#still wanna try‚ still believe in good days ✧ jasmine headcanons
starikune · 7 months
chimchar: how active is your muse? (For Marshall and Jasmine)
Pokèmon Starters Headcanons!
Marshall is definitely very active. He makes an effort to try and work out at least 3 times a week. The main reason he even started was so he could pick up his Pokémon easier.
Jasmine is not as active as Marshall, at least not in the sense that she actively goes out to exercise. She gets plenty of physical activity with how often she plays with her Pokémon to keep them happy.
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kuviras-eyeliner · 4 years
Hey! I just found you and love your blog 💞 I was wondering if I could maybe get a matchup for ATLA and LOK? 🥺👉👈 I’m a scrawny little five-foot-nothing bi girl (I’m pretty feminine and more attracted to masculine types, regardless of gender) and I love hiking and being outside in general! I’m an INFP personality type, a Hufflepuff, and I’m a STEM major in school. I’m a coffee addict, I love fall, and I have an unhealthy obsession with buying holiday themed blankets and socks lol. I have a pretty even temper and I’m more likely to stand up for someone else than myself if another person is being mean, but I don’t really like confrontation. Bc of that, I end up being the person in the friend group that everyone else feels the need to protect, even tho I am 100% capable of handling myself! I’ve also been voted as best hugger of my friend group, which is my proudest achievement in life 😌 wow ok this got rly long I’m so sorry! Also my ATLA/LOK side blog is @jasmine-iroh but I can’t send an ask from there, I’d love to be your friend tho!! Your writing is so good and I love your positive vibes 💞
Ahhh sweetie I’m so sorry this took so long!! I’ll make sure that this is extra detailed to make up for the wait, I’m so so sorry!! 🥺🥺🥺 You seem like such a lovable and sweet person, and literally want to give you the biggest hug in the entire world, because even though I’ve only read one snippet of who you are you just seem so cute ajajajjajajaa
I match this lovely human marshmallow with...
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When I saw that you sent this, I literally squealed because OH MY GOSH, you and Toph would be such a good duo that I literally can’t with myself-- you sound like such a caring, gentle, yet underestimated person (but wanna say for the record that I can tell you have a lot more potential than what people see!). I can tell that even though you might not be very book smart, you’re more street smart and you know a lot about life and what’s in store for you. You know so many life lessons and apply it to your life and take it to heart, then spread it to others. So, with Toph! We all know that Toph is one of the most aggressive yet absolute butt-kicking queen out there. She might be seen as this invincible, strong, powerful rock, but I think you’d be the first person to realize that Toph is human as well and that she can’t stay strong forever. Even though Toph isn’t big on physical contact/bonding, with your hugs, she might say she doesn’t like them, but of course, she really does. Toph also loves to show you just how much she really cares about you but through a lot of side-punches. She makes sure to be more gentle around you and tries to control her temper when she knows you’re there. Toph knows more than enough that you can protect yourself, because she usually doesn’t look past just how much potential someone can have. Toph might not be open about many things, but with you, she’ll let herself smile every now and then out of just how beautiful you are. On your worst days, even though Toph isn’t big on hugs and physical comfort, she might make an exception for you and hug you first. She’ll be really verbal about how you feel, and Toph does anything in her will (even though it might be awkward at times) to make you feel better. She’s also there to be with you, right beside you, even though she might not say it out loud. Toph makes sure that you feel comfortable around her, and you can always find her (this is a headcanon I made I’m so sorry if it sounds wack as heck but still) trying to cook, but unfortunately, things don’t go as planned. Overall, Toph is just there to stand with you as a best friend, and a lover. You two are inseparable, no matter how far physically you may be away from each other <333
Next up, we have:
I think we can all make it clear that Bo is one of the most precious characters in The Legend of Korra-- so yes, I ship you with Bolin! A lot of people (I KNOW I BRING THIS UP IN EVERY SINGLE MATCHUP, BUT PLEASE BARE WITH ME) overlook just how ripped Bolin actually is?? Like he was in a fricking movie film, and people think he’s not attractive?? No, no, absolutely not, he’s beautiful just the way he is ;U; <3 Bolin loves you to pieces!! He really likes how much you value your time with people, and how you’re a firm believer in giving people second chances. Bolin also makes sure that in moments you feel down, that he’ll literally give you the biggest and softest hugs ever, and he’ll pull you aside and cry with you. When you cry, he cries-- when you’re happy, he’s happy. When you laugh, he laughs: the only thing he wants is for you to be okay with yourself and then those around you. He loves getting hugs from you, and he’ll never look over how much potential you have! Bolin loves you to the point where playing Pai Sho with him every night has almost become a religion, and that he assures you nothing bad can happen in your life. He’ll laugh randomly whenever you do something that’s iconic, and when you ask, he’ll say, “I’m laughing because I can’t believe I fell in love with someone so perfect,” and he’ll make as much time for you as possible. Bolin makes sure that you feel loved and at peace with him-- -although, yes, he might be a biiit overprotective, Bolin also makes sure that you feel like you’re more than enough around him. In most situations, he’ll let you handle things on your own, but when things get really tough, Bolin makes sure that no one hurts you.
Thank you so so much, @jasmine-iroh!! I appreciate your ask, I had a great time writing this one. Stay safe, luv!! <hugs!>
And requests are always open for anything! I love y’all to pieces <333
(and shoulder pats ;D)
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starikune · 8 months
[FOCUS] How well can your muse focus on their own thinking or study in the presence of distracting background stimuli (loud environments, background chatter, visual clutter…) (Jasmine)
Thought, learning and intellect headcanon asks for muses
Jasmine is pretty good at knowing how to drown out noises to think or study. In her Pokémon verse, she likes to keep most, if not all, of her Pokémon out of their balls so it can get a little noisy.
Sometimes she'll even have background noise or music on to help her. But of course, it can overstimulate her sometimes, and then she'll require silence.
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starikune · 9 months
amaryllis : what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ? how do they express that pride ? (For Lia and Jasmine)
Lia takes pride in her ability to put on a show when she's performing. She's wanted to be a singer since she was a little girl, and she's worked hard to make herself stand out better. She's proud that she's able to move around the stage to dance while holding her notes. It's not easy, but she's putting in the work when so many others aren't willing to.
Jasmine takes pride in the fact that she's overcome a lot in her past. She's put up with a lot of disapproval from her parents that never really cared about her, her peers classifying her as an "other", trying to find her way after moving to a completely different place alone while working towards something she really wanted. She's proud that she can look back and see how far she's come when things can seem really tough.
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starikune · 1 year
Tag Dump Part 3.
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