arelliann · 4 months
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Vampire Eddie and his Thrall
I'm in my horny era apparently
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acidicbarkbeast · 5 months
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"Gods, you are a pretty one."
First meeting where Eddie is immediately enamored and Steve is feisty
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Sea salt and freedom
Words: 1,385 [also on AO3]
Rated: M
Tags: Fantasy AU; Dragon Eddie Munson; King Steve Harrington; Soul bond; Mates; Implied sexual content; Monsterfucker Steve Harrington; They're in love, your honor
Notes: @house-of-the-moving-image said give me Upside Diner or Hic sunt dracones verse for my birthday, and I said why not both? Here's your surprise second ficlet, enjoy! 🐉💕
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“Is this really necessary?” Steve asks as his dragon slips his favorite piece of silk over his eyes. He tries to go for annoyed, but can't quite keep the giddy laugh out of his voice. Hasn't been able to ever since they left the castle for their little get-away. “Or is this another weird sex thing of yours?” 
Eddie hums in mock-thought, a deep rumbly sound that floats through the fuzzy darkness behind the blindfold and tingles all the way down Steve’s spine, in his soul. His hands tie off the knot at the base of Steve’s neck, then go on to toy with his hair. His breath tickles the shell of Steve’s ear as he speaks. 
“What a question, beloved. You know how much I enjoy making you squirm.” As if to prove his point, he nips at the junction of Steve’s neck and shoulder, chuckling at the shiver and sharp intake of breath it gets him. “But also, you'd be able to see it once we're over those mountaintops, and I don't want you to just yet. Wanna look at your face when you do. So be good and wear this for me, yes?” 
Steve swallows the moan that's building in his chest, even though it's difficult with Eddie peppering his neck and jaw in bites and kisses. 
“Is this even safe? Doesn't sound like the best idea, riding you blindfolded.” 
“Oh, but it isn't far now, my pretty. And besides, you've ridden me plenty of times,” Eddie replies, and Steve can practically hear the suggestive brow wiggle. He rolls his eyes behind the blindfold. “You'll just need to rely on your other senses and trust me to keep you safe. You can do that, can't you?” 
Steve melts into Eddie’s touch as he is turned and pulled into a kiss, and forgets to reply. He doesn’t need to. They both know that trusting each other comes as naturally as breathing.
It's the weirdest feeling, flying blind, but it works surprisingly well. What he lacks in sight, the rest of his senses seem determined to make up for. Suddenly, he's hyper-aware of his dragon’s body under his, the way those strong muscles move. They announce every swerve and change in course before it actually comes, allowing him to adjust his weight in turn. Where his regular, human senses don't suffice, the soul bond fills in flawlessly, like a safety line tethering him to his mate's body and mind. 
The sensation is strange and thrilling and exhilarating. He thought he knew how much in tune they are - Eddie’s body and soul as familiar as his own. But this? It's like the lines between their very beings are blurring into each other. It’s strange and beautiful all at once, and it makes him wonder what else they could do with the blindfold on. His dragon purrs, and the invisible connection thrums with it - the familiar, wordless Mine. Steve smiles, pressing himself closer to his mate's body so that he can kiss the warm scales. Yours. Always.  
The roughest part is getting off his dragon’s back, actually. They land with barely a sound and he descends with practiced ease - but the ground is all soft and weird. He wobbles and makes a startled, undignified sound, and the only thing that saves him from landing square on his ass is Sweetheart’s giant head shoving itself into his space to steady him.
"What the fuck?” Steve mutters while the body next to his shifts and his dragon's laughter turns human. “Warn a guy!” 
“But where would the fun be in that?” Eddie quips. Steve can feel how he drapes himself around him - arms around his waist, tail circling his legs, wings enveloping the both of them. “Didn't wanna give anything away.” 
He trails off, letting the silence linger between them. 
Except it isn't silent. Instead, there's a million and one strange sounds. The rush of wind catching on cliffs. The rustle of dry grass. The shrieks of unfamiliar birds in the distance. 
Gurgling, lapping, murmuring all around them, mingling with the other sounds, filling all of his senses. He can feel it in the very air, can feel the spray of it settle on his skin, in his hair. He gulps and licks his lips and they taste like salt. 
“Eddie,” he breathes. His voice comes out hoarse and shaky, but he doesn’t find it in himself to feel embarrassed. Knows he doesn't have anything to feel embarrassed about anything when it's just the two of them. “Eddie, let me see.” 
He only realizes that his hands have flown up to tear at the blindfold when Eddie’s settle on top of them, gently prying them away. 
“Of course, my king. Allow me,” his dragon rumbles, kissing his knuckles. Then, he drops Steve’s hands and reaches for the blindfold. 
The knot slips open. The silk falls away. 
And for the first time in his life, Steve sees the ocean. 
At first, he thinks he must be dreaming, because there's just no way this much water is real. He's heard stories of it, of course, has imagined it a thousand times over. But then again, he had heard plenty of stories about dragons, and none of them ever came close to the real thing. 
For a long while, he just stands and stares, not knowing where to look first. The sunlight catching on the water, creating rippling patterns of light? The waves, crowned with white seafoam, lapping at their feet in a weirdly hypnotic dance, leaving dark imprints on the sand in their wake? The way the sea and the sky melt into each other on the horizon, so much like their souls? 
He thinks he could look at all of this forever and never get tired of it. 
“Well?” Eddie asks. His smile is large and eager, and a little smug. His tail twitches excitedly where it's curling around their ankles. “Do you like it? Because I'm trying to pick up what you're thinking, but all I'm getting is that weird, fuzzy-” 
He doesn't get any further, because Steve whirls around, grabbing his face in both hands and crashing their lips together, and his words trail off into a pleasantly surprised oomph. The suddenness of the assault tips their balance, and before Steve knows it, they're going down in a heap on the sandy ground. A particularly large wave sloshes over them, wet and foamy and cold. Steve shrieks and laughs all at once. Eddie hisses - much like Dustin’s cat that one time Joyce accidentally emptied a bucket full of dishwater over its head - and glowers at him in affront, but that only makes matters worse. Steve erupts in a fresh round of cackles that only quieten when Eddie seals their lips together and licks them right out of his mouth.
He doesn't quite know how long they stay like this, but it must be a while, judging by the way his clothes are drenched in salty water and his stomach hurts from laughing and his head is dizzy from all the kissing. 
“It’s beautiful,” he murmurs against Eddie’s lips, fingers carding through wet curls to find the base of the horns. His dragon’s pupils blow wide, the gold around them swirling and glowing with desire. The bond thrums with it and Steve feels the familiar heat pool at the base of his own spine. “Do you … Do you think I can go for a swim?” 
Eddie huffs a laugh. 
“You and the water. I swear you must’ve been a little merman in some other life.” His hands have pushed up Steve’s soaked shirt, fingers drawing patterns on the naked skin. “Of course you can, just don’t expect me to join. I’ll stay on land where it’s nice and dry and enjoy the sight.” 
“Oh, I’m sure you will,” Steve grins and surges up for another kiss. It tastes like sea salt and freedom. “You can warm me back up once I’m done. Maybe we could … go for another ride with the blindfold?” 
The bond crackles with desire, like a firework of tiny sparks. Eddie hums, low and pleased, and maneuvers Steve into a sitting position so that he can pull the wet shirt over his head. 
“Now that, my liege, would be my greatest pleasure.”
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stevesjockstrap · 4 months
I Hear the Morning Calling
For Monsterfucker May better late than never
Heavily inspired by @safk-art demo!Steve art 😍
Steve/Eddie | read on ao3 | rated E | post-Vecna, demogorgon Steve, monsterfucking, blood and gore
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“We’re losing. She’s not able to do it. We have to do something,” Nancy hissed next to him. Vecna had been shaking violently from his viney suspension but now he was eerily still. El’s plan seemed to be falling apart at the seams.
Steve looked around for anything he could do to save his friends. They’d already used all of the Molotov cocktails and Nancy’s shotgun shells.
Vecna’s eyes popped open and stared directly at him for a long heart stopping second before they widened and closed off again. They were running out of time.
He looked desperately around at Robin who was clutching at her bag. He would never let anything happen to them. Then he heard Dustin screaming over the walkie. Everything was going to shit.
A burning hatred ran through him, sizzling through the exhaustion and lightheadedness he’d been pushing down since being attacked by the demobats. Before he realized he’d moved, he was sprinting towards the hideous hanging figure with a roar. Ignoring the girls’ cries from behind him, he leaped higher than he’d ever done during a basketball game, catching a vine in his hand before his open mouth closed over Henry Creel’s throat.
The hot thick blood shot down his throat, gagging and choking him but he held on. Taking multiple swallows of the bitter sludge automatically, he forced his jaw harder into the spasming muscle. Spindly fingers scratched across his back and legs, trying ineffectually to tear him off. The spurting of blood into his mouth slowed and he allowed himself to suck in a breath, yanking the vine in his hand.
Coming back to himself on the floor, he didn’t think he had been out very long. He could hear Dustin again on the walkie, Robin trying to get him to slow down to try to understand his loud rapid cries.
“They! Are! Coming!” Dustin’s staticky voice echoed through the empty room.
“Who?” Steve rasped. But then he felt it. In the back of his mind, a scurrying almost slippery feeling that was getting stronger. “The bats. They’re coming for us.”
“What? Steve, what the hell is going on?” Nancy’s no nonsense tone made him try to rethink what he had said.
“I don’t know. But we gotta get out of here.”
Scrambling to sit, he was pushed back down to the ground by Nancy and then Robin.
“Settle down. If the bats are really coming, we’re better off inside.” Robin made sense, but something was telling him they needed out of this house. Out of this room.
He looked around, and saw Vecna’s body. It was essentially ripped to shreds, his head barely connected to his neck and several bones poking out in cruel angles.
“Um, yeah, there’s that question, too. But I think I’m just going to erase that from my memory,” Robin winced.
Getting out of the upside down after that was a blur. The bats circled them, screaming wildly and zooming over their heads as they ran towards the trailer park, but none of them touched the group.
Eddie was a mess. Nearly grey, almost as torn to shreds as Vecna. But Steve was able to feel a very slow pulse, so he quickly slung him over his shoulder and they somehow got everyone hoisted into the correct dimension.
“Are we going to talk about it?”
Steve’s head popped up from where it had slumped into his chest. He’d not left Eddie’s bedside once he’d been released from his own hospital bed more than a week ago. Nancy was propped against the doorway with a wry grin.
“Talk about what?” But Steve couldn’t meet her eyes.
Nancy hummed and pulled a chair over next to him.
“You can’t hide it from me, Steve. I’ve been on the receiving end of your overbearing self.”
Steve groaned, looking immediately at Eddie’s face. But just like every other day he’d spent looking at him, his eyes remained closed.
“I’m not sure I have words. Even to myself. Yet. But you’ll be one of the first ones to know, I promise,” he huffed.
“After Robin,” Nancy nodded.
Steve laughed. “Yeah, I mean, probably. And, uh, hopefully someone else is ahead of both of you in line.” He rubbed at his face, then raked a hand through his disgusting hair with a grimace.
“Go home, Steve. I’ll stay. I know your number. You need to take care of yourself before you can take care of the rest of us.”
After he showered, he flopped across his bed in just his towel and was asleep before he had another thought.
He stood above Eddie, the taste of blood in his mouth again. The bitter thick sludge that had come from Vecna. When he’d killed Vecna.
Eddie was wailing below him, fighting against him. He leaned down, catching his flailing hands with his own and felt his face split into sections, opening impossibly wide as he bit hard into Eddie’s neck.
He woke up sweating in his bed, tangled in his sheets. He ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror, feeling over his perfectly human face.
“What the fuck,” he breathed.
A quick call to the hospital confirmed that Eddie was fine. He chugged a glass of water, pacing unseeingly around his kitchen, still rubbing across his face.
For the next week, he would get these quick bursts of pain in his head, and pressure like a migraine but none of his normal tricks helped. He didn’t have a fever, actually his temperature seemed to be going down.
Finally he just pulled the curtains in his room, covered his head with a pillow because still the dimmed light felt like ice picks and went to sleep.
The shrill constant noise woke him, and at first he couldn’t place it at all, pressing his pillow over his ears more forcefully, sitting up with a curse as it echoed through his house.
“What??” He groused out into the phone.
Thankfully not reacting at all to his grumpiness, Dustin cried out, “Steve! It’s Eddie. He woke up!”
The nurses were insistent they go into Eddie’s room in small groups, shaking their heads and rolling their eyes at the huge congregation of people who were adamant about seeing their friend.
Steve, Robin and Nancy stood surrounding his tiny frame in the hospital bed, somehow this sleep looking more peaceful than the last. Steve shifted on his feet, trying to ignore the pounding in his head and the nauseousness from the hospital smell.
“Eddie?” Nancy whispered, unable to help it.
Their friend twitched, his eyes flicking open quickly before closing again. “Why’s it so bright?”
Steve chuckled, thinking the exact same thing, and went to turn the lights off in the room.
“Thanks,” Eddie grumbled. The lack of use showed in his voice. Robin held out a cup with a straw and helped him take a few deep gulps. “Fuck, can you give me the Reader’s Digest version? Did I get hit by a train? A UFO? Did I eat the mystery meat in the cafeteria?”
They all snickered, Nancy sobering first. “You don’t remember at all? What’s the last thing you can think of?”
Eddie frowned, looking down. After a few moments of thinking hard, he looked up, shocked. “Chrissy, oh god. Chrissy is… and then Patrick in the lake. Fucking hell. Okay, I’m getting pieces now. The bats- is Dustin?”
Steve interjected quickly, unable to take the look on his face, “Dustin’s fine. You saved him.”
Eddie nodded, pulling in deep breaths. Steve reached out, taking his hand and breathed his own small breath of relief when Eddie held onto it.
“Everyone else?” Eddie grimaced.
“Banged up, stitched up, but alive and well. Well, uh, except for Jason.”
“No loss there,” Robin and Eddie said at the same time, grinning sardonically at each other afterwards.
The nurse came in the room and explained the teens were not waiting very patiently in the waiting room, and they agreed to swap out.
“Going straight to hand holding, huh? King Steve and his kindergarten moves,” Robin elbowed him.
Even more weeks later, Eddie was finally released from the hospital and Steve helped him up the steps to their new and improved government issued trailer. They’d offered them a house but both Eddie and Wayne had quickly declined. They were used to the trailer and the trailer park, but they could use another bedroom.
“Home sweet trailer,” Eddie laughed as he bounced on his new bed. Steve winced, worrying about his stitches still. “Don’t give me that look, mother hen. I’m fine.”
Steve sighed and waved him off, plopping his meager bag of stuff down on top of the dresser.
Eddie grinned at him. “Always.”
“Come in Eddie, helloooo? EDDIE COME IN, over.” Dustin’s loud voice echoed around his nearly empty room. Groaning, he sat on the edge of his bed for a second while the stars cleared from his vision.
“I’m here, Dustin,” he sighed.
“You’re supposed to say over. Over.”
Rolling his eyes, he laid back down with the walkie. “I’m over this conversation, Dustin. What was the voluminous emergency?”
“OH! Have you seen Steve? No one’s been able to get a hold of him for more than a week, and we just got to his house and it’s… weird. Even for us. Over.”
Eddie frowned. He actually hadn’t seen Steve in a while, which was not like him. After Eddie had been discharged from the hospital, Steve seemed to take over his watch, volunteering to get him back and forth to all of his appointments and therapies. Standing now, nerves quickening and his stomach tightening, he looked down at the walkie.
“Weird how? Over.” Ah shit, the kid had gotten to him.
“He’s built like a creepy nest, with leaves and sticks, but, uh-“
The silence hung heavy in the dark of his room, and Eddie shivered. He pulled back his curtains to peer out the window, suddenly feeling like he was being watched.
“Spit it out, Dustin,” he grumbled.
“Alright, but you asked. There’s a lot of your stuff in the mess… like a few of your shirts a-and the vest you gave him? It’s like he’s been sleeping with them. Over.”
As his eyebrows shot up at this news, something moved in the shadows outside the window. There was a flash of reflective eyes, too far off the ground to be the stray cat that he fed. Human’s eyes don’t reflect.
“O-okay Dustin, thanks for the nightmare fuel. Get home, it’s already almost dark. I’ll let you know if I hear from him. Over and out.”
He nearly dropped the walkie when the shadow moved again, closer to his window and he got a flash of jeans and brown hair. Thinking quickly but somehow not at all, he shoved the walkie into his back pocket and rushed out the front door.
Not allowing himself to call out to him, clearly he didn’t want to be found if he hadn’t spoken to anyone in a week, he tried to sneak as quietly as possible around the side of the trailer.
A noise a few feet away had him pausing, opening his eyes wider to try to see in the darkness towards the woods. It was eerily quiet, usually the trailer park was full of noise, even at night, car doors and people laughing and chatting, dogs and birds going on and on. All Eddie could hear now was his own heart beating in his ears.
His eyes jumped to follow the next quick movement, just inside the edge of the woods. Another flash of that perfect hair. Like Steve was beckoning him to follow. And Eddie was dumb enough to be lead.
Inside the tree line, Eddie couldn’t see much. But he could follow the small noises and what was surely intentionally snapped twigs under Steve’s feet.
Panting, he stopped to lean against a tree, “Fuck, where are we going, man?” He was getting irritated. Steve would know that he’d graduated from PT but he still couldn’t be walking miles through the woods.
There was a small huff that sounded close, almost sarcastic. Very like Steve. Then a cold hand was pushing his hair away from his face, resting on his sweaty forehead.
A stream of moonlight or a stray streetlight fell across the face in front of him, and he almost screamed. Steve’s eyes piercing into his own and that attractive mess of hair on his head compensated well for the rest of it, the petaled mouth and rows of teeth that appeared as he was apparently breathing in Eddie’s scent.
“Steve? Wh-what happened?” Eddie was proud of himself for not bolting away, seeming frozen to the spot at Steve continued breathing him in, the clawed hands running through his hair and grasping his hip.
One shoulder was raised and lowered, like the world’s most apathetic shrug. As if his newly transformed self wasn’t even worth discussing. But the way Steve was looking at him and touching him was sending warm buzzing down his spine, tightening his belly. And his own jeans.
Steve seemed to figure this out quickly as well. Could he smell it? Eddie groaned and then gasped when his giant wet mouth descended onto his neck, grazing those dangerously wicked teeth down his skin.
“Oh fuck,” he breathed. “Why is that so hot? I should be like running for my life. Ah!” His hips bucked forward as sharp claws ran down his chest, instantly shredding his already hole filled shirt. He could only pant and throw his head back against the tree as the assault continued down his front, then as he felt the cold hands approach his jeans he gasped out, “Hey, okay, let me do that, huh? My favorite jeans, you know.”
The salacious look he received in response could only be from one Steve Harrington. He almost laughed but instead moaned as the gaze went down to follow his hands, the shaking hands fighting against the button and zipper of his jeans. Maybe he should have let him rip them to shreds.
An inhuman growl left Steve when the jeans and his plaid boxers were kicked off his bare feet. Unable to help himself, Eddie wrapped a hand around his dripping cock as he watched the terrifying mouth open, saliva running off the petals and rows of teeth.
“God I am a freak, after all,” Eddie chuckled. “I’d apparently feed my dick to a wood chipper if it was attached to Steve Harrington.”
A vaguely appreciative noise rumbled out of the mouth in question, and Eddie couldn’t believe this was real as the monster in front of him lowered slowly to his knees, looking up under his still gorgeous eyelashes to peer at his hard length.
“If you kill me, can you make sure no one finds my body? I don’t want Uncle Wayne thinking I got myself into even weirder shit than usual.”
His train of thought quickly evaporated as a rough tongue came to slide up the underside of his cock. Trying his best to hold completely still, wary of all the teeth, he just watched as Steve wriggled closer.
“Don’t judge me if I come or pass out instantly please. I, um, I’m not the most experienced. And this is, well, this is a whole lot to take in.” He knew he was rambling, filling the uncomfortable silence between them and the woods.
The eyes staring up at him seemed unbearably patient and forgiving, however.
“How much of you is in there,” he wondered aloud.
Steve blinked at him and what could’ve been a smirk passed over his features before his cock was enveloped by the petaled mouth. His own mouth flew open, ready to scream at the pain he expected. But he only gasped as he realized the teeth were only just grazing him, creating an almost pleasant scratching tingly feeling, and the tongue was able to keep sliding under and around the head.
“Oh my god, Steve,” Eddie panted, unaware as his hands slid into the feathery locks. “Oh, oh sorry!” Yanking them away, he received the first actually scary noise and look.
The mouth left him and an indignant huff resounded from it. “Want it,” Steve growled.
Eddie nodded quickly, holding back the laugh at the petulant frown and statement. “You got it, Stevie. Just please keep going.”
With another small grumble, Steve waited for the shaking hands to return back to his hair before he allowed his mouth to wrap around his cock again.
He was glad the tree was there to hold him up, since it seemed Steve was going to give everything he had to this supernatural blowjob. Eddie didn’t direct him with his hands so much as just hold on for dear life, while moaning and gasping along.
“Please, gunna-“ Eddie almost screamed as the mouth was instantly pulled back.
“Not yet,” Steve rasped. “Turn around.”
Clawed hands assisted him pivoting to push his forearms against the rough tree, widening his stance to allow the wicked mouth behind him to — “Holy mother of Zeus!”
The rough tongue circled his hole as a wet hand wrapped around his cock, the other pulling at his thigh to encourage him to rut back and forth. He whimpered, unable to collect enough brain cells to form a sentence now.
“P- oh, please. Steve!” Everything stopped and a soft questioning noise came from behind him. “Can I come on your cock instead? Or, uh, next time? Sorry, didn’t mean to, uh-“
What could only be described as a giggle left the terrifying mouth behind him, and Eddie’s hand was pulled from the tree and licked.
The hand was then pulled back towards his own hole and he tried to nod his understanding. He did not want the claws inside of him either, thank you.
“Jesus Criminy,” Eddie whispered as Steve used his own fingers to push into him, licking around the digits to encourage him to open up. The feeling of the rough clawed hands around his wrist as he fucked his own hand into himself was almost too much. Finally when he thought his brain was going to leak out of his ears, his hand was pulled back and released.
Then a blunt object was pushing against him and he saw stars. “Slow, oh my god, a little slower, baby.”
The name didn’t seem to phase him at all, but he got a soft noise and the cold hands held onto his hips as he pressed forward.
“Want it hard, but just- ah, once it’s in. God you’re big. Is that, like, a monster thing? Or just you?”
The cocky laugh he received didn’t exactly answer the question, but then he was pressing further in and he couldn’t find it in himself to care.
He wrapped his own sweaty hand around his leaking cock, whining and crying out as Steve fucked him hard yet holding him so gently with his clawed hands. As he got closer to coming, he leaned his head back onto Steve’s shoulder. He came spectacularly just as he bit into his neck.
When he could breathe and see again, jumping into his jeans, he found the walkie still shoved into his pocket. With a simpering look at demo!Steve sitting naked against their well-used tree, he pushed down the button.
“Hey, uh, Henderson. I f-found Steve. But, well, he’s a lot different now. Over.”
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Title from Waiting in the Garden - Noon Shift
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spaceofentropy · 4 months
It's Monsterfucker May, so have a fic and some blasphemy! And mind the tags, loves!
Wish I Had An Angel (4473 words)
Rated: E Pairing: Jason Carver/Eddie Munson Tags and TW: Dubious Consent; Dubious Consent into Enthusiastic Consent; Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot; Religious Imagery & Symbolism; monster fucking; Angel Sex; the inherent sexual nature of religious ecstasy; Anal Sex; Altar Sex; Blasphemy is in da house; Mind Manipulation; bones; Catholic Imagery; the sex of angels; public sex (but not really); no beta
When Eddie enters the ossuary he's come to visit, he thinks it's the most metal thing he's ever seen. He surely doesn't expect any of the way-wilder things that he's gonna see and experience next. Eddie's breath catches as he registers his beauty [something's wrong], the man's so damn pretty, [wrong] eyes like a cloudy sky just before the storm and a smile that makes Eddie feel [like he wants to flee to the nearest tornado shelter] some weird way. "Be not afraid."
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sevenmerrymagpies · 5 months
He looked down. He was naked. Everything seemed the same as he scanned down. The same hairy chest. Arms and hands were the same. His sides looked like they hadn’t been bitten by Demobats at all. There was no pain. He looked further down. His dick and balls were still intact, thank God. His legs were fine, and his feet- Well, shit. One foot looked normal, while the other was purply-pink and slightly see-through. It was the right shape, and it moved with him as he thought about curling the toes and then flexing them, but he could clearly see through it, too. As he looked at it, it filled in and became as solid-looking as his other foot. Okay. So that was new. --- Steve is turned into something a little weird in the Upside Down, saves Eddie's life, falls in love, and then fucks him. All while dealing with being whatever the hell he's turned into. Written for the Stranger Things Monsterfucking May Challenge. For something that should be a pwp, it has a surprising amount of plot, romance, and world-building.
The prologue was all horror, the next chapter is all Steve ridiculousness with enough body horror to give it a little zing.
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katyawriteswhump · 4 months
dragon's treasure
I was going to post this fic here properly at the weekend, but I was too scared!!! It was supposed to be a second fic in a series (and waaaaay less explicit tbh!) but... monsterfucker may was running out and this, uh, happened as a stand-alone. Prequel and hopefully a sequel are still in the works... and please heed warnings, dead dove, mfmay, etc. It's def more E than my usual stuff, though also kinda romantic, I hope.
Dragon's treasure (2382 words) by katya1828 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Additional Tags: Bottom Steve Harrington, Top Eddie Munson, apart from he's a dragon, Size Difference, Human/Monster Romance, Sex Magic, Dom/sub Undertones, Fluff and Smut, Needy Steve Harrington, Implied Mpreg, Eddie Munson Takes Care of Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Whump, Sub Steve Harrington, Rough Sex, Impossible Anatomy, Intersex, Dragons, Protective Eddie Munson. Series: Part 1 of Dragon's hoard (steddie dragon romance au)
Summary: ““Ssssssshhhhhhsssss.” The dragon trailed a talon across Steve’s sweat-flecked brow. For a magical split second, those hard golden eyes yielded into soft-chocolate-fondue whirlpools. In that moment, Steve knew what his heart had known all along, and what his head had been singing, ‘La-la-la, not listening,' at: “Eddie?””
Or, Steve can’t stay away from Eddie’s secret den, even when Eddie tells him to. Unfortunately, Eddie can’t stay away either, even when he is not quite himself…
Read on AO3
also, no pressure tag to say THANK YOU to @aidaronan for organising #STMonstermay :)
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kassifieddocuments2 · 4 months
It is done! It is out in the world! i have contributed to ST Monsterfucking May! Happy birthday to me you guys get a free smut! yay! cool lemme try ao3's share button lmao
this monster in my heart (1974 words) by KassifiedDocuments Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Corroded Coffin/Steve Harrington Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Gareth (Stranger Things), Jeff (Stranger Things), Unnamed Freak (Stranger Things), Robin Buckley (mentioned), Original Child Character(s) (mentioned) Additional Tags: the cc/steve was supposed to be more prominent originally. woops., Monsterfucker Steve Harrington, Monster Eddie Munson, Monster Corroded Coffin, Demons, kinda. it's the rumor in hawkins, Age Difference, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), does it not exist? is it just not relevant? idk, Oviposition, no eggs hatch inside anyone!, Anal Sex, Double Penetration in One Hole, eddie is part snake in this one he do have two dicks!, Bittersweet Ending, there's a whole timeskip they're very happy through it, Fur, Horns, Tails, Public Masturbation, Steve Harrington's weird ass decision making skills, eddie sure has those three things, Art, at the end. i had to design monster eddie cmon Summary:
The story told most often was that back in the 80s, there were four guys who each tried to make a deal with demons, but they were killed in the process. Through some strange “devil magic”, monsters grew like horrid mushrooms from their corpses. Ever since then, these beasts have demanded sacrifices.
or: Steve Harrington is sent out as a sacrifice to allegedly violent monsters. Instead, he decides to try seducing them. It works.
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aidaronan · 5 months
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The Strangers Things Monsterfucker May challenge is here! That means it's time monsterfy your blorbos and put them in sexy situations, babey. AO3 Collection Now Open (STMonsterMay24) | On tumblr, use #STMonsterMay Rules under the cut!
This challenge is for adults only. If you are not an adult, do not the challenge.
Characters should be from the older side of the ST universe. "Babysitter's Club" age and older. Otherwise there's no limit on who you write about. Sapphic fics and rarepairs welcome!
Use tags, respect tags. To the best of your ability, tag your Freaknasty Shit (and other things that are important to tag). Conversely, if you go into some freaknasty shit that is clearly labeled "Freaknasty Shit" on the jar and are shocked by the freaknasty shit you find, idk what you expected. This also goes for fics about characters/pairings you don't like. Life is so much better when you seek the things you love instead of being mad about the things you hate.
The Monsterfucking doesn't have to be explicit. It can be implied. You can do some "what is sex to this monster, actually?" world building. Be the fun. Have the joy.
"Is my nonhuman character idea monster enough for the monster club?" - Do I look like a cop? If it feels like a monster to you, then hell yeah.
Dark concepts/themes are okay as long as you tag.
Please be conscious and sensitive re:monsters that might not be yours to play with (e.g. creatures from Native folklore or marginalized religions) and creatures with bigoted histories (like, for example, maybe goblins shouldn't run the banks).
While there are rules, this is a largely unmoderated challenge. I'll be peeping bc i wanna be at the devil's sacrament getting railed by the devil. If I see anything hella off and it's within my power, I will try to fix it. But mostly I expect people to be kind and smart in their creating and in their reading/art-connoisseuring.
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Prompt B, 🐉, 🫂, 🗝️
And congratulations!!!!🥂
Ficlet!!! It's always such a delight visiting these two, so thank you for the prompt.
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Learning to fall
Words: 985
Rated: E
Tags: Fantasy AU; dragon Eddie; King Steve; established relationship; soul bond; nightmares; hurt/comfort; explicit sexual content; nudity, biting; monsterfucking
Notes: set in the same universe as Hic sunt dracones
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Sometimes, at night, Steve's head takes him back to the dark moments.
Sometimes he's back in the dungeons, and nobody comes to save him. Eddie cannot find him, not with their torn soul bond. Robin is imprisoned somewhere else, and when the guards drag him away to the executioner’s block, he knows that they’re going to kill her before him, just to make him suffer more.
Sometimes, he’s back in the courtyard, the storm raging all around him, fire and debris raining from the skies, and the huge crossbow looms before him. He tries to reach it, but he can’t gain an inch. He screams until his voice cracks, but Eddie can’t hear him, and he has to watch again as the giant bolt pierces his dragon right through the heart and takes him out of the sky.
This time, he’s back in the tower, rushing up the spiral of a never-ending stairway while thunder roars outside and the fight rages on below him. He’s barefoot and keeps slipping on his own blood, and the wound in his side tears further with every step, but he forces himself to go faster still.
He doesn’t make it in time. He never does.
He scales the last steps and stumbles into the ruins of his old chambers just in time to see Carver swing his blade.
His dragon looks up. Their gazes lock.
The blow connects and the light in those beautiful golden eyes goes out.
And Steve screams.
The sound of it startles him into consciousness. For a moment, he flails in that weird, hazy state between waking and sleeping, and it feels like falling, feels like plummeting from the tower all over again.
“It’s alright, my love, it’s not real.”
Arms and wings and a tail wrap around him, pulling him tightly against a warm body. Hands card through his hair. His mate’s mind nudges against his own, as comforting and familiar as his touch.
“It’s not real, you’re dreaming.”
Steve sobs, and it’s equal parts terror and relief. Eddie just holds him, kisses the tears off his lashes, and waits until his shoulders stop shaking.
“I was too late,” Steve murmurs against the crook of his neck, once he trusts his voice not to hitch. “He killed you.”
“You weren't,” Eddie says, nuzzling the top of his head. “And he didn't. I’m right here. Safe and yours, alright?”
Steve laughs around the last few hiccups. They’re both here in their nest, the first rays of early morning sunlight creeping in through the windows, with their kingdom slowly waking up underneath them.
“Yeah,” he says, shaky hands reaching out to run along the curve of his dragon’s horns. “Yeah, alright.”
Eddie rumbles in pleasure, eyes gleaming gold in the light of the new day.
“Say it,” he mutters, nipping at the bite mark on Steve’s shoulder with sharp fangs. Steve’s laughter catches in his throat, but this time, it’s for entirely different reasons. “Say it, beloved, please.”
“You’re safe,” he replies teasingly, knowing full well it’s not what Eddie meant. Sure enough, he’s rewarded with an impatient growl and another bite. “Ow, alright already, you clingy dragon. You’re also mine.”
“And you are mine,” Eddie murmurs, pulling him in, and then neither of them says much for a while.
The sun is well on its way over the castle walls by the time Steve disentangles himself from his mate’s arms and the warmth of their nest. Eddie, who was dozing with his face buried in the sheets, looks up as he slips a shirt over his head, and groans in annoyance.
“Why the fuck are you dressed?”
Steve, who is squinting at the mirror and running a brush through his hair, rolls his eyes at his own reflection. “Because I have a court waiting for me, and unlike you, they prefer it when I’m not butt ass naked. Now stop whining, I should’ve been downstairs-”
The sound of a lock clicking shut makes him pause. When he turns, Eddie is propped against the door, lazily twirling the key around one finger.
“Eddie, come on,” Steve sighs. “What are you doing?”
He walks over and grabs for the key. Eddie tucks it behind his back. Steve tries to reach around him. Eddie dances out of his way, but his tail curls around Steve's waist, pulling him along. Before he knows it, they're back in the nest, half wrestling for the key, half chasing each other's lips and tongues, and Eddie is slipping the offending shirt off his shoulders again.
“Obvious, isn't it?” he answers Steve's question, albeit a bit belatedly. “I'm making sure you stay. I want to keep you all to myself.”
He kisses his way down Steve’s collarbone and chest, and the soul bond shivers with their mingled desire. Steve grumbles reluctantly, even as he melts into the touch.
“Eddie, I can't. There's things I need to do, I-”
But then Eddie pushes his head between his legs, fangs grazing the inside of his thigh, and he forgets what it is he needs to do.
“Let me take care of you, my king,” his dragon rumbles, effortlessly picking up on his train of thought. “That's the only thing you need to do right now. Everything else can wait for a few hours.”
Sometimes, Steve's head takes him back to the dark moments.
Sometimes, he forgets he doesn’t have to be tough all the time, that he can rest and show weakness and let himself fall. Sometimes he thinks it will always be like this.
That is alright, though. Eddie loves all of him. The dark parts and the weak ones, on the days where he feels like he can touch the sky, and on the days where it feels like he's plummeting back into the abyss.
Letting himself fall doesn't seem so scary, these days. He knows he'll always have someone to catch him.
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More celebration ficlets
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alicetallulaafterdark · 3 months
Stranger Things Monsterfucker May 2024 - Jopper - Werewolf!Jim Hopper - 16.06.2024
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I'm so late for this ! But finally I managed to do one of my two ideas for the event created by @aidaronan 😅😊🥰
Full Moon Fun - Jopper - Werewolf Sex - 16.06.2024
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I had the vision of our dear Jim as a werewolf, chasing Joyce through the woods - as some roleplay - catching her and ravishing her ❤️❤️And yes, Joyce decided to wear some red to entice him and playfully do a Red Riding Hood little roleplay 😉
Done using watercolors, ink pens, alcohol markers, metallic watercolors and Photoshop for the light and shadows effects
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter NSFW post
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sevenmerrymagpies · 5 months
The next chapter in my Goo Monster!Steve fic. In this one Steve discovers some of the limitations of his new existence, gets a job with Robin, and makes one more startling discovery.
(Hint: the discovery is he has a crush on Eddie.)
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kassifieddocuments2 · 4 months
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giving yall an early post of my ST Monsterfucking May fic's Eddie design. fic will be up tomorrow, as will the nsfw version of the art. hope to see some of you over on ao3!
silly snake goat man.... go!
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aidaronan · 5 months
Impulse Control
For @steddiemicrofic's May prompt "top" and for Monsterfucker May || 510 words || Rated E || Tags & Warnings: Possession, demons, demon!steve, monsterfucking "I think I met something in Chicago, Eds. Or something met me, but I... It's..."
"Show me."
The room is dim, the only light filtering in from evening sun. It paints Steve in yellow-gold as he peels his top off, revealing that same hairy chest Eddie has loved for years, that he lusts after even in dreams.
No, not the same. Inky black crawls up Steve's body, just under his skin. When Eddie places a tentative touch on his belly, the black concentrates around the warmth of his hand and pulses beneath it. Steve moans, and Eddie jerks away.
"That hurt?"
"No, it…" Trembling, forehead shining with sweat, Steve hesitantly pushes down his joggers. Black extends even there, crisscrossing his cock like climbing vines, undulating. Steve's hard as a rock, pre-come coming out so fast—too fast—that it drips onto the floor like a broken faucet. Eddie slides his hand slowly down Steve's body just to watch the ink react.
"Oh fuck." Steve's knees give, and he half-falls against the wall, hips bucking into nothing. His eyes flutter shut as Eddie's hand glides across his hip, and when he opens them again, there's only blackness there, a moonless night on the deep ocean.
"We want you," Steve says, and his voice is legion, punctuated only by a soft rhythmic drip, drip, drip onto the hardwood.
Eddie should say no. If he had any fucking sense of self-preservation, or if Steve wasn't always a huge blind spot for him in terms of being sensible, he'd say no. He'd call in their friends, and they'd try to figure out what this was.
But Eddie doesn't have those things.
What he has is impulse control about as strong as uncooked spaghetti plus a lifelong love and rampant horniness for Steve Harrington that has all manifested in a gold band on his ring finger and a body that screams yes.
So what Eddie says instead is, "How?"
Steve reaches for Eddie's other hand and puts that on him too. Eddie holds his waist, petting his sides. Groaning, Steve nearly knocks him unconscious when he lets his forehead fall against his, breath heating the air as Eddie stares cross-eyed into the dark, watches it fade into hazel-brown, watches it go black again.
"Sorry," Steve says. "I'm being rude." And he gets a hand on him, jerking Eddie hot and fast inside his pajamas.
Everything falls away, dissolving into familiar pants and moans. Into unfamiliar Other tones leeching into Steve's voice. The ink crawls from Steve's hand into Eddie's skin, and Eddie can feel it too, something bone-deep and clawing and so fucking good that he feels like the universe just before the big bang.
"I'm…" Steve's voice pitches high, free hand finding its way into Eddie's hair.
"Yeah," Eddie rasps. Because he is too, and he does. And so does Steve, but not before massive wings unfurl, dripping black down the wall as milky white paints Eddie's skin.
Fuck, Eddie should call someone. He really should.
Instead he hugs Steve close and watches the ink run.
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