hazinhoodies · 4 years
I dare you 😁
also @softholand​ and @hjosterfield​ already read this but here u go again to you two
i can’t see me lovin nobody but you, for all my life
You truly do realize how ironic this for this song to be playing as you swivel off of your seat to duck out of view, hidden by the body of the car. Only moments ago you had been smiling so much your cheeks hurt as you poorly sang along, laughing with your fiancé- no, husband now. You knew something was going to go wrong the second you saw the first black suv of the set of three passed in front of you.
when you’re with me baby the skies’ll be blue, for all my life
All that remains of the happy moment is the ache in your cheeks as shattered glass rains down from above you, littering the cream coloured leather seat as bullet casings lodge themselves in the head rest. That would’ve been your head mere seconds ago. Your knees start to cramp and your ears ring from the shots but somehow the song seems to play over them.
me and you, and you and me
The car is still moving. You can look outside and still watch the city pass below you as Tom still somehow maneuvers the car. You trust him, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened but you can’t help but remember hours earlier when you’d said that someone else should accompany you as you head home from the service. Whether they were in the car with you or just ahead or behind you, every piece of glass that bounces off your arm inflates the feeling of I told you so.
no matter how you toss the dice, it had to be
You peer up over the edge of the car, a choice that likely wasn’t in your best interest. You can see the bare metal underneath the baby turquoise of the car hood and your heart aches a little, you’d spent so long finding the perfect colour, they had to custom mix. You duck back under the dashboard, out of sight once again, and rest your head against the door, just waiting for the bullets to stop while hoping that if metal crunches, it isn’t yours. There’s no way that you would be injury free from the position you’re in now.
the only one for me is you, and you for me
Tom puts one hand on his arm, you look up to see him sing the line. His eyes are still frantic and expressions harsh in comparison to what he wanted to show you. The wind blows harshly against his face, pulling his skin back, that’s what happens when you have no windshield you supposed, he ducks out of the way as some glass from the corner chips off more and flies towards him. You take his hand in both of yours God, what a unique situation you’ve married yourself into.
so happy together
so happy together
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hazinhoodies · 4 years
how about jokingly teasing Harrison into wearing hoodies more?
not quite what you asked for but this is the vibe rn
“You’re so warm” you mumble as you burrow yourself further into his chest, cheek pressed against the teal cotton. One arm of his wraps around your waist and rubs your back lightly while the other continues to make his tea like he had been before your snuck into his arms. Your hands sneak under the hem of his sweater and the shirt underneath to press against his back, causing his back to arch away from your chilly palms.
“Your hands are so cold, darling” Harrison half laughs as he drops his spoon into the sink and pushes the sugar back into its spot against the wall on the counter.
“You should wear hoodies more” You say as Harrison takes a sip from his tea, swallowing before he responds.
“Why’s that?”
“The vibes are immaculate” Harrison’s chest shakes with a hearty laugh. “I’m serious! there’s such soft boyfriend vibes, I love it. Not that I don’t always love you, just especially when you wear hoodies”
“I would wear more hoodies if i had them” Harrison’s other arm wraps around you and he starts to sway gently.
“No, you have plenty. I am left with a few” You stay silent for a couple moments processing what he said. He has tons of sweaters! You know he does! You’ve gone through his drawer yourself and worn-
“I did not come over today to get roasted like this excuse you” You deadpan. Harrison laughs once again, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead before mumbling a drawn out ‘love you’ into your hair line.
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hazinhoodies · 4 years
some soft hoodie stealing stuff with sam
this is hella old i’m sorry and i suppose it’s not exactly ‘stealing’
You and Sam stare at each other, frozen in the moment as heat rises to your cheeks and Sam cant help but to raise his eyebrows at you from his spot in the doorframe to his bedroom. You remain awkwardly half crouched, folded sweaters in hand and drawer open in front of you.
“You know i was looking for one of those recently. Didn’t know where it went but at least I know now” Sam breaks first, his semi serious words don’t hide the ‘gotcha’ smile on his lips.
“This isn’t what it looks like i swear” You say, playing guilter than you actually are. This is exactly what it looks like. You’d stolen his sweaters secretively weeks ago, but since then they’d stopped smelling like him. So now you were trying to return them, freshly washed and unseen, although the latter hadn’t worked out how you’d hoped.
Sam lets out a chuckle and takes the top sweater off of the pile in your hands and one of the sweaters from the drawer. He puts on the one from your pile as you put the rest away and tosses you the one from the drawer that fills you with the familiarity and comfort that you’d originally stolen them for.
“All you gotta do is ask”
this is a specialty s/o to @stuckonspidey purely because i think she’ll like it
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hazinhoodies · 4 years
Blurb request for my fav blogger! What about Harrison being all cool best friend who helps his girl get over a jerk of a guy with like ice cream and movies and then confesses feelings??? Oooooo
omg vic i love you🥺 also this request seems a lil specific so this definitely is not geared towards you at all. not a single detail. it’s all just coincidence.
“Are you kidding me? He was a complete ass to you and you told him that you guys could still be friends?” Harrison is very clearly not happy, you can easily hear it in his voice and how he seems to aggressively rummage through your kitchen drawer for spoons before walking back over to where you are on the couch, the start of Frozen II already playing.
“I don’t know” You shrug, taking the pint of ice cream and the spoon Haz is handing you. “I don’t really have any intent of talking to him anymore than I have to now. You know I don’t like confrontation”
“Yeah. I know you hate arguing. Which is why you don’t have to talk to him anymore thankfully” Harrison settles in the spot next to you on the couch, holding the pint between his knees, spoon in one hand and his other arm around you.
“Mm. Not after I get my Cinderella dvd back I won’t” When Harrison doesn’t say anything, you look up at him only to laugh at the very sassy look he’s giving you. “He hasn’t watched it so I said he could and then I’d get it back!”
Harrison’s expression shifts to mock disappointment as he takes a spoonful of ice cream. “You are too nice to people who don’t deserve your attention Y/n. What kind of fool hasn’t seen Cinderella anyways?”
“You three years ago” you rebuttle. “I watched it with you for the first time, you goon”
“Which is why I’d be an infinitely better match for you” He comments before taking another spoon of ice cream.
“What was that?” You look up at Haz, confused.
“hm?” Harrison hums while he finished the bite of ice cream. “You’re kidding right? You’re gonna sit there with your ice cream that I just got you while we watch Frozen II for the fifteenth time since it came out and tell me you didn’t know I’ve been in love with you for three years?” He says it like it’s simple.
“I- I’m sorry? I didn’t know-” You start, Harrison cutting you off.
“It’s okay, darling. I won’t hold it against you. Just make it up to me with dinner next week and we’re good” He settles further into his spot, pulling you into his side more, you rest your head against his shoulder, ignoring the burning heat that rises to your cheeks.
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
hey pals lets write some blurbs
i just failed a midterm and im having a crisis so send in some blurbs and make me forget about it!! Woo!!! ill be taking blurb requests until like sunday cause its technically reading week(end, reading weekend, my school is dumb) so yeah have fun go wild send ,e stuff pls
I write for Tom, Haz, Harry, Sam (platonically, that's for you @stuckonspidey ), Z, and Peter. If you want me to write for another mcu actor or character then tell me and I can give you a better answer on if im willing to
uh i did a poll and y’all said you’d send some in if i had prompts so those are below the cut, dialogue and au but if you have a song you really like and want me to write something based off that then sure. but also dont be spooked to send in your own ideas and stuff
no smut but i will imply
“am i in your head?”
“I had to do it”
“please look at me”
“you know i’m not like that”
“you’re oblivious”
“i wanted to see you again”
“no one is flirting with anyone”
“they’re not yours” (she/he/they)
“no, you have to promise”
“don’t you see that i’m trying?”
“i’ll sleep when i’m dead”
“i’m supposed to hate you”
“i’m yours, you know i am”
“i should have known”
“you can rest now”
“i’m no good”
“why didn’t you tell me?”
“you took everything from me”
“i saw this coming” 
“you broke my heart and all you say is sorry?”
“it’s nice that your voice was the first thing i heard”
“don’t pull away, not yet”
“i wanted to say it without stuttering but that failed”
“you’re really warm”
“my friends get annoyed with how much I talk about you”
“it’s three in the morning”
“i’ve been waiting a long time”
“love is overrated”
“i missed this”
“you’re in love with them” (her/he/them)
And uh heres some au’s
coffee shop
wwi/ii (military)
fake dating
pretend to be not dating au
sick au
musician (please i am a music major give me this and another prompt and let me run)
stuck in an airport why tf are the flights so delayed au
lawyer au
insert any movie here au
i’m just really desperate for people to send stuff in, here's my mutuals, i dont want this to flop
@hjosterfield @wazzupmrstark @parkerpuff @parkerstan @farfromhaz @rescue3000 @darlingosterfield @lovestruckhaz @hauntedtom @strangertingle @stormyholland @delicatetom @parkerspicedlatte @stuckonspidey @bigboyscottlang @hazshauntedbelle @osterfieldholland01 @spooky-starks  
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
Harry and delayed flight airport au please?
3 hours. It’d been three hours since your flight was supposed to leave, the terminal was filled with people who were leaving one by one to go and get food, some to rebook flights, but you stayed, falling asleep in the uncomfortable chairs as your eyelids got heavier and heavier.
You awoke as the boy with a mop of red curls barely contained within a bandana sits down a few seats over from you with a huff, making the row shake. He looks over at you with a panicked look.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you” He says as he places one prewrapped sandwich on top of his bag between you and opens another on his lap.
“No it’s alright, I didn’t mean to fall asleep anyways, don’t worry about it” You sit up, stretching your muscles out and rubbing at your eyes.
“What’s got you headed to georgia?” He asks in the soft british accent, taking a bite of his sandwich.
“Visiting a friend that I haven’t seen in a while. What about you?” You continue to adjust yourself into a more comfortable position in the seat. The only thing more uncomfortable than the seats on the airplane, were the ones in the terminal.
“Visiting my brother. He’s working there right now. He works there a lot actually” He speaks, noticing the way that you stare at the sandwich, which may be you just staring off into the distance but he offers anyways. “Take it.”
“What?” You ask, confused.
“The sandwich. Take it” He nods towards it.
“No, I can just get my own it’s okay” You say, the hunger in your stomach really starting to show itself now that there’s food around.
“Yeah but it’s all the way across the airport. Take it, please” He picks it up and hands the sandwich to you with a nearly intoxicating smile. You take it with a shaky hand.
“I’m Y/N, by the way” You say as you start to unwrap it.
“Harry” The two of you continue your conversation over sandwich’s. He’s kind and funny. Really funny. Tells you all about his brothers, all three of them, and all the stupid shit he did, you found ways to sneak in stories about your family and friends, though his childhood shenanigans are infinitely more hilarious and embarrassing than yours.
Finally, another two and a half hours passes, and first class is called to board. He stands up and starts to gather his stuff.
“First class huh?” You tease and he laughs with a nod.
“I know this is kinda weird but I know some places in Georgia that are rather nice. Say if you want to ditch your friend for a couple hours, we could get lunch or something” He asks nervously, a smile still present in his features, like it never seemed to leave.
“I’d love to” You pull out your phone and open instagram, handing it to him and explaining that your phone plan won’t work there. He gives you a small chuckle and sends himself a dm. He closes your phone and hands it back to you.
“I’ll see you then” His smile widens, flashing his teeth at you and it feels like those stupid moments in movies when the teeth glint. And then he turns around and leaves, sending you a wave as he disappears into the tunnel that leads into the plane.
Once he’s settled, just as coach is called, he responds over instagram.
It seems you’ve slid into my dms
The message makes you laugh.
you slid into your own dms Harry, don’t flatter yourself lol
Maybe so. Still got the girl though
that you did
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
Can you do a blurb where the best friend!reader to Harrison is just soooo exhausted from classes and staying up till the wee hours of the morning for about a week that she says something stupid about how she wants to date Haz and doesn’t realize it? Super fluff please? -V
this isn’t exactly what you sent in but i hope it suffices
You’re on your six of sitting with Harrison in the library. Studying for fundamentals of publishing which is some sort of hell sent class. Harrison huffs out a sigh and closes his laptop, tossing his glasses carelessly onto the table next to it. Its not the first time he’s done that and all you can manage to say in your sleep deprived, caffeine fueled, brain is “Mood”
Harrison laughs, the kind of one that make his whole upper body shake despite it being one word. Then his giggliness causes you to laugh and if it weren’t nearly one in the morning in an empty library, someone would’ve told you to shut up. But it’s just you two and your giggles until neither of you can breathe. Harrison takes a sip of his coffee and opened back up his computer, replacing his glasses and then leaning back and stretching with a yawn. You eyes immediately go to where his shirt rides up and shows just a little bit of skin, but it’s enough to make you think God it’s a sin that you’re not fucking me right now.
“What?” Harrison looks over at you very confused.
“What?” You say back, very confused.
“What did you just say?” Realization hits you.
“Oh no I said that out loud didn’t I?” You ask and Harrison nods slowly, you literally face palm. “Sorry I’ve gotten no sleep this past week and it just slipped out I really didn’t-”
“Didn’t mean it?” He cuts you off and you nod. He checks his watch before he starts talking again, “That’s a shame. Because although it’s not fucking you I’m pretty sure that Argo’s is still open and we’ll call it a date” He says, referring to the restaurant on campus on the main floor of one of the residences.
“Are you asking me out?” You ask, looking. at him with your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and shock.
“I did say the word date in that sentence, right? Yes I’m asking you out on a date Y/N” He responds and you nod as you start to close your laptop and notebooks, putting it all away for later, probably tomorrow, when you’ll be back in the same spot likely with Harrison in less than 12 hours.
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
harrison petting your hair with your head in his lap and easing you out of an anxious moment —tomslovey
Harrison could see it coming even before you could. The inevitable burst of the past weeks stress coming out full force. Dinner at his parents certainly wasn’t going to help so pretty much as soon as he saw you walk through the door he sent a text to his mum asking for a rain check.
The smile he had on his face when you walked through the door quickly fell into one of sympathy when he saw how sunken in your eyes were and they way they seemed brimmed with tears. He couldn’t tell if the dark under your eyes was from mascara or exhaustion but likely a combination of both.
He took some quick steps towards you and opened his arms for you to fall into. Which you did, holding him tight to your body and gripping his shirt. He shushed you quietly while he rubbed your back gently, he wasn’t going to let go until this round of tears and sniffles had stopped. Once they had he carefully pulled away from you, keeping his hands on your waist in case he needed to pull you back in while yours moved from crumpling the back of his shirt to resting on his sides over his ribs, running your hands and feeling the small bumps and curves.
“Let’s get you changed and then we can lay down and watch something, yeah?” You nodded, lifting on hand to wipe your eyes, further smudging the black that was already under your eyes, whatever was on your lashes before is now either on your skin, harrison’s shirt, or the dozens of tissues you’d used to wipe your tears at work today. Harrison guides you with his left hand on your left hip, pulling you towards the bedroom slowly.
“Can we watch black panther?” Your voice was quiet and Harrison smiled at the innocent request.
“We can watch whatever you want, love”
Once you were changed into Harrison’s pants and his shirt, which he didn’t mind at all, the two of you wandered back to the living room where you got comfortable with a blanket on your lap, eyes and cheeks still red from crying, and scrolled through netflix until you found Black Panther. You hit play knowing Harrison wouldn’t mind missing the beginning if it, he’d seen it enough to know.
“Want to talk about everything?” Harrison asks as he sits down on the couch with a bowl of crisps. You take a second to shake your head and in that moment Harrison knows he shouldn’t have said anything because your eyes start to tear up again and he feels bad about sparking it up again. “Okay, c’mon, lie down” he says tapping his thigh for his head to go and as you readjust he leans over and grabs the tissue box from the coffee table, handing it to you and placing the bowl in your lap for when you’d like it. Harrison plays with your hair, petting it and twirling it around his fingers, braiding and unbraiding it, it has started to lull you to sleep.
Nothing else was said until later on in the film, when Killmonger is challenging T’Challa, when you pipe up, voice raw and weak and tired, “Thanks for being here for me, with me.”
“I’ll always take care of you y/n”
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
please look at me + i’ll sleep when i’m dead with university!haz ?? i’m studying and i need my boy to tell me to go to sleep :(
this is the first haz request i’ve gotten thank u anon
Midterms fucking suck yo. You knew that, Harrison knew that. Everyone knows that! So while you sat at your desk, ignoring your phone that buzzed occasionally, Harrison was already on his way over, despite it being 3 in the morning. He knows how you are, you fall into a pit of studying and by then there’s no pulling you out of it. You feel like shit for the next few days, tired, irritable, and Harrison wants to make sure that doesn’t happen.
“Love?” You hear after three knocks on your bedroom door.
“Yeah?” you shout back, not even looking up from the textbook as you rewrite your notes for the umpteenth time.
“Can I come in?” He says and you reply with an ‘mhm’ that you weren’t even sure he heard until the door opened.
“Hey love, I brought you some food” Harrison tells you, coming up behind you and placing the takeout bag on your desk. He presses a kiss to your cheek and then wraps his arms around you. One of your hands instinctively goes to a spot on his forearm that rests across your chest, his hand on your shoulder.
“Thank you” you mumble, your thumb rubbing small circles into his skin.
“Cmon, take a break, we’ll eat and then take a nap” He offers.
“I’m okay” You still haven’t looked away from your textbook. Harrison pulls away from you, going to squat down next to you, within your range of vision but below your eyeline.
“Darling” He starts, earning no reaction from you, he rests and hand on your though and squeezes as he repeats himself. “Y/N, please look at me” You finally turn your head to look at him and Harrison can see how tired and disheveled you look. Your eyes are bloodshot and glassy, you look dehydrated, your makeup is all smudged. You need a break. “Stand up” He says, taking your hand and pulling you up and into his arms.
“Love you need to sleep” Harrison mumbles into your hair.
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead”
“Come on, let’s eat and then sleep, you can go back to studying after” Harrison walks the two of you back until you fall back on the bed so he’s on top of you, making both of you giggle. He presses a kiss to your lips before sitting up and pulling a box and a plastic fork out of the takeout bag. “Eat” He hands them to you before taking out his own food, the two of you sit on your bed and eat before he pulls you into his arms, boxes discarded, and pulls the covers over the two of you. He makes sure that you fall asleep before you do
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
Hi! This is the anon that requested the college “am I in your head” blurb. It was so good! So good in fact I’m requesting another! Could you do one with “no one is flirting with anyone” where Haz is super cocky and they don’t like each other but Harrison keeps flirting with her because he actually does like her?
fbdjak i love this concept so much. y’all can keeping sending things in if you’d like! there’s stuff in my inbox still and i have stuff that i have to do today but i will get to most of them hopefully.
“Was wondering when you’d show up” Harrison sits down the the small space between you and the wall on the couch, lying back but propped up on his elbows, drink in hand which he somehow didn’t spill.
“Well I’m here now” You adjust yourself so you can face him better, turned sideways so one leg rests on the couch.
“Thank God for that. It was so boring before” He groans, sending you a signature smirk with the line. It makes your cheeks heat up, you take a sip of your own drink to try and cover it up.
“You seemed to be having fun before” You reply, smiling back at him.
“I’m the host, I have to look like I’m having fun” Harrison rolls his eyes as he sits up. “But now I’ve got a pretty girl around and a nice drink” He takes a sip to accent his point “Now I don’t have to act like i’m having fun” He shrugs.
“Are you flirting with me?” You ask, knowing that the answer was yes, but still wanting him to admit it.
“Nope. No ones flirting with anyone right now” He responds and you can only roll your eyes. Of course he’d say no. He doesn’t want to admit that you like him.
“Harrison come here I want to tell you something” You say and wave towards you for him to lean in, he does. “Closer” You say and keep repeating until there’s only a small distance for you to close and whisper in his ear.
“If there’s something you want to tell me, I suggest you do it. Don’t be a pussy” You immediately pull away and stand up, going to the kitchen to find another drink and mingle with other people.
And he follows. He’d follow you anywhere truthfully.
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
Hey sweets can you write something about best friend!Sam helping the reader study cause she has a test maybe harry is also there not to help but because he has a crush on the reader? (lmao I have a Spanish test tomorrow and I'm not ready) 💕
it’s not spanish but it’s something! dw you’ll do great, i believe in you.
“Sam I give up. I’m gonna fail anyways” You pout after getting your eight cue card wrong in a row, leaning against the wall behind you.
“You’re not going to fail, Y/N” He moves onto the next cue card, flicking through them. “You’re smart, you’re just overthinking it”
“Why is it so hard” You ask, pulling his pillow into your lap to hug and rest your head on, but the question is rhetorical and Sam can tell as he pulls up the stack of cue cards to read off to you.
“Functionalism” Is all he says and you groan.
“It’s the idea that every society runs off of institutions and if one of them fails then they all fail” You think you’re right, but then again you thought you were right everytime.
“What are institutions?” He continues.
“It varies for the society but usually economy, government, religion, education, law, and family”
“Good” Sam sets the card aside because you got it right and moved onto the next one.
“Wait I got it right!” he nods and you cheer. But it only gets worse. That was your last right answer in 20 questions.
Harry thinks he hears your voice coming from Sams room, so he knocks. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t a little hurt by the fact that you didn’t tell him you were over.
“Yeah?” Sam shouts and Harry opens the door to see you sat on Sams bed looking really sad.
“Y/N when did you get here” He asks, leaning against the door frame.
“A couple hours ago” You say, and your voice sounds tired and dry, it makes his heart squeeze to see you so sad.
“We’ve been studying, and it’s not going too well” Sam says and you groan again, falling to the side so you’re lying on Sams bed on your side, still clutching his pillow.
“I’m gonna drop out. I’m so tired” You pout.
“Okay, come on” Harry says as he walks into the room, taking one of your hands to pull you up and you let him. He takes the pillow from your grasp and place it back at the head of Sam’s bed. He takes both of your hands and pulls you up so you stand.
“Where are we going?” You ask, wrapping your arms around him in a hug.
“Out. Away from here for a bit. Probably McDonalds” He’d never seen such a quick burst of energy.
“You are my favourite person” Harry hopes that you mean it, and that it stays that way.
Though you said it casually, he truly was.
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
For the blurb thing, maybe newly successful musician!Tom who's had a hardcore crush on extremely popular and famous musician!reader for forever? I know it's specific but please, I need it😩
(toms not an actor in this at all if you couldn’t tell whoops)
“Hi, I’m Y/N, and i’m here to play with puppies and answer your questions but probably mostly puppies”
They let the puppies in the room after the into and one immediately came over to you and start to jump up onto you. They asked you various questions about your career, your life, your biggest inspiration. There was only one more question.
“Who do you think we should watch out for?”
“In terms of music?” People behind the camera nod at you as you mindlessly pet the puppy whose nearly asleep on your thigh. “Tom Holland. He’s insanely talented. Definitely should go listen to everything he’s sang. He deserves way more recognition than he has. And if I’m being entirely honest he’s not bad on the eyes” you say with a laugh before you’re instructed to do the outro.
Tom woke up that morning with eight emails from his publicity team and producers, 1.6 million new followers on spotify and 300k new followers on instagram and counting. He swore he was dreaming when he read out the fourth email from his manager.
Y/N wants you to open for you on her next tour
He’d never replied yes so quickly. When he finally watched the interview he couldn’t help the blush that came to his cheeks.
Months later and you guys meet for the first time at the first location of the tour. You’re everything you make out to be in interviews and more. Kind, sweet, funny, all of which he already knew, but helpful as well, always trying to help out the crew at venues and the producers. Finally the first show of the tour is about to go, you’ve finished the meet and greet you were scheduled to do and now you stood back stage warming up tom was as well, screwing around with some weak chords on guitar, he was terrified honestly but if he just pushed it to the back of his mind, maybe it’d go away. He can’t help but notice how you pace around the same spot.
“Nervous?” He asks you from his spot on the red couch.
“Shouldnt I be asking you that?” You reply with a chuckle, continuing with a breathing exercise.
“Maybe. You seem like you need it more though” He answers, knee bouncing slightly.
“M’always nervous. They paid for this concert and they deserve a good show. I know that none of them will care if I mess up words or anything but I still want to do my best” You nod to affirm your point and just as he’s about to reply, Tom is told he has to get in position to go on stage in five.
“You’re gonna do great” You day and hug him before he has to leave.
Tom doesn’t expect as loud of a cheer as there is when he says his name, he talks for a little bit about what it’s like to be away, talking about how nice you are, all as an attempt to calm himself down which works for the most part, but there’s still the little twinge in his stomach of wanting to impress. But that twinge isn’t for the audience, it’s for you. He puts on what was possibly his best show ever, he fed off the energy of the audience and you could see that from the monitor back stage. The louder the audience got the harder he went.
“That was amazing!” You shout, immediately wrapping you arms around him after he walks off stage not caring about the sweat or the way that his chest is heaving. “You did so good” He wraps his free arms around you, the other holding his guitar behind him. You pull away and in a moment of pure adrenaline, he presses his lips to yours. The rational part of his brain pulls away before you can respond.
“I’m sorry that was totally uncalled for and I-” you cut him off by kissing him again.
“Next time I suggest taking me out for dinner first but I’ll give you a pass this time” You chuckle.
“Is it too late to take you out for dinner now?” He teases back.
It isn’t long before rumours spread and the two of you have to do more interviews. Just together this time
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
Could you do a Harry Holland blurb with the bookstore au?
“Mate, why are we here” Harry groans as Harrison opens the door to the small bookstore, holding it open for Harry who reluctantly enters.
“It’s usually a good idea to read the book before I portray a character from said book” Harrison responds, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
“And you couldn’t go to a normal library because...?” Harry trails off the sentence. Harrison only shakes his head in response as he pushes past Harry who follows him. He hopes that Harry didn’t see the smirk on his face. Realistically he could’ve gone to a regular old library, but Harrison had been here before, and there’s something about the cashier that he’d had a few conversations with that’s telling him to drag Harry here.
“Hey!” Your bright voice fills the store, an even brighter smile finding your lips when you see Harrison. It may have also been the adorably freckled boy with red curls who followed him.
“Hello, darling. Did you finish that one book yet?” Harrison asks you.
“The sun is also a star?” Harrison nods “Took me a day and a half”
“Shit. That was fast” Harrison exclaims and you can’t help but notice how Harry scrolls through instagram, clearly bored.
“It was good! Whatcha looking for now?”
“Catch 22?” He asks, his hands coming to rest on the counter top you stood behind.
“Historical fiction. On your right, third shelf” You smile as Harrison taps the counter and nods in thanks. “And for you?” You ask, catching Harry by surprise.
“Me? Oh no I’m just here with him” He stutters out, but he finally looks at you and you seem so nice. The way your sweater hangs over your torso looks warm and comfy, matching the feel of the store itself. “Why, what were you thinking?”
“Well that depends on what you’re into” is ‘you’ an appropriate answer? obviously not Harry, shut up. You lean with your elbow on the counter and your chin in your hand, smiling up at Harry.
“I haven’t really read something for fun in a while. Been busy” He scratches at the back of his neck.
“So it has to keep your attention?” You day as you stand up straight again.
“Yeah probably. I just won’t want to go back to it then” He admits.
“Follow me” You come out from behind the counter, and as you’re walking through the store Harry sees Harrison standing in an aisle, no book in hand, scrolling through his phone, he looks up at Harry as you two pass by. Harry gives him a look, one that says something along the lines of what gives? Harrison replied back with a look telling him to let it happen.
You take him down the aisle and pull one book off the shelf and continue down pulling a second one down.
“Some classics are really boring and these two are at first but once you get past the first little bit they get a lot more entertaining. Ever seen the films for them?” You say showing him Fahrenheit 451 and Lord of the Flies, he shakes his head, no. “Good. Don’t. The books are better”
“I’ll take them” Harry doesn’t really know what makes him say yes. Maybe it’s just how excited you look about the books, or how easily you told him not to watch the movies.
You ring through him and Harrison, handing their books back to them to take home.
“I’m not sure why I did that, I’ve already read Catch-22” Harrison admits.
“So you dragged me in there for nothing?” Harry exclaims as they walk back home along the busy London streets.
“Not for nothing. She’s nice eh?” Harrison says and can’t help but laugh at the way Harry’s cheeks tint pink and he sheepishly smiles.
“Yeah maybe”
He was back a week later
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
I know it’s totally cliche but 2 and 57 for Harrison please?
look i love cliches. this is lowkey a uni au but it’s not very obvious until the end
100 ways to crush your soul prompts
“Y/N wait!” Harrison shouted after you, pushing his way out of the small group of his friends and handing his beer to Tom before picking up the pace. You walk quickly, taking larger steps than you ever had before and pushing your heels into the ground with each step in attempt to get out sooner.
“Y/N, Y/N please just stop, babe” He follows you all the way outside, into the cool breeze which seems to sober him up somewhat. “Y/N, please listen-”
“What!” You pivot on your heel and glare at the blue eyed boy in front of you. He stops in his tracks, taking in the sight of blood shot eyes, the same ones that had told him you loved him now looking broken. Tears only held back by their own surface tension. The smallest bit more and they’d fall, rolling down flushed cheeks that he’d once held in his hands as he kissed you for the first time. Trembling lips that had been against his own only hours earlier until both pairs were pink and swollen now looking chapped and dry. Hair that he used to distractedly roll between his forefinger and thumb until you fell asleep was now disheveled. He saw you pulling at it on the way out of the house but the whole image together was something else. It cracked his heart.
“I- I don’t- It’s just” Harrison sighs and then groans running a hand through his own hair, “For fucks sake it wasn’t meant to go his far. I swear” He takes a step towards you. You step back.
“I don’t care how far it was intended to go. You lied to me Harrison. You made me believe that you cared about me. So congratulations, I suppose. You won. Take your reward and go” You turn around to leave again but Harrison grabs your wrist.
“Y/N please wait”
“Let go of me” You try to shake his hand off but to no avail, “Don’t touch me Harrison”
“I’m not letting go until you agree to listen”
“Why should I listen?” You shout, “The last time I listened you told me you loved me, Harrison. And then I find out it’s a fucking bet? Real fucking nice
“But stupid me! You know? For thinking that maybe for once it was real? Maybe for once someone actually cared? Stupid me for thinking that maybe just maybe there was someone actually good that was interested in me. For thinking that what everyone told me about you wasn’t true. It’s my own damn fault” You find your self sniffling as tears steadily stream down your face. You don’t know when they started but you didn’t care, you wiped them away with the cuff of your sweater. You take a deep breath and try to compose yourself
“The moment you saw me as a bet was the moment you fucked up” You look up at Harrison. Were those tears? Part of you wants to apologize to him. Wipe his tears away, kiss him, and drop it. But the other part of you is stronger. The part of you that knows you have nothing to apologize for.
“Please let me make it up to you. Let me show you that it’s more than just a bet to me. It started as a bet sure but it turned into more. All the dates, the ‘I love you’s, everything. I meant it. I fell in love with you” Harrison admits, finally letting go of your hand. You step back slowly shaking your head.
“It’s too late for that, Harrison” You turn around and walk away, Harrison doesn’t follow. Toms hand on his shoulder brings him back, heavy bass line lowly booms in his ears from the house behind him.
“C’mon mate, lets go” Tom guides him back into the house. He knew this was going to happen, really. Tom knew all along and he had tried to warn Harrison but he’d deny it happening until he was too invested.
Harrison didn’t know if he’d see you on Tuesday. Sitting two rows in front of him and one seat to the left. Maybe you’d switch spots to avoid him. But Harrison needs to prove to you that he loves you. That he meant it, and that he’s sorry. He’d spend his whole life doing so if he had to. But time is a bitch, and he might only have until graduation.
He’d do the best he could by then.
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
ugh tom or haz trying to make you blush as much as possible? i’m so shy and I blush so easily goddamnit —tomslovey
i could either go dirty or fluffy with this. also sorry this is so late.
tom realized that you blushed a lot on your very first date
it was just one of those “huh they do that a lot. cute” things. and then he forgot about ut
but it only reoccurred to him about a month later
since then he’s loved making your cheeks bright
“good morning sweets”
said in a gruff morning voice as he wraps his arms around your waist
hands drifting under your shirt and dragging across the soft skin
sending shivers down your spine and heat to your cheeks
he’d definitely mostly use nicknames to make you blush
peaches, sweets, lovebug
definitely saving darling for that final push of making your cheeks red
faint touches all day long
gentle fingers along your skin
a hand on the small of your back to reach around you
fingers in your hair lulling you to sleep while the two of you cuddle
anyways tom loves you and your bright cheeks no matter how much you may or may not like them
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
What pet names do u think Tom haz n sheet would call u
darling & love
absolute staled yknow? i feel like all of them call you darling and love but mostly tom. especially in groggy morning voice? yeah. he liked the way your cheeks heat up at it
this was an accident or a joke and then it just sorta stuck and now it’s his favourite
harrison likes names like angel and princess cause you are one!!! all women are queens!!! he knows that!!! he def uses angel when you’re doing the do y’a dig?
harry calls you peaches cause ur sweet and booty yknow? and he used baby cause he’s needy and it’s easy to draw out the syllables
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