#stick it to the terfs
Can’t wait for scotland to be free
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babsaros · 6 months
hey. when cis society is oppressing a trans man, what he is experiencing is. In Fact. misogyny. i'm sorry i know none of us like to be reminded of our agab, and it hurts whenever people perceive you as the wrong gender. but a cis person hate-criming, assaulting, verbally abusing, etc, a trans man is not doing "transandrophobia" because they do not perceive him as a man.
they perceive him as a woman failing at her gender, as a woman who has been seduced and lied to and manipulated because women are so easily led astray, just like it says in the bible. they perceive him as a woman who has been mutilated. they perceive him as a dyke that needs to be fixed. if they are hate-criming him because they *do* perceive him as a man, because he passes well enough they aren't thinking he could be trans, then they're doing so out of homophobia, perceiving him as a gay man, a pervert, a sissy, a danger to children. OR, they are being transphobic but specifically because they think he might be transfeminine instead. when cis society oppresses a trans woman, they are able to do it on multiple levels at once. She's a woman failing at her gender, a dyke that needs to be fixed. Or she's an evil and grotesque crossdressing pervert, a rude caricature, a danger to polite society. she will never be doing enough to escape oppression entirely, no matter if she gets every surgery she can and wears makeup every day and passes perfectly, because she lives under a patriarchy, and she's a woman, so she lives in a panopticon, and HAVING to get surgery and wear make-up to be respected IS oppression, especially if the alternative is being hate-crimed.
trans women (and trans men who pass) are not experiencing "transandrophobia" when a 'queer women and nbs" event turns them away at the door for being too masculine. they are. IN FACT!! experiencing the byproducts of misogyny in a patriarchy!!! where the terfs and coward cis women running those events and occupying those spaces have been taught (sometimes through experience, sometimes by men, sometimes by women) throughout life that men = stronger and more dangerous than women ALWAYS. That they need to protect themselves at all times and always be vigilant. That men and women can't be friends without sexual tension (and so as queer women the mere existence of what they perceive as a "man" is a threat). That women need a separate sports league because they can't possibly compete with someone who has even a little bit "extra" (an unquantifiable amount actually because there isn't a standard range) testosterone. That women should cook and men should fix cars. i promise you, i promise i promise i promise. it's misogyny. like!!! you don't say cis gay men experiences "androphobia", bc that's not a thing!! you sound like fucking mens rights activists guys please! you don't say a black man experiences "misandrynoir"!! because living in a patriarchy fundamentally means men do not experience oppression based on their gender. its not happening. shut the fuck up. stop walking us back to 2014 can we please take a step forward and stop bitching about this. there are genuine issues in the world and i'm frankly sick of people who should be smarter than that needing to be gently hand-held through this fucking explanation for the millionth time and still stomping their feet.
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tenpixelsusie · 4 months
i hate anti-any queer label bitches and ESPECIALLY when they justify it with "it makes me feel dysphoric/uncomfortable when someone uses a label like this :(" why do I have to perform my queerness in a way YOU deem acceptable?
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carolinemathildes · 2 months
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look at this hilarious terf post anyway tag yourself I’m a self-harmer, yaoi fangirl, woman with blue hair, wants to marry rich.
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bahoreal · 3 months
i wonder if neil gaiman will address the sexual assault allegations hes been accused of on here
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ot3 · 1 year
Just blocked a new follower for terf crimes and the first post on their blog had this idiotic little thread on it which I have to say might be some of the most braindead anti trans takes I've ever seen. Cut from a much longer post critiquing the "born in the wrong body" sentiment
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You people are fucking morons!!!!! Like by this line of thought people with disability should do nothing to lessen their discomfort with their body because it's just reality so we should just have to deal with it? Are you stupid? Are you fucking stupid perhaps ? As if disabled people aren't constantly Denying The Reality of Their Body through the use of advanced medicine and adaptive technology. I have eds too dipshit and you better believe if medical science had surgery or hormones or whatever that would make my body feel more like I wanted it to I'd do it in a heartbeat!!!! literally what is this argument. I'm so mad. I'm so fucking mad. What the absolute everlovign fuck do you think you're saying here. What do they think transitioning is if not "handling to the best of their ability"
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queeraliensposts · 5 months
Just found out my toxic friend from elementary school grew up to be a TERF 💀
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trashworldblog · 1 year
Hey you know what? I was looking through your blog because wanted to make sure you weren't a TERF before reblogging a post about femininity and womanhood, because it changes what a post means when it comes from a place of hate. Instead I found that your blog was full of kindness and lots of thoughtful in-depth discussion on trans people, and I wanted to thank you for being a beacon of hope in what is usually a really gruelling atmosphere for trans folks.
I came in here wearing a helmet expecting to get pelted by rocks, as usual, and instead found someone who gives a shit about being decent to other people. So thank you, for being a good person. People aren't usually thanked for that sorta thing here, I don't think, but you deserve to be told that you made a positive damn impact. (Genuinely. Thank you.)
hi anon! what a wonderful message to wake up to <3
i agree! posts about femininity and womanhood carries a very different feeling when coming from a place of hate. i'll start putting tags and replies on my original posts about femininity that this is a safe place for trans people and that terfs can not interact with me. i'm sorry that you have to put on a hard hat when scrolling through blogs, you shouldnt have to do that. i hope we can get to a point where it's impossible to find terfs in any space.
i want this blog to be inclusive and safe for all of my trans siblings, and this wonderful ask assures me that i'm doing that. thank you anon, this means a lot <33
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matoitech · 8 months
ppl on here r always talking about how they’re not allowed to complain about men anymore but there’s not a whole lot of acknowledgement that this website is infested with transphobes particularly of the fascist variety and a lot of posts about gender and ‘feminism’ on here r total bull. like idk call me crazy but maybe there’s a reason trans people r ‘sensitive’ and care a lot about wording and shit. it’s not like we’re whiny baby idiots who can’t handle ‘the patriarchy and misogyny is bad’ unrelated its so crazy that when uterushaver5000 complains abt how they’re called a transmisogynist for complaining about MEN!! you click on their blog and they’re a transmisogynist. like who would’ve been able to guess (this is sarcasm)
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18catsreading · 19 days
Aabria [as Fergus]: ... anyone can learn magic, and if everyone can learn magic then no one is special.
11-year-old me, still waiting for my letter*: WHAAAAT??!!
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makiruz · 2 years
Oh my god, this fucking asshole, @ms-hells-bells (it's okay she blocked me for exposing her), has multiple posts and discussions insisting that Caster Semenya is actually male and was raised as a man; because she wore boy's clothes as a child and feels more comfortable with boys and men and finds women attractive even though she is a woman; she calls it "male socialization" but normal people call it "being a butch lesbian"
(for the record, she openly identifies as a lesbian)
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anadrenalineslut · 2 years
do terfs really think taylor swift is a terf because she... sings about being a mad woman?
did they miss the part where she repeatedly voiced her support for the trans community???
are they fucking morons?
taylor swift hates terfs.
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I also read in the notes of the poll that apparently you "send fans to harass small accounts about things that aren't even that important". That's a wild accusation, I wonder if it comes from the whole "Hey let's not kill newborns" thing
I don’t have the power to send anyone anywhere, if they think me mocking the weird rabbit blogs after they doxxed someone is me “harassing small accounts” I suggest they grab a map and some tweezers to remove their mercifully small heads from betwixt their buttcheeks.
And if they mean agro, they’re insane, because there is not a reality in which I have more followers than he does (or did at the time) lol.
I also saw someone in the notes say “why is it just fascists and then blogs with over 10k followers” and I must say I’m flattered by the assumption but I don’t even have half that.
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the-needle-witch · 2 years
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For my friend Jenna
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callixton · 7 months
i have some like. mild storytelling/writing issues with detransition baby that i think may be down to taste and/or because it’s a debut and she’s still growing as a writer, but i have heard this is much controversy abt this book from the trans community and i just like. don’t get it? it’s written from such a personal and hyperspecific point of view that i don’t really see what issue there is to take
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I find bigots very interesting and when I'm looking through their "arguments" they almost always use the same tactics.
After much research, I've found that these tactics can be broken down into a few simple, easy steps for maximum brain atrophy. But why should I hoard such information to myself?
Without further ado, here's my guide to arguing like an absolute moron!
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Before anything else, first decide what your topic of the day will be. Gender and/or sexuality? Racial and/or social injustice? The more complex and nuanced the subject the better! Because...
Your next step is to completely simplify any opposing arguments to a few simple words and straw man arguments. Who cares about context or varied perspectives when you can just create the thing you want to argue with?
With that decided, you will now deploy a tried and true classic used by toddlers for centuries. Using your chosen straw man, pick a word within the arguement and ask for it's definition. When it is given (by yourself of course, not by someone else) then pick a word within the definition you have just given yourself and ask for another definition. You can do this up to five or six times depending on how experienced you are in bullshittery. This tactic works especially well when arguing against trangender and/or gender nonconforming people's rights to live.
An added benefit when doing this is that much like when a young child does this with their parent, anyone who was at first willing to interact with you will grow tired of reading your post and move on. This leaves your position unchallenged.
Speaking of defending yourself, try to throw some statistics into your arguement. Including data shows that you've done your research and adds credibility to your position. Can't find the data your looking for from credible resources and studies? Not a problem. Most people who will interact with your post won't have the correct information in their back pocket ready to use.
On the rare occasion that someone takes the time to find conflicting statistics and information to prove you wrong...what a nerd. Hit them with one of these "🤓" and move the fuck on.
Lastly, you must be prepared to defend yourself from the inevitable one or two comments who disagree with you once your opinion breaches containment. You'll be on your own here since the ten or so people who liked your post won't always come to your defense. Now, nothing screams "I'm not defensive and I can totally back up my claims!" like putting "lol", "lmao", and "😂" after every insult aimed at your attacker.
Another tactic that has the same results is taking the time to write out just how much you don't care about their opinion. Trust me, this works every time and asserts your dominance over the situation.
Bonus points are given throughout all of this if you're able to weave casual (or not so casual) slurs throughout your argument. You will be talking about very serous topics, so make sure you make it crystal clear to your audience where you stand. But, and this important, do NOT let anyone take a similar tone with you. You are a blameless victim to any attacks that come your way as a result to the things you post. All you're doing is stating an opinion, right? Surely nobody's getting HURT by the things you say, do, and believe.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this post. I promise that if you follow these instructions to the letter, you too will finally have the attention you so desperatly crave. As the old saying goes: "all publicity is good publicity", and no one knows that better than the average TERF, racist, misogynist, and overall disgusting and worthless human being.
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