#stolas is much nicer
startuxi0 · 4 months
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Used him as inspiration
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tealvenetianmask · 2 months
I'm completely on board with the takes that say that Blitz is not actually bad at eating birdpuss. I love the posts that have explained why, and I don't feel the need to recap them, but I'll send you their way if you ask. :)
The piece for Blitz I'm concerned about that no one seems to be talking about much is M&M. Specifically that they have no idea what's going on with Blitz.
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He hasn't told them, right? We can all agree on this?
So they don't see a guy who is falling apart because in a series of catastrophes of miscommunication he's lost one of the most important people in his life whose opinion he happens to very much measure his self-worth by (measured by sexual skill), and because he was just roasted by a whole party full of exes-- all the sudden having his sexual prowess tested publicly and in life threatening circumstances.
They see their friend who constantly ribs them- and who likes to brag about being good in bed- failing spectacularly at a sex thing and being profoundly incompetent and ribbable. You know . . . in a life threatening situation.
So we get a smug "I taught him that" (Millie about Moxxie's superiority) and an annoyed "can we go please?" (Moxxie being Moxxie).
I deeply believe that if Blitz told them what was going on in his life-- you know, before going on missions that require him to *cough* perform under pressure, they would be infinitely nicer, even in a stressful situation. But of course Blitz doesn't do that, because opening up to friends means being vulnerable to getting hurt again. So he keeps everyone at arm's length.
What did Blitz say to M&M (and probably Loona) to explain the crystal? He probably framed it dismissively as a positive "I don't need to fuck his feathered ass to get to Earth anymore," or pretended that he and Stolas were still cool and that the crystal was just a matter of convenience.
Either way, idk . . . someone please see through his bullshit and help him before things get even worse.
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pearpap-ponders · 2 months
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AHHHHHHHHHHH THE PARALLELS YALL- Look when Stolas and Blitzø went on their first 'date' together Stolas got dressed up and looked nice, and Blitzø made a big deal out of it. He actually didn't like the fact that he went out of his way to dress up and look nicer for him. Especially because he believed that Stolas could never care or love him because of social class. Stolas putting in effort for him would imply that he cared about Blitzø and cares about how Blitzø views him. But in Blitzø's mind he probably assumed that Stolas was just making a big deal out of the event and went extra for no reason, because to him Stolas didn't actually care for him and that's why he was originally upset that he put in effort. However in Full Moon Blitzø did the same thing!!! He knew he was meeting with Stolas that night, and he wanted to look nicer for Stolas. I know we never doubted this, but Blitzø really does care for Stolas. Stolas really does mean so much to him, that he was willing to put in the effort and dress up for Stolas. Even after making such a big deal about dressing up previously. He put in a lot of thought to how he dressed, because he cares a lot about how Stolas views him, even if he is lower class, and thought that he'd never have a chance, he wanted Stolas to view him differently.
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itsmarsss · 4 months
Scandalous (Blitzø x Fem!Succubus!Reader x Stolas) [Helluva Boss] pt. 5 - Monster
How the mighty do fall. (Getting into a weird three-way situation with an imp and a succubus isn't exactly considered classy, Stolas)
If they’re only with him as prisoners, what kind of monster does that make him? 
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | 1st bonus | pt. 6 | pt. 7 | pt. 8 | pt. 9
Warnings: mentions of sex as usual, some depressing thoughts, slight mention of an abusive relationship (stella), you guys ready for a time jump? this happens after the season 1 finale. don't worry we'll find out what happens during that in a later chapter! a lot of the dialogue here comes straight from the show. this is all solely in stolas' pov!!
Word count: 6,005
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Stolas almost wishes he’d have the guts to kick the two demons out after they were done with the… activities agreed upon.  
He almost wishes they’d see themselves out immediately after, not leaving him a single, mere second to get used to their presence. He almost wishes their talk of not staying the night weren’t so empty, the promise broken by a simple plea for them to stay. He almost wishes he’d have the willpower to refrain himself from pleading. He almost wishes they had never let him have a taste of feeling their weight on his mattress next to his own body or to their body heat keeping him warm under his fancy bedsheets, to begin with. He almost wishes they’d never let him have an insight into how a life as their lover could be like, waking up to their half-dressed bodies still lazily holding onto his in some way in the morning. 
Then again, Stolas is a hypocrite. A self-aware one at that, too. 
Because he could intervene and he could stop all of these things from happening. He could tell them they had to go. He could not ask them to stay. He could never see them again. Because he’d been the one to propose they start this complicated situation they all found themselves in and he was the only one, really, who could realistically put an end to it, given they still needed their part of the deal. Because he could have done it a long while ago, cut the problem at its roots, stopped himself from falling, never have pushed them into this, and he’s well aware of it. He never really did, though. 
He should have. 
As the months went by, the more Stolas’ feelings- real, scary, romantic feelings- grew. And, with it, the more he started to see their arrangement in a different light. Back when he didn’t care all that much, he didn’t really think it through. They wanted something of his, he wanted something from them. It seemed fair and simple in his mind at the time. 
But he cares now. And at times it makes him feel disgusting. What was he thinking, anyway, tying them to himself against their will? Sure, they agreed when they could have denied it. But then again, he held the power in all of this. He had the book and they needed it badly. They’d probably do whatever he wanted for it. 
The thought had started to make him sick.
If they’re only with him as prisoners, what kind of monster does that make him? 
He buries those thoughts and conceals those feelings whenever he sees the two, making place for the momentary happiness that comes with their visits, but it eats him alive. 
He hadn’t seen either of them in a while, ever since… what happened at Ozzie's. He’d texted both Blitzo and y/n the day after that, and, upon receiving a disappointing one-letter text in reply from the imp and a nicer, but still dry and impersonal one from the succubus, he didn’t know why he still expected more than that. 
Then again, he’d never really looked at the situation through a lens other than his own. Why should he expect anything? It wasn’t their fault that he cared about them beyond the sexual nature of their relationship when their agreement ended at that. 
The whole divorce ordeal was coming close to making him lose his mind. When he announced he wanted a divorce, he thought that would be enough. He’d even felt bad about how he did all of that in front of Stella’s friends, how he embarrassed her.
But the aftermath of it reminded him of how that’s all she used to do to him, over and over again, and now she wasn’t accepting the idea all that well, seen as she still stayed around the palace, as if nothing had changed. 
It annoyed him to no end. 
“I cannot do this anymore, I want you out. Now.”
“What do you mean… ‘out’?”
“I mean out! Out of this palace. Out of my life. We are getting the divorce.”
“How dare you? What do you think the rest of the Goetia family will think? And Andrealphus-” Stella raised her hand, surely to slap him the face. It wasn’t something she did often, but Stolas couldn’t say it had never happened before. He’d allowed it, then, deeming himself deserving of it. 
He wouldn’t allow it this time. Never again. 
Stopping her made him realize how easily he could have done it all those other times, had he had the courage to. Announcing the divorce had unknowingly been the first step he needed to find the guts to begin standing up for himself. It was scary, but it was thrilling, at the same time. “I don’t care what your arrogant brother thinks!And the only thing the Goetia family wanted from our marriage is already seventeen, so it’s over. I’m done.”
Stolas knew what he did, and he knew Stella wouldn’t forgive him for it. He could only ever hope Via could, someday, understand. Still, he supposed what was in his power now that he had done it was to not let things fall into what they were before. He couldn’t have gotten things so messy for nothing. 
He didn’t even know what to think of the fact that he just couldn’t feel bad for what he’d done. Things were falling apart, and as much as he wished all of this didn’t affect Via, he didn’t regret it, now that it was done. In fact, he was relieved. Because he couldn’t go back now.
And he was fine with not wanting to.
So no more pretending to be fine, no more putting everyone else’s wishes before his own.  
… It’s easier said than done when that’s all you’ve ever known. 
[. . .]
Stolas woke up with a headache. Fuck, it was moving day. 
Well, for Stella, that is. And she wasn’t moving, per se. She had moved out the same night he demanded that she did, but every single day after that she’d come over to the palace again, claiming to have forgotten something she so desperately needed. 
The night before, he’d had enough of it, making sure to pull whatever strings he could to have all of her things out of his home by the end of the next day. 
So he woke up early, with a pounding headache, put on his robes, and walked himself straight to the front door, not stopping to get himself breakfast as he usually did. He could already hear some commotion. Good, at least people were already there to start on getting her absurd amount of belongings. Maybe they’d be done early enough that he could enjoy the rest of the day. Honestly, all Stolas had been longing for was a peaceful day. 
It was quickly proven to him that this wasn’t going to be one of those. 
As soon as he laid his foot on the first floor, the phone started ringing, and a servant ran over to bring it to him. He let out a sigh. Stella, surely. 
He was right. 
[. . .]
The phone call was going on half an hour with no signs of ending any time soon, when Via walked in.
It was hard to properly talk to her when Stella was whining on the other side of the call, so he deemed it better to dismiss her and have a conversation when he and her mother were done yelling at each other. “Darling, can we not talk about this now? Your mother is being a real B-I-T-C-H.”
Stella yelled incoherent insults at him for that. “Well how was I supposed to know you can spell? I’ve never seen you read!”
About an hour later, only a couple minutes after finally being able to hang up the phone, it rang again. He let out a groan in annoyance. Did she ever, ever shut up? 
He picked the phone up again, ready to curse at her when a voice came through first- one that wasn’t hers.
“Heyyy, Stolas, so, your daughter came by, took your book and teleported off to who-the-fuck-knows-where and we have no way of getting either of them back. Okay? Okay, good talk. Byyee!” Blitzø blurted it all out at once before hanging up abruptly. 
What. The actual. Fuck. 
In an instant, Stolas was there, in his full demon form without having even noticed he’d changed into it, angry beyond he’s ever been at the imp. 
“Heeeyy, Stolas,” Blitzo tried (and failed miserably) to act nonchalant, earning angry looks from his employees.
Stolas turned back into his normal self, now worried more than anything, pacing back and forth on the reception floor as he tried to assimilate the situation. “How could this happen? Do you just let anyone waltz into your office and grab infinitely powerful artifacts?” He shouted. “Why would she do this? How are we supposed to find her? Where would she go?”
Blitzo’s daughter, Loona, tried sniffing around. Was it even possible that she’d be able to smell that? Apparently, she was successful, as she announced… “Well, it reeks of urine and desperation, so-”
“L.A.?” y/n asked, interrupting her. She seemed to be hoping she was wrong.
Loona confirmed with a nod. ‘L.A.”
Stolas didn’t understand exactly how she’d managed to do that, or even why y/n knew immediately where she was talking about just from those disgusting things she’d said about the place- that place must be awful. The thought only got him more worried, come to think of it. How was Via going to deal with a place that seemed to be so terrible in a realm she’d never visited? 
Stolas tilted his head to the side. “What is this ‘L.A.’ place like?”
“It’s not that different from here. She’ll be fine, I’m sure,” y/n tried to reassure him. It didn’t work all that much. 
He grimaced in preoccupation as he conjured a portal.
Blitzø was the last to walk through it. “Alright, Loona, let’s make this quick. In and out before anyone notices we’re here.” He looked around, taking the view in. “Oh, this doesn’t look much different from Hell.”
“I told ya,” y/n tells him. 
“Alright, well, let’s get to work. Loony, sniff!”
“How am I supposed to smell anything in this city?”
“Can’t you even do one thing right?” Moxxie complained, annoyed.
“Can't you finally do something about how fat you are?” The hellhound retorted.
“I’m not!”
Blitzø joined the conversation. “You know, it wouldn't kill ya to put a salad in your body every now and then.”
“What? But I'm not fat! I’m not!”
Great. He had no idea where Via was and the people supposed to help him find her were arguing about… whatever that was.
Blitzø climbed on top of a dumpster, grabbing a megaphone from satan-knows-where and talking into it. “Now! First things first, if we’re gonna do this the old-fashioned way, we’re gonna need disguises.”
Okay, now that Stolas could do. In an instant, he morphed into his human form, as did Loona and y/n, making Millie clap, amused at their abilities. He still couldn’t fathom the fact that the other three imps didn’t have real human disguises, and apparently just walked around the human realm as they were. 
Stolas could almost swear Blitzø looked amused as well, but it only lasted a second. Maybe he’d imagined it. He didn’t dwell on it- there was no time for anything other than finding his baby. 
“No chance you could conjure us a couple of those… can ya?” Blitzø asked him.
“Sadly, no. I’m afraid without my Grimoire my powers are just a tad limited in the human world,” Stolas explained. 
Blitzø scoffed. “What, you can’t memorize your fucking spells?”
“Oh, your memory’s so great? What’s his phone number?” Stolas motioned at Moxxie.
“Fuck you.”
Stolas smiled, content that he’d gotten his point across. “Eeeeexactly.”
As they all walk out of the alley they were in, Stolas grabs himself a pair of red-tinted sunglasses that he puts on his head, where his second pair of eyes would be. Yeah, that feels better. He watches as y/n grabs a pair too- purple heart-shaped ones- and pays for both. Where she’d gotten human money he didn’t know, but he found it endearing that she would spend it on their glasses when she could have just walked out with them. 
They continue on their way- which Stolas admittedly didn't know exactly to where, when y/n stops walking, asking them to wait. She’s turned around now, talking to Millie while Moxxie talked to a funny-looking human man. 
“What’s he doing?”
Moxxie hisses at Millie as she tries to take whatever it was he was holding from him. She sighs. “Look we’ll find ya, alright? I’ll just stick around so he doesn't do anything stupid.” 
“You sure?”
“Yeah, we can handle ourselves. Right?”
“Right.” Y/n turns back around, cueing for everyone to keep walking.
“You worry too much,” Blitzø remarks.
“Oh shut the fuck up. Let’s find you something to wear.”
“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”
Stolas shared a look with her. “Blitz, you’re not exactly… passing as a human right now.”
“And whose fault is that?” He jabs at Stolas. 
Y/n rolls her eyes at the comment, grabbing both demons by the hand and dragging them around until they found a shop she deemed useful. 
She grabbed some cash and gave it to Blitzø , sending him on his way inside the store, opting to wait outside. Stolas decided it would be best if he did the same. He tapped his foot nervously on the sidewalk as they waited and tilted his head to the side when Blitzø walked out the door with human clothes and gigantic costume ears to conceal his horns. Perhaps not changing would’ve brought less attention to him. 
“Now that’s disturbing,” Stolas pointed out. 
Blitzo looked like he was about to say something in return, but wasn’t able to- someone started yelling beside them. “Ahh! Look everyone! It’s Hollywood star, Brannon Ragers!”
“What?” Y/n asked no one in particular. 
“The fuck is a Brandon Rager- ohh,” Blitzø looked up behind himself, and the two demons did the same. Ohh, indeed. There it was, a billboard, huge as can be, with a guy’s- well, apparently Brannon Ragers’ face on it. The similarity between that guy and whatever was going on with Blitzo’s appearance right now was uncanny.
Stolas’ eyes widened. “Oh, dear.” If they didn’t want attention then, now things were getting so, so much worse.
A hoard of fans quickly surrounded Blitzø, to the point of almost suffocating him, as they asked for selfies or autographs or simply smothered him to the ground trying to hug him. “Millie! Where the fuck are you and your whorebag husband?” Stolas could hear him scream, but couldn’t for the life of him see him in the middle of so many people.
“Can you do something about this?” He asked y/n, unsure if either of them should even do anything. 
“I mean, technically I could wipe ‘em out but I don't think we want that, do we?”
No, definitely not. 
As the three of them tried to push their way into the crowd to get to Blitzø, someone blew a whistle, which made Loona’s ears hurt and caused everyone else to pay attention to whoever had done it- apparently, some guy with ugly glasses brandishing a diploma from ‘cinephile university’, whatever that meant. 
Satan, this place was so much more chaotic than Hell was.
It worked, though- the crowd dispersed, and Blitzø was released from someone’s grip, getting dropped face-first onto the sidewalk. Some other guy made his way over to him. “Mr. Ragers, we’ve been looking for you everywhere! You were supposed to be on set an hour ago!” As he spoke, two other guys, assumedly bodyguards, grabbed Blitzø up from the ground, holding him by his arms. 
“The fuck are you talking about?” Blitzø questioned.
“Shit, they think he’s that weirdo from the billboard,” Stolas heard y/n tell Loona.
“Your guest spot on ‘Sweetie, I’m in The House”! We’re taping tonight. Now, hurry up and get in the car.”
“Oh, no, no, no, no, no, I’m not going anywhere with you, jizz biscuit,” Blitzø flipped him off. 
The guy didn’t seem bothered at all. “Very funny, Mr. Ragers. Now get in the car-” was he- was he making cat noises at him? “Come on, boy, come on,” he kept on, apparently trying to bribe him with fruit snacks, which only made everything so much more confusing. Was this Brannon Ragers guy flat-out stupid?
“Get your fucking hands off me!” Blitzø tried to release himself from the two bodyguards’ grip, but was unsuccessful, only making things worse for himself. “Loona, Stolas, y/n, a little help here?” He called out, now being forcefully dragged. His fake ears came off, but it didn't even faze anyone there. Humans are weird.
“Oh, shit,” y/n muttered. Apparently, like Stolas, she’d imagined Blitzø would have been able to get himself out of that situation, but things were going out of control now.
Stolas had to think, and fast. The crowd was going wild again, so he used his height as an advantage, the only one out of the three who could actually see over people. “Excuse me, sir, uhhhh” Shit, if they left Blitzø alone, who knew where they would take him? “I’m…. Mr. Ragers’ agent!” He found himself exclaiming. “I don’t believe you can just-” Yet another bodyguard simply grabbed him off the floor, taking him with them with no effort. That got him distracted for a second. “Oh, you are strong!” 
“No! What the fuck are you doing?” Y/n yelled after him, which was fair. He hadn’t really put much thought into what he’d done. No use thinking about it now that he and Blitzø were getting aggressively thown into the back of a van.
It only took a couple seconds for Stolas to realize what that meant- how was he going to look for Octavia from there?
“Blitz, we don’t have time for this. Via could be anywhere… She could be in danger.”
For a second, Blitzø looked worried too, until it seemed he’d had an idea. “Don’t worry, I’m on it.” He punched the window so he could stick his head out of it, looking for Loona and y/n. “You two! Go find Via! We’ll catch up soon!”
He was met with a middle finger from both of them. 
“Yeah! Way to be a team!” He yelled out, getting himself back into the van. “She’s in great hands.”
Stolas let himself smile weakly. He didn’t know if that was true, but he wanted to believe it- after all, Loona had been able to track Via up here, and y/n was sure to do the best she could. 
[. . .]
As they got to what apparently was their destination- Starstruck Studios, as it read- Blitzø was dragged around the set, barely able to keep up to what they were doing to him. They styled his fake hair, poked his eyes with something, applied heavy makeup on him- which, for some reason, did nothing to conceal his obvious red skin, and gave him a pat on the back, telling him he was ready and would be on in five. At some point during all of that, Stolas was handed what could be anywhere between 10 and 600 water bottles. 
“What? Five what? I can’t be in a sitcom.”
“Should’ve had an ego crisis before signing the contract,” the producer guy mocked him. 
Stolas took a good look at him. He looked nervous. He killed people for a living, was on the brink of getting killed every single day, and this was making him nervous. 
“I- I- I- I- I don’t even know the fucking lines, idiot!”
“Well, that’s why god invented teleprompters.” 
Stolas hardly believed teleprompter could ever be described as a creation of god’s, but sure. Blitzø looked like he was on the verge of collapsing. Stolas tried to help out. “Shouldn't he rehearse or something?”
“No can do, we’re live in 10… 9…-” They guy started counting out, and with each second that passed Blitzø seemed to spiral even more.
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, I- I- I can’t do this! No, not again.” He began pacing back and forth around the room. “I- I haven’t performed since-”
Alright, time to be the level-headed one. 
Stolas walked towards him. “Blitz, if your performance on stage is half as good as it is in bed, you’ll leave them… breathless,” he cooed, satisfied at the gulp he could see the imp take when he whispered the last word, free hand running over his throat. 
But no more time for that. He pushed Blitzø towards the stage. “Now hurry up and wow them so we can get back to finding Via!” Blitzø stopped at the door in front of him, and Stolas opened it, pushing him again, this time right onto the stage. “Break a leg, darling!” 
Suddenly, the lights were on. The crowd wasn’t huge, but there was a considerable amount of people there to watch the live recording. The actor who was already sitting on the couch delivered the first line. “Well if it isn’t our neighbor, Ronney! You feel that earthquake earlier?”
Blitzø looked terrified. Oh, no. “Say something,” Stolas urged him in a whisper from behind the camera.
Someone thankfully got him the teleprompter. He looked like he was barely present as he read his line from the screen. “Oh, yeah. Yeah! That was just… my wife… rolling out of bed.”
Stolas looked at the audience, worried no one would laugh at the joke. If no one laughed at his joke Blitzø might as well collapse. He was relieved when they started laughing. Blitzø, in turn, was beyond relieved- his eyes were almost sparkling with joy. He’d made people laugh!
Granted, they might have only done so because of the big signs telling them to, but Blitzø didn’t need to know that. Whatever was going on, it seemed to put him in a much better place, as he no longer looked like he was halfway through spiraling. It granted him the courage to keep on and even improvise. 
“Yeah! Yeah, and then that bitch hit her head on the way down and shattered her skull!”
Stolas didn’t even register the crowd’s reaction this time. He’d forgotten Blitzø is a performer. He couldn’t contain a laugh. 
Blitzø went on. “There was blood everywhere. Peed her pants,” Stolas was full on giggling now, though it took him a second to realize people had only now started laughing along. How did they not find this funny? No matter. 
Why did Blitzø even kill people anyway when this is what he’s supposed to do? He’s funny and- and… Blitzø winked at him, and immediately Stolas could feel his cheeks burn, downing some of the many water bottles he was holding to cool himself down. 
Where was he? Oh, right. He was funny and interesting and charming. Why had he given up performing? Perhaps Stolas could ask him about it at a later time.
The material of the show certainly wasn’t helping much. After a while, things were getting repetitive and, frankly, boring. And Stolas could see he was definitely not the only one who thought so, as the guy on his right had left the place altogether and the one on his left had literally fallen asleep.
Was this shoot ever going to end?
Blitzø’s character was rambling to the ugly tiny dog they’d brought in about it being the fifth couch he’d ruined that year.  “You know, maybe it's time I find you a new home, one that can put up with your attitude.”
A little girl walked into the set for the first time since the scene had started. “I can take him, Mr. Ronney! I’d be happy to adopt old Ugie and give him all the attention he needs!”
The crowd let out an ‘aw’ at the scene, everyone a little more interested now. Okay, good, it sounded like the episode was coming to an end, finally.
Blitzø held on to the dog’s collar, kneeling on the floor in front of it. “Yeah… yeah, maybe you should adopt.”
Oh, no, what was going on? Blitzø looked lost in thought, an unreadable look taking over his features. It didn’t look like a good sign at all. 
 “No. No, no, no, you can’t have her!” Her? “She’s mine and I love her!” Now that didn’t seem like acting. His expression was that of worry. 
He was right back to spiraling. 
“But Mr. Ronney, you gotta let me have the puppy. You’ve just gotta!” The kid tried salvaging the scene. 
Blitzø full-on hissed at her, shoving her away. “Don’t you touch her, you little anal fissure!”
Yep, he was definitely not doing well, whatever it was that suddenly caused this. Stolas found himself stuck, debating whether he should go there and do something.
The crowd laughed at what Blitzø said, which had been good before, but it was terrible timing now. “Oh, you think this is funny, assholes? She’s not fit to be a mother! I saw her doing lines of coke in her dressing room!”
“Hey, maybe-” Stolas tried talking to the cameraman, but was interrupted by the commotion of the bodyguards from earlier trying to get to Blitzø and contain him. 
Bad idea for them, but they didn’t know that yet. 
Another actress tried, once again, to salvage the scene, which was bonkers. What was there to even salvage after this? “Now, uh, Ronney, I think maybe you should-” she tried taking the dog from him, which was clearly the wrong move here. He pushed her onto the ground, her wig even falling off in the process. 
“No! You can’t have my baby, bitch! I’ll never get rid of her!”  Oh. This was about Loona. He took out his gun, swinging it around. One of the bodyguards tried tackling him to the ground- wrong move again. Without a second to think, Blitzø shot him in the head, still holding the dog as he did so.
And then it was chaos.
 In a couple seconds, Blitzø had already shot at least four people, and many more were coming to try to stop him. 
Yeah, time to do something, Stolas. “I’m coming, Bliiitzz-” he exclaimed, tripping over himself on the way to the commotion. He tried making his way into it, excusing himself, but to no use. Grabbing the last water bottle left on him, he threw it on someone as a last attempt. 
For… some reason… it worked. He didn’t even want to know what was in this place’s water, because the moment it touched the producer guy’s skin, it started burning its way right off, which was disturbing, but also wildly convenient at the moment. In an instant, the entire set was engulfed by fire, chaos running free as people screamed and ran around aimlessly. One guy almost tripped Stolas, and the prince would certainly have fallen if Blitzø didn’t grab him by the hand, pulling him up to stand again. 
“Alright, let’s go find our daughters,” Blitzø announced. The sight was one for the books, in Stolas’ humble opinion- he stood, holding him in place, shirt quite literally ripped open and gun in his hand, looking fiercely into the distance. The fake hair was a little distracting, but oh was this working for him.
Focus, Stolas! He snapped himself right out of it as they walked out.
“So, what happened back there… it was about Loona, wasn’t it?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Oh, that’s fine.” They both stayed in silence for a couple minutes, as Blitzø dragged Stolas around the streets. “Where are we going?”
“Well, where do goth teenage daughters go?” Blitzø showed him his phone screen as he tried to look for Not Topic on his maps app, but it kept suggesting to him this place called Hot Topic, which was a stupid knock-off name for a store. “If we could just find where-”
A portal appeared right in front of them, startling them both. Loona walked through it first. 
“Oh, Loona, my sweet baby girl! I’m so sorry! I’ll never replace you no matter what you-” Blitzø ran up to Loona, meaning to hug her. She wasn’t having it, literally kicking him off of her. Stolas was startled by that, not used to this kind of… affection. “You’re good,” was all she said.
“Dad, I’m so sorry,” Octavia started, looking at the ground as if embarrassed at herself. 
Stolas threw himself onto her immediately, shifting out of his human form and interrupting her with a hug. “I’m just relieved you’re okay! But what could possess you to do such a thing? You know I haven’t taught you spells like this yet.”
“I just wanted to see the stars you promised.”
“The stars?” Stolas looked around, confused. He gasped when he realized what Via meant. “Anathoths’s tears! Oh, no, my dear, sweet Via, I am so-”
Octavia was the one to interrupt him with a hug this time, holding him tight. “I know, dad. It’s okay. You’re here now.”
He smiled, holding her closer to his chest, relieved. 
“Thank you,” he told y/n, holding a hand of hers in his for a brief second, to show his gratitude was sincere. “For finding her. And keeping her safe.”
Blitzø turned to face her too. “S´ppose I should say thank you too or whatever.” He eyed the two holding hands with a weird expression, and it made them withdraw them in an instant.
“Where would the two of you be without me?” Y/n quipped, trying to lessen the awkwardness of whatever had just happened. 
“Okay, don’t flatter yourself too much now,” Blitzø feigned annoyance, but clearly tried to fight a smile. He tried to hug Loona again, but she slapped him across the face with the Grimoire. She didn’t look irritated though. Stolas realized it really was her weird way of showing affection. 
Some sort of colorful shooting stars appeared in their sight but it was as if they were coming from the ground and going through some sort of explosion when they hit the night sky. Weird. Stolas had never seen those in his books. 
It was pretty, nonetheless. 
“What the fuck is that?” Loona questioned, seemingly also enamored by them.
“My acting career,” Blitzø replied bitterly. 
“They’re called fireworks,” y/n explained to them. 
“Fireworks?” Stolas questioned, intrigued. He kept forgetting how much she knew about this realm, and he almost felt inadequate when he was reminded of it. But he’d ask more about them later. 
Now, he was watching the stars with his daughter. 
“Ooh, Look at that one! Did you see that one?” Via asked, excited, and his heart swelled. He’d live in this moment forever if he could. 
“Now, where the fuck are M&M?” Blitzø questioned, which disturbed the moment a bit, but he supposed it was a fair question. Where were the other imps all day?
“Last Mills told me they were…” y/n took out her phone, re-reading the texts sent between them, “‘singing a love-song duet for money’,” she paraphrased.
“Well that makes no sense. Hold on.” Blitzø took out his own phone, texting Millie. She replied within the second.“They’re… still at the alley, apparently.”
“I’ll conjure them a different portal,” Stolas tells them all, waving his hand and conjuring one of his own. “We should return now.”
[. . .]
Back at the palace, Stolas tried to make things seem normal. “So, was your visit to the human realm eventful, at least, sweetheart?”
“Oh, not that much. I spent the whole day trying to find some place where I could see the stars. Turns out you can't really see the stars from there.”
Stolas’ mood deflated. Via noticed. “It’s fine though. I took some cool pictures and we got to see the fireworks!”
“I am really sorry I missed Anathoth’s tears, my sweet Via. I really am.”
“I know you are. I talked to Loona. And Y/n.”
“Whatever about?”
“Well they said you’re not perfect. And you fuck up sometimes. Which is true. But they also said you’re trying, and you’re making an effort. And I can see that now. That’s good for me.”
Stolas couldn’t find his words for a couple of seconds. “...I’m glad it is, darling.”
“I like her.”
“Y/n. As much as I don't like that you… you know. She’s not that bad, I guess.”
“And Blitzø?”
“Don’t push it, dad. That’s all you’re getting from me. I’m gonna go to bed now, alright?” She walked over to him, kissing his cheek. “G´night, dad!”
“Goodnight, Octavia.”
As soon as she was out of sight, he broke down. 
How awful of him, to be so absorbed in his own chaotic life that he didn’t remember, didn’t notice. 
What kind of father was he? 
Was he really the kind to let his daughter think that him fucking up all the time was okay? That it was enough because he was trying? 
Stolas wished to be a father who was there. Who didn’t fuck up. A father who remembered important things and didn’t dismiss his own daughter when she was trying to talk to him about them. A father who didn’t ever have to worry about her being in danger because he paid attention, and prevented her from getting herself into dangerous situations. 
Amidst his own drama, he’d forgotten to be a father altogether. 
How selfish. How awful. How disgusting.
Perhaps whatever it is he had with the two demons did have to end, he reflected. At least in the way it currently stood. 
He had obligations more important than spending his time worrying about whether his feelings were requited, analyzing their behavior for a sliver of hope, tending to their times of need. 
He’d had the time to think of himself, but it seemed he couldn’t trust himself to do so without forgetting to think of others all around. 
And now it was time to think about Octavia. 
He had to be a parent, and if he was unable to do it right while his life was a mess, then he was solving that mess altogether.
He’d deal with the consequences later, and if it shattered him, then so be it. 
[. . .]
Stolas tapped his foot on the floor as he waited, catching himself inspecting the feathers in his forearm and trying to resist the urge to  try and pluck some, more to not make a mess out of the room than to stop the harm of it. For better or for worse, the bandage around his unhealed arm made it impossible to do it without causing excruciating pain. 
The huge door was pulled open in front of him, and he stood up from the couch in the waiting room. 
“Stolas!” Amodeus called, opening his arms to greet him. “Hey there, birdy babe. Haven’t seen you since you crashed my club.” Stolas grimaced at the memory, following the Sin into his office. “How you been?” Ozzie closed the door behind them, leading him inside. He let out a laugh. “Still getting your kink on with my girl and that feisty imp?” 
This was going to be uncomfortable. Stolas let out a nervous laugh, trying to calm himself down before he can get to what he wants to say. 
But he’s doing this. He’s giving them the crystal and setting them free. Free to make a choice, whatever that choice ends up being. 
Stolas almost hopes they will choose him. No, he fully does.
But that’s not his call to make.
Yeah, he’s doing this.
“Well, um, that’s actually what I’m here about.”
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A/N:  first bonus chapter comes tomorrow or the day after that! look out for it it has a little hint of something we'll find out in a later chapter <3 i hope you guys like this one, i'm a little self-conscious abt it but it's exactly what i intended it to be so.
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blossomthepinkbunny · 4 months
Character development in HB
(and why it doesn't really happen)
I think another reason why the characters of HB feel flat/underdeveloped is because there are a lot of the same revelations made time and time again, without any real progession. It seems as if the writers assume that writing a character arc is just doing the same stuff just more extreme.
Loona realized that she should appreciate Blitzø more two times already (three times if you count "Spring Broken"). In the Beelzebub episode she cares for him when he got drunk after trying to pick her up from the party. In "Seeing Stars" she tells Octavia that their dads might be annoying sometimes, but they care very deeply actually. We also get some insight into how Blitzø first adopted Loona in "Seeing Stars", when she was in a state of needing someone who takes care of her. Despite all these moments were Blitzø showed great care for her (including "Spring Broken") and despite the moments where she realizes she should be nicer to him, we never see a definitive change in her behaviour. Her helping to take out the C.H.E.R.U.B could be counted as having a new attitude towards her dad, but Millie and Moxxie also followed him, so it's not an exclusive decision she made. And if her not wanting her dad to die is a new trait of hers, then I don't know what I should think of her character to begin with.
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Octavia has the exact same conversation about her relationship with her dad twice. In "LooLoo Land" she finds out that Stolas cares more than she realized and that adult relationships are more complicated than she expected. In "Seeing stars" Loona and her talk about how Stolas loves her a lot more than he is able to show. Octavias character is stale and there is never a new conclusion she draws from these experiences.
In another way, Stolas realizes that his daughter feels neglected and he wants to be more present for her, yet after that we never see him spend more time with her and after a few episodes she feels neglected once again.
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We get to see some insight into Millies character in "Unhappy Campers". We see that she is pretty insecure in her own worth and needs approval. In some of the leaks for the unreleased ghost episode, Millie apparently is going to try to commit suicide because she feels useless and has insecurities. We get the same revelations for her, just that the second time it's way more intense. But despite this intensity, these deep feelings Millie has never come up until the show sees them as "relevant" (keep in mind this part with Millie is only based on the leaks I saw, take this one with a grain of salt maybe).
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In the newest episode Stolas realizes that Blitzø isn't really interested in a deeper relationship with him. Blitzø tells him off, just as he did in "Ozzies" with Stolas coming to a pretty similar conclusion after Blitzø told him off and didn't take the offer to hang out in a non sexual context. He and Blitzø also text, which we see in "Western Energy". Stolas tells Blitzø that he doesn't have to show up to their annual meeting or that they can meet up for other, not sexual stuff. Blitzø never responds enthusiastically or like he is genuinely interested in getting to know Stolas. Stolas has found out that Blitzø isn't really interested in him beyond the deal multiple times. Yet in the newest episode, he acts shocked and saddened, as if this is something he just found out about.
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I know that character development takes time and it's not realistic for people to immediately change after having one revelation about their behaviour. In HB however, the character arcs feel like they turn on and off however the show needs them to.
Loona is abusive, annoyed and cynical when the show wants to be funny (that's pretty much the only joke she has). When the show wants to tackle her seriously she becomes a scared, closed off, but still able to be genuine person who realizes that she needs to be better. They want her to become better but they also never let her fully go through with trying to change. Octavia is never seen on screen until the show wants to present Stolas as a better dad than he seems. So she can't progress because then, her whole purpose as a character (as it is now) is defeated. Millie is a seriously insecure person needing of approval in scenarios where they want to have conflict with Moxxie (or make her seem more deep ig) but in other instances we can't see her insecurity, because she also needs to fullfill her purpose of being Moxxies hypewoman and full support. Stolas wants to dial back his sexual side towards Blitzø to make him realize he isn't just interested in their deal. He wants them to be genuine and says himself, that he doesn't like just making their relationship sexual. He makes sexual remarks towards Blitzø in "Seeing Stars" and doesn't show restraint in talking about him sexually in "Western Energy".
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The characters feel like they loop around and don't develop because a lot of them are just acting how the plot needs them to act in a specific scenario. That's either because they never get real focus that would help adequately deal with their stuff, or that it's pretty clear that they weren't written with the intention of having big arcs/deeper motivations.
I think the biggest development any character had throughout HB is Stolas realizing he wants more out of his and Blitzø's relationship (even though that came very suddenly) and Fizzarolli and Blitzø becoming friends again (which was also kinda rushed but it's fine). Blitzø in general is one of the better written characters in the show in my opinion and he has some nice moments amd interesting interactions.
Also, @wolfscarr has a three part set of posts talking about the problems with HBs narrative, wasted relationships and opportunities. It's really thorough and makes interesting points about the broken narrative of HB. I'll put the link to the first part right here if you wanna check it out.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
once again begging HB fandom to please, please rewatch season 1, especially murder family & loo loo land
I saw a post claiming that Stolas made the full moon deal for Blitz's benefit, because asking for compensation with the only thing Blitz has shown interest in (sex) was apparently nicer on Stolas' part than just like... asking Blitz to rent the book from him with money or something
and I'm just like what??? this kind of take can only come from a headcanon because there's nothing in the show to support it apart from Stolas' own self-delusion (which doesn't excuse him given all the evidence to the contrary he should have noticed).
After their one night stand Blitz never shows an interest in having sex with Stolas. At the point they were at in murder family Stolas had no reason to assume Blitz still wanted sex from him, there isn't much more Blitz could have done to make it clear he wasn't interested!
Blitz ghosts him after their one night stand (by Stolas' admission on the phone call in full moon, it's 'never a good time', suggesting Blitz dodges Stolas' calls constantly and Stolas never gets a hint), tries multiple times to get him off the phone/get to the point in murder family & spends basically all his lines with Stolas in Loo Loo Land shutting it down whenever Stolas tries to flirt/make a move on him (one of which results in Stolas interrupting him mid-protest to condescend to him by saying he's 'cute when he's serious', ignoring totally the thing Blitz just told him not to do)
even later in the series when Blitz is supposedly developing feelings for Stolas and (according to stol/tz logic, not mine) enjoying being forced to sleep with Stolas he still sends him text replies of one or two word answers. it doesn't help that this interest Blitz supposedly shows is never onscreen. Even the two scenes that are the best 'evidence' of why Stolas would get mixed signals are still a reach - Blitz doesn't exactly seem super enthusiastic about sleeping with Stolas in The Circus and he's disinterested and annoyed by Stolas the whole time during their "date" (Stolas' phrase, not Blitz's) in Ozzies. when it comes to being expected to sleep with Stolas at the end of the latter episode he turns it down flat and Stolas' texts show he still doesn't get what the problem is.
Stolas' level of self delusion is his own problem. Not Blitz's. If he couldn't notice that Blitz isn't smiling in a single photo on his own then there's no reason to make Blitz responsible for not screaming in Stolas' ear to get through to him because it clearly wouldn't have worked. Stolas did not want to hear it. Going by what I suspect their convo in full moon will be like, he still doesn't and probably won't take in any criticisms Blitz is allowed to make (and goodness knows the show loves to make characters criticize Stolas in the flimsiest way possible so he can easily talk around them or rebut them)
Also saw the take repeated yet again (as many others have) that Blitz "never once explicitly tells Stolas no".
Besides the fact it's blatantly wrong & just a rewrite of what actually happened in the show - he says no in Ozzie's, he repeatedly tells Stolas to knock it off and voices his discomfort several times in Loo Loo Land - it's frankly disturbing to see this repeated so often.
Like part of the entire problem is that Stolas has put Blitz in a situation where he cannot say no. That is why this is sexual extortion: Blitz needs the book to keep his business running so Stolas has forced him into treating him with kid gloves to avoid making him angry and bankrupting his company (and putting his employees and daughter out onto the street if he can't pay them) as a result.
Even if Blitz was far less vocal about telling Stolas off when he annoys him, that wouldn't make the full moon deal or Stolas' rationalization of it OK. The fact that he does say no multiple times and indicates how he doesn't want Stolas coming onto him outside of their deal (again, the panic button for Stolas in his office & the way he has to go out of his way to clarify to Stolas that he had better not try and come onto him in the theme park - only to be interrupted and demeaned - suggests Stolas' understanding of boundaries is poor and that Blitz does not nor should not feel safe around him) should indicate well enough that Blitz is not interest in sex with Stolas and would have cut him out of his life in early s1 if he'd had the choice. But he didn't and it's disturbing to see the fandom apply revisionist history to suggest that isn't the case.
And what's worse is it's obvious Vivzie agrees with them, or wants to make it seem like she does because she can't be bothered to write actual character development for Stolas to make him a love interest that wouldn't be a total horror show for Blitz to be with. Instead Stolas achieving the bare minimum of saying Blitz's name right (and being nice to him on the phone offscreen) is enough, apparently
I remember you or someone else made a compilation of Blitz saying no or pushing back on Stolas as a video. It feels like we're at a 'don't make me tap the sign' type of point where that series of clips should just be the reply to anyone still pushing this claim.
That was indeed me, and here it is. Also, thank you for this ask, because every word is 100% correct.
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Stella And Stolas Should Been Divorced Or Were In The Middle Of One When Stolas Slept With Blitzo
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To make Stolas seem less of an asshole who has no guilt for cheating, have him be a recent divorcee or someone in the middle of divorcing. Have it so he's been stressed with getting divorced from a wife he was never attracted or got along with when Blitzo comes back into his life. He would be delight that his childhood friend is back and has come to see him. And they actually were childhood friends who had a deeper connection, but separated as teens when it was deemed he had outgrown Blitzo and need to move on with marrying Stella. He was beginning to catch feelings for Blitzo as a teen but it remain dormant after he left but came back when Blitzo showed up again. And Blitzo comes back to offer a deal with him to help fund a business with his grimoire which Stolas is reluctant at first to support until Blitzo seduces him into agreeing and everything goes from there.
During one meeting when they were having their tryst, Stella catches them having their business partners with benefits relationship as she's dropping Octavia off. This would incur so many questions and saying thank goodness she's divorcing/divorced him because she couldn't be seen with a husband who is sleeping with an imp. Meanwhile, Octavia is still confused about everything and is shocked to see her dad having already moved on from her mom quick. This time she's having mixed feelings about her dad's new relationship after going through a turbulent divorce with her parents. I do think in this au Octavia would still be going through emotional problems but it won't be solely Stolas' fault. And Stolas will learn how to balance his daughter getting through his and getting used to Blitzo since this time they didn't have an affair that broke up the family.
The problem of him sleeping with an imp would still get Stella mad and get second hand embarrassment. But she keeps it a secret because she doesn't want to be known as the woman who had a ex-husband whose new partner was an imp. I do think we should have some focus where she's realizes her fighting is hurting her daughter and will do her best to keep her daughter from seeing anymore. She might also be searching for another partner but she thinks waiting until some calm down in the divorce when she can date again so her daughter can get through this especially since Stolas already was quick to find a new partner. Also she blackmails Stolas with the info about him sleeping with an imp to have some favors done for her in the human world. IMP does those favors or she rats him out which he agrees.
The issue of Imp and high society relationships would still be an issue. However, Stolas would be more nicer and doesn't coerce Blitzo into a forced arrangement. Blitzo willing sleeps with Stolas to gain favor but also both development slow genuine feelings as they revitalize their relationship. Blitzo would know more about the divorce and has the bystander that's rough thing. He wouldn't think much of Stella if he had ever really encountered her as a kid. Stella wouldn't be one dimensional but it's obvious that both she and Stolas never got along and even if he wasn't gay they weren't comptable. And in contrast show how from the beginning Blitzo and Stolas were more compatible.
Also the person who puts a hit on Stolas won't be Stella but she's a red herring but it would be another member of the Goetia who is embarrassed by Stolas sleeping with an imp who he lent the grimoire to. Andrealphus would be the culprit and as it turns out as much as Stella doesn't like Stolas she still knows her daughter loves her father and doesn't want to break her heart if he's dead. Also I think she would have told Andrealphus and told him to keep it a secret because she wants to keep face and blackmail Stolas into giving into her demands. However, Andrealphus being a opportunistic bastard wants to see him dead to his own advantage and maybe steal his spot.
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You mentioned Velvette being friends with sucubi in one of your post and made me start think about the Vees opinions/relationships to hellborns!
I was already wondering about that Topic in relation to sinners in general, but lets keep the Focus on the three:
Do they employ them? (There was that imp girl (Dia) that worked for Valentino in pre-show stuff but she is nowhere to be seen now.)
They do try marketing to them as well, would be stupid not to. So they must have people that are able to travel between rings to facilitate their business there.
Do they partake in the classist ideas we see depicted in 'Helluva Boss'? Seeing Imps and hellhounds as the lowest of the low while other hellborns they "respect"
Just something interesting to think about, since Hazbin is prob gonna focus on the sinners only a lot of things like this will be left for headcanons i guess
Ah my friend, do they partake in classist ideas? Look at them, does anyone of this bunch looks like the would miss an opportunity to bully someone? If there wasn't classism in Hell, Vox would personally invent it. So yeah I think they treat like shit all casts that are formally below them. Maybe Velvette would be a little nicer because she doesn't have fragile ego to maintain. But Val would shot imps for fun because unlike sinners they can actually die so it's more satisfying. Also I think Vox despises all hellborns because they make him aware of his own limitations - even if he was the most powerful Overlord, he still wouldn't be Mammon and he hates it. It's a glass celling he can never break.
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I like to think that Valentino and Velvette can really get along with succubi. I know Ozzie would tear Val into pieces but his demons didn't really seem to share his ideals. So, succubi can for sure party but they also can get them all the nice stuff from earth if Vees need anything because as Viv mentioned "everything in Hell is off-brand and of terrible quality". I can imagine Valentino spending fortune just to get a quality silk dress smuggled from Earth.
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They probably have some shark demons on their payroll like you mention to facilitate their businesses in other rings and Vox is especially fond of them because you know... They are sharks and they are native to Greed. What else... Valentino probably hired a shit tone of hellhounds when he discovered furries?
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Knowing as much as I do about higher hellborns like Goetias I cannot really imagine any of them to have intrest in fraternizing with sinners. Maybe Velvette would be influential enough with her social media platforms to connect with younger or less dignified of them. Technically Stolas, Stella and her shitty brother with overtly complicated name live in Pride so maybe one of them would cross path with Vel during some fancy fashion event.
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trashogram · 26 days
How would I improve Stolas & Stolitz?
For Stolas:
• Have him doing princely things and carrying out royal duties? Have him actually be busy with his job? Have other characters treat him with some esteem as a royal and powerful figure?!!
• Have him show sympathy and/or basic decency toward his staff of imps and hellhounds right off the bat OR as he becomes closer to Blitzø, have Stolas visibly treat them nicer
• Do not rely on mental health issues like depression to make Stolas sympathetic — I’m not saying Stolas can’t have depression, but depression is not an excuse for entitled, selfish behavior. Nor is any other mental condition.
• Don’t use the women in his life as tools to develop or regress his character
> Have him actually be respectful of Octavia’s feelings and input, have him contemplate his treatment of others because of her presence in his life — and give him a Come To Jesus Moment where he realizes he’s been misusing her inheritance and how awful that is
> Don’t make Stella out to be pure evil just so you can have her physically and sexually assault Stolas so that it further victimizes him. It’s disgusting and unnecessary
> You don’t need to make Stella evil to make Stolas sympathetic — have her and Stolas just not be in love anymore. Show that Stella has concubines but she and Stolas still get on relatively amiably. They both love their daughter and can co-parent. Stolas isn’t going to come across as the villain for falling in love with someone else this way. It’s cakey but not as offensive.
• Have there be clear consequences to his actions like giving the grimoire to I.M.P. — if Stolas’s deal with Blitzø is found out, who is he going to get in trouble with? I want to know and I want the threat to be clear and visible
For Stolitz:
• Show positive interactions between Blitzø and Stolas ONSCREEN — not just in texts and dialogue implying what hasn’t been shown
• Have them talk about anything other than sex or romantic love (again, onscreen!)
> Potential bonding ideas: have Blitzø see or be aware of Stolas’s soap operas and make fun of them, only to later be emotionally affected by the show much to Stolas’s delight
> Have Stolas try to understand Blitzø’s love for horses. Show Stolas reading about equestrian matches or different horse breeds, or fuck it, have Stolas greet Blitzø during the Full Moon deal with a bunch of cowboy props and pitch role play ideas, just something! Anything!
• A very simple thing that could work to this pairing’s advantage — have Stolas acknowledge that Blitzø doesn’t like to be called ‘Blitzy’ and Stolas apologizes then stops. He never does it again, and therefore shows he can listen and change his behavior for someone he cares about
• Stolas treating M&M with enough courtesy to acknowledge when they fucking speak to him because they’re important in his love interest’s life AT THE VERY LEAST
• Have him ask about Loona or show an interest in how she’s doing. Stolas can offer to have a Father-Daughter day where he and Blitzø take their daughters to the mall or something
• No childhood friends to lovers plot line. It was pointless — the kids didn’t really bond or have a connection, human trafficking took place, the sequence didn’t even end properly, and the only real thing of note was that Stolas is apparently Paimon’s child in this universe
> If you’re gonna age down Stolas to make him and Blitzø more compatible and the ship less icky, fine. But use it better — show them having daddy issues side-by-side without forcing them to interact. Have Stolas visibly rely on and get along better with the imps on staff than his own dad, and the audience can see that he’s a disappointment child just like Blitzø
• No Bee/Vortex and keep Fizz/Asmodeus under wraps so it at least LOOKS like a demon prince and an imp is an unthinkable combination because of class distinction
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This is my reimagined versions of our royal family. Based on that one portrait of them. This is heavily HEAVILY inspired by Lovesart23, who is doing her own reimagined version of the Helliverse, whom I am absolutely obsessed with, they did a much better and nicer reimagined version of the family, I highly recommend their YouTube Videos on it, their twitter at is @/Brittan63683377 instagram and YouTube are both Lovesart23 unfortunately I do not know of her tumblr, if she has one. But I wanted to do my own reimagined version, since I love birds. I will post my original concept sketches below as well
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This is the image I based it off of. I grabbed it I think off of Reddit somewhere, I heard it was in season 2, sorry for no specifics.
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This was my original Stolas sketch, along side his post break up fit, which I love, and a rope, which he also happens to be wearing on, as we know.
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I also have my original sketches for the entire family. I didn’t want to color Stella in at the time, so this piece was me coloring her in. And I do imagine Octavia would wear a lot more relaxed colors on a regular basis, in the photo I internally made her dress not very colorful or showing much of her personality. I frame her as the golden goose of her parents. Stella made her wear the outfit, as she is a big part of her image and wants her to look as nice and shiny as possible. I did base Octavia on chicks, as she is younger. Although in the portrait I tried to make her look more well groomed, less fluffy, to seem more adult like. As by request of Stella. She is a royal lady and should be married as soon as possible. As was Stella and Stolas.
Also Stolas’ usual cape now will have the galaxy in it, I thought it more fitting for his royal image and all. I did base him on a barn owl, because I am bias and love barn owls. A great plus was changing his pallet to make him stand out better.
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spotlightlowlife · 5 months
A step not forward but to the side.
First off, this family time tale is a nice idea.
Shorts is a good idea too. Filling in gaps without having to commit to a story, but that's also the issue and has been for a long while.
Though it's nice to have the sisters enjoy a day together, we gloss over what little we were offered in the first place.
The Millie episode in season one had the family be tough farm folk who were open about their disappointment at Millie's choice of partner and lifestyle, which truly didn't have to take away from Millie but it did because that was all their entire yet breif content and throughout these scenes, as is now usual, Millie had zero to say on the matter. It was up to Moxxie to find an excuse to finally stand up to the parents after making all the effort, though the impression of bridges burning thankfully wasn't there, Millie still had nothing to contribute.
Fast forward to this short and Millie has nothing to say on any matter. Moxxie not getting a mention doesn't make it more of a Millie story when Millie yet again has no argument for her frowned upon choices even when they're bought to her attention...
Why couldn't she defend her job?
Why couldn't she defend her choice to move?
Also for us...
Why didn't we learn why Millie moved to the city and why this particular place?
Did she leave home abruptly and why?
Did she always give the impression of wanting to be elsewhere?
When did Millie discover she loved spar days, shopping and clubs and why don't we know these things?
Dispite her lack of anything to say, I was impressed by Millie not feeling guilty about leaving the farm, but again this could be yet another example of nothing to say (if only at atleast one of the 'also for us' questions had been addressed)?
BS on Sally running that place alone, this is yet another example of pushing blame onto someone else to make a character seem nicer and more innocent, this show has a history of doing this, Stolas is sad because of Stella and (somehow) to a lesser extent Paimon being one example but there's one better. What we saw was a close knit family who were united in their bafflement at Millie's choices yet happy to see her, Sally was the only one who's judgment come across as fairly harmless teasing in the two lines she got, but now their parents are useless, the brothers are of little help, nobody else was around and Sally is sad because of this. It's reminiscent of Ozzie and Fizz exuding confidence, a love for lust and enjoyment at grudges (was the Fizzbot programmed to pick on Blitzø), the same two who happily mocked Millie, Moxxie and Blitzø, now push the blame for their unhappiness and work choices onto Mammon just as we meet him.
We really could have dwelled more on how much they miss one another and how much they have in common.
Sally coming across as a fish out of water didn't work neither, she dressed similar to Millie in the first place and again after the out of place dress scene that didn't even fit this series (maybe Hazbin), she never come across as rough and unglamorous.
Lastly Moxxie
Moxxie silently slipping past them unnoticed, apparently happy that his wife is happy to me isn't sweet, it's like he can't be comfortable in his home when Millie has her known to be hostile towards him for no good reason family over, that even so much as a greeting before leaving them alone ruins things. Had Millie and Sally been asleep this would have been exactly what was intended, sweet.
Has anything improved?
A side step this was.
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
Ganna be honest the only reason I’m sticking around Helluva right now is because I’m waiting for the Fizz and Ozzie episode, as well as seeing Fizz’s backstory. I don’t give a shit about Barbie’s episode, (REALLY hope that’s not the next one, if it is I’m not watching it, I can’t stand another fucking poor pity me Blitz episode) nor the episodes that come after since we already know by the leaks how this shit is ganna end, so I really think I’m going to drop the Stolitz show after the Fizz and Ozzie one.
Season 1 was bad but season 2 is just worse. It’s retconning fucking everything, flip flopping it’s character motivations and can’t stay fucking consistent for the life of it, the female characters are still pushed to the back and have no thought or care written into them compared to the males, the humor is absolute dogshit because the creator only sticks to one fucking form of comedy every single time and can’t focus on the serious aspects without an unfunny shitty gag or distraction, the constant push of everyone wanting you to ship Stolitz and care about them despite them still having no chemistry or reason why they should end up together, (and being horrible people themselves) the constant dangling of future plot threads only for it to have an underwhelming “conclusion”, and introducing new threats when we STILL haven’t gotten to know our main fucking characters well and their dynamics/relationships, the show tries so hard to be deep and compelling but fails every time because in reality the writers have no idea how to write trauma and abuse and it’s just a fetish show for people who sexualize gay men to the maxes and get off to sex, the obvious fact that Viv has NO idea where this story will end or what her end goal is for the show, so she keeps pulling ideas at the top of her head without planning what will come after, causing everything we watch to not have any build up, proper time and dedication, or feel earned.
The show CONSTANTLY goes back to the status quo every episode and barley acknowledges the previous one that happened or existed, the characters stay the same and are never going through actual fucking development, learn from their mistakes or past, and when the writers aren’t retconning things, the characters are exactly the same as they were in the beginning of the show. The only characters I slightly care about at this point are Via, Striker, Fizz, and maybe Ozzie, but Striker clearly is a tool that Viv seems to have no sympathy for, and Octavia? Well…fuck Octavia, who cares about her feelings, lol, she’s a meanie for being upset with her father and needs to suck up to him just because he’s nicer, and when I say I “like” Fizz and Ozzie, that’s not saying much. We barley know them and I hate that Fizz is tied to Blitz in the first place, because you know Viv is going to end up sucking Blitz’s dick for every shitty action he did and have the end work in his favor. It’s so predictable, Fizz and Blitz are going to make amends, even if it’s not this season, I know it’ll happen, cause every fucking episode that focuses on Blitz wants you to feel bad for him and side with him, even when he’s being called out for being a dick, especially if you’ve seen the leaks. Speaking of those, with Viv mentioning that this season has 12 episodes and episode 12 was ALSO leaked, it gives me no hope or interest for the show. This show wants you to hate anyone and anything who doesn’t side with Stolas and I don’t give a shit about him and Blitz, since this is literally confirmed to be the Stolitz show, and these are two awful unfunny characters who should have never been main characters in the first place.
There are tons of better shows out there right now, as well as old shows I haven’t watched yet, and I need to stop wasting my breath repeating the same thing over and over. Tearing the show apart IS fun, but at the same time, it’s the same case with every episode. Fast pacing, unfunny humor, tonal problems, filler, favoritism in writing, lack of buildup, retconning, and the main point that certain characters suck and others deserve better. It’s legit the same issue every time so that’s why it’s starting to get so tiring critiquing the show and watching it, especially since I don’t give a shit about the characters or story, cause the characters I actually care about get thrown in the dust while the characters that fucking suck get focus constantly and idolized, and whenever an upcoming plot for an episode SEEMS like it’ll intrigue me, the potential is swept out the window because no one on this writing team is a good writer, not Adam, not Brandon, and especially not Viv, who hasn’t learned anything or improved, and doesn’t realize that she just doesn’t have the writing chops for what she’s TRYING to accomplish, and the show will never improve because the creator is a stuck up brat who can’t take criticism and treats it like acid rain.
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
What would happen if Striker joined IMP if he was a good guy? It's an au.
Oh okay, the coolest part of this idea to me is that it nearly happened in canon. Blitz fully offered him a job and that only fell through because of Striker being contracted to Stella and trying to fulfill that, so let's get rid of that pesky hen's involvement and explore a little on what I feel could happen with this AU
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Striker joining I.M.P as a good guy AU
Now let me get one thing clear off the bat, Striker is still kind of an ass, He and Moxxie still get off poorly, he's still very boastful and cocky. The only difference is he was never contracted, so no actual murder attempts this time, he accepts the job and everything is hunky dory.
Also I'm conflicted on if Blitz would want him to join in on the company car pool to work, and all the scenarions that could work with, or have Striker ride Bombproof there everyday so there's a horse around. Choose which you like.
I have a feeling if he kept bullying Moxxie, Millie would eventually come to his defense, no parents around to scold her this time. So he learns to back off and be nicer to his co workers, no reason to make people who have your back in tough situation mad at you after all.
He and Blitz get along the best, after all he's the guy he really synergized with during the festival, becoming a bit of a common duo on missions. Also he has a horse which we know makes Blitz like anyone a bit more.
Not sure how his and Loona's relationship would be, she seemed cool with him so maybe she's less standoffish to him, maybe calling him over to show him something funny on her phone, idk seems like it'd be a cute little friendship.
Now if he apoligized to Moxxie, and chilled out with the teasing, I think they could be decent friends, talking bout gun stuff and music, since they both seem to like those things, Maybe something more if you want a Strixxie situation that's pretty wholesome, either way I think they'd grow to like eachother.
With Millie her only problem with him here is him antagonizing Moxxie so if he settles that she's okay with him, I can imagine they sometimes talk about her family, mainly venting since they both knew them, and while Striker seemed cool with them, I feel he'd still get her frustrations a little, plus there both Wrath grown Imps it seems so theres also something shared to talk about.
Now with Stolas... Well I feel good or not Striker wouldn't be the biggest fan of royals, as it seems to be big part of his character so he sees Stolas as a necessary thing for the book, and prefers him not to be around. He's standoffish if they interact and Stolas hasn't a clue why, and just awkwardly walks off, though eventually I think he'd see Stolas is just as much a victim of the system as he is, and he chills out, after all I also feel for the sake of another thing I feel happening here they probably should.
Speaking of that, One thing I feel very strongly about in this AU is I think Blitz is going to ask Striker out eventually, since he clearly liked him and was attracted to him, and without the falling out I feel he'd ask him out. Cause if theres any kind of universe Stritz would work healthily, it's this one.
Now interpret how this goes anyway you want, Striker could just politely decline and they remain friends, they try it out but find they don't work, or they get together long term, I feel any could work here. This doesn't disqualify any other ships tho so have a big happy polycule with the cowboy involved someway. XP
Now I could go into how Striker would work in the other episodes he just wasn't in, in canon, but this post is long enough so I might make a part 2 for that if you want it, in the mean time let me list off some random scenarios I thought up.
Striker misplacing his hat and getting the whole team to help him look, Moxxie tries to give him one of his in the meantime but it just isn't the same to him so he's still grumpy untill they find his actual one.
Whatever situation he had to house Bombproof falls through so they try to find another way, and get into shenanigans along the way.
The whole company get's treated to a fancy dinner (Probably by Stolas) And Blitz insists they go as a team bonding thing, but it has a strict dress code and Striker refuses to wear anything fancy and without his ragged hat (Blitz and Millie end up having to wrangle him into a suit)
Also in general he's just a grump when they get him to try new clothes XP
Striker discovering Blitz in his apartment constantly, and dealing with the same stuff M&M do. To the point he puts rope traps around, and it blossoms into a full goofy war between him and Blitz on who can outsmart the other. Ending with both tangled up in the traps, and they have to call M&M for help
I hope this was a good list of ideas for this kind of AU. Personally I really like the idea of a Good/Redeemed Striker, as I like him a good bit, so this was fun, also even if I don't personally ship them, the ships with Striker with one or some of the I.M.P members I've seen some cute stuff in passing, and this AU seems perfect for those.
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soot-and-salt · 5 months
I went to my first ever comic convention today!
It was so much fun and the costumes were amazing. I saw so many Hazbin/Helluva characters! Radio Demons as far as the eye could see! You name it, I saw it: Blitzo, Stolas, Charlie, Rosie, Adam, Lute, Niffty, Vox, Valentino, Fiz, Loona... The best one was a really incredible Nun Alastor. Hands down my favorite Alastor variant. 10/10 no notes.
I also got to meet Richard Horvitz and tell him how much weird shows like Billy and Mandy and Invader ZIM meant to me growing up as a bullied goth kid and how fun it was to hear him in Helluva Boss. Like running into a dear old friend! He was the absolutely kindest soul, very funny and charming, could not have been nicer.
Great first con experience! And now I need to go lay down for a week.
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
Full Moon anon - unexpected third part, sorry.
I think I've figured out why 'Stolas sending Blitzo nice texts and having phone chats means Blitzo should understand he wants more than sex' bothers me so much, on top of everything I outlined already
it's becaue it's accepting Stolas' narrative (and Viv's) as the only legitimate one
like from Stolas' perspective this is all some grand love story, right? - love at first sight as kids, magical day together when Stolas had a friend, reuniting later as adults leading to the magical first time Stolas ever enjoyed sex. From there everything that happened has been rewritten in Stolas' mind to suggest he and Blitzo are an actual 'thing' - Blitzo agreed to the deal, so he must want (or at least be OK with) monthly sex. In fact Blitzo's (we assume) very good at sex and seems to enjoy it sometimes, so that means he's happy with the arrangement. He even invited Stolas out on a date, so he must want romance...!
Then Ozzie's happens, & this is Stolas' big Missed Reality Check #1. He's wrecked his life for a transactional fling and he doesn't even have the guts to stand up for Blitzo in the moment, though he does still try to hold his hand afterwards, because why shouldn’t he have the kind of happiness those two married imps seem to have...? Except, no. Blitzo pulls away, then gives him the big speech that should have told him everything he needed to know about why this isn’t working out the way Stolas expects it to - because he's been deluding himself this whole time. But instead of grappling with the damage the full moon deal has done, he pushes reality away some more - and claims Blitzo lied to him on top of everything else.
Instead of ending the deal straight away he seems to internalize the message that he just needs to act nicer and more romantic to Blitzo and that'll prove his love - even though the deal is still in place so all he’s really succeeding at doing is confusing him at best and making Blitzo think Stolas wants to have it both ways at worst. Even while he’s arranging to get the crystal to end the deal he keeps sending Blitzo text messages and having nice phone calls with him, effectively LARPing the romantic relationship he actually wants *while the deal that Blitzo was so upset about is still ongoing (*and Blitzo doesn’t know Stolas now also thinks it’s wrong on some level, since he never apologized for it by text except for a backhanded ‘I’m sorry if something I said or did offended you but I won’t specify what or think about why’). The most Stolas does is pull back a bit on the deal - the duet has Blitzo imply it’s been awhile since they met up for their arrangement, though on its own that’s not good enough to make Blitzo think Stolas wants him for more than sex/views him as an equal without a proper apology from Stolas’ side when he ends things, and right now it’s feeling like it’ll be a small miracle if that happens without Stolas or the show acting like Blitzo is equally in the wrong here.
Assuming 'Blitzo should know Stolas wants more than sex' is viewing things entirely through Stolas' perspective, where a couple of nice texts and phone calls entirely counterbalances a long history of treating Blitzo like a sex toy and disregarding his feelings and boundaries on a near constant basis. All Stolas wants is to fast walk their 'relationship' from 'transactional fucking' to 'actually dating' and he doesn't want to do any hard work of acknowledging what the effect of that first bit was on Blitzo or why he can't just demand Blitzo trusts him the moment he hands over the crystal. Likely Blitzo will try to hammer this point home in Full Moon and Stolas will get mad and shut him down (Missed Reality Check #2) - frankly it’s already a fair argument to suggest Blitzo should just take the crystal and dip but if the show wants to really make a case for these two, this is basically its last chance to show Stolas actually cares about Blitzo’s emotions and that Stolas is willing to acknowledge how him not caring about Blitzo’s safety or ability to give informed consent back in Murder Family has affected his perspective of the ‘relationship’.
I imagine some Stolas/Stol/tz stans will look at that last bit and say ‘but s1e1 was ages ago! Stolas has changed a bunch (read: been retconned into a new person without doing much actual character development) since then and it’s Blitzo’s fault he can’t let it go’. To which I say, no. Stolas doesn’t get to dictate that Blitzo should ‘just get over’ how he treated him when he hasn’t apologized properly for any of it. It will always be an issue until Stolas deals with it because it will always hang over Blitzo’s perception of him. Plus Blitzo had an entire season of dealing with other BS from Stolas; it’s not like the owl just did one bad thing and that was it (see: basically everything about the way Stolas treated him in Loo Loo Land, persistently mispronouncing his name until Stolas wanted a romantic relationship and decided it was time to address him properly, yanking on his face multiple times, putting cigarettes out on his horns, calling him a plaything, flirting with him when he was T-minus seconds away from a panic attack the episode right after Blitzo told him off for treating him like a sex toy). Frankly it’s self absorbed on Stolas’ part to refuse to acknowledge the way he has treated Blitzo affects the way Blitzo treats him in return and demand he get over it the second Stolas has decided he’s ready to be better (and if Stolas doesn’t even listen to Blitzo’s feelings without losing his temper and throwing him out in Full Moon, his idea of ‘better’ isn’t worth a darn).
Look at it from Blitzo's perspective instead and it becomes clear. He steals the book and tosses Stolas some pity sex because he feels bad the bird actually thinks they're friends/has never had anyone want him physically before. From then on he has the problem that Stolas has become obsessed with him and fixated on him sexually - it’s evident in their convo in e1 that he’s been avoiding his calls, after all, and he has a panic button for him in his office. Stolas then leverages a situation where Blitzo can't freely consent to him changing up the terms regarding his use of the book to get him to agree to monthly sex. He does this after having let Blitzo use the book no strings attached for some time, too. Blitzo agrees to get him off the phone, then probably thinks that because he needs the book and wants to stick to his word (even though it wasn't freely given) that he should just grit his teeth and get on with it, so he doesn’t argue the issue further. Stolas is kinky enough that the sex is maybe at least enjoyable, even if Blitzo would rather not have to please his every whim every month just to keep the lights on. He keeps his head down, maybe thinking they could have been something if only he didn't feel like Stolas' prisoner (truth seekers). But then Stolas starts to change - a one off invite to a club has Stolas acting like they're on an actual date and Blitzo has no idea what to do with that (’that’s a little much, don’t you think?…oh yeah, I guess it is.’). They don't have a ‘thing’ after all, it's just transactional. And it's starting to get annoying that Stolas - who he couldn't even trust not to attempt to drag him off to some dark corner in loo loo land for a hookup - is acting like they're a real couple. What's worse is he's now sending these long desperate text messages and extending this delusion that he cares about Blitzo to their phone calls! And he has the nerve to act like he’s been hinting he wanted to go out with Blitzo for a while, when he was the one who proposed the deal instead of just asking Blitzo out and working out a separate business arrangement for the book? He has the nerve to act like he was powerless despite being a prince, that he was seduced by Blitzo despite Blitzo acting annoyed or rejecting his advances outside the deal near constantly?
Tl:dr, but what's so frustrating here is that it would be bad enough for Blitzo to have deal with someone who uses his life being in danger to extort sex out of him. But it's worse because he's also having to fight against Stolas' delusions - Stolas has been trying to treat him like a boyfriend even with the deal still in place. If Blitzo had come inside at the end of Ozzie's and they'd watched a movie and cuddled, it wouldn't have fixed anything. It would have enabled Stolas' notion that he could have a relationship with Blitzo and that they were mutually in love, even as he refused to give up the deal. Stolas wanted to act like they were a couple now and somehow at the same time he doesn't realize/refuses to see that it's wrong to use the book to have power over Blitzo. That's an outstanding and disturbing level of double think tbh and it's frustrating to see fans so totally buying into the show's narrative of how Stol/tz should be viewed that they don't realize how irrational it sounds to basically say 'Blitzo should realize Stolas wants more from him than sex because Stolas has been behaving like they're going steady, while he's still kept this transactional deal going'.
They don't seem to get Blitzo's perspective is heavily informed by the transactional deal, because it's the only reason he interacts with Stolas at all! Of course he's going to behave according to his own perspective and everything we've seen from Stolas makes it entirely rational to behave the way Blitzo does. If I were Blitzo I'd be tearing my horns out with frustration that Stolas just can't seem to compute that treating someone like a means for transactional sex means they're not going to behave in a romantic way towards you. They're going to behave like you're the client and they're the one being forced to please you (because they are), and naturally snap when the client tries to act like the relationship isn't entirely based around them getting what they want at all times (and then have the client get indignant because they wanted the benefits of a transactional relationship but they don’t want their ego hurt by being made to face the fact they treated another living being like a means to an end)
Honestly given how cruel and delusional Stolas is, I'd love to see Blitzo tell him that not only did his father buy Blitzo's company and he actually has a childhood friend that isn't him who he was actually in love with (Fizz), but he only slept with Stolas that first time out of pity. If Stolas is going to delude himself and fail to understand where Blitzo is coming from, he frankly can't have enough reality checks shoved under his beak (and even then he'd probably take a while to get it).
Put it this way - if Blitzo had swallowed down his upset in Ozzie's and come inside as Stolas wanted, Stolas would probably still be deluding himself that it's totally valid to have a romantic relationship with someone while simultaneously having a deal with them so you can ensure they sleep with you.
Stolas isn't ending the deal because he thinks it's wrong (and I'm not counting that song from the trailer as enough proof that he's really learnt this lesson - if he can't hear out Blitzo's feelings on the matter then it's clear he's gone from demanding sex to demanding a romantic relationship with no change in his fundamental flaw of not treating Blitzo like a person with his own feelings) he's doing it because the thing he wants out of Blitzo has changed and if he can't have that thing within the confines of the deal, ending it is his only option left
Your guys' writeups never fail to feel like a neck rub. I'd kill for more people in the fandom to realize exactly what you've written here.
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coyote-kiddo · 5 months
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i was re-tagging some of my old posts and found this, so i figured i'd re-do it!!! (all at once because i do NOT have the memory to do it over 30 days)
i found petdre first via the aesthetic "babycore", and then slowly got more and more into agedre!! i also found out a while later that i had been involuntarily age regressing for years and hadnt noticed
my age when im small is kinda hard to pinpoint, but i would say somewhere between 3-5 most of the time!!
i dont have one, and i dont plan on getting one until im an adult (for safety purposes), but i have a few fictional cgs!! (stolas, toriel, and alastor are my biggest ones :3)
hm, i would say a day with one of my fictional cgs!! getting to play with the toys ive been wanting, color and draw, wear clothes that feel comfortable on my body, use teethers, bottles, diaps and pacis and watch my favorite shows without being judged or being embarrassed abt it :3 plus a nice warm bubble bath, baba of warm almond milk and a lullaby before bed!!
i have loads of sippies, a few bottles, a few teethers, a paci and one disposable diap as of right now, but i really really want a babyyourdoll classic round paci!! and also pull ups, mostly js for comfort :33 i would also like more silicon teethers bc they feel nicer than gel/water teethers heheh
i pet dream occasionally, not as often as i used to but still occasionally!! i petdre to an afghan hound, a kitty, a fox, and im considering trying wolf pup, fruit/vampire bat and deer :3
when i age dream, im not too much different from when im big bc my headspace doesnt change as much- im just a bit more childish and less embarrassed about stuff!! regressed me is wayy different though bc my regression is almost always negative- im typically more emotional, childish, clingy, and annoying.
i prefer drawing!!! i like to color also but drawing just feels so freeing to me :3
my moots!!! too shy to tag but i love them sm /p /gen
regression is almost always invol for me because of anxiety and trauma, its also usually negative which is kinda sucky
not that i can remember, ive used regression gear in dreams before but never regressed
this one is kinda tricky- im gonna say probably either apple slice or salteens!! i also really love juice, chocolate, graham crackers and cheese and crackers :3
yes!! i never really grew out of them, even before i started to age dream ive collected them :3
just my stepmom and my dad, i dont really think they remember though
bubs, kiddo, buddy, and little guy are my favs!! masc nicknames are sooo gender affirming to me as a fem-presenting trans man :,3
my regression is usually negative and involuntary, but nothing usually makes me "instantly regress"- its kinda a coin flip- but something that makes me feel smaller when i age dream is fuzzy socks!!
nope 😭 even if im able to buckle down and have small time after ive been involuntarily regressed it just kinda fades away
its okay, i cant really speak on it much bc i have most people i dont feel comfortable with blocked and i dont have any other socials. though i do hate when people stereotype and gatekeep it, or water it down to "fem, pastel, cute way of coping for skinny white girls only"
not a lot, but if i stumble upon one in the tags i might read it :3c
yeah, but i dont really feel comfortable being tickled
stolas goetia from helluva boss!!!! he is literally my dada guys /silly
my preference changes constantly, but it would definitely have a crib that can be converted into a toddler/big kid bed w a canopy and mobile, a sensory tent, a bouncer, a play area and a deer rocker!!!
not really, it makes it harder for me to stay small sometimes
i regress because of trauma and anxiety, i age dream as a coping mechanism for stress, gender dysphoria and missing out on my childhood :3
i almost always have to be listening to music when small, regressed or age dreaming, and my music taste jus kinda stays the same
just boundaries i set for myself- dont intentionally seek out my triggers, dont stay up too late, eat when im hungry, etc
when i regress, i get very very clingy and sad and scared, so i come off as very needy and kinda annoying (+ blunt because i kinda forget how social rules work), when i age dream im basically the same as when im big, just gigglier and more childish
maybe!! i havent tried out caregiving before but i would like to!!
im in the process of learning italian, so i sometimes watch kids' shows in italian to help practice and to make myself feel smaller!!
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