#still some gems ♥
medicus-felini · 10 months
tagged by: @ferromagnetiic tagging: Whoever wants to do this and was not yet tagged u///u ( just steal it ♥) [ `♡´ Link to my full Linn Playlist ]
◯ Me and the Devil   —   Soap&Skin 
◯ Enjoy the Silence   —   Depeche Mode
◯ Dark Entries   —   Bauhaus
◯ I Am The Dog   —   Sir Chloe
◯ Cyдно   —   Molchat Doma
◯ Unearth   —   Sidewalks and Skeletons
◯ Swimming Pool   —   Marie Madeleine
◯ Fahrradsattel   —   Pisse
◯ Embrace   —   Pastel Ghost
◯ Little Dark Age   —   IRONTOM
◯ Is She Weird   —   Pixies
◯ Nobody   —   Mitski
◯ Im Yr Dog   —   Richie Woods
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Bad Writing Advice/"Forcing" Story
Anonymous asked: Do you have any generic advice for forming questions better? Whenever I post a question for writing advice (on reddit, twitter, tumblr, other writing spaces) I often get something like "don't force your story to where you think it should be" I don't get why. If I say something like "I'm changing my main character from a male pirate to a female siren because it fits the plot better - but I don't understand the mythology of sirens. Any tips on where to start?" Often I'll get "advice" like "You shouldn't force your story, let it form naturally..." and usually that's their only advice or something they feel like they have to add before answering the actual question. It's starting to feel snobby. I'm so confused. Am I not supposed to make make decisions/changes if something in my story isn't working? Is that "forcing" or "pushing" it in a way I "shouldn't"? Is making decisions on a story just "force"? This is why I prefer to just come to this blog. Even if I've poorly written my problem, you still somehow manage to find the heart of the question and offer real advice that actually helps. Your answers stay relevant and isn't just copy-paste of something I've seen on the internet a hundred times.
[Ask edited for length]
Every writing group/forum is different, and everyone's experience within them is different, but in my own experience I've found that writing groups/forums tend to be better for advice that isn't story-specific. That's because story-specific advice is tricky. Most people struggle with separating their own preferences or style from the needs of the person asking the question. And when asking a question to a broad group, you're also going to get a lot of people who have nothing helpful to impart but want to be part of the conversation, so they throw out tried-and-true irrelevant gems like "don't force it."
Am I not supposed to make make decisions/changes if something in my story isn't working? Is that "forcing" or "pushing" it in a way I "shouldn't"? Is making decisions on a story just "force"?
As I'm sure you suspect, of course you're supposed to be able to make decisions and changes when something in your story isn't working. And no, that's not forcing it.
Again, I think people are mostly saying that (or things like it) because they have nothing relevant or helpful to say but still want to feel like they're helping. But also, I think some people could just be confused about the actual meaning of "force" vs "natural." They may assume that something you planned is "natural" whereas the change you want to make is "forcing it," but of course the opposite is often true. Sometimes the things we plan make sense before we start writing, but as we start to write and get a feel for the characters, story, or world, we see that what we had planned wouldn't work as well as something else. Using your example, if you had planned to make your MC a male pirate, but as you get into the story it makes more sense for the character to be a female siren, if you made yourself stick to the plan and kept the MC a male pirate--even though the female siren would work better--that would actually be "forcing it." Following your gut instinct that the story works better with a female siren MC is letting it develop naturally.
So, I hope that reassures you! The advice was bad, and groups/forums (with few exceptions) tend to better for advice that isn't story specific. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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kxlitz · 1 year
Hi, i'm loving your work, you're so talented. I was wondering if you could do an arguing with the Kaulitz twins (separate) HC please? ❤
I sure can!! Tysm for the request ִ ࣪𖤐
✶ Arguing with the Kaulitz Twins ✶
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♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
★ Bill Kaulitz ★
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Let’s start softly
This may have been said many, many, many times but it’s true. You guys rarely fight, but! When it comes to little arguments over some petty topics I’m afraid it’s the opposite.
It never lasts long.
You accidentally pulled a loose thread on his silk shirt? He’s going to pout about it for the next thirty minutes
You stepped on him? He will dramatically say you’re plotting against him
Missed a chord on stage? Oh he will be genuinely annoyed for a little while
When it comes to serious arguments though, you need something big to anger him so badly.
It would start just like your usual bickering. Making petty remarks at each other and someetimes avoiding the main issue.
Once his face drops and he goes completely serious you know it's about to go down.
Bill can be very pigheaded so he will stick to his point no matter what. He likes being right just as he likes being in control.
He's the type to speak really fast and cut your word because he feels the need to explain himself.
Is very consious of what he says though, he will never say something hurtful that he doesn't mean.
It's a different story if he actually means it. He's brutally honest and if you did something bad he will tell you without sugarcoating it, even if it can come across as rude.
Bill can take a lot in but there's always a point where he breaks, it's normal.
Look he's not a rude person at all, but he's not one to let things slide either.
A flaw of his is that he may say a hundred things at once and expect you to listen through but there's times when one of your first replies will make him cry or freak out right away. Ofc not always but it's one of the things Bill would need to work on.
He is not that aggressive but is VERY defensive.
Bill doesn't like conflict though, this is really a worst case scenario where something comes up and you guys need to argue it out.
Friendly reminder that it is necessary in relationships to argue from time to time as long as it stays healthy.
If the argument gets too heated Bill prefers that you both part ways for a couple hours to cool down. Then you discuss again after re-arranging your thoughts.
At the end of the day he never meant wrong, he just wants to fix whatever came up.
Bill would feel terrible after you fight. He genuinely fears you’ll leave him or start hating him.
Would not apologize instantly because his pride plays a big game, but give it some minutes or an hour; worst case a day and he will come back sobbing and asking for your forgiveness, expressing how much he loves you and how he never meant to fight.
You’re the type to be angry at each other but still cuddle at night.
Hug him and tell him he's valid please.
☆ Tom Kaulitz ☆
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Tom, Tom, Tom
Believe it or not, Tom becomes quite submissive when he's very emphatuated with someone.
He really is at your mercy.
Yet it doesn't change the fact that he's a bit of a hot-head and just like Bill, he likes when he's right.
Let's not forget Tom was a bit of a punk activist growing up. You get what I mean when I say that be likes to get his point across. (Y'all need to read Bill's book if you speak/understand german it's a GEM. There's also a girl narrating some of it in spanish on YT :)
Unfortunately, arguments do happen often. Sometimes it’s really nothing but other times it can get pretty ugly.
When you guys are mad at each other everyone knows that it's better to leave you be because it will get loud.
Your fights range from small discussions that you have often to actual screaming matches when it gets bad.
It's inevitable for the both of you to raise your voices as each other in these cases.
The reasons may vary. It can be miscommunication, ESPECIALLY in 2006-8 when you were still young teens experiencing the world of fame.
Jealousy, for sure. I can see Tom being skilled enough at hiding it but he’s very possessive still.
And well, it’s still Tom. Again if you focus on his earlier years of fame the amount of girls throwing themselves at him can definitely be a cause of conflict.
Unless you’re very chill about it.
There’s definitely still possessiveness on Tom’s side.
I feel like neither of you would really know how to process the frustration.
A little thing to take into consideration is that you’d be the couple that argues, yell that you hate each other and then 10 minutes later you’ll be back to normal and never speak of it again.
Which you need to work on.
It’s because of this very reason that some of your fighting topics can be repetitive.
From what the twins have confessed, they could get pretty aggressive with their surroundings.
Tom would never, NEVER, raise a hand at you. No need to worry.
But the items around him can’t say the same.
He’s the kind of person that feels the anger in him build up physically and needs some release. When he’s fuming, in the worst of scenarios some tables would be kicked or some object would fly around. Just never at you.
This habit does get worked on throughout time though, he matures and grows.
The only physical fight that would ever go down is a pillow fight. Or play fights. Or in bed. But that’s another story.
A bit similar to Bill, Tom needs some time to cool off, just does it more impulsively.
He would walk out sometimes because it’s far too overwhelming.
Makeup sex is a big thing in your relationship.
Tom would love to express himself better and talk things through he simply needs help doing it.
Maybe you’re the help he needs.
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
Too Young For Boys
Description: In this scenario Katherine is 14 and Jax is 28, Jax was riding through town and saw his little sister alone with some boy he scares the boy off and takes her back home to Gemma and Clay, Gemma knew about the date she's the one that dropped her off Clay didn't know he is not happy.
Word count: 1,762
Warnings⚠️: not much general SoA warnings
Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz
If you wish to be added or removed from my SoA taglist comment or message me
♥︎ MainMasterlist ♥︎
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Clay sat in the dinning room when Jax and Katherine walked in, the look on Jax's face made him realize something was wrong.
"Jax, Katherine? What the hell happened?"
"He ruined everything!!" Katherine says not elaborating any further storming through the house to her room slamming her door shut.
Clay watched as she stormed off before turning to Jax with a questioning look.
"Jax, what the hell happened? Why is she so pissed?"
Jax sighs running a hand through his hair as he leans against the wall, "She was on a date with some kid, I caught them and he was getting a bit handsy with her, so I scared him off and brought her home."
Katherine swings her door open when she heard her brother's words "he wasn't getting handsy he was just holding my hand you moron" she quickly slams her door shut again.
"Yeah!! Well I know teenage boys it wasn't gonna stop at just holding hands" Jax shouts at the direction of the closed door getting no response he turns back to his mom and Clay.
Clay just stands there, his expression darkening as he listened to the exchange. The protective father in him bristles at the thought of some teenage boy getting handsy with his daughter.
"Jax," he says, his voice low and measured, "what boy?"
"Clay stop he's a nice boy you leave him alone" Gem says exasperated
"you knew about this?!" both Clay and Jax say in unison.
Gemma shakes her head "of course i knew, do you think i would just let my baby girl go out with a boy i don't know? I helped her get ready all morning and dropped her off"
"And you didn't think to mention it to me?!" Clay's tone was growing more irate by the second, his frustration growing.
"Because I knew you would overreact!" Gemma retorts, her own temper flaring to match his.
Clay takes a step closer to Gemma, his eyes narrowing, "Overreact? This is my daughter we're talking about! I have every right to be pissed, why didn't you discuss this with me first?"
Gemma huffs, folding her arms across her chest, "Because you treat her like she's still a five-year-old! She's almost fifteen, Clay. She deserves to have a life, to date."
"She's too young to be dating! And you're a damn fool if you think I'm going to let some teenage boy put his hands all over her, no way, " Clay replies, his hands clenching into fists.
"She's not a little kid anymore, Clay! She's growing up, she wants to experience life, and that includes boys." Gemma retorts, her voice rising.
"She's not ready for boys! She's too young, too naive. She needs to stay focused on school and her future, not on boys. End of discussion," Clay says firmly he storms out of the room he doesn't want to talk on the subject anymore.
Gemma let out a frustrated sigh, running her fingers through her hair as she watched Clay walk away. "Damn stubborn, overprotective idiot," she mutters under her breath.
Jax leans against the wall, watching as the heated discussion unfolds, not wanting to get involved. "You do realize that Clay isn't going to let this go, i aint either. shes my little sister and i get she has to grow up eventually but why does it have to be today, Ma?" he finally says, breaking the uncomfortable silence.
Gemma sighs, her expression growing weary. "I know, I know. I just wanted her to have a bit of normalcy. Being the biker president's daughter isn't easy, and she deserves to experience the same things other kids her age do. But I should've known Clay would react like this."
Jax nods, understanding her point but still remaining firm in his stance. "I get that, but she's not like other kids. She's our family, our responsibility. We have to protect her from the harsh realities out there, and letting her date some kid who's probably just looking for a quick score isn't gonna protect her."
Meanwhile Clay is knocking softly on Katherine’s door he wanted to storm in there and tell her she can't see that boy anymore but when he got to the door he heard her crying. He paused, his hand still on the knob. The sound of her crying tugged at his heartstrings, and his initial anger softened just a bit.
"Katty?" he says softly, tentatively, "Can I come in?"
Katherine sniffs and quickly tries to dry her tears. "Y-yeah," she calls out.
Clay slowly opens the door, entering her room closing the door behind him. He sighs seeing her trying to dry her tears. Clay takes a seat on her bed, the mattress sinking slightly under his weight. He glances at her, his expression a mix of concern and authority.
"You alright, sweetheart?" he asks softly, his voice gruff but tinged with tenderness. She nods, wiping more tears away with the sleeve of her shirt. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replies, avoiding his gaze.
He can see that she isn't being truthful. He sighs, reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair from her face. "Look at me, kiddo." She relents, her eyes finally meeting his. They're red-rimmed from crying, but there's a hint of defiance in them.
"What?" she asks, her voice quivering slightly. Clay looks at her for a moment, taking in her tear-streaked face and the bravado she's trying to portray.
"Why did you lie to me, Katty?" he asks, his voice gentle, but laced with a firmness that makes it clear he wants the truth.
"I-I didn't lie...I just...never told you" Katherine says unsure.
Clay arches an eyebrow, not quite convinced by her explanation. "Same thing, sweetheart. You still hid something from me, and that's not how this works."
She looks down, her hands twisting in her lap, "I...I was scared, okay? I knew you would react this way, and I didn't want you to be angry..." she wipes her eyes again. "Mom said that I should go first and talk to you about it after that way you couldn't ruin it"
Clay's expression hardened a bit at her words, his jaw clenching. "So you and your mother plotted behind my back to keep me in the dark? That doesn't make it better, Katty."
"No, not plotting....more..strategy?...but it doesn't matter now Jax already ruined it...Simon probably doesn't wanna speak to me anymore..Jax really hurt him dad."
Clay sighs, the tension still in his shoulders. "That's not important right now, kiddo. What's important is that you understand you can't keep things like this from me."
He pauses, his gaze fixed on her. "You should've come to me first, Katty. We could've talked about this. I ain't as unreasonable as you think."
"So you would have let me go out with Simon?" Katherine asks with her eyebrows scrunched with scepticism.
Clay leans back on his hands, a sigh escaping his lips. "It's not about letting or not letting you, sweetheart. It's about having a conversation first. I would have wanted to meet him, talk to him, make sure he's not some idiot looking for a quick score."
" a quick score?" Katherine tilts her head in confusion.
Clay suppresses a chuckle at her innocence, his expression softening, "Yeah, sweetheart, a quick score. Boys your age aren't always looking for a serious relationship. Sometimes, they just want...well, you know..."
Realisation dawns on Kat and she's flustered, cheeks heating up as she looks away sheepishly. "O-oh....I see..." she mutters.
Clay can see that she's clearly embarrassed and uncomfortable talking about such topics. He feels a pang of protectiveness, knowing the innocence that's about to be lost in the next few years. Clay reaches over, gently turning her face to look at him. "Hey, look at me, kiddo," he says softly.
She complies, her big brown eyes meeting his. "I ain't trying to embarrass you or make you uncomfortable. I just need to make sure you understand the realities out there. It's my job to protect you."
Katherine nods, her cheeks still flushed but her expression more serious now. "I understand, Daddy," she whispers, "I'm sorry for not talking to you first...I just didn't know how to bring it up."
Clay's expression softens further, his stern facade melting a little at her use of the word "daddy." He sighs, ruffling her hair affectionately. "I get it, kiddo. But you gotta trust me, okay? I'm not the bad guy here. I'm just trying to look out for you."
Katherine nods, a small smile playing on her lips at his reaction. "I know, dad....it's just...sometimes it feels like you and mom don't think I'm old enough to make my own decisions."
Clay suppresses a laugh, realising she has a point. "You're growing up too fast, Katty. It's hard to accept sometimes that you're not my little girl anymore. But you gotta understand, I worry about you. I just want to keep you safe."
"I know," Katherine replies, her voice tinged with a hint of childish petulance. "But I'm still your little girl," she adds, a pout forming on her lips, "No matter how old I get, right?"
Clay chuckles at her pout, the corner of his lips twitching into a smile. "Yeah, kiddo. You'll always be my little girl," he assures her, reaching out to poke her nose affectionately.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, Clay senses a presence in the doorway. He glances towards it and sees Gemma peeking from the doorway, a small smile on her face. He raises an eyebrow at her, silently questioning why she's been eavesdropping. Gemma, caught in the act, gives him a sheepish smile and steps into the room. "Just checking in on you two," she says, her voice gentle. "Is everything good in here?"
"Yeah mom we're okay" kat says a small smile on her face Clay shoots Gemma a look that says, "We'll talk later," before turning back to Katty. "Alright, kiddo. I dont know about you but I am hungry, lets go out to eat just me and you, yeah? like we did when you were little."
Katherine's face lights up at the suggestion, her earlier worries momentarily forgotten. "Really? Just us?" she asks, a hopeful glimmer in her eyes.
Clay nods, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, just us. We haven't had a dad-daughter dinner in a while, and I think it's long overdue."
Katherine's expression immediately brightens, the earlier tension between them melting away. "I'd love that," she says with a smile, her earlier pouting forgotten.
If you want to read more about Katherine and her time with the club click here
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feelyxstuff · 1 month
Fan Fiction Recommendation #3
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Hey everyone! 🌟
I’m back with my third recommendation, and this one is all about the amazing IwaOi pairing! ♥ Before Sakusa and Atsumu came along, I was totally head over heels for IwaOi, and they’re still one of my top favorites!
I really hope you enjoy this pick, and have a fantastic day! 😊
(P.S. I’m going through a pretty significant change right now, and I spent the past few days diving into stories and getting lost in reading. Haha!)
Name: Conquering the Great King
Author: SuggestiveScribe
Fandom: Haikyuu!
Summary: Iwaizumi blinked his gaze over to Oikawa, "Last time was supposed to be a one time thing," he said, voice low, lacking some conviction.
Oikawa's lips twitched into a smirk and he brought them hovering just over Iwaizumi's, "One time thing, Two time thing, what's it matter as long as it's not a Relationship thing?"
Rating: Explicit
Warning: No Arquive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Relationship: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru; Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi; Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou; Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime; Oikawa Tooru; Kageyama Tobio; Sawamura Daichi; Sugawara Koushi; Kuroo Tetsurou; Kozume Kenma; Kindaichi Yuutarou; Azumane Asahi; Nishinoya Yuu; Kunimi Akira; Irihata Nobuteru
Additional Tags: #Alternate Universe #Alcohol #Smoking #Rimming #Orgasm Delay/Denial #Anal Fingering #Riding #Semi-Public Sex #Masturbation #Pining #Fluff and Angst #Friendship #Exes #Porn With Plot #Public Display of Affection #Hand & Finger Kink #Scent Kink #Blow Jobs #Mild Face-Fucking #Sexting #Nudes #Phone Sex #Dirty Talk #Light Bondage #Voyeurism #Begging #Power Bottom #69 (Sex Position) #Improper Use of Outerwear
Language: English
Stats: Completed 2015-05-30
Link for the fan fiction: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3301085/chapters/7209029
Link for the picture: https://ca.pinterest.com/pin/572449802653344782/
My thoughts: Iwaizumi and Oikawa have become one of my top ships, right after the classics like DaiSuga, KageHina, TsukkiYama, and AsaNoya. Their dynamic is just so captivating! I fell for them after the initial excitement of the first years, and their chemistry really stuck with me. 💕
I recently came across this fanfiction that is an absolute gem. The author writes IwaOi so perfectly, capturing their personalities and interactions flawlessly. The story is set with them as businessmen— Iwa is a dedicated editor, and Oikawa is in finance (from what I remember). They meet for what they think is a ‘one-time thing,’ but the chemistry between them is off the charts! The plot is so well-crafted and teasing that you’ll be hooked from start to finish.
There are also side relationships like DaiSuga and KurooKen (which I adore and totally recommend their side fics too!), along with a bit of AsaNoya and KageHina. It’s exciting to follow these characters through adult life challenges and savor the satisfying ending. Dive in and enjoy the ride! 🌟📚
My tags: iwaoi; haikyuu
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arcielee · 2 years
Sleeping In
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Summary: You are in denial about being sick, but your boyfriend is determined to nurse you back to health.  Paring: modern Aegon Targaryen x FemaleReader Word Count: 1104 Warnings: Oral (female receiving) and fluff.    Author’s Note: This for my muse @f4ll-for-you ♥ As always, my modern Aegon is a golden retriever after he successfully completely the rehab and therapy poor bb desperately needed. Thank you to @raphaellathedragon​ for beta reading. You are a gem. ♥ Dividers are by @jaysdividers​
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It was a slight head cold, you told yourself as the day greets you with a sharp pain splitting your skull. You attempted to go, despite your sore throat  and the congestion feeling as if someone was kneeling in-between your eyes; you were sent home with strict instructions not to return until you were better.
Every task was exhausting and the automation of your sluggish steps took you home. 
You sent one text to your boyfriend, just an update so he would be forewarned on what he would be coming home too.
You finally make it home and reward yourself with a long, hot shower, an attempt to break the fever. You change into your pajamas, which was just a pair of flannel bottoms and one of his shirts that you swam in, before grabbing a quilt and pillows to nest into the couch. A comfort show was put on for background noise and the last thing you remember is curling up.
The touch was gentle and his palms cool. You did not remember falling asleep and your eyelids were so heavy, but you forced them open to see Aegon cradling your face. His brow is knitted with concern above his lavender eyes, searching your face. 
“...what’s going on?” Your voice is low and raspy. 
“It feels that you have a bit of a fever,” he says with a hum, talking as though you said nothing. “I made sure to stop on the way home and grab you a few things, something to take for the fever and aches, tissues, some soup, which I plan on heating up right now-” 
“You’re a regular Florence Nightingale.”
His head cocked with his grin that made your heart flutter still. “How fortunate that your humor remains unaffected,” he teases and leans forward to press his lips on your forehead. “I prefer when you are healthy, so I will be your Florence Nightingale until you are better.” Aegon pulls back, grabbing the handles of the reusable bags to trudge into the kitchen, calling over his shoulder. “Oh, why the fuck are you on the couch, my love?”  
He won’t listen to your argument that isolation would guarantee him not getting sick himself and as soon as he dumps everything onto the kitchen counter, he is back at your side and pulling you, begrudgingly, to your feet. “Aegon,” you whine, but you cannot help but smile.
“Come on,” he coaxes, pulling you from the cocoon of pillows and the blanket. You follow and fall against him, but Aegon is quick to wrap one arm around your waist and the other trucks behind your knees, pulling you flush against his chest.
You drape your arm around his shoulders, nuzzling into his neck and enjoying the scent that is so enticingly his own, a combination of some cologne his mother bought him, with a mixture of an almost woodsy, vanilla fragrance. 
Which is why you wore his shirt in the first place. 
He is careful to set you down, letting go for a moment to pull back the blankets for you to crawl and welcome the softness of the bed. Aegon makes the show to tuck you in, finishing with another kiss to your forehead before he slips back into the kitchen.
It’s a fitful sleep and you wake up to see him balance a tray with the prepared remedies. “Can you sit up for me, pretty?” He asks you, careful to place it on the dresser and moving to help prop the pillows behind so you can sit upright. He then rests the tray on your lap. 
The medicine was awful, but the warm soup and the tea he prepared soothes your raw throat; he clears off your lap when you finish and then climbs into bed, pulling you to his chest. Another comfort show is put on, the volume low, and you hum at the touch of his fingers drawing circles between your shoulder blades, easing the tension you’ve been carrying in them today. 
Sleep flutters over you again and when you wake up, you find yourself nestled into his arms and he is curled against. Your subtle movement alerts him and his eyes are quick to open with a hum. “Hey,” his voice is gruff with sleep. “How’re you feeling?”
You sigh. “Better, I think,” but your throat is still a bit dry. 
He shifts his weight, bringing his wrist to touch your forehead for a moment. “Still warm,” he says and then he carefully pushes you onto your back. His large hands pull at the shift, lifting so he can plant kisses on your bare stomach. 
“Aegon,” you breathe, your back arching from the gentle touch of his lips. “I don’t want you to get sick…” 
He shushes you and his exhale causes goosebumps to ripple over you. “Trust me,” he says between kisses, his mouth trailing lower. “We have to break this fever,” his fingers flit over the waistband of your panties, pulling it down to kiss just above your curls. “I should be fine as long as there is no mouth kissing.” 
Aegon gives you a look, the eyebrow wiggle, and you cannot help but giggle. You sigh again and lift your hips, allowing him to peel off your underwear. “Good girl,” he murmurs between your thighs, pressing two fingers against your wet folds and parting them to lick in-between. 
You love how Aegon knows you, knows your every pressure point, how his tongue and fingers work in tandem, following the guide of your soft exhales. The ministrations quicken to coax your release and the kitten licks overstimulating, causing your thighs to tighten around his head. 
He groans from the pressure, turning to kiss the softness of the inside of your thigh and then crawling to kiss you. 
“But you said…”
“Just one won’t kill me,” and his lips find your own.
You can taste yourself on his soft and warm lips. He pulls away and beckons you to follow him for another warm shower while he changes the bedsheets. You pull on another one of his shirts and the two of you curl beneath the covers to sleep. 
The morning is more welcoming, with the sunlight seeping through the closed blinds and you can greet it without the pressure to your skull. You roll over to kiss Aegon and find him already awake, bleary eyed and pitiful looking. 
“Oh, Aegon,” you moan with a smile, touching his forehead and feeling the warmth of a slight fever. 
He hums at your touch. “Worth it,” he says with that same grin you cannot help but love.
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cutmyheadoffplease · 18 days
‹.+*A bond in lovely, smiley hues*+.›
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REQUEST!: Could I please have bracelet making with bestie emu?:)
Hi-Hi! Of course you can!! I hope you like it ദ്ദി(。•̀ ,<)~✩‧₊
It's also perfect for Emu's birthday even if it's not implied!!
WARNING! : probably a few grammar mistakes, other than that none♥
FEAT! : best friend Emu Otori and gn reader
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Shining ,as if made of crystals placed atop a round bed of white gold, Emu's eyes with an innocent glee glide all over her wrist. Near the energetic and ever laughing girl, laying on the carpet in a quite similar manner, you were wrapping what looked like the third bracelet around Emu's wrist.
"Hahaha!★ Y/N! Look look!~ They look like the members of Wonderlands x Showtime!♪"
You laughed and nod as in one singular jump the pink haired girl raises from the floor and snatches another small box of diversely colored beads she quickly puts in between the two of you. In a few swift moves Emu places on the string a few beads that wrote "WONDERHOY" in between two translucent pink stars. Grabbing your hand, as if to measure the amount of beads still need she asks in her omnipresent cheerful tone.
"Would you like some purple in it too? Or maybe green? Oh oh! How about some yellow?"
"How about some of each?"
Giggling under your breath you replied, staring in awe at the unpredictably rapid pace at which Emu already had added the colored gems. With a small knot to the elastic your bracelet was finished in record time.
"Thank you~"
Pleased that she made her beloved best friend smile, Emu, as if the world's worries had for one day withered away, leaned back with her arms up towards the ceiling, letting another long laugh escape her mouth. In her care-lacking lean she inevitably falls on her back, a small "ouch" is all she could chirp before something else followed quickly.
On the window sill, puffed up into a mochi like shape, a petite taupe bird rested. Fascination immediately drowns Emu's hearth as she rolled to you and gently pulled your sleeve, still flat on the floor.
"Y/N, do you think Mister Birdie is asleep?"
Before you could get the chance to speak your mind, the bird shifts with a melodic flap of its wings.
"Waaa♪~ Y/N! Do you think that Mister Birdie wants a bracelet too?★"
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@crustyketchup . I know it's midnight but come and get your Emu.
Happy birthday Emu!!
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!!!
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scarlettriot · 1 year
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• Pairing: Kirishima X f!Reader (in time)
• Warnings: Talks of Murder and Assassination, Assault, Persecution. Smut will occur later so if you’re under the age of 18 or a blank/ageless blog DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS SERIES! If I missed anything, please let me know!
• Contents: Fantasy Setting, Dragon Kirishima, Chubby Librarian Reader. All characters are aged up to late 20s-early 30s. Part One is told mostly from Bakugo’s POV, Reader is the Librarian he meets.
• A/N: Made myself finish this chapter as a bday gift to myself. I know I have a lot of other chapter fics I really need to wrap up but this has been the only thing living in my head right now. I’ve drawn some inspiration from Yuzuya’s Fantasy series as well but this story is entirely different. If you haven’t checked out their audio series, seriously please do! I hope you all enjoy the first chapter of this adventure ♥︎
• Word Count: 3,200ish
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The city of Spirefall stood tall on the horizon. To most people it was the shining gem of the entire country. But, to Katsuki, the place filled him to dread and anger as it loomed before them. He really didn’t want to get any closer, that was why he insisted on camping a few miles out, where they still had the forest for cover.
“I still don’t like this,” The Dragon Kin Prince grumbled his opinion for the umpteenth time since they woke up less than an hour ago. Most of his breakfast was still sizzling on his plate, untouched since he had no desire to take even a single bite.
“Yeah, but, we don’t have a better plan either.” Izuku brought up, “The library is at the city center. I’m certain they’ll have some useful information for us there.”
“Your stupid library didn’t…” Katsuki quipped right back.
Izuku just narrowed his eyes at one of his oldest friends. “My very small and woefully short supplied library doesn’t hold records and journals from ages past.” He had to remind the heir yet again.
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From the time he was able to read, Izuku adored going to the small little library that was established just on the outskirts of his town. He’d go with his mother and come back with piles and piles of books and then go back the next day to do it all over again. As soon as he was old enough to seek an apprenticeship there, he had, and now he’d worked up to being a senior librarian, one of the highest titles someone could achieve.
“But, why couldn’t we have just put in a request to have the books sent to us like we have before!”
“Haven’t we been over this like 10 times since last night!”
The group looked over towards the irritable metallic dragon, lounging while he finished his second helping of food. The remark caused him to be whacked by a faded black to crimson wing belonging to the dragon he called brother.
“What Ei! You know I’m right!”
Eijiro shook his head and explained to the Prince, “You know how long it took us to walk here. It would’ve taken them twice that time to get the texts to us, and even then, we can only request so many at a time. We’ve been looking for the Opals for so damn long now. Just go into the city, hope to the Ancients they have some knowledge we don’t, and then get out.”
Even with all of the logic they placed in front of him, Prince Katsuki still hated going to the city that was responsible for slaughtering so many dragons, so many dragonkin too. He was just supposed to walk into their immaculate city and act like they weren’t a lot of murderers?
It’ll be fine, Katsuki.
Eijiro sent the words through their bond just for him to hear. It’d been a trick they could do ever since they took the oath and had their skin marked at the ages of 18. Beautiful swirls and designs in ink marked the journey they’ve taken together so far. It linked them to each other, a sworn promise to always protect and stand beside the other.
Mental communication wasn’t the only benefit to the marks though. They could also sense the other’s emotions, feel what they were feeling even when they were miles apart. And if they were miles apart, lost on their own, the bond always would lead them back to each other. So long as the other lived, they’d be tied together.
“Fine. C’mon, let’s get this over with.”
He cast his plate of food aside and pretended not to notice when Tetsu’s silver claws snatched it right up. Izuku shoveled the last of his breakfast into his mouth while gathering up his pack because Katsuki was already heading out of the glen, and Izuku would be left behind if he didn’t get a move on.
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“What kind of city doesn’t allow weapons?” Katsuki grumbled as they walked past the checkpoint. He felt naked without his swords at his side. Luckily, if they really needed it, he could still use hand to hand or magic but that really wasn’t allowed here either.
“I know it doesn’t make sense to you, but the center of Spire has always been this way.” Izuku couldn’t go on too long of a history lesson because he knew the Prince would merely tune him out. “Out in the residential areas, people are allowed to use them with restrictions to protect their property but within the center, the city guards are expected to protect the market and the people here.”
“You mean those guards?”
Izuku looked off in the direction of the blonde’s scowl. Two guards were at the mouth of an alley, playing a dice game on a stack of crates, not paying a single bit of attention to what was going on around them.
All Izuku could do was shake his head and nudge Katsuki in the right direction. “Let’s just go, the library is this way.”
As much as he didn’t want to admit it, the city itself wasn’t bad. There were people selling food out of small stalls and he knew the dragon’s would be losing their minds if they were here, visiting each and every one of them. But, there were plenty of other shops around too, ones for reagents and gear, metal working, some jewelers, and so many clothing stores that he lost count!
Still, that bead of hate in his chest remained… a city that took so much from his people thrived this much and that made him feel ill.
Before he knew it though, they were walking up a massive set of marble stairs and through grand doors with golden swirled inlays. “So, where the hell do we start?”
“Well, the books written about the Opals themselves would probably be just in your generic information sections–”
“Yeah, but, we don’t need the generic shit. We got plenty of that information already.”
Izuku just rolled his eyes and went on. “Which is why I believe we should start in the lower levels where the personal records are stored.” He tapped his own notebook where he’d been gathering information about travelers and researchers who might have spotted them. “We’ve got a couple names, with any luck, a few of their journals might’ve found their way here.”
“Great, let's hurry it up.”
Together the two of them headed straight for the stairs only to be stopped before they could actually reach them. “Excuse me,” A woman grabbed their attention, “I’m sorry but you’re not able to go into the archives without an appointment and prior authorization from a senior librarian. Do you have an appointment?”
Katsuki went to open his mouth but Izuku spoke first. “We don’t but I do have this.” He pulled out his own credentials and hoped they’d do the trick.
“Oh, you’re from a sister branch! And not a close one either.”
He chuckled softly. “No, not close at all. I wasn’t aware you needed to make appointments at the main branch.”
“It’s just because we tend to get busy and sometimes we don’t have enough staff to escort people.” She looked around, “But, since it’s a slow day, I’m happy to help a fellow senior!” She led the way, beckoning them both to follow her down.
“So, what exactly are the two of you looking for? I assume it’s something specific since you’ve traveled such a long way.”
“We’re looking for information on some dragons.” Izuku answered bluntly.
There were quite a few different ways this stranger could’ve reacted but, considering the city they were in, neither Izuku or Katsuki expected her to spin around with narrowed brows and question, “Why?”
“None of your damn business.” Katsuki retorted. “We need information on the Opal Clan. Do you got it or not?”
Her arms folded in front of her and Izuku almost took a step back. “I asked, ‘why’. Tell me and I’ll let you know what, if any, information I possess.”
Katsuki could feel his blood beginning to boil and he started pushing up his sleeves before he thought better of it. He had another remark ready to go, right on the tip of his tongue, when the woman turned back around with a curt, “fine,” and led the pair further into the belly of the library.
Both men quickly realized they wouldn’t have gotten far at all with this woman’s help anyway. This library had far more security measures than Izuku’s. Magic in place around every corner.
It was quiet as she used a wand to dispel charms and wards to get them where they needed to go but finally, they reached a room that only bathed itself in light upon entering it. “Hopefully we can find what you need in here.”
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The Prince’s eyes were bleary from looking at so many journals and scrolls. He swore the dark ink on well worn pages was blurring together even though the librarian and Izuku seemed to be having no trouble at all keeping on.
“Your glasses are in my bag.” Izuku gently reminded him after noticing the way he pushed the heel of his palm further into his eye socket. But, he merely grumbled something about not needing them and held up yet another journal.
He didn’t get very far though before the scratching of quill to paper had his eyes glancing up at the librarian. She’d been busy like this since they’d told her exactly what they were looking for. He still couldn’t figure out what made her change her mind but he wasn’t about to complain. Not when she’d laid out a handful of nesting locations they could check as well as drew them maps detailing how to get to each of them.
“How do you know all about this stuff?” He asked after watching her outline a mountain range.
“I read.” Her answers had been short ever since he’d snapped at her and if he was being honest, he was getting more than a little sick of it.
“Were the dragon’s your area of study to get your senior title?” She nodded her head when Izuku asked. “I see. Mine covered the various sources of magic.”
“So, I’m assuming you did a fair amount of draconic research too.”
“I did.” Izuku smiled broadly. “Obviously not as detailed as you. I just know where a few clans can typically be found but the magic they possess I’m pretty well versed in.”
The two went back and forth. Sharing little bits of information they’d gathered over their years of study. Katsuki sat back and observed. Learned what personal details she let slip about herself.
She’s never left the city of Spirefall, she was raised in the library, everything she’s learned has been from the books and people who drop them off. Woman must’ve been like a damn sponge to retain this much information… even more so than Izuku himself.
He let Izuku do damn near all the talking with her but, eventually, he couldn’t keep the singular question in any longer. “Why?” He breathed.
“Why?” This time it had a little more acid to it. “Spirefall… this place you call home, is responsible for so much murder and destruction of dragon kind. So, why study them? Why do you care? Are you feeding information to the hunters? Because we’re not them! We’re not gonna take this information and–”
“Kacchan!” Izuku finally cut him off, “I’m so sorry–”
The librarian just held up a hand. “If I thought you were going to do anything to harm the dragons, I wouldn’t have allowed you down here in the first place.”
“So, you’re just that trusting then, huh?”
“Absolutely not.” She shook her head up then glanced at his arm that was still covered. “I saw what you’re hiding under that sleeve. I’ve never seen one in person but I’ve seen plenty of drawings to know what a life bond looks like when I see one. Your intent must be pure or you wouldn’t have it in the first place.” Her eyes met his then, “you were also smart enough not to bring them into the city with you. That alone shows me how much you care and it is why you’re here rather than thrown out on your ass.”
Izuku’s eyes went wide, his mouth opening and closing trying to figure out something he could say to calm what he was sure would be an irate Katsuki but the blonde was just as stupefied. His friends were the only people able to get away with speaking to him so candidly and even then they usually got an earful but right now, Katsuki was stunned silent.
“I suppose just because you are friends with a librarian doesn’t mean you understand what it means to actually be one, so, allow me to explain it clearly for you: We uphold history and truth, we are protectors of knowledge, and always seek to learn more and expand what we already know.” Her voice dropped to a whisper even though there was no one else in the room to hear her words. “We keep history that certain Emperors would see destroyed if it ever saw the light of day. We are few though, our voices are silenced if we ever try sharing what we know. So, we keep history safe, until there is a day when the truth will actually be heard and believed rather than dismissed by small minded men filled with generations of hate.”
Katsuki didn’t know what to say. Words were trapped in his throat.
“Does that mean proof of the rogue dragon faction really does exist?” Izuku asked just as quietly. “If it does, dragon kind could be exonerated of all these horrible accusations. The Obsidians would no longer be blamed for the slaughter of the original royal–”
“It wouldn’t matter.” Katsuki said quietly when he found his voice again.
“What?! It would prove their innocence. They could fly without fear!”
“Keep your damn voice down.” He hissed and smacked the back of his friend's head. “You know as well as I do the dragon’s tried clearing themselves ages ago when the assassination first happened and plenty of people and places believed them. There are cities and nations where they’re safe. Just not within the lands the Flame Emperor rules… He built his empire on rage and it runs on revenge. It’s rooted so deep that he’d rather destroy proof of innocence than admit he was wrong.”
The librarian nodded her head and Katsuki understood then that she too knew what it was like to live with a truth that no one wanted to hear let alone believe.
“It’s safe here though, yes? Whatever this proof is?” He asked her.
For the first time, she gave him a small smile, “I never said it was here but, yes, it’s safe.”
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Katsuki thought a lot about that librarian even after they’d left the city with Izuku’s bag now teeming with new information.
He was quiet the whole way back to camp wondering how many people have tried getting information about the dragons and how many of them she kicked out on their asses, as she so kindly put it. He still didn’t really trust her and he hated Spirefall and the Emperor who called it home. But, it was refreshing to know there was at least someone they could turn to in the city if needed.
She welcomed them back any time, so long as their dragon comrades never stepped foot in the city, and he assured her that would never happen. And, technically, it hadn’t.
When he’d returned to the city later that night in hopes of gaining more information regarding some other clans Katsuki never expected he’d find you cornered by a group of hunters. Just outside the library, belongings scattered on the floor while they pulled and tore at your clothing, not a guard in sight, big surprise.
Having his sword would’ve been ideal but he’d been in a brawl or two, and he had no trouble showing these useless skin sacks what sparring with dragons on a regular basis taught him.
He had one by the hood of his cloak, yanking him backwards hard and fast, tripping him to the ground and elbowing his brow before he could stand back up. One of his comrades turned but Katsuki ducked low and simply flipped them over his shoulder and stomped on their chest for good measure, grabbing your arm before the third fully realized what the hell was going on. Of course, when they did, they only screamed for the guards who suddenly came running.
“Why the hells are they chasing us! You were the one getting attacked!”
“Hunters are basically honorary guards here. They’re well respected. It’ll be my word against theirs and mine will lose!” She explained while running alongside him, “You need to leave before you’re captured.”
He felt her try and pull away but his grip was too strong as he pulled her along. “What will happen to you?”
“Don’t worry about that!”
That answer wasn’t good enough for Katsuki though.
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The fire was still going but everyone else at camp was calming down for the night, Eijiro included. He’d been laying out his bed roll when the baby hairs on the back of his neck rose and he felt a wave of panic throughout his whole body.
“It’s Kacchan, isn’t it?” Izuku noticed the redhead go deathly still.
“He’s in trouble… everyone needs to get in the forest, now, I’m going after him!” He was already yanking his shirt over his head.
“Eijiro! Let one of us go!”
“You won’t get there fast enough!” And neither would he unless he transformed.
Any plan would’ve been smarter than him transforming and flying to the city that would have him killed on sight. Even Tet or Mina would’ve stood a better chance but they wouldn’t be able to locate Katsuki like he could. He couldn’t risk it.
He let his wings unfurl and shook the trees around him as he took off, sailing low for the time being and trusting Katsuki would find a way to get to his location. The water was calm and he was thankful no one was on it. He waited silently until he heard explosions and yelling from the city above and then he shot himself upward just as Katsuki flung himself over the cliffside with someone he didn’t know. He felt them both land and then took off faster than he’d ever flown as projectiles were hurled at them.
Katsuki let his own magic fly along with colorful swears and he felt the other body clinging to his spines for dear life. But less than a minute later, they were well out of range. Out of sight too. Safe for now.
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A/N: Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed part one! If you want to be tagged in future updates comment below. You must have your age in your profile to be added to the tag list! Thank you ♥︎♥︎♥︎
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mosneakers · 2 years
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Midnights- mini CC collection💎
meet me at midnight ✨
A while back I felt super inspired by Taylor Swift's Midnights album, and since I've been really busy and the story hasn't been very active, I still wanted to create a little something for you all. Enjoy these little gems from me!
note: I'm not a professional cc creator, these were just for fun, but please still feel free to let me know if you encounter any issues! If you enjoy this collection or even just the renders, please consider sharing with your followers ♥
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Lavender Haze- Hair
Get it off your chest → get it off my desk ✦❁✦
maxis match
base game compatible
hat compatible
disabled for randoms
includes all LODs
includes all 24 swatches +bonus lavender swatch (as pictured)
Karma Render I did using this hair
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Midnight Rain-Boots
all of me changed like midnight rain * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * ☔。° 。 • ˚
maxis match
base game compatible
disabled for randoms
includes all LODs
includes 8 moody swatches
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Vigilante-Eyeliner 🔪
picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife... ...and she looks so pretty 😍🥰💖✨
maxis match
base game compatible
disabled for randoms
includes 17 swatches (one to represent each lie your enemy will pay for♥)
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✧✦baby love, I think I've been a little too kind... didn't notice you walking all over my peace of mind ✦✧
maxis match
17 swatches
base game compatible
disabled for randoms
includes all LODs
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a brief interruption, a slight malfunction ⚡
maxis match
base game compatible
disabled for randoms
includes all LODs
13 swatches + 2 bonus g l i t c h e d swatches
Some unedited shots in game:
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*will be reblogging all posts I come across using these pieces so please consider tagging me, tysm 💜
Download💎 (no ads/ no a*fly/ free/no early access)
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luffyvace · 9 months
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as a thx for being patient for me not posting all day-
you get the whole crew!! :)
(some of these are based off true stories i’ve heard of from my friends 😭🧍‍♀️)
never a peaceful day goes by
hes the type of guy that has to make noise if it’s “too silent”
like bro can’t we get some peace and quiet??
thrives in chaos
his eye to hand coordination is on point bc this man doesn’t think before he does ANYTHING
steals things from his crew even
if he sees something he likes he just takes it
he goes into the bathroom, puts boogers on the tissue then leaves
doesn’t even take it off or flush it
the next person who has to use that bathroom is mortified
when nami finds out and holds a whole meeting to find out who did this terrible act of crime
they find out it’s him he just laughs
per usual
stop this madness.
(he doesn’t)
also a menace
not as straightforward with it though
its more like if he gets water everywhere when washing his hands
or spills his drink when pouring it
or pee all over the toilet
he’s kinda like oh whoops
(for future reference- my apologies for who ever you simp for here bc these headcanons don’t hold back)
sometimes he doesn’t shower after he trains
and just walks in the kitchen full body REEKING 😭😭😭
seriously dude take a shower
”i’ll cool off eventually”
it makes me doubt he changes his underwear often enough
he leaves empty water bottles everywhere
it’s worse in the crows nest trust
thankfully this poor victim isn’t nearly as much as a menace
as long as you pay your beli
is genuinely willing to wait as long as it takes to get that money
and if you die she’s taking your life insurance
if your a pirate and have none she probably just takes whatever money and belongings you own
if it’s gems she’ll keep them but otherwise
she sells your clothes and other stuff that’s not worth much
smells like flowers
yes i said it
every time she comes out the shower something chaotic has happened
ah what a refreshing shower..
😡✊ 🤣 💥 😓 😑
you can guess what happened
his luck heavily fluctuates
sometimes he can get away with stealing. from. nami.
to other times getting blamed for farting
by luffy
and no one likes that feeling
has a better fashion sense but just chooses to dress how he does
no reason really
he can do hair and paint nails
nail painting he learned from kaya
would love horse back riding if he tried
he would suck at first tho
likes little children but they always end up beating him up for some reason
‘his cooking isn’t that good!’
‘let’s jump him!’
besides the usopp pirates—they just do
he could pull if he just stopped simping so hard
opla sanji is proof
his favorite thing to cook is spicy foods
him and chopper bond over spices bc some are good for your health and all
chopper sometimes recommends new herbs to put in foods
and vice versa for medicine
he helps chopper shop for herbs and such
if zoro wasn’t his big brother it was def be sanji
i love this duo it need more screen time
Sanji is a natural with children
which is why i wanna know why he ain’t wifed up yet?!
still hasn’t had his first kiss
prob would’ve genuinely married pudding if she was regular girl or at least not a big mom pirate
sweetest person ever
looks up to all the straw hats
so he picks up bad habits from them
and is influenced by them easily
they use him as a tie breaker for stuff
they all bribe him to picking they’re option
usually robin, nami, sanji or zoro wins
robin bc she uses her psychological knowledge
nami bc she offers to buy his doctor stuff (which is rare)
sanji bc they have a close bond and relate to each other
and zoro bc they’re bond too (and bc he scares him sometimes- like that time in water 7)
asks people to help him with his doctor research
everyone was willing until the time usopp had diarrhea
then he could only convince luffy to do it 😭
her stare scares the rest of the straw hats
if it’s not a genuine smile and more like a distant stare that is
shes always observing and watching
theres no hiding secrets from her
she’s knows all
she actually reminds me of a friend i had irl and idk how to feel abt it
she wasn’t a bad person
she was just
just like robin 🧍‍♀️
i wonder if robin would read stephen king?
she would prob big up the book
only for them to find out it’s pretty dark
she prefers tea over coffee any day
its healthier w more health benefits
it just suits her taste pallet more
plus it doesn’t stain your teeth yellow n stuff..
the second he gets up-
its kinda annoying
he doesn’t care much if you don’t like it
Luffy is louder ok
your fine
wants robin to think he’s cool
if you don’t get something he said he doesn’t feel like repeating himself
either leaves out more details the more he explains it
or stares at you until you get it
constantly requesting american food for dinner
he doesn’t mind noodles and other around the world dishes
but can he get some pizza??
is that too much??
actually such a kind and considerate person
can relate to sanji on his kindness and empathy being his superpower
needs so much more attention
the only one who still laughs at his skull jokes are luffy and chopper
sometimes usopp if it was a good one
loves to exchange books with robin but..
sometimes they’re a bit scary
(dude your a skeleton…YOUR SCARY-)
robin listens to him well bc he has a wealth of knowledge
he is 90 after all
maybe brook gets his clothes tailored??( bc who makes clothes so skinny a skeleton could fit them?!)
can play instruments no ones ever even HEARD OF before
randomly re-realizes his generation of people is dead
like now he has to accommodate with the youngsters 😭
i mean people in one piece live pretty long
but still they’re not out here kickin it n allike they used to
like rayliegh-
except he’s younger-
way younger-
ok so maybe whitebeard
but he was still jukin-
one piece people are weird..
idk much about him especially but imma try
he’s so cool
he can prob cook really well
has very good survival and leader skills
plus instincts
wait how old is he??
looked it up he’s 46
so he’s the 2nd oldest
technically would be first if brook wasn’t a moving pile of bones
my apologies your right this is jinbei.
i feel like he can dance
like he knows traditional dances of all sorts
i mean he could travel under water pretty fast
he should be able to visit different places right?
besides, he was a warlord
of course he did!
i feel he wouldn’t be a simp
as in for boa specifically
like he’s like i got too much going on to simp over some youngster
ik he ain’t real old or anything
but my dude a grown man
bro ain’t got time
he’s too busy being himothy
i feel he’d like poems
jinbei’s was like the most serious one. and that was still all over the place itself-
i take it back probably chopper or robin
this was fun but it took so long. it’s ok u guys enjoy :). i’m off to watch some anime 🏃‍♀️
oh my GOODNESS. so many tags 🤓
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raishiteru · 9 months
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Don't know if anyone here is interested, but I still have these three TF-based YCHs open! (Pool toy magic rings, kobold gem collar, and magic plushie needle.)
Any head shape, expression, and tail. Body may be slightly altered, but not drastically. Will be cleaned sketch with some rendering.
Base Price: $62 Complexity Fees: + $10 ~ $20
DM me with:
Email: [for invoice] Invoice Preference: [PayPal, Stripe, or either] Ref: [character references] Notes: [anything I should know; special requests may cost extra]
Thank you for looking. ♥
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dreamii-yume · 2 years
Hello! ♥︎
I am BACK with another underrated Japanese Yandere Audio Drama ASMR recommendation for y’all~! Because this is all I’ve been doing in my spare time, I have no goddamn excuses on why I haven’t been posting much 🤡 This, my friends, is the reason why I’m so damn inactive these days lol BUT HEY—Please don’t go 🥺 This one is a real fucking gem, Darlings—I don’t understand why it has so little views on Youtube because it has everything I wanted in my hornii. There’s the plot, the smut (It’s not very explicit as to a full-on fucking, because Youtube—Just a few lewd lip sounds, that’s all 🫣 But that’s all I needed to get the neurons working) and there’s kinda some angst in there(?)
Anyway, it’s an hour-long! 🧎‍♀️ I was so happy after I was done listening to it and kinda speechless ngl ☠️ I dug hard for this gem and I’m not about to gatekeep anyone from finding it and sharing the experience (dont ask how i stumbled upon this one though, you dont wanna know how much ive been scrolling on youtube to find this, my friends 🧎‍♀️)
It’s a Yandere Audio Drama that is simply titled “Nya-chan” 🫣 Ominously adorable title, but it’ll make sense as you listened to it. As always, it doesn’t have an english translation as of now which is extremely unfortunate because I think a lot of people would’ve appreciated this more if it does—BUT THAT’S WHY IM HERE EVERYONE 👀👋
So, if you don’t mind—Allow me to spoil you all with what happened with a “brief” summary of it all ♥︎ (EDIT : THIS IS A LIE IVE BEEN WRITING THIS FOR TWO HOURS) BUT I STILL WANT YOU TO LISTEN TO THIS ART PERSONALLY, the voice actor really did a great job with it 😭 check them out, seriously.
Warning : Implied Non-Con | Implied Dub-Con | Implied Stockholm Syndrome | NTR
Kinda got way too into “translating”/“explaining” this one scene by scene so—It’s very chaotic, so that might get annoying so just a heads up lol
The story starts off with You (The listener UwU) meeting your fiance’s little brother for the first time and because you want to be a good future Sister-in-Law, you wanted to spend time and bond with him by partaking in his hobbies. He’s an engineer of some kind, and it seems like he’s a talented cook as well because when he found out that you’re hungry, he made you some pasta 🧎‍♀️You praised him, but he says you’re overreacting cause it’s just pasta lol he’s clearly embarrassed—He sounded like wanted to say something else (Probably wanting to cook more for you if you want ✨👀👉👈) but his brother comes in and interrupted him.
Under his breath, he says “Why does he have to be here of all times” which makes me think that this may not be the first time he knew of us…Or he just—y’know got attached that quick. (It really wasn’t specified 😭 or I might’ve just missed it somewhere 🤡) But ANYWAY, THE NEXT DAY—
You both met again, and he’s surprised that see you and where you work at because it’s close to his (?) You pointed out his office clothes, and he thought you were making fun of him, but was pleasantly surprised to hear you say that he looks good in it and he thanks you for it. Flustered, he changes the subject and ask where your fiance may be because he couldn’t get hold of him lately—It seems like he’s working overtime and he feels kinda bad that you’re going to eat dinner alone, so he sighs and invites you over to his place so he can make you something. He’s a real tsundere at this point of the audio drama, which was very cute lol But he seems like he has a soft-spot for you, because once he saw how you really look like you want to try his cooking again, he caved in quick lmao
At his home, he sarcastically praises your appetite and was impressed by the fact that you’re able to act so close woth him, despite only meeting for the few times lmao we have no shame. Your only reason was because you see him as you’re own younger brother too, and he only hums and scolds you more lol Even though he sounds like he’s all annoyed with you, he still encourages you to still eat more and stop complaining ☠️ He says he can guarantee the taste but plating is not his strongest forte lol
Then, he suddenly asks if you’re gonna contact your fiance anytime soon about this and it seems like you didn’t plan to do that—In which he scolds you again and say that you should, because he (your fiance) might think it’s weird. Again, you told him it’s fine because you’re only hanging out with him like how a big sister would with her younger brother…Here, we can hear that hint of disappointment in his voice as he whispers to himself, “…So you don’t see me as a man then.”
Of course, you didn’t quite hear what he says and asks if he can repeat that, but he says it’s nothing and went back to pressure you to continue eating because the food is getting cold.
After a while, you finally finished eating and he praises you for it…Also teasing you for looking so happy about it too along the way. He scolds you about learning how to cook for yourself sometimes, because you sound like you know what good food tastes like lol You told him that—Yeah, maybe from now on, in which he commented that you sound like someone prolonging their diet for tomorrow ☠️ and that’s the kind of person who usually don’t succeed on what they planned ☠️ someone calm this man down jesus christ, i did not to be called out like that ☠️ You asked him if he could teach you instead, but he refuses because he said he was self-taught and can’t teach for shit, so he tells you to learn it by yourself. Damn bro.
Then, this is where he shifts the conversation towards you instead—He asks where you and his brother met, in which you replied with the Cat Café he often visits and Yandere-kun doesn’t seem surprised lol His brother often invites him there, but he always refuses because he’s not good with crowds—Though he likes cats…AGAIN WITH THE WHISPERING he says “…If only I went with him at that time.” “Maybe I could’ve met you earlier than him.” BOI 👏
You asked him what he’s whispering about, and he denies saying anything like he always does and asked you to continue your love story with his brother. It seems like you met his brother when he was at his clumsiest, accidentally scaring a cat, and the cat made a mess, so you got angry with him. Because of that, you both met a second time for him to help you clean up, and things escalated from there—
Idk, Yandere-kun keeps saying wow that sounds like something out a manga—All sounds like he’s impressed and shit but I have a feeling that he’s so annoyed somehow lmao He sounds dead inside ☠️ He says something about it all probably being a “miracle of love” lmao He sounds so insulting about it 🧎‍♀️
He asks why you fell in love with his brother, like what’s so good about him? And you answered “The way he seems so silly, but is actually very reliable” or something—and somehow, he knew and understood that it had to be that reason too because he, too, knew what his brother’s strongest point is…Though, he didn’t know that girls likes those kinds of men too. He proceeds to slander you for having simple tastes ☠️ lmao
The conversation then starts to shift towards himself as he slowly begins to reveal how he feels inferior compared to him—Since his brother seems to have everything, while he’s just there on the shadows. You took notice of this and assured him that, at the very least, he’s still very kind. He’s flustered, embarrassed, scratches his head as he appreciates you for saying that.
…But HOO BOI THIS IS WHERE IT GETS INTERESTING—You then asked something about him, wondering if he, too, has someone he likes romantically. He was surprised to hear that actually, hesitates, but turns serious and says, “Yes…Yes, I do have one.”
“She’s very bright, kind, and a handful. She’s older than me, but so unreliable that I just can’t leave her alone.” He sounds incredibly embarrassed. “She eats the food I make with a big smile on her face…and it makes me really happy.”
But he suddenly sounds solemn. “…But that person is getting married next month, and I’m still in shock.” He laughs a little, but he sounds so sad 🥺 “I kept thinking, why is it not me? Maybe if I have met her earlier, maybe that could’ve been me by her side.”
“Why do I have to meet her when it’s all too late…? It’s really unfair.” 🥲
“But you know what’s worse?” He starts getting a little weird like he just fucking gave up on trying to hide his feelings lmao “The one that, that person is getting married to…is actually my own older brother. So, I don’t know what to do about that.”
OF COURSE, THAT SOUNDS SUS AF so, as an act of defending yourself against the awkwardness, you stood up from your seat and about to fuck off to oblivion, when he stops you like “Wait, hold up—Please, don’t leave 🥺” He admits that he was frustrated on the fact that people view you and your fiance as this sort of “fated couple”, and it makes him sick. It feels like his brother got something he wanted and once again, he lost. Yandere-kun admits that he doesn’t have that many friends, nor does he have a girlfriend himself, so it’s always his brother who gets all the attention. The expectation that was supposed to be his was given to his brother himself, so he hated how it’s happening again with you this time…and it feels like the universe is forcing him to give up on everything for his brother.
“…But why do you have to be so nice to me?“ It turns out he was actually trying to give up on pursuing you too, but it hurts because he doesn’t want to—Since you’re so nice to him, you spend time with him, and had praised him more than anyone has…But you only see him as a younger brother and not as a man. He felt like you asking if he has anyone he likes was the final straw, and he couldn’t help but laugh. He comments how insensitive you are 😭 Like having no self-awareness and all that shit man
But he knew that you were only trying to bond with him only because you want to have a good, healthy relationship with your soon-to-be Brother-in-Law…But that’s when he finally snaps and how that’s never gonna happen, “From the very first time we met, I’ve only seen you as a woman more than anyone else.” So, he will never see you as just Sister-in-Law, he loves you too much.
He was surprised himself to know how weak he actually is, because just thinking of you was this fucking painful and he’s pissed that he can’t even help himself…and embraces you, finally being able to touch you freely, and commenting on how nice you smell like.
“Hey…How do you think I can be freed from this pain?“ “How do you think am I supposed to give up on you?” Because he doesn’t want to give up on you, he wants you to fall in love with him as well and asks if that’s really such a bad thing.
Perhaps a little freaked out, you began to call your fiance’s name instinctively but he scolds you, “Please…don’t call anyone’s name but mine right now.” AND FUCKING SOFT KISSES YOU. He demands you to say his name, and when you hesitantly did—He’s on cloud-nine, asks you to repeat it again and again, and again as he KISSES YOU EVERYTIME.
“I can’t…I can’t take it anymore, come here.”
You obviously resists as he takes you somewhere, and he 😭 kinda politely asks you to stop struggling because he doesn’t want to be rough with you lmao He wants you to listen to him as he continues to force you to make-out with him (with slightly aggressive moaning, mind you ☠️) and keeps on obsessively (desperately) telling you that he loves you as if that shit was going to change anything lol but well—who knows 👀 foreshadowing, am i right Also he tells you that you shouldn’t hold your voice because he wants to hearyou loud and clear, so just keep on paying attention to him and he’ll make you feel good ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
THEN THE AUDIO FADES BECAUSE YOUTUBE 🫠 But it’s assumed that whether it’s forcefully (which is VERY MUCH likely lol) or not, he manages to get his way with you through the night 🧎‍♀️Mfcker even has the audacity to ask for permission, but I don’t think he would’ve cared if you had said no lmao ☠️
The next day (?) comes, or maybe it’s still night idk it’s not really specified BUT AFTER SEGGSY SESSION, he asks if it hurt (BITCH)—He proceeded to apologize, like seriously apologized🧎‍♀️Even he didn’t know why he resorted to forcefully taking you, despite knowing that it’s wrong. But whenever he thinks about how you’re going to be his brother’s wife soon, all he sees is red…He keeps apologizing and says he really doesn’t mean it and understands if you won’t be able to forgive him anytime soon.
…Perhaps you were guilty about the fact that you unknowingly lead his feelings on by being close to him too, you apogized in which he denies immediately—Saying you didn’t do anything wrong, and that everything is on him.
To compensate, you suggested to just simply forget everything that happened until now—But Yandere-kun doesn’t quite agree with that solution. “…Am I supposed to just forget about something that made me so happy?” He says he can’t do that, but realizes that he was being selfish again and apologized as he begrudingly agreed to do just that. “I guess it’s better than you reporting me to the police.” He said, it’s the least that he can do.
“I’ll…I’ll forget about what happened…Definitely. But just for this moment, will you stay with me?” You somehow agreed, and he hugs you tight—Whispering yet another apology.
Some time later after what happened, I guess…Oh, and it’s getting closer to your wedding day PFFT He calls you through the phone, and he was surprised that you answered—He’s sorry for calling you, but he says his brother is at his place and has something he needed your help with, so he asks if you want to eat lunch with them…But he understands if you don’t want to, since it’ll be awkward with him there after what happened. But you agreed anyway, “Are you sure?” He asks, but says he’ll be waiting for you then eventually.
He welcomes you to his home, and it’s not really explained here—But you were surprised to see him, maybe because he looks horribly depressed 😭 He tells you to just go inside and sit your ass down lol You ask where your brother is and he says he went to the convenience store to buy something and he’ll be back soon (doubt) and AGAIN he apologizes for what happened between the two of you, which makes me think that he’s really reflecting on his actions and I’m just being a little bitch about it ☠️ He said he’s gotten better at controlling his feelings now, and swears to you that it won’t happen again (DOUBT)
You assured him, and he finally sounds happy omg He admits that he was sad the past few days because he thought you won’t be able to talk to him again—But seeing you right now, talking to him, and reassuring him made him so glad that he’s wrong 🥹 He’s very grateful and you jokingly tell him he sounds strange compared to before.
He kinda agrees with that and admits that he loved you too much before, and every time he remembers the things he says and did, it made him incredibly embarrassed lol Though he feels better now, since he doesn’t usually have this kind of gloomy personality, so he’s fine now 🙃
…He then suggests to play a game, while waiting for his brother to come back 🙃 A very simple, easy game 🙃 Just close your eyes, hold out both your arms, listen to what he’s saying, and focus which hand is holding yours—Left or right 🙃 Simple, right? 🙃
If you win, he’ll congratulate you on your wedding—Buy you whatever present you want…”What if you win?” You asked🧎‍♀️And this mfcker just went “What? Don’t tell me you’re worried that I’m gonna make you do something weird or something?” He laughs and strictly told you to just close your eyes alreadg lol He keeps praising you like you’re a kid and assures you that he’s moved on 🙃 So you don’t have to worry anymore 🙃 That from now on, he’s going to be your little brother like you always wanted 🙃 and it’s not like he’ll be able to do anything weird when his brother can come home anytime lol
The amount of (doubt) I had was immaculate when listening to this for the first time, darlings—Can you tell ☠️ He says if he won…He’ll let you cook dinner next time, cause he’s sick of always being in-charge of the cooking and wants to try your cooking this time.
So, then the game begins…Or not lol He’s still preparing, and the first thing he does? Obviously—Gets as close as he possibly can towards your right ear because it’s “necessary” lmao This man ain’t slick ☠️ Obviously, you’re a bit uncomfortable with that, but he says that if you give up now before anything has even started, you won’t get a wedding present from him lol “Don’t worry, it only tickles at the start. You’ll get used to it soon.” AND THEN THE GAME ACTUALLY BEGINS LMAO ARE YOU READY???
Close your eyes, repeats the rules about your hands and he—He begins to fucking BLOW on your ears ☠️ This was fucking tingly af ngl, not something to listen to whilst the dead of the night because it’s actually relaxing af jesus christ…ANYWAY, HE’S SEDUCING YOU BTW.
He bites, sucks, and licks on your ear, encouraging your body temperature to go up and proceeds to gaslight you into thinking that there’s ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong nor suggestive with what he’s doing, nu-uh 🫠🫠 It’s all part of the challenge of the game, he says and your ears are just sensitive lmao He commentates on what he’s doing too omg “My tongue is going deep inside your ear.” EAR PORN HITS DIFFERENT NOW, DOESNT IT ☠️
This sussy moment continues on for the next few minutes—But like, as it’s happening, you can hear some really…ominous sounds of something shuffling in the background like someone rummaging for something and like ??? Obviously you’re curious and FINALLY—He asks which hand is holding yours right now…You answered correctly, and he proudly tells you to open your eyes for a job well-done and BOOM.
You’ve been handcuffed 🤡
He cut off every sensory you could possibly have at that moment just to distract you from noticing what he was doing. “I tricked you? No, that was all part of the game.” You probably started raising your voice, but he shushes you—Telling you to shut up, because he’s going to make you feel good again ☠️ GETS ME EVERY TIME GODDAMN IT LMAO Ladies, remember that all men do is lie 😔 (sigh)
He sounds WAY different than who he was before, which makes me think that he was only acting weak, because he sounds assertive now as he drills lewd words right into your head. “Who’s in front of you right now? Say my name.” But you call for help, called your fiance’s name instead. He shushes you gently and corrects your mistake…but asks you again, “Who’s touching you right now? It’s me, isn’t it?”
Maybe you didn’t answer, to scared to say anything—So, he reassures you by instilling you with his own twisted logic : “Don’t worry too much about my brother.” He says, like the devil on your shoulder. “You haven’t been officially married yet, so it’s fine. You’re not doing anything wrong.”
“You, me, or my brother. We’re not doing anything wrong.” He says, he sounds like he has a smile on his face as he continues to brainwash you into doing the wrong thing. “…So, say my name. Look at me and only me, because you’re the only one I can see.”
“Fall in love with me.”
“It’s fine. You’re not doing anything wrong.”
“Nothing at all.”
He kisses you a few more times, to give further validity with what he’s saying and at this point, I think you’re slowly giving up—Because there’s really nothing else you can do but accept it. He convinces you that his kisses feels good, and that you loved being kissed with tongue—and with your feeble, slowly-getting-fucked-out mind, you begin to agree with everything he says. So, he promises you that he can make you feel even better.
“I’ll always be with you.” He says, which had you confused—So, he states the obvious, “Because I’m going to be with you forever.”
“Aren’t you happy that there’s someone in this world who loves you as much as I do?”
He suggest for the two of you to “Do it” again—Your losing your focus, so he had successfully convinced you into saying that you want to do it too…He tells you that he’s happy that you’re thinking that way ♥︎
After sexy time, the term “Nya-chan” has finally been addressed for the first time and it seems like while y’all we’re fucking, he was calling you that all this time. He wonders why he was calling you that too—But he guessed that it’s because he had always seen you as a little selfish-bratty cat whenever you’re eating the food he makes, so he just ended up calling you “Nya” as a nickname…Nya as in the Meow in Cat
He likes it, it feels special because he’s the only one who can call you that—He repeats it over and over again and asks if he can call you that from now on. You agreed, so I guess that’s your name from now on, Darling ♥︎👋 Nya-chan 😺 He feels so happy calling you that, it’s so special to him that he begins to cry—He loves Nya too much🧎‍♀️
(My typing hand is dying)
The next day—Someone is calling him and tells you to stay put. It’s his workplace, it seems like they need him for something despite the fact that it’s his day-off lmao somethings never change huh 😭 He’ll still go, but then he notices that you’re now standing in front of the entrance door, and he asks you if you’re going somwhere…But you don’t you say anything, so he figured that you might’ve been too afraid to stay here all by yourself…He steps closer to you, apologized for not noticing your worries earlier—But like, “I was so happy when you told me that you’ll stay with me forever, so I just trusted that you won’t leave.”
“Sorry, have you come to hate me now?” He starts to get a little unhinged, like you triggered something in him, which quite frankly means—That he’s becoming scary again ☠️ “…Hey, did I do something wrong?”
“You’re not…trying to run away, are you?” He steps REALLY close, those footsteps sounds heavy and the little laugh on his voice—Like you just said something really ridiculous and shows that he’s a little pissed 🧎‍♀️Dear God… “Let’s have a little talk, shall we?“
And he slams you to the fucking wall.
“…That’s not it, right? You’re not trying to run away, right? You understand that, right?” He bombards you with questions that I don’t even think you’re answering because he’s already convincing himself that you won’t run away, because you love him, yknow? Why would you even think of something like that lol—Like the little delusional man he is ☠️ He says he’s sorry for being suspicious, he’s just worried for his little Nya and that’s on him. You never know what’s out there.
“I’m so, so goddamn worried that I might lose it once I imagine what will happen to you if you leave this room, Nya.” He’s sounding more and more deranged. “Hey, you’ll understand that, won’t you? WONT YOU?”
He kisses you once again to prove how much he loves and cares about you, but goddamn he’s as yandere as one can get because even I’m scared of how twisted this man’s bipolar-ass kind of love ☠️ He continues to tell you all the things he’s scared of happening when you get out, like when another weird man comes in to sweep you off by the feet and he doesn’t want that 😭 It’s like this man just completely erased the fact that you and his brother are engaged and would actually be getting married in a few days lol Guess that ain’t happening anytime soon now ☠️
“Nya wouldn’t want that to happen to you too, right?“ He baby-talks you, plays with your mind and using this kind of manipulative-guilt-tripping shit going on. He even goes threatning her by saying how even he won’t be able to touch her again if you’ve become tainted by others—And in turn, no one will. So, he scares you into understanding his forceful and terrifying logic…And he’s satisfied with what you become.
He apologizes for being rough before, for almost giving you a goddamn concussion lmao Because damn he’s well-aware that he’s losing his mind, and the fact that you’re the only saving grace he has, he will do his damn best to keep you by his side—Whatever means necessary.
Another time-skip has passed—The next day came and he whispers good morning to you as you’re still chained down on the bed. He apologizes for it being tight (your wrists are probably fucked ngl) so, he’ll loosen them up a little but make sure you don’t run away, okay 👁👁 He’ll be looking at you through the camera (!?) so don’t do anything sus, okay 🧎‍♀️ sorry i love this voice drama so much
Then, someone rang the doorbell—So, Yandere-kun very gently (INTIMIDATINGLY) tells you to not be too loud as he went to go see who it is…Has a few conversation about that person, acting like he’s a normal human-being there for a second and soon—He comes back to you and you asked who it was. He said it was no one important, just the landlord…looking for a lost cat.
“…I sure hope they find it soon.”
“BRIEF SUMMARY” MY ASS—Sorry, I had too much fun translating and commentating on this lmao ☠️☠️ ITS SO FUCKING GOOD. I’m sure there were a few error in this, but like—I wish I have the general knowledge down at least so that you could understand what happened 🤡 Apologies for that lol
Please listen to the actual audio drama, it’s free on youtube—I swear it’s a different experience with voice on. It changed my life fr だいきりASMR is a hidden diamond in the rough, why is no one talking about them 😩 I’m gonna go listen to more of their content, and I’ll share some with you all if I find something more interesting to translate and commentate on lol 👀 chaotically, if y’all are into that haha
Also, I love how someone can portrait a yandere like this—A yandere that doesn’t rely too much on violence and I love the fact that he’s not just the typical sadistic type of Yandere, yknow? 😭 Like he’s just some poor pathetic bastard who fell in love with the wrong person, at the wrong time—So, you can’t help but kinda feel bad for him ☠️ PEOPLE TAKE NOTES.
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gerryrigged · 9 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag, @vellaphoria! ♥
How many works do you have on AO3?
14 total, 4 on my gerryrigged account.
What’s your total A03 word count?
27,558. A good number of my pieces are quite short ficlets. I don't have a big portfolio of work - I've been in fandom for quite a while, but almost entirely as a lurker. For a handful of years, almost all of my writing output was in RP.
What fandoms do you write for?
Right now? Just DC, mostly Bats for the time being. Previously, hockey rpf, Star Wars, K, X-Men: First Class, and One Piece.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
hgjkldsf, most of these are on my other account, but:
[redacted] - ~10k, ~1700 kudos, hockey rpf [redacted] - ~3.5k, ~900 kudos, hockey rpf [redacted] - ~600 words, ~600 kudos, hockey rpf Hold It Up To The Mirror - 2.3k, 347 kudos, DC Comics [redacted] - ~300 words, ~300 kudos, One Piece
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I want to, because commenters are lovely and I appreciate them so much! And I try to, I just...don't always succeed >_>💧 or, looking at it from another perspective, I'm just very behind on them!
I adore people's comments and re-read them with fair frequency, and I do love interacting - but I also tend to get over-excited/anxious and then end up just turning the comments over and over in my little paws admiringly like sparkly gems instead of replying. Or, for another example, I got a bunch of lovely comments on my timeloop dicktim fic, but haven't been able to psyche myself up to reply because I still haven't been able to get out the promised follow-up fic, ha 🙃
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, probably Hold It Up To The Mirror. I left poor Dick and Tim in a really fucked up situation there, and it would absolutely have to get worse before it got any better. I do envision it getting better, though - despite where I end fic sometimes, I'm a sucker for eventual happy endings, especially for my OTPs. so I'm usually imagining a future path where things improve, even if it would be a (very) rough road to get there.
freefall (and the aftermath thereof) also left off on a pretty angsty note, but I give the edge to Hold It Up To The Mirror because of how bleak it is.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm not sure how to quantify this, lol, I would say most of my happy endings are pretty happy. For fluff factor, maybe my latest, let your heart be light, because that one just revels in the shmoop.
Do you get hate on your fic?
Not so far - fingers crossed it stays that way!
Do you write smut?
Yes, sort of? Like. I have written it, and I would certainly like to write more. But I consider myself very amateurish/unskilled at it, so I'm embarrassed of it and mostly it doesn't see the light of day. Guess I need to spend more time practicing! 😅
Do you write crossovers?
Nope, not a huge fan of writing crossovers or fusions myself, though I'll read them occasionally. When it comes to fandoms, I tend to only have one hyperfixation at a time, and mixing two different ones doesn't really appeal, at least in terms of what I myself am driven to write.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of - fingers also crossed it stays that way.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so? It's been requested before, but I never saw the results XD
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not so far, though I'd like to! The closest I've gotten would be writing out closely collaborated scenes in RP, which can in some cases read like a fic.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh no, if I was forced to consider all of my fandoms at once, I'd have no idea. For DC, it's definitely DickTim. (It was Tim/Kon before this most recent immersion in the DC fandom, when I started to dig into Bat comics more holistically and DickTim reared its head up and swallowed me whole.)
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hm, I don't know that there are any in particular that I would firmly put on the shelf. The ones that I more generally doubt are all the ambitious long-fic ideas >_> because I suck at those. But they still exist as goals of mine, so I won't jinx any of them here!
What are your writing strengths?
.......Humor, maybe? Oh, I've been told I'm good at conveying tone and character voice through prose, and at putting together memorable or hard-hitting turns of phrase. Possibly structuring emotional arcs? 🤔
What are your writing weaknesses?
Elaborate run-on sentences. Descriptions, especially of setting details such as locations, clothing, etc. (hence why these things are often missing in my fics, lmfao). Purple prose. Over-editing. Overuse of implication/ambiguity/metaphor to the detriment of clarity. Stringing multiple scenes together, scene transitions in general, over-arching storyline plotting and all the other difficult parts of writing longer more plotty pieces. The 'stage'-blocking of physical movement, and how much/little of it needs to be described to be effective. Research - I am way too prone to just handwaving and going ehhhh, something something fill in the blank here, you know what I mean >.>
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done this a couple times, but usually only short lines. Sometimes it's for effect - the POV character might not understand the language, so it's as impenetrable to them as to most readers. Or it's a line most English-speakers would be able to parse due to cognates/related languages, but it's just funnier or feels better in the other language. Or in like anime/manga fandoms, it might be a line in Japanese that most fans/readers would already be familiar with. Usually though I've just been Google translating, and have been kindly corrected on grammar etc. in the comments before, haha.
First fandom you wrote for?
well. that would be in like. middle school lol oh god. I think it was a Sailor Moon/Gundam Wing crossover hghkldjfskl. That or Dragonball Z. Thankfully my recollection of my FF.net account name has been lost to the sands of time.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
hm. I don't have strong feelings on this; I usually end up looking at my past fic with a critical eye. Maybe the little gen Dick & Tim ficlet I have on my other account? I wouldn't say it's my best, by any means, but that one kind of wrote itself in a fever state when I hadn't written anything in literal years, so I'm very fond of it for breaking through a creative block and being my first toe into writing for the DC fandom proper.
oh, and if you haven't been tagged yet and would care to play: @deepwithintheabyss, @annerp, and @the-alice-of-hearts?
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sunnythegyarufreak · 1 year
✧༺♥༻∞ Hello everyone!! My name is Sunny :D ✧༺♥༻∞
I love gyaru and J-Fashion and since today (June 9th) is my gyaru anniversary I decided today would be the perfect day to make my first post. For this post I will answer some commonly asked questions about gyaru!
Q: Can I be a gyaru if I dont tan?
A: Of course! Certain styles like kurogyaru and manba do have styles that are non tanned such as Shiro gyaru which means "white gal" That just means that you don't tan but you still do makeup from styles such as manba/yamanba!.
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Q: Can I be gyaru if I don't wear makeup?
A: This is a very common question in the gyaru community. This is debate is actually one of the many reasons why I distance myself from the community. I believe that gyaru is a lifestyle and mindset. For certain styles you may need to wear makeup. Like manba/kurogyaru/ganguro are makeup based substyles. But other styles like Amekaji and Himegyaru/Himekaji are more based on clothing. For example, my main style is kurogyaru but I don't do the makeup very often because of my mental/physical health. However I wear clothes that I feel are very "kurogyaru" and I live by the mindset of "Be wild Be Sexy" Some older gals however believe that you must wear makeup 24/7. So I think that at some point you should do the makeup at least every once in a while because throughout a lot of eras of gyaru the eye makeup has been pretty crucial to the whole look.
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Q: Can I be gyaru if I'm plus size?
A: Yes! I happen to be a plus size gyaru. Gyaru is about recognizing yourself and "getting wild and being sexy," not about being a specific size. The most important thing is to feel content with who you are. This holds true for many styles, not just gyaru! Wear the things you love if whatever you're wearing makes you feel bad about yourself. If it does, throw it out right away!
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Q: Can I be gyaru if I'm not asian?
A: Yes! Gyaru is meant for everyone, no matter what race you are.
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(Btw this person is @citrusmalicious on tiktok! Go follow them! Theyre super cool and I love their content :D)
Q: Can I be gyaru if I don't do gyaru everyday?
A: This question is very complicated. Like i said gyaru is a lifestyle and mindset. If you can't do the makeup all the time I recommend incorporating gyaru into your daily life! You can do this by: buying deco phone cases, buying animal print bags/items, being positive and keeping positive and fun people around you, decorate items in your room with gems or rhinestones, or wear cute decorated nails :D So I would say that you can be gyaru if you don't do the makeup everyday. BUT if you don't do the makeup everyday be sure to atleast try to incorporate it into your daily life!
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Q: Can I be gyaru if I do multiple substyles?
A: Yes! There are so many interesting and fun substyles and you most certainly don't have to stick to one.
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Q: Can I be gyaru if I'm over 20?
A: Yes! Any age can be gyaru (however i recommend ages 14 and under to be careful when interacting with the community or doing certain styles) There is no age limit to gyaru and there is even a gyaru on instagram who is 50!!
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Q: Can I be gyaru if I have colorful hair/short hair?
A: Of course! Many gyaru have bright and colorful hair and wigs! There are many short haired gals as well! There are gyaru hairstyles just for short hair on pinterest :D
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In conclusion anyone can be gyaru! It doesn't matter if you have children, your race, your skin color, your age, or your physical attributes! Thats all the questions I can think of so far! If y'all have any more questions don't be afraid to ask. I'll be sure to answer them as fast as I can :D If you have any ideas for my next blog be sure to send them aswell! I really enjoyed making this and I hope you guys have a good day! Be wild and Be Sexy ✌🏽
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
Muffin Dragon and Blue Bunny
Description: In this scenario Katherine is 7 years old she is staying at Bobby's for a night so her parents can have some "couple" time. Her brother Jax couldn't do it as he was away on a run visiting Jury and the devils tribe. Bobby diecides to enertain her by teaching her how to bake, normal no weed, muffins.
Word Count: 3,808
Warnings ⚠️: None..well some emotional damage.
Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz
♥︎ MainMasterlist ♥︎
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As Katherine enters Bobby's house, he warmly greets her with a big smile. "Hey there, kiddo! Excited to stay over tonight?" He crouches down to her level and ruffles her hair. Knowing her parents were wanting some alone time, Bobby had agreed to look after her for the night.
"Thanks again for having her tonight, Gem has been on my ass about spending more time alone together" Clay thanks Bobby at the door.
"Hey, no problem man. Happy to help out." Bobby responds with a friendly grin, placing a hand on Clay's shoulder. "You two deserve a night off. I'll take good care of her."
"Right well here's her bag everything she needs is in there. A change of clothes, pyjamas, tooth brush and just about all the stuffed animals Kat could squeeze in here, shes good at getting ready and going to bed on her own, you'd just need to make sure she brushes her teeth, she says she will do it, but check alright?"
Bobby chuckles softly, taking the bag from Clay. "Don't worry, I've got this. I know how to handle a kid. We'll have a blast together." He glances down at Katherine, winking playfully. "And don't worry, I'll make sure she brushes her teeth. Wouldn't want the little sweetheart waking up with a mouth full of candy fairies."
"Candy fairies?? What's that?" Katherine tilts her head up to Bobby her hands still clutching onto her dads.
Bobby grins, ruffling Katherine's hair again. "Ah, the candy fairies are mischievous creatures that only come out at night. They love to play tricks on kids like you who forget to brush their teeth. They'll swap your normal teeth for sweet, sugary ones while you're asleep. Trust me, you don't want to wake up with a mouth full of chocolate teeth, do you?"
"Daddy, please don't let the candy fairies take my teeth," Katherine says, staring up at her father, her eyes full of fear.
Clay looks at Bobby while crouching down to Katherine’s level, annoyed. "Thanks man, good job"
Bobby grins sheepishly, realizing he may have gone too far with his playful anecdote. "Ah, I'm just messing with ya, kid. The candy fairies aren't real, I promise."
He shoots an apologetic look at Clay, silently mouthing, "Sorry."
"Daddy I wanna go home where the candy fairies can't get me!!" Her eyes watering genuinely scared that fairies will take her teeth.
"Hey, hey, hey, calm down, sweetheart." Clay says gently, to console his upset daughter. He pulls Katherine into a hug, holding her close. "The candy fairies are just a silly story. They're not real. Daddy would never let any fairy take your teeth. You're safe, okay?" Clay says with certainty.
Bobby interjects apologetically, kneeling down next to them. "Yeah, that was my bad kiddo. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just being silly." He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. "There are no candy fairies coming for your teeth tonight. You're safe with me, promise."
Katherine looks to her Dad for confirmation. Clay nods reassuringly, rubbing his daughter's back. "Listen to Bobby, sweetheart. He's telling the truth. There are no candy fairies, so you can relax and have a good time here tonight, okay?"
"Okay...but if they DO come you'll save me right? You wouldn't let them?" She says very seriously
Clay chuckles softly, finding her genuine concern cute."Oh, absolutely. If any candy fairies dare to show their faces here, I'll personally kick their butts. They won't stand a chance against me protecting my little princess."
Bobby grins, joining in with the playful reassurance. "And if they manage to sneak past your dad, I'll join him on the front line. We'll form an unbeatable team against those pesky candy fairies. You're safe with me, kiddo."
"O-okay..." she relents
"Atta girl now give me one last hug before I go." When she hugs her dad he picks her up and spins wanting her to laugh before he leaves.
Katherine giggles as her dad spins her around, her tiny hands clinging to his shoulders. Clay grins and sets her down, giving her one last squeeze.
"Alright sweetheart, behave for Bobby and do what he says, okay? me or your mom will come and pick you up tomorrow at lunchtime"
"No worries man. I'll take good care of her," Bobby reassures Clay. He pats the top of Katherine's head affectionately. "She'll be perfectly safe and have a great time with me while you enjoy some peace and quiet with your old lady."
Clay nods, looking at his daughter with a hint of lingering worry. "Thanks again, man. I knew I could count on you." He ruffles Katherine's hair one last time before heading back to the car. "See you later, kiddo. Sleep tight."
Katherine waves goodbye to her dad as he leaves not stopping until the car is out of sight. Bobby closes the door and turns back to Katherine, a warm smile on his face. "Well kiddo, it's just you and me now. Got any ideas on what we should do first?"
Katherine looks at Bobby for a moment before her eyes widen in excitement. "Can we bake something?! Jaxie says your good at making muffins and you must be really good cause when he eats them he get all giggly and smiley, but he never lets me try one...which isnt fair because he always takes one of the cookies mom makes me" she looking up at him innocently with a small frown on her face not understanding why she wasn't allowed to eat of Bobby's "special" muffins.
Bobby raises his eyebrows in surprise at her mentioning his weed muffins he makes for the club from time to time. He grins and nods. "Sure thing, kiddo. Baking it is. But we're making normal muffins, not the special kind your brothers talking about, alright? Your parents wouldn't be too happy about that."
Katherine pouts for a moment, looking slightly disappointed. "Aww, but Jaxie said you make the best muffins. Can I PLEASE have a special muffin? I promise I won't tell mom or daddy."
Bobby chuckles at her eagerness but shakes his head firmly. "Sorry darlin', but those special muffins aren't for kiddos like you. They're for grown-ups, okay? Let's stick to the regular ones, and hey, you might even find these ones to be pretty darn delicious too."
Katherine huffs slightly, clearly disappointed that she won't be able to taste the special muffins. But she quickly perks up, intrigued by the prospect of regular muffins. "Okay, okay. I guess regular muffins will do. But you better make them super yummy!"
Bobby grins, amused by her enthusiasm. "Don't you worry, darlin'. I'll whip up the tastiest kid safe muffins you've ever had. Trust me, by the time we're done, you'll forget all about those special ones your brother's been boasting about."
"Yayy!!" Katherine cheers, her disappointment quickly turning into excitement. "Let's start baking, please? I wanna help!" She looks up at him with big, innocent eyes, clearly eager to get her hands dirty.
Bobby chuckles, unable to resist her eagerness. "Of course sweetheart. You can be my little baking assistant. Let's find all of the ingredients first and get started."
*time skip*
Bobby chuckles as he looks around the flour-covered kitchen. "Looks like we've made quite the mess, huh? At least you're enjoying those blueberries, darlin'."
He glances at the oven, checking on the baking muffins. "Shouldn't be too much longer now before they're ready."
Katherine grins, blueberry juice staining the corners of her lips. "Mmm...these blueberries are so yummy! Can we put some on top of the muffins too?"
She swings her legs back and forth, her feet occasionally kicking against the cabinets below.
Bobby smiles at her blueberry stained face. "Sure thing, kiddo. We can add some blueberries to the top if you want. It'll make them extra pretty and tasty."
He grins as her feet kick against the cabinets. "Careful there, princess. You might end up denting my cabinets with those little kicks of yours."
"Sorry Bobby," she stops swinging her legs against the cabinets, opting to knock her shoes together instead.
Bobby, appreciating her attempt to cause less damage. "No worries, darlin'. Just trying to keep my cabinets in one piece, you know?"
He walks over to the oven, checking on the muffins again. "Looks like they're almost done. Just a few more minutes, and then we'll have some delicious, blueberry-topped muffins to enjoy. Why dont you go wash up and get into your pyjamas and by the time your done they will be cooked and cooled down enough to decorate, we'd just got to be careful not to make a mess of your clothes this time okay?"
"Okay!" Katherine hops off the counter, dusting off some flour from her clothes. "I'll go change, and I'll be really careful not to make a mess, I promise!"
She scurries off to the bathroom to wash up and change into her nightclothes.
Bobby chuckles as he watches her run off. "And don't forget to wash your face. You got blueberry juice all over it.
He turns his attention back to the messy kitchen and the almost finished muffins, keeping a watchful eye on them as he quickly cleans up and gets the icing ready.
After a few minutes, Katherine bounds back into the kitchen, now dressed in her soft, cozy pyjamas and her face clean. "I'm all ready! Are the muffins done yet? Can we decorate them now?"
Bobby smiles as she enters the kitchen, looking all cozy and ready for bed. "Perfect timing, darlin'. The muffins are just about cool enough now."
He gestures to the muffins, now sitting on a cooling rack. "Take a look, they turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself. And yes, we can start decorating them now."
Katherine's eyes widen as she looks at the cooled muffins. "They look so yummy! Can I put the icing and the blueberries on them, please? Can I? Please, please, please?" She bounces up and down in excitement, her eyes pleading with Bobby.
Bobby laughs, enjoying her enthusiasm. "Slow down, there. Of course you can help decorate, darlin'. You're my little baking assistant, after all."
He hands her the rest of the blueberries. "Here, ill spread a little icing on top then you can put the blueberries on."
"Yay!" Katherine exclaims, grabbing the blueberries excitedly.
With a grin on her face, she watches carefully as Bobby spreads the icing onto the top of the muffins. Then, with the greatest care, she starts placing the blueberries on top. She makes sure each muffin gets an equal amount.
Bobby watches as she carefully places the blueberries on the muffins. "Slow and steady, kiddo. You're doing a great job."
He can't help but smile at her focused expression, her tongue sticking out slightly as she concentrates on making each muffin look perfect.
"I'm doing a good job, huh?" Katherine looks up at Bobby for validation, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
She takes a step back to examine her work, admiring the array of blueberry-topped muffins. "I think they look really pretty, don't you think?"
Bobby nods in agreement, examining the decorative muffins. "You did a fantastic job, darlin'. They look almost too good to eat. Almost."
He chuckles, patting her hair gently. "You've got a real talent for decorating, kiddo."
"Thanks!" Katherine exclaims, her face lighting up at the praise.
"I'm glad you like them! Can we taste them now? I'm so excited to try them. I bet they're delicious!" She bounces up and down in a mixture of excitement and impatience, eager to taste their creation.
Bobby glances at the clock, noting that it is close to approaching her bedtime.
"I'm not sure your parents would be to happy about giving you sugar this close to your bed time" he says scratching the back of his neck....when he looks back at her her face now fallen her little heart broken at not getting to taste the muffins immediately...he hated that look ". .but I'll tell you what we can split one, after all proper bakers have to try their own creations when they're fresh...it's like a rule or something."
Katherine's disappointment quickly turns into a grin as Bobby suggests they split a muffin, using the excuse of it being a rule for bakers.
She giggles, her mood brightening instantly. "Okay, Bobby! We can follow the baker rules. A little taste won't hurt, right?"
"Not at all...but just to be safe best not mention it to your mom right away"
Katherine has a devious glint in her eyes. "Don't worry, I won't tell mom. It can be our little secret."
She hops on the counter again, eagerly looking at the muffins, her mouth watering. "So which one do we get to try first?"
Bobby grins, enjoying the little conspiratorial moment they were sharing. "You get to pick which one we try first, darlin'. Which muffin do you think looks the tastiest?"
Katherine ponders for a moment, studying each muffin carefully. Then, she points to one that has an extra generous helping of blueberries on top.
"That one! It has the most blueberries. I bet it'll be extra yummy!" she says, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Bobby smiles, noticing her keen eye for the muffin with the most blueberries. "Ah, the one with the blueberry overload. A fine choice, kiddo. Let's give that a go."
He carefully plucks the chosen muffin from the rack and splits it in two, handing one half to Katherine on a plate while he just grabs his half in his hand.
"Be careful not to get any on your jammies, wouldn't wanna get any crumbs in your bed, not comfy at all" he shakes his head.
Katherine accepts her half of the muffin with glee, her hands already itching to take a bite. "I'll be careful, I promise!"
She looks at the muffin for a moment, admiring the blueberry-studded goodness before taking a big bite. Her eyes light up as the sweetness hits her tongue.
"Mmm...it's delicious!" she exclaims, her mouth still half full of muffin. Bobby grins as he watches her devour the muffin, her face expressing pure joy and deliciousness.
He chuckles as she talks with her mouth full, trying to hold back from laughing. "Slow down there, kiddo. Don't wanna choke on that muffin. Chew and swallow before you talk, alright?"
Katherine swallows her mouthful of muffin and nods, sheepishly. "Sorry, I got a little too excited. It just tastes so good!"
She takes a smaller bite this time, savouring the flavour and making sure to chew properly.
Bobby grins, glad that she's taking smaller bites now. "That's better, darlin'. No need to rush. Just enjoy it."
He takes a bite of his half of the muffin, enjoying the taste himself. "Can't say I disagree with you though, they taste pretty darn good."
Katherine takes another bite of her muffin, closing her eyes in pure bliss. "This is the best muffin I've ever had," she declares, her cheeks puffed out from the muffin inside her mouth.
She looks up at Bobby, her eyes sparkling. "Can i take some home so mommy and daddy can try?...but not Jax he's not allowed MY special muffins"
Bobby thinks her incorrect use of "special muffins" is adorable.
Bobby chuckles at her request and her claim of the muffins being her own. "Sure darlin', you can take some home for your mom and dad. I think they'd enjoy them."
He grins mischievously at her comment about Jax not being allowed any.
Katherine's smile widens at Bobby's agreement, but her expression quickly turns serious as she adds, "And you promise you won't give any to Jax? I want these muffins to be for mommy, daddy, and me only. Jax never shares his special muffins. Can you promise me that, Bobby? Please?"
Bobby holds up his hands in surrender, a playful smile on his face. "Alright, alright, I promise. Jax won't get any of these special muffins. They're all yours, your mom's, and your dad's. Consider them protected from any thieving Jax fingers."
"Yeah!" Katherine pumps her fist in the air, her determination clear. "These muffins are ours, and Jax can't have any."
She takes her last bite of her half of the muffin, her focus back on the tastiness at hand.
Bobby laughs, admiring her passion and possessiveness over the muffins. "You're very serious about this muffin situation. Never knew you had such a strong claim on them, darlin'."
He takes his final bite and looks down at her, a mischievous glint in his eye. "You sure you're not secretly a muffin dragon, protecting your treasure trove?"
Katherine grins, her imagination sparking at the idea of being a muffin-guarding dragon. "Maybe I am!" she declares playfully. "These muffins are my treasure, and I'll defend them like you, daddy, Jax and the rest of the club protect the town."
Bobby grins, loving her innocent and imaginative take. "Is that right? Well, I can see the resemblance. You've got that fierce protective fire in you for these tasty treats."
Katherine giggles, her imagination running wild. "Yeah! And if Jax even tries to come near my muffins, I'll transform into a fire-breathing dragon and chase him off!" she declares, miming breathing fire with her hands and mouth.
Bobby laughs heartily, unable to contain his amusement at her dramatic display. "Well, I wouldn't wanna be on the receiving end of your fire-breathing powers. That's for sure. Jax should probably stay away from your muffin stash, for his own good."
"uhuh...*yawn*...you'll help me right...*yawn*...you'd stop Jaxie too?" She says tiredly, the exciting afternoon events catching up with her.
Bobby nods, a warm smile on his face as he notes her tired expression. "Of course, darlin'. I'll be your muffin guardian too. No one, not even Jax, is stealing your special stash. You have my word on that."
He gently moves her hair out of her face, noticing her tired state. "Looks like it's nearing your bedtime."
"Aww...but I'm not..*yawns*..sleepy" she tries to protest.
Bobby chuckles softly, seeing right through her sleepy pout. "Uh huh, sure you're not.
He scoops her up gently, settling her against his chest. "Time to get you tucked into bed, darlin'. little dragons need their rest too."
Bobby cradles her gently, a tenderness in his actions as he carries her towards his spare bedroom.
She wraps her arms around his neck, clinging to him like a sleepy koala, too tired to argue further. "Mmm...Okay..." she mumbles, her eyelids already drooping.
When he makes it to the room he sees she has already arranged all her plush toys on the bed.
Bobby chuckles as he sees the array of plush toys on the bed, each one neatly arranged like a fluffy army. "Looks like your entire stuffed animal kingdom is attending the slumber party tonight," he remarks, gently placing her on the bed.
Katherine nods sleepily, reaching for a fluffy blue bunny and clutching it tightly to her chest. "Yep, Daddy says they watch you when you sleep to keep you safe, he got me lots."
Bobby grins, finding her innocence endearing. "Well, I feel safer already with all these watchful eyes."
He tucks her in, pulling the covers up to her chin. "You've got quite the protective plushie squad here, huh?"
"Mhm this ones the most special tho" she says holding up the blue bunny for him to see "Daddy won it for me at the fair, he was the last one left..*yawns* I wanted to win him so he wasn't alone anymore but I couldn't do it...*yawns"...Daddy tried all day and used up all his tickets....he had to buy more....and he won it for me..said its my job to look after him" she recalls her eyes fighting to stay open.
Bobby's heart warms at her story, the thought of Clay Morrow going through so much trouble to win the bunny for Katherine tugging at his heartstrings.
He brushes a strand of hair from her face and smiled softly. "That's quite a special bunny you got there, darlin'. He's lucky to have you looking after him."
Katherine nods, her voice growing more drowsy but her grip on the bunny tighter.
She stifles another yawn, her eyes fighting to stay open. "...Bobby?" she mumbles, looking up at him with heavy eyelids.
Bobby sits on the edge of the bed, his gentle gaze fixed on her. "Yeah, darlin'? What is it?"
"Maybe when we go to the fair next....you could come...and daddy could get you your own special bunny"
Bobby is caught off guard by her suggestion and the thoughtfulness behind it. He chuckles, the idea of his hardened biker self carrying around a stuffed bunny quite humorous.
"Oh, really? You think I need a special bunny too, huh?" he grins, trying not to let his heart melt any further.
"Mhmm...Mommy says you have a daughter but she doesn't live here with you anymore....but if you have a bunny...you wouldn't be on your own"
Bobby is taken aback by her innocent yet astute observation. He's so used to gruff club life that the thought of this little girl noticing his loneliness and wanting to help warms his heart.
He smiles softly, running his fingers through her hair. "You're quite the little perceptive one, aren't you? And your idea of me having a fluffy companion does have a certain charm to it, I must admit."
"You can borrow my bunny if you want...until daddy wins you your own"
Bobby's heart swells with affection for her generosity. "That's very sweet of you, darlin'. A loaner bunny for me. But I don't want to take your special bunny away from you...and I'm not sure how well he'll fit in at the clubhouse."
He chuckles, imagining the reactions of his club brothers seeing him with a stuffed bunny.
Katherine giggles softly, her eyes starting to close. "Mmm...it's okay, I'll share him...for now."
She holds out the bunny, offering it to him.
"Here, you can hold him for tonight...he'll keep you safe..promise"
Bobby takes the bunny from her, surprised at how soft and well-loved it feels in his hands. He looks down at the bunny's little black eyes, then back at Katherine, who is struggling to stay awake.
"Well, I can't refuse such a heartfelt offer, can I?" he murmurs, holding the bunny against his chest. "Thank you, darlin'."
Katherine smiles, satisfied with his agreement. She cuddles deeper into her pillow. "You're welcome...nighty night" she mumbles, her eyelids finally fluttering shut.
Bobby watches as she drifts into slumber, the peacefulness of the moment settling over him. He looks down at the bunny in his lap, a strange mix of emotions stirring in him.
He was, cradling this cute little toy because a young girl wanted him to feel less lonely.
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hooked-on-elvis · 8 months
Thank you so much for always supporting my blog,Hyping me up,For all the reblogs and kind words. It truly means a lot to me. It makes me happy knowing someone enjoys my blog and posts. I adore and appreciate you so so much.🥹🫶🏽
Honey, I should be thanking YOU (and I do every time I scroll through your blog). Those pictures you share, we don't see many often. I'm so thankful I found your blog. ♥ Thank you very much for sharing those gems. Some of my favorites you shared (that I saw recently, but I'm still going through your blog and every post there's a new amazing one).
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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Hey, if you enjoy Elvis pictures as much as I think you do, follow @suspiciousmindsxo. You'll not regret, friends.
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