#still a little sad that we didn't see his ears but thats okay i'll accept a slow burn on this one
lunar-wandering · 1 year
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Hey lovelies,
Got a really fluffy Dewey Finn x reader for y'all. Kitchen fluff. Its so fluffyyyyyyy.
Hope you guys like it. 💕
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Ugh... what a day.
You carelessly tossed your working-bag aside and headed to the kitchen for some chocolate. Or caramel-coffee. Or a drink. Anything that provided a bit of comfort and would make you less anxcious and sad. Glad to accept any form of escape since you've had a miserable day at work.
As you turned to walk towards the kitchen you stumbled right into Dewey, who was snacking himself before he bumped up to you. After the little jump you both made because you startled each other, he smiled and ruffled a hand through his messy hair.
"Hey dude... how was your day?"
Pfff... You did NOT need this right now. So, you put on your fake smile and tried to sneak past him towards the kitchen as you chirped as happy as you could manage: "Awesome! How was yours Dew?"
You hoped Dewey wouldnt notice your trembling voice and the tears that you were fighting to hold back. You hated lying to him... it was just... too much right now. Too much to explain. Too much going on.
Dewey however, did immediately notice something was off. He smiled at you and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. Holding you tightly he murmered into your hair: "...well... fist of all, you can't lie to me and you don't have to... and secondly, my day certainly is better right now. Thankyou for asking." Dewey released you from his firm grasp and held you by your shoulders, looking into your eyes intently as he nodded his head: "You'll need a drink sweetheart." He squeezed your shoulders and turned your around slowly. Dewey started to push you gently towards the kitchen, left hand on your shoulder and his right hand on your lower back.
You decided that a drink with Dewey was indeed a good idea and plopped on the counter as Dewey poured you your favorite liquor, and popped a beer open for himself. With a flourish he handed you your drink, complete with jazzhands and a dramatic bow. You chuckled and took the drink from his hands as you held it up, as you said: "to shitty days." As he clinged his bottle against your glass he replied: "to shitty days. Bottoms up! Last one has to pour the next!"
In the blink of an eye you finished your drink, while Dew was only halfway gone. You tapped his shoulder proudly, and he grunted and rolled his eyes at his loss: "Allright champ... gimme your glass. Im gonna pour you something stronger and you are gonna tell me what happened okay?" You nodded yes, a smile creeping up your face as Dewey poured you both some tequila. You knew he had purposely let you win a moment ago... Dewey speed drinking his beer was unmatched by anyone. Almost a skill to put on his resume, you thought with a chuckle.
Dewey creeped up between your legs as he handed you your drink: "what's so funny, charming? Am i missing something?" He said as his hand sneaked around your waist and he made himself comfortable standing between your legs, pressing you two even closer together. You wrapped your legs around his torso and tangled your free hand in his hair to play with it, the other still holding your tequila. You looked him in the eyes and kissed his nose: "if you win Dew... i'll tell you." A smirk grew on his face as he started to count: "3.... 2.... 1!" Your glass touched your lips for less then a second and you heared a glass being slammed down beside you on the counter and Dewey tapped your knee. You looked down at the face a very smug Dewey inches away from your face as he simply stated: "Talk sweetheart..."
You went to turn your face away from him but he grabbed your chin, making you look back at him as he softly kissed you. He pulled back softy to mumble: "Its okay... you can tell me." His mouth moved a few inches to the side, to kiss there. And a few inches next to that one. And the spot beside there. You giggled at the attention as the stubble tickled your cheek as he brushed his mouth from inch to inch, peppering light kisses on your cheek.
His hand was laying on your knee while the other was stroking your hair. You moved your hand to cover the one on your leg to get Deweys attention: "If you stop kissing me, I can actually speak cassanova." He chuckled softly at your remark and pressed one last lingering, encouraging kiss on your lips as he squeezed your hand in encouragement. "Talk to me babe..."
Dewey stood there between your legs as you were seated on the counter, and you started talking. You talked about your day. Your shitty job. Your disrespectfull co-workers.
You talked about your disrespectfull co-workers who were making the day at your shitty job even worse.
You shared your feelings, and Dewey was there, inches away. To hug you, kiss you, and encourage you when you needed it most.
But mostly Dewey was there to listen.
Open minded, not judging, just accepting.
Your sweet sweet Dewey Finn. He was there. When you were done talking, he wrapped his arms around your waist again. You hugged him back as you wrapped your legs around his frame pulling him even closer, afraid that he could dissapear if you didn't held him close.
"Thankyou for sharing, love. Im so glad you told me..." Dewey's hands moved towards your sides as he guided you down the counter. Once your feet touched the ground he kissed your hair and praised you again for being so brave to share this all with him.
Dewey pushed his body flush against yours, placed his hand on your lower back as he pulled you in an understanding, loving kiss. When he parted you were suprised to see an mischievous, excited Dewey grinning at you.
You yelped in suprise as Dewey swiftly turned you around, dipped you a bit and kissed your lips once again.
"Okay Dew... i get it... i love you too... please, put me back upright rockstar..." you managed to squeak out between kisses.
Dewey chuckled and pulled you upright again, immediately pulling you close to him again. One hand playing with your hair as the other was stuffed in the back-pocket of your jeans.
"You know what helps after stressfull days sweetheart...?" He breathed in your ear, clearly excited for the awnser. Rocking you both a bit as he swayed you trough the kitchen, holding you tight as he did so. You chuckled at his antics, but was curious to find out what he was gonna say. "Dewey Finn... are you gonna say getting laid?" you suggested as you smirked against the crook of his neck.
You heared him laugh as he shuffled around the kitchen with you, still dancing. "Well... i was gonna say guitar hero and random kitchen-dance-parties... but yours works too love. We can do that after, if you want."
You rolled your eyes at his awnser, smiling to yourself. Gosh... what a dork. But at least it was your dork.
Tagging: @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @little-miss-shy-goth @thats-specific @vicunaburger @ironmansuucks @h1de-s0urce @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings
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