#sterek fics
You may have already done a list like this, and if so I apologize! But if not, do you have recs for cute, fluffy fics where one of them doesn’t realize they are dating? Thank you!
Sure! This tag and this one.
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the engagement by bibliosexual | 1.5K
“Stiles,” Derek growls the next morning, “why did Wanda just call me to congratulate me on my engagement to you?”
“Uh, because we are engaged?” Stiles tries. “We’re having a spring wedding with two flavors of cake, or did you forget? By the way, you still need to buy me a ring.”
Things To Do On The Dates You Aren’t Having by  lielabell | 5.5K
“So are we dating now or what?” Stiles asks the third time he finds himself doing the obligatory postcoital cuddling with a certain sour wolf.
five times Derek and Stiles weren’t actually boyfriends (and one time they were) by  HalfFizzbin | 2.8K
In which Derek and Stiles are essentially a married couple. Except they’re not actually dating.
Inevitability (About Damn Time) by  accordingtomel | 9.7K
“So?” Scott says.
“So?” Stiles sputters, kicking his shoes into the corner and locking the front door behind him. He’d whipped out his phone the second he’d pulled up to the house, and miracle among miracles, Scott actually answered. Of course, he’s not so pleased about that now. “My dad thinks Derek and I are dating, Scott. Did you miss that part?”
The asshole actually has the audacity to laugh. As if this is somehow hilarious to him. Worst best friend ever. “No, I didn’t.”
“This is not funny, Scott.”
“Yeah, it actually kind of is, though.”
big light by  stilinskisparkles | 4.7K
Stiles brandishes a bunch of daisies at Derek, “Saw these and thought of you.”
Derek looks down at the gas station flowers, lifts his eyebrows, “Because they’re dried out and a little wilted?”
How ‘bout them Mets, eh? by yodasyoyo | 1.9K
Derek nods. “‘K,” he says. “Night.” And as he passes Stiles he leans in and presses a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth.
Stiles goes perfectly still, mouth falling open, eyes following Derek’s progress up the stairs. He sees the moment when Derek realizes what he’s done because he pauses, his back to Stiles, hand clenching the rail in a white knuckle grip, posture totally rigid.
“Night,” Stiles says, voice coming out a little hoarse.
Use the Front Door for a Change by stileskolpath | 4K
The one where the Sheriff educates Derek on getting his shit together with dating his son. Derek is dating Stiles, right? Yes? Maybe? He’s really not sure anymore.
Important Things by suzvoy | 71.4K | Mature
Stiles learns that even with werewolves, giant lizards and psychopathic hunters on the loose, life can still find other ways to screw with you. Case in point: everyone keeps assuming he and Derek are a couple. What the hell?
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Like The Sun After Ten Years of Rain by eeyore9990
When he was twenty five years old, John Stilinski fell in love at first sight. It's not a story he shares often -- Claudia's name alone is hard enough to speak these days -- but he thinks maybe it's time to tell it.
Because there's a werewolf on his front porch looking at his son the same way John used to look at Claudia.
Words: 1,804
This is just so adorable and well written. I just had to screenshot the last lines for future fic inspiration!!
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nrnyx · 7 months
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Prompt: Can’t go wrong with a body swap scenario 
Thank you @imtryingandtired for the prompt! I hope you enjoy!
“Scott, we have a problem!” 
Scott's eyebrows did a thing that would have made Derek proud. “What? A bigger problem than the fact your body swapped with Derek.”
“I gotta pee,” Stiles rushed to say as he hopped from foot to foot. 
Scott's puppy face scrunched up with a mix of confusion and concern. “Why is that a problem? Does Derek have like a… medical condition? Does it burn or -”
“What, no! No!” Stiles cut in with a furious wave of his surprisingly soft but equally masculine hands. He lowered Derek’s voice even more so those in the next room wouldn’t hear him. “I just - what do I do, man? I have to, like, take it out and…”
“You mean you haven’t yet?” Scott asked in genuine surprise. 
“Of course, I haven’t, dumbass! What do you take me for? I would never take advantage of anyone's so very hot, like insanely hot and tempting body - temporarily mine or not.”
Scott threw up his hands in surrender. “Sorry! I’m sorry, I just - you haven't even looked?”
“No!” Stiles exclaimed, stomping Derek’s foot. “Help me!”
Scott looked around as if an answer was hiding somewhere. “I - I don’t know man, maybe asked Derek?”
“Ask Derek what?” Came Stiles's voice even though it wasn’t Stiles speaking. “What have you been doing to my body, Stiles?” It was amazing how Derek managed to make Stiles's eyebrows move in ways Stiles had never managed himself. He didn’t know his face could scowl like that. He didn’t know he had the muscles for it. 
Stiles, who was in Derek’s amazing body right now, closed his gorgeous eyes in defeat. Derek seriously had the longest eyelashes. He was never going to hear the end of this. 
Scott began to chuckle uncomfortably as he rubbed the back of his neck helplessly and waved a hand at Stiles. “That’s the problem he won’t do anything to it.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Derek asked, crossing Stiles’s arms over his chest. It was so weird seeing Derek’s expressions on Stiles's face, although the stance was missing its usual impact due to the severe lack of big, beefy muscles to back it up.
Stiles pinched the bridge of - Derek’s perfectly symmetrical nose and decided just to bite the bullet or risk worse embarrassment if he didn’t figure out his dilemma soon. “I have to pee.”
Derek’s - Stiles's eyebrows nearly shot into his hairline. “So go pee.” 
Stiles felt Derek’s all too tempting mouth fall open with his own shock. “I - I mean… it doesn’t bother you?” 
Stiles watched his own slender shoulders shrug, although Derek couldn’t meet his eyes. “I’m more worried about the state of my bladder, to be honest. How long have you been holding it?” 
Stiles felt Derek’s cute ears go red in embarrassment, and wasn’t that a weird feeling? Now, not only did he know what Derek looked like when he blushed, but he knew how it felt as his adorable ears grew warm. “A while, I guess. I was trying to respect boundaries. I mean… I wasn’t sure - have you?” 
Stiles now knew what he looked like when he blushed. Was it always so obvious? 
“Oh,” Stiles said, feeling himself turn even redder, and he wondered if it was as visible on Derek’s darker skin as it was on his own pale skin. So Derek had touched his… Stiles couldn’t think about that right now, but it figured the first time another hand, even though it was technically his very familiar hand, had been on his dick, he wouldn’t be there to experience it. 
This was such a weird situation. 
It wasn’t like Stiles had anything to be embarrassed about. He was rather… endowed. It was sort of a thing he was known for, a rumor that followed him around school, even though he was still a virgin, so no one but the guys in the locker room could confirm it. 
Derek cleared his throat uncomfortably. “I didn’t realize it would be an issue. I’m sorry if I overstepped -“
“No! No!” Stiles protested before Derek could feel bad about it. If a guy had to pee, he had to pee. “I don’t have a problem with it. You’ve got full permission to do whatever you want with my body,” Stiles joked, trying to break the weird tension. He knew how much consent meant to Derek, which was why he’d been so hesitant in the first place. “I just thought that you might have an issue with me, uh… handling it.”
Derek just looked at him. “If you need permission, then this is me saying you can pee.” 
Stiles breathed a sigh as Derek’s big, broad, amazing shoulders sagged in relief. “Oh, thank god, do you maybe want to come help?”
“Are you asking me to hold it for you? With your hands?” Derek deadpanned, and did Stiles really look that bitchy when he was being sarcastic? He could see why people always felt the urge to hit him.
“I - I Just mean, do you?”
Derek looked at him with exasperation. “Stiles, go pee!” 
Stiles jumped into action. “Yeah, okay, do you like… want to come with -” 
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I like that how Sterek shippers and writers somehow
1) unanimously adopted the term “Sourwolf” as a permanent nickname Stiles has for Derek
2) decided that “dude!” “don’t call me dude.” in some variation is utterly inevitable
3) agreed that Derek’s eyebrows talk on their own and that Stiles is usually the only one who speaks eyebrow
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hedwig221b · 8 months
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Stiles kissed him.
This was what kissing felt like. Not his little stunt in the throne room, but this. Greedy hands gripping his body, beard rubbing against his chin. Tiny sighs and rumbles of pleasure.
Derek kissed him like it was the last thing he would ever do. When Stiles opened his mouth to gasp for air, Derek didn’t waste the opportunity, hungry for each little thing Stiles was willing to give him. He slipped his tongue inside, caressing Stiles’, sucking and biting on it with fervor and passion.
Soon, Derek let him breathe but didn’t let go. He kissed Stiles’ cheeks and around his lips, catching them between his teeth. He bit Stiles’ jaw before shifting onto Stiles’ neck.
Stiles had never felt this wanted. Lewd gazes were nothing compared to the way Derek held him — as if he was the most precious being that was somehow gifted to him. Derek kissed his neck, sucked his marks onto it just to lick them afterward, and got rewarded with Stiles’ bemused and desperate gasps of air right next to his ear.
Stiles couldn’t handle the grasp on the world around him. He just clutched at Derek, hoping the wolf would keep him standing, and closed his eyes.
Derek’s touch spoke of awe, as if he wanted to bring Stiles pleasure; not to gain something but because he wanted Stiles to experience it. Like Stiles deserved to be kissed and worshipped every day, and Derek was somehow blessed to be the one to do it.
They lost count of time, standing in each other’s embrace. As soon as they parted, they longed to reunite again.
Panting and breathless, they stood in the dark hall, hidden from everyone. Their kisses slowed down and melted into a soft exchange of tenderness, with small kisses being dropped here and there. At last, the passion mellowed out enough for them to remember about life.
“Are you coming back with me?” Derek asked, his voice deep and hoarse.
Stiles sighed and put his face into Derek’s neck, closing his eyes. “Yeah,” he murmured. “I just… don’t want anybody to look at me.”
“I’ll order them not to,” Derek said, completely serious.
Stiles smiled.
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Five First Dates by drunktuesdays
Teen | 2k | 1/1
“I want to get married,” Stiles says, petulantly.
Derek’s heart races at first, speeds with the excitement and exhilaration of the idea of it, before he realizes Stiles is holding Isaac’s wedding invitation, heavy cardstock with the pretentious french parfum wafting through the air. 
“You just want presents,” he says, holding the door open and stepping back, so that Stiles can come in. 
“No,” Stiles says. “I mean, yes, obviously I would have the world’s coolest registry and wouldn’t waste my time with crystal stemware, but that’s not my point.” He throws himself backwards onto Derek’s couch in a huff. 
“You want to get married,” Derek repeats dryly. 
“Exactly, my friend,” Stiles says, pointing at him. “Exactly.”
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heradion · 17 days
Brb gonna write a fic of off-screen moments connecting the Canon evolution of Sterek's relationship in every Season of Teen Wolf with Derek realising Stiles is similar to Paige (without diluting Stiles individuality ofc cos Stiles is NOT just a clone of Paige ) and also Derek realising Stiles is so much more than just ghost of Paige
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sterek-exchange · 5 months
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Fall 2023 @sterek-exchange Roundup
kids say (and do) the darndest things by @evanesdust for @sterekbros
Empty Bottles, Full Hearts by @escharis for @just-another-busy-fangirl-writes
a glimpse of you and me by @sterekbros for @evanesdust
Slow and Steady wins the race by @theydraggedmein for @goddess47
Ready to Learn Something New by @goddess47 for @evadne01
i saw the one thing that i want by @peujeune for @theydraggedmein
The Lights by @just-another-busy-fangirl-writes for @ShainSaw22
Bean Howlin' For You by @mindofmim for @jld71
Then and Now by @jld71 for @peujeune
Myths about you by @evadne01 for @escharis
By The Fire by @autbot for @mindofmim 
Shivers by @ShainSaw22 for @autbot
Thank you to everyone who participated in this round! There are 11 wonderful fics and 1 artwork for everyone to enjoy! Our next exchange (for Valentine's Day) is open for signups. See you all in February with more fics!
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renmackree · 6 months
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Art by lalaithquetzallicaresi
Rating: Explicit for Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Word Count: 60,111
Tags:  Alternate Universe || Good Pack Alpha Derek Hale || Pack Dynamics || Emissary Stiles Stilinski || Magical Stiles Stilinski || Full Shift Werewolves || Graphic Description || Location: Iceland || Soulmates || Good Derek Hale || Good Peter Hale || Pack Mom Stiles Stilinski || Embedded Images || Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known || POV Stiles Stilinski
For: @sterekreversechallenges 2023 with partnership of @lalaithquetzallicaresi's art
Summary: Stiles joined the Emissary program to help Alpha wolves settle into their new roles and follow in his mother’s footsteps. She had always told him he was destined to run with the wolves, but he thought she meant Scott and his pack. Instead, Stiles finds himself sent to Thingvallavatn, Iceland, with Alpha Derek Hale. It's clear the Alpha is hiding a part of him that Stiles can’t reach, but when a monster comes to threaten the pack, it’s always great to have someone in your corner with a little mischief up their sleeve
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thebigoblin · 1 month
dumb & dumber
tags: Established Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Failwolf Derek Hale, Failhuman Stiles Stilinski, is that a tag? it should be actually, Implied Sexual Content, Possessive Derek Hale, Attempt at Humor, Failwolf Betas, they're all just dumb tbh
"You know, you're kind of the worst," he says this with a pout on his face, the television in front of him blinking back his own face at him. He sorta looks cute with a pout. Huh.
Beside him, the couch dips with the weight of his boyfriend. An arm snakes up along the back of the couch, and he moves forward before that arm and his shoulders can make contact. The huff he gets at his pettiness has him scoffing right back.
"You're being petty."
"And you're an asshole. What's new?"
Another huff. A sigh. He stares forward, resolute.
"Stiles, please." Nope. He is not giving in. He deserves to be upset! "Baby," and oh no.
Stiles turns towards his left, and sees the forlorn look on Derek's face. His eyes are searching Stiles', likely trying to impart how unhappy he is, and how much he wants Stiles' forgiveness.
Stiles might have turned around to actually have a conversation, but hey, he's still got the upper hand here. When Derek reaches out to hold his hand, Stiles takes his wayward limbs towards himself and crosses his arms. Derek isn't happy, his nostrils flaring, but hey, Stiles isn't happy, either.
"Why are you so angry at me?"
Stiles instantly points a finger at his dumb boyfriend, wagging it at that dumb gorgeous face to punctuate his point, "Oh ho ho, don't you play the dumb boyfriend card with me! I wish I could tell Lydia she's right and that all men, no matter the age, suck at being a good boyfriend. But welp! I can't, can I? Because even now, after months of us having been together, I cannot tell people I have a boyfriend! Nobody in the fucking pack knows who you are to me, and you know what Erica has been planning, huh? Huh?"
Derek blinks his dumb, gorgeous eyes at him. He has been staring at these eyes for counting on four months now, but he still can't pinpoint what colors they are. Are they blue? Green? Hazel with gold flecks in them?
Fuck. He is getting distracted. He once again wags his finger at Derek's face, who, this time around, wraps his big, rough arms around it and pulls Stiles forward until Stiles stumbles right onto Derek's lap, and really, why is the universe so unfair? Why is Derek in a barely there wife-beater and grey sweats?
"You know what I am to you, Stiles."
Stiles resolutely stares at Derek's chest. His hands are gripped tight in Derek's, but Derek lets one of his hands go free to grab at his chin, forcing him to look up at the eyes that reflect the early morning sun in a deep, beautiful forest.
"Baby, I am yours."
"But not to the world. To them, you're a single, hot, in much need of a date Alpha werewolf. You're not mine in their eyes, Der."
His heart doesn't waver at the truth, but his chemosignals must change because Derek leans down to rub their noses together, dragging his down to Stiles' neck, scenting him.
Claiming him, in a way.
"If Erica is planning a date for me, she's not competent as a wolf. I might not have told them we are dating, but you smelling much more like us should be a clue."
Stiles noses his way down from Derek's nose to his neck, bites at the junction between it and shoulders just to be a little shit. Derek arches under him, and it has Derek's dick, from under the damned grey sweats, rubbing a delicious friction against Stiles' ass.
"We smell good, huh, Alpha?" He could say more, but Derek is already panting like he cannot take it any more, and hey, that is lips on his own and he can't really speak now, can he?
Derek kisses him with passion, pushes him down back on the couch so he is on top of Stiles.
"Erica needs to learn how to use her fucking nose. You smell like mine," Derek's growl has Stiles instantly wanting to take off his clothes and present to him, down on all fours and ready to blackout in bliss for hours, but.
Stiles pushes at Derek's chest so there's space between them, and asks, a bit breathless, "Why haven't we just told them?"
"You're a fucking tease. I'm going to ruin you once this conversation is over, understand?"
Stiles stares back, wide-eyed, pupils evidently dark. Licks his lips. Nods.
Derek grabs his hair and wrenches him in for a deep kiss before letting go, putting space between them.
They don't speak for a few minutes, trying to get back to some semblance of control. Once they are, Derek speaks.
"I haven't told anyone... because I forgot."
If this weren't Derek, and he wasn't Stiles, he would have been offended. Because what the fuck? But he is Stiles, and this is Derek, so.
"You figured everyone would use their super-sniffers?" Derek nods. "Except you also forgot not everyone is a werewolf, and that even those with super-sniffers are idiots. They would first figure out how to stop a bus with failing brakes from crashing by jumping in front of it rather than using their wolf strength to well, pull the bus Superman style."
"Yes, I'm aware my pack is brave but stupid. Especially because their leader is here with me."
"Then why didn't you tell them?"
Stiles opens his mouth. Closes it. Scratches his head, his hair. Eyes fixed on the TV again, he mumbles, "I thought you didn't want to."
Derek takes his hand and points it at himself with a raised eyebrow. "Me? The one who has been scenting you extensively and making you wear butt-plugs? Me?"
His cheeks color with embarrassment. "Alright! We are both idiots. Got it."
"Truly made for each other." Derek again uses Stiles' hand to pull him forward, right until Stiles stis on Derek's lap. Again. Except this time Derek is already working to make Stiles' jeans dissappear. "Now, tell me about this date Erica has planned for me while you warm my cock with your pretty hole, okay, baby?"
"Yes, Alpha." Oh, coming to the Loft in a fit of anger/sadness was the best course of action today.
And Stiles is definitely going to pilfer that fancy-pants restaurant Erica has reserved for Derek's blind date with one of her college friends for a date for them.
And then he's going to be fucking annoying about calling Derek his, just like he is sure Derek is going to be insufferable about making it clear that Stiles is his in return.
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taleah-bonnick · 1 year
sterek fic recs - all completed
i struggle big time when it comes to finding good sterek fic recs, so i thought i'd make a list of some of the soft fics i've found along the way.
stuck in reverse by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli) - i've gone back to this one multiple times. it's got pack mum stiles, awesome character development for derek, their romantic relationship comes together naturally, and you even get jackson and stiles as best friends, which is one of my favourite tropes in teen wolf fan fiction. their relationship had so much potential to be fucking awesome and the writers just brushed over it, so i adore that fan fic writers love to build on it.
something more by kaistrex (weishen) - i actually really loved this one, the characterization is near perfect and it was so fucking romantic? the way their whole relationship comes to be is just so sweet and stiles makes it so simple and easy for derek, there's no pushing, no yelling, barely any angst. it's just a really wholesome fic which is honestly my favourite kind. i like the easy love kind of stories.
five times stiles woke up in derek's bed unexpectedly, and the one time it was on purpose by isthatbloodonhshsirt (wasterella) - this one is just super cheeky and soft; stiles keeps getting into rough situations and wakes up in derek's bed after every one. it's a whole lot of sweet fluff and stiles being insanely oblivious. good for when you want an easy and fun sterek read. i also recommend going through the entirety of this authors works, they have some really great fics, such as five time stiles fell out of a window and the one time he jumped and it's not pretend when it's real.
dysfunctional domesticity by yodasyoyo - a short and sweet christmas one shot, it's absolutely adorable and derek is a cheeky shit, i absolutely loved this one. i typically prefer longer fics, but i do enjoy a good one shot to get a quick fix of the ship i'm after.
gracious in defeat by yodasyoyo - another one from this author, i do recommend going through their works as well, they have some really sweet stories. this one is a soft one about stiles going to stay with derek to try and escape the hell that is being trapped in beacon hills. there is so much domestic bliss in this story, it felt so pretty to read, if that makes sense. there is a small bit of angst, but it gets resolved pretty quickly. i'd definitely read this more than once. derek is so vulnerable in this fic, and the characterization was great.
click here for part two of my sterek fic recs!
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christinesficrecs · 4 months
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I had a request for newer fics, so here you go! Also, some other recent fics were posted here.
They’re all together ooky, the Hale family… (Snap, Snap) by DropsOfAddiction | 12.4K | Explicit
Derek realises that he’s probably squashing Stiles a little bit, right at the same moment that Stiles apparently realises that he’s still holding onto Derek’s face.
They both definitely acknowledge Derek’s nakedness at the same exact time, judging by the alarmed look on Stiles’ face.
“So, you have no clothes on,” Stiles removes his hands and holds them above his head in surrender, cheeks a muddy red.
“In my defence, I was covered in fur less than two minutes ago,” Derek rolls his eyes and he pushes himself up and off him, hands covering his junk for Stiles’ sake.
“You’re still kind of furry now…” Stiles sits up, blinking rapidly, clearly just as weirded out as Derek. “Oh my god, pretend I didn’t say that. I’m not looking or anything.”
Derek smirks, because that… that was a lie and he cocks an eyebrow at him.
as dear as a brother by endversed | 10.3K | Explicit
“You are not allowed to sleep with him,” Scott says.
“You’re not the boss of me,” Stiles scoffs.
Stiles and Scott become best friends at college. Derek is Scott's hot older brother.
Take Me Away From Here by Hedwig221b | 33.5K | Explicit
Derek Hale looked terrifying. With his broad frame and muscles, with his wild black hair and thick beard, with his eyes the color of blood and fangs of a killer. Despite his kindness and his apparent attraction to Stiles, he was still a stranger, a predator, a wolf.
The thing is, Stiles would deal, but others might not. People found Lord Hale horrid, monstrous and unapproachable.
If Stiles stood behind him, no one would touch him.
He’d be safe with the wolf. If not from him, then definitely from everyone else. And that was enough.
Messily Ever After by KaliopeShipsIt | 20.3K
When Stiles and his blue slushie have a literal and quite splashy run-in with an adorable five-year old flower girl and her panicking daddy in the middle of the mall, the last thing he expects is to get a date to a stranger's wedding out of it.
Let alone, a boyfriend and a kid.
His Accidental Touch by Hidden_Orchard | 12.8K | Explicit
It happened accidentally, the first time. All the many and varied times afterwards, Stiles would hold his hands up and admit full responsibility for. But that first time – pure chance.
Derek needs a cuddle. Stiles - generous man that he is - would never deny Derek something he needs.
An Alpha's Misunderstandings by Dexterous_Sinistrous | 48.5K | Mature
And Derek was there, as if it was a simple twist of fate.
There were so many ways Stiles wanted to forgive Derek, but then he came to his senses.
He wouldn’t risk Charlotte’s safety for that hope–never again. ~*~ Stiles and Derek are parted by war and misunderstandings, only to find each other again.
Red, Red, Red by loserchildhotpants | 9.4K | Explicit
“Just… it’s weird, I’ve been - uh. You ever, like, dream of something? Something you’ve never seen before, but then you see it out in the world?”
everywhere, everything (every day) by nerdy-stilinski (Captain_Ameriyeah), S3anchaidh | 14.3K
Derek’s never been the best at making decisions. That’s how he keeps waking up with Stiles in his arms, but never under the right circumstances.
Or: Derek agrees to a pack vacation and instantly regrets it.
Matchmaking in Fandom by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) | 13K
It wasn’t like it was a secret that the showrunners made terrible decisions when it came to their own show, so why he’d had actual faith in them not fucking the movie up, he had no idea. Really, it was his own fault.
He hadn’t even set the bar high for the movie! The bar was so incredibly low, like mid-shin height, and they somehow managed to get it subterranean. That was talent. A bad talent, but still a talent.
if i'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that i am? by EvanesDust | 13K
When Derek’s kids write out their Christmas lists, they insist he writes one too. Not long after it's deposited in Santa's mailbox, he's reunited with the man of his dreams.
Derek can't help but fall for him again. It's really too bad Stiles is so obviously taken.
...or the one where Derek’s a grump who makes assumptions about his pregnant omega neighbor.
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Blood is (Not) Thicker Than Water by Anxiety_Baker02
Stiles hasn’t seen his extended family in years- mostly because they’re assholes. His cousins bully him relentlessly, and his aunts and uncles aren’t much better. So when he hears that they’re coming out for a family reunion, he’s understandably upset. He knows the next week is going to be hell, and it’s made worse when a new pack shows up, vowing revenge on their pack.
Also, Sterek happens.
This one is so good, the perfect dose of hurt/comfort balance. I loved it sm!!
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undercoverbastard · 8 months
Judging a Derek by His Cover
“Seriously? You have to ask?” Stiles asked, in a bit of a disbelieving tone. “I mean I-... have you seen you? Resisting you sounds impossible, Derek, I mean seriously. I don’t think anyone in their right mind would tell you no if you gave them even a second look that’s- that’s impossible, you’re-”
Derek had already begun to tune out, a sick feeling crawling from the pit of his stomach upwards. He had grabbed for his shoes, fumbling slightly as he slid them on, in the middle of Stiles’ rambling. Before the other could continue, Derek waved away the rest with a nod.
“Right, right - you’re not… blind,” Derek interrupted. Stiles seemed a bit stunned at the overly neutral tone. Moving past Stiles without looking him properly in the eye, Derek mumbled about needing to get ready. Stiles attempted to stop him, his voice going low once the door opened, but it was of no use.
OR: a fic from the vaults, inspired by modern-day royalty au, derek’s penchant for being sought after just for his looks, and im not sure what else was going on in my brain at the time tbh
Word Count: 4387
“I have to get ready,” Derek said, pushing himself up and out of the bed. He sighed, sitting on the edge, staring at his hands a bit blankly. He wished he could freeze time - stay in moments like these. These moments are stolen in between chores and tasks, family and staff. He didn’t want to have to leave.
“Oh?” Stiles asked, stretching out lazily, tucking his hands behind his head. “What’s on the agenda today, sir prince?”
The tone was teasing but it made Derek cringe. Another reminder. He didn’t hate his position or his family or his people or any of it - he loved Beacon and his family was amazing and he adored being able to be a part of what made all of it. But, his position - his title - came with limitations. Expectations.
“Some gathering,” Derek mumbled, ducking his head a bit lower, “my mom says it’s in celebration of the peace treaties - ten years this week. But…”
“But…?” Stiles prompted, moving to curl behind Derek, his chin resting on a pillow as he gazed up at the other’s face. Derek cut his eyes to the side, letting the slightest of smiles curve across his lips before it fell off again. That was another one of Stiles’ talents - his ability to make Derek laugh and smile, no matter the day or its events.
“But,” Derek gathered a deep breath, “she’s been hinting at… socializing, at dating. She keeps bringing up names and countries and heirs and… I don’t know. She keeps mentioning Braeden and just…”
Stiles moved away, crawling up to a sitting position himself. Derek cast a look back at the other, waiting for some sort of response. It took a minute, Stiles facing away from him and seemingly fiddling with his shirt and hair. When he turned back he had a wide grin, cheeky and teasing.
“Oh you’ll do fine, Der, who could ever resist you? Huh?” Stiles said, giving him a nod of appreciation. It made Derek’s throat dry up, a reminder creeping in.
“Resist me…” Derek repeated a bit dumbly, staring now to the side of Stiles’ head, looking unseeingly out the window on the opposite side of the room. He heard Stiles give a huff of laughter, saw the shaking of his head from his peripheral.
“Obviously,” Stiles scoffed, “they’d have to be blind!” And that’s when Derek’s blood ran a bit cold, color draining from his face ever so slightly. “Anyways, I should - uh- get going. Let you get ready for the party and all that.”
Stiles stood up, fingers carding through his hair before tugging at and smoothing down his shirt. They’d laid lazily in the spare room for hours, taking turns carding fingers through one another’s hair, biting lingering kisses into one another’s lips, straddling each other’s laps as they got lost in the quietness disturbed only by soft groans and gasps. It had been bliss, those couple hours together. It was one of the only times Derek didn’t feel like he was on display or out of place to some degree. It felt right. Comfortable.
Staying quiet, Derek watched as Stiles stood up, slipping his shoes back on and fretting over his clothes again. He was always busy, mind and body in constant motion even if it didn’t make sense. It used to infuriate Derek when Stiles first began working in the library - he could never focus with the other’s mumbles and murmurs and humming and moving. It was chaotic in the smallest of ways. Now, though, he felt restless if Stiles didn’t move - his skin felt prickled if the younger man stayed still too long, a wrongness about it.
Before Stiles could open the door and sneak a look outside before he darted out, Derek asked, “Why didn’t you?”
Stiles paused, looking at the other in confusion and a half tilt of his head. “Why… why didn’t you resist me or - turn me down? Why?” Derek elaborated. His voice held steady and sounded normal but his heart was lodged in his throat and the tips of his fingers felt numb.
The question at least gave Stiles pause. He stepped back closer in the room, an incredulous look on his face once his mind seemed to catch up. He began waving, hands exaggeratedly emphasizing the length of Derek’s form still sitting on the bed before he gave an answering huff.
“Seriously? You have to ask?” Stiles asked, in a bit of a disbelieving tone. “I mean I-... have you seen you? Resisting you sounds impossible, Derek, I mean seriously. I don’t think anyone in their right mind would tell you no if you gave them even a second look that’s- that’s impossible, you’re-”
Derek had already begun to tune out, a sick feeling crawling from the pit of his stomach upwards. He had grabbed for his shoes, fumbling slightly as he slid them on, in the middle of Stiles’ rambling. Before the other could continue, Derek waved away the rest with a nod.
“Right, right - you’re not… blind,” Derek interrupted. Stiles seemed a bit stunned at the overly neutral tone. Derek always spoke in an even manner, known for being a bit brasher in his tone than others but fairly neutral and even overall - it was a mark of the Hale family, after all. To be balanced in all ways. He couldn’t risk being too nice or too rude. He may toe the line of overly curt and brash but he was never outright cold with his words. But even he could hear it - the change in his voice. It was exceptionally vague - not a hint of brashness. He was as even as his mother in her political discussions - unreadable.
Moving past Stiles without looking him properly in the eye, Derek mumbled about needing to get ready. Stiles attempted to stop him, his voice going low once the door opened, but it was of no use. Even the soft touch to Derek’s shoulder as he stepped out slid off with just a single step, allowing the steadily growing wall between them to commence.
Derek tried not to think about it. Shoved the thoughts out of his mind as he left the mostly empty hall and trailed back to his own room. He shouldn’t have thought Stiles would be interested in anything else besides his looks. It was, after all, his saving grace. After Kate’s stunt years back, most people averted their eyes - unable to meet Derek’s. It lingered with some, but it only took a year or two at most before he was once more a display.
Giggling visitors from other countries bashfully complimented him on how handsome he was, eyes raking up and down his body at parties and celebrations. Tabloids posted dozens of photos whenever he left the palace - endless remarks of his looks and how well clothes fit him and how others were sure the good looks didn’t stop at just his face pouring from every media outlet in the country and even in others.
He was used to it. He smiled his practiced smile, knew when to bow his head and murmur thanks. He was used to the squeezes to his bicep when being requested to dance and the lingering eyes of his partners. But that was it. Even Kate had said so when she still played the part of smitten girlfriend.
She’d tease him for his quiet nature and his lack of ability to feed into normal conversations. He could talk policy as needed and he had a plethora of books surrounding philosophers, history, and even art at his disposal - but they were drab topics outside of negotiations and proper business. And even if the analysis of Picasso’s The Old Guitarist was one Derek found interesting and showed the necessity of the arts and their value to civilizations old and new, Kate didn’t want to hear about it. Besides, even with his most impassioned topics on the table he still was a man of few words. Part of that came from being the son of the reigning Queen of Beacon, another part came from Kate’s backhanded nature.
Either way, it didn’t matter. Derek earned his keep with his looks. He was a nice face to look at and a figure that harnessed desire. Either no one cared what else he might be able to offer or his lack of personality drove them back to their distanced gazes. Just because Stiles could quote at least one line from every book Derek has ever picked up since he started working in the library and just because Stiles had enough words for five people let alone a conversation of two didn’t mean he wouldn’t be the same.
It was to be expected.
Several hours later found Derek in one of his more casual attires but one fit for a prince nonetheless. The party and celebration were not one for hosting political affairs - they were for rejoicing. Sure, it was shared amongst several other visiting countries, and the sprawling room and subsequent halls were filled with faces far and wide, but none of them came to talk about further negotiations, treaties, or trade options. They all came to eat, dance, and laugh - embracing the decade’s worth of peace since King Christopher took his father’s place in Silvenia and ended the wars and trade blocks.
Derek stood off to the side, doing his best to obscure himself as much as possible in the throng of people. He’d eaten, he’d talked to his family, and he’d even danced with several people. He had done his share, he thought. This was meant to be enjoyed, and he enjoyed being alone.
He couldn’t, however, forever hide from Braeden. He’d seen his mother walking with her, laughing. His mother’s eyes seemed to search the crowd, trying to find him, and he did his best to slink away before she caught a whiff of his location. He’d done a good job so far, but he knew it was a fruitless endeavor to try and avoid her all night. It had only been two hours and the celebration would more than likely go well into the night. His mother would find him eventually.
Musing the odds of success if he were to try and slink away to his room or possibly to the gardens for a couple of hours to avoid detection a bit longer, Derek zoned out momentarily - unaware of his surroundings. He acknowledged the movement of others, the change in music, but it was all background noise in his mind. Which is why it was the perfect time for him to be found.
Just not by his mother, it seemed.
“Derek?” Stiles asked, gently laying a hand on his arm, eyebrows scrunched up in concern. “You okay?”
Shaking himself out of his clouded thoughts, Derek nodded and went to pull away from Stiles’ touch - planning to test out his garden escape. He should’ve been looking out for the man. After all, Stiles has been a regular attendee of nearly all the Hale family’s gatherings and parties for over 10 years. His father was now the Head of Palace Guards and his mother had once overseen the library he now worked in. Stiles’ presence was all but guaranteed between his two parents both working in the palace on a daily basis. Derek had just distantly hoped he wouldn’t approach him here - similar to all previous events.
“Then you wouldn’t mind me asking for a dance, would you?” Stiles asked, his eyebrows now unscrunched, one raised in question as he held out his hand. Derek stared for a moment, bewildered.
In all the years Stiles had attended these gatherings, he’d never once asked to dance with Derek - he rarely spoke to him. He’d danced with Cora once or twice, the two having been closer as kids since they were the same age and Cora deciding Stiles was the perfect partner for her scheming ploys. But even now in recent times, since Derek and Stiles had begun their… whatever it was between them, he had never asked. It had been nearly a year of sneaking into hidden library corners, empty guest rooms, and ducking into stable stalls - stealing kisses, fingers unbuttoning shirts, hands roaming skin. In that same time over a handful of parties, political events, and other such gatherings had come to pass of all different magnitudes and Stiles had all but avoided Derek.
Cautiously, Derek put down the drink in his hand and laid the other in Stiles’ open palm. He let the other pull him seamlessly into the throng of moving bodies. The music wasn’t slow enough for proper dance steps but it wasn’t fast enough to deter other couples from swaying and moving across the floor together. Blessedly, Stiles moved into the crowd and guided one of Derek’s hands to his waist, clasping the other in his hand while Stiles laid his second hand on Derek’s shoulder.
No one really led in this dance, but Stiles letting him control the speed and direction was a godsend as he was sure to stumble if he had to follow. Derek was sure he had Cora to thank for that, as he recalled his younger sister demanding to be the lead and making a young, 11-year-old Stiles learn to follow in all their dance numbers. He recalls hiding smirks and laughs behind his hand and drinks, watching the two kids stumble about when Stiles accidentally went to lead them and Cora stubbornly refused to follow.
He pushed those memories aside, trying to remove the fond film he’s learned to lay over all the memories with Stiles in them. He doesn’t know when he’d begun to do it, but it was harder than he’d expected to try and stop it.
“You left kinda fast earlier,” Stiles finally murmured, voice low as his eyes danced around the room. They got a couple of second glances, those who knew of Stiles’ position a bit surprised to find the two dancing together. Sure, he danced with Cora over the years, but that was largely when they were kids and it was cute - something for the adults to coo over and take pictures of.
“Yes,” Derek answered simply. He didn’t know what Stiles wanted and he preferred to keep his cards close to his chest. Stiles huffed at the minimal response, a fond eye roll following it shortly after.
“Okay, thanks for that,” Stiles teased, “what I meant is why? Did- did I say something to upset you? Did something happen - are you okay?”
Even in shorter sentences, Stiles still somehow rambled. His tempo was a bit too fast, his tone of voice wavering and pitching in odd places, teeth biting at his lips as he came up with a dozen more thoughts - his face mirroring his reaction to each one in live action. Derek quelled the amusement he found in the mannerisms.
“Just wanted to leave.”
At this, Stiles seemed to stutter in movement, feet delayed and causing the two to stumble momentarily. Both of Derek’s hands moved to hold him at the waist, righting him before he could fall while Stiles’ hands both gripped Derek’s shoulders to help anchor himself. They found themselves closer together, the stance becoming a bit more personal and intimate than before.
“Leave… me?” Stiles whispered quietly, looking over Derek’s shoulder. Derek stayed quiet, unsure how to answer without giving too much away. “Is it because of what I said? That I’m attracted to you? Did that upset you?” It was Derek’s turn to bring a stutter to their movements, going rigid. He thankfully composed himself much quicker, only setting them off by a step at most that was easily regained.
“I don’t have an issue with you finding me attractive, Stiles,” Derek sighed, “like you said, who isn’t.”
It wasn’t a question. But he couldn’t control the bite that came out with the last two words, a bit of a sarcastic drawl underlining his words. At this, Stiles snapped his eyes to the side, looking questioningly at his dance partner. Derek didn’t explain any further, instead avoiding direct eye contact as best he could while still dancing.
“Is that…” Stiles’ words faltered, dying off. Even without looking at his face, Derek could see his thoughts play out. He swear he could hear the gears grinding in his head as he raced through all possible questions, answers, scenarios, and each of their meanings in a span of a few seconds. It would never cease to impress and exasperate Derek how Stiles thought just as quickly as he spoke - often one blending into the other without filter or regard for how his words came out.
“Der,” Stiles said, his voice suddenly a bit louder and demanding. Derek just raised his eyebrows in response, gaze still not meeting Stiles’. The younger boy huffed, hides sliding up from Derek’s shoulders to grip either side of his face and force Derek to look at him before he continued speaking. “What I said was true. I don’t know any sane person who would turn you down, but - that’s not the only reason I’m attracted to you. You know that, right? You have to know that.”
Derek swallowed the lump in his throat, giving a partial shrug to try and show his indifference on the matter. It seemed to be the wrong response, however, when Stiles growled out low in frustration, his fingers digging in a bit more into Derek’s skin and demanding his attention.
“You have to know,” he said, incredulous. “You think - what? All this time I just wanted some casual… fling? That I just saw a pretty face and that was all it took? A pretty face and I spend hours sneaking away from my work, hiding from my dad, skirting around guards?”
Stiles paused, but not long enough for Derek to actually respond. He shook his head as if in disbelief before continuing, “Is that it? You thought I just wanted to fuck around with you? Jesus Christ, how shallow do you think I am? Better yet! How stupid?! If I just wanted someone for their looks why would I go after a prince? A prince, Derek. I know we’re evolved and all but I’m sure your mom would still approve a hanging or beheading or some other medieval offing of me, fuck.”
Derek couldn’t help but crack a wry grin at Stiles’ vomit of words, head ducking down slightly as he tamped down on his laughter. The idea of his mother not only approving but requesting a beheading seemed comical - the woman was terse and poised, levelheaded beyond compare, but she was also the same woman who cried over Animal Planet at 9 PM on a Tuesday after seeing a crocodile eat a baby zebra. She blubbered about ‘the poor baby’ for half an hour, squeezing Cora into a smushed hug against her chest and all but breaking Derek’s bones as she held his hand. It was a hilarious thought, all things considered.
Stiles’ noise of exasperation broke him from his daddling thoughts, surprising Derek. Another thing Stiles was good at; even without trying, he got Derek lost in his own rambling thoughts - Stiles’ jabber and ranting offering endless avenues of thought and consideration, even if absurd. It was a nice change of pace, having something to ponder and get lost in. Something that was entertaining and not all too important that demanded his full focus or response all at once.
“Derek, I am about to make a damn fool of myself and if someone overhears this and then sees you walk away from me I think I’ll be forced to exile myself but, Jesus fuck , here it goes,” Stiles let out a long breath, eyes closing briefly before reopening and settling on Derek as if he were a target. “I am in-fucking-love with you. I love how you speak with your eyebrows and eye rolls better than any person can with words. I love how you obsessively read fucking historical books and pour over goddamn poetry and art journals. I love how you get spaced out when we talk about centuries-old plays and hundred-year-old paintings as if you can’t comprehend what they mean and are stunned by their mere existence. I love how you talk and sound like you’re thinking of murdering me and then just- laugh! And god, your laugh - I still can’t figure out if it’s your smile or your laugh that’s my favorite. And, fuck- I just… I can’t think of a single thing I don’t obsessively think about when it comes to you. And of course, of course, you’re fucking beautiful - work of art, walking god, all the usuals - but I… I just love being with you.”
They stopped dancing, coming to a halt in the middle of the mass of people. Derek is sure the song changed, people who still lingered a bit further away now going through similar steps and movements he couldn’t be bothered to recall or put a name to. He also knew they were being watched - hell, he’s sure half a dozen people caught at least half of that spiel, with Stiles’ voice raising in tone and pitch and volume like crazy throughout as if he couldn’t control it.
He felt a bit punch drunk, in a way. He didn’t know if he should be embarrassed that Stiles caught him wistfully zoning out over paintings or if he should laugh at the fact that Stiles has somehow done what not even his family has by being able to read and understand his responses just by facial expressions alone. It felt like a weight had been removed from his shoulders but his stomach felt heavy, stirring with nerves.
“You love me?” he finally asked. Stiles groaned, smacking his head against the curve of his own arm that rested against Derek’s shoulder. He was muttering and cursing quietly.
“I only repeated it about a hundred times but, yes. Yes - I love you. I am in love with you, I will figure out all the euphemisms to say it and learn it in as many languages as I can. Hell, I’ll do it old school - find a fucking boombox and sta-”
Stiles’ remaining rant cut off as Derek pulled his chin up, pressing a harsh kiss against the other’s lips. It wasn’t soft or biting, just… hard. Solid. Reassuring. Stiles helped quell the bruising press of lips by softly dragging a thumb over Derek’s cheek, the gesture making the kiss soften until they both were pulling away. Stiles looked awestruck, eyes dancing and sliding side to side to take in the room before ultimately landing once more on Derek’s face, a pleased grin taking over his face as their eyes met.
“I’ve been stupidly in love with you ever since you began singing that awful song when I tried to explain what a Blue Period was and then I kept humming it all week because it was stuck in my head,” Derek offered as an explanation for his actions. Stiles paused, eyebrows pulled together in consideration for a second before he broke out into loud laughter, probably remembering the exact scene from two years prior. If no one saw them before they surely had garnered enough people’s attention by now.
“I think I’ve been in love with you since you told Harris off for making me cry during the Polka,” Stiles grinned. It was Derek’s turn to bark out a laugh, louder than he had laughed in a while. He remembered that, it was 8 years ago - when Stiles and Cora were still learning various dances. Cora had to learn for the sake of her title and appearance, Stiles was just the poor culprit she wrangled into the mess and who could barely keep time with the three-step beat, leading to lots of stumbling and Harris berating him before Derek growled out a retort about being so pathetic to bully a child.
Derek remembered it as a scarring experience, Stiles refusing to dance for two weeks after. Stiles, however, decided it was the moment in which he’d fall in love with a then-angry, overly private 16-year-old that barely even spoke to him. Derek wasn’t sure which moment of realization was more absurd between them.
“You were thirteen !”
“And I was in love!”
It got quiet between the two, both of them just grinning at the other. Neither bothered to realize just how quiet it had gotten, or how much space had been carved out around them during their conversation. They were lost in their own world, ignorant to the rest of the room around them.
It wasn’t until a minute or two passed when a cleared throat caught their attention, making them realize the quieter atmosphere and their center stage set up among the crowd. Talia - Queen Talia - stood beside them, a knowing smirk on her face as she regarded them with a raised eyebrow, hands clasped in front of her.
Stiles gave a half-choked squawk in realization while Derek bowed his head, his cheeks heating in embarrassment. They separated abruptly, standing side by side to face Talia head-on.
“So,” Talia broke the silence, “I don’t think I’ll be introducing you to Braeden anytime soon. Seeing as you already have a boyfriend, hm?”
Stiles choked again, some mangled word dying in his throat, while Derek simply looked up at his mom with a deer-in-the-headlights look. When she gave a pointed tilt of her head, eyes shooting to Stiles as the younger man seemed paralyzed on the spot, Derek knew she was encouraging him to confirm. To say something .
“Yes,” he finally managed to pull out, his hand reaching out to grasp Stiles’ and squeezing it in question. When he got an immediate squeeze in response, he gave his mother a wide, genuine smile. “I’m dating Stiles.”
With that, Talia seemed pleased. She clapped her hands, announced that further celebration was to commence, and then left them as they were. It was oddly anti-climatic, the room returning to its usual activity and volume as before - only sneaky side glances were thrown their way in curiosity. It was easy for Derek to pull Stiles back to the outskirts of the room, however, the two of them were unable to stop glancing at each other and sharing smiles.
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cgsf · 4 months
StandingInANiceDress (siand) Archive
All links are archive links meant to circumvent deletion. As they are prone to rewriting their work, I'll try to include the most up to date versions.
"As the Lights Go Down" (E) 62,890
"Darling, Dearest, Dead" (E) 42,218
"Everything Under the Moon" (T) 19,892
"Hot Mess" (E) 20,458
"I get filthy when that liquor get into me" (E) 26,367
"In a Straight Line Down" (T) 40,315
"Infatuation" (T) 10,501
"Lost and Found" (E) 37,741
"Morning Finds You" (M) 51,619
"Numbers" (T) 11,150
"Peculiar / Interesting" (E) 14,400
"Someday When You Leave Me" (M) 25,804
"Sugar and Spice" (E) 39,781
"they call kids like us vicious and carved out of stone" (M) 20,506
"this story's got dust on every page" (T) 33,829
"'Til You Make It" (E) 46,088
"Traces" (E) 44,844
"What Stays and What Fades Away (you can't choose)" (E) 39,111
"You Look Like Bad News (i gotta have you)" (E) 38,954
"Among the Famous Living Dead" (E) 103,483
"Be Nice to Me" (E) 92,351
"Between Men and Lions" (E) 102,164
"Controlled Burn" (E) 53,933
"Cut to the Bone" (E) 112,437
"Dead Things" (E) 89,100
"Don't Take the Money" (E) 53,469
"Fight Fires in Your Best Clothes" (E) 67,631
"For Your Eyes Only" (E) 113,297
"Helen of Troy" (E) 150,258
"Nothing Safe is Worth the Drive" (E) 55,151
"Playing God" (E) 63,747
"Sinking Ships" (E) 106,646
"Stars and Their Meanings" (E) 58,376
"When the Sun Goes Down" (E) 105,193
"Down by Contact" (E) 472,163 WIP
"Down by Contact" (E) 117,483
"Hail Mary" (E) 81,011
"Blood Sport" (E) 149,192
"Black Monday" (E) 124,477 WIP
"Down in Flames" (E) 141,827
"so, hey, let's be friends." (E) 29,573
"how this one ends." (E) 49,349
"if it's torture." (E) 62,905
"Honor or Death" (E) 113,148 WIP
"Honor or Death" (E) 60,072
"Spoils of War" (E) 53,076 WIP
"The Standing Dead" (E) 244,721
"The Standing Dead" (E) 166,660
"Tinderbox" (E) 78,061
"Tax Evasion" (E) 210,780
"Tax Evasion" (E) 139,924
"Make Your Bones" (E) 168,764
"Heat Lightning" (E) 128,358
103 notes · View notes
wolfmadefromash · 1 year
You ever notice how much the Hale family is centered around the entire plot and base for the show yet we never really get the back story? There literally wouldn’t be a show without the Hales and the Argents. We got a family history lesson for the Argents, seeing and learning their origin. But not the Hales. We never met the family lost in the fire that sparked the whole series. We met Talia, briefly, Laura for 3 seconds, and of course Peter and Cora. But Derek himself said in season 1 that there were 11 people that died in the fire (10, because he assumed Cora had also died) and we only met 1 of this people. He also said that there were people who were perfectly ordinary in his family that died in the fire, yet in the movie he implies that all Hales ARE werewolves. I assume the ordinary family members maybe married into the family? Or it’s a plot hole to be ignored. Anyway…
The entire show could have been leagues better had Jeff Davis explored plot points he literally opened up. We don’t know all that really happened, the true actions of Kate and her manipulation of Derek, we never see that. That key moment, is the entire foundation for the show. If Kate doesn’t manipulate Derek, there is no fire. If there is no fire then Peter does plot his revenge, starting with killing his own niece to become Alpha. If Peter doesn’t become the Alpha, then Scott doesn’t get bit. Why have this monumental thing that is the undisputed core of the show but never detail it, never show it? Not even give it a mini series spinoff? And I don’t even want to talk about Derek gaining the ability to fully shift into a wolf only for us to see it ONCE and it never be talked about again. The show (and movie) as much as I love it, could have been so much better had there been at least a split focus between Scott and the Hales.
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