#stiles stinlinski fic
Imagine: Waking up Derek from a Nightmare
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***Spoilers from the movie! I will try to limit it ************* Imagine: Derek having a nightmare (no proof reading sorry)
you told Derek Not to Eat Cheese before bed! it always Gives him nightmares. And Derek isn't like a typical Guy. who if they have a nightmare they other hug their pillows try. a few whimpers. and move around. but Derek. you have Shot out of bed after hearing him Growling. in his Sleep, ruined pillows from his nails Digging into it so tightly. and he's Very Sweaty when he's having a nightmare. sweating so much that you are forced to wash them in the morning. Last time he had a nightmare. you weren't expecting him to put you into big bear hug. and tangled h's legs around you and arms squeezed you tightly. you didn't sleep that night between him squeezing you so tightly you could barely breath. to him rumbling and softly growling in your ear. you had to wake him up. after 3 hours. of trying to escape his grip. thankfully he doesn't have nightmares as much anymore. they settled down after a few years together
But Stupid beloved Derek! the Love of your Life. had to hav a snack before bed! And it had to be cheese! your family convinced you that they give you nightmares. No scientist proof but you were convinced that it was the truth. So you always stir away from Cheese. and you try to make sure he doesn't eat it before bed. But Derek didn't put much faith in the superstition in your family's belief. had some cheese.. you cursed at him for having cheese. which Derek mainly did to see you get annoyed at him. he loved annoying you.
it was Late at night and Derek Flung from the Bed cursing loudly as he looked around the room. seeing Everything was in place. the room was Tidy minus the Chair of Doom that he called it which always is full of random junk. both his and yours. the photo of him and he's beloved on the dresser, next to the photo of him and Eli , next to the photo of you pushing Derek face away as you hug Eli tightly at his birthday a few years ago. Derek loved that photo. Eli loves you almost as much as he does. the lights were off and the sky was still dark as you spoke softly, "I told you No cheese idiot."
Derek had tears in his eyes as you reached over rubbing his back, pulling him back down as you wrapped your arms around him "what was it?"
"Lydia Left Stiles."
you rubbed your face on his chest getting a bit comforter on the bed as you squeezed him tightly, " I'm pretty sure that if that was the Case.. Stiles would Probably hold her prisoner.. I mean what was that saying he said when we were- well I was a kid."
"I'll be her second husband. because the first one mysteriously disappeared." Derek added as you chuckled as you nodded your head, "I talked to Lydia this afternoon. she was about to tell Stiles she was pregnant." Derek smiled brightly as he wrapped his arms tightly around you as he spoke, "The Nogitsune was back.'
"and Stiles turned into void again?" you questioned but he shook his head, "no- No but it was something abotu.. it turning into a hybrid werewolf thing... the dream is- im forgetting it."
like most dreams you forget most if it once you wake up. you kissed his bare chest. "I'm pretty sure the Nogitsune can't be more then what it. remember when Scott had to bite Stiles cause it cant be a fox and a wolf? just a bad dream."
"I died... I Died."
that made you move as you asked how as he said , "sacrificing myself to save everyone." could see him doing. you shook your head, "you Try that and I'll bring you back and lock you in the basement myself. you aren't leaving us." he smiled as he spoke, "Alison was alive. and I was helping Eli with his gifts.'
"How did Alison look? still 15?"
'No.. she looked older. it was weird."
"because you ate -" you were coating him to finally accept the truth.. Cheese before bed gives you weird nightmares.
"bad dreams.. yea.. yea. thank god that wasn't real."
"God could you imagine if Lydia just broke up with him? that poor bastard. would- we would probably have to watch him for like 48 hurs or something to make sure he didn't do anything stupid."
"Eli got the Jeep.."
"Stiles would kill our Son! he would fully murder him. and us for letting anyone touch that piece of junk."
you both laughed softly at that idea. seeing Stiles losing his Mind seeing someone else Driving his Jeep that he was forced to keep up here. cause he's work forced him to have a 'black vehicle" and he's light blue jeep was not acceptable. and his parking lot can only hold 2 cars. and between his and Lydia's the jeep had to be up here.
"he would kill us Alll."
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handsofred · 11 months
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Thought I would finally post the layout of Mabel's Cottage which Stiles now owns after inheriting it from his grandmother!
Signal in the sky - Read on AO3
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rat-man-xan · 2 years
There are not enough trans masc reader x Stiles Stinlinski fics. 
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writings-of-dumpy · 5 years
A Cinderella Story - II
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Tags: @mindingmyownbusiness​
“Where the hell do you get off?!” Stiles barged into the throne room after returning to the castle.
“Try again,” his father warned without looking up from the papers he was shuffling through.
“A ball?! Really, dad?! And why is ‘every eligible maid’ invited specifically?” Stiles continued.
Noah looked up from the papers at his son and let out a breath. “Well, you weren’t at the meeting and your mother thought it was a great idea to help you find a bride.”
Stiles looked across the room at the queen with flared nostrils, pursed lips and furrowed brows.
“You did this, mom?!” Stiles accused.
The queen shrugged and spoke calmly as she walked closer to her son, “I think it’ll be good for you to socialize… You are expected to wed soon, after all.”
Stiles grumbled under his breath for a moment and turned back to his dad. “How do you even know I like girls, huh?!”
“You’re not gay, son...” the king said and turned back to his papers.
Stiles’ jaw dropped. “I—I could be!”
The king looked his son up and down and at a guard named Daniel who was married to a man. Daniel closed his eyes and shook his head with a flat mouth.
“Not in that outfit,” the king concluded.
Stiles took a deep breath. “For your information, I met a girl today.”
“Really? What’s her name?” his mother asked.
“…shit,” Stiles said and remembered that he never got the name of the woman that hadn’t left his thoughts.
“Her name is Shit?” his father asked.
“No, I... I didn’t get her name,” Stiles admitted.
“Well then all the more reason to be excited! She’ll be at the ball, especially if she’s single!” Stiles’ mother said with a smile. “Cheer up, darling. We want what’s best for you.”
Stiles grumbled. “Fine. I’ll go along with this. But ONLY because I don’t know her name or where she lives or... anything about her.”
“That’s the spirit, son,” Noah encouraged with a small smile.
Stiles groaned and walked off to change out of Scott’s clothes.
Ella spent the whole walk home daydreaming about the man she’d just met. She had never seen him before, but she hoped that he would become a regular part of her visits into town.
“You look happy! Was your shopping trip good?” Ariel asked once Ella returned to the property.
“I ran into someone. He ran into me actually, but… he was very charming,” Ella explained and Belle squealed.
“Was he handsome?! Tall?!” Belle asked and flew closer to Ella’s face. Ella laughed and nodded.
“He had the most wonderful brown eyes I’d ever seen. They were almost a dark gold color…” Ella said. “Ah, well. Just another dream.”
She made her way into the house and delivered the herbs to her stepsisters and decided to deliver the news of the ball to the three of them.
“Stepmother?” Ella said to Winifred, who was in the music room with Malia and Allison practicing various instruments.
“What is it, child?” she asked.
“Well, I was just in town and the royal steward announced that there is to be a masquerade ball in two days to honor the prince and the whole kingdom is invited. He said that every eligible maid to is attend, and by the end of the night Prince Mieczyslaw will choose one of them to be his bride,” Ella said. Malia and Allison perked up and gripped each other’s hands.
Winifred stood up and smiled widely. “This is it! This is the chance we’ve been waiting for, girls!”
“Oh my gosh, a party in the castle!” Allison exclaimed.
“I, um… I was, well… Um…” Ella stammered.
“Spit it out, spit it out!” Winifred demanded.
“Well, the proclamation said that every eligible maid was to attend… so I was thinking… that maybe I could go, too…” Ella said sheepishly.
Winifred snorted and laughed maniacally. Malia and Allison’s faces dropped and looked at their mother worriedly.
“Oh... oh dear. Oh goodness, that was hilarious. You? At the ball? Oh, you’ve lost your head, girl,” Winifred cackled. “You think YOU have a chance to marry the prince?”
“Well, of course I don’t have a chance with the prince, persay, bu—”
“Then that settles it—you won’t be going,” Winifred interrupted Ella.
“Mother, if the king wants every eligible maid there, then Ella should go… so that we aren’t going to get in trouble,” Malia stepped up cautiously.
Winifred’s face soured at her daughter and then turned to Ella, who felt like she was on fire.
“Well. I suppose if you get all of your chores completed and IF you can find a suitable dress to wear, then you can go,” Winifred finally ceded.
Ella’s face lit up and she smiled widely as her heart filled with hope. “Oh, thank you, stepmother! I’ll get everything done, I promise!”
Ella smiled and rushed through her chores that day and when nightfall came, she pulled out her mother’s old evening dress. The colors had faded slightly to a neutral blush tone and off-white instead of their original rose and white because of age, but Ella thought with a few modifications the dress would look just as wonderful as any other.
“What do you have that old thing out for, Ella?” Snow asked from Ella’s window.
“Oh! Did you not hear about the ball that the castle is having day after tomorrow?” Ella said excitedly.
“Oh, we heard about it… Is that what you’re wearing..?” Ariel asked.
Ella nodded excitedly. “It needs a few modifications, but I think it will do just fine, don’t you?”
“Oh, I think it will be lovely, you’ll look absolutely gorgeous in it,” Cindy commented.
Ella smiled widely and looked through her sewing books before finally drifting off to sleep. She dreamed of Stiles and dancing at the ball, and she hoped that she could get her dress finished.
The next two days were packed full of things to do for Ella. From the minute she woke up to the second her stepmother and stepsisters went to bed, Ella’s plate was overflowing with things to do. She managed to complete her tasks just in time to help Malia and Allison into their dresses for the ball. Ella was sad that she hadn’t gotten her dress done and therefore couldn’t go with them, but she was happy that at least her stepfamily would be gone for the night.
“Stepmother? The carriage has arrived,” Ella informed Winifred when the horse and coach arrived at the mansion’s front door at six o’clock.
“Excellent. Malia, Allison! Let’s go,” Winifred commanded her daughters. Ella walked to her room with a sad gait past her stepsisters, who shared a look of pity and guilt.
Ella opened her door and heard the chimes and bells of her friends that illuminated the room and the completed dress of Ella’s vision. She smiled widely and teared up at how gorgeous the gown looked.
“Surprise!” Belle announced.
“Hurry, before the coach leaves!” Ariel said. She and Cindy lifted the dress and handed it to Ella.
“You.. you guys did this for me..?” Ella said through a choked up voice.
“Of course we did! Winifred tried, but there was no way she could stop us!” Jasmine said.
“Come on! Get dressed!” Snow urged. Ella smiled and quickly put the dress on. She didn’t have time to admire herself and she ran down to the foyer where Winifred, Malia, and Allison were headed out the door.
“Wait! Wait, please!” Ella called out. The three women turned and looked at Ella. Malia and Allison’s expressions were ones of silent happiness and Winifred’s was one of utter disgust and surprise.
Ella approached them with a bright smile and twirled her dress. “IT’s not nearly as grand as yours are, but I think it’ll do, don’t you?”
“It looks lov—” Malia began, but Winifred closed her daughter’s mouth with a wave of her hand.
“Hm… It seems to be a bit old, yes? A whole night of dancing may… wear it out,” Winifred said in a manner that was vaguely threatening.
“It was my mother’s dress. I made it over a bit, so I—” Ella started to say, but in an instant and with a brutal tearing sound, a sleeve was gone from Ella’s dress. Her eyes welled up with tears at the sight of the hard work being ruined, but she held strong despite Winifred’s sabotage. Ella stood strong as Winifred continued to tear the dress in different places—ripping off ruffles, bows, and beading that Ella’s friends had put so much work into.
“Mom, we have to go,” Allison said abruptly. Ella looked at her stepsisters and saw the slight tears in their eyes and Malia’s hands covered her mouth in shock.
“Pity,” was all Winifred said. Ella stood in the foyer in complete shock and heartbreak for a little while longer. She had thought about everything that she had been put through—the death of her father, never knowing her mother, slaving away and being ridiculed and manipulated into being a slave for her stepmother—and decided that enough was enough. Ella clenched her jaw and stormed back to her room with tears streaming down her face.
“Oh, Ella, I’m so sorry,” Jasmine offered.
Ella shook her head. “No, I’m sorry. You put so much work into this truly beautiful dress and she just… tore it up. And I couldn’t stop her.”
“Oh, it’s not your fault, sweetie. Come on, we can get a new one going!” Belle encouraged, but Ella shook her head.
“I’m not going to the ball,” Ella said and began to fill bag with the few belongings she had that meant anything to her.
“Ella, what are you doing?” Ariel asked.
“I’m leaving. I can’t stay here any longer. I don’t know where I’ll go, but it can’t… it can’t be here,” Ella said through tears. She felt the weight of her life and disappointment pull her to the floor and she sobbed for a while until she heard a knock at the door. Deciding to pull herself together for a moment, she answered it and didn’t care who saw her in such a terrible way.
“Pardon me, miss, but I seem to have heard some crying?” a woman with green eyes, strawberry blonde hair and porcelain skin said at the door.
“Um... um, yes that was me. I’m sorry to have disturbed you, I thought I was alone,” Ella said.
“Oh, dear, you’re never alone,” the woman said with a smile.
“Can I ask who you are..?” Ella said.
“I’m Lydia, a light witch,” she said with a cheery smile.
Ella smiled politely. “I’m Ella. How can I help you?”
“I know who you are, dear. But the better question is, how can I help you?” Lydia said. Ella’s brows furrowed and Lydia beckoned her to step outside.
“You know, everyone knows how you’re treated… I had hoped to see you in the coach with your stepsisters, but... no such luck, I suppose. So I came here to offer my services to you,” Lydia said with a smile.
“Your… services…?” Ella asked with a confused look.
“Let’s see. You’ll need a coach, horses, footmen… Let’s see what we have to work with here…” Lydia said and pulled a long and pointed white baton that glowed from her inside pocket.
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand,” Ella said apologetically.
“Well would you prefer to walk to the castle? The ball would be over by the time you get there, so I recommend carriage,” Lydia said and waved her wand. Suddenly, a pumpkin that was growing in the garden was hoisted into the air and became a magnificent golden carriage. Ella’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head—even Winifred’s magic wasn’t that magnificent.
“Wow… it’s so beautiful…” Ella commented.
“Thank you, sweetie. Now stand back, I’m going to give you horses,” Lydia said and Ella stepped back. Before her very eyes, four field mice were turned into magnificent white horses and attached to the carriage. Ella felt like she was dreaming and pinched herself to make sure she was awake. Lydia waved her wand once more and an owl that was perched on the tree above them took human form and sat in the driver’s seat.
“Alright, and now for you, dear. Let’s see… For a masquerade ball…” Lydia said and thought for a moment while looking over Ella. Lydia’s expression changed and her face lit up in a smile. “Hold still!”
Ella held perfectly still as she was engulfed in a bright white light. She began to feel her skirt grow a bit heavier and her hair curled itself. She felt a necklace form a band around her neck and shoes form around her feet.
“There! Oh, you look even lovelier than I had hoped!” Lydia gushed and formed a mirror out of thin air in front of Ella.
Ella looked in the mirror and could barely recognize herself. The gown she wore was a grand ballgown that shone silvery blue and sparkled in the moonlight. The simple black band around her neck pulled the look together with her curled hair. She lifted the gown to see what her shoes looked like and she saw the most stunning pieces of footwear that she’d ever seen. The shoes shifted through all colors of the rainbow and sparkled much like her dress.
“Are these—” Ella began, and Lydia finished.
“Diamond shoes? Why yes, they are. One of a kind!” Lydia said with cheer.  
“Lydia, I have no way of paying you back… this is too much. Surely I can’t accept these wonderful gifts…” Ella said and walked over to the witch.
Lydia smiled and held Ella’s hands. “You deserve to be happy. It is my mission to make everyone I possibly can happy. Unfortunately, this happiness will only last until midnight, so be sure to make it back by then, okay?”
Ella shed a few tears of gratitude and gave Lydia a tight hug.
“Thank you… Thank you so much. I’ll never forget your kindness,” Ella said and climbed into the carriage. As Ella was waving goodbye, she noticed that her fairy friends were trailing behind the carriage and Lydia disappeared from view. Ella smiled to herself and looked down at her magnificent gown and shoes. She couldn’t believe her good fortune and memorized every detail of her carriage. She smiled to herself the whole ride to the castle.
Once she arrived, she realized that she was slightly late to the party, but the guards helped her into the castle anyway. Before walking in, she placed the intricately detailed silver and blue mask that matched her dress over her eyes. She made her way through the grand halls towards where she could hear music and chatter. Before long, she found herself among other masked folk. Nervously, she readjusted her mask and started to step into the crowd.
“How lucky it is that you’re here,” she heard a familiar voice say from beside her. She turned and saw a man with chocolate brown hair dressed in the traditional formal attire for all men of the kingdom and donned a bale blue mask over his golden honey brown eyes.
Ella smiled widely. “Stiles!”
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sourwolfstories · 7 years
Sterek/Game of Thrones fusion fics
because Sunday can’t come fast enough!!
Moon of My Life by stinlinskis
“Is this the omega? He is beautiful,” Kate’s nose wrinkles when the unknown man says that. “My Alpha will certainly be pleased with him. I am Scott.”
Kate snorts, “Well Scott, your alpha has very low standards then. He is too skinny for an omega.”
Scott only smiles again, “An omega nonetheless...trust me. He’ll want him.”
Game of Thrones AU in which Omega Stiles Stilinski is sold to the Alpha Hale by Princess Kate in exchange for his shifters services in claiming the other kingdoms of Westeros.
like a hummingbird by ang3lba3
Gods, he thought. Gods, I am so fucked.
Unknown Kindness in a Cruel World by Dexterous_Sinistrous
The prince carefully observed Stiles. “Do you know who I am?”
Stiles knew he should have. “No,” he answered, knowing the pimp would be unhappy with that answer.
“Are you afraid of me?” The prince asked, his eyes never leaving Stiles.
Stiles’ heart was pounding in his ears, adrenaline pumping through his veins. He knew the pimp would want him to answer with a quip or flirtation. But Stiles didn’t want to lie—not to the prince. And he couldn’t tell why. “No,” he truthfully answered.
the lone wolf dies by callunavulgari
"I’m yours now," the wildling boy tells him. The sun’s rays catch on his eyes and set them afire. "And you are mine."
as my lord commands by wearing_tearing
“So you are highborn,” Derek says after a few minutes. “I should be calling you ‘my lord’.”
Stiles makes a face at him.
“You do that and I’ll piss in your boots.”
and the wild things roared their terrible roar by hoars
Derek as Khal Drogo (but set in snow beyond the wall) and Stiles as Daenerys Stormborn (although he's a greenseer of the Children rather than a dragon).
I’ll Tell You My Sins (And You Can Sharpen Your Knife) by the_deep_magic
Derek is the rightful king of Westeros, ruler of the Seven Isles, and Azor Ahai reborn... yet his uncle sits on the Iron Throne. Stiles’ god has promised Derek a victory of fire, but has yet to deliver.
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handsofred · 1 year
Saw a post about a superhero turning up battered, bleeding and dazed on the doorstep of the supervillain, telling them that they didn't know where else to go before collapsing in their arms..
So.... I have gone and run with that idea and twisted it a little to fit my visions...at the moment I have it as a StilesxChris fic with Jackson being the good guy in it against a bad sheriff Stilisnki and a bad pack.
but I can't decide if I want to use Chris as another good guy, getting Stiles and Jackson out of Beacon hill's and then maybe them running in to Peter Hale along the way somewhere and he and Stiles becoming closer and turning the fic in to StilesxPeter instead.
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handsofred · 1 year
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writings-of-dumpy · 5 years
A Cinderella Story - III
Tags: @mindingmyownbusiness​
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Stiles was bored. He had met more women tonight than he thought possible for anyone to meet in one night, and none of them held a candle to the woman he had met a few days prior.
“Don’t give up hope, Stiles. The night is still young,” Scott said with a smile.
Stiles nodded and thanked him. Suddenly, a figure at the entrance caught his eye. Stiles’ heart jumped and he wasn’t sure, but he thought he saw the woman he’d met in the village. She lifted her mask to adjust it and he saw her whole face and by god it was her.
“Holy shit, Scotty, look! It’s her! Quick, switch masks with me,” Stiles asked his friend.
“What? Why? Just go talk to her,” Scott protested.
“Dude, I’m the prince and you know how people can get. All night these girls have done nothing but kiss up to me, and I want to actually know this one. Please?” Stiles pleaded.
Scott furrowed his brows. “Girls kissing up to you is a problem for you?”
Stiles flattened his mouth and took his mask and crown off, then placed the crown on Scott’s head. Stiles pulled the mask from Scott’s eyes and replaced it with Stiles’ royal one.
“There you go, now you’re the prince. Meet a bunch of girls, okay? Oh, and try to remember their names,” Stiles said sarcastically.
Scott shook his head and sighed, taking off the crown and mask, “The things I do for you…”
Stiles rushed over to where the woman was entering and spoke up. She looked over at him and smiled once their eyes connected and she recognized him.
“You look absolutely beautiful tonight,” Stiles said with a smile.
She blushed. “Thank you… You look very handsome.”
Stiles felt his cheeks heat up at her compliment. When the orchestra played the waltz and the lights dimmed, he knew Scott had notified his parents of the mystery girl’s arrival. He offered his arm to her.
“Would you like to dance?” he asked with a shy smile. Stiles saw her cheeks flush pink and she nodded.
“I’m afraid I won’t be much good, but I would like to try,” she told him. Stiles chuckled and took his position with his hand on her back and their other hands together. They glided around the dance floor with ease and Stiles had figured that even though his mask and crown were different, the crowd had found out that he was the prince and allowed him to dance with his chosen partner.
“What’s your name?” Stiles asked her. “I didn’t get it before.”
She smiled. “It’s Ella.”
Stiles smiled widely. “That’s a beautiful name. It suits you.”
She giggled and Stiles led them past a curtain and noticed Scott close off the area to allow Stiles and Ella to have some privacy. The pair danced without music for a little while longer, but eventually found themselves caught up in conversation and walking through the gardens.
“It sounds like your friend is very loyal,” Ella commented when Stiles told her about how he had skipped what he called work to be in the village and Scott had covered for him.
“He really is,” Stiles agreed. “Do you have any friends?”
Ella smiled and nodded. “A few pixies come to visit me. They’re the closest thing I have to family.”
Stiles’ brow furrowed. “Oh?”
Ella shrugged. “My mother died when I was born, and my father died when I was six. But he married my stepmother before that, so, I guess I have her and my stepsisters…”
“You seem to not believe that,” Stiles observed her tone.
“Well… Let’s just say that I wouldn’t treat my stepdaughter the way I’m treated now. But I’m sure she has her reasons,” Ella said and looked down at her hands. Stiles wasn’t sure of her exact situation, but he could tell it must be hard for her and his heart broke and it angered him to think that she was being mistreated.
“Anything can be a reason for something, but there’s no excuse for treating another human being poorly, even if they make you mad,” Stiles said. “You don’t deserve to be treated badly, Ella.”
Ella looked up at him and Stiles felt himself falling for those beautiful eyes. His heart pounded rapidly whenever she would brush against him and when they danced, he felt like he was floating and nothing but her mattered.
“Thank you… You sound as wise and kind as a king,” Ella joked, and Stiles blushed.
“I wouldn’t know,” he lied.
“Well, in any case. I couldn’t leave even if I wanted to. I thought about it, but… I have nowhere else to go and having a home is better than not, right?” Ella said, and Stiles felt she was half talking to him and half to herself. Stiles wanted nothing more than to whisk her away and treat her the way she deserved to be treated—like a princess. He didn’t want to scare her away, so he simply placed a comforting hand on her back.
“What about your family?” Ella asked with genuine interest.
Stiles chuckled. He wasn’t ready to reveal to her his royal standing because he wanted to make sure that she wouldn’t treat him differently, so he was just vague enough to not raise suspicion. “Well… It’s just me, my mom and my dad. We’re pretty normal, I suppose. I’m blessed that way.”
They talked more and traveled all around the castle until they finally made it full circle back to where they had first begun their time alone and sat on a nearby bench across from the grand clock. Stiles held her hand in his until they were both seated, then he pulled her close to his chest. His heart was beating loudly as he contemplated telling her who he was. He heard the clock gong fifteen minutes to midnight and felt Ella rush from her seat.
“Oh, no… I have to go! I’m so sorry, but I really have to leave,” she said and began to run toward the ballroom.
“Wait, but why?!” Stiles called after her and gripped her hand. “I’ll go with you!”
“Uh, um.. no, I.. I have to meet the prince still! I’ve never met him or even seen him, so I should probably do that given that it’s his birthday and all,” Ella reasoned and pulled away from Stiles.
“Ella, I’m…” Stiles started, but she was gone before he could say goodbye to her. “I’m the prince.”
Before he walked back into the ballroom, he saw a sparkling item on the stairs where she had been. He picked it up and recognized it to be her slipper. His heart raced and he knew that he had to give it back to her, and then probably ask her to marry him.
Ella made it home just in time for her magnificent dress to disappear into nothing around her and everything return to how it was before Lydia had shown up. Ella felt like she had just awoken from a beautiful dream. She sighed sadly and gazed at the castle in the short distance. She remembered everything she could about Stiles and this magical night and locked it away in her mind.
“You’re back! How was it?!” Jasmine asked voraciously.
Ella smiled. “It was incredible. Truly a dream come true.”
“Ella, look!” Snow said and pointed to Ella’s feet. She looked down and saw that one diamond slipper remained intact on her foot. She gently took it off and held it close.
“Lydia, wherever you are… thank you…”
After a few hours and some clever furniture placement, Ella managed to completely hide the slipper from this wonderful night from her stepfamily. She then heard her stepsisters and stepmother arrive back at the house and put on a brave face—she had to pretend nothing happened tonight. She greeted them at the door with a kind smile and took their shawls as they entered.
“How was your night?” Ella asked them.
“A finer night has never been had,” Winifred said and sat in the foyer’s chair.
Allison and Malia looked at Ella and smiled sadly.
“It was wonderful. You would have loved it,” Malia said.
“Except for the part where the prince vanished with some girl,” Winifred scoffed. “And our chances at royalty are dashed.”
“She had to have been a princess or something. She showed up late and left early, and the whole time she totally hogged Prince Mieczyslaw!” Allison whined.
Ella’s heart started beating quicker, but she knew she couldn’t raise suspicion, so she asked, “How do you know she was a princess?”
“She was wearing a super sparkly dress and some people were saying that she left in a GOLD carriage!” Malia said. Ella’s heart nearly stopped when she realized that she had been the one that they were talking about.
“I’d never seen her before, so she must be from somewhere else,” Allison added.
“Did you see her shoes? They looked like diamond!” Malia said to her sister.
Ella bit back her shock. She didn’t think she had looked that unrecognizable, but perhaps she had. Stiles recognized her at the very least, and Ella felt foolish for being so open and not realizing that she had danced and spoken to the prince all night. She felt even more foolish for maybe even falling in love with the man.
“Yes. Well, now it’s over. Off to bed with you all,” Winifred shooed and the house retired for the night.
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