#steven universe mask
screwpinecaprice · 2 years
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For E350's patreon request: Connverse wedding!
Outfits based on this. Steven's skirt was drawn the way I did because trying to make it soft and ruffled like in the original got me confused.
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cayenne-twilight · 4 months
Professor-pilled Layton-maxxer 🫵
So true, you got me. Smash that like button if you’re a real sigma puzzle-solver (super rare, better than alpha)
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Credit to @sunnymatsu for the original meme
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idsfantasy · 3 months
"Aren't you gonna introduce me?"
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The song "Other Friends" from the Steven Universe movie gave me inspiration for a villain arc for one of my Pokemon OCs, and the Mochi Mayhem epilogue of the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC gave me a situation where he would actually have a villain arc in the first place without wrecking all my other plans for the characters lol
More detail about the story below the break for those who might be interested
The gist of the situation is that Daniel (pictured above) gets toxic-chained by Pecharunt due to his being a Ditto-hybrid and Pecharunt's whole deal with creating retainers for itself, and while Pecharunt's mind control is at play up until Pecharunt is caught, the important element here is more connected to Pecharunt's ability to increase people's greed (so still sorta mind control but less direct), which stays in play because the chain doesn't disappear when Pecharunt is caught.
The amplification of greed mixed with Pecharunt's own desperation for attention feeds into his insecurities about one of the few friends he has making friends with so many other people, and manifests as wanting to be her ONLY friend so that she won't abandon him by getting closer to other friends than him. So, having access to substantial abilities and said friend's appearance due to being a shapeshifter, he goes and tries to wreck her relationships while she's frantically trying to chase him down (through different dimensions might I add) and get the chain off.
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izunias-meme-hole · 2 months
*takes a deep breath* Here goes some bullshit.
So I've been looking back at Steven Universe, a show that I haven't fully seen again in literal years, and it's as flawed as everyone says... but it's also infinitely better than I remembered. The Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz stuff is an arc that makes sense, Steven's character isn't absolute peak but he's also not the utter meme people make him out to be, the gay space rocks are indeed cool, and for every last fumble there is there's somehow something to counteract it. Overall the show is a really good show with obvious cracks, but we're not going into a full in-depth analysis of the show, movie, and spin-off. We're taking a look at one character specifically.
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Yep. This is a White Diamond post.
For context, White Diamond has been the main villain of the entire show as far back as season 1. Granted she never made an in-person, hell the show outright never mentions her in the earlier seasons, but through the introduction of characters like Lapis, Peridot, and Jasper, there were enough pieces to put together that there was indeed an empire. Eventually, as the show would progress we'd learn more about the Great Diamond Authority, more about the imperialistic system that the Crystal Gems fought against, more about the corrupted gems, more about Blue Diamond and Yellow Diamond, more about Pink Diamond, until we finally see White in the flesh for around 6:35 minutes of screentime, and god she is terrifying.
Then we get to her background, where we can basically gather that she's the Gem equivalent to a god, complete with the power to mold and manipulate the identities of other gems. So she's already the furthest thing from an actual person in comparison to Blue, Yellow, and Pink who are more like two queens and a princess that just so happen to be related to her. Though that doesn't mean that White is just absent of personality, oh no. Thanks to her "god" status, she has the complex to match it, is a literal giant control freak (Not even her fellow Diamonds were safe), and cannot see herself as anything other than flawless, something that the show's creator, Rebecca Sugar clearly showcases in the show and elaborates on:
"White believes that because her Gem channels white light, she is essentially a Gem light-form all the time. All Gems are made of light, and she is light manifest. She sees all Gems as her, sees herself in all Gems, and judges them as she would judge herself. She believes she is everyone—which is why she speaks for everyone. But the truth behind her identity and powers is that she has no identity at all. She needs other Gems to behave as she would—she is very poorly differentiated. And any Gem's behavior can be construed by her as a personal attack if they are not behaving as she would. Her identity is so fragile that she can only judge: If she were to act or feel or want, she would open herself up to her own criticism. She has traded that chance to be someone for the power to be everyone, a decision so miserable that everyone on the planet has to suffer for it." - Rebecca Sugar, Steven Universe: End of An Era
With this knowledge in hand, it's clear that White isn't just a tyrant, she's a divine tyrant that's never been a person. Unlike the gems she commands, she has no true self that she hides, she is simply god... a hollow, controlling god. There's nothing more dehumanizing than that.
That's pretty much White in the main show in a nutshell before her defeat. However said defeat is... let's be honest it's a crack on a perfectly fine finale.
First of all, Steven definitely wasn't super fond from the Diamond's, but after he at least got Yellow and Blue to chill the hell out and introduced them to the corrupted gem problem that's irreversible without White's Diamond's help, he goes to Homeworld. So right off the right off the bat, Steven HAD to at least try and get White to change her mind, which after one of the most chilling moments on the show and a breakdown, she did change her mind... a bit too quickly.
IMO the root problem (keyword root) with her turn is just that, she changed to quickly. If anything it would have made more sense for White to be mentally out of it for at least a year or 5 at the notion that she isn't flawless, that way we could at least come to the whole "Diamonds healing the corrupted gems" bit more naturally, while also granting the catharsis of the Great Diamond Authority being defeated.
Then there's her characterization after the main show ended which pretty much can be summed up as this:
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She's still as narcissistic as ever, and still holds herself in a high regard, though it does make sense. She can never get rid of that aspect of herself, mostly thanks to what she is, but she's at least more willing to learn how to manage it. So it's not like she really changed a lot, she's just more focused on self control. The only real changes are the fact that she's more of a symbol than a divine leader, and her powers, which are less about controlling others and more about letting others voice their feelings through her. It's quite development, but it works for who she is now.
So what we have here with White Diamond conceptually is this. An entity that was actually born on an entirely different level of existence compared to everyone else, gained power because of that existence, and ultimately has been an amoral, terrifying, "perfect" god and nothing else for the past 20,000+ years. She's had nothing but that for a long time, and once she finally looses control and realizes she has "flaws," her perception of herself and her kind is shattered. From there, she pretty much begins keeping herself in check
On paper and in my head, I get what Rebecca Sugar was going for with her, on some levels I can see where she tripped on the finish line, and ultimately I can appreciate what she tried doing and what did work. White Diamond if anything is a reflection of the show, flawed but also really great.
Thank you for attending my yap sessions, hope I got my thoughts across clearly.
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birbiegal · 1 year
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Doing the color wheel on Twitter, putting the first half here and ill add the second when it's done :)
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sillyfartguy69 · 10 months
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ok last one sorry for flooding the tags i had to get this outta my system
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that-one-oddity · 3 months
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Working on Hollow Knight art. Have a Hornet.
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luv-cece888 · 3 months
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I feel like my handwriting is getting worse with each post 😭
Here is Mr. Compress/Orange Zircon, the leagues father figure and lawyer XD thought I should draw him before I fuse him with anyone so y’all actually know what gem he is
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pocoslip · 9 months
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When April O'Neil and Casey Jones Time Traveled to WWII
(is the steven universe meme still popular??)
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purplehalnw · 2 years
What I really hope for season 2 of Moon Knight is that they at least mention that the system is autistic.
Bc like most viewers are not gonna know that a character is autistic unless its explicitly stated in the show and in most shows when they do explicitly state it its portrayed badly/stereotypically. So it would be really great if they did mention it so everyone can know that this is an actually good example of what autism can look like.
Maybe since Marc and Steven are going to try to live normal lives now maybe they could do it through a therapy session or smth. I kinda doubt that it'll happen since the autism was just a thing that Oscar Issac added in himself and not the writers. But it would be so great if they did and they had Marc and Steven talk about how Marc masks so much.
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world-of-socks · 1 year
Since your yellow has name now, why don't she meet CY again? :>
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cafecourage · 7 months
Given that I just checked the precedents from the LAST takeover event…
Pssst-! Hey sky! Here’s $20 in human-world money. Get yourself and Enno something while you’re on your break ;)
Have a nice date~!
- glitter ✨
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Enno: Try finding two people hiding from this disaster.
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onetoomanyyy · 9 months
And then she smiled, that’s what I’m after, the smile in her eyes, the sound of her laughter…
sorry but I made the comparison and took the opportunity
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Now ignore how messy these are and just be sad w me
no idk why arven is Steven I just did it because,,,because
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rottenlittlefink · 1 month
Welp the cats out of the bag, I accidentally shifted to Steven Universe back in 2016. It lasted like, 15 minutes, it wasn’t anything to write home about, none of the others were around, but damn, the Crystal Temple is fucking gorgeous in person. Oh yeah and in 2014, I accidentally shifted to Majora’s Mask for sound the same amount of time. Once again, nothing too exiting, I was just dropped into the middle of Clock Town on the 1st day, and then yoinked back into class (side note sleep paralysis in the middle of class is fucking terrifying)
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hungee-boy · 1 month
living life normally then youre reminded DID exists then you wake up
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