#still no clue how to dress him though. i still knew very little about norse fashion despite being literally norwegian
lowstakesvampires · 4 months
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oh what's this? i've reached the point where einarr was truly starting to happen? hell yeah
also, very important:
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dizzydancingdreamer · 4 years
The Servant and The Prince | Three
Part Three lovelies; do enjoy! I quite liked writing this part.
Description: This is very much a Cinderella trope because I cannot help myself and I am in love with Loki, chapter three
Pairing: Loki x Female!Reader, third person as I may adapt eventually with an OC
Warnings: Intimacy but not graphic, anger (is that a warning? I feel like it shouldn’t have to be said when it is a Loki fic, the man is canonically angry)
Tags: Fluff, not really angst but suspense
Word count: 4.4k
Disclaimer: I do not speak old Norse Lmfaoo this is purely the basics that I gathered and it 110% is grammatically incorrect so do not come at me for that I am admitting it
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“Please Surtr.”
Her voice rings through his ears on a loop, the most beautiful and agonizing melody that he has surely ever heard. She must be magic— something strong and powerful and like nothing he has ever seen before. There is no other explanation. It had been magic when she appeared to him, literally falling into his lap as if out of thin air. He is the god of tricks but even he cannot do that— he cannot make women that smell like flower petals land in his arms at will. He wishes he could— more than anything he wishes he could pluck her out of his dreams and bring her back to him. But he cannot because that was not a trick. That was something else entirely.
One moment he had been alone, mulling over his mother’s words from a few days prior. I think you might have a soulmate, my dear. He had been thinking about the information he had been scouring the castle’s libraries for about such a thing— information he was begging Frigga to tell him. Of course, in true Frigga nature she would not tell him. His mother is the most stubborn woman in the realm. Wonderful but stubborn. Only he could have an all-knowing mother who refused to share any of that knowledge. She told him it was dangerous to know the future— that it must happen as it will. What nonsense. How is he supposed to find her if he knows nothing about her?
The books were of little use to him as well. The information in them was outdated and flimsy at best. They consisted mainly of a couple second person accounts and scroll that he could translate if he was given a few days. Unfortunately time is of the essence and he does not have a few days. He barely has one day. One day to find his person or to give her up. And he thought he was the cruellest god. Apparently not. Anyway, that was where he was when she fell into his lap- mulling over a page of runes that looked more like gibberish than anything he had ever seen.
One moment he had been sitting at his desk, pretending like the sunshine on his hand was a product of any sky other than Asgard’s. The next moment he was being straddled by a misty figure that smelled like an afternoon in the castle gardens. He could not see a single detail about her— not her hair or her eyes or anything else— but he could feel her. She was warm and soft, her thighs heavenly around him. She was his own, little slice of Valhalla— a perfect fit. Frigga was right; all it took was a few seconds in her presence and he knew. She was his soulmate.
A soulmate who seemed like she was out to make him crazy for her, no less. Sure he could not see her but it was not hard to tell that her thighs around him were bare, squeezing him against her smooth skin with reckless abandon. It would have taken significantly less for him to go mad for her— honestly it would have taken nothing at all— but, Odin, if that was what she was going for then she definitely succeeded. He can still feel her warmth pressed against him, the way she had sunken down onto him immediately. She knew too. How much she knew he cannot say but she had to have known something- felt something— by the way she melted perfectly into him. She was his from the moment she appeared and she seemed to know it— embrace it. She acted like he was hers too and it was by far the sexiest thing he had ever experienced in all of his thousand years. That is surely saying something.
Obviously he did not just simply give in to her flowery aroma and Valhalla thighs- he had tried to speak to her. Many times actually. She just could not hear him. Of course it took him many times to realize that. He probably asked for her name and where she came from about a hundred times before she finally rocked her hips against his and tapped her lips with two wispy fingers. Be quiet you idiot, I cannot hear you. That is what he imagined she had said. It is what he would have said to himself if he were in her position.
He was floored, to say the least. He has never been floored before- not like that at least. Not in a good way. He stopped wondering where she came from after that. It no longer mattered from where on Asgard she had appeared, only how to ensure that she did not leave him again. He had been looking for her- scouring useless books and a stubborn mother- and then there she was, right before him, and he was determined to hold onto her.
Still, he had not leaned immediately into her touch. She had not made it easy on him, her gentle fingers reaching up to cup his face, scratching through the days worth of hair on his jaw. That was impossible to resist, he simply had to press his lips against her palm. The rest, though, made him go still, evaluating the situation. He had no clue what she actually wanted- how much she actually understood. He had grabbed her hips in reflex- a defense mechanism- she had appeared out of literal thin air after all. He had gone to move his hand almost immediately after grabbing her- well, once the shock had worn off. She was quite warm, though. Distractingly so. It takes a few seconds to push through that kind of daze. That was where things got interesting.
She had begun sliding off him. Maybe she had been in that same sweet daze too because, from what little of her he could see through the misty white haze, she appeared to be lost in her own little world. Her bottom lip was pushed out- colourless but plump- her soft body slowly shifting. There is no way she had noticed; she had made no move to catch herself.
So he did.
He is not really in the game of letting women fall into heaps on his bedroom floor, let alone one that makes his heart beat the way that she does. It was a simple action- all he did was anchor his arm more steadily around her body- but in doing so he unleashed a chain of reactions that, even now, he cannot fully comprehend. It is honestly quite mind boggling how everything played out. If Frigga had woken him up that morning and told him that his soulmate would jump into his lap later that day and then proceed to tease him for an entire hour, he would have laughed. No, he would have rolled over and gone back to sleep. The point is he would not have believed her. Frigga, his oracle mother. Maybe that is why she did not tell him.
So there she was, falling, and there he was, catching her, and somewhere in that small chain reaction he had pulled her higher onto his lap- again, to keep her from falling off him completely- and that is when her eyes flashed the brightest silver he has ever seen. It was only for a few seconds but it was there; he saw it! It had made him freeze. Not many things make him freeze. He is a god. But there he was, frozen on that stupid wooden chair with what he can only assume was the most idiotic expression any man has ever held. It had to be magic- there is no other explanation for the way his ability to breathe completely vanished. It was like her eyes mattered more than air itself.
Meanwhile she was moving her hips again and then her hands were digging into his shoulders. It was blissful- no that is not strong enough. Trekking through the woods alone is blissful; she was something else entirely. Of course he was still frozen- a damn statue- as his little soulmate squeezed those Valhalla thighs around him harder and sunk down onto him- right in that exact spot that made him wonder for a second if she was sent to him as a test of willpower.
But no, there is no way that was the case; not with the way her silver eyes sparked again and rolled back into her head like it was the first time she had ever felt something like that. Not with the way her misty lips had parted, some of the luscious color finally peeking through, releasing a sound that he would have gladly fought every other god in the realm to be able to hear. He could not help but reach out in that moment and touch her face. He had to make sure she was real. Yes, she was on his lap but that was not enough. He had to know for sure. As soon as his fingers had met her soft skin it was game over. She was real and she was there.
His hand hooked around the back of her neck easily, as though her head was meant to be held by him- the same way her thighs engulfed him perfectly. He nudged her gently- for a moment she had gone still. Asleep maybe. He wanted to see her eyes again though. He had not been disappointed when her eyelids opened to reveal a lightning storm of molten silver swirling in her irises. Forget Valhalla thighs; every part of her was carved from the stuff of the heavens. Still he glanced down to look at them, his eyes dancing over where her misty dress had ridden up to reveal two perfectly smooth legs. Magic, he had thought to himself again. Definitely magic.
He needed more.
He had to make her eyes spark even more. He had pulled her higher- closer- his hand squeezing her hip, pushing her into him harder. It worked. But not only did it work, it made something more happen. It made her speak. It made him hear her. Sort of. Not fully, her voice was muffled- like she was trapped under the surf- but he could hear some of it. The little sighs and whines. He could hear them and now that he could hear them he never wanted them to stop hearing them. It seemed like she felt the same way, her hands shooting out and dragging his face towards her, her muffled voice now frantic. There are very few things that he would have not done in that moment to understand what she was saying. Thankfully he had not had to do any of them. She had not given him the chance to do any of them.
He will hand it to his soulmate, she is a strong little thing. To be fair he had not been expecting for her to literally yank him closer to her, fisting his shoulders like she was on a whole different kind of mission than the one he was starting to believe she was on. For a moment there he thought he was going to stop breathing for a completely different reason. A deadly reason. But no, she was not trying to kill him. That is not to say that his heart did not stop- it most certainly had. How could it not? Her dress was fully around her hips now. That would make even the strongest man crumble. He would like to think that he is the strongest man but, honestly, in that moment he had to rethink that stance. He was not strong there.
Apparently he had froze again because the next thing he knew she was throwing herself at him harder, her flower scented body wrapping around him completely as she sank against his neck. She was not letting up- his heart was going to fail, he had been sure of it. He was going to die and she was going to disappear and whoever found him would be left to wonder what in Asgard happened in order to make the trickster god die with a shit eating grin on his face. How fucking ironic.
To think she had not even started torturing him yet and he was already imagining his demise. Looking back on it now he could laugh. In fact he does, a small chuckle breaching his daydream. If only he had known that soon she would press her velvet lips against his neck and steal the last drop of his composure. Maybe he would have been able to intercept it- to press his own lips against hers and feel that lighting sparking through her veins. If only foresight was as sharp as hindsight. What a terribly cruel thing it is to be able to know what he should have done only after it has happened.
Before he can fall deeper into the memory- that blithe experience of pressing her soft body into the very desk he sits at now- there is a knock on his door.
“Loki?” He is not even the slightest bit surprised to hear Frigga’s voice filtering in from the other side of the heavy wooden door.
He does not bother standing. “Come in, mother.”
His room fills with the squeaking of the door on it’s hinges and the soft sound of her heels click, click, clicking against the stone floor. He turns slightly over his shoulder, peering at the tall woman as she glides towards him. If he were not able to hear her shoes he would swear that she is floating, not actually touching the floor. She is much too graceful for her own good, especially given the clunky man she is married to. They definitely balance each other out, that is for sure.
Loki nods at her when she stops a few feet away from him. She glances around his room, her lips pressing together. He does not really know why- it is immaculate as always. Empty. Maybe that is the point, though. Maybe she wishes it was not. He wishes that at least. She continues to stare for a few more moments, her face shielded. It is unnerving, to say the least. He goes to offer her a greeting- to add some sound to the emptiness- but she beats him to it.
“You saw her.” She is still looking at his emerald bed.
His eyes widen. He blinks a few times to hide it but his mother never turns to look at him. Now she stares out the window, lifting one of her small hands to wave in and out of the light that filters through. He cannot look at the light for too long without his mind wandering dangerously. A wandering mind is never usually dangerous but around Frigga it is the most dangerous thing a person can have. He refuses to give his mother even more access to his mind than she already has.
He sinks back against the chair, schooling his features into a cool grin when she finally turns to look at him. “Saw who?”
Frigga rolls her crystal eyes at him, scoffing. “Do not play coy with me son. Now is not the time for games.”
His grin drops. Yeah, that is pretty much exactly what he is expecting her to say. Still he had to try. One of these days he will be able to bar his nosy mother from his thoughts. Not today, but one day.
“Yes, I saw her.” He grinds out. Sometimes speaking to her feels like when he was a boy having his baby teeth pulled out- irritating.
“Do go on. I somehow doubt that is where the story ends.” She leans her back against the wall near his window, her slender arms crossing over her chest, brushing against her flowing blonde hair.
He has to look away again, standing and turning to gaze anywhere but in that general area. There is too much electricity still- too much of her. He does not know what to say about her. He is not about to share the gory details with his mother. He refuses. If she wants to know that badly then she can close her eyes and conjure the image herself, she is more than capable of such a simple spell. For her it would be as easy as breathing.
“She just appeared,” he shrugs. It is the truth, after all. “Out of thin air. One moment nothing and the next moment-” he spins back to his mother, mimicking a small explosion with his fingers- “poof. A soulmate.”
Frigga raises a golden brow, her lips caught somewhere between a smile and a frown. “Poof?”
“A soulmate.” Loki finishes for her, shrugging again.
He does not understand it either. It is almost comical- two of the most powerful beings in the realm positively stumped over a disappearing act. This is child's play after all! Surely one of those books he had been scouring earlier would know something about this. If only he had known what to look for at the time. Vanishing soulmates. Invisible girl. Lightning eyes. Again, hindsight is a jest.
“Well,” Frigga muses, lines appearing on her otherwise flawless forehead as she paces a few steps, her heels click-clicking again. “What did she look like?”
This time he laughs. Now it is comical. “I have not the faintest clue.”
She freezes in her pacing, now half-way across his room, “what do you mean you have not a clue? Surely you must have seen her.”
He shakes his head again, his laughter a little more desperate this time. Suddenly it is not so funny anymore. It never was. He knows that. Better than anyone. He can feel everywhere her body is not touching his and it is a kind of agony that he had not known existed prior to this. He has been in battles before- had pieces of him sliced off and sewn back on- but this is different. You cannot stitch an invisible wound. There is no blood proof, no sign of injury, not even a limp. Just a man who feels like his insides are being ripped out of his body- like his damn organs are trying to find their way back to her; with or without him. He almost breaks down and pleads with them. Take me with you.
“Loki?” Frigga’s hand against his face breaks him from his daze. She is always saving him; it is infuriating.
His voice is just a whisper when finally answers. “No, mother. She was just mist. I could touch her but I could not see her. Well, not her appearance. I could see the mist.”
His mother’s hand on his cheek stills. “Can you explain the mist?”
His back straightens, the corners of his mouth turning down in a sneer he cannot force away. Usually he would never be so cruel with Frigga, no matter how badly he would like to. It makes him feel guilty- ashamed. He never wants to hurt her. Right now, though, he cannot keep the ice out of his voice. It is in his nature after all.
“It was mist. I really do not know what you want me to say. White mist. Clouds maybe. Is there anything else you would like to know, mother?” He squeezes his fist together, concealing where the tips of his fingers begin to frost over.
It is pointless- she would not have noticed anyway. She had drawn away from as soon as he started describing his invisible soulmate. Now Frigga’s face is stoney- her eyes glazed over. She is no longer in his room. He does not know where she is but he has seen this happen before. Not often enough to keep his heart from skipping a beat. His mother is fine but somewhere inside him that scared little boy debates tugging on her sleeve just to make sure.
“Hylli mær.” He flinches back when she speaks.
Her voice does not sound like his mother’s usual gentle tread. It is deeper- stronger- and echoes against the stone walls. Loyal maiden. Frigga never uses the old tongue anymore. She used to, when he was little. It was how he learned the language of the gods. She would sing him lullabies about kings and monsters, all in a language he could not decipher. For what seemed like the longest time he could not understand the stories. Then one day he could. It was as simple as that- as simple as a children's song. This is different though- she is not singing to him anymore.
Loki takes a careful step back towards his mother, noting how her eyes do not follow his movements. “Mother, what are you-”
Frigga’s eyes snap to him and he goes rigid, his words halting. Her gaze still does not reach him but the haunting stare on his mother’s face could very well fool most people. Not her son, but most people. It is still unsettling, the hair on the back of his neck raising. That might be from the way the ends of her golden hair begin to float up around her face though. Her pink lips keep moving but no words form. Loki takes one of her hands, tensing when her molten skin touches his freezing fingers. His touch makes her speak again.
“Silfr auga, ríkr mær.” Silver eyed, powerful maiden.
Her voice is louder this time, no doubt seeping into the hallway. Her hair now floats around the crown of her head and the flowing sleeves of her gown begin to rise as well. He cannot be sure what his mother is seeing but whatever it is does not seem like a walk in the gardens. Her skin grows hotter by the second until finally he has to drop her hand to keep from burning his own flesh. He glances down at his hands, noticing the azure shade rising to meet the new temperature and blanching. No.
“Stǫðva!” He barks, grasping his mother’s slender shoulders, recoiling at the sharp edge in his voice. He has to do it, he reminds himself.
Thankfully that is all it takes to snap her out of her vision. Frigga blinks rapidly, her golden hair dropping against her chest, her crystal eyes darting around his room before focussing in on him again. It takes a moment for her sleeves to drop as well but when they do he decides it is okay to let go of her.
“Loki?” She lifts a hand to her eye, rubbing a circle under her brow. “What happened?”
What? He cocks his head, his mouth opening. He presses it closed quickly. Once again he has no idea what to say. Does she not remember? He lifts his eyes to the window, trying to form a sentence that will make even a little bit of sense. He is starting to get really tired of not knowing what to say. Some silver tongue he is.
“Mother-” he keeps his voice gentle, a stark contrast to the last few moments- “you were having a vision. You spoke in the tongue of the gods. Can you remember anything you saw?”
There is silence in his room for a long moment as he watches Frigga’s finger stop, her lips pursing. In that moment he wishes many things. He wishes he could hear the click-clicking of her heels, if only to fill the quiet. He wishes he were back in the library, scouring for anything that might give him even the faintest clue as to what in Niflheim is happening to him. Most of all though he wishes he was curled up once more with the soft girl- his soft girl- her face pressed against his neck and his hands locked around her back. He does not even have to see her- he will take anything at this point. Anything for just a second of peace. He cannot recall ever having felt this damn tired before.
Frigga’s hands slam against his shoulders, her bright eyes wide. Her fingers tremble against his leather armor. “I remember-” she gasps and he tries to ignore the way her hair begins to rise again- “I remember! She is here!”
“What?” He chokes, his hands rushing out to grab his mother’s before she can pull away.
Something inside him snaps, his vision laser focusing on the woman in front of him. He is not giving her the chance to scamper away this time- she will tell him everything she knows. Now. He does not care that she is his mother. She said it herself; this is not a game anymore.
It never was.
“Tell me what you saw.” There is not even a hint of question in his voice.
“I did not see her, per say.” She responds, her brows narrowing, her eyes taking on that far away look again. It makes his shoulders soften- she is cooperating. “I saw the mist you spoke of though. I felt her. My son, she is strong. I do not know how I missed her presence when she entered the city. Her power is disguised I think- unlike anything I have felt. I do not even know if she knows it. She was following behind two people and in her arms were many bags. They have come for the festival. I could not see them either but they were passing the castle gates just moments ago. They are here-”
Loki hangs on to every word that flows from her mouth, picking the important details from her rambling. The more he hears the more his shoulders tighten again until finally his spine is as straight as a pin, his veins flowing with just barely veiled power. His fingertips are so cold now that he can no longer feel them.
As soon as that word slips from her tongue he is moving, spinning on his heel and all but sprinting out of his bedroom. He has no idea the direction to go or where to even begin looking for her. The castle alone is almost as big as the city. His mother had said she entered the castle though so that means through one of the gates. A picture of the large golden gates- the main gates- appears in his mind. That makes the most sense, the most people will be entering there. Before he knows it he is sprinting, his boots pounding against the stone as he pushes himself as fast as he can go. He will find her today, even if it is the last thing he does.
It very well might be too, because the raven haired god rushes out of his room before his mother can finish the last of her sentence- “and she is in great danger.”
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bloody flowers
summary: If your soulmate gets a wound or cut, flowers will bloom out of the same spot on your body.
pairings: Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam
warnings: soulmate au, flufffffffffff, angst and a happy ending
words: 1688
dean taglist: @akshi8278
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Flowers are something delicate and lovely. Blood on the contrary is rough and unpleasant. But those two are connected by the use of soulmates.
When one gets hurt, the other receives a flower. Their souls are related through unconditional love.
And when the injury slowly fades, the beauty of the flower will fade too. Because nothing lasts forever, except for soulmates. They are supposed to be together and will only get separated in death. And even then, they will meet in heaven soon.
Dean Winchester always thought that he would find his soulmate no matter what. That was until his mother died in a raging fire, and he lost all hope for true love.
He traveled through cities as well as villages and never found the other half of his soul. Years passed, hell and the apocalypse happened and Dean almost forget he had a soulmate.
Rarely, a small daisy or forget-me-not reminded Dean of his determined love. Unlike himself, his soulmate seemed to hurt themselves only occasionally. They must think really bad of him for having almost every second of his life an injury - and in their place a flower.
The case he is on with his brother Sam right now brought him another cut over his brow. While chewing on his delicious burger, Dean starts dreaming of his soulmate with a flower on their forehead. Maybe it‘s a rose or an orchid. One thing is clear to him: They must look gorgeous with the flower.
Quickly, Dean concentrates on the hunt again and tries to help Sam in finding out what they are dealing with. That‘s why he doesn`t notice the waitress taking his plate. She has got a little yellow pansy over her left brow.
Soon Sam and Dean figure out that they are hunting the norse goddess Frigg. They leave the small pub and drive to their motel room. Fortunately, they have got some wooden swords in the trunk of the Impala.
The younger Winchester falls asleep the moment his head meets the soft pillow. Dean has some troubles sleeping, he just lays in his bed and stares at the ceiling. It‘s not the hunt that burdens his soul.
After an hour his right arm starts to tickle and Deans green eyes stare at a pretty dahlia. What did his soulmate do now? Now the hunter for sure wont sleep tonight. He leaves his bed and the motel room as silent as possible.
Outside, Dean realizes it‘s raining but that wont stop him from taking a walk. He pulls the hood of his sweater over his blond hair and goes. The wind feels cold on his skin, at least it‘s autumn.
No one is on the streets and Dean is glad for it. He can think about his soulmate and the hunt alone. That is until he hears quick steps and locks eyes with a pretty female. They both stop in their steps.
Deans boots get wet in a puddle, but he doesn`t care because there is a flower over the girls brow where he has got a cut. His heart stops beating and the hunter widens his eyes.
The stranger seems to understand what he thinks. Slowly, she pulls the sleeve of her heavy coat to her elbow and reveals a plaster with red bloody spots. Dean does the same and shows her his dahlia.
Then nothing can hold them back anymore. They take quick steps towards the other and share a heartwarming hug. Dean rests his scrubby chin on top of her head, while the girl burrows her face in his jacket. His scent fills her nostrils and she sighs happily.
“I found you“, Dean whispers again and again and tears well up in his eyes. They roll over his cheeks when the girl looks at him. Finally, they both know what home feels like - being close to their soulmate.
Both breathe their names, introducing themselves before Dean leans down and presses his lips to the females. Her whole touch feels like utter love and affection.
They share quick kisses because they laugh in between them. Deans hands wander to (Y/n)s cheeks, while her hands are tangled in his hair.
The rain gets worse and soon the two soulmates are drenched. Both feel the coldness of the wind and water but chose to ignore it for some time. But the moment Dean opens his eyes after one rather intense kiss, he can see the girls body shaking.
“I share a motel room with my brother around here. It‘s not much, and we have to be quiet but I can give you dry and warm clothes there“, Dean says and sighs because the words sounded more innocent in his mind than actually pronounced. Now he sounds like he only wants to sleep with (Y/n). “I didn’t mean it like that!“
(Y/n) laughs and wipes a few droplets off his cheeks, not knowing which are his tears and which are the rain. She nods and takes one of the hunters hands, letting him lead the way to the hopefully warm room.
Once inside the motel room, the soulmates sneak to Deans bed. He gives (Y/n) a shirt as well as sweatpants which she takes to the bathroom where she changes out of her wet clothes. Meanwhile, Dean takes off his clothes too until he is only wearing his fortunately, dry boxers and shirt.
After (Y/n) left the bathroom, both lay down on Deans bed, pulling the sheets to their necks because they feel really cold. They cuddle, so they share some bodywarmth and quickly, the soulmates feel comfortable and warm.
“I can‘t believe I found you“, Dean whispers and presses a soft kiss to his loves lips. She smiles at him happily.
“I never thought it would be this intense to meet your soulmate. My mother once told me that it would feel like you are coming home from a very long trip. But it‘s more. I don‘t know you but yet I love you so deeply that I would sacrifice everything for you“, (Y/n) says and presses her nose against Deans.
Neither Dean nor his soulmate ever felt as quickly asleep as in this night. Sadly, they don‘t wake up the morning next to each other.
“Sam!“, Dean screams shortly after waking up and ripping the sheets from the bed while looking for (Y/n). She isn‘t there, not on the bed and not anywhere else in the motel room.
“Where is she?“
“Where is who?“
Sam who is still half-asleep sits up and watches his older brother run through the room. He raises an eyebrow in confusion.
“(Y/n). My soulmate!“, Dean cries and finally stops next to his bed. His green eyes are fixed on one single flower on the mattress. The yellow pansy his beloved girl had on her forehead last night. But now it has blood on its petals.
“You must have had a dream“, Sam explains and gets out of bed, joining his brother and takes the pansy from the bed.
“I know where she is. Frigg took her“, Dean realizes and starts to get dressed as quick as possible. And even though Sam is still confused why his brother is convinced that a norse goddess took his soulmate, follows his tracks. “The soulmates of the two victims who went missing found a bloody flower on their beds, remember? And Frigg is some kind of goddess of love. Maybe she likes to destroy...soulmates.“
The drive is rough because Dean for once doesn’t care how he and his car will arrive at the cabin in the woods. When they finally arrive, the older Winchester grabs his wooden sword tight and charges inside.
“Dean“, his soulmate breathes relieved and hugs him after the hunter helped her out of the restraints. She cries because she thought the crazy lady would kill her.
“Where is Frigg?“, Sam asks after entering the cabin and looking for the goddess. She is nowhere to be seen until the door closes behind the Winchester, and she appears in the middle of the room.
“Oh, I knew you would come. Especially you Dean. You would never let your true love down“, Frigg says as she makes a small gesture and Sam gets slammed against the next wall, just like Dean. Both their wooden swords fall to the ground.
“The thing is, boys, I love love. It‘s something so beautiful about soulmates. Their connections go so deep and really like the feelings they have for each other. You could say those feelings are my favorit meal“, Frigg tells them and completely ignores (Y/n). The goddess believes she is harmless and innocent, so she turns around to a table.
The girl looks around, meeting Deans eyes because she doesn’t know what she could do to save him and his brother.
“I was there when god created soulmates. He needed my advice because he had no clue what love was, that silly boy“, Frigg talks and talks not minding what happens behind her.
“Sword. Heart“, Dean whispers with pain in his voice because he feels something heavy pressing against his chest. (Y/n) nods and quietly picks up the sword but the moment she turns around, Frigg does the same. Quickly, (Y/n) hides the wooden sword behind her back.
“Back to the little flower“, the goddess says as she walks towards (Y/n) with a bowl of herbs in her hands. There is a smile on her lips but it fades when she realizes her mistake.
Not like a good hunter would have done it, but like a soulmate who wants to save their other half, (Y/n) pushes the sword inside Friggs chest. The norse goddess takes a deep breath and then falls to the ground, just like Sam and Dean.
Immediately, Dean is at his soulmates side turning her around so that she doesn’t have to see the corpse. He leans his forehead against hers and places both his hands on her cheeks.
“Thank you“, the hunter says before kissing his determined love.
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