aroace-elgyem · 6 months
Okay so I’ve had a hatchetfield OC for a bit but I never got around to posting abt her (wanted to for @hatchetfieldocweek but alas life kinda got in the way :/), is anyone interested in hearing abt her? I wanted to wait until I finished a digital drawing of her to post but I have a buncha sketchbook drawings I could try and photograph.
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belabras · 1 year
Starfinder - Updating Stoneskin
This week a musing on casters, and an update to the Stoneskin spell.
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luddlestons · 23 days
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go ahead and grab the bull AND the goat by the horns
(ashton looks so tiny compared to them aww)
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mallevsmaleficarum · 11 months
ok, so back in March I joined my brother's d&d campaign. it was only supposed to be for a session (lol) but I ripped off that joke about an OSHA paladin and now nine months later I'm finally getting around to designing a homebrew subclass (was previously oath of the ancients) and can someone suggest the best spells to add to my new spell list pleeeease?
Also for context, OSHA is a celestial order of bureaucratic aasimars in this universe so any safety/ celestial-ish spells would be great!
also, am I cheesing it way too much if I say at level 20 you can turn into a Planetar for a full minute (once per long rest)? I thought it would be fine because classes that have true polymorph you can do that anyway
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cannibalisticskittles · 11 months
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lorroakan's no good very bad day
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alannah-corvaine · 1 year
What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
Ask Meme
This is an interesting question for a healer. In most circumstances, Alannah just has to slap a glowing green palm against any injury and within minutes it's fine, the pain is a fleeting thing.
But if she has to endure it?
I think she's tougher than she gives herself credit for, she has the experience of dealing with years of sinus headaches and migraines that would bring down men far larger and stronger than her.
At the same time, it wouldn't take much pain inflicted by physical violence to shut her down. Like most mages, she's something of a glass cannon, which is why a lot of her arsenal includes shielding spells (stoneskin, protect, earth barriers, wind walls). Because once someone gets an actual hit on her, she goes down like a sack of potatoes.
Thank you for the ask!
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j4degoyl · 10 months
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i might've given will a little ilithid upgrade 😬
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cloaksandcapes · 1 year
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Temporary or Permanent Boons are very cool to use in DnD\TTRPGs. It's a cool way to show the journey has affected and strengthen the party. Wildermyth (a game you should absolutely look into) does a GREAT job of this as well.
Blessing of Stonekin
Blessing, temporary boon, uncommon
“Your skin becomes dense and takes on the abrasive touch of the earth. You become more resistant to all types of harm.”
You become resistant to all physical, non-magical damage, this effect lasts until the next dawn. In addition, you have advantage on all Strength saving throws and skill checks.
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gristlegrinder · 2 years
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been thinking about what my commander looks like before and after being corrupted by kralkatorrik. she’s cute and it’s kind of a shame that LWS2-POF did a number on her emotionally
also becoming a dragon champion gave her horns and a tail because i said so
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yencirilla · 9 months
unfortunately it's still not really talked about by a lot of the cr fandom, but the fearne chetney relationship really is one of the sweetest dynamics of the group. i know people write it off as just a one night stand, but they genuinely care about one another. fearne asking chetney about his family early on in the campaign, chetney continuously checking in on fearne/asking about her nana throughout the campaign. chetney making fearne's toy first. fearne trying to steal back the sword chetney had. chetney going after fearne after the shard, asking if she's okay. fearne choosing to cast stoneskin on chetney with a kiss instead of just touch. chetney picking fearne a flower, fearne showing off chetney's toy to oltgar and complimenting it. i love them <3
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redrook · 1 month
I'm saying it.
using the mage hand spell doesn't fucking count as using magic during sex. it's just a hand. most people have one. that isn't anything.
if you're going to write magical DND/fantasy sex, commit to the bit. use spider climb for ceiling sex. use stoneskin to turn extra hard and thick. use alter self to turn your fingers into tentacles. at a minimum, use bear's endurance or bull's strength for a boost. use transmute mud to rock to partially restrain someone in a mud pit. use shocking grasp. have someone temporarily go mad and turn into a giant snake and try to physically eat their partner, and it's barely even a hiccup.
commit to the bit.
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startreklesbian · 1 year
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Do you remember that job in Loudwater? You couldn’t spider climb until Jolym sicced his dog on you. And when we robbed the spear of Aoth Fezim, your stoneskin spell failed until the arrows were inches away. Even in Triboar, you flipped the gravity of a whole theater! By accident. It was wild magic, and that only happened because they were gonna kill me. Exactly!
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the-whatcherof-89 · 2 months
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Xisumavoid Aka Ih-Soo-Mah Shaahwambam
CR 20 C XP 307,200 (if used as npc for encounter)Aasimar(Angelkin) Bloodrager12(Celestial Bloodline) Draconic Disciple(Void)8 NG Medium humanoid (Aasimar) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +36 AC 40 (+3 Dex, +5 deflection, +10 natural, +11 armor, +1 Intuition) Touch 19 Flat-footed 37 HP 210 (20d12+120) Fort +24, Ref +15, Will +24 Speed 30 ft
Melee Adamantine keen brilliant energy falchion+34 2D4+16 Critical 17-20x2, Spells. Ranged Returning javelins+22 1D6+12, Spells
Racial Celestial resistances 5(Acid, Cold, Electric), Darkvision 60ft, +2 on Knowledge Planes and Heal. Traits: Ear for music, Foul brand.
Class features Greater blood rage (+4 Str Con +2 Will saves), Blood sanctuary, Bloodcasting, Improved uncanny dodge, Damage reduction 2/-, Fast movement, Eschew materials, Dragon bite 1D6 Piercing+1D6 cold, Blood of dragons, Natural armor increase +5, Ability boot(STR+4 CON+2 INT+2), Breath weapon 3/day(Con of cold 30ft 8D6 DC23), Blindsense 30ft, Dragon form 1/day.
Bloodline powers Bonus feats (Dodge, Improved initiative, Iron will, Cleave, Blind fight, Power attack) Bonus spells: Bless, Resist energy.
Spellcasting CL 18th, DC19
4th (4/day)-dragon’s breath, telekinetic charge, stoneskin, monstrous physique II, Ghost wolf.
3rd (4/day)-haste, heroism, draconic reservoir, Force punch, chain of perdition, resinous skin.
2nd (5/day)-mirror image, molten orb, see invisibility, glitterdust, blood armor, ablative barrier. 1st (7/day)-jump, mount, shield, thunder stomp, magic missile, burning hands.
Str 32, Dex 16, Con 24, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 28
Base Atk +18; CMB +28; CMD 32
Feats Strong personality, Craft wondrous magic items, Improved sunder, Spell penetration, Greater spell penetration, Improved critical, Weapon focus(Falchion), Raging vitality, Angelic blood, Quicken spell-like ability(Dragon form).
Skills Acrobatics+12, Climb+15, Craft(Stone and metal)+24, Escape artist+13, Diplomacy+13, Fly+11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (Arcana)+10, (Geography)+24 (The planes)+10 (Nature)+5, Perception +26, Perform(Cord)+13, Profession(Composer)+11, Spellcraft +20, Survival +11, Swim +15.
Languages Common, Celestial, Draconic.
Combat gear Mithral spell storing banded mail of greater cold resistance+4, Ring of protection+5, Amulet of natural armor+5, Ioun stones(Deep red sphere, Dusty rose prism), Adamantine keen brilliant energy falchion+5, 2 Returning javelins+1, Belt of physical might+6(STR, CON), Cloak of resistance+5, Headband of mental Prowess+6(WIS CHA Geography), Sandals of quick reaction, Bag of holding type I, Potions:(4) Cure serious wounds (4)Haste, Wands(Blink, Enlarge person), Tome of leadership and influence+2(Used), Manual of bodily health+2, Manual of gainful exercise+5(used), Masterwork guitar, Bloodrager kit, 508GP.
Xisumaviod Aka Ik-soo-mah the Ender caller.
CR 20 XP 307,200 (if used as npc for encounter)Aasimar(Ember-kin, Fallen one) Oracle(Void)20
CE Medium humanoid Init +5; Senses Perception +38
AC 33, touch 17, flat-footed 32 (+1Dex, +5Deflection, +5 natural, +11armor, +1intuition) HP 141 (20d8+48)
Fort +17, Ref +12, Will +28
Speed 30 ft. Melee Adamantine keen brilliant energy scythe+26 1D10+11. Ranged Distance light crossbow+18 1d8+2 +1D8 Cold.
Racial Celestial resistances 5(Acid, Cold, Fire), Darkvision 60ft, +2 on Knowledge Planes and Spellcraft, Lost promise. Traits: Ear for music, Foul brand.
Class features Curse: Tongues, Mystery: Void, Revelations: Absence of body, DR15/force, Armor fo the void 20 hours/day, Body of the void 20 minutes/day, Commune with the void, Creature of the void, Summon the void, Stare into the abyss,Touch of the void, Visions of the void, Wisdom of the void), Final revelation, Bonus spells: Chill heart, Darkness, Ray of exhaustion, Curse of magic negation, Passwall, Gateway, Banishment, Maze, Overwhelming presence.
Spellcasting CL20 DC21 Spells per day 9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7 Spells known: 9-Miracle, Portal, Implosion. 8-Earthquake, Cloak of chaos, Greater planar ally. 7-Scrying(greater), Resurrection, Blasphemy.
6-Word of recall, Heal, Blade barrier. 5-Planar shift, Break enchantment, Flame strike, True seeing. 4-Summon master IV, Freedom of movement, Divine power, Inflict critical wounds. 3-Water breathing, Cure serious wounds, Protection from energy, Dispel magic. 2-Restoration(lesser), Cure moderate wounds, Find traps, Sonic blast, Hold person.
1-Cure light wounds, Shield of faith, Bless water, Sanctuary, Divine favor. 0-Detect magic, Create water, Read magic, Purify food and drink, Mending, Light, Detect poison, Virtue, Guidance.
Str 22, Dex 12, Con 22, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 32
Base Atk +15; CMB +21; CMD +22
Feats Craft wondrous items, Improved initiative, Divine interference, Extra revelations(4), Weapon proficiency(Scythe), Strong personality, Quicken metamagic.
Skills Craft(Stone and metal)+24, Intimidate +13, Heal+10, Knowledge (Arcana)+24, (History)+5 (The planes)+24 (Religion)+5, Disable device+24, Perception +28, Perform(Cord)+15, Profession(Composer)+10, Sense motive+10, Spellcraft +20, Survival +11, Swim +15, Use magic device +24.
Languages Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Draconic, Aklo.
Combat gear Mithral spell storing banded mail of greater electric resistance+4, Ring of protection+5, Amulet of natural armor+5, Ioun stones(Deep red sphere, Dusty rose prism), Adamantine keen brilliant energy scythe+5, Distance light crossbow+1, 50+1 Frost bolts, Belt of physical might+6(STR, CON), Cloak of resistance+5, Headband of mental Prowess+6(WIS CHA Planes), Slippers of cloudwalking, Glyphbane gloves, Bag of holding type I, Potions:(4) Cure serious wounds (4)Gaseous form, Tome of leadership and influence+2(Used), Manual of bodily health+2, Manual of gainful exercise+5(used), Scrolls(Cloak of chaos, Reverse gravity, Orb of  the void, Blood mist), Masterwork guitar, Oracle kit, 87GP. 
Background: Xisuma lives in a faraway land famous for the various buildings that defies possibility and his hermits that build them. While it is true that he is one of them, Xisuma is not only a music composer but also an admin/steward figure of the place, ensuring both the stability and functioning logistics of the land between the various hermits. Xisuma however, has a secret: for some reason he has a connection with the Void hence, his full name Xisumavoid. Although people do not bring up his full name often, Xisuma always feels the strange call and stares at the vast sky of the Overworld or the endless depth of the End. While there was no exchange of words, he always felt something or someone calling for him, pulling, inching forward from the dark depths but he could never reply or understand, until one day he was overseeing the land from a vantage point and saw some kind of light on the horizon engulfing the world. The land was disappearing. Xisuma panicked for a moment, but then he heard a call: “My chosen. To stop this advent embrace me. I shall give you the power to save the land. Look upon me.” Xisuma looked around but saw no one, until he looked up and saw IT. His two eyes reflected his being into two and cast the now divided Xisuma in two beings in another land. Separated, the two heard again the voice: “Upon you i now bestow my powers and a prophecy:”
Swift as the wind the ground rumbles
Burn the bubble when they stumbles
With blazing storms forward they dash
Cold hearts engraved in ash
One light and secrets will be hushed
Four shadows always clashed
Ring the bell falls the hammer
Sparks dance under the burnt banner
Clad in white we slowly fade
For in twilight’s hour we were remade
“When the prophecy is resolved, come find me. And you will return to your land untainted.” The two Xisuma were separated, one in the Overworld, the other in the End but they both knew what had to be done and no one would stand in their way.
(Image made with Heroforge.)
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m-for-musings · 3 days
The question: can a 1,65m drow safely bear 2m wood elf's twins?
User @horizonstride made a (good) point here:
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Now the seeds of doubt were planted, and gnawed at me. So I did what any weirdo normal person would do, and asked other D&D nerds about it.
The arguments were great. My idea (the most stupid one, of course) was to cast Enlarge on the mother during labor for an easier birth. However, a friend pointed out that the babies, while inside the mother, "would fall under ‘anything they are wearing or carrying.’ Like when we say someone is 'carrying' a baby during pregnancy. Also, I need this to be true, or Reduce has terrifying consequences."
And that’s a very good point. I’m sold.
A more unhinged bold friend suggested they could Dimension Door the babies out, but this is self-targeted and the babies can't cast spells (yet).
Another one, more prone to the game's technicalities, added: "If we consider the damage from childbirth as concussive damage, and the babies count as improvised weapons, each baby would deal 1d4 damage per turn. Since there are twins, the drow would have to endure 2d4 damage per turn during labor. Considering the drow’s initial stats, she has a CON score of 14, giving her a +2 to any CON saving throws she might be doing during labor. As a paladin, she also has the Lay on Hands ability, which heals hp equal her paladin level x5, Aura of Vitality letting her heal 2d6 as a bonus action, and Death Ward in case anything goes wrong. So, yeah, she could endure it with relative ease for about 10-15 turns, maybe more depending on the dice."
Another friend then asked: "Considering that the average time to give birth to twins is 13.5 minutes, and each D&D turn lasts 6 seconds, that would be 135 turns. Do the babies deal damage every turn, only on their turn, or only on the mother’s turn?"
(At that moment, we were like:)
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After further debate, we reasoned that they would deal damage only on the mother’s turn, as she would be actively making the effort to push them out.
But we were ignoring an important factor: the wood elf is a druid specialized in healing magic. So, we added him to the initiative, since he would most likely assist the mother during labor. This could grant the mother a +4 CON bonus with the Bear’s Endurance (from the Enhance Ability spell), and with Stoneskin, she would only take half the damage.
That said, only 1/4 of the 135 turns would be the mother’s. Therefore, she’d endure 2d4 + her STR modifier of (halved) damage for about 33 turns. She would be protected by Stoneskin and Bear’s Endurance, as well as powerful paladin abilities like Aura of Vitality (regaining 2d6 HP with a bonus action) and the Death Ward spell.
There would also be plenty of healing spells from both sides, ensuring that it would be a safe childbirth. They have at their disposal: Aid, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Healing Spirit, Mass Cure Wounds, and Heal.
Final verdict: It is, in fact, safe for a 1.65m drow to bear the twins of a 2m wood elf. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. :D
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💎 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Primordial Earth Heart
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) ___ This crystal-pierced rock is shaped like a heart. It gently pulses while held and is always slightly warmer than body temperature. It is said that the first earth elemental was once a human that joined with such a heart. As part of attuning to the heart, you must also hold it to your chest. Once you've attuned to it, the heart magically sinks into your chest, with its crystals just barely visible above the surface. While attuned to the heart, your skin becomes hard like stone, granting you the effects of the "stoneskin" spell. In addition, while you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 14 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit. 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙨. While attuned to the heart, you can use an action to cast one of the following spells from it (save DC 17): "entangle", "spike growth", or "wall of stone". Each spell manifests as a series of jagged crystals. When a creature other than you enters the area of one of these spells (or within 5 feet of a "wall of stone") for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature immediately takes 1d4 piercing damage from the jagged crystals. You are immune to the effects of the "entangle" and "spike growth" spells when cast in this way. Once the heart has been used to cast a spell, it can’t be used to cast that spell again until the next dawn. 𝘾𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚. This heart is cursed, and attuning to it extends that curse to you. While cursed, the stone and crystals spread across your body, gradually replacing your flesh with pure rock and crystal over the course of 30 days. After 30 days, you no longer need to breathe, you gain a burrowing speed equal to half your walking speed, and you have tremorsense out to a range of 10 feet. Your weight is also tripled; your swimming speed is reduced to 0 if you have one, and you sink to the bottom of any liquid at a rate of 60 feet per round, at which point you can walk as normal. Only a "wish" spell can end your attunement to the heart and remove the curse, at which point it erupts from your body, landing in a space within 5 feet of you. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Skrungly elf lady with shit posture and missing teeth you can always see bc she’s always grinning, one side of her face drooping from when it got melted by dragon fire, no make up just layers of dirt and dried gore, local ridiculously long lived magical humanoid out here living her best life making bad choices until it actively kills her and she has NO mental illness at all. The only tragedy in her life is that one time a group of friends threw her into a river and scrubbed her with soap while she was fully clothed so a monster would stop tracking them with the scent of it’s dried blood on her. She’s still looking for that monster. In her heart of hearts she clings to the hope of someday finally fighting it again, she doesn’t know it’s great-great grand spawn probably died a century ago.
Fancy dwarf lady who shrieks if the wrong kind of sediment gets on her bc it’s clashing with her carefully styled beard, cannot be trusted to buy or barter anything when she will give the clothes off her back for what is to the uncultured a completely normal grey rock but which other dwarves of taste will confirm as a very cute normal grey rock, she thinks smithing and stone work are the unethical domestication of majestic wild stones and refuses to handle any of the stuff, wears zero jewels or metal, enjoys breaking stone buildings or metal chains as an act of protest against the rock-abusing status quo. Uses stoneskin potions or actual basilisk stares for “meditation” where she tries to understand stone by becoming it, basically addicted to being petrified, possibly also very turned on by it. Her ideal woman is a Medusa who won’t wander off right after turning her to stone.    
the skrungly elf lady once asked fancy dwarf lady if ice counts as a rock, and if that means all water is just melted stone. fancy dwarf lady was horrified. fancy dwarf lady is now also obsessed with taking cold damage and possibly freezing solid the entire material realm and every other plane of existence she can get her totally not evil hands on. skrungly elf lady thinks that sounds like fun~
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