#stone working company NY
petrillostone · 5 months
Discovering Excellence: Petrillo Stone Company's Legacy of Craftsmanship in New York
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Antonio Petrillo laid the first stone of what would become one of the most significant stone working company NY teams ever to grace the city in 1907. This was long after the influence of Dutch architects, Georgian-style symmetry, or the Federal/Gothic revivals that provided the high steeples you’ll see throughout the city.
Instead, our company began at a time when art deco and modernism were all the rush, but we wanted to focus more on elegance and longevity. That instinct to look beyond into the future by only crafting the best possible structures using our store of natural stone, artisan skills, and advanced technology is what has allowed us to maintain our spot as a leading stone working company NY team for generations.
AT the root of this legacy is Italian stone working. This was the perfect foundation to expand into New York City as major buildings, companies, and institutions all sought to solidify their presence in and around the area. Over the years, we have developed solid partnerships and network connections around the many artists, architects, designers, and homeowners the city knows. From the iconic structures of the United Nations Headquarters to the imposing nature of the Lincoln Center, we have always focused on marrying aesthetic beauty with functional and structural integrity.
These innovations are why we are sewn into the very cultural fabric of NYC. You’ll find the precision touch of our artisans in the many public spaces around the city, communal areas where historical events are hosted, and even the serene parks that only a lucky few get to see in the middle of one of the world’s busiest locations.
Most importantly, we continually seek to refine our skills and technologies. Every single year we meet with industry partners and attend training courses or conferences that expand our capabilities. We do this because when we look at the skyline of NYC, we see the history of our stone working company NY founders staring back through time.
Today, Petrillo Stone Corporation is a leading provider of premium quality stone fabrication that works for anything from a small home on the city’s outskirts to a thriving new museum boarding Central Park. Our association with everything from recent buildings to historic building restoration is why we often are the first name to come to mind whenever any project is being considered in NYC.
To learn more about how our legacy of stone working company NY beauty and precision can boost your upcoming project, give us a call. We are always happy to discuss how we can blend our unique skills, techniques, and network of materials to any sized endeavor. With over 100 years working as NYC’s leading stone working company, we are your first choice for a wonderful outcome merging beauty, architecture, natural materials, and precision.
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stormblessed95 · 1 month
Okay so I’m on my fourth watch of the travel show
It gets better the more you watch, they are just so much fun
They have me smiling from ear to ear the whole way through
I know there is a lot of conversation about the car conversation but seriously, apart from Jungkooks beautiful ‘finally’ (and I’m glad that is in English so we hear it without mistranslation), what struck me upon this watch, is that he could actually mean them being in content together. 
Hear me out, but the kid spent the better part of the first half, and even to a degree still asking in the later half, of 2023 begging to go live with Jimin, inviting him over on lives. Including the bed begging live days after this filming, and now I’m framing it that he was probably thinking they have filmed this show, why can’t they have a live? I know that the show wasn’t going to be aired straight away but I can totally see him going with that thought. 
But it just struck me, he’d been asking and probably denied so many times, whereas Jimin had gone live with Yoongi and Hobi etc during work promotions, but denied JK. This was his olive branch, his two birds one stone, a trip for them to spend time together when free, but also for them to be alone in content (albeit airing a year later atp). If we remember too that they could not leave SK without work and a permit, the chicken and egg, hence the show. Jimin had the time at that point to plan it with the company, it makes sense he pushed it, though I’m sure Jungkook was involved too. 
People are moaning about Jungkooks attitude and they are so wrong and miserable, not to mention they misunderstand him. They guy is glowing with his Jimin, he’s being cheeky and kids around and it’s so beautiful to see it. To see their dynamic, as they are. 
Seeing them say they hasn’t planned another trip in NY, and the Forbes article said this too, they must have thought it a success enough to plan jeju and so on. I think a post from another blogger here also helped frame this for me, bc at the end of the day they talked about and proposed the show, just the two of them, to the company and needed a deliverable product. This involved planning to a degree, scouting locations and a vague idea of activities. They definitely had more freedom than Bv, and they had to rely on their natural chemistry, which is there in spades, but they still had to deliver/ this is where Jimins panic comes in when he is sick, bc he has to power through to make the show work, hence the are you sure? It’s so logical when I think about it all in that framed way. 
And mainly I think this also because they do not present as people who had had a falling out, or massive distance, or had issues, or something more ridiculous people are proposing. I mean logically do we really think Jimin (sensible Jimin) would even think it a good idea to do this if there was bad blood or feelings. Exactly, he would not.  There was no tension there, not that I saw anyway. They just vibe with each other. They present as pretty domestic, in tune and loveable goofballs. 
Also when you think about MS application being a month after this, they had to have seen and spoken to each other, it’s a complete reach to think they didn’t. Also, it’s their habit, Jimin literally said the same sentence in the very brief restaurant scene, that JK says to him in the doc and we know that was a complete fib. Also I feel the way JK looks at the camera in that scene and in the hand holding scene is very telling about how he felt around the cameras at first, especially when Jimin touches his throat, like he hesitated. 
I also hold in mind that at the end of the day we got about 5/10% of their time on screen, the rest is on the cutting room floor, and also probably not even filmed (esp given Jimins condition). Leaving them plenty of time for them. 
Just my thoughts. 
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octuscle · 11 months
Hey im really confused and need some help from suport.
So im a male actor/ model and things have been really tough in the industry lately with the strikes and all so i was over the moon when a clothing brand reached out to me. But the wierd thing is this brand does not really catter to ny estetic. I usualy get jobs from high end luxury brands, but this company is a street wear blue collar clothing brand. I went to a meeting and gave me a out fit of a thick t-shirt, carpenters jeans, a flannle shirt, work boots, and a jock strap. All of them a size or more to bog for me. They also gave me a dinged up old cell phone. Then then told me to get comferable in thecloths and show up to the abandand site the next morning at the crack of dawn for the shoot. Im feeling realky weird and hungeryer then i ever been in my life. Please help.
The bag with the clothes for the photo shoot is in the trunk of your VW Beetle overnight. Cute little car. It's already got a few years under its belt. But still drives well. And that's all you can afford at the moment. You also need the money from this job. Otherwise you'll have to part with this car too. That's why you're so excited about the job. You're not sleeping very well. And normally you would go for an hour's run after getting up. But today you're hungry after a restless night. A huge appetite. You make yourself a large portion of scrambled eggs and bacon. You didn't even know you had so many eggs in the house. Yeah, that was good. Now the day can begin. You put on a white button-down shirt, plain Calvin Klein jeans and white sneakers and walk to your car at 05:00 in the morning. Yes, the Mustang is a bit rusty. But it's a classic. It suits you. It makes you feel a bit like James Dean.
Shit, you've left your iPhone in the apartment. But there's still the old Cat phone in the bag with the clothes. You type in the address and turn on the speaker. Looking at your hands, you're annoyed that you haven't had a manicure. You have hands like a construction worker.
One disadvantage of your Mustang is that it consumes an incredible amount of gas. You have to refuel halfway to the photo shoot. And take a shit. Hehehe, if you eat a lot in the morning, you have to shit a lot. And you're hungry again. It's almost 07:00 already. So you fill up at the next service station and then eat a burger with a large portion of fries. Your white T-shirt has a few ketchup stains and slips out of your old 501 over your belly, but now you feel good again. Your cell phone says there are only 50 miles to go. A stone's throw for your mighty pickup. The only thing you need before you arrive on the set of the shoot are cigars. Fuck, you left yours at home too. Luckily, you pass a tobacconist's just before you leave for the abandoned industrial site. The photo shoot is scheduled for two days, so ten cigars should be enough.
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You are a star model in the workwear scene. You're actually a crane operator, but you can always use a little extra money. Besides, there's usually a lot to fuck on the set of the shoots. Photographers, marketing hipsters and the effeminate professional models love your huge cock. Your cigar is tiny in comparison.
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adarlingmess · 1 year
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Meet my Spidersona Phoebe L. Peña, also known as the Spider-Widow!
She's definitely not affiliated with Natasha Romanoff and other Widows in the Marvel universe though. I'm going to my cyberpunk-loving roots and made her futuristic and glowing neon. Have a slightly long-ass, slightly angsty, and definitely self-indulgent backstory below because you guys know how I love hurting my own feelings
Phoebe is the granddaughter of the Ned Leeds of her universe, which serves as the Uncle Ben counterpart of her canon. Her parents departed from the USA to live in the Philippines and go back to their roots, but Phoebe found herself moving to the USA after her parents died. She stays with her Lolo Ned who's happy to get to know and dote on his granddaughter like his lola did to him in his youth. In her adulthood, she pursued an art degree in a NY art school.
At some point, she meets her universe's Miguel O'Hara and the two started dating on and off thanks to their busy college schedule. Once he secured a position in Alchemax, they started taking their relationship more seriously, and ended up tying the knot.
When Tyler Stone started to pressure Miguel into conducting more ethically questionable experiments, he decided to turn in his notice. Phoebe is one of the few people he opened up to, so she knows the company's practices to some extent.
In order to keep Miguel on his leash, Tyler sends his goon to kidnap his wife. She gets drugged with Rapture, and the only way to cure her was for Miguel to come back to Alchemax. A botched attempt to save her life ends up mutating her, splicing her DNA with that of a Black Widow spider. Tragically, still delirious from the drug, Phoebe ends up biting her own husband. That killed Miguel's counterpart of her universe.
When she came to her senses, Phoebe mourned him and swore vengeance against Alchemax. At some point, she joins the Spider Society... led by an older, worn-out version of her dead husband from another universe. Searching for a higher calling that didn't involve revenge, she joined up. She changed her surname back to her maiden name to avoid any confusion and to distance herself from the Miguel O'Hara of Earth-928B. Phoebe pushed her longing down and dove headfirst into work in an attempt to distract herself from her grief, and her new boss.
Smol trivia about her name: Peña is my maternal grandmother's maiden surname, and Phoebe is how she and some of my relatives pronounce my name🥹
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dearweirdme · 10 months
“There’s no way Jk and Jm would leave publicly for a romantic holiday while also giving out their destination.. that’s just idiotic for any celebrity to do.”
Yet taekook can openly attend movie premiers together with cameras and thousands of people watching? Yet Tae can openly talk about Jk singing him “love” songs all the time? Yet tae can namedrop Jungkook as much as he pleases and announces to everyone he is going to have a meal at Jk’s? Yes Jk and Jimin wouldn’t go for a romantic holiday while announcing it to everyone but they can shoot 2 birds with one stone. Anything taekook do is some sort if confirmation for y’all but your logical thinking skills only come into play when it is Jikook? Lol.
There’s clearly so much y’all are forcing yourselves not to realize. For example, Jimin and Jk could have shot their travel show at any other time, so why do u think it just happened to be when Jk made his solo debut with Seven and when he was in NY? Jk has visited NY many other times, why did it only have to be then? Did u consider that maybe Jimin could have used that opportunity to be there for Jk in the guise of just filming? You tkkrs think you are smart but y’all are the stupidest shippers i ever saw. Little to no common sense. A very large part of this fandom thinks that Jikook is just fanservice and this narrative has gone on for years. People write stuff like this on all social media platforms every single day and u honestly think they company or even Jimin and Jk don’t know about these narratives? People literally email bighit about this everyday and u think they don’t know? So why do u think they would be stupid enough to keep playing this game knowing that most fans already figured out that they are just “FS”? You don’t think the company is rich enough and smart enough to find other not so obvious ways to fool fans? Why is it so hard for y’all to accept that Jimin and Jungkook are doing something they both love and want to do? Why is it hard to admit that they might just want to spend time together while documenting it for their fans? When tae did his friendcation thingy with wooga, where were all these conspiracy theories? Didn’t y’all find it sweet? Now because it is Jimin and Jk, it is the company preparing content to feed Jokers? Really😂.
Jimin and Jk are not fools and they have told us more than once that they know what fans say. See tkkrs popping veins because 2 bandmates who have known each other for over a decade are going on a trip together. Y’all can console urselves all u want by saying it is just company content or work but you and I know damn well that show is only happening because Jimin and Jk want it to happen. Jk could have decided to use this time to hang out with his “boyfriend” but he chooses to spend the time traveling and filming documentaries with his bandmate. You know as well as i do that Jk would have said NO if he didn’t want to do this show and travel with Jimin. We know that it was never the company’s idea but Jimin’s suggestion years ago which Jk agreed to so it is only happening because if Jikook and no one else:
Ofcourse Jimin and Jk obviously can’t travel for a private trip now announcing it to everyone but don’t forget that even though they would be filming, they wouldn’t be filming 24/7 so they still have time in between the shoots to do “private stuff”. You see? Killing 2 birds with one stone.
Also, please give it a rest with all this Taennie is PR nonsense! Deep down u know that ur theories make no damn sense because Tae has absolutely no reason to play along with whatever that walk was. Why would he agree to play along with a media play move that doesn’t benefit him? Why only him? There’s so many other pple Jennie could have done that with so why Tae? It’s funny how much ur brain plays with you when u really don’t want to believe something. On one hand y’all claim Tae doesn’t like fooling his fans and is very transparent but on the other hand u have no problem claiming he had no problem participating in media play to fool millions. Pick a damn narrative and stick to it fcol!
Sigh... hello again anon!
THis is my last reply to you. SO please don't come back because I will block you next time. We are not gona agree, deal with it, or change your mind 😁.
Yet taekook can openly attend movie premiers together with cameras and thousands of people watching? Yet Tae can openly talk about Jk singing him “love” songs all the time? Yet tae can namedrop Jungkook as much as he pleases and announces to everyone he is going to have a meal at Jk’s? Yes Jk and Jimin wouldn’t go for a romantic holiday while announcing it to everyone but they can shoot 2 birds with one stone. Anything taekook do is some sort if confirmation for y’all but your logical thinking skills only come into play when it is Jikook? Lol.
Obviously yes, and Jimin and Jk could also hang out publicly just like Tae and Jk, just like Jimin and Yoongi, just like any pair of members. Yet they have not evidently done so. Do I think they haven't met at all, no.. I think they have, because they'r friends. I do not think it has been as much though, especcially during the time Jm was preparing and promoting Face. The things we have seen from Tae and Jk are different, though you do not see it. Tae and Jk have been consistent in meeting up dispite busy schedules. None of those things separately would be confirmation of anything, but them combined and the consistency does show a different relationship between them and the other members. I know you feel you are being logical, but logic is not looking for maybe's and filling in parts of a story you have no knowledge about. If you were to let go of your believe in Jkk.. you would see there was less evident interaction between Jk and Jm than between Tae and Jk. If I were to let go of my believe in Jk and Tae, I would still be left with many instances of them meeting up and talking about each other. Point is, we just have less to fill in than you do.
There’s clearly so much y’all are forcing yourselves not to realize. For example, Jimin and Jk could have shot their travel show at any other time, so why do u think it just happened to be when Jk made his solo debut with Seven and when he was in NY?
Ah!! So you do think it's possible for them to do stuff private?!
Jk has visited NY many other times, why did it only have to be then?
Did u consider that maybe Jimin could have used that opportunity to be there for Jk in the guise of just filming?
Sure, but coincidentally it wasn't.
A very large part of this fandom thinks that Jikook is just fanservice and this narrative has gone on for years.
Not me! I'm fully convinced they are actual close friends.
So why do u think they would be stupid enough to keep playing this game knowing that most fans already figured out that they are just “FS”?People literally email bighit about this everyday and u think they don’t know?
Ofcourse they know. Just like they know about Taekook narratives, Yoonmin narratives, Taejin... Vmin... etc... Shippers aren't bad for business anon. They play into it at times. Bh doesn't actually want all the ships to disappear. Look how much attention Jimin and Jk are gathering right now. You only focus on the negative comments, but I can assure you there's a much larger part of fandom who's super happy and excited to see them still plan content for Army right now.
You don’t think the company is rich enough and smart enough to find other not so obvious ways to fool fans?
Oh, but cheap ways are always so much better looking to companies.
Why is it so hard for y’all to accept that Jimin and Jungkook are doing something they both love and want to do? Why is it hard to admit that they might just want to spend time together while documenting it for their fans?
Not hard at all. I agree. Doesn't make it romantic though.
When tae did his friendcation thingy with wooga, where were all these conspiracy theories? Didn’t y’all find it sweet? Now because it is Jimin and Jk, it is the company preparing content to feed Jokers?
Super sweet, absolutely.. also work. It's like working with your favorite people.. who wouldn't enjoy that. Tae at Jinny's Kitchen... also work! Still sweet. Jk with Jimin... probably super sweet, super funny... but still work. It should not be a surprise to you that it's work anon. They're literally in the same band. For years all they've done is work. I Tae and Jk did a cooking show or whatever together, I wuold be super endeared.. but if there's camera's and it's intended for army to see it's still work.
See tkkrs popping veins because 2 bandmates who have known each other for over a decade are going on a trip together.
Could it maybe be because Jkkrs spoil it?
Y’all can console urselves all u want by saying it is just company content or work but you and I know damn well that show is only happening because Jimin and Jk want it to happen.
No you're probably right. Still doesn't make it romantic.
Jk could have decided to use this time to hang out with his “boyfriend” but he chooses to spend the time traveling and filming documentaries with his bandmate.
I doubt they'll be gone for weeks anon.. chill. We all know how important Army is for members. That's who they are doing this for.
Ofcourse Jimin and Jk obviously can’t travel for a private trip now announcing it to everyone but don’t forget that even though they would be filming, they wouldn’t be filming 24/7 so they still have time in between the shoots to do “private stuff”. You see? Killing 2 birds with one stone.
Ah, the illusive "private stuff" you all love so much. See this.. is the point where you go from realistic.. to imaginary. This is the point you know nothing about, and yet you are sure Jk and Jm are doing 'private stuff'. Filling in the void with romance.. as usual.
Also, please give it a rest with all this Taennie is PR nonsense!
Oh anon, Taennie is a pr strategy to a t. Which is actually way more common than you seem to be aware of.
Now, please don't come back.
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therecipelibrary · 2 years
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I was fortunate to visit Phillipsburg manor in Sleepy Hollow NY over the weekend. Dating from 1693, this historical site is a fantastic visit to learn about 18th century food preservation techniques, the workings of a gristmill, and the lives of the slaves that operated this site along with information on tenant farmers and the reciprocal economy with the Dutch indies in which flour was exchanged for sugar and spices.
Pictures : a reproduction hearth, original mill stones, rebuilt gristmill, the manor house that operated as a company store, the table features a cone of sugar and a jar of preserves aged 7 years and sealed only with parchment and egg white.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
this is getting soo weird. it looks like that dispatch lady at the airport who said jimin is going to NY to work on something with jk was right. they're being filmed at breweries and dancing seven's choreo on a yacht and they have mics on so its not just for a dance challenge.
it seems to be part of official promotions for jk and this all comes after hybe neglecting and sabotaging face, not acknowledging his BB #1, and then blatantly copying his concept photos 3 months later and payola-ing jk to the top to give him a #1 too. i guess jimin was ok with doing this but hybe using him for promo and ship content for their golden child is so low after everything that's happened.
You know, some kpjms always had this conspiracy theory~~ that Jimin and jikook overall was extra shown in BTS content and used to clean Jungkook's image and make people warm up to him.
It's not about their friendship being fake, but about it being a tool that the company used.
It's just a little conspiracy theory from some kpjms. I can't say that I agree because theories in general are not my thing, but in light of recent events, I suddenly remembered about that. I still think there's not enough information yet; maybe Jimin will show up and say he wanted to take q vacation and killed two birds with one stone.
But I don't blame people for second guessing the company.
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gimletagain · 2 years
But at the same time, playing along with Netflix’s marketing department gets you way more than an Indianapolis event and an awards program that few people have heard of.
Maybe Netflix thinks the reality show (and working with the Harkles in general) is crap? They might've encouraged her "holier than thou" marketing tactics as a way to distance the company from the upcoming disaster. A way to bury it, yet fulfill their end of the contract so the litigious duo don't sue.
A definite possibility, that they just release it with 0 fanfare and 0 promotion. Let it sink in silence.
However, I think the posturing from her indicates that she WANTS it out for some reason, probably bc it means she gets paid a bit more or to threaten the RF or whatever. Whereas Netflix is quite willing to just muffle it.
Btw, there have been bigger deals that studios have walked away from bc it’s not worth the risk of reputation damage in putting out crap. Batgirl was supposed to come out this year. $90m spent on all the typical marvel things, with special effects, stunts, sets, and acting. And it was completely buried.
from Wiki:
“Rolling Stone, and Reuters wrote that test screening responses were negative, which could have been a factor in WBD's decision;[53][54][55] Collider's sources described the film as "a huge disappointment [that] looked cheap in comparison to other films".[53] Rolling Stone said that WBD determined that spending an additional $7–9 million during post-production in an effort to bring Batgirl to the level of other theatrical DC films, such as Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023), would be fruitless.[54] However, Variety denied that the film's quality factored into the decision,[50] reaffirming, along with The Hollywood Reporter and Deadline Hollywood, that it was part of the studio's larger cost-cutting measures, given the budget increased from an initial $70 million to $90 million, and the desire for DC films to be theatrical blockbusters.[50][42][51] Deadlinenoted that test screenings showed temporary versions of the visual effects, "which tend to temper audience enthusiasm".[56]
A subsequent Variety report indicated that WBD had concluded that writing off Batgirl for a tax break would be the most "financially sound" way of recouping its costs instead of moving the film to a theatrical release with additional investment, selling it to another distributor, or releasing it on HBO Max.[57]”
sound familiar? Earlier this summer we also had multiple leaks about how badly their doc screened.
People make a big deal about Netflix “walking away” from the deal but Netflix basically tossed spare change at them. They have an overall deal, which means paying for costs up front with a blank check, up to “$$$ million” or whatever crazy number they cited. But they would only hit that number if they were Shonda, shooting bridgerton with actors and costumes and a team of writers. Yes, Netflix wrote off a year or two of them cosplaying royals in NY, the Netherlands, Uvalde (UGH), the salaries of the crew, her Botox injector, and wherever else … including jets, clothes, her makeup, probably even paying them salaries for existing … but in total what could that possibly be? $5m over 2 years? $10m max? That’s literally change they can write off in taxes to a company like that. And nothing compared to a real production budget that requires actors and commercial directors and costumes and FX.
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☆。.:・° Bio For Rei °・:.。☆
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Art Credit: @SPOOMPLES4 on twitter
Full Name: Rachel "Rei" Blackburn.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Gender: Cisgender woman.
Sexuality: Homosexual.
Biological Age: 20.
Species: Red Fox.
Current Living: Rei lives in Merryville, NY, where she works for a set construction company called New Set Builders. She is currently living with her girlfriend, Anna "Nox" McReynolds.
Past Living: Growing up in the slums of Hollowmouth, California, Rei's parents were only ever home during the later hours of the night, due to them working multiple jobs to make rent together. They still loved their young daughter, as any halfway decent parent should, but the lack of supervision growing up meant that she had a lot of time to herself. She was never roped into any absurdly dangerous activities, but she still picked up a bad smoking habit without her parents knowing. She also picked up filmmaking as a hobby, using her family's somewhat crummy video camera to make a number of short films, which she'd upload to the up-and-coming video sharing site, YouTV.
When she reached college age, she worked towards getting a degree in architecture, with a minor in cinema studies at the University of Merryville in New York. She also met Anna "Nox" McReynolds during her time at college, and they both grew incredibly close.
Thanks to getting a decent number of scholarships, she wasn't totally saddled with student debt for the rest of her life, but she still had a lot to pay off by the time she graduated.
Psyche: Rei is a stone-cold woman, who will tell you exactly how she feels about something without sugar-coating it. This makes her come off as rather abrasive at times, but she's quite nice once you get past that. She can be very affectionate with people she's close to, often hugging and cuddling in a playful way.
Physique: Rei is pleasantly plump-- with a quite bountiful body. She hardly minds the extra weight, however, being more than willing to throw it around to get what she wants. She stands at 5'2" (1.575 m) tall.
Misc. Details: She has done her best to kick her smoking addiction, but still relapses under times of extreme stress.
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prismatic-skies · 10 days
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September 17, 2024
This is the living room. Some fun things in this photo.
That Jesus painting is a velvet painting that I miraculously found in mint condition in the FB Marketplace about…hmmm…7 years ago? I don’t remember.
Typically, the conditions of this particular velvet Jesus painting are not always the best or if they’re in excellent condition, some people get insanely greedy and not understand how to price vintage pieces properly.
I know I paid under $100 for it and I’m pretty sure I got free shipping.
The fabric hanging over it was one of my grandmother’s MANY scarves that I got to keep after she passed away. I don’t wear decorative scarves but I still wanted it because it was my grandmother’s…she was my hero. So I wanted to put it to another use if I was going to keep it. I like it there.
The lamp is a peacock stained glass lamp.
The skull on a stand all the way to the left is a medical model piece from the 1960’s. Given to me by my biological father.
The spine piece next to it is a candle.
The hand next to the spine candle was a jewelry display piece from an old classic (OOB) department store from my home city (NY). This was from the 1950’s. Given to me by my biological father. (he knew I collected weird shit)
The naked woman statue next to the hand display is a statue by an artist I happy stumbled upon in a heavy Etsy rabbit hole.
The tiny white skull was a random Dollar Tree find that I bought two or three years ago.
The crystal skull (that my candle is blocking) has a moveable jaw and it’s fucking awesome. I got it as a gift from my sweet friend, Alice, who worked with me briefly at the biotech company I work for (we worked in the same department at one point 5+ years ago. She saw it at a vintage/antique store in New Hampshire, and said she had to buy it for me. I cried. I think it’s from the 1960’s.
The crucifixes on the wall are all vintage and at one point, were part of grave markers. Years range from 1940’s to 1950’s.
Green glass hand - I don’t remember what the original piece is from and what the intent was for, but it’s fucking cool and I wanted it. Vintage Etsy find. I believe it’s from the 1960’s. I’ll look into it more.
The red glass head next to it is a red skull. Vintage colored & recycled glass. It’s a macabre take on the vintage glass mannequin heads from the 1960’s/1970’s.
The glass next to the red glass skull is a liquor decanter. It’s the Skull Vidja from like 15 years ago.
The skull next to that piece is a candle I made in 2019. It fell so it’s insanely chipped, so I don’t light it, but I’m not throwing it out as it is one of my first candles that I’ve successfully made years ago.
The small white skull is a little planter. No clue where the fuck it came from…I just remember cleaning one day and was confused by it because I don’t remember buying it.
And all over that vintage table chest are mini glass poison bottles & crystals / precious stones spheres on stands.
And the vintage table chest piece I bought ten years ago at a local antique shop. It’s from the 1940’s. Has a bunch of nice shit in there and I don’t remember WTF I put in there.
And you can probably see that pile of blankets to the far right. I have maybe roughly 40 throw blankets. I like blankets. I like wrapping myself into a burrito. And…I have a tortilla blankie too.
I’ll take detailed photos of everything on this vintage table chest.
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johnnystonework · 2 months
Keeping Your Marble Floors Beautiful: The Importance of Marble Floor Cleaning Services NY
Marble floors add a touch of luxury and elegance to any home or business. To keep them looking their best, marble floors need special care and cleaning. For people in New York, Marble Floor Cleaning Services NY are essential for maintaining the beauty and durability of marble surfaces. In this article, we’ll discuss why hiring a Professional Marble Cleaning Service is important and how it helps preserve the quality of your marble floors. 
Why Marble Floors Need Special Cleaning 
Marble is a strong and beautiful natural stone, but it is also porous and can easily get scratched or stained. Everyday activities like walking on the floor with dirty shoes or spilling a drink can cause damage. Marble needs careful cleaning to avoid these issues and keep its shine. 
Marble Floor Cleaning Services NY use special methods and products designed to clean marble without harming it. These professionals understand how delicate marble can be and know the best ways to clean it properly. 
Benefits of Hiring a Professional Marble Cleaning Service 
1. Expert Knowledge and Experience: A Professional Marble Cleaning Service has the experience and skills needed to clean marble floors correctly. They know the unique properties of marble and how to handle it without causing damage. This ensures your floors are cleaned thoroughly and safely. 
2. Specialized Cleaning Products: Professionals use high-quality, marble-specific cleaning products that are safe for the stone. These products help protect the marble and keep its natural shine. 
3. Deep Cleaning: Over time, dirt and grime can get trapped in the pores of marble, making it look dull and worn. Professional cleaning services can reach deep into the stone's pores to remove this dirt and restore the marble’s original beauty. 
4. Removing Stains and Scratches: Professionals are skilled at removing tough stains and reducing the appearance of scratches. They can also polish the marble to bring back its natural luster. 
5. Protective Treatments: A Professional Marble Cleaning Service can apply sealants and other protective treatments to help prevent future stains and damage. This makes it easier to maintain your marble floors over time. 
Why DIY Cleaning Isn’t Enough 
While regular sweeping and mopping are important for everyday maintenance, they are not enough for the deep cleaning that marble floors need. Many household cleaners contain acids or other harsh chemicals that can damage marble. Even natural products like vinegar or lemon juice can harm marble surfaces. That’s why it’s crucial to use Marble Floor Cleaning Services NY for deep cleaning and maintenance. 
Choosing the Right Professional Marble Cleaning Service 
When looking for a Professional Marble Cleaning Service, here are some things to consider: 
1. Good Reputation and Reviews: Choose a service with positive reviews and a strong reputation. This shows that they are reliable and provide quality service. 
2. Experience with Marble: Make sure the company specializes in marble and has plenty of experience. Marble requires specific knowledge and skills that general cleaning services may not have. 
3. Range of Services: Look for a company that offers a full range of services, including cleaning, polishing, and sealing. This ensures that all your marble maintenance needs are covered. 
4. Licensed and Insured: Always choose a licensed and insured company. This protects you in case of any accidents or damage during the cleaning process. 
How Professional Marble Cleaning Services Work 
Professional marble cleaning services follow a thorough process to ensure your marble floors are cleaned and protected. Here’s how they typically work: 
1. Inspection: The cleaning team will inspect your marble floors to understand their condition and identify any specific issues like stains, scratches, or dull spots. 
2. Preparation: They will prepare the area by removing any furniture or obstacles and protecting surrounding surfaces to prevent damage during the cleaning process. 
3. Cleaning: Using specialized marble-safe products, the professionals will clean the floors deeply. This step removes dirt, grime, and any surface stains that regular cleaning might miss. 
4. Polishing: After cleaning, they will polish the marble to restore its shine. Polishing helps to smooth out minor scratches and brings back the natural luster of the marble. 
5. Sealing: Finally, the team will apply a sealant to protect the marble from future stains and damage. Sealing is a crucial step in maintaining the long-term beauty and durability of your marble floors. 
Maintenance Tips for Marble Floors 
Even with professional cleaning, there are some simple steps you can take to keep your marble floors looking great between services: 
1. Regular Sweeping: Sweep your marble floors regularly to remove dust and debris that can scratch the surface. 
2. Use Mats and Rugs: Place mats or rugs at entryways to catch dirt and prevent it from being tracked onto the marble floors. 
3. Clean Spills Immediately: Wipe up spills as soon as they happen to prevent staining. Use a soft cloth and avoid using acidic or harsh cleaning agents. 
4. Use Gentle Cleaners: For regular cleaning, use a pH-neutral cleaner that is safe for marble. Avoid acidic or abrasive cleaners that can damage the stone. 
5. Reapply Sealant: Follow the advice of your professional cleaning service regarding when to reapply the sealant. Regular sealing helps protect your marble from stains and wear. 
Keeping your marble floors in top condition requires regular professional care. Investing in Marble Floor Cleaning Services NY ensures that your marble floors are cleaned and maintained properly, preserving their beauty and durability. Don’t risk damaging your marble with DIY methods. Contact a trusted Professional Marble Cleaning Service today to schedule a consultation and learn how they can help keep your marble floors looking their best. Protect your investment and enjoy the timeless elegance of beautifully maintained marble floors in your home or business. 
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oldstonerestoration0 · 3 months
Marble sealing contractors Long Island NY
Preserve the beauty and longevity of your marble surfaces with Old Stone Restoration & Installation, your reliable Marble sealing contractors in Long Island, NY. Explore our expert solutions today for protection and peace of mind!
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amherstlandscaping · 3 months
Transform Your Yard with Expert Hardscaping in Amherst
At Amherst Landscaping, we believe your outdoor space should be an extension of your home, a sanctuary where you can relax and enjoy nature. Our expert hardscaping services are designed to elevate your yard to new heights of beauty and functionality. 🏡🌳
Whether you dream of a stunning stone patio, a charming garden pathway, or a durable retaining wall, our skilled team brings your vision to life with precision and creativity. 🌸🪴 Our hardscaping solutions are tailored to your unique needs, ensuring every element seamlessly blends with your landscape.
We use only the highest quality materials, ensuring your hardscapes are not only visually striking but also built to last. From elegant fire pits 🔥 to inviting outdoor kitchens 🍽️, we create spaces perfect for entertaining family and friends.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We work closely with you from concept to completion, ensuring every detail is perfect. With Amherst Landscaping, transforming your yard into a beautiful, functional oasis is just a call away. 📞✨
Let us help you create an outdoor paradise that you'll love for years to come. 🌺🏞️ Contact Amherst Landscaping today and start your journey to a stunning yard!
For More Details to know,
Visit Us: https://amherstlandscaping.com/
Call: +1 716-235-1333
Address: Amherst, NY, United States, New York
Maps: https://g.page/amherst-landscaping?share
Social Profiles:
https://www.facebook.com/Amherstlandscaping https://www.instagram.com/amherstlandscaping/ https://x.com/AmherstLandsca2 https://www.linkedin.com/company/amherst-landscaping https://www.youtube.com/@amherstlandscaping3938
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David McKay Wilson
Adam Stone
River Journal
Spectrum News 1 Hudson Valley
A couple of questions occur to me……how much was paid to formulate the “Plan” in 2011 and the “Survey” in 2012, for instance? Were either of these implemented, and with what effect??
2011 - Cultural Heritage Tourism Strategic Plan
2012 - Downtown Retail Consumer Survey
2020 DRI Grant #Peekskill
A recent post from Chloe Wareham-Gordon:
“Hello friends and neighbors,
Inspired by Lia of The Lounge House’s recent on-point/accurate post re: lack of pedestrian foot traffic downtown on another community FB group, I feel compelled to share what I’ve been working on of late.
I submitted a FOIL request a few weeks ago for the W&C $174k November 2023 to November 2024 contract with the City as part of their DRI-delegated funds.
Ultimately, they are getting paid $174k to increase tourism/foot traffic and establish a DEI-focused brand tone, kit and voice to amplify diverse voices in our beautiful city.
As I wasn’t see much re: these efforts, I put in the FOIL request and executed an informal audit. My finding raised a lot of key questions that city leadership hasn’t answered yet, most specifically:
1. this company is getting paid tens of thousands of dollars to run inorganic ads, but per Facebook’s page transparency rules, I cannot see any ads carried out. If this is the case, where are those funds that were meant to go to inorganic ads?
2. the rates that the contractors and subcontractors are getting paid are high compared to industry averages (in my opinion, like I calculated the DEI officer is getting paid $200/hour, or $4000/month for 20 hours of work per month as mentioned in the contract)
3. according to reports, the DEI subcontractor (who is not a DEI-expert specifically, but is an events organizer who already runs the Peekskill Farmer’s Market), has taken over the content curation and posting roles of the project, with no clear social media growth portfolio, sans her personal business account, which she admitted to purchasing followers on (as is clear to any social media-savvy, discerning person).
4. The main contractors have a D+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and even an outstanding complaint. I can’t find positive reviews for them anywhere online. https://www.bbb.org/us/ny/mount-kisco/profile/marketing-programs/weinrib-connor-0121-87173274
5. as we are on month 7 now of this contract, and an estimated $104k has been paid out to this agency, while they have not met many deliverables per their timeline, including launching a new commerce site, Peekskill.com/discover, logo/slogan, brochures, hiring a city spokesperson, running paid ads, etc. when will the excuse of “delays” be deemed unacceptable? Local business owners are struggling due to lack of pedestrian foot traffic downtown; we need the marketing and commerce now.
6. why has there been such little penalty for unmet deliverables and oversight from marketing pros, as the project advisory committee only met once at the inception of the project?
7. the content posted so far on the city’s new IG page and FB page is underperforming re: reach, likely watch-time retention and interactions. Why did the contract not include clear KPIs (or Key Performance Indicators) to ensure that enough eyeballs would be reached?
8. Why is the city paying for the agency’s Hootsuite subscription? Agency norms typically don’t involve the client paying for such business expenses.
9. Why are the “filming/director” fees so high? I’ve never heard of such an expense for filming social media content…
10. Re: the inorganic ads, how were they to be tracked, and which were the primary demos aimed at being reached?
11. For such a DEI-centered project, what is the process for a citizen to submit their content feedback and thoughts? What is the goal re: outreach to the Hispanic community locally, which makes up 46% of the city or over 10k residents?
12. Why is there no mention of collaborations with local businesses, nonprofits, influencers, community groups, etc.?
13. For the 24 videos they are supposed to share by the end of the contract, are those all short-form, long-form… Is it overall and to be shared to each platform?
Overall, I came up with over 100 critical questions, but these are the most urgent to respond to.
I would recommend looking over the contract yourselves and then sharing your thoughts.
How should the city create effective tourist-centered assets, while still amplifying municipal/community announcements? How often do you see their posts? What do you think of the work that the agency has done?
I want to establish that I’m not alone in my frustration and concerns that Peekskill isn’t adequately marketing itself.
What recommendations would you have for the city re: marketing and branding? I can forward your responses via email to city leadership. Or you can email them yourselves with your thoughts. Our voices need to be heard. “
FOIL PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lFGcOOspN_wD4dTKXZ9jYxG9LUm3zqsq/view?usp=drivesdk
A summary of my informal report on it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-m2iM2f2dRx-8l8-WPlyxw0jROikFhrNYLM1Xaj3dic/edit
I created this Google Form for if those want to submit feedback about the City’s marketing efforts anonymously/off Facebook. I will share it with City Leadership: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1U0fEfo2JadJvWCRYtSIIDiKqTSYpj9X2Q57kDmyiFPQ/edit
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sheetmusiclibrarypdf · 4 months
Richard Sherman (1928-2024)
Richard Sherman (1928-2024)Best Sheet Music download from our Library.List of worksPlease, subscribe to our Library. Thank you!Disney legend Richard Sherman, songwriter of ‘Mary Poppins’ and ‘It’s a Small World,’ dies at 95
Richard Sherman (1928-2024)
Richard Morton Sherman (June 12, 1928 – May 25, 2024) was an American songwriter who specialized in musical films with his brother Robert B. Sherman. According to the official Walt Disney Company website and independent fact-checkers, "The Sherman Brothers were responsible for more motion picture musical song scores than any other songwriting team in film history."
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Some of the Sherman Brothers' best known songs were incorporated into live action and animation musical films including Mary Poppins, The Happiest Millionaire, The Sword in the Stone, The Jungle Book, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Snoopy Come Home, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, The Slipper and the Rose, and Charlotte's Web. Their most well known work is "It's a Small World (After All)", written for the theme park attraction of the same name. According to Time, it may be the most publicly performed song in history. List of works Major film scores The Parent Trap (1961) Big Red (1962) In Search of the Castaways (1962) Summer Magic (1963) The Sword in the Stone (1963) Mary Poppins (1964) Follow Me, Boys! (1966) The Happiest Millionaire (1967) The Jungle Book (1967) The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band (1968) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) The Aristocats (1970) Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971) Snoopy, Come Home (1972) Charlotte's Web (1973) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1974) The Slipper and the Rose (1976) The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977) The Magic of Lassie (1978) Magic Journeys (1982) Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore (1983) Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland (1992) Winnie the Pooh: Seasons of Giving (1999) The Tigger Movie (2000) Iron Man 2 (2010) (Composed the song "Make Way For Tomorrow Today". Instrumental versions were later featured in Captain America: The First Avenger and Avengers: Endgame) The Jungle Book (2016) Christopher Robin (2018) Motion picture screenplays A Symposium on Popular Songs, 1962 Mary Poppins, 1964 (*treatment only), The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 1973 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 1974 The Slipper and the Rose, 1976 The Magic of Lassie, 1978 Ferdinand the Bull, 1986 (*TV screenplay) Stage musicals Victory Canteen, 1971 (Ivar Theatre, L.A.) Over Here!, 1974 (Broadway, NY) Dawgs, 1983 (Variety Arts Center, L.A.) Busker Alley, 1995 (U.S. Tour) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, 2002 (London) Mary Poppins, 2004 (London) On the Record, 2004-5 (U.S. Tour) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, 2005 (Broadway, NY) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, 2005 (UK Tour) Busker Alley, 2006 (Broadway, NY - *one night only) Mary Poppins, 2006 (Broadway, NY) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, 2007 (Singapore) Mary Poppins, 2008 (UK Tour) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, 2008 (Second UK Tour) Mary Poppins, 2008 (Stockholm) Mary Poppins, 2009 (US Tour) Mary Poppins, 2009 (Copenhagen) Mary Poppins, 2009 (Shanghai) Mary Poppins, 2010 (Australia) Mary Poppins, 2009 (South Africa) Mary Poppins, 2009 (The Hague) Mary Poppins, 2009 (Helsinki) Mary Poppins, 2012 (Budapest) Summer Magic, 2012 (Morristown, Tennessee) The Jungle Book, 2013 (Chicago, Illinois) The Jungle Book, 2013 (Boston, Massachusetts) A Spoonful of Sherman, 2014 (London) Mary Poppins, 2015 (Vienna, Austria) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, 2015–16 (UK Tour) Mary Poppins, 2015–16 (UK Tour) A Spoonful of Sherman, 2017 (London) A Spoonful of Sherman, 2018 (UK/Ireland Tour) A Spoonful of Sherman, 2019 (San Jose, CA) A Spoonful of Sherman, 2019 (Singapore) Mary Poppins, 2019 (London) Bedknobs and Broomsticks, 2021 (UK Tour) Theme park songs There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow for Carousel of Progress The Best Time of Your Life for Carousel of Progress Miracles from Molecules for Adventure Thru Inner Space One Little Spark for Journey into Imagination Magic Journeys for Magic Journeys The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Pooh's Hunny Hunt it's a small world (after all) for the 1964 New York World's Fair attraction, Pepsi Presents WALT DISNEY'S "it's a small world" – a Salute to UNICEF and the World's Children, then adapted to each Disney Park installation of "It's a Small World" The Astuter Computer Revue for the 1982 premiere of the CommuniCore Exhibit at EPCOT. Magic Highways for Rocket Rods Making Memories for Magic Journeys The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room for Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room We Meet the World with Love and Meet the World for the same exhibit in Tokyo Disneyland Kiss Goodnight exit music from Disneyland Forever for Disneyland's 60th Anniversary Nighttime Fireworks Spectacular show, originally sung by Ashley Brown.
Disney legend Richard Sherman, songwriter of ‘Mary Poppins’ and ‘It’s a Small World,’ dies at 95
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-izLHwieo4 Read the full article
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horwathgolf · 8 months
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Bob treats your site like a blank canvas – he and his staff are the artists and their intention is to deliver a masterpiece. Horwath Miniature Golf Courses can create beautiful natural waterfalls, caves, lagoons, and islands for your mini golf course. Bob likes to use natural stone and a lot of it! We’re getting away from the fake rock, gunite, and shotcrete. There’s plenty of companies that use the Fake rock but we don’t like it. We love working with your existing trees, boulders and any type of natural surroundings to enhance the look of the course and make it work with the landscape – saving you time and money.
As with most construction companies we prefer to build from our own miniature golf course designs – but we have no problem working with other designs ( or no designs at all), as long as it’s permissible. When designing your miniature golf course we strongly advise you to work with designers that have experience with miniature golf course construction – Many companies boast they have many years of construction, but Bob has over 35 years experience in the miniature golf course construction which results in higher quality, and fewer changes during the building process and lower overall construction costs.
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Bob Horwath’s basic philosophy when it comes to miniature golf course design is that the right combination of humps, bumps, undulations, and hazards equals a great time for everyone. This is the kind of fun that brings customers back for more! When designed correctly, your miniature golf course will give players an exciting challenge – without making them frustrated at the difficulty of individual holes. Every miniature golf hole should be designed so that a hole-in-one is always a possibility – that’s a thrill that will put a smile on anyone’s face!
Bob also strongly believes and recommends adding at least one large waterfall, if not two and make them highly visible from the road. We believe you need as much water as you can get. Everyone loves the water! This acts like a neon sign and draw the customers in and let everyone know you are open for business. Bob’s got the 35 years experience in miniature golf course construction to pull it off and bring the crowds to your course!
Get in touch: 1637 Old State Rd Binghamton, NY 13904 ,USA Phone :609-898-0053, visit us www.horwathgolf.com
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