#steve the polar bear <3
simplepotatofarmer · 8 months
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what you've never seen an emotional support polar bear before??
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bleue-flora · 8 months
‘Techno pinches the bridge of his nose. “Come on, Dream. Stop it!… That’s not cool, bro. Why you gotta take out all your frustration on my fancy teacups? I know you’re just mad that you don’t have a house, but bro we can go build you one. We can—we can even make it out of something better than dirt, alright?”’
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Ta da! I made some art for the collaborative work, Crow’s Nest, we essentially wrote in a month, which is by far, my most diverse in content and longest fic. Thought it needed some like cool title art, since it’s basically the length of a book lol. (See below for symbolism and stuff)
- it’s kind of a combination of some main elements and themes from the fic: Steve (clearly the main character lol XD), tea, the broken teacups, Techno’s house… the stained floor
- the green tea cup represents Dream and well his broken state after prison, while the pink tinted glue represents Techno helping Dream heal and putting him back together.
- and obviously, a crow for the title and poem the chapters are named after.
- and despite my efforts, Tumblr has kinda ruined my quality, so here’s a zoomed in picture of the tea tag I made, which has the title of the fic and our names on it. :)
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mcytnpcshowdown · 1 year
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The bracket is complete! Appologies if it's difficult to read, we tried to squeeze on little heads for the characters, but it's difficult when some of the entries are five donkeys and an IV stand. Also, shoutout to the mcytblrsexyman polls for layout inspiration!
First round matches:
1: Richarlyson (QSMP) VS Steve the Polar Bear (DSMP)
2: Kerilson (Hermitcraft) VS Tiny Tom (Hermitcraft/Empires)
3: Old Sheriff (Empires) VS Papa Caspacito (Rats SMP)
4: Judge Judy and Executioner (Limited Life) VS Walter Bob (QSMP)
5: Timothy Manifold (DSMP) VS Dr Trayaurus (DanTDM series)
6: Pizza the Llama (3rd Life) VS The Egg (DSMP)
7: The IV Stand (QSMP) VS Ianite (Mianite)
8: Bobby (QSMP) VS The Watchers (Evo/Last Life)
9: Friend the Sheep (DSMP) VS Ramón (QSMP)
10: Juanaflippa (QSMP) VS Carl the Horse (DSMP)
11: Leo (QSMP) VS Rusty (New Life)
12: Xornoth (Empires) VS Renbob (Hermitcraft)
13: Pomme (QSMP) VS Boatem Company Cars (Hermitcraft)
14: Poopies the Endermite (Lifesteal) VS Bertha (Witchcraft SMP)
15: Sally the Salmon (DSMP) VS Helsknight (Hermitcraft)
16: Prince Andor (Mianite) VS Etho 404 (Etho's LP)
Winners will go on to face higher seeded characters in round 2.
Polls will go up at 7PM GMT / 2PM EST / 11AM PST !
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aurumacadicus · 1 year
Steve/Tony Dragonriders AU
Waffled back and forth on where to go with this so much lmao. Anyway! Dragons with feathers <3
Steve rides a blue. He's used to the frosts they blow, how he has to bat icicles down from around the pen before he can get to the stall door. He's used to having to bundle up in wool and furs to guard against the chill from his dragon's scales. He's used to flying through clouds full of snow ready to fall. It's peaceful, even. He does his best thinking up there. The blues are big, built for power. Broad shouldered, broad winged. Claws as big as Steve's torso. Wings with thick feathers along the membranes to guard against the cold. They're not aggressive, really, which is probably for the best--their favorite prey are moose, and elk, and orcas. Polar bears, sometimes, if they find one that's sickly or old. Steve feels like they're the only ones that understand him, some days. After the war... well, there aren't a lot of blue war birds left. They were some of the most dangerous, for sheer size and power, and the ice they brought with them. They'd been targeted to the point that the other armies had banded together to be cannon fodder simply so the last battle blues wouldn't be shot down. The riders of the fallen dragons... he didn't like to think about how many he'd lost.
It's not often that his people venture down into the valley from the mountains, but something about the summer solstice makes even the dragons energetic, feathers spreading, heads going back to trumpet pure joy. Besides, the valley folk know how to party--good food, good wine, and incredible wares for sale at the markets and fairs. Steve isn't really looking for anything, flying down more for tradition than to actually participate. His dragon likes to show off, at least during solstice, and there are absolutely crowds that come specifically to see the blues parade down the lane to the mating grounds. Steve supposes he can understand; the blues are bigger than the reds common in the valley at least by half, sometimes double. He likes to see the awe on the little kids' faces as a dragon with feet bigger than they are plodding by, pudgy little fingers pointing up at the crests on their wide heads; the way even adults tip their heads back, eyes wide, marveling at the sheer size of them. Still, there's something about the smaller dragons, built for speed and maneuverability over power, darting in between the blues' long, slow steps and letting out little trumpets (or, for the even smaller ones, comical little toots). There's always a red one that tries and display for Steve's blue, and if it wasn't so earnest, it would be funny, a third of the blue's size but still desperately trying to show off its feathers in a mating display it might find suitable. Steve sort of wishes the other dragon's rider would put a stop to it, if only to temper its disappointment when Steve's blue returns to the mountains with him, mateless as always.
Tony is pulling his hair out over his stupid dragon. They're a decorated pair, one of the few cannon fodder reds that volunteered for multiple altercations. His dragon could have the pick of any other color it wanted. Except the blues. There was nothing against it, technically. It was just that so few blues had survived the war that there was an active push to have blues breed amongst themselves, to the point that even the blues that paraded during solstice typically didn't do much but watch as the other dragons displayed for each other. And yet. His dragon. His highly decorated, sought-after red. His precious, stupid baby would only display for Steve Rogers' blue. And Steve Rogers' blue is never going to display back, because Steve Rogers hates them. Or. Well. Steve Rogers hates him. He probably doesn't hate Tony's dragon at all. Rogers had always bitched at him about his multiple enlistments for cannon fodder, how it wasn't fair to his dragon to be put on the front lines every single time, how even if Tony had a death wish, it was no reason to put his dragon in constant danger, there was a reason that the volunteers were done in cycles. Tony couldn't really see the difference, since Steve was taking his dragon out every time with the expectation of being shot down, but he'd never said so. It would only give Steve another reason to bitch him out. He just wishes he could drag his red out of the parade to stop bothering Steve's blue sometimes. It's embarrassing at this point. But it's sort of the expectation that the riders of the mated pair stay together as well until the possible eggs are fledged, and while it's obvious that Steve's blue has no interest in Tony's red, he's mortified at the idea of Steve knowing it's his red that keeps trying. He'd probably have nothing nice to say about it.
Miraculously, this year, when the red displays at Steve's blue... Steve's blue displays back. Steve is just glad he's not the only one so stunned his jaw dropped. The cheering crowd has gone silent, gawking, and even the little red seems gobsmacked, if the way it stares at the blue's vibrating silver feathers instead of vibrating its own gold back. It'll be comical, he thinks vaguely, as the red seems to jump in shock before beginning the aggressive dance reds are known for to scare off any potential interlopers. In the future, when the shock wears off, Steve will find it funny. But now, he's mostly just relieved that his blue is apparently still interested in breeding. He'd always wondered. It had spurned even other blues these past years, to the point that people wondered if it was too traumatized from the war to breed. Apparently it just needed time. He looks around to find the red's rider. They're normally close by, just to keep an eye out and stop any fights. He's not surprised to find someone booking it away from the parade lines and goes to follow. It's probably going to be the talk of solstice, that the most reticent blue had finally deigned to mate, and with a red besides. He doesn't blame the rider for not wanting to be around for the ribbing that will no doubt follow, especially since it's been years that his red has been trying to curry favor with Steve's blue. Steve sort of expects that the guy will stop once he gets out of the crowds, but he doesn't, and it turns less into following to him actually chasing him down. He doesn't understand why. It's an honor, to be one of that year's breeding pairs. He finally catches up far enough he can catch the guy's wrist, drag him to a stop. "Hey!" Then the guy turns, staring up at him with wide, frightened eyes, and Steve drops his arm as if it burned him, shocked. "Stark?" Tony looks wounded for a moment, then turns and continues running, disappearing between the stalls without looking back.
Getting a moment with Tony is a struggle. He's as famous among his people as Steve is, and there's always a crowd around him. This time, though, the people clamoring for him aren't asking for war stories or if they can touch the armors from the war; now they're asking if he's moving to the mountains, or staying in the valleys, and which dragon he thinks will bear the clutch. Tony looks harassed and anxious as he mutters 'I don't know.' Steve wants to know the answers, though. Maybe not who bears the clutch, but where they'll stay for the duration of the clutch, the hatching, the fledgling. It's a lot to prepare for. He would rather know what Tony expects now so he can work out how the next few years are going to go. "I don't know," Tony finally bursts out when Steve corners him one night. "I didn't think you wanted me around. Figured you'd just tell me when you guys were leaving." "You're its rider," Steve says, confused. "We should be discussing it." "Your dragon's a blue," Tony argues. "Blues always get their ways. But I can't go to the mountains, so. You'll have to go without me." Steve stares at the scarring on Tony's face, along his arm. It had never occurred to him that Tony couldn't join him in the mountains because of the injuries he'd sustained that had gotten him forcibly retired from service. So he starts setting up to move to the valley.
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allofthebeanz · 8 days
WIP Wednesday
It's Wednesday my dudes. I've decided I'll give it go so that I have a little motivation from time-to-time. I'm really slow, so I'm not sure when exactly I'll get around to answering your asks, but rest assured they will be answered!
Please feel free to check out the community from where the guidelines are taken from!
This week we got four (technically five) wips
They'll Hunt You Down: due South police corruption fic
Heat Stroke: due South; what it says on the tin (I'm also 3/4 done this baby's first draft!)
Polar Bears: due South; main characters are women instead of men... and there are polar bears sometimes
5 Times Stucky fic: basically two fics that are a matching set, one from Steve's and one from Bucky's pov
Here is a tiny snippet from Heat Stroke
“Fraser, I am not counting to ten, you do not make me act like my mother, swear to Christ—"
He is about to demand how Ray found him when understanding dawns. “Dief tattled, didn’t he?”
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Obligatory propaganda for C!Philza and C!Techno
1. They canonically made a government asplode and tumblr does not like governments. Techno made the same government asplode twice
2. They are very nice to animals. Phil has a flock of crows who call him dad and Techno has a horse named Carl, a polar bear named Steve and about twenty dogs
3. Philza Minecraft and Technoblade never canonically died a single time throughout the Dream SMP plot and those mfers had a nuke dropped on them
4. Philza’s wife is very nice and I think she would want him to win. Techno only loves the grind so there is representation for those who are single and those who are not
5. I am asking very nicely and will give a cookie to those who vote for them because they got me to start writing.
Here is a cookie for the mod 🍪. It is definitely, one hundred percent not a bribe
Oooh I do like cookies... You've got me convinced
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angelxxreaper · 1 year
Number of Animals at the Arctic Anarchist Commune.
2 axolotls (Goose (blue) and Brownie (brown))
1 cat (named after my son.)
At least 3 Turtles
4 polar bears (Steve, Baba, Ed and Wilbear)
3 arctic foxes (Ryan, Blitz and Aura)
At least 3 horses (Carl, Andrew, Dave. Techno has more squirreled away somewhere)
40-60 dog Hound army 
40+ cows (Ranboo left here)
2 ranboo rabbits he forgot to take with him
2 ranboo parrots he left here
At least 3 pigs ranboo left here
another polar bear that ranboo left here
1 llama in Ran’s basement called the drip llama????
2 sheep (one of Ran’s, and Rosie)
15 fish in the pond
1 sentient worm ? 
1 ravager (Mino. Techno’s special daughter who eats buckets.)
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buckyismybicycle · 2 years
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For FULL Masterlist, click here. Sam/Bucky under the cut: 
“ride” (*explicit, 1k words [AO3 Link]): “Don’t stop,” Bucky demands, his eyes half-lidded, pulling Sam closer and riled up just the way Sam wanted. “Now ride.”
“never asked anyone to save me, but if it’s you, i’ll take it” (*explicit, 5k words [AO3 Link]): Bucky is an Alpha on the brink of going feral, denying himself his body’s needs. Steve is someone who only just got his best friend back and can’t bear to lose him to this, but can’t help him being an Alpha himself. Sam is an Omega that could save him, but can he?
“Mercy, Mercy” (*explicit, 25k words [AO3 LINK]): Three-part series of their developing relationship with lots of angst, hurt/comfort, fluff and smut.
“Mission Report” (Teen/Mature, 40k words, spy AU):  A story of adventure, badassery, and building trust.
“two sides of the same coin” (*explicit, 12k words [AO3 LINK]): Zemo’s proposal to Selby takes a turn for the unexpected, and Sam has to watch Bucky “stay in character” and by that, he means he has to watch Bucky basically fuck or die.
“the 107th (Fresh Plum Cake)” (teen, 5k words [AO3 Link]):  He is simply James Buchanan Barnes, the man that Sam’s slowly fallen in love with, and maybe in that process, became blinded to the fact that Bucky had fallen in love with him too.
“bargaining chip” (mature, 3/3 chapters [AO3 Link]):  Someone wants the Winter Soldier back, in ways that neither of them could expect.
“butterfly, butterfly” SERIES (*explicit, 12.5k words [AO3 Link]):  Bucky Barnes x Joaquin Torres x Sam Wilson; Joaquin can do it - he can prove himself on this mission! Except, his horniness distracts him and now Bucky and Sam have to save him. Except, he didn’t need saving. He needed to be dicked down.
“White Wolf Series” (teen to *explicit, 25k words [AO3 LINK]): Four-part series of Bucky, who can actually turn into a wolf. Mostly fluff, some slight angst/comfort and a sprinkle of smut.
“I’ve been looking / meet you under the mistletoe” (Teen, 7k words [AO3 LINK]): Part 1: Roommate AU - It’s an ongoing thing in their group that Bucky and Sam are polar opposite ends and everyone got sandwiched between them. But maybe, their friends have got it wrong. Part 2: Their first Christmas together!
“yeah I’m free, free fallin’ now” (teen, 2k words, requested [AO3 LINK]): Bucky jumps (falls) off a building and Sam goes to catch him (and yell at him). Bucky reminds Sam he jumped from a plane - cue Sam realizing he might’ve showed his Bucky his hand, but Bucky takes it surprisingly (not to us, just to Sam) well.
“running through the shadows” (mature, 3k words [AO3 LINK]): inspired by Fleetwood Mac’s “The Chain”
“from the Titanic to the Ever Given” (teen, 1.5k words, crack only [AO3 LINK]): their friends are so done with their shit.
“5 times Sam learns of Bucky’s coping outlets + 1 time he joins” (*explicit, 5k words, threesome [AO3 LINK]): Bucky tries various things to help with his recovery, Sam discovers each one.
“this Christmas, I’ll give you my heart” (teen, 6.5 words, Christmas fluff [AO3 Link]):  Bucky and Sam draw each other’s names for Secret Santa.
“just temporary bliss” (teen, 700 words [AO3 Link]): Being forced to share a bed on a mission opens Pandora’s Box for Bucky.
“can’t do this without you” (Teen, 550 words [AO3 Link]): “I’m so sorry,” Sam chokes out.  “Yeah, me too,” Bucky murmurs softly.
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king-of-ravens · 2 years
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So I made a design for the ‘Blood God’, even gave them a status as a War God. I also drew another image of them with Technoblade. Below I explain my Headcannons for them. (1/6)
For one, the ram skull in the second image is based off of the War God Ares, whose animal is the Ram, thus a symbol of war.
I made their animals the wolf and polar bear as a reference to Techno’s dog army and polar bear Steve (2/6)
The eyes are a reference to his voices, and the Greek armor for Technoblade’s fascination with Greek myths. (3/6)
The wings on the back are that of the Golden Eagle, a Greek animal also associated with war (4/6)
The dark red on the end of the cape and hair is basically from where it was dragged through bloody battlefields (5/6)
I gave them the name Haemon, which according to the internet, is a Greek name that means ‘Bloody’. That’s all, enjoy. (6/6)
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jkrockin · 1 year
Hey hey hey, how about 2, 3, 9 for the ask game, please? And for 19:
I have a lot of favourites from you but my flu brain could just think of "you gotta get a reaction" as that's automatic happiness. Lots of things I like in that one (Steve watching Eddie putting on eyeliner in the mirror with them both worked up? Thank you), but I sometimes, randomly, remember the following and laugh because it brightens my day immediately:
'Steve can't work out what his face is doing. "You think I don't want you?"
"Hash browns!" Steve snaps.'
Ouuguughghh, yes, HASH BROWNS.
2. What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
This is a tricky one, because by my usual metrics the fic I'm writing now does crazy numbers, simply because Stranger Things fandom is so big that even relatively obscure stuff gets readers. My least kudos'd Steddie fic is a WIP, last updated in January, which a lot of people won't read (no shame, I've been hurt before too); it has 337 kudos on it. My most kudos'd Terror fic is a 12k smutty one-shot for that fandom's juggernaut pairing, posted in 2020, for an exchange where I got one of the mods as my recipient; it has 383 kudos. There's simply no comparison. Basically when anybody besides me likes my fic I'm stoked. (the other option is for everyone to get into long-dead polar explorer RPF where there's a murderous monster bear. Incredible show, and the fic slaps. Join ussssssss)
3. What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
AHAHAHAHAHA, WELL. Most of them, tbh. Still want to write sex pollen, still want to write this one soulbonding idea I have literally one line of; still playing around with* kind of an inverse idea to my "Eddie has no idea he's been flagging" WIP, in which Steve and Eddie meet via leather magazine personals and fall in love while doing hardcore BDSM, though that will have to wait until after I finish this WIP so the prose doesn't get cross-contaminated.
*rotating in my mind like a microwave burrito
9. What’s your favorite line(s) or scene(s) that you have written?
I don't have one favourite anything, but related to the rest of your lovely message above, I'm still quite proud of the whole first chapter of you gotta get a reaction, especially the eyeliner bit.
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
Since season 2 never came out and we never saw any of the characters besides c!Dream, c!Tommy, and c!Tubbo at the end, in my mind c!Techno is there too with them, and he gets to live in peace, have his own little potato farm with Phil, and be happy.
Maybe when Rivalsduo are taking a trek through a snow biome to get away from all the bustle of the rest of the server, a friendly polar bear ambles up to them and is instantly circling around Techno happily, greeting him like the bear equivalent of an old friend. Techno doesn’t know exactly why, chalking it up to his love of animals, but he feels an instant fondness and familiarity for it, and his heart aches with nostalgia when he sees it’s already been nametagged - “Steve.”
Life in the SMP isn’t perfect or easy all the time, nothing is, but the fire roars as they all swap stories by firelight, while Techno talks all about mythology, he has many friends and adoptive family that love him and support him. His farm grows, flowers bloom, the seasons pass, and he finally gets to live a long, happy, and (mostly) peaceful life with the ones he loves.
I’m not really much of a writer, but since S2 didn’t happen, nobody can prove me wrong. Much love, and Technoblade never dies. 👑 <3
i really like this idea, anon <3 <3
i like to think they all get to start over, all the ones who stayed, and things are better this time around. no governments, no countries, no wars.
just people, just friends able to hang out in peace and maybe this time they'll all find what they were looking for.
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sootburs9000 · 1 year
I am 🫶🫶🫶
watch me roll a d20 or something and successfully find a way to throw tommy and techno into qsmp in non-dsmp ways bc fuck everyone I want sbi but with the gay dads (+ og mom goddess of death or something immortal woman phil married) and their egg kids with techno and tommy as awkward uncles/older siblings bc can you IMAGINE just,, just IMAGINE WITH ME:
Forever coming by to annoy Phil unaware
1) Phil (now that he has trusted people to watch Chayanne and Tallulah) is going HUNTING MISSA’S ASS DOWN, Wilbur’s still on tour,
2) Tommy and techno have come by (I like thinking they’re both shifted to look SEMI RELATED techno’s at LEAST cherry blonde and creatur, Tommy looks like a fox hybrid or something to match Steve bc Techno’s emotional support bear EVEN IF FROM DSMP you cannot tell me this man doesn’t have big creature- if it’s not his dsmp polar bear it’s a ravenger from the terraforming moon vid and Tommy looks like a vex or something I don’t make the rules Tommy likes matching Favorites and Techno’s favorite large Beast must be matched,)
3) Techno is actively being decorated while Tommy is keeping Quackity from entering
This means Forever OPENS THE DOOR to see the man Phil goes on and on and on about only being decorated by tallulah in flowers and such while he’s reciting Art of War to Chayanne meanwhile Tommy is being Tommy and annoying the shit outta Quackity (en or elq idk just know it’s a Quackity) AND THERE IS A RAVENGER IN FRONT OF THE FOUNTAIN IN PHIL’S HOUSE STARING DAGGERS AT HIM??? (does NOT help that he’s a government figure and techno and phil r anarchy everything)
there is nothing that pleases me more than the minecraft family being large and causing problems for everyone else despite doing basically nothing/lh
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
Our Home
by LizzyZoey
The sequel thingie for my cat familiar au.
It’s a chapter shorter than what I wanted, mainly because I started loosing ideas and didn’t want to force anything. So yeah!
Words: 5080, Chapters: 4/6, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Cat familiar Wil and his human attachment Tom
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Steve the Polar Bear (Dream SMP), Ranboo, Toby Smith | Tubbo
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson
Additional Tags: Dream team make an appearance, so do Nikki and jack, each for like a chapter, Familiars, Wilbur is a cat familiar, steve is a dog familiar, Ranboo is a monitor lizard familiar, kristen is a raven familiar, Shapeshifting, Sleepy Bois Inc as Found Family, Wilbur Soot Loves TommyInnit, TommyInnit Loves Wilbur Soot, they are brothers your honor, I’m using my knowledge of dog and cat behaviors to good use I swear
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
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Her son at full height would be just under the cap on the rail probably about one inch down from that and then another inch on one of the balusters down and that's how tall he is from the ground all the way up from the top of the concrete deck that you walk on all the way up to just 3 and 1/2 in from the top of the balustrade rail the walk rail that you see the white one that's on the elevated walkway right at The brick pilaster kind of the brakes at two and a half inches and a half inch for the grout 8 inches for the brakes for the vertical and 3 ft roughly for the railing and you add it all up and it's a little over 15 ft you have to come down a few inches and that's how tall he is when he's full grown it's way too big to be here you can't walk on this concrete and break possibly and people wouldn't want them to and could not walk on the wood it's like a truck maybe 4,000 pounds 5,000 lbs it says that's just a car I kind of walk around and cars have only one inch or three or two inches it's really like 4 in by 5 in contact but in four spots not two it's been like a really heavy motorcycle and I can walk around probably out here a little bit and break after a while. He's a big boy. And I don't think people realize it and now he's walking down here you have the duck to go underneath the walkway where there are no support seat at the duck down like two and a half plus feet. The polar bear he saw up in Maine that was standing up was 21 ft high it looked enormous but not that big and really when when he's that big it looks enormous when you're near but further away doesn't look that bad is laughing because he knows he's chunkier than most it's like the hulk it's not like will and Bill you're kind of tall and not real huge but big but really that the polar bear is about what size they are fully grown and they're monstrous they're they're cheap they're just huge they weigh as much as a semi tractor trailer just the truck part and they'll take you apart if you're in anything but Bradley or something like that even the light armored vehicle then they'll be able to do anything to do a metal ones but they can stop it and disable it by wrecking the tires can't get to the motor but really the tires are solid so I guess I'll just sit there and stop you cuz he weighs so much but your vehicles to drip apart and that was just a bear 21 foot I'm his 6 ft higher so to the top of the little roof that's above the apartment doors little bit higher than that it's huge my son couldn't believe it or that actually that big and it was fake it was hollow the gigantic. And a lot of people don't believe it and a lot of people are screwing around but it's got brush his teeth going I guess.
Have to conserve the battery get back and he's got to send more out immediately too cuz of War coming here in Charlotte county and Florida and a big one
Thor Freya
You're a big boy that's some heft and people look at it like his legs are really bulky and it's normal and Ken is too and that's a little bit tall though kind of ways to go and most people think the top of the palace as big as it gets and they've seen that though and it's impressive and if anyone's much bigger but these Giants that they'll see are so big that they won't believe their people they're incredibly huge and yes we're bigger than they are and they don't know if we have babies and that was Steve Martin. The reaction is kind of unique and there are people who are greatly upset by it we haven't posted it yet though so it'll post and see what it is
Olympus don't worry it's not that bad it's pretty bad though that is way up there but since you're right at distance but still if you wait on there and even wait on there he'd be twice as high as that little shed
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djblendsky · 1 year
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✘ Tomorrowland Mashup Pack 2023 ✨ | Mainstage Music | Get Crazy Mashup Pack #29 | By DJ BLENDSKY ✘

➥ Download Mashup Pack: https://bit.ly/DownloadGCMPVol29Tomorrowland2023

Stream on Soundcloud: https://bit.ly/SoundcloudGCMPVol29
Youtube: https://youtu.be/oK9t_dX4zD8
❤️ Support: https://bit.ly/SupportDJBLENDSKY

Connect with DJ BLENDSKY:
► Facebook: https://fb.me/DJBLENDSKYOFFICIAL/
► Instagram: https://instagram.com/dj.blendsky/
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/DJ_BLENDSKY/
► Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dj.blendsky/
► Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/djblendskyofficial/
► Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/XsxDJBLENDSKYxsX/

➥ Bookings / contact: [email protected] 🔊

1. Hardwell & Olly James vs. Usher - Yeah Flatline! (DJ BLENDSKY MASHUP)
2. Sandro Silva & Angger Dimas vs. David Guetta & Benny Benassi - Satisfaction, Dance With Me (DJ BLENDSKY MASHUP)
3. Aaron Smith vs. W&W x Sandro Silva feat. MC Ambush - Shake The Dancin Building (DJ BLENDSKY MASHUP)
4. Martin Jensen x Landis vs. Kate Bush vs. HÄWK - Running Up That Tokyo Hill (DJ BLENDSKY MASHUP)
5. Edward Maya ft. Vika Jigulina vs. ANG & MYKRIS - Stereo Alternate Love (DJ BLENDSKY MASHUP)
6. Niels Van Gogh vs. David Guetta ft. Kid Kudi - Moonwalk Memories (DJ BLENDSKY MASHUP)
7. Maddix vs. Corona - The Rhythm Of The State Mind Night (DJ BLENDSKY MASHUP)
8. 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor, TOSAK vs. Jaxx & Vega x Husman - Desperados Dreams (DJ BLENDSKY MASHUP)
9. Gayle vs. Tony Junior, Futuristic Polar Bears & SKAZI - Breathless abcdefu (DJ BLENDSKY MASHUP)
10. Skirllex, Rogerson vs. Francky D, Sessi D & Stas Simple - Come To Bun Dem Party (DJ BLENDSKY MASHUP)
11. Avicii vs. Justin Prime & STVW - I Could Be The Knockout (DJ BLENDSKY VOCAL MASHUP)
12. Age Of Love, Charlotte de Witte, Enrico Sangiuliano vs. T78, V-Mas - The Age Of Rio Blast (DJ BLENDSKY MASHUP)
13. David Guetta & Becky Hill & Ella Henderson vs. Mark Sixma & Willem de Roo - Crazy What Revolt Love Can Do (DJ BLENDSKY MASHUP)
14. Papa Roach vs. Afrojack & Steve Aoki - No Beef feat Miss Palmer vs. Berox - No Beef Resort (DJ BLENDSKY MASHUP)
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black-berryies · 2 years
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I want Dream to join the syndicate :’) (also I loooove steve :D)
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