#stop trying to turn everyone into either arctic fox ice wizard princess or lion mermaid dragon queen beauties!
luxurybrownbarbie · 11 months
Oh my God the way I wish we could talk about different types of beauty without it getting dumb. Those "types of pretty" tiktoks where its all literally the same conventionally attractive white girls with tiny noses??? Or the Angel Skull v Witch Skull discourse ughgh all I wanna know is advice on what sweater to pick man
Right? You start talking about discussing beauty and everyone goes, “Yaaaas bestie! Let me go get my calipers and the Big Book of Phrenology™ and we can get to measuring skulls!”
No, I want to talk about the fact that solely centering and chasing sex appeal is actually doing a disservice to some (many, let’s be honest) girls and actually dimming their beauty! I want to talk about the freedom I felt when I finally got rid of my contouring kits and unleashed the full power of my heart shaped face! I want to talk about color analysis and breaking down the color wheel!
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