fool's energon was not to blame after all. Congratulations...you're going to be a creator." Megatron's optics widened in disbelief at Ratchet's announcement. Carrying sparkling? It made no sense as far as he knew, spark merging could only occur between cybertronians and he had only been intimate with a human. 
He sat up abruptly, almost knocking First Aid over, and glared down at Ratchet. "Explain yourself, medic! How is this possible? The human and I have been intimate but they clearly lack our means of conception." Ratchet held up a calming hand. "Peace, Megatron. I have a theory," 
Taglist: @angelxcvxc
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Movie-Jetfire Is Like Skyfire’s Dad & The Jettwins’s Grandpa
[Note: Transformers Film/Movie Spoiler That Involves Grandpa-Jetfire. also reading this is optional. also do not reblog without permission.]   
if Jetfire from the Transformers Movie, was like the Dad of Jetfire aka "Skyfire" and being the Grandfather of twins Jetfire & Jetstorm.
Jetfire Sr. talks about how his father was a wheel and he was the first wheel, and how he transformed into nothing, but he did so with honor XD
I love that old Ex-Decepticon who later became a Autobot, picture if he was in TFA and still acts the way he does from the movie. it be funny if he threaten Sentinel Prime, saying if he doesn't stop his foolishness and his Xenophobia Campaign against organics, he will take him over his knee.
even if spanking can be a "No" but at times it can be used, but only if the ones who do the spanking do NOT cross a line when doing so, one of the problems with spanking, is that it can be misused when trying to punish a child and they will need to make sure not to put their full strength into it or else they might not just physical harm but also emotional harm.
and this is just a guess....but if a parent misuses the spanking too much, even if for a small thing that a child does, it could be a problem.
spanking should also only be used as a last resort, and it should never be misused because it might be possible if someone misuse it on a child, it could cause both physical and emotional harm.
I don't think any Autobot or Decepticon or Human, would stop Jetfire Sr. from giving Sentinel Prime a spanking.
well even if Sentinel Prime is a jerk, he might be viewed as "saint" compared to Sentinel Prime from one of the Transformers Movies, who was surprisingly was going to go by "Ultra Magnus"...
if there was a Crossover video game that had the choice to either save TFA-Sentinel Prime or Movie-Sentinel Prime.....
yeah, I am gonna have to pick TFA-Sentinel, he might be a jerk, but he isn't as bad as THAT one....
and if Starscream and Skyfire are OTP ship together, and them acting as the parents of the twins Jetfire and Jetstorm, it be interesting if Jetfire Sr. from the Bayformers Universe, was like the Grandpa.
and Jetfire Sr. could probably use his cane as a weapon on both Autobots and Decepticons, which would be really funny if he did that. XD
picture Jetfire Sr. yelling at both Skyfire and Starscream about “why wasn’t I invited to the wedding?! you kids today and your eloping!”
Jetfire Sr is like the adorable old cybertronian that some might wish was their grandpa. 
not sure if many would have those thoughts, but if Starscream and Skyfire are going to be like the parents of Jetfire & Jetstorm, I like to think of Jetfire Sr from one of the Transformers Film series, as being the Grandpa.
I wonder if it be weird to picture Jetfire Sr. hitting TFA-Sentinel Prime with his cane, even though that whole cane thing can only be funny in toon gag type theme moments, and of course it wouldn’t be in real life because of obvious reasons.
it be interesting if Jetfire Sr. told old stories from his youth to both Jetfire & Jetstorm, and even making up stories like how he hit Unicron to the other side of the multiverse.
not sure if everyone would like the idea of the Jetfire from the revenge of the fallen being like the Dad of Skyfire and Grandpa of the Jettwins.
but it’s okay if it’s only a few that like the idea.
Jetfire Sr. being family with Starscream, Skyfire and the Jettwins, is a “I fam it” moment.
I think it’s a good idea, but once again it’s okay that not everyone agrees about Jetfire Sr. being the Grandpa figure. 
I will say this, it does seem that the Autobots can be irresponsible, because the Allspark could of helped with the Hatchlings/Sparklings.
and Movie-Optimus wanted to destroy it....someone should slap that Prime over the back of the head...
if it was possible, I know I would do that to him....
would his plans for the allspark cube count as Sparkling Endangerment...?
maybe it’s a good thing that not all Cybertronians are Autobots or Decepticons.
and those who are known as “Neutrals” could also point out that the great war on Cybertron, was both the Autobots and Decepticons own fault.
and in TFA, the Autobots aren’t really 100% the good guys.
they wanted to use Autobots like Omega as a weapon of mass destruction on the Decepticons, and how do we know it wouldn’t also end up hurting innocent neutrals...?
and it’s the Autobots of a high rank that were part of the project that are at fault that Decepticons ended up using Omega at some point.
plus with how Cybertron is run, maybe Megatron is right about it having Autobot Tyranny, doesn’t mean his tyranny would be good either.
plus how do we know that most of those Autobot Colony Worlds didn’t belong to organic natives, and the Autobots from Cybertron who are of a really high rank and don’t tell those of lower rank, that they are conquering planets.
like the Homeworld Gems from Steven Universe, but at least the Homeworld Gems learned to no longer conquer organic worlds.  
I don’t even think all the Autobots on Cybertron know this dark truth, that most of their colony worlds had belong to organic natives.
it is a theory, but I think it could be possibly true.
both the Autobots and Decepticons can be wrong about some actions they take, and the other reason why Optimus, Sentinel and Elita/Blackarachnia weren’t allowed on organic worlds, is because those organic worlds were going to be secretly plan to be added as one of the Autobot Colony Worlds.
maybe I can talk more about that theory in a future post.
anyway hope some like the idea bout Jetfire Sr. being like the Grandpa figure of the Jettwins, but it’s okay that not everyone likes that idea.                         
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random-fandom1984 · 6 months
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Request are open!
●Fluff ●Yandere ●Angst ●Crossovers ●Character x Reader ●Character x Character ●References to other fandoms ●Comfort ●Headcanons ●Reader/Character from one dimension/universe getting sent to a different one (tfp x tfa, trollhunters x zak storm, etc)
●others to be added
●NSFW ●Pedophilia ●Incest ●Certain sensitive topics (rape, abuse, etc) ●Other's OC's (I don't have the confidence to do that)
General: - Predacon! Reader in TFA
Optimus Prime - Wattpad Story: Deadly Voice - Yandere! TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Prowl Bumblebee Bulkhead Jazz Jettwins Ultra Magnus Megatron Starscream (+clones) Lugnut Blitzwing Blackarachnia/Elita-1 Grimlock Wreck-Gar Soundwave Longarm Prime/Shockwave - All It Takes Is A Potion to Show How Much I'm Obsessed With You Wasp/Waspinator
Optimus Prime - Yandere TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Arcee Cliffjumper Smokescreen Bumblebee - Bumblebee x SG! Cybertronian Reader Bulkhead Wheeljack Ultra Magnus Megatron - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Starscream - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Soundwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Shockwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Predaking - Decepticons Meets Sparklings 5t3v3(Steve) - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Knockout - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Breakdown - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Dreadwing - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Arachnid Unicron
Optimus - Sparklings Megatron - Sparklings Bumblebee - Sparklings Elita-1 - Sparklings Soundwave - Sparklings Shockwave - Sparklings Tarantulas - Sparklings Terrans(PLATONIC ONLY) Swindle Starscream
Optimus Prime - Calling Optimus Prime Dad Prowl Jazz Bumblebee Ratchet Megatron Starscream Skywarp Thundercracker Reflector Soundwave - Soundwave x Cybertronian Reader Part 1 Shockwave Grimlock Unicron Other Autobots and Decepticons
Optimus Primal Rattrap Rhinox Cheetor -His Sea Goddess (Cheetor x Cybertronian Reader with an Octopus alt-mode) Dinobot Megatron Tarantulas Waspinator
Bumblebee Sideswipe Strongarm Fix-it Grimlock Drift Steeljaw Thunderhoof Fracture Underbite Saberhorn
Orion Pax/Optimus Prime D-16/Megatron B-127/Bumblebee Elita-1 Starscream Soundwave Shockwave Sentinel Prime
Mk Mei Red Son Jin & Yin Spider Queen Azure Lion Macaque Sun Wukong Nezha Syntax Huntsman Goliath (Strong Spider) Peng Lady Bone Demon Not Mayor
Zak Storm (PLATONIC ONLY) Cece Crogar Clovis (PLATONIC ONLY) Caramba (PLATONIC ONLY) Calabrass (PLATONIC ONLY) Golden Bones
Angor Rot Gunmar Bular Aaarrrgghh Blinky (Blinkous) Nomura Draal Krel Tarron & Aja Tarron (PLATONIC ONLY) Varvatos Tronos Madu Zadra Zeron Alpha Nari Skrael Bellroc
Cookie Run Kingdom
Gingerbrave (PLATONIC ONLY) Wizard Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Strawberry Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Custard Cookie Ⅲ (PLATONIC ONLY) Chili Pepper Cookie Licorice Cookie Poison Mushroom Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Dark Choco Cookie Red Velvet Cookie Pomegranate Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie Pure Vanilla Cookie White Lily Cookie Hollyberry Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie Dark Cacao Cookie Princess Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Knight Cookie (PLANTONIC ONLY) Caramel Arrow Cookie Crunchy Chip Cookie Affogato Cookie Captain Caviar Cookie Black Pearl Cookie/White Pearl Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie
Others to be added
Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake
Fionna Cake (PLATONIC ONLY) Gary Marshall Lee Scarab Prismo Simon (PLATONIC ONLY) Marceline (Vampireworld version) Bonnibell Bubblegum (Vampireworld version)
WHEN REQUESTING (More rules will be added later):
●Include the fact whether or not your request is platonic or romantic; If romantic, is Y/n or character in a relationship, and if not, who is the romantic interest(s)?
●Give me some of the plot of what you're thinking for your request. If you don't, and I don't know what you want it to be about, or I can't think of what to make up- Example:
Optimus x Reader. Angst. Reader is male.
I don't know what the plot should be, or what it should involve. Like, if it's good enough that I can think of what it could be, then yeah, sure, but that will be a rare chance with me. But if it's like this- Example:
Aaarrrgghh x Reader. Comfort. Basically, the reader has had a bad day at work/school, and the two of them just cuddle and enjoy the silence in each other's arms, slowly falling asleep.
Then I will be able to think of how it can go because you gave me what you want to include in your request, but now how, I will be able to get behind that.
● I can make the reader be based off of another character, like- Examples:
-Vox! Reader in Trollhunters
-Reader as Ratchet's little sister in Transformers: Generation 1
Anything! Whatever you want as long as it's allowed.
●If your request involves something that isn't allowed, then it will be ignored.
That's everything for now! Request away!
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erimeows · 1 month
TFA Characters' Toxic Traits
Me with another TFA headcanon set? Who would've guessed. Got the inspiration for this one after realizing I'd done it with MysMes but not with Transformers. Enjoy!
Optimus Prime: Shoulders every single burden all by himself. Will not ask for help and open up to others when needed, even though not doing so ends up negatively impacting everyone more in the end than asking for help would've.
Bumblebee: Toxic positivity- enough said. You vent to him and he's like "oh but you have so much to be happy about!".
Bulkhead: Will not take sides in any conflict of his own accord even if he knows that one side is "right" if he fears it will upset any of his friends. Passively steps out of conflicts even when he's needed, unless it's an absolute emergency.
Ratchet: Refuses to open up about trauma that he has even though it affects the way he acts and negatively impacts the people around him, who are very confused as to why he acts the way he does.
Prowl: Has an ungodly superiority complex, tends to think he's better or smarter than others (even when he's not), though he's trying to work on that.
Sentinel Prime: I think we saw in the show, but he's very prideful and will never admit that he's wrong in any situation. Also terrible at offering genuine apologies- more of a sarcastic "I'm sorry you feel that way" than a genuine "I'm sorry I did (x)" kind of guy.
Jazz: Gets uncomfortable when things get too serious to the point that if people try to open up to him about something deep, he will change the subject or deflect them 90% of the time.
Ultra Magnus: Too by the book. Will do things that he doesn't believe in or ignore wrong doings for the sake of legality.
Megatron: Very selfish and very charming, which is a bad combo. Similar to Starscream, he will be nice to your face if needed and then screw you over in the end as long as it benefits him.
Starscream: So many, but the worst one is lying to people's face and then talking shit behind their backs or doing them wrong for his own benefit.
Blitzwing: Depends on which of the three personalities you're dealing with because they all have some pretty over the top toxic traits, but the worst and most prevalent one is that all three of them tend to belittle others to feel better about themselves- especially if their life is going bad or if they're feeling insecure about something in particular.
Lugnut: The Megatron obsession, obviously. It gets to the point that anyone and anything else in his life that should be prioritized get(s) pushed to the side for Megatron's sake when Megatron doesn't value him nearly as much.
Blackarachnia: Very vengeful and obsessive about getting revenge to the point that it's unhealthy. Obviously this is seen in her TFA episodes where she wants revenge on Optimus/Sentinel for what happened when they were in school- but those emotions are over a huge tragedy that happened in her life and are almost understandable. This toxic trait also applies to, say, someone who accidentally shoulder checked her or took her lunch from the staff fridge. If you wrong her in the slightest, she will make sure she has revenge, even if it was a genuine mistake.
Lockdown: Can't handle commitment. He's not scared of it, just not emotionally mature enough. Whether it be a job, a friendship, a romantic relationship, or whatever else, he won't commit. He doesn't care whose feelings it hurts or if he's passing up on something genuinely good for himself either.
Swindle: Also can't handle commitment, but I'd argue that his worst toxic trait is actually his concern for money. He's terrified of being broke to the point that it consumes his every waking minute. Sure, he enjoys the swindling, but if he misses out on money he panics and he will go to ridiculous lengths to get a good deal or to rip someone off.
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