#stop putting the dicks on the lathe
eml0tz · 1 year
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I was sat in the passenger seat of my boyfriend and i wasn’t even paying attention to him we were driving back home since he is so popular after his face reveal
i look around to him and see him driving, it makes me feel something seeing his legs bending basically folded because he was too big for the car maybe too big for me but that won’t stop me
before thinking i put my hand on his thigh just above his knee he quickly looks down to see what i’m trying to do as i move my hand up close to his fly
“Baby-“ Clay whispers as he turns the steering wheel to go to the side of the road because he knows where this is going
before i can do anything my seat belt is off and i being pulled into clays lap facing him as he plants his hand on my hips moving up and down
“Your so gorgeous baby” he says muffled when he kisses my neck guiding my hips onto his lap as i moan from the friction and how his mouth drags against my collar bone
he then moved my top in all different ways to get to my tits i still him to roll my hips to get him to put himself inside me
“Please fuck me Clay i will get my tits out during” i say whining
“Your so fucking mouthy” he replies but pops his button and opens his fly then takes everything from my bottom half off
he then pulls his boxers down enough to get his hard dick out and moves his other hand to my hips and holding his dick lining me up
whilst he does that i take off my top and bra he then sinks into me as we both moan and his eyes latch onto my boobs and his mouth latches onto my nipples and laths them with a flat tongue
i start to bounce and he thrusts from under neath
i stare down at him to see his eyes closed with frowned brows and his mouth around my tits
“please clay-“ i moan out probably about to say something else but it would end up me pleading him
he reads my body and keeps pounding and pops off my boobs to kiss me i kiss back as much i can moaning into his mouth as he bounces me in his lap even though i’m used to it the stretch is an uncomfortable pleasure
“i’m so close daddy please-ple-“ i’m cut of by a moan when he only gets faster and i hear his breathing get heavier and my orgasm approaches faster than expected
as i cress over resting my head onto his shoulder and milk his dick i can feel him getting closer hearing his low moans
i feel slightly fuller when he lets out a guttural moan
he pulls my head up and rests his head on mine and kisses me
“i love you so much angel” he admits
“i love you so much more” i reply
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bluedragonbooks · 2 years
Adjacent 10 of 25
Over the last 6 weeks, Elric often strode ahead while the Wizard and I followed at a more measured pace; we usually caught up to him when he paused to murder a bush or assault a haystack.
Once Gerry joined us, it seemed to spur Elric on and vice versa; we spent the day with them racing ahead, only to find them sparring with sticks or doing push-ups or whatever a few minutes later.
At one point the Wizard had watched them thru his lenses for a while. "Whatever enchantment you used on him has left; be assured - whatever he feels for you is genuine; be gentle with him - you're his first love, am I correct?"
"Yes, I still feel guilty for bewitching him."
"He was eager enough; all you did was ease his shyness; I'm sure that had time and urgency not forced your hand the outcome would be the same. The next town is two days away; I have friend I wish to visit - a seer; We'll be stopping for at least two days; My friend is younger and will have desires I am unable to satisfy, so Elric will no doubt be invited to her room. I'll arrange for you and Gerry to share a room; a bit of privacy and the lack of other agendas should help clarify the matter."
Oh goody, looking forward to that; nothing like being expected to perform under the watchful eye of an elderly matchmaker ... Fuck.
Elric's blunter version was delivered as we made camp that night and got ready for dinner; he took me aside and said, "He wants you to fuck him; but he's too shy to ask; He's done you, now it's your turn to do him."
For a moment I wondered if Elric had only pretended to be asleep back at the guardhouse; but I knew that snore. Maybe Gerry had told him. "Did he actually say that?"
"No, but he looks at your dick every chance he gets; when a girl looks at me like that, I know she's wet for it. Besides, I could always tell when the blacksmiths boy had paid a visit and put it in you, you’d get this dreamy look and sigh a lot."
"You was sighing plenty the next day, and you had that big stupid grin, despite all the trouble we was in; so I'm guessing he's got a biggun and he gave it to you good." My face flushed red hot.
"Ha, thought so, I got you a good one, you're blushing like a virgin."
"Ooh, Stop, STOP - It tickles too much" Gerry giggled and squirmed.
I'd been exploring his naked body with my tongue; turns out he was insanely ticklish.
"How about here?" I lowered my mouth and sucked. The reaction was immediate and productive.
"Oh GOD ... Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it in your mouth; you surprised me ... no-one’s ever ..."
"It's ok, I don't mind; I like it; It's not like I didn't want it."
"But doesn't it taste ... yucky?"
"You mean you've never tasted your own - off your hand?"
"Wow, you really are an innocent; you want to suck mine?"
"Um, ok, I suppose, just give me warning when you ... you know."
"Probably better if I don't."
"You done him yet?" asked Elric at breakfast. "Didn't sound like it."
There's no point being subtle with Elric, I knew he'd just keep asking.
"Waiting for the next town. A bath and a proper bed."
"Ooh fancy; fair enough tho; you getting him some flowers and a stinky candle too? He'll probably like that."
"Piss off Elric." He laughed and punched me lightly in the arm.
Turns out he’s not only insanely ticklish, but insanely noisy. I got the giggles and nearly couldn’t finish.
After I finished fucking him, and we'd got our breath back he said, “do you think anyone heard?”
The walls of the seer’s house were only lath and daub; “The whole fucking street heard” said Elric from the other side of the wall.
Breakfast was surreal; the Seer was dreamy-eyed and sighed a lot; Elric grinned like fool, alternating between winking at me and nudging Gerry; who flushed a bright pink while staring intently at his porridge as if divining some great portent.
Instead of the usual thin gruel, the table was graced with a hearty porridge, bread and oil to dip it in, slices of cheese, fruit, and even a smoked fish. The Wizard appeared inordinately pleased with himself.
I glared at him and mentally dared him to say anything.
“A hearty breakfast for the road ahead; just what growing lads need after a good nights sleep.”
I almost stabbed him with my spoon.
So far Elric's "Quest" had "accomplished" exactly three kills in seven weeks.
An enchanted boar so fixated on it' task the poor beast had worn a path around it's Lords forest;
An aging Wyvern that took a lamb and probably would have died of exertion or choked to death on lamb’s wool if Elric hadn't put it out of its misery; and
A small kitten sized beasty I couldn't identify, driven mad with lust for Elric's boot when we stopped for lunch.
"When will we get to the good stuff" whined Elric to the Wizard, while wiping green beasty goo off his sword and onto a patch of grass.
"Patience young Champion, we have 4 months yet to get to the Western Sea; as long as we get there before the Winter Solstice, there's plenty of time for adventures yet."
I groaned inwardly. We'd set out at Summer Solstice, and we wouldn't get there until the Winter Solstice? Which meant we likely wouldn't get home until the next Summer Solstice?
This damn Quest better be worth it or I'd be boiling the old bird down for his tallow. I wonder what price genuine Wizard Tallow fetched on the Apothecary market.
Not that you'd probably get much out of him; he was old and stringy and didn't seem to have much fat on him; and he was ancient; I mean he must have been at least 50 years old.
Have I mentioned his knees? Most villages are a days travel apart for a merchant with 2 horses and a well-stocked wagon.
Why? Because Merchants don't want to be camping on the side of a road overnight with a well-stocked wagon; you have to pay a night-guard.
Most people can keep up with a well-stocked wagon and 2 horses even on foot; especially if you've had 7 weeks to get used to it.
Elderly Wizards with dodgy knees apparently take 2 days to cover the same distance; well, 2 6-hour days if you don't mind starting late and don't include stopping for a leisurely lunch in the heat of the day.
Mind you, it meant we arrived early enough on the second day to have our pick of lodgings, and it gave me a chance to barter and reprovision.
About every third village seemed to be a trading hub, which usually meant it had a Wizards Guild, which meant we could get a proper bed and usually stayed an extra night.
Neither Gerry nor I minded that; better than fucking on cold hard ground.
Gerry had got over his initial boisterousness, which meant we could take turns enjoying each other without making a laughingstock of ourselves.
Tho, he still tended to blush madly if I'd fucked him the night before, and Elric even glanced at him at breakfast.
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seabreeze2022 · 22 days
Wales day 6 and 7, August 2024.
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Today we trek to a Castle in Caernarfon on the Wales mainland. Neil and Beverley have seen this multiple times so they did some shopping in town while Nancy and I did a 1 hour self guided tour.
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Neat little town, this was a four day weekend and it was busy.
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You can’t go to Caernarfon without going to the “Black Boy Inn.” As the sign says, built in 1522. Making it one of the oldest pubs in Wales. To pit in perspective, 254 years before America was founded.
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This is the front door.
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Neil and Nancy bellying up to the bar while putting in our order of Guinness.
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Round two….
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Wales is known for their love of poetry. They have a yearly competition where the winner is presented with a one of a kind hand built chair. Here I am sitting in one from a bygone era.
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From the “Black Boy Inn” we headed to a great Indian food dinner. I thought it a bit strange that a sign in the entry said “no personal sodas allowed.” Turns out being muslim they did not sell alcohol. So you were allowed to bring in your own beer, just not sodas.
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Day 7 morning walk. One of many wild flowers, vines and blackberries along the walk.
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Neil’s twin sister Janet and her son’s dog joined us for the walk this morning. The day prior we ran into one of Neil’s neighbors near Saint Ceidio’s Church. She mentioned she had the key to the church and helped keep an eye on it. When stopped at her house and retrieved the key that day. She was kind enough to invite us in. She and her husband had taken an old water mill that was in ruins and rebuilt a beautiful house out of it. So today we will get inside of the church.
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This church is a 19th century church built on a site that may have been used as a church as long ago as 630 ad. This church was rebuilt using the stones from a 14 th century church previously sitting here.
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West wall with its bellcote.
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Neil with the key to the door. The round headed doorway may be from the 14th century.
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This church has not been in use for many years. So we had to knock down several spiderwebs. Neil made himself at home in the pulpit. Which he had also done in the church in New Bedford, Mass. Which was featured in the movie Moby Dick.
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In the back of the church was a stretcher used to carry caskets to the graveyard.
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An inscription on slate in the memory of a 21 year old who died in 1802.
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Dropped the key off at the old mill which is now a house.
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Janet, Charlie and Nancy checking a pasture on the way home. Hurry up we don’t want to miss tea time!
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After lunch we drove to the north shore of Anglesey to look at this lighthouse on the point to the right.
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Point Lynas lighthouse is very unique. Since it is plenty high to see from the sea. It is built into the wall of the building with light only visible for 180 degrees.
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The walk to the lighthouse.
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The gate leading to the lighthouse. There are a couple of rooms that you can rent here. Not sure how nice those expensive rooms would be when the fog horn sounds.
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Here is the actual light. There is a modern radar antenna, and anemometer on the roof. The ship pilots used this point to help ships getting to Liverpool. The pilot station was built in 1776. This light was built in 1835 which is visible for 18 nautical miles.
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A heather covered hillside leading to the water. One seal was visible nearby.
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Windy out here on the point.
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View from the point back towards the lighthouse.
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Neil in the heather.
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Neil working the lath in his shop, which he let Nancy try her hand at. One more night watching “Rawhide” then we leave on the ferry the next day for Dublin. What a great vacation, thanks to Neil and Beverley Gadsby.
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dearlymrme · 2 years
Feast (Silco/F!Reader)
Silco/Reader, Silco/F!Reader
Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Frontage, Dry Humping, Vaginal Fingering.
1,103 words - NSFW
I hope I helped some of you all learn something new about yourselves today.
Part 1, Part 3
"You want to…?"
"I'm not put off by the idea."
You are 18 weeks along when you wake up one morning to find the front of your shirt soaked and embarrassingly cried in his arms. Silco holds you through it, shushing you gently and assures you that, according to the books you had both been reading, it was perfectly normal.
Bras were uncomfortable to wear now and so were shirts. Everything about it aches and brushes against your oversensitive nipples, you’ve been forgoing shirts altogether as you stayed and did paperwork in your shared room rather than the office.
You had gone to Singed for advice. The good doctor assured you that, just as the books had said, what was happening was perfectly normal for first time mothers.
"How do I fix it? It's getting to be unbearable."
"Simply supplement breastfeeding." You raise an inquisitive brow and he waves a hand. "Pump it out."
Your brow remains raised and you shuffle in place.
"Do you have a…?"
"I have said it multiple times. Maybe this time you'll listen." He gives you frustrated glare. "I am not that kind of doctor."
That had been that.
So, you try to find a pump but before you can even begin to look, Silco pulls you aside.
"May I suggest an alternative?"
You raise a brow.
Alternative? You're willing to try anything if it means getting the ache and dribbling to stop.
He looks down at your chest then back at you with his own raised and suggestive brow. You see his throat flex with a heavy swallow.
It clicks and your face flushes.
"You want to…?"
"I'm not put off by the idea."
And surprisingly, you weren't either.
Neither of you would have ever guessed just how into the idea both of you were.
Heat, wetness and longing gathers between your thighs and the walls of your cunt throb and clench around nothing. You wiggle your legs, shifting your thighs together to try and alleviate some of the desire.
You whimper as you roughly run your fingers through his hair, pulling him closer and earning a pleased groan. You bow your head to pant against the back of his neck as you keep him firmly in place if not pull him closer than he already is.
The room echoes with the sounds that can only be described as wet debauchery. Neither of you are really keeping quiet, you with your broken whines and moans of relief and pleasure and Silco with his wet slurping. 
Another firm suck at your nipple has your toes curling and your walls clenching again. You would not be surprised if you could come from this alone but that wouldn’t be as satisfying as something stuffing you. You need something firm, you need him but can’t tell him to let go. You don’t want him to. God, it feels amazing and judging by his groans and his firm dick pressed against your thigh, he shares the sentiment.
"Oh god." You shudder as his hand gently massages and rolls your other tit, the nail of his thumb brushing strokes against your nipple, not pinching thank heavens but giving a gentle little tug that causes it to leak and you to whimper.
His mouth breaks from around your other tit and he takes a breath, lathing his tongue gently against the bud. You know there is a bruise forming around the point of your mound, skin turning red and purple. You know but you can't look. Despite the pleasure you remain embarrassed as you feel liquid trickle down from your sensitive nub over the curve of your aching chest. It's quickly lapped up by your lover with another almost primal moan.
He is laid against your side, careful for your swollen stomach and his long legs are wrapped lovingly around yours. His hips grinding against you, and you can feel his dick twitch with every moan you let out, gently rocking as he treats your breasts like a feast.
Because it is.
And that's where you are now, face red and tears of oversensitivity leaking down your cheeks as Silco sucks out your breast milk as vigorously as a man dying of thirst.
You give a broken sob as he latches back onto your nipple and your walls clench again and you can't take it anymore. You need something inside you. The one hand digging crescents and scratches into his back surges down between your legs and you slide your finger against your clit, crying at the touch.
His other hand quickly snatches from your other tit and slaps your fingers away before replacing them with his own. Both his middle and ring finger stuff into your wet cunt with no need to gently prepare and he curls them against your spongy walls, hooking them directly into your g-spot. He expertly rolls his palm firmly and sets a punishing pace against your clit.
You are actually crying now, the pleasure far too much, climbing higher and higher. You back arches and you throw your head back against the pillows. You scream his name at a sharp pitch as he coaxes you through the most earth shattering orgasm you've ever had.
He released your nipple to let out his own moan, his hips rolling against your thigh in jerking motions before coming to a complete halt. He throbs against your leg as hot spurts of cum land across your thigh.
The both of you pant from your shared orgasms, everything drawn to a halt. You sigh in relief and he rests his cheek between your breasts and with his own content and pleased purr.
In your boneless state you manage to release your death grip on his hair and apologetically dig your fingers into his scalp, a thankful massage. He hums in appreciation before rolling onto his chin and looking up at you lovingly.
"Thank you for the meal." And he kisses you on your collar, then your cheek and gives you a raised brow. 
"You okay?" He asks, because that's what he always asks after. Are you okay? Self assurance and reassurance. You give him a soft smile and tired nod.
And then a dark look crosses his face and he gives a devilish grin.
"Well then," And he carefully rolled over you to the other side, still wary of your growing stomach, even giving it a single tender stroke. He settles against you once more, just as he was to your right as he is now to your left.
You look at him with half lidded eyes and hiss as his fingers start to stroke at your folds once again.
"Time for seconds."
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bibbykins · 3 years
jungkook.... whining... while oc rides his dick.... brain is shortcircuiting rn
I... I have no words for how this came out of me at the speed it did. This is kinda funny to put out when the next parts are gonna be pretty sad (not too sad ofc) but lmao nonetheless
So, Beg (M)
Words: 1.2k
Note: This is a drabble for The Household's Bunny Series
Pairing: Soft yandere! Jungkook x Chubby! Camgirl! Reader
Warnings: 18+, dom/sub dynamics, riding, whining, name-calling, flustered jk, cream pie, unprotected sex, degradation, praise, brat! reader, finger sucking
Jungkook knew many things about himself, arguably he knew even more about you. The most basic being you were a sub and he was a hard dom. There had never been any question about how well puppy dog eyes fit on your face as you begged for sweet release and the way a sadistic smile would curve onto his features as he ripped your request to shreds. He was cruel, dastardly, and evil. He was a cry baby brat's worst nightmare, your worst nightmare, and if you didn't know that by now, after this little show, you would be learning that lesson days after it ends.
"Fuck." He grit out as he threw his head back.
If only he could focus on how sorry you would be among the base need to empty himself within you as you swirled your hips slowly.
You clicked your tongue, "Kook, that's a bad word." You stated matter-of-factly, "I told you to say nice words if you want to be rewarded." You clenched around him but ceased movement when he tried to push his hips up, a difficult task considering how his limbs were tied to his bedposts as you had been countless times before.
He let out a breathy laugh, "You're just so soft and tight, bunny." He resisted the urge to tell you all about how screwed you were. He did agree to let you take control, figuring you would hardly know what to do. Had he known Taehyung had given you tips beforehand, he would've never agreed to this torture, "C'mon, baby, be nice to me." He did his best not to make it sound like a command but the pressure in his dick as it pulsed inside you did him no favors.
You rolled your eyes at his poor attempt to get mercy. Flattery was the oldest trick in the book, and one you had mastered, so he would have to try much harder. You looked down at the idol before you and fought the urge to sigh dreamily, "You're so pretty, Koo." You mused, hands rubbing over his defined abs and slowly making your way up his chest, "I never knew you would look this cute all needy and desperate." You could see his face flush even more as you rolled your hips against him slowly. Letting out a shaky breath you continued, "Don't you think you're a cutie?"
His eyes rolled back as you leaned down, breasts pressing against him, while your mouth hovered over his, "Baby." He tried to warn you but only received a light kiss.
"Say you're a cutie." You ordered, "And maybe I'll move some more, hm?"
Jungkook was no stranger to praise, and he knew he was attractive. His physical appearance had rarely been an issue to him, but with the way you looked down on him, he couldn't help but hesitate, "That's ridiculous-"
"Bad." You giggled against his ear before your lips found purchase on his neck, sucking harshly and enjoying the groan you ripped from him, "Tell me you're a cutie."
Jungkook found himself weak when it came to your affection and had no choice but to surrender, at least a little.
He sighed, "I'm a cutie, now just-" The words died on his tongue as you sat up and pulled yourself from him before sinking back down. He swore nirvana was on the horizon as you swiveled your hips.
"So hard for me." You gasped out, nails pressing into his stomach. Fuck, he loved when you marked him up, "Feels good." You moaned with a small giggle.
He nodded, his release gaining on him after what felt like hours of this torment, "It does, so sweet and tight-"
You couldn't fight your smile much longer as you stopped moving again. The disgruntled noise that left Jungkook’s lips only drew out your laughter, "So beg for it." You challenged, leaning down to look him in the eyes, "Beg me to ride you till you cum." The flare of dormant dominance in his eyes made you clench around him. You were sure if you hadn't reinforced the silk ties, he would've broken out ages ago.
"Bunny." He grit out, definitely warning you but the brokenness of his tone while your walls fluttered around his cock made it significantly less intimidating.
Unable to hold back much more, you captured his lips in a messy kiss. Your hands cupped his face as his tongue tangled with yours, "Beg, and I'll ride you till we both cum." You offered and he groaned, "Misbehave, and I ride you till I cum and have you use your hand to finish." You pouted, bouncing a little, chipping away at his sanity.
"You can't be serious-" He groaned when a hand of yours reached down to rub your clit in slow circles, but he could feel you clench around him in pleasure.
You grabbed his face with one hand, fingers slightly squishing into his cheek. Your grip was much more gentle than his, but it surprised him nonetheless, "Now, now, be good." You trailed your fingers that had previously been on your clit to his mouth, "Think about it." You whispered as he took your fingers in his mouth, licking messily to taste you as much as he could, "You wanna cum inside me? Fill me up nice and full? Make me your pretty little bitch?" The profanity only made his eyes roll back as he lathed his tongue over your digits and nodded. You ripped your fingers from his mouth and a whine bubbled in his throat, making you smile that beautiful smile he loved so dearly, "So beg me, sweetheart."
He was losing patience and control, "Please, bunny, ride me." He muttered.
"What was that, pet?" You provoked a glare from him with a sly smile.
"I need to fill you up, my pretty bunny." He rasped as you began moving slowly, "Please, I need you." The whine in his voice pushed your hips at a quicker pace that made him throw his head back against the pillow and moan.
"Sound so pretty for me." You cooed with a shaky voice as you found your high approaching way quicker than you expected, your sex feeling the effects of teasing Jungkook as long as you did, "I'm not gonna last long." There was a breathless chuckle in your voice that made his heart melt.
"Cum for me, baby." He groaned, "Fuck, I want you to cum nice and pretty for me and I'll fill you up." He wanted so badly to thrust his hips up and make you fall apart but as your nails dug into his skin while you cried out his name, he couldn't help the gratification of having the girl he admired ride him so desperately.
Seeing this needy and sweet Jungkook was more than enough to send you over the edge as you called his name with a scream while you fell apart. It didn't take long for him to follow you into the depths of desire.
Minutes later, you've untied him and collapsed on top of him with heaving breaths, "You know when I catch my breath, you're gonna get it, right?" He breathed and you looked up at him tiredly with a pout.
"Do you know how hard it was trying to control you?" You accused, "Cut me some slack."
He chuckled and it was one of your favorite songs, "Imagine how I feel with how much of a brat you are."
You gasped in fake offense and went to smack his chest but he grabbed your hand and used the leverage to flip you both over and capture you in a deep kiss. His stamina was really no joke.
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killerbananas · 2 years
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Stoned!Connie fucking each of your holes to teasing perfection.
🔞 mdni | masterlist | 797 wc | afab!reader x Connie
Warnings: smut; dubcon - drugs/inebriation, semi-rough sex, Dom/sub tones, light degradation/humiliation, shameless self-indulgence, vaginal penetration, oral, spanking, throat fucking, overstimulation, anal, anal creampie, ??lmk
AN: This is an old work of mine previously posted on tumblr.
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“I’ll admit I’ve always had an appetite and marijuana always makes me ravenous. I’d pretty much put anything you set in my hand in my mouth.”
“Oh really?*
"Connie, what-ah hah, I see what you did there.”
He’d plopped his perfectly flaccid length into your open palm, shorts pooled right around his ankles.
“You know what? I’m not even mad. I walked into that one and who the fuck am I to judge what fills my hunger? You look awful appetizing, hotstuff.”
“I dunno. Kind of makes you sound like a desperate slut to me. Now, what about ah- ah- okayokayokay.”
You’d sucked down the plump head of his cock to stimulate him into fullness before he could keep his train of mirthy ribbing. Connie’s groaning into your mouth and holding onto your shoulders while the life leaves his body in the confines of your mouth, primarily slicked up with the precome he readily spills like a self-lubricating fuckstick just pumping through your swelling lips.
“So sloppy now, baby. Sure seems to help when I jam the back of your throat like this-ugh-huh? Hard to hear you when your mouth is full. Who taught you manners, young lady?”
You pop off to laugh into giddy madness at the random audacity of your partner.
“You silly rabbit. What are you even saying?”
“C'mon. You know… and! You know what they say about how rabbits fuck, right?”
He makes suspicious hopping gestures with his wiggling eyebrows and tilts his head to the bedroom.
“You wanna teach me some manners, sweetheart?”
“Yes, ma'am.”
And he’s sweeping you off your giggling feet and into the bedroom to bend you over his knee and get distracted petting your ass when he really meant to spank a lesson into you. He can’t help it. His mouth always gets involved and the exposing view of your cunt just gets him every time. It’s like a magnetic pull and he’s a helpless sap stuck to the slick folds of your cunt as if it’s a nourishing joie de vivre glutting his soul. He just keeps latheing away at your labia until you’re a quivering, sobbing mess from coming by torrentially cresting concurrent waves that crash with each electrifying stroke.
You shove his head away a little harder than intended and instantly yank him up by tugging under his shoulders to kiss you and delight your mouth. It lines his naked cock up with your cunt and he doesn’t hesitate for a millisecond before he’s rutting along the soaking wetness you offer him. He eventually stops playing in the puddling liquid he draws and starts opening you up with the girth of his dick with a few searching, exploring jabs that almost land him in the wrong hole.
Or you’d have called it the wrong one had you not quickly realized just how focused he was when he wanted to draw back and keep flirting with penetrating your tight ass. Which, of course, after dipping into the pooling cream of your pussy, he was plenty lubricated to start doing exactly that while you held your cheeks obediently apart for him. His pervading member nudges into the soft muscle of your blushed skin like velvet steel parting your expanding, blossoming bud. You can barely keep your eyes open, overwhelmed by the physical presence of his dick and the euphoric honeysyrup of the weed.
And when you think you’re finally moored in the onslaught, you feel the soothing coverage of his headphones eclipsing your hearing. The marijuana finally helps loosen your body’s tension, letting him freely pump into the taboo hole he tries to shove every dense inch of his cock through. He’s languidly fucking at a pace helplessly attempting to follow some kind of rhythm, but instead melds to your body while rutting in overstimulated, quivering strokes that plunge down deep at an angle that bursts bright white solar flares behind your eyelids. His lanky fingers sneak beneath your hips while he mounts you so perfectly that there exists not a pinch of space between your handspread cheeks and his contracting musculature that strings taut with flexing tension spiderwebbing the tawny skin of his pelvis.
He’s just grinding the head of his cock wherever he can bruise it inside your body, not even pulling out a millimeter, but stimulating his dick by humping away lazily into your plush hole. He’s thankful for the breeching pain at the beginning of the crest when he climaxes. He’s begging for relief of the crash when he plummets, streaming jets of come so harshly that his balls ache brutally with the severe contracting. He’s kind enough to drag you along with him the entire time as his fingers dance the same overstimulation across your clit while he bites into your shoulder.
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Taglist: @aotwarriorsimp @alex--nya @animediplomat @antoxsmith @armoredpotato @bakidose @bakunny @beffjurky @casuallyck @chaotic-nick @dearbaji @dilferwinsmith @erwinsbaby @eyesucket @fairypiku @fandomficsobsession @hinasakuino @i1k @icecreamranwich @interfectio-mortales @jikuuu @kireirengoku-main @koulakoukoula2003 @lavenderdaisyhoney @mybadluckshouldmakemefamous @nathalunalune @notgoodforlife @peachysunrize @phoenixpype @pockcock @sweetforlevi @pocks-waifu @seychellse @shigarakiapologist @simpsarzie @sinnerofthewalls @soaringmirror @sparklekitteh @stigandr-the-cat @syrma-sensei @reiners-milkbiddies @tiffanyy-21 @theinariakuma @tohailalegacy @tonaken @torapologist @we-are-so-close @witchycamisado
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digimonloving · 2 years
Could we have 👀 spicy Tamer and Daemon?
Tamer knows Daemon wont make the first moves... But knows how his eyes linger on them a lil longer than a servant should.. maybe phrasing it as a reward for all his loyal service 👀?
And a similar situation for a tamer and their Devimon? (Im a sucker for Master servant dynamics asjfhfk)
(headcanons hee hoo :3c)
Blz 🙏✨
Tamer x Daemon /NSFT
Daemon knows perhaps he shouldn't stare at his Tamer's body. But he truly can't help it. Every time he's caught staring, he quickly looks away, as if he wasn't just letting his eyes wander over their form. But when his Tamer brings it up, not claiming to be angry, and instead, he should let his eyes linger... after all, he's deserved it. And he's deserved plenty more with how well he's served them as their Digimon.
And so, Daemon listens to his Tamer as they tell him to sit, and just to let them do all the work, only do what they tell him to do as he usually does as they fish out his hardening cock as they teasingly grip it and slide their fingers over his demonic shaft, fingers moving between the nubs that cover it before they prepare themself and settle on his cock, slowly sliding down on him as he tries to hold back his moans, for he didn't wish to break whatever silent rules his Tamer may have put in place as they slipped down onto his cock. So warm... so lovely, as he imagined...
And when he's given the go ahead as they begin to ride him, he moans and grips their hips, hands groping their thighs and ass as they bounce on his cock, the Digimon unable to contain himself as he lets his hands wander and his hips jerk to meet his Tamer as they use his cock to get themself off, but more try to focus on getting him off for being such a good Digimon.. He sings praises to his Tamer, thanking them for letting him feel them the way they are before he cums when they demand it, gripping his horns and tugging them, dragging a loud moan and a sudden thick rope of cum to shot into his Tamer as he let himself hold them close to him as his cock twitched and dribbled cum into them. Such a good boy he is, and they make sure he knows it.
Tamer x Devimon
Devimon, while usually the master, acted as quite the servant towards his Tamer. His respect for them great to the point he truly did listen to them more than anything else. A loyal dark Digimon for his Tamer, and with such respect... came many other thoughts when it came to his Tamer. And for as much as he figured he was being slick with his glances, it seemed his Tamer noticed.
And they beckoned him into their bedroom, and Devimon followed eagerly, ready to serve as he always did. But when his Tamer pulled a switch on him, making him sit as they undid his pants and pawed at his cock, whispering soft praises for his loyalty to him, it didn't take long for his cock to harden and come into view, lengthy and demonic in nature. And they were more than pleased as they began to lathe their tongue along his cock. A treat for him, to feel his Tamer's tongue and mouth around his dick... And Devimon couldn't help but moan out as they did so.
His Tamer doesn't stop, taking his cock deep into their throat and glancing up at him with a look that drives him mad. With how hot and wet his Tamer's mouth feels... he won't be lasting much longer -- especially as they keep toying with the head of his dick and sucking him so well, hollowing out their cheeks as they do, and it doesn't take long of the repeated movements before he breaks -- cum flooding his Tamer's mouth and throat. Devimon can't help but be transfixed as his cum slips down his Tamer's tongue as they pull away, humming about him being such a good boy, and that he deserves more than just that... so he best get settled, for he's going to receive even more of a reward now.
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hotlineslasher · 4 years
Interview With A Slasher
Rating: Explicit (I think?? I mean it’s smut)
Word Count: 2.8K
Warnings: Swearing, Sexual Content (Vaginal Fingering), Danny is a confusing bastard 
A/N: I don’t want plot with my porn just feelings! This is my first fic I’ve ever posted pls be gentle with me I promise I’ll be better in the future and write less niche scorpio porn
AO3 link
When you first set foot into the entity’s perverted playworld, it was a hellscape made worse by how straight-up confusing everything was. Sure, the entity keeps on coming up with new insanities to throw at you, but over time you’ve learned there are rules that make things bearable. That make things make sense. If x, then y. If you break the don’t-drop-god-pallet rule, you get left to suffer on the hook longer. If you don’t unhook your teammates before the entity creeps down to thrash with them, you probably won’t escape with your life... or your friendship. If you don’t heal Bill quickly, his wheezing will be everyone’s downfall.
And, of course, if you so much as look at a killer outside of the trials, you’ll be cut off from the group.
Though it made all the sense in the world for survivors and killers to hook up in between hooking, you were the only one out of your little group to do the deed with one of the proverbial devils in your hell. Survivors smooching survivors was completely commonplace but you knew if they found out the infamous ghostface had taken very... different polaroids of you, they’d take it as a betrayal. Other survivors who weren't already spoken for were fair game, but choosing to interact with any of the killers was a statement.
So, despite Danny’s whining and bitching, you had made sure to be extremely careful. Which meant additional rules for the two of you. One of which was no sneaking off from the campfire, no matter how hard you could feel him staring at you from across the burning logs. Ironically, you weren't exactly sure where the two of you stood in the less literal sense. One dirty affair was more than enough for you, so you hadn't so much as looked at any of the survivors like that since your first hookup with Danny... but you didn't know if the same could be said for him. I mean, as ridiculous as the situation is, it would be nice to know what you meant to him. With Danny, it was kind of hard to tell. On one hand, he'd been... interested in you from the start. Any time you were in a trial together, you were his obsession, and it had always been like that. He was less lethal when it came to chasing you, like he enjoyed the game of cat and mouse when you were the one playing it with him. On the other, as much as he loved to stalk you, he wasn't exactly forthcoming about himself. Whenever you tried to get to know him beyond the ghostface mask, he'd distract you, or deflect, or get magically pulled away to a trial. Your gaze drifts over to where Nancy and Steve are huddled together, looking the very image of cutesy. Oh, to pick sensible romantic partners like Steve.
“You okay, kid?” Bill’s gruff voice pulls your focus from the flames you’ve been staring at to avoid Danny’s gaze. Ironically, Bill is sitting across from you so now you have a small excuse to glimpse in Danny’s direction. “Bad trial?” The old man prompts.
Your shoulders pull up in a shrug, “I mean, when is there ever a good trial?” Your answer isn’t cheery by any stretch, but that’s one of your favorite things about Bill. Talking to him, you don’t feel any pressure to bullshit and act optimistic.
A husky laugh rattles out of him and immediately you feel more at ease, like you’re just hanging out with peepaw. “Fair point,” he nods. “Who was it? One of the more fucked-up ones?”
It actually makes you snort, because intuitively you sort of know which select killers he’s referring to. “Yeah, it was the clown. I swear to god, I inhaled so much of that shit my voice is going to start sounding like yours,” you smile, eyeing Bill with the fondness of grandpa’s favorite grandkid.
Bill rolls his eyes and it looks like he’s going to fire back some sass when suddenly Ace comes sauntering over to clap a hand on his back. “Sorry to interrupt, hot stuff, but I need you to come teach the new girl that trick against slugging.” Ace tilts his head towards where Feng and Elodie are sitting a couple yards away, both audibly pissed at having been left to bleed out on the ground.
“Oh, sure, sure.” Bill nods as he gets up from his seat, always one to have his priorities clearly in check. Another one of the unspoken rules. Someone needs some guidance in the trials, you give it to them without hesitation. You still owed Meg for teaching you how to slip into lockers quietly. “Wait— you uh, you gonna be okay on your own?” The old man is standing like he’s ready to go with Ace, but his eyes are hard and clearly telling you he’ll stay with you if you need him to.
Ace opens his mouth, probably to offer to keep you company, but you’re not like Bill. Waving them both off, your eyes fall on where Danny is crouched in the shadows. Your priorities are nowhere NEAR where they should be, you think, waiting for them to take a few steps away before you break your very cardinal rule: no sneaking away at the campfire.
His hands were on you immediately and your adrenaline ran hot in response. “You have to be quiet, Danny,” you reminded him quickly, keenly aware of his penchant for risky dirty talk.
“Aww, but I thought you hated it when I was quiet!” You couldn’t see his face behind his mask, but god, you could feel the dramatic pout. His fingers slid across your hips, pulling you into him aggressively. “Or do you just need some foreplay first?” He purred, one palm slipping down underneath your skirt to grab at the flesh of your ass. “Fuck, I love it when she puts you in this.”
“Danny!” You hissed, nerves ablaze with proximity-based anxiety. You were playing with fire by even letting him get this far and you knew it. Danny was the kind of guy who you couldn’t give an inch to because he’d take a yard and would make it feel so good you’d happily give him a mile no matter how many warning alarms went off in your head. “If any of them-“
“I know, I know, if any of them find out you’d be a pariah, blah blah blah... hey, I didn’t know you liked the old fucker so much,” Danny says completely casually, his palm smoothing over your asscheek absentmindedly.
You sigh, hating how you can already feel yourself melting a bit under his touch. “Feeling jealous?” You breathe, looking up into the black mesh that’s hiding his eyes from you.
He has the audacity to snort, the cocky son of a bitch. “Fuck no,” he chuckles light-heartedly. “You’re lucky I don’t spank you raw just for suggesting that.” You feel the points of his fingers dig into the skin of your ass with the threat. Suddenly his other hand is on your face, cradling your jaw gently. “I just wanna know more shit about you,” he says plainly, his two hands sending two very different signals to your touch-starved brain, both of them good.
You lean into the one that’s framing your cheek, hating yourself for how handsy you’re letting him be when you’re both close enough to hear Bill bark out directions. “Yeah? You wanna know who’s my bff back at the campfire?” It’s sarcastic and you know you immediately need to make up for it unless you want to tempt him into making you scream. You decide you’ll placate him by turning your face and pressing a kiss into his gloved palm. You think you catch the faintest sigh from him for your effort.
“I do,” he grunts as his hand turns to cover your mouth, his fingertips pressing into your cheeks. “I wanna know everything about you.” Coming from someone else, it might sound romantic. But Danny’s voice is dark, teetering on obsessive. From a different person, the words might paint a picture of lovely dates and idyllic late-night conversations. But from his masked mouth, they scream stalking. Looking at you when you don’t know he’s there, sifting through your belongings, hoarding candids of you that you’ll never know exist.
“So come on, is it the geezer? You know, thinking back on it, he does love to take hits for you,” Danny muses, his mood suddenly light again.
You roll your eyes, reaching up to pull his palm off your mouth when you feel his grip soften. “Sure, I guess Bill is my bff. I have to fight Ace for him though, so I don’t know how mutual it is,” you shrug. It’s irrelevant shit, you know it is, and you can’t see his face to make sure, but you suspect Danny’s listening intently to you anyways. Like he’d be happy to hear you prattle on about the social dynamics between the people he loves to gut. The undivided attention fills you with yearning and his gloved finger is in your mouth before the thought is even fully formed. You don’t know how much of your heat he can actually feel through the thick fabric, but based on how his fingers slip under your panties, it’s doing something for him.
“God, you’re such a slut,” he hisses, the fingers in your panties now prodding at your slit. “You don’t know how bad I want to pull out my dick and make you choke on it right now.” His arousal feeds yours like it always does and combined with the leather slipping between your folds, you don’t stand a chance. Fuck the rules. You lathe at his finger happily, but Danny has other plans and before you know it your mouth is empty. Your eyebrows pull up in confusion and he shushes you sweetly. “I wanna hear more,” he explains, his fingers inching towards your hole. “Tell me,” he urges, “tell me everything and I’ll make you cum, beautiful.”
His slow attack on you has you biting your lip and failing to decipher what he specifically wants to hear. “W... what do you want to— know?” You breathe, both of your hands finding themselves on his chest for support.
“Which one of them was your first friend here?” He asks as one of his long fingers penetrates you lazily. He wastes no time in establishing the sensual rhythm, but you know Danny, and you know it’ll all stop unless you play his weird games. Today, it’s whatever the hell this line of questioning is.
You blink, trying to come up with an answer while he massages your walls. “Meg,” you finally answer, your nails digging into the leather covering his chest. He doesn’t answer right away and you bite back a smile. “The redhead,” you clarify. Of course he wouldn’t know anybody’s names, duh, you’re letting a killer fingerfuck you right now.
Pleased that you’ve caught onto what he wants, Danny slips another finger into you and makes you keen like a teenager. “Who would you bring back with you, if you could go back to your old life?” Both the question and the spot his second finger rubs up against take you by surprise and you almost cry out. The contrast between how well you know each other’s most sensitive spots and how little you know about each other’s ‘old lives’ gives you a weird feeling in your stomach. “Shhh,” Danny taunts happily, “we have to be quiet, remember?” His smirk is pretty much audible as he throws your words back in your face.
You shoot him a glare in response but grab onto one of his outfit’s tendrils to hopefully try and ground yourself. “Who’s your bff?” You suddenly ask, taking you both by surprise. His fingers keep moving but it’s clear he wasn’t expecting you to flip his inquiry back on him. You can't blame him, you weren't expecting you to do that either. The quiet milliseconds feel like hours and you find yourself starting to sweat a bit more. Fuck, was that not okay? His fingers stay inside you, moving at their same rhythm, but you're to busy overthinking to keep climbing towards your orgasm right now.
“Amanda, probably,” Danny responds with a small shrug. You feel yourself start to breathe again. “Oh,” he giggles, “you wouldn’t know her name, right. The Pig,” he clarifies quickly before shifting his focus to your clit.
A sigh tumbles out of you as he rubs it with just enough pressure to make you sink your nails into the cloth of the tendril. Like always, Danny’s mind and body seem to be on two different paths as he starts plunging his digits in faster. “Danny,” you beg, desperately wanting a beat to think about the information he just gave you but not finding it in his new rhythm.
“Come on, you didn’t answer my second question. You’re lucky you look so fucking hot right now or else I’d leave you high and dry... well, maybe I will...” he threatens and you press your forehead into his chest, trying to communicate how badly you do /not/ want that to happen.
“Fuck, fuck,” you pant, brain whirring trying to remember his question. Honestly? It’d been so long since you let yourself think of your ‘old life,’ you didn’t really have an answer thought out. “I don’t— know,” you pull back to look at him through his mask, “I don’t think about my old— my old life anymore.” You’re not sure if it’ll piss him off because you’ve again failed to answer the question but Danny tends to like honesty so you pray he lets it slide. Because, fuck, his thumb on your clit like it is has you ready to drench him at any moment.
He’s quiet for a second. His head tilts. And then you hear his gruff sigh and suddenly his pace becomes even more lethal. Your knees buckle but his other hand wraps around your waist like a vice and you swear some of the tendrils seem to reach out towards you too. If you thought it felt heavenly before, it was nothing compared to how he was touching you now. Your own hand has to slap across your mouth to stop you from moaning like a whore. “Good,” he hisses, his voice low. “Don’t ever think about it,” he demands, “you’re here, now.” Your vision swims as you tear up, his assault on your heat making you shake. “You’re never getting rid of me, you understand?” His voice sounds obsessive again but it only gets you hotter.
You both know you’re going to cum any second, there’s no way you could properly respond to the insane shit he’s saying right now, you can barely even process it. So, instead, you choose to be risky again and move the hand that’s covering your mouth to his neck instead and pull his mask to meet your lips.
Your eyes jam shut as your hips seize and sharp jolts of white-hot pleasure wrack your entire being. You hope you’re quiet but honestly, mid-orgasm you can only hear Danny’s erratic panting. For a few precious seconds, while your body is flooded with endorphins from his ministrations, it’s just you and him. Your mouth pulls away slightly while you ride the orgasm but he closes the distance between you instantly, pressing his masked mouth to yours.
The blood pounding in your ears starts to slow down and your eyes open back up slowly. You’re so close you can see through the mesh and into his irises. His pupils are completely blown out and it gives him a downright feral look you know should really scare you. But it doesn’t. After all, that’s the real first rule you broke.
You pull away and lean your head on his shoulder when you start to worry he'll hear how your heart is beating out of your chest, your panting far quieter now though it’s still rugged as hell. “Who...” you pipe up when you feel his fingers slip out of you, “who would you...?” Your brain is still way too fuzzy from the hormones to fully articulate what you mean. Hopefully he gets that you’re asking his question back and doesn’t think you just sound like an idiot—
You feel his chest shake when he rumbles out a chuckle above you. From where you’re angled, you get to watch him bring his fingers up to his mouth from behind the mask. A small groan escapes him at tasting you and your chest soars with confidence. He thinks you taste good. Better than good, given how much time he’s spending savoring every last drop on his tongue. You almost forget about your question at the show, but you remember instantly when his raspy voice rattles out, “isn’t it obvious?”
You blink slowly and then suddenly you feel a swell of affection for him as you get his meaning.
Out of everyone, even the killers, you. He’d choose you.
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junibugs · 3 years
Since I stopped smoking I have developed a habit of sucking at/biting at things when I’m nervous. Most often it’s sucking at my own fingers. Eren would 10/10 make fun of me and ask if I wanna suck his fingers instead, and then he’d pop a boner when I start sucking at his instead of mine🙄 He’s an idiot❤️
first, that is unbelievably hot. just thinking about eren seeing you bite at your nails and just scooping you up and sitting you in his lap to slip his fingers in your mouth. he gets hard so quickly, just knowing he's helping you feel better, and the feeling of your tongue lathing over his knuckles, your wide eyes looking up at him with such endearment, your hips mindlessly grinding down on his hard dick. hhhhhhhhhhh
second, congratulations on quitting smoking! i can't imagine how hard that was and how much strength it took, so i congratulations because that is genuinely so amazing. i know it's not the same but when i'm nervous i bite on my cheeks and i've found that it helps to suck on tictacs and suckers to occupy me! i just wanted to put it out there for you❤️❤️❤️❤️
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augment-techs · 3 years
28 for Connor and Trent? On the pinned post
“Pornography lied to us.”
If you give, you receive, but Trent was actually totally okay with not having Conner's lips wrap around or tongue slide over his own cock if it meant he had to put Conner's in his mouth ever again.  The first time, they thought the soccer player was just dehydrated. The second time, they thought he just hadn't eaten. The third time was the line and Trent could not have gotten off his knees and vaulted for the bathroom for mouthwash fast enough. Conner let his soldier lie limp and wet, like a cute oversized slug, pulling a pillow over his head and hold onto his post-orgasm giddiness before Trent came back in the room, talking while brushing his teeth--not wholly unappealing, but the words killed the mood dead. "I would honestly prefer eating Kira out while she's on the rag every single moment of her time-table than give you head again. At least that tastes decent and it's free protein." "STOP, I know!" * Sex in the shower was the most dangerous thing the two of them thought they had ever done, and they had Ranger duties as a bar to get over. "Well, what did you expect? Every single video you watched, the 'actors' were air-brushed to perfection and the tub was the size of a small pool when it wasn't a huge box with fifteen handles sticking out of everything." Trent sighed, not caring at all about the missed opportunity as Conner continued lathing and kneading his shampoo-conditioner bar soap into his hair as Trent sat in his lap and felt him up while palming their cocks together. Trent had already done the same for him and they were finding a fairly good alternative to trying to keep their feet planted on the bathmat, while trying to keep a steady rhythm, while trying to stay under the water's spray and not get chilly. Sitting down this close, they managed to stay in the nexus of the hot water, enjoy their closeness without the need for penetration, and ignore trying to figure out how to tell the others Trent had badly sprained his ankle. * "If we have to call someone to saw this off of me, they will never find your body." "Patience is a virtue," Conner chimed back over his shoulder, still running through every website in the search engine, hyper aware of Trent hovering over his back; still naked, still hard, both of them still sticky with sweat (from making an effort due to the crap Conner had to go through to bring this issue to fruition), but Trent was cycling between anger and fear as the ring Conner had put on him seemed to be cutting off his circulation while still keeping him at full mast. Trent could confirm that he had never been so big, and this was not a good thing. * "I did not think this would take this much organizing..." Trent continued his sketching, charcoal smooth as silk under his fingers as Conner tried not to move around too much as Kira continued adding knots and loops around his and Ethan's wrists, ankles, calves, thighs, and the bed. Both of them were still slick from the oil Kira had straight up tossed on them like so much shame, Ethan was still mostly okay with Conner being inside of him while sitting on top as Conner was made to spread eagle with Kira's ministrations, Conner was still enjoying Ethan's dick resting over his belly, twitching every so often when Kira paused to give more of a show... But it had been over an hour and none of them could convince Trent to choose a position. Conner's ass, Ethan's mouth, Kira's cunt (when she was finished with the ropes); Ethan's cock, Conner's mouth, or literally anyone's hands. (Turned out, Trent had the correct idea; by the time Kira had finished tying the boys down to achieve maximum enjoyment, all of them had been called up by Dr. O to deal with a Ranger problem. Trent had never, ever looked so smug as when he went to get the garden sheers.) * "Holy fucking shit, this hurts," Trent hissed, trying to hold very still under Conner's fingers as the other made away with the seventy-billion buttons of the outfit he'd picked out for Trent; a lingerie outfit that had pseudo-wedding dress vibes, all white satin and lace, garters and leggings and heels that Trent could just barely balance in once he'd walked into the bedroom and looked like the model in one of those specialty calendars people bought on the internet for at home. Trent had actually been enjoying himself letting Conner remove the garters with his teeth and kiss the skin that wasn't covered, palm him through the silk and lace panties and suck on his neck when Trent was bent over the bed. And then Conner put his hand along the lines of buttons and Trent realized it was wet, and itchy, and had flinched back--and not in the good way. "How the hell can you be allergic to this--you wear jeans that have the exact same buttons," Conner questioned less towards Trent and more towards the universe as he finally got the outfit off, Trent naked before him and covered in red blotches of enflamed skin, some coming to a head and secreting clear fluid that made the lace sticky and yellow. The White Ranger whined into the blankets, fingernails dug into the fabric as Conner hopped off the bed and went to get the first aid box from the bathroom that he really hoped still had that numbing cream. Trent refused to scratch or rub at the broken skin, already seeing the red tint when he looked awkwardly over his shoulder and groaning back into the blanket as his faced plopped down. Once Conner was back, metal box clattering on the bed as he took a seat to begin sanitizing the area, wet wipes and dry gauze and the cream doing its duty, making Trent groan in appreciation, he spoke aloud the thing that the both of them probably should have decided after the first failed attempt, "No more taking our cues from porn. We've been dating for three months, we can figure this out on our own--I think I need to take you to the hospital, dude; the red is spreading." Trent would remember this as one of the rare times Conner took to a bit of common sense and held onto it--even as they did have to go to the hospital. Even after they found out from a very amused hospital staff that it wasn't the buttons that were the culprits in Trent's discomfort, but the fact that there was dust from the warehouse the lingerie had been kept in that had traces of asbestos in the lining between the fabric and the buttons. (A line in Trent's medical information was added that day, and it took dancing as fast as they could to get out of explaining anything about anything to Doctor O. or Hayley or Anton. And it took a week for Trent to wear anything tighter than his loosest hoodie and an oversized T-shirt he just swam in. Conner wasn't ashamed to say that Trent might have actually looked better in the shirt. Like the Little Mermaid wandering on land in whatever could be found for covering.) * Friction, and the bedroom dark at noon with the shades drawn, and their lips and tongues staying close together as they held onto each other. Conner on his back, Trent sliding and rutting back and forth on top, their cocks slick with pre-come and their hands pawing at each other with feeling and appreciation. "Fuck, fuck," Trent kept breathing into Conner's ear, out of breath when Conner brought him back to kiss him deep and wrap his hand around both their cocks, together, thumb mingling their slick together as he kept his attention on the feeling of Trent--just Trent. This was better.
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
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Like i said before ik people have different personalities so this is a bold y/n. Side note: guys can feel it when you sit on their lap and 💢 clench💢 da cooter fyi.
"I got a stank ass walk, and a reckless ass mouth and my pussy so tight…"
You danced throughout the house as you swept the floor. It was a hot summer so you were wearing nothing but a crop top and some shorts.
"When he say, "Fuck me" I tell him, "Fuck me good" Chase these niggas? I wish I would."
At this point you were dancing around the home and had completely forgotten about chores you had as you bounced on the couch cushions. As the song went on, you grinded your hips as you lowered into a squat.
When you stood up again, you were a bit out of breath, "Guess I don't have Megan knees." You laughed and continued to pop your ass as you walked to your room.
"Don't stop, pop that cat. Mm, mm, just like that. Mm, mm, shake that shit…"
You twerked to the stuffed animals in your bed as you mouthed the words. For a moment you had to rest as the heat slowly got to you. With one hand on your back you stood in front of your room fan. "Man we really got to get an air conditioner."
"And I really gotta find a way to condition you to lock the door when I leave." You giggle as arms wrap around you. "Ah when did you get back Shiki?"
The man in question, kissed your temple as his hands trailed up your stomach to the edge of your crop top. "Since, "Fuck me good" and I've been intrigued ever since." You roll your eyes, "You can't handle the heat boo."
As the song went over "Or Nah" came on and you grinded against Shikimaru. He leaned back slightly so he would watch your rear against his front, and boy did he like what he saw.
You threw your head back onto his shoulder as you brought an arm back to hold his neck and brought him into a kiss. When you released his mouth, you smirked as he chased after you for more.
"Oh, sorry Shiki, but it's too hot to do anything right now." Shikimaru frowned as he watched you retreat. You hid your smirk as you glanced down at the obvious tent in his cargo pants.
As the day went on you made it your mission to tease Shikimaru. First you made him lunch, two ham sandwiches that, while making, you accidently spilled mayo on your breasts. And of course you didn't wipe it off, didn't want to keep hubby waiting.
To wash away your troubles, you took a nice hot shower but what's this? You forgot your towel? Now you have to go all across the house to get it out of the dryer. Oh well.
Shikimaru clients his empty juice box as he watched your naked form walk past him. No you weren't shaking your hips more than usual. No you bending over wasn't on purpose. Yes the towel was useless as you paraded back to the bathroom with it over your shoulder.
At the end of the day all you wanted was a nice cuddle with your boyfriend. But he was unfortunately playing GTA with Choji and Garra. "What are you doing?" He asked slowly as you sat in his lap. You said nothing as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your chest against his.
Shikimaru rolled his eyes and continued to play his game. Feeling your legs fall asleep, you innocently wiggle your hips in his lap and totally didn't do it deliberately over his crotch. "Y/n." He warned into your ear and you couldn't help but throb at the sound.
Even with all the teasing you did, you couldn't deny you felt as if you were teasing yourself. Shikimaru focused his attention back on his game. You trailed your nails down his back, enjoying the shiver that went throughout his body.
"What's wrong Nara? Cat got your tongue?" You rolled your hips against his crotch and giggled as you felt him harden below you. Shikimaru sighed, and held his mic to his mouth, "Sorry guys I have something to take care of."
It was barely seconds till his hands were on you. Fingers slipped under the fabric of your pants. His mouth was on your neck sucking bruises onto your tan skin. "You've been mean to me all day y/n." You moaned as he guided your hips against him.
You leaned back and removed your shirt and he quickly latched onto your left nipple. "Nara!" He peppered your chest with bites and licks. A sneaky look came over him, "What's the problem? You made me wait all day, I think I at least deserve this much." 
You take the initiative to place your own marks on his skin, dragging your fingers through his black hair. "I want it now." You said pouting as you bite the shell of his ear. Shikimaru rolled his neck, "Fine but since you wanted to be a little shit you're gonna have to do the work yourself. 
You roll your eyes but do as you pleased. Shikimaru watched as you got on your knees and unzipped his pants. His penis looked back at you and you placed a small lick just to see it jump. 
Feeling like being even more of a little shit, you wrap your mouth only around the tip and suck gently, not missing how Shikimaru's thighs flexed with each lath your tongue left.
Shikimaru placed his hands on the back of your head and pushed you down and you happily obliged. Bobbing your head, you reach your hand down and give your own self attention.
Your concentration varied from your wet regions to the throbbing cock in your mouth and you began to feel dizzy as Shikimaru's hips began to join the action.
Not wanting to make your own self cum, you give one final lick before standing up and climbing into his lap. Shikimaru grabs a nearby pillow and puts it behind him as he lays back and watched.
You stuck out your tongue in teasingly as you rubbed his dick against your opening. With skillful concentration, you slowly sink down with a low growl as he fills you. With a breathless laugh, Shikimaru claps, "Congratulations, truly a worthy performance." 
"Don't be a bitch Shiki." You rock your hips slowly so you could get used to the feeling. Last time you started fast, you couldn't walk without a limp for 3 days. Shikimaru's hands come to your hips and you take that opportunity to start really moving.
What they don't tell you about riding someone, is that your legs get tired quickly and honestly it is hard to keep going once the pleasure builds. And those are facts you could truly relate to as you constantly adjusted your legs. "Wow you really don't have Megan knee's." Shikimaru said as he watched your change position for the 5th time.
You slapped him gently, "Watch your mouth before I give you blue balls." Shikimaru laughed, "You would do that." His grip on your hips got tighter and his hips began to move under you, "Not when I'm making you feel this good."
You place your hands on his chest as you shake from the repeated onslaught of your hips meeting. "Oh god, yes right there please!" Shikimaru was focused on every angle that made you tighten around him. "Right there?!"
You close your mouth to contain your noise but that was no use as a loud whimper still made it through. "Yes, yes, yes!" Your cried as you felt your orgasm getting closer. Shikimaru's hips stuttered as your insides constricted around him. At this rate he wouldn't last.
You move your hips in time with him and you soon cum around his cock. Shikimaru pulls out and settles with simply fucking your thighs till he came on your ass.
You both collapse next to each other, out of breath. Shikimaru, as always, turned to his side and declared he was tired. You smiled as you cuddled close to his back. Before he could drift off completely, you lean forward and whisper, "Real hot girl shit." Which promptly got you flipped off the bed. 
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tigerdrop · 4 years
hey i just wanna say the long posts genuinely make my day. also can you talk more about gordon freeman character because the way you write him makes me quake in my gay little boots
i would love to talk about gordon freeman. thank u for the opportunity
the first thing i need to communicate about gordon is that this dude sucks. and i say this in the fondest way possible. he is a bitch from the moment he drops into the world until the moment he goes out. if you dont believe me, give it another watch! gordons mouthy and rude for no real reason, at least so far as “being a regular dude on his way into work” goes, and this dude goes around calling his coworkers names with zero provocation. (of course, we all know that the reason is because its a funny guy improv stream that borrows a bit from freemans mind, but im talkin from a character sense.)
but my argument isnt just that gordon freeman sucks. its that he sucks in a very specific way that i find insanely endearing. i love this dude. i love to hate him. hes awful in a very mundane sense - weve all known a guy like this, at least if youve spent too much time online - and its cathartic to watch him suffer because of it.
gordons a smart guy. as written, hes gotta be - hes a recent MIT grad, on his way to work at a top-secret research facility to do weird shit with crystals and theoretical physics. but the thing about smart guys is that theyre often......selectively intelligent. we can see this in the way that he has a hard time navigating his surroundings, and needs the science crew to guide him through it and keep him alive.
this is one of those things that is a natural consequence of somebody going through the game for the first time, but that i am interpreting as “gordon is kind of stupid sometimes”. its uncharitable but its not like he doesnt deserve it. he likes to boss around the crew as if he knows what hes doing, when he often very much does not, and is fond of demeaning their intelligence. hes real bad about this with tommy in particular, treating him like hes a kid whos playing at being a scientist when tommy is actually a decade older than him. all i am saying is that gordon ought to stay humble. hes awful cocky when he perceives himself as better than others.
which, i think, tracks with how cocky he gets when he gives up on the whole “well-meaning citizen” thing and just unloads bullets into people. he puts up a front of being a Nice Guy, you know, just some dude caught in a bad situation who doesnt like seeing his companions obliterate every NPC they come across, but that doesnt stop him from cackling like a fucking madman and mowing down aliens (and soldiers) every once in awhile. when he stops seeing himself as helpless and starts seeing himself as the one in control, the gloves come off. he gets mean. and i think thats very sexy of him
this, among other things, is why i am insistent that gordon freeman is a control freak. he desperately wants to be in control of the situation at all times, shepherding around the science crew primarily by bitching at them, but its of limited success. its futile. sisyphean. tommy, coomer, bubby, and benrey exist almost to torment him with exactly the thing that would make him suffer the most: a gaggle of people running around causing problems for him, but he cant go anywhere without them b/c hes reliant on them to make it out alive.
its perpetual suffering, and its cathartic to watch. and funny, too. and if youre a little weirdo like me, its very, very enjoyable. how twisted up he gets when nobodys listening to him! how sweaty and frazzled he must look. its cute, and it also makes me want to reach through the screen and shake him and tell him to just be a little nicer. he wants control but he doesnt know how to attain it, he doesnt know how to play nice like a real leader. i think its a neat contrast to gordon freeman as we know him in HL2, where he literally is the leader of the resistance and has to live up to it. this is gordon freeman but if he was moe through helplessness.
“helpless” is, i think, a great way to describe him. a core bit of imagery in half life is this sense of railroadedness and helplessness, with gordon freeman being put into play like a chess piece and having no choice but to move forward. and this iteration of gordon leans into that by being totally dependent on the science crew in order to make progress and Not Die. and hes also subject to the whims of benrey, local eldritch weirdo who has basically made it his life mission to fuck with gordon.
gordons anxieties dont help with that. if he wasnt so fun to stress out and fuck with, the science crew probably wouldnt do it so much! too bad for him that they like fucking with him so much that he was driven into a panic attack (multiple times, even, depending on your interpretation). hes got that real neurotic mindset. always worrying about shit that could go wrong, and attempting to exert control over his surroundings in an effort to control the anxiety.
IMO the real way to nail the Neurotic Gordon Freeman Experience is to combine the ever-present anxiety with his pervasive sense of self-loathing. he openly states that he has no friends and nobody seems to like him, and to that, i really gotta say, i wonder why. he doesnt really seem to factor in that hes kind of a bitch, and has way too high an estimation of his own intelligence relative to everybody elses. its really one of the worst ways to be: aware that people dont like you, but unaware of exactly why. if he was like, 10% nicer, he probably wouldnt have had half as many issues getting through black mesa, but also, its funny to see him squawking his way through the game. so, you know.
its stuff like that that makes me headcanon him as a dude with low self-esteem in general. convinced that hes not likable, not attractive, out of his element......impostor syndrome, except that theres some truth to it. this is a guy who truly does not realize how good he has it: he really is just an average shitty dude, and yet, somehow, benrey took a shine to him. some poor motherfucker out there actually likes him and wants to suck his dick. thats dedication
also, i keep bringing up “repression” when i talk about gordon. and hopefully, what ive been talking about helps explain why. he has a strong desire to be a regular dude, not just murdering his way through black mesa, but if hes pushed hard enough he leans into it. gets bossy. picks up a cigar off a dead soldier and takes a long drag, before smacking forzen around with a pistol and ordering him around. gordon freeman is a regular, kind of anxious guy who likes competitive swimming and streaming on justin.tv and making anime references, and he is also a guy who takes a filthy pleasure in making a trained soldier his bitch. and i didnt make up any of this shit - this is purestrain canon, baby. this is a guy with problems
to me, this screams the kind of guy who represses a lot of shit b/c he doesnt feel like its morally decent. you run into this guy a lot online: the wokeboy, the online leftist, the guy who spends too much time on social media websites. (like reddit. i think he would actively use reddit and he would never get any appreciable amount of karma but he never stops posting. its sisyphean! cathartic.) from the way he talks about “bootboys”, i think it tracks. he knows about imperialism, he knows about feminism, but at the end of the day hes your average american white dude who struggles with internalizing it.
a lot of those dudes struggle with sex and gender issues. (dont we all.) when youre trying to be a Good Person(tm), you spend a lot of time thinking about your own relationship to sex and kink and all that shit. and i maintain that a too-online dude who buries a lot of his control freak tendencies would also try to bury a lot of weird sexual shit in an attempt to seem Normal and Well-Adjusted and not like a little freak. i justify this by the sheer number of times gordon blurts out weird sex shit as a joke. there are only two outcomes to making that many piss jokes: either youre secretly a piss guy, or you lathe-of-heaven yourself into becoming one. i will stand by this
ive talked a lot about why this dude sucks. now, let me talk to you about what makes gordon so much fun to write. first things first: hes funny! a subjective evaluation, yeah, but both in- and out-of-character, hes aiming to be funny. and being the straight man to everybody else plays into that whole “helplessness” thing.
secondly: underneath it all, there is a good dude under there. gordon worries when his companions get hurt, he tries to clean them off and patch them up, and hes got his lil leftist heart in the right place. you could even read a lot of his bossy, bitchy demeanor as him wanting to make sure everyone gets out okay and doesnt hurt themselves. when it comes to animals and anti-imperialist sentiment, gordons a pretty good guy.
hes the kind of guy who would probably see a dog on the street and get excited and play with it, but would get really prickly about the correct way to put dishes in the dishwasher. control freak tendencies.
finally, subjecting such a miserable, tormented guy to even more psychological anguish is really, really fun. you feel a little bad for him, but he kind of deserves it. so many problems he goes through are purely of his own making, and if gordon would just relax and quit trying to hard to maintain control - of himself, of the people around him - and own up to having Problems and Issues, he would be a happier guy. but thats why its fun to bend him until he breaks. being a little control freak myself, putting gordon freeman thru psychosexual torment is cathartic.
when it comes to writing his thought processes, the fact that he is canonically some kind of psychotic (yes, i am boldly claiming this. suck me) and i am also canonically some kind of psychotic makes it easier to write what i think his thought processes are. i just give him my brain issues of “getting lost in thought” and “overthinking fucking everything”. a touch of paranoia helps. even if i dont explicitly label him as schizophrenic please know that i am writing him as a paranoid little nutcase at all times because, uh, you write what you know.
paranoid. anxious. of the mindset that everyones out to get him (which isnt helpful when everyone is out to get him). repressed and deeply Not Normal but trying so very fucking hard to be normal and well-adjusted. a control freak with sadistic tendencies who also really, really likes getting bullied by his best frenemy. a hapless little nerd who sounds really cute when his voice starts to break from nerves. and, most importantly, a dumb jock. do not ever forget this.
thats gordon freeman, babey. hope that helps
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
M(NS)GG-Chapter 5
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My pussy clenches around nothing and I can feel myself getting more wet, already close to orgasm. I moan at the sensation of something thick entering my cavern and I arch off the bed as I……
My eyes snap open and I stare up at the ceiling of my bedroom. About the same time I come to the conclusion that I'd been dreaming, I realize there is something, someone, between my legs and under the covers.
Dean's voice hums and I feel it on my core. 
"Oh my god! Dean?"
The lump moves toward the foot of the bed and my Mom's boyfriend appears.
"Sorry Abby," he says as he licks his lips.  "I was craving another taste. Now I'm hard as nails. Wanna help me out?"
"Where's Mom? Ben?"
"Lis is gone to the store and Ben is at school," he tells me. "We have the house to ourselves for at least 2 hours."
Two hours?! Two hours to have Dean fuck me? Oh hell yea!
I grin as I throw the comforter off my body, my lower half completely naked. Dean groans as I pull my shirt over my head.
"Guess that's a yes," he smirks as he pushes the sweat off his hips. His dick bounces up and off his abdomen.
"I wanna know if that mouth is as good as your pussy. Come here and suck my cock."
I crawl to the end of the bed and reach for him. I'm rewarded with the length of him level with my face.
Wrapping my fingers around his girth, I lathe my tongue from base to tip and then circle around it, making sure to lap at the precum.
I widen my lips and let him slip into my mouth. He is heavy on my tongue, twitching and spasming. I hollow my cheeks and suck, tasting more precum as it drips onto my tongue.
He places his hand on the back of my head and just leaves it there; no pressure to persuade me to go faster or take him deeper, just using his fingers to gently massage my scalp.
"Shit baby," Dean whimpers. "You sure you were a virgin because you give one hell of a blowjob!"
"This is my first time sucking a dick," I assure him. "Want me to take it all?" I ask, hoping to sound confident but Dean is long and thick and I'm not certain I wouldn't gag.
"You don't have to," he tells me as I lick around the tip again. "Fuuck! Okay, okay. Fuck, that mouth is almost as good as that tight little cunt.
Turn around, on your hands and knees. I'm going to fuck you from behind."
I turn and wait. I hear plastic ripping and I glance over my shoulder to see Dean rolling a condom onto himself. 
"I don't want to have to pull out but I also don't want to get you pregnant," he tells me when he sees my questioning look. 
Oh god! He is going to cum in the condom while still buried inside me.  I tremble in anticipation. 
I feel the blunt head of Dean’s dick rutting against my center. It feels different than before; it’s more slick and I realize that’s the condom. He notches it against my entrance and his hands grab my hips.
In one fluid move, he is buried inside me and I cry out. 
“Shit, sorry Abby. Did I hurt you?”
I giggle as I turn and look at him. “The good kind of pain, Dean. Now fuck me please?”
Dean nods and furrows his brows as his hands grip my hips and he starts a fast, hard pace of pulling out and ramming into my pussy.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! You’re so goddamned tight. I love being inside this cunt.”
I whimper and begin crooning. “Yes. Yes. Yes. Fuck me Dean! Harder! Please? Oh fuck!”
My arms begin shaking and before long give out. I lay on my bed with my ass in the air, my chest pressed against the mattress as Dean fucks me up the bed. 
My climax is already right on the cusp so when  Dean reaches around and starts playing with my clit, I grab my pillow to bury my face in and scream. Dean doesn’t relent as he keeps pushing in and pulling out at an almost inhumane pace. 
My throat is sore from all the screaming and moaning I have done for the last half hour when he pulls out and I whimper. Did he cum? Is he finished? Is it over?
Dean grabs me and flips me over onto my back, climbing onto the bed. 
“Don’t hide those pretty little sounds from me, Abby. I wanna hear them.”
He groans as he bottoms out inside me and begins fucking into me like a mad man. “Scream my name baby. Let me hear it,” he grits out, his teeth clenched. 
“Dean. Oh my god. Dean. I’m gonna cum. I’m so close,” I yell and hope and pray the neighbor’s don’t hear. 
Dean pulls out and bends down and licks into me and covers my pussy with his mouth as he uses his tongue to enter me. I squeeze my thighs around his head as I see stars and shudder into his awaiting mouth.
Dean sucks and licks up every drop before sitting up and smiling. “You taste as good when you cum as you feel, squeezing my dick.”
He re-enters me and for another 45 minutes he completely wrecks me. I am a whimpering, blubbering mess by the time Dean groans out his release. I can feel his cock twitch as he pulses rope after rope of cum into the condom. 
He leans down and lays over me, crushing his lips to mine. His tongue pushes between my lips and explores my mouth.
“You are the best Abby,” Dean says with a wink as he sits up and pulls out. I notice the end of the condom on his flaccid member is full. 
He picks up his sweats and leans down once more, pecking my lips before walking out of the room.
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 By the time Mom returns, I’ve showered and am sitting at the kitchen counter, writing a list of books I want to buy to read during the summer.
“I thought we’d do a movie night,” she tells me as she puts up the groceries. “I stopped by Redbox and got a couple. Plus I picked up some popcorn and snacks.” She waves a bag of M&Ms for show.
“Sounds good.” I say as I turn back to my project. “What’d you get?”
“Avatar for Ben,” she says. “And some football movie.”
I nod and write down the last book I can think of for the time being. 
During dinner, Mom announces to the guys about movie night and Ben gets excited about the movie she picked for him. 
After all the food and dishes are stored away, we head to the living room to settle in and start the show.
Ben is sitting on the floor in a beanbag chair and I’m on the sofa. The couch is big enough for Mom and me both but she insists on sitting in the recliner with Dean. 
I pretend their closeness doesn’t affect me but during the whole first movie, I can’t seem to get interested in it for glancing over at the two of them cuddled together.
Oh, how I wish that were me on his lap, feeling his strong arms holding me tight. When Mom leans in and kisses his lips, I sit back in a huff and cross my arms. 
Dammit, I’m jealous of my own mother! I scoff at myself and turn my attention to the movie. 
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@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @spnbaby-67 @tftumblin @sea040561 @delightfullykrispypeach @larajadeschmidt13 @ @vicariouslythruspn @squirrelnotsam @death-unbecomes-you @sandlee44 @blacktithe7 @deanwanddamons @hoboal87​ @marvelfanbrenda​ @vicmc624​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @elliloumom (Sweetie it isn’t letting me tag you)
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sector-i-closed · 5 years
Happy Birthday Daddy
Warning: Smut and a daddy kink
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You inhaled deeply to calm yourself. Nervousness was making you rethink your decision to perform your own striptease for your boyfriend's birthday.
The days leading up to this moment were filled with practice and confidence that you could do this but right now you had no faith in yourself that you could pull it off.
You wanted to do your very best for Hongjoong and right now you was suffering stage fright in front of one man and that being the most important person in your life, which made you want to leave the room and forget that you had even brought up stripping for him.
"Baby you don't have to do this unless you really want to. I've had a wonderful birthday as it is and you don't have to do anything special to make it anymore amazing then what it's been because everything about you and being with you makes my day amazing." Hongjoong reassured you, not wanting you to feel pressured if you wasn't comfortable.
"But I want to..." You replied thoughtfully.
"Are you sure?" Hongjoong's eyes held a look of concern.
"Yes." You nodded in response.
"You'll do great, baby." Hongjoong smiled at you and you couldn't help blushing.
You turned on the stereo and cringed inwardly, wondering why you couldn't have been more creative and chose a song besides 'Havana' to dance to.
The song would undoubtedly be emblazoned on his memory as the time that you tried to striptease to one of his favorite songs and you felt nauseated at the thought of potentially ruining a song for him.
Your hips began to sway slowly with the music, allowing the beat to guide you to do what felt natural to you.
Shy giggles escaped your lips until you zoned out, moving to the music and occasionally looking at your boyfriend, who was watching you without being aware of his surroundings.
Hongjoong shifted in his seat without taking his eyes off of you, watching your sensual movements which you didn't realize was that sexy, though since you was on autopilot mentally you was able to achieve a good outcome.
You felt your confidence increase a bit and you unzipped the leather jacket that you was wearing for your act, revealing the black lace bra that you wore beneath the article of clothing.
Keeping your steps with the music you strutted right up to your boyfriend who was still occasionally moving restlessly in his seat.
You kept out of arms length and made eye contact with your boyfriend, giving him a lustful gaze that prompted him to reach for you, but you kept your distance, moving away from him and adding slow, sexy arm movements to compliment your swaying hips.
Gradually you slid the jacket off of your shoulders, leaving your shoes, jeans and bra on for the moment, which didn't last long because one by one you kicked your shoes off, and unfastened your jeans in a slow teasing movement before sliding them off of your hips to reveal the matching black lace panty that accompanied your bra.
You eyed Hongjoong with an intense gaze that showed that you was feeling aroused and vulnerable as you danced in front of him.
Hongjoong was silent during your performance, enjoying everything about it, though what set him off was when you tugged at your bra straps, pulling them to the sides and almost revealing your breasts while gazing at him as if you was about to pounce on him.
You turned around and gave Hongjoong a view of your ass, continuing your sexy movements with the music until you felt arms snake around your bare waist, pulling you up against a body and surprising you.
Hongjoong dipped his head low to whisper in your ear, allowing you to grind against his pelvis with your ass.
"You have no idea what you do to me." He whispered roughly, sending a jolt of white hot energy through your system.
He slid your hand up his thigh, stopping the movement when your hand rested against the prominent bulge in his jeans.
You turned your head to look at him with lust filled eyes, palming the outline of his dick firmly.
"Did you think that I was just going to sit there the whole time and watch you? That's not happening baby," He informed you, giving your waist a squeeze and locking his lips with yours in a messy kiss, moving his lips against yours that made you feel how needy he was for you.
"Mmm daddy..." You moaned against his mouth, still caressing his member through his jeans.
"What is it babygirl?" He broke the kiss so that he could speak against your ear, his voice sending more erotic sensations throughout your body. You heard him panting heavily against your ear and your legs went weak, causing you to cry out and cling to him for support.
"You know m-my weaknesses too well..." You gasped, feeling lightheaded and vulnerable.
"So fucking sensitive for me, I bet I could make you cum by just giving your ears attention..." Hongjoong teased, sweeping his tongue over your ear before entertaining himself with leaving strategically placed bite marks along your neck and chest, moving your body as he went so that he could access you better.
By now you was basically putty in his hands, having surrendered to him and cooperating with him by allowing him access to where he wanted to bite your neck.
You whined as he bit the sweet spot of your neck, running his tongue over the reddened area and moving on to leave more markings on your body.
Instinctively you pressed your hand against the back of his head as he left hickeys on your cleavage, repeating the action of soothing the sweet pain by lathing his tongue over the curve of your breast.
"Daddy, please..." You squeaked, unable to stand the intense throbbing between your legs which was almost painful.
"What do you need princess?" He eyed you without leaving off from licking your chest.
  "I need you," You replied with a shudder.
"I need you too babygirl." Hongjoong grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the dining room, which was closer then the bedroom was.
He immediately bent you over the vacant area on the table and moved the seat of your underwear to the side, stopping long enough to admire how wet your core was.
"Please daddy... I want your cock... I want to feel you cum inside me." You wiggled your ass as if to put emphasis on your words.
"Such a naughty princess," Hongjoong growled, unfastening his jeans as he spoke.
"Are you on contraception babygirl?" He wanted to make sure before he fulfilled your request.
"Yes, daddy." You replied, crying out in pleasure when you felt the pinch of his hard member entering your heat.
You gripped the edge of the table and held on as he consistently snapped his hips forward, hitting the nerves that were becoming even more receptive to the stimulation of his cock pressing into your wet, tight heat.
"You make me..." You gasped as his strokes became more brisk, "feel so good daddy... fuck!"
"You're so tight, I love fucking your tight pussy." Hongjoong growled, going faster with his thrusts and filling your throbbing heat with each time that his cock bottomed out inside of you.
"So you want to be my cum bucket, princess?" He gripped your hair, raising your head up off of the table a bit.
"Y-yes daddy..." You moaned, holding onto the table as it creaked with each movement that your boyfriend made.
You would have giggled about the rickety table but you was overwhelmed with pleasure with each snap of his hips against you.
"I'll give you every bit of my cum and fill you up until it leaks out of your pretty hole." Hongjoong dug his nails into your ass, holding you in place as he slammed forward repeatedly.
"Ah... Oh d-daddy I'm gonna cum..." You squealed, unable to handle the stimulation and the way that he spoke to you made you spasm without any clitoral stimulation.
"Cum for me babygirl." He growled, thrusting into you with intense force that pushed you over the edge.
You called his name out loudly as bliss overcame you and you braced yourself for him to keep pounding into you until he came inside of you.
Vulnerable moans escaped you when your boyfriend found his release, coming inside of you as promised.
You mewled softly as the warmth of his cum settled inside of you, adding to the already pleasant feel of the bliss that you experienced earlier.
"Happy birthday daddy, I hope you enjoyed the show earlier." You whispered, feeling Hongjoong pull out of you so that you could stand up.
"I adore everything that you do, princess." He buttoned his jeans and pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead before going to get a washcloth to clean you up.
He was looking forward to getting cuddles from you and holding you intimately for the rest of the evening.
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thetorturerwrites · 4 years
My apologies, queen. Thank you for your kind response. Paul Sevier + pussy slapping and rough fuck. If you want to forego this ask, I understand, it'll be my punishment. 🎀
In under 1k words, you get one, but not both. ;) I hope you enjoy.
Paul was naked at the foot of your bed, kneeling and nibbling your thighs. The dimly lit hotel room covered the nose-to-toes blush you knew was there, but he’d thankfully overcome his shyness after your first encounter.
When he arrived tonight, he set his bag just inside the door and peeled off all of his clothing in the hallway so he would only ever be naked for you, just the way you liked. He had also been hard for you, likely from the moment he entered the hotel, just the way you liked.
And then, he’d tossed his glasses on the table, knelt in front of you, buried his face in your pussy, and bathed you with starved kisses and murmured affections of how much he missed you, how you made him feel so good, how between your thighs was his place in the world.
Your chest heaved as he plied your supple skin with attention, breath choppy from the way he’d kissed and licked and sucked at your cunt.  His kisses were turning from peppered gentle to open-mouthed and wanting as he prepared to drink from you again. 
You propped on your elbows, looking down the length of your body at him. He was beautiful, lips shining, ebony hair tumbling. This veritable column of a man curved towards you as though you were his oasis in the desert. He gripped your hips and, with his gorgeous long fingers, tugged your puffy labia apart to gaze into your sticky depth.
“Slap my pussy.”
Paul blinked, shocked into stillness. He looked up at you, and his lovely, lusty features swam in meek confusion. He licked his lips, fidgeting, trying to figure out what new game this was.
“You…you want me to do what?”
Your eyes danced, enjoying the internal tug-of-war he was enduring. These moments, where he wanted so very much to obey but felt like he shouldn’t or couldn’t, were like candy. He wanted to submit so badly, but the world taught him that someone who looks like him should always be in control.
“Slap. My. Pussy.”
You quirked a brow at his hesitation but concentrated your unwavering gaze on his face. Paul was an ongoing game of patience, drawing out that pleasing nature bit by bit, and you were happy to wait.
“Are we switching? Because I didn’t kn--”
“Did I give you an order?” He snapped his mouth shut and nodded, his cheeks flushing brighter red. “Did I stutter?”
His perfect cock twitched at your confident tone, offering a new drop to the river he was flowing for you. He licked his lips to keep from stammering the way you didn’t like, but he shook his head in reply.
“Do you feel in any more control than you did a minute ago?”
Another twitch, this time accompanied by a gulping bob of the throat. His fingers tightened into the round of your hips, and he leaned forward just a smidge, drawn to your demand. Pressing his swollen lips into a line, he shook his head again. There would be a time when you required him to answer you aloud, but he was trying so hard to forge a path through this unfamiliar terrain, and you knew how scary that could be.
“Good. Do as you’re told.”
You scooted back into the soft covers, planted your toes on the very edge of the bed, and let your thighs fall apart. His eyes trailed down from your face to linger at your breasts and unblinkingly stare into your open cunt. He salivated; you saw him swallow it, and he fisted the sheet in his left hand.
You thought he would be timid at first, that he would need coaxing into a firmer response, but Paul was so eager to be pleasing that he didn’t dally. His right hand popped a slap onto your sticky mound, and you gasped, delighted at the resultant sting.
He immediately looked to you for approval, hazel eyes glittering in their quest for your praise. Biting your bottom lip, you nodded, a signal for him to continue. He brought his hand down again, and your head fell back on a load groan. The second hit was stronger than the first, but the third elicited a sharp cry and a buck of your hips.
Straightening to a high kneel, he leaned into the bed and lathed the stinging skin with his tongue before delivering another smack, harder still, and you shouted out a curse. He hummed into your thigh; and when his voice came, it trembled.
“Is that good? You like it?”
Arching upwards at another of his strikes, you nodded, shifting your shoulders to one side so you could see him around the curve of your body. Your pussy flooded, rewarding his efforts with a renewed surge of hot slip at each hit.
Paul was all but fucking the mattress. His wide hips jerked, and he whimpered into your abdomen at the crisp friction. You curled your fingers into his hair, tugging until he looked up. He dragged his chin back and forth across the round of your belly; he stopped breathing and waited for you to tell him what came next.
“Come here. Put that good dick to use.”
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kylan-writes · 5 years
Banal'halam: Meaning the concept of souls and memories travelling onwards throughout history within the minds and hearts of loved ones, thus meaning that everything – in a small way – is immortal. Buildings will remain, clues will remain of lost cultres, dead loved ones live onward in our memories. Nothing truly ends
Non-sexual, intimate Nan/Bull fluffiness for your consideration
Also on AO3 | Support me on Ko-fi
Nan couldn’t help the disquiet that took hold of her as they returned from the Frostback Basin. She sent for a bath to be set up for her in her quarters as she took a brief walk on the battlements. The sun was hidden behind the mountains, leaving only hues of violet in its wake. She stared at the view for a moment before turning back towards the castle grounds, looking at the Inquisition of their time fondly.
Of all the things they’d learned in their search for Ameridan… to find that history had stripped him of who he had been in favor of a lie that made them comfortable had been the most upsetting.
Nan kept her arms folded over her chest and sighed, taking the long way back to her quarters. The bath was ready and sitting by the fire. Of all the things to come from living among the shems, she’d never complain about the servants willingly catering to her whims.
She stripped herself bare and grabbed the oils and soaps that Josie had passed along; all gifts from a noble in Orlais. Nan had always preferred the practical gifts. She stepped into the tub by her lit and steady fire and sank into the water, taking care of the grime clinging to her skin and hair.
Nan startled at the sound of Iron Bull’s knock on the door. Three in quick succession followed by two slower. She forced herself to relax back in the water, her knees bent so that her shoulders sank into the lukewarm water, and she listened to her partner come up the steps.
“Everything alright?” he asked, taking a seat on her couch.
“Just thinking too much,” she responded, her eyes on the ceiling.
“You wanna talk about it?”
Nan sighed and rubbed at her neck, wincing when she caught a knot pressed against her spine. Bull noticed and came to sit behind her, taking the lilac scented oil from her small pile of goods. She didn’t have to look to know, it was his favorite to use on her. Nan pulled all her hair over one shoulder and began to finger through the tangles while he worked out the knots in her upper body. “You’re too good to me,” she moaned.
“Nah, this is what I’m here for,” he said, giving a kiss to the space behind her pointed ear. She felt like she could melt under his touch. “Now, tell me what’s on your mind.”
She winced as he caught a tight knot, strong fingers bearing down before it started to come loose. She breathed deeply and began, “Do you think this Inquisition will end up like the last?”
He frowned. “As Seekers?”
“No, to history. They…” She trailed off a bit, gathering her words and moaning slightly as Bull distracted her by gently kneading along the length of her spine. She cleared her throat and began again. “Ameridan was an elf. A Dalish elf with an elven lover, both mages. And history just… rewrote them. Made into Chantry devout humans because it didn’t fit what they wanted to remember. Because how dare we be seen as people to the world, or better yet, as heroes?”
Bull was quiet as Nan spoke. They’d talked about her identity struggles with her clan. She hadn’t been born to it, but when Lavellan’s hunters found a blooded child hidden away in the forest, they took her in. She was as elvhen as the rest of them, but she still wasn’t one of them. Nan had fought to prove herself since she was a child, fought for relevance and worth. Even if it was more for herself than anyone else.
“I’ve spent my life protecting and preserving the history of my people.” She drew in a shaky breath and hugged her knees to her chest, bowing her head.
“Are you afraid of being rewritten?” Bull asked as he tried to unfold her.
“You aren’t?” she mumbled against herself, squeaking as he poked his finger into her side. Nan turned back to look at him with mock betrayal.
He smirked and let out a laugh. “I need you relaxed,” he coaxed, running his hands down her arms. Nan relented and still folded forwards, but this time eased so he could continue his work. “I’ve always assumed history would get all of this wrong. I mean, shit, they’ve already got your name wrong.”
Nan grimaced, remembering that her clan name had been twisted into her surname and recorded as such for the masses. “Ugh, humans. They don’t understand naming conventions that don’t fit their standards.”
He laughed lightly at this, smiling as she let out another moan as he dug into her shoulders. “That’s already one point against historians. Doesn’t help that all the shit we’ve been through sounds so unbelievable.”
“You sound like Varric,” she sighed. “Maybe he’ll- ouch…” Nan seethed as Bull pressed into a tightly wound spot near her mid back before it turned into a moan. “Maybe he’ll get the story right when he writes about this. It will be embellished, sure, but the big details will stay as they’re supposed to.”
“You really think so?” Bull smiled as she eased out of her melancholy.
“I can hope, and at least be able to proofread before he sends it to a publisher.” She went quiet for a few seconds, the melancholia returning. “I miss him.”
Bull gave her arms a squeeze and pressed a kiss between her shoulder blades. “I know, Kadan.”
Varric and Vivienne had already left for Kirkwall and Val Royeaux, respectively. Rainier was about to leave for the Wardens. And Dorian, her best friend, was preparing to head back to Tevinter to begin his campaign with Maevaris. Cassandra was thankfully still around, as was Sera. But their group was getting smaller. The Inquisition had been around for a year and a half, but already it was changing. Who could know what was to come?
“Alright, that’s as much as I can do for now,” Bull said, sitting back.
Nan rolled out her neck and arms, humming her approval. “You work miracles with those hands of yours, I swear it.” She smiled back at him. “Do I get a turn?”
He smirked and laughed a little at the thought of Nan’s comparatively small hands kneading into his back. “I’ve had most of these knots since Seheron, I doubt they’ll be coming out anytime soon.”
“You of all people know I’m stronger than I look,” Nan chided playfully.
He looked her over fondly. She was always so eager to jump at the chance to care for him, even when he assured her otherwise. “If you really want to try…”
“I do.”
He smiled and nodded. “Then, alright.”
Nan grinned at him. “Could you hand me my towel?”
Bull got up and grabbed the towel waiting for her on her couch, passing it over as she stood up.
“I’ve only got some floral oils right now, but some are really nice,” she said as she patted out her long hair and carefully dried herself off, making sure to get as little water on the carpet as she could. “Take your pick, Josie’s care packages are never ending. Though I doubt Kenric’s colleagues at the University will take to having nearly all of their existing information on Ameridan nullified.”
“We did stop another dragon from rampaging across the county,” Bull pointed out as he pulled off the leather harness still strapped to his shoulder. He watched her put on a clean set of smallclothes and wrap up in her favorite pink satin robe, smacking her ass as she passed by so that she let out a yelp. “I think that’s worth more gifts.”
“You ass,” she squeaked, laughing at him anyways before bending down to kiss him on the head. “But you’re right! I should have Josie make a request for new treats. Maybe a box of those spiced nuts you liked at the Winter Palace.”
Bull hummed in approval as he passed over a bottle of body oil that smelled of patchouli and something that he couldn’t quite make out that wasn’t as floral as the rest. “I think they were Rivaini. They like their weird spices up there.”
“I’ve never been,” Nan said as she dropped a couple pillows on the ground for him. “Lie face down for me, vhenan?”
“Only for you,” he teased, indulging her by lying with his arms folded around the pillows.
Nan smiled as she straddled his waist, sitting on him with her knees on the ground as she uncapped the bottle. “Sathan, lana em vasrea nar nu’ard, emma lath,” she purred, rolling up her sleeves and starting with his shoulders.
Bull let out a grunt as Nan bared down on him with the heel of her palms, almost caught off guard by the combination of her raw strength and how she used her own weight to slowly but effectively knead out the kinks and aches that had plagued him for years.  “I only caught about a quarter of that,” he said, his face mostly buried in the pillows. “But I wouldn’t mind hearing more.”
She let out an easy laugh as she rolled her thumbs up along the sides of his neck, getting him to groan as she dug into the base of his skull. “Ar isala ma ama, ara nas’falon, amahn dur da’laves.”
He groaned as she sat on his lower back, pressing her elbow into a knot between his right shoulder blade and spine. “You’re making me curious, now.”
“I thought you liked the mystery,” she teased as she put her weight into her elbow, driving the point of it harder and rolling it on the knot until it began to ease. “Made it sexier?”
Bull let himself moan as he felt the tension release and she moved to the other side. “Well, sure.” He gasped slightly as she found a spot that he’d been largely pretending wasn’t causing him any pain before his voice turned into a rumble deep in his chest. “But that- ah!” Nan bared down harder and he gripped at the pillows before forcing himself to relax. “Mmh, that doesn’t mean you’re not back there saying something like, ‘your dick smells like a cabbage!’”
Nan burst into a fit of laughter at this, throwing her head back as she fought to hold herself together. Bull laughed heartily himself, the two so at ease in each other’s presence. “Do you really think I would falsify my sweet nothings like that?” she managed to get out, wiping the laughter tears from her face with her sleeve before picking up the bottle of oil again and squeezing a hefty amount into her palms.
“Depends on how sweet these nothings of yours are,” Bull said.
She smiled at him and shifted so she was sitting on his hips, pressing her hands down into his lower back so that the heels of her palms ground into the tense muscle beneath his scarred skin. “I said,” Nan began, slowly rolling her hands through the muscles along either side of the length of his spine. Bull moaned under her touch. “Please, let me release your pain, my love.”
Bull closed his eyes as he soaked in the warmth of her touch and her words. Warmth he let himself indulge in as her effectiveness continued to surprise him. Their roles had always been such that he put her needs first, took control of her body as a way to keep the title of Inquisitor from suffocating her. He’d never needed anything more, but this was nice. Perhaps he’d indulge more often, given how eager she was to please.
“What about the other part?” he mumbled as she dug her elbows into his mid back.
Nan was quiet, and she was glad his wide horns prevented him from fully turning back to see the flush creeping on her cheeks. “Hm?”
“The ‘issala’ bit,” he elaborated, shifting slightly, “but it’s not qunlat, and I don’t know what yours means.”
She smiled as she bared down a bit harder, grinning to herself when she heard him moan loudly as the knot she was beating finally relaxed. “‘Isala,’” she corrected, the pronunciation more fluid than qunlat. “Means, a personal wish or desire.”
“That’s completely different from my translation for it,” Bull chuckled.
Nan laughed back and pulled away once she’d finished on the opposite side, trying to stay even but starting to get tired. She yawned and laid flat on her stomach, still straddling him and wrapping her arms around his shoulders as she pressed a kiss to the back of his neck. “I did what I could. I hope you don’t mind the bruises.”
“A few bruises in exchange for your hands all over me? Seems fair enough,” he said, taking her hand in his and kissing her knuckles.
She smiled against his skin and kissed him again, nipping at his shoulder playfully before nuzzling against him. “Think history will remember us? The Inquisitor and her Tal’Vashoth partner?”
He hummed thoughtfully, lazily. “Probably won’t get the terminology right, but that’d be pretty great.”
Nan sighed, breathing him in and feeling at peace. She let herself close her eyes and start to drift, letting herself savor the closeness. “It would.”
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