#storie funeste
melhadi74 · 2 months
So today me and my friends were bored asf so we decided to go to the beach (around 15minutes by car) but get this, by bike. all is well, three of us are going in our bikes and the fourth in an electric scooter.
We were a good half way there before we realized "it rained yesterday and the road to the beach is full of farms, so mud". At this point we were hesitant on continuing but said "fuck it we're half way there anyways" and not 5 minutes later the electric scooter gives out and runs out of charge.
So at this point we're in between a busy road and a muddy farm with a ~10kg(22.0462lb) electric scooter. And as good friends we decide to help the electric scooter friend and take turns switching between us so each one gets to use the (now useless)scooter for a while.
After a leg tiring ride we finally reached the beach. We went into the tip of the water and guess what???? My fucking slipper (bad choice in hindsight) got swept from my feet by the ocean. I of course didn't want to go back through the mud barefoot so in all my wisdom I traded my friend his shoes for taking his turn on the scooter.
When I tell you I was huffing and puffing like a kettle and pushing with all my might(not that much since I'm not athletic) while my friends were off ahead of me. And in that while SOMEHOW one of my friends twisted his ankle.
Imagine this, 4 dudes in a muddy road with an unfunctioning scooter, one dude with 1 slipper only, one with a twisted ankle and shirts full of mud at 10pm with cars zooming by.
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ladyniniane · 10 months
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Aaaand I did it and completed NaNoWriMo for the 6th time🎉🥳! It has been a eventful month between leaving work and moving homes, but I did it.
During this NaNo I:
-Finished my Fire Emblem fanfic after one year and 10 month spent on it.
-Wrote two chapters for my Shadow and Bone fanfic.
-Began another WIP (a sort of sequel of my FE fanfic).
Unlike last year, I won't try writing everyday until November 30th. I need to proofread some new chapters and to do some brainstorming for my future stories.
To celebrate this, here is some (quickly edited, and in French, as usual) mother and daughter fluff (featuring: adoption, a fallen woman finding a new purpose, a child who isn't exactly human and a dying ancient civilisation) from my newest WIP.
La pluie s’écrasait furieusement sur les murs, dégoulinait si fort sur les vitres que l'on ce serait cru sous l’eau. L’orage rendait Ismène fébrile. Ses doigts agrippaient sa jupe, ses yeux sombres contemplaient le déluge avec un mélange de peur et de fascination.
-Tu peux rester avec moi si tu veux, décida Anselma en tapotant la place à ses côtés.
Ismène lorgna le lit mais hésita.
-Tu es sûre ? Je ne suis pas un peu vieille pour ça ? 
Les autres ne lui avaient jamais proposé une chose pareille et elle aurait de toute façon refusé. Mais avec Anselma, c’était différent. 
-Bien sûr que non et j'ai moi aussi besoin d'être rassurée, rétorqua cette dernière avec une pointe d'espiéglerie. 
Cette petite semblait porter le poids du monde sur ses épaules mais était-ce vraiment surprenant ? 
Ismène retira ses souliers et se glissa à ses côtés. Le lit était suffisamment grand pour qu’elles ne se touchent pas. L’odeur des sachets aromatiques glissés sous l’oreiller leur emplit les narines. 
Anselma s’apprêta à souffler la chandelle mais Ismène tressaillit lorsqu’un éclair tomba tout proche. Le grondement parut ébranler les fondations de la maison. Ses doigts suivirent la courbe de la joue de l’enfant.
-Petite pomme…, murmura-t-elle. 
Un petit soleil s’alluma dans les yeux d’Ismène. La comparaison était venue spontanément à sa mère. Peut-être la rondeur, la douceur, le côté sucré lui rappelaient le fruit qui les avait rapprochées. 
Lorsqu’elle l’avait vue pour la première fois, Anselma avait cru à un mirage de la fièvre. Une enfant de onze ou douze ans, dans son beau costume étranger, qui l’observait depuis l’entrée de la porte. Avec son teint pâle et ses grands yeux sombres, elle ressemblait à un petit esprit. 
La jeune fille l’avait observée en silence, à moitié dissimulée et sans oser s’approcher. Anselma lui avait fait signe de s'approcher, craignant néanmoins que son visage à moitié mangé par les bandages ne l'effraie,y…mais l’enfant était venue. Elles n’avaient guère échangé de mots, si ce n’était des prénoms et des gestes. 
La maison était si calme qu’elle avait pensé que seuls les savants y vivaient. Lorsqu’elle avait demandé à Télésille : “y a-t-il d’autres enfants pour jouer avec elle ?”, la réponse de la mathématicienne était tombée en un couperet funeste : “il n’y a pas beaucoup d’enfants chez nous.”
Ismène était ensuite revenue et lui avait tendu telle une offrande une pomme coupée en quartiers fins. Anselma n’avait pendant un temps pu avaler que des soupes. L’idée de se laisser mourir de faim lui était venue. Sentir son corps fondre et de se dissoudre jusqu’à n’être plus rien était une fin appropriée pour elle.
Ses sauveurs veillaient cependant au grain et le potage nourrissait sa faim. Aussi avait-elle dévoré la pomme fraîche et croquante, à la fois pour plaire à Ismène et par envie. 
L'enfant était revenue tous les matins avec ses fruits méthodiquement coupés. Anselma en avait profité pour gagner doucement sa confiance. Et puisqu’elle avait mangé le bouillon et les pommes, elle avala ensuite leurs feuilletés aux amandes, leurs beignets au miel, leurs brioches ainsi que leurs pommes et leurs coings au four. 
-Pourquoi est-ce que tu es dans cet état ? questionna-t-elle 
-Ça me fait penser au déluge. Et ça me terrifie. 
Ismène se recroquevilla sur elle-même, une réaction surprenante pour une personne si grave. Ce mot était en lui seul une condamnation à mort. C’était là toute la particularité de la chose : Anselma prenait soin d’une descendante d’une ancienne civilisation anéantie par un cataclysme. D’une enfant humaine mais pas tout et fait et qui avait grandi au milieu de gens hantés, recevant leur terreur par procuration. 
Stephanos lui avait rapidement racontés les jours funestes. Ismène savait que c'était à cause de cela que leur monde avait volé en éclat et qu’ils étaient condamnés à la dissimulation et à l’errance.
-Le ciel est en colère, oui, mais il ne nous arrivera rien. Ce lit est un îlot de sécurité. 
Anselma ébourriffa les cheveux de sa fille. 
-Je sais, c’est du passé, admit cette dernière. 
-Maintenant dors, petite pomme. Tu verras qu’il fera beau demain. 
La pluie ne montrait aucun signe de s’arrêter. Anselma était drapée dans plusieurs châles. Une alléchante odeur lui parvint et elle mit de côté ses travaux d’aiguille. La fièvre avait reflué, lui permettant de continuer un peu. Elle haïssait ces jours de vacuité, clouée au lit, mais avait appris à s’en contenter. 
-Surprise !
Ismène apparut avec une assiette contenant une délicieuse pomme cuite avec quelques noix dessus. Elle la posa sur le support en bois qu’elles avaient fabriqué afin que sa mère puisse manger au lit.
-Oh, le soleil est revenu ! plaisanta la plus âgée. 
Les deux femmes mangèrent avec appétit, plongeant leurs cuillères dans la chair fondante. 
-Je crois que j’ai passé tant de temps dans ce lit qu’il est devenu une partie de moi.
“Il faudrait presque m’enterrer avec”. Anselma garda cependant cette réflexion morbide pour elle.
La guérisseuse posa sa main fraîche sur le front de sa mère. Au dehors, l’orage grondait toujours.
-Je pense que tu devrais aller mieux demain. Ta fièvre a un petit peu baissé. 
Anselma la remercia et but sa décoction. Le doux goût de la pomme restait sur ses lèvres. 
-Tu veux que je reste avec toi ? offrit la plus jeune, en souvenir de son enfance.
Anselma repoussa la courtepointe. Ce serait une bonne chose, ça les rassurerait toutes les deux. Mère et fille s’allongèrent, complice et rieuse, côté à côte. 
-Qu’’est-ce que c’est agréable d’être au chaud alors qu’il fait aussi mauvais ! s’exclama Anselma.
-Naí*, ce lit est un îlot de sécurité, compléta Ismène avec un sourire joyeux. 
*"Oui" en grec.
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i bet writing this story frantic fanfic style would be the funest writing exurse
asking because I live under a rock, is frantic fanfic style an actual style or are we just describing the energy
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Story board
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J'ai participé à un Atelier Gobelins pour adapter mon Tumblr aux attentes de l'école. C'est dans ce cadre que j'ai réalisé ce storyboard.
Le scénario proposé pour réaliser ce story board était le suivant :
« Un personnage A marche dans la forêt. Il tombe sur une auberge et rejoint un personnage B, un personnage C fait irruption … »
Synopsis :
Deux truands se retrouvent pour organiser un traffic d’or . Leur funeste dessein est contrarié par l’arrivée d’un personnage hors du commun.
Résumé :
Un truand traverse la forêt lorsqu'il aperçoit une bâtisse illuminée dans une clairière. Un sourire en coin, il y entre. Dedans, il retrouve un compère qui, après quelques vérifications discrètes, lui montre son précieux butin : des pépites d'or dissimulées dans d'innombrables petites poches de son manteau. Les yeux du premier truand s’illuminent sous l’effet de l’appât du gain, mais son élan est soudainement coupé par l'entrée fracassante du shérif.
Le silence s'abat sur la salle comble de personnages louches. Le shérif avance calmement, éclairé par la lumière derrière lui. Son regard scrute les tables et les lueurs furtives dans les coins sombres de la pièce. Il aperçoit les deux truands et sourit : il a trouvé ce qu'il cherchait.
Alors que les deux hommes sont terrifiés par la situation, le shérif sort une liasse de billets tout en fixant les pépites d'or scintillantes qui dépassent du manteau du vendeur. Aveuglé par l'argent, ce dernier accepte sans hésiter. Mais son compère, qui a fait le chemin pour récupérer l'or, refuse de se laisser faire. Les deux hommes se disputent et, constatant la scène, le shérif hausse le ton et frappe fermement son poing sur la table.
Le silence retombe dans le bar, tous les regards se fixent sur la table des deux compères. Le détenteur de l'or n'est pas rassuré par ces regards suspicieux et décide de renverser la situation qui ne tourne plus à son avantage. Après tout, que penserait-on de lui s'il concluait un marché avec un individu aussi vil ? Il emploie la manière forte et braque les deux hommes, qui arrêtent leur chamaillerie pour le regarder avec effarement. Mais les deux compères n'en sont pas à leur première altercation avec les autorités et n'hésitent pas à provoquer une bagarre.
Après tout, l'histoire se déroule dans un bar. Avec un shérif et des truands, tous les ingrédients d'un bon western sont réunis pour se terminer en bagarre générale. C'est ce qui se passe : les autres clients de l’auberge ne tardent pas à se retourner contre le shérif, pas si innocent que ça ...
Février 2024 atelier Gobelins
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( via / me )
not pumpkin, MAPLE vertigo roundABOUT that swing still on the PORCH
& had i pursued LUCRE not luminiferous ETHER unlikely as single PAYER
troglodyte's posh ABODE & autodidact YOKEL divination by EDEMA
haunts boneyards to RELAX nor ode of lesser CARAT that great ball of AGAVE
as the wolf years RAVEN as Flintstone Plato AVERS
the unconvincing preTENSE
"You think the buffalo can die, the whale and the tiger can die, and not a measly artform?" --Joshua Tree, The Five Robots You Meet in Heaven (2012)
A quiet, poignant story about a character descended partly from fae, perhaps a changeling, who’s just trying to navigate life and work and queer relationships in a New Zealand slowly disintegrating from climate change.
"into the high idea"
i'm sure sunrise is there behind the murk facades gold & silver beds funest Pellucidar
funest Pellucidar the rarest kind of dope gravel with ash on top the fathoms that you wore
the fathoms that you wore in the eyes of Eka-Chess a tutelary dose i'm sure sunrise is there
There are Holes I Can Never Fill.
0 notes
vorrentis · 2 years
Fem Reader x Dahyun - Hell Of A Bet~
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TAGS: Dominant Dahyun, Sub Reader 
Sorry for the short chapter, it wasn't meant to be a long plotwise story.
WORDS: 9464 
"(YN)! I'm boooored!"
A sigh escaped your mouth as you lifted your eyes from the book you were reading to stare at your girlfriend across from you.
Dahyun was half-lying on the bed, her chin resting on a book, her arms splayed out across the mattress.
The two of you were in your room, and Dahyun had been complaining that she was bored for the better part of an hour now.
"Hey you knew what you were getting yourself into when you asked for tonight. I know it's not the funest night," you told her sincerely, "but we really need to get this memorized."
Dahyun openly pouted, looking restless as she flipped through the pages of the book.
"Wish I could be like you (YN). You know everything already and your grades are great. You shouldn't need to be studying."
An appreciative smile made its way across your face at the compliment. "Still, I need to make sure I'm ready for the exam."
An annoyed grumble escaped Dahyun.
"Come on (YN), just a few minutes of us time~ I'll make it worth it~" Dahyun leaned forward while tilting her head in a cute manner.
"Dahyun, I love you, but we're not here for that. It's a big exam and I want you and I to make sure we get good grades."
Closing her eyes, she stubbornly looked away.
"Can't believe you're saying no to that! Ah I know the material (YN). And I already studied today."
"Hmm, okay then, if you can answer a question, then we can take a break." You offered as Dahyun sat upright and grinned.
"Bring it!"
"Which element has exactly five electrons in the highest principal energy level: Selenium, Barium, Phosphorus, or Germanium?
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She was trying her hardest as you shook your head slowly.
"...are those actual words?"
"And," you had a satisfied look, "that's why we're studying." You opened your book only for Dahyun to place her hand on it.
"Okay so I messed up but come on (YN), how about you put the studying on hold for a while and play a few games with me~," she asked with a sweet smile.
You found it very hard to say no to that smile, but, unfortunately, had to decline.
Her face fell, but then she seemed to get an idea and reached into her pocket to pull her wallet out and pulled out a coin.
"How about this? We'll flip for it. If I win, you take a break. If you win, we keep studying, I'll study with you with no complaints."
"Hmm..." you thought that this might be the way to silence her, "okay fine, go for it." Dahyun's joyous smile appeared, "but just a break if you win and no more complaining if I win."
"Heads or tails!"
"Tails." You answered as Dahyun flicked the coin into the air, where it spun around before falling as Dahyun caught it, and slapped it down against the back of her other hand.
Beaming, she lifted her hand, and her smile grew even larger when the coin was revealed to be head.
"Yes! It's tails, I guess it's break time for you~"
Dahyun's face suddenly lit up and began rummaging through her bag next to her as you rolled your eyes.
You wondered what she was looking for, and wasn't the least bit surprised when she pulled out a deck of cards and held it out to you, looking excited with you knowing what was coming and before you could say anything, Dahyun had cleared all the books and notes from the bed and taken the cards from the case.
She must have really wanted to play, and you resign yourself to her antics, deciding that you could spare the time to play a few hands with her.
You did smile at Dahyun's never-ending smile and happiness. She was one to never seem to feel any negative emotions, a trait that you loved about her.
You and Dahyun go back a few years: meeting in the first year of middle school and dating since the summer going into your first year of high school and now two years later, you two were going strong.
Dahyun was pure joy and happiness and you were the quiet bookworm, but it didn't mean that Dahyun knew when to take it easy and focus and you to let loose and have fun with your girlfriend.
Overall, there wasn't a day that you regretted when Dahyun asked you out and since that day, Dahyun's been more of herself with you around.
Any person, male or female, would find her irresistible with her charms, looks and personality and you were blessed to be that person.
"So what are we playing?" You asked watching her shuffle the deck.
"Hmm..." she muttered thoughtfully. "How about poker? Best of three games. We'll hand out the cards, and we'll pick from the pile when we want new cards."
You nodded.
"Sounds good."
"Well, you didn't let me finish~" said Dahyun, her tone sounding more serious again, "what do you say to another wager~?"
She was looking at you with a smirk.
"Okay, what'd you have in mind? Loser treats the winner to lunch or dinner?"
She giggled in a way that suggested that she found what you said to be cute, but the smile on her face was becoming somewhat demented, predatory even.
"Something more than that."
There was really no reading her intentions.
All you knew was that she wanted to proceed with her suggestion, and wanted you to agree.
"Loser has to do one request from the winner~ It could be anything."
Her proposition hung in the air.
For several long seconds, you could only stare, she wasn't the least bit shy or bothered by what she had just suggested.
"Dahyun I know damn well what you want if you win."
"I know you do~ and you mean 'when' I win and if there's a slight chance that you win, then I promise that I'll study all night," 
"You'd probably make me not work the whole night then."
"Oh trust me~ I'll make you work (YN)~ would that be so bad~"
You licked your lips, if Dahyun was wanting what she wanted then it was a win-win in your case, but you did want her to pass this exam...
"Sigh...deal." Dahyun grinned.
"Alright, now you're being fun."
Smiling, Dahyun nodded as she dealt out the cards until they were each holding five, then set the rest of the deck down on the table. 
You examined your hand, trying to keep your face neutral. 
Right away, you noticed that you had two of diamonds and two of clubs.
A pair of two's so not much.
You glanced at Dahyun, but her face was completely unreadable. While you weren't the greatest poker player yourself, you did have a very distinct eye for reading Dahyun.
You held onto your pair of twos and exchanged your other three cards.
The three new cards you got were worthless, so it looked like you would have to rely on your pair of twos.
Dahyun ended up exchanging three cards as well, her face revealing nothing other than the happy content smile that had been present since she dealt the cards.
Her gaze rose up to meet yours.
There was a strange seriousness in her voice that you found yourself wondering about.
She usually only displayed this type of behavior when playing any type of game. But this was just for fun; she'd said as much, so there was no reason to take it so seriously.
"Yeah," you replied, and showed your hand, "pair of twos."
Dahyun smiled.
"Oh~ wow, good for you," she said cheerfully and showed her own hand. "I have nothing. Looks like you won this one."
You chuckled, wondering if you had just imagined the serious edge her voice had taken as you returned his cards to the pile.
Dahyun told you that you should deal this time since you won, and you did so, shuffling the deck and handing out five cards each.
Dahyun scooped up her hand, humming happily to herself as she swayed back and forth in her seat like an excited child.
"You really love all kinds of games, don't you," you said in amusement.
"Of course I love them! Especially when it's with you (YN)~" She smiled at you, only now there was a sharpness in it, the playfulness from earlier gone. "But I do have...other interests too, you know."
That serious edge to her voice had returned, and you definitely hadn't imagined it this time.
And what was up with the way she had looked at you just now?
It was a little unsettling.
But then her eyes went back down to her cards, and her usual poker-look had returned.
Your gaze shifted to your own cards.
Nothing, just a bunch of random numbers of various suits.
...or maybe not.
Taking a second look at your hand, you saw that you had a seven and a nine. If you kept those two, you could try for a straight.
Of course, you'd need the three perfect numbers and if you didn't get the straight, you'd lose.
Tossing the other three cards, you pulled from the pile.
Much to your surprise, you didn't get straight, but you did get another nine.
Another pair.
Next, you watched Dahyun.
She was still looking at her hand.
Her face was neutral, but if she was taking this long to decide, she must be thinking hard about what to do.
Unless, of course, that was just an act to make you think that.
But then she tossed aside one card and drew one more.
'Just one...she got a good hand.'
"You ready?" You asked.
She beamed at you.
"Yup, read it and weep!"
You laughed as you observed her hand of five diamond suits.
A flush.
"Well, that definitely beats my pair." You showed yours to show two nines.
Dahyun's face lit up.
"Looks like I won this one. Hmm, you had nothing else besides that. Were you hoping for a three of a kind?"
"No, I was going for the straight but ended up with the extra nine as the best card. Even if I had gotten it though, you still would have beaten me."
"I guess so. That's one win for you, and one win for me. Time for the tiebreaker! My deal."
She gathered up the cards and shuffled them, then dealt them each five cards. 
You gathered yours up and looked at them...and resisted the urge to raise your eyebrows in interest as you saw that you had a second chance to get a straight, the cards you could use being an Ace, King, and Jack.
You needed a Queen and a two or a ten and you could pull this off again.
Dahyun took just one card from her hand and exchanged it, making you wonder what incredible hand she had.
With a heavy nod you decided to go for the straight and exchanged the two useless cards for two more. 
You hesitated before looking at your new hand and your heart began pounding rapidly in your chest when you saw the queen and the two you now held. 
You couldn't believe it; you got the straight! 
You didn't show your expression as you slowly rose your gaze rose to meet Dahyun's. Her neutral face was back in place, but the drive to win still burned in her eyes.
Her gaze soon came up to meet yours, and the small smile on her face grew larger. "Ready? How about you show your hand first."
Your throat suddenly went dry, you swallowed once more before showing your hand. "Straight. Jack through two."
"Well damn..." You gave a small smile, "all that for you to lose~" You frowned.
Dahyun's smile widened further, her eyes dancing with merriment as she revealed her hand. "Full house."
A strange type of laugh escaped you as she had a pair of sevens and three of fours.
You lost.
Despite pulling off the straight, you still lost...course.
"Course, hehe." A mixture of emotions ran through you, and there was a strange feeling of both relief and disappointment, but you were just glad it was over; this had been a very uncomfortable situation to be in. "I guess you win," you told her with a somewhat forced smile.
"I guess so," she said cheerfully. "But you had a pretty good hand too. I wasn't sure I'd be able to win, but I got pretty lucky drawing the last three. I mean, what are the odds?"
You sighed.
"Yeah, what are the odds? Alright, a bets a bet. What do you want?"
Still smiling cheerfully, she stood up, and her demeanor changed again, going from the playful happy girl she usually was to the reward-hungry predator eager to claim her prize.
Slowly, she scooted closer to you by dragging her knees, her body language sure and confident as she was now inches from your face with hers.
"Finally, now I can have you~"
You took in the way she looked, from the delighted smile she wore with her lips slightly parted, to her flushed cheeks, to the hungry look in her eyes as she gazed at you.
"Knew you- hmph!...Hmm~" you stammered and you were silenced when Dahyun yanked your head, pulling you closer, and pressed her lips to yours.
You felt something wet and warm press against your lips and slip into your mouth, her tongue, as it began to tangle with yours.
A surprised yet delightful mumble escaped you.
As far as kissing Dahyun goes, it's 95% of the time sweet when you're out and about, but the 5% when you're alone, Dahyun exceeds that.
Dahyun completely took charge of it as she assaulted your lips, her tongue massaging her own in your mouth.
The need for air had begun to affect you, but you didn't want to break the kiss. Yet it seemed that the need to take a breath had become too much for Dahyun as well, and she pulled away.
She kept your face close though, both of you panting heavily.
Dahyun rested her forehead against your as she stared into your eyes, her own filled with want and desire.
She cut you off by placing a finger on your lips, and an amused giggle escaped her.
"No talking, I won, and a bets a bet." She brought her face even closer to yours so their noses were touching, her lips grazing yours, "I'm tired of reading and I want to fuck and eat you so bad~" she said in a seductive voice as she walked her fingers down your chest, then began playing with the helm of your shirt as she went back down.
================SMUT START=================
You couldn't deny that you wanted her; you just didn't think it would be due to the result of a bet.
You swallowed, your throat feeling very dry as you shook your head.
Dahyun ran her hands up the exposed skin of your chest under your shirt as her fingers tingled with your torso.
"Just relax and let me take care of everything. I want us both to enjoy this."
Dahyun pressed her body close to yours and cupped your cheeks in her soft hands and pressed a kiss to your lips again, gentler this time. 
This time it lasted not much longer than a minute or two, the entire world falling away and the only thing you were aware of was Dahyun's lips, tongue, and her body pressed up against yours, which was really weird, but also exciting and hot.
Then what felt like hours later Dahyun moved her attention to your neck, and you were amazed to learn that she was now lying on her back with your best friend on top of her, the realization causing a soft whimper to escape your lips only for Dahyun to move back up to kiss you again.
Not that it was necessary, because you were suddenly very, very on board with this.
Dahyun thought that was the case, but she didn't want to take any chances.
And to her delight, you didn't hesitate to kiss back, pushing your tongue into Dahyun's mouth so she could get a really good taste of her. 
Besides, you now wanted this too.
Especially as Dahyun's body was pressing down on top of yours, you could feel just how wanting Dahyun was from this and it was amazing...till Dahyun lifted her face.
Those eyes, so familiar and hungry, were just a few inches away now.
They only left your face to scan over your body, undressing you with her eyes like she couldn't wait to rip your clothes off of her.
Dahyun's hands were pressed into the bed on either side of your hips, legs in loose sweatpants straddling your thighs. 
Dahyun wanted you, you could see it in the way she looked at you, could see it in the tension in you, in the gentle parting of her lips to puff out hot breaths across your face. 
Though you were briefly distracted by the frankly delectable sight down Dahyun's tank top this angle provided, your eyes did eventually fix squarely on those lips. 
Your tongue wet her own like chapstick, trembling under the long-craved attention.
A hand touched your face, slowly, softly, but not gently.
Not like she was trying to comfort you, not like she was worried about breaking you, but instead like she was contemplating, considering the best way to take you apart.
Fast as lighting, like the grab of an eagle, Dahyun snapped forward, her mouth finding yours.
Her lips were hot as volcanic lava.
She wasted no time as she immediately blew past your defenses, forcing your lips to part around Dahyun's tongue. A hot blush blew across your face, a whine in your throat at the sensation.
Dahyun's hand moved around to fist tightly in your (Colored) hair, plundering your mouth with her own. Like she wanted you more than anything else on the Earth as you mattered more than anyone or anything.
Like you were hers.
When Dahyun pulled back, she left you breathless, wet and hollow, and needy. You found herself panting harshly, head foggy but needing Dahyun more than she needed air.
Dahyun was blushing too, but her breathing was much more even and controlled, much less ragged and plundered than yours.
No, she looked a touch smug, actually, under the heat in her eyes. Her lipstick was just a little smeared, and you idly wondered how much she'd left on your lips.
"You taste so good~," she remarked quietly, "but I know something that taste's even better~ and I want a full helping of it." Goosebumps exploded across your skin and your fingers fisted into the sheets as Dahyun retreated back, out of your space, eyes never moving from yours.
She spoke simply, voice calm but hiding a hunger low beneath it,
"Here's what's going to happen (YN)~" Her thumbs hooked in the waistband of your sweats "I'm going to take these off and I'm going to lay back." She pushed down,  over the curve of your ass with a bit of effort, the (Color) of your panties standing out stark against your skin. 
"And you're going to ride my face so I can eat that precious pussy of yours~" with a shift of your legs, the sweats finally came free and she threw them off to the side like so much garbage.
"Then, you're going to cum all over my pretty face~" She moved with the grace of a eagle on the prowl, rocking forward back onto her back, crawling back into your personal space, "now, sit on me and forward, I want to watch you~" 
You obliged as you sat up now straddling Dahyun's hips with your bare thighs and hands cupping Dahyun's torso.
Your lips were almost against hers, so close you could feel her breath on your own, the plush softness of Dahyun's breasts under her head now. There, she could feel the slick smile, the ravenous grin that curled her lips.
You swallowed, thickly.
You weren't sure if you could speak as Dahyun's was like a siren: beautiful, deadly, and so, so tempting.
She was smug, too, you could tell.
Dahyun knew exactly what she was doing to you, and had probably dreamed about doing it as much as you had these past few months.
But knowing Dahyun was smug about it didn't make it any less effective.
Dahyun raised up, just a hair, so they could see each other's faces. She drank in the naked lust in your gaze like a sommelier sipping fine wine, and her lips parted to ask, "How does that sound? "
"You know I'll never say no to that~"
And Dahyun was kissing you again, roughly, wetly, your tongues playing in each mouth, teeth threatening to clash, and when she was satisfied with the mess she'd made of your mind, Dahyun pushed you softly and you pulled back again and moved, crawling up her body slowly, eyes boring into hers the whole way.
You wanted it, and Dahyun wanted to give it to you as she rested back against the pillow, panting harshly as your two soft thighs straddled her face. You looked down at her chocolate eyes naked in their lust, your crotch just a few desperate inches from her face.
Dahyun could see it, at the crux of your thighs. 
The spot where that lacy pair of underwear clung to you, the ghost of moisture just beginning to darken a spot. 
She could almost smell it, your arousal, the arousal you got from thinking of bedding you, of fucking you.
Dahyun had done it, she made you wet.
Even after all your sex sessions, the thought still amused her.
It wasn't like you didn't give Dahyun's fair share, though. you were damp, but herself? She could feel it on her thighs.
"I'd nearly forgotten how pretty you look like this," Dahyun remarked, calm heat in her voice, the hand that wasn't holding a tight fistful petting affectionately at your thighs.
Given in this situation, it was heartfelt to hear Dahyun compliment you.
You hadn't felt pretty in a long, long time before Dahyun had told you each day after you told her about your insecurity about yourself.
Dahyun right away set your mind straight about how beautiful you were inside and out and ensured that many girls were jealous of your looks.
At first, you figured she was saying that, but time after time, you started to believe it.
Dahyun's cheek pressed into the smooth, soft skin of your thigh, looking up with a wide, honest expression, "now lean forward,"
And there's the other side of Dahyun who's just horny.
Dahyun didn't even bother taking off your panties when she took your sweats off. With one hand, the one not curled tightly into your thigh, she tugged the crotch of your panties to the side.
And with that? 
With the fire burning between them, with the look in Dahyun's eyes and the mix of lust and love dancing in her heart.
You were beautiful, sitting over her. 
Dahyun could look nowhere but your slick core, wetness glinting in the light of your bedroom, feeling the heat from your thighs on her cheeks but also right there in front of her face too, damp and humid and so, so inviting.
Dahyun interrupted her thoughts, her voice low and warm, "I want you to look at me (YN)~ I love looking at you when I eat you out."
It was hardly a confession, hardly any fresh news, but it still had you blushing bashfully. 
Still, you couldn't look away, your mind felt thin and foggy, your throat felt dry, a throaty sound rumbled deep in Dahyun's throat, and you saw goosebumps appear on your arms. 
Dahyun smiled, and you pressed your hips down.
The first thing Dahyun registered was the warmth against her lips, the slickness, then the taste.
So familiar, so normal, but like ecstasy every time, because it was your taste. Thin, a little bitter, a little salty, with this strange richness to it like honey, like love, like lust.
Dahyun moaned openly at it on her tongue, and your hand tightened in her hair. Her voice was muffled by you on her mouth, but you? 
"Oh god! Yes! Dahyun, Mmh, just like that, just like that."
Dahyun kissed and sucked, moving through each of the spots that she knew were your favorites and attacking them.
Almost without thought, her two hands came up to cup the smooth curve of your ass, kneading the soft flesh like a baker with her dough, feeling the muscle beneath the fat, urging you to press down against her mouth, to take everything she had to give.
It didn't take long for you to begin to rock her hips gently, trying to resist the urge to grind on Dahyun's face, not wanting to make it any harder for her to eat you out.
But even if the motion did offer a bit more of a challenge, you didn't care because it meant Dahyun wanted you.
Dahyun shifted, straining her neck to find your clit.
She sealed her lips around it and sucked gently, trying not to grin at the way you immediately pressed down onto her face and cried out her name.
"Oh god!"
She pressed in, Dahyun's nose brushing through the coarse curls above your core, tongue running quick circles around the little nub.
Your other hand snapped up to roughly grab at your own breast over the top of your tank. Dahyun watched as you kneaded it, fingers stretching out and squeezing, anything to add to the sensation.
Your head was thrown back, throat bared, and voice...rapturous.
Dahyun laid on her back on your bed, knees bent and bare feet flat on the comforter. Both hands up, cradling her girlfriend's butt and head buried between your legs.
You, straddling her, arched your spine and threw back your head as you rolled and ground yourself against her face, your low groans accompanied by the soft, wet sounds Dahyun made between her legs.
It was easy.
It was wonderful.
It was something you two loved and, as such, it was what they should have been doing as Dahyun had said and wanted and it felt right for you.
For as hot as it was, as intoxicating as your taste was on her tongue and as enticing as her voice was in your ears, all this felt so normal to Dahyun.
Like it was what was meant to be.
Dahyun's legs shifted, bare feet sliding over the sheets as she rubbed her thighs together, her poor, neglected sex aching for your touch.
But she was content.
She was happy.
She was also stuck somewhere between closing her eyes to better bask in the sensation of eating you out or keeping her vision focused on you, on the way you moved, on the passion in your face.
You had no such conflict.
Your eyes snapped down, dark and so intense they seemed just a moment bleeding an aura that fired up Dahyun.
Your eyes caught her captivating and predatory and powerful.
They bored into your face as you rolled your hips, and the sight had Dahyun clenching down on nothing and moaning desperately into your core, tongue speeding up even as it began to ache and burn with exertion.
Okay, Dahyun definitely was right, you needed this.
And how right she was with Dahyun's sore, overused and overpracticed tongue flicking firmly in her lover, filling her mouth with your taste, dipping in to touch you deeper.
The back of your fingers brushed at her forehead, moving her bangs, and you peered down at her, eye wide open and earnest, a low moan in Dahyun's throat at the affectionate touch, at the way Dahyun looked at her like she wanted to hold her and protect her, but also like she wanted to pin her to the bed and rip you apart.
Dahyun mirrored at you, watched the dark passion in your blown-wide pupils, taking a moment to, at their eye contact, slide the flat of her tongue across the length of your sex, collecting that honeyed aftertaste and filling her senses with it.
The taste filled her, the scent suffused her, the sight enraptured her, and the sound...
Your voice was worth every hardship Dahyun had ever faced.
Dahyun was panting now, too.
Deep and rapid, her eyes never straying.
Her muscles were tense, stood out, and defined against her skin. Little twitches danced through her body as the pleasure electrified her, and her breathing deepened.
It wouldn't be long now.
"Ngh, Dahyun," your voice rumbled, hips canting to try and get Dahyun to focus on your clit.
Dahyun throbbed in response, sure she'd ruin her pants at this rate, leak right through them. She loved it when you were near the edge like this, how needy and desperate she got.
They were alike in that regard, the difference was Dahyun was straightforward about it: she wanted you to finish, wanted to watch it because it was beautiful.
When you were close, Dahyun wanted to watch you break.
"I love you," you gasped, breath harsh and quick, "I love you so much, please, please-"
Dahyun sealed her lips around your clit, focusing her efforts there.
Her tongue was half-numb with strain, her neck ached and her jaw was tight, but she doubled down and gave you everything she could.
Every beautiful muscle in your body stood out, every tendon trained to break as your voice went high, a rough, throaty sound of release ripping its way through her throat as you came.
And as Dahyun watched and listened and almost cried at how stunning her lover was and how desperate she was for your touch, your hands curled tightly in her hair and suddenly, jerkily tore her mouth away from your cunt as overstimulation began to set in.
You panted for breath, jaw sore and lose, tongue half-out of your mouth, feeling wet and used and messy and covered and-
You were looking down at her, glowing in the aftermath of your orgasm and low, satisfying heat in your eyes.
You drank in the sight below you, of Dahyun's slack jaw and doglike pants, at the way your slick smeared her cheeks and lips and chin, at how filthy she looked covered in your release.
Breathlessly, you managed to get out...
"That was faster than-" before in a flash Dahyun was back on you, repositioning with frightening speed so she was straddling your thighs again, mouth forcing yours open with almost comical ease.
You moaned, openly, at your taste on Dahyun's tongue, head cooking to the side and drawing out a desperate moan from you in reciprocity as the heat of their sullied kiss went straight between her legs.
Pulling back roughly, once again leaving you slack-jawed and plundered, Dahyun panted, "Well~ glad I won then?"
You swallowed thickly, "I-I am,"
Then, Dahyun kissed you again, and you whined, rubbing your thighs together as Dahyun snapped away, eyes darting down to her running shorts before snapping back up to meet your gaze, "Now then," she said sitting up, "let's continue~"
You could only nod, a strangled noise slipped past your lips as Dahyun held you there for several long moments, humming in the back of her throat, before finally pulling back and releasing you.
You began panting heavily as you opened your eyes and looked up at her. 
She was watching you with interest, a smile plastered on her face. 
Keeping her eyes locked on yours, she slowly stood up and took a few steps back. Reaching up, she giggled at the look on your face as she reached for the bottom of her shirt and continued to look at you expectantly, leaning forward as her hands slid up to the top of her shirt and undid the first button, then the next.
She was enjoying teasing you, and you knew it.
Her smile widened as she found his shyness adorable. 
Standing up straight, she slowly opened her shirt the rest of the way, one button at a time and let it slide off her shoulders and down her arms in an erotic fashion, leaving her in only a black lacey bra.
"And this?" she asked, her hands going downward. "Should I take this off as well?"
"Dahyun, stop teasing me!"
She openly laughed at that. "But you're so cute! It's fun to tease you."
She decided to give you a bit of a reprieve though.
Sliding her hands down her body, her hands to her skirt, she slid it down her body as she stood up straight, leaving her in only her bra and matching panties.
Stepping out of her skirt, she approached the bed until she was standing right in front of you in nothing but her undergarments, and you didn't think you'd ever seen a more erotic sight.
Well of course you saw her nude, but her slowly stripping her clothes off was one that got you riling.
Reaching out, she placed her hands on your shoulders as she moved to sit onto your lap, trapping you between them. 
Sitting astride you, she ran her hands down his chest and stomach until she reached her legs on either side of you, then slid them seductively up her body until she reached her breasts.
Reaching behind her back, she undid her bra before moving her hands to cup her breasts as the straps began to slide down her shoulders. She shifted above you slightly so they fell even more, then slowly moved her hands away, taking her bra with her and completely exposing her upper body to you.
You smiled at the sight of her bare chest. 
Dahyun knew she was attractive, and was not shy about her body, despite her innocent sweet look that most would witness, and your hungry lustful gaze made her feel even sexier. 
Holding up her bra in one hand, she dangled it in front of his face for a few moments before holding it out to the side, showing off her chest even more, before dropping the garment onto the floor.
You couldn't tear your eyes away from her breasts as you took in everything from their petite size and shape to their rosy beaded nipples, and you were overcome with the urge to touch and taste them.
Dahyun seemed to realize what you wanted and took one of your hands, bringing it up to one of her breasts and pressing it against her.
Dahyun huffed, pleased, and tossed the bra away. You laid passively if not for the way she squirmed as Dahyun's eyes tracked over your skin. Her hands followed them, calloused but soft, moving up and cupping your breasts brazenly back.
"Ngh," you made a sound involuntarily; they were always really sensitive. Dahyun knew that, of course, and took every opportunity to exploit it.
She kneaded your chest, delighting in playing with the soft handfuls of your body. You closed her eye, face blushing to the point of sunburn as Dahyun played with you; almost casually like it didn't matter like it was nothing worth noting like this was normal.
Like it was what you were made for.
Like you were made for her.
She tweaked your nipples, pinching them until they were rosy and hard and you were struggling to suppress the throaty sounds you wanted to make.
When her hands left, you warily cracked your eyes open to peer at your girlfriend.
Dahyun was sitting back on her haunches, eyes were blown wide and hungry as she burned the image of your reddened skin into her mind.
"You're so..." Dahyun began, voice deep, "beautiful."
You shivered.
Dahyun's hands weren't gone for long, cupping the undersides of your breasts, then sliding down, over your stomach.
You had a soft, thin layer of fat over your abs that prevented them from being as defined as Dahyun's but Dahyun always claimed that it was the height of beauty.
Then to your hips then down, touching the soft cloth of her panties, hooking in, and tugging down as she rose herself up and left herself nude as yourself.
She was wet.
No, that didn't do it justice.
Dahyun was soaked.
Her arousal caught the light in the curls, it decorated her thighs and her swollen, needy pussy.
She found herself chewing her lip, a low fire burning in the pit of her gut.
She needed you really bad.
And there you both were, naked on the bed under your girlfriend, heart so full and body so ready. 
But then, something shifted on her face, and her eyes glanced up to meet yours.
Her body was so ready, but something unbearably soft entered Dahyun's gaze that made your heart lurch.
"I love you," Dahyun said differently from how she normally did.
It was raw with emotion, rough in her throat, and she meant it with every single fiber of her being.
She said it like she was saying it for the first time.
Dahyun smiled sweetly, "I will always love you (YN)."
Something darkened in her gaze, then, and she leaned in, closer, closer to your face, and with every inch of the distance she shortened, your heartbeat just a little faster, just a little harder.
One of Dahyun's hands on your cheek went down, sliding over your chest to cup your breast again.
The other stopped at your neck, Dahyun's thumb rubbing over your jugular.
When she was so close that their breaths intermingled between your quivering lips, that love mixed again with lust as Dahyun kissed you.
You moaned into her lips as, with them and the hands on your body, the sheets, soft and cool were depleting with the heat on your rapidly-heating skin as your arms found their way around Dahyun's shoulders.
Dahyun's hair draped down around you in strands, as if for a second, she was hiding you away from the rest of the world.
A small moan was forced through your throat as Dahyun began to knead the breast in her hand roughly, the hand at your throat giving an appreciative squeeze before moving down to give attention to its partner.
She sucked in a sharp breath through your nose as Dahyun pinched your nipples tightly.
You always loved that about Dahyun, one of many things.
She didn’t treat you like you were made of glass and Dahyun knew you were strong, knew you could take a beating and didn’t worry about breaking you as she explored the well-mapped expanse of your chest with rough squeezes and pinches, until your nerves sizzled lightly with heat until your skin was a pretty shade of pink.
When she knew her work was done, Dahyun gave you a particularly rough pinch to your right nipple and twisted, just so, gently but firmly. You disconnected their kiss with a sharp gasp and whine, and your head rocked back into the pillow as you writhed.
And Dahyun, gods, she was smiling.
This kind, warm thing, but dripping lust too.
She looked at you like she loved her, and she looked at you like she wanted you, and she looked at you like she wanted to break you.
Your own arms fell from around Dahyun’s neck as she took the opportunity to pull back and observe the fruits of her labor.
Your fingers balled into fists as you resisted the urge to reach down and cover your chest.
You knew that once Dahyun had gotten your skin all flushed and red, it became impossible to go back and what’s more, you knew Dahyun knew that, and would use it to play your body like an instrument.
But even as your instincts screamed at you to hide and avoid the coming delicious torment, you instead raised your arms up over your head, fingers wrapping tightly around the headboard.
Instead of hiding away your flushed skin, instead of blocking the inevitable embarrassing overreaction of your nerves, you bared yourself to it.
Because you knew that’s what Dahyun liked, and you loved it when Dahyun looked at her like she was now.
Light hazel eyes as pennies, looked at you like a last meal, running over your reddened skin, your stretched-out stomach, and long, smooth legs that rubbed together as you tried in vain to contain the energy in your blood.
And Dahyun licked her lips.
You shivered on the bedsheets.
Your skin was hot, but also strangely clammy and cold in the cool air of the bedroom.
But then, you gasped raggedly as Dahyun’s lips found your body, kissing first at your collarbone, then down to the valley between her breasts along her sternum.
Warm, wet, affectionate, Dahyun kissed her way up the curve of your right breast, tongue lashing out at the oversensitive skin and making you whimper and blush and push your chest out towards her lover’s touch.
One hand followed your lips, squeezing your boob, supporting its weight so Dahyun could better kiss and nip at her peak.
The other ran over the smooth expanse of your stomach, rubbing gently at the area just below your belly button, no doubt feeling the way your muscles jumped at the contact.
When you yelped after a particularly harsh nip to the soft underside of your breast, Dahyun remarked slyly,
“My, you’re very sensitive for me tonight, aren’t you?”
You panted harshly.
Okay, so what if it was a mute response?
At this rate, you’d be surprised if you managed another five minutes still being capable of conscious thought.
Dahyun giggled, the breath cooling your now-wet chest, “I’ll take that as a yes~”
“It’s kinda hard to think in this situation Dahyun…”
Dahyun quirked a single eyebrow.
It was rare that Dahyun ever seemed smug, but you had learned over the years that she more than made up the deficit when she was doing these kinds of things to you.
“I was eating you out a minute ago and this is what’s getting you silent?” Dahyun squeezed her again in favor of a vacillating moan and her smile sharpened at the sound, and the hand on your stomach slid down, pressing in firmly to your skin the whole way, “but you really do enjoy being played with~ but so do I~"
She leaned up. 
Her left breast just inches from your mouth as you closed on it, taking the tip in your mouth, licking, sucking her flesh. 
"That's right sweetie~ god I love this~" Dahyun groaned.
You went from the left to the right, sucking as much tit as you could. 
Dahyun's hand wrapped around your head and pulled you closer, moaning her approval as you feasted on your girlfriend's breasts.
You loved her hard little nub as it danced on your tongue, drawing her nipple in, pulling, sucking just like Dahyun always liked.
While you were sensitive down there, Dahyun was more so on her breasts.
"That's right (YN). Suck my tits. I love it when you suck on my nipples. That feels so good~" she cooed. "You like sucking my titties don't you?"
There was no denying it now as you nodded and moaned.
"Tell me. I want to hear you tell me," she strong-armed as you released your lips.
"Yes. I do, I do love sucking your tits," you moaned as you went from one to the other drawing them into your mouth, sucking like a woman possessed.
After a minute of tit-sucking, Dahyun pulled back, her nipples coated and you saw a line of your salive dropping onto your chest as Dahyun gave a little snarl and sat up and just like you were minutes ago, Dahyun squatted over your face and sat her pussy on your mouth, facing reverse this time as you stared right up her butt crack and back.
"Eat me. Lick my pussy," she ordered as her fingers stroked your breasts, ever so often darting near your nipples.
Her kitty was shaved and her little lips already wet like she was splashed with water.
You placed soft little kisses on her lips, savoring both her taste and the smell and tentatively touched the tip of your tongue to her fold drawing a soft groan from Dahyun. 
The more you licked, the bolder your became as you pushed your tongue deeper and deeper, with long licks up and down her wet slit.
"Oh that's it~ Oh that's it~"
Dahyun grasped your breasts, squeezing, gasping as you drove your face into her. 
"Oh fuck, damn that's so good. Lick my pussy. Holy shit that feels good. Make me cum (YN)."
You worked her pussy over like a pro, loving the taste. 
You were hooked on the taste of her pussy and you wanted more. 
You wanted to drain her of her juices as you scooped them into your greedy mouth.
Sucking on her hard little clit, you felt her legs shaking as she began to thrash on the bed and ride your mouth, her legs lifting up and then down as she pushed harder into your face. 
You knew she was going to cum in seconds. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she chanted as your continued your assault until you felt a burst of liquid sprayed on you.
Closing your eyes, you relished her cum flowing down your throat or either sides of your head and into your hair and neck.
Embarrassing to state, but Dahyun sitting on your face was your favorite position whenever she needed a relieve and that she did as you felt her rose from your head.
"Now that...that's way better than some books~"
You looked up from your perch between her legs to see her eyes open and then a bright smile come across her face as she turned her body and playfully pinched your nose, her brown eyes sparkling.
"Good girl~ but I think it's back to you~" Dahyun grinned as two fingers parted into a V shape as Dahyun passed through the coarse, damp hair above your core, separating to pass around the spot you needed her touch.
Those two fingers rested just millimeters to the left and right of where you really needed them.
You had to choke down a whine in the back of your throat, your cheeks flushing deeply as you tried to retain some dignity for yourself.
It was pointless, though, you couldn’t help the way your hips canted up into Dahyun’s touch, couldn’t help the way you squirmed on the bed under Dahyun’s gaze, so warm and soft and full of love but predatory too.
Your thighs spread subconsciously, raising off the bed as if your body was trying to invite Dahyun between them again, and you swore as she saw Dahyun’s eyes snap down at the motion, looking right at your drop of sweat rolling off of your forehead as Dahyun’s fingers moved a touch, just toying with you and teasing where you needed it...till with a small smile, leaning up a touch to better get a view of your naked form and her eyes snapped southward, and her smile sharpened.
Dahyun snickered and lowered down to continue playing with your chest, nipping and pinching and sucking, soothing with soft kisses and licks.
Between your legs, Dahyun moved her fingers up and down slowly, rubbing deliberately at the flesh to the left and right of your folds, very intentionally avoiding everywhere your wanted her to touch.
You were needy and wet, so wet.
You could feel it on your thighs, could feel yourself leaking onto the bed as you jerked your hips up into your lover’s touch, trying in desperate vanity to get Dahyun to touch you, even just in passing, even accidentally for a millisecond, but Dahyun was deliberate and efficient.
Her warm tongue and soft-touch, both immensely soothing and absolutely infuriating, dismantled you with just as much practiced ease.
“I think you’re much wetter than me (YN)~ and you just ate me out~”
"Hehe~ I'm going to pleasure us both at the same time," said Dahyun in a whining, moaning voice, "I can't hold off for another second."
Dahyun shifted forward, pushed your legs apart nice and wide, and started grinding their steamy little cunts together. 
You and Dahyun both let out long, interrupted moans. 
Both girls' clits were so stiff and swollen that they were flicking against one another, sending shivers throughout each other's bodies and sending them into a haze of indulgence. Their sticky juices mixed together, and both of their pussies were so unbelievably wet and slippery that their fucking made audible squishing sounds as they slammed their dripping little mounds together. 
You rubbed your cunts against one another in long, sliding motions, as well as little bursts of bashing clit against clit. 
The sex in the air was palpable; both of you were moaning and sobbing in pleasure and frustration, and soon enough, you began tightening all of your muscles. 
Your eyes clamped shut and her mouth formed an 'O' shape. 
"I'm going to cum soon, Dahyun. Make me cum on your clit, make me squeal!"
The look of your face full of need and animalistic desire, as well as your breathtaking dirty talk, was enough to bring Dahyun into the same state.
Dahyun leant over, still grinding against your warm, velvety slit. 
She licked your neck and moaned,
"(YN), I want you to rub that sweet, sticky, hot little clit against my slippery little pussy! I want your cum all over. Cum on my pussy!"
Dahyun's words drove you wild, and your hips started bucking up and down, slamming even harder into Dahyun's slit. 
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" You squealed. 
Seeing her unbelievably sexy girlfriend orgasm pushed Dahyun over the edge too. 
"Oh my god! Ahhhh! Oh my god, you're making me squirt!" Dahyun screamed, honey gushing from both pussies and all over each other and the bed. 
As their orgasms slowly mellowed down, they continued to gently stroke their sloppy pussies together, juices gushing all over their legs and cunts. 
Both of you were panting and letting out helpless whimpering sounds. 
Dahyun eventually collapsed, landing her head between your tits, and onto her heaving chest giggling. 
====================SMUT END==================
"Oh wow," Dahyun chuckled as you nodded.
"Same here," you said as Dahyun perched her head on your torso, looking up at you.
"I think we need to forget chemistry (YN). I think we should study the female body even more~" She asked as you rolled your eyes.
"Wow, that was so bad Dahyun." 
"Bad? I'm sure you felt the exact opposite while we 'studied' (YN)~" You opened your mouth before closing it.
"I-...damn it." You whimpered as Dahyun patted your chest while giving a smirk.
"So is that a yes?" She asked as you gave a stone-walled look. "Fine, what if we play another hand? Same stakes?" She suggested as you shook your head. 
"Dahyun...we really need to study."
"Oh come on, after the amazing sex we had? God you're boring (YN)..." Dahyun flat smiled as you rose a brow, "fine fine, you're right...can we take a break though?" She perched her neck onto your chest as you hummed.
"Hmm...alright, I guess we did "study" hard." You joked as Dahyun laughed and pressed forward to kiss your lips for a few seconds before leaning back.
"Thank you, love you (YN)~"
You smiled at her, you couldn't imagine your life now without this goofball of a girlfriend.
"Love you Dahyun."
Dahyun smiled and laid her head on your chest as your hands rubbed the back of her nude body.
Both regaining the energy to study...or Dahyun's version of 'study'.
Either way, you'd be pleased.
And that's that!
Thanks for pausing your life to reading this! Reblog/Like and thanks again!
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red-writes · 3 years
Eyo! Just read your bully x chubby!reader, and I absolutely love it. I'm a bit chubby myself so it's cool. Though to be perfectly honest, if I were in the reader's shoes, I would be very confused, annoyed, and irritated at my bully.😀 Like, I don't know how to feel about our relationship. One moment he makes fun of my weight, tries to stop me from having a normal healthy relationship with another nice guy, and makes my life hell. Then the next moment he compliments my body, praises me, and is kinda sorta sweet???. This guy is so confusing. Like boy do you hate or not?? MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!🙄
Anyway though, keep up all the amazing work. We need more stories like these!👏👏👏🥰
Aw I rlly appreciate it! and honestly that’s one of the funest parts of bully x chubby reader, the will they won’t they of wether he’ll finally become healthy and admit his feelings properly. I’m glad u enjoyed reading it, that means sm to me me!!
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golbrockstar · 4 years
Fun In LA
Colby Brock x Reader
Warning(s): None that I’m aware of
Summary: Colby Brock accuses you of never having any fun and decides it’s up to him to show you what fun in LA really means.
(Gif by @starrybrock )
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You crept into the Trap House at the early hour of 8 am, taking in your surroundings as you balanced the tray of Starbucks in your hand and the bag of donuts under your arm.
The house was silent, confirming to you that all of its occupants were either still asleep or hadn’t made it out of bed yet. 
It wasn’t surprising to you, of course. The boys rarely woke up before noon on a regular day, but the fact that it was a Sunday and they had partied, according to one of their Instagram stories, ‘like fucking animals’ came into account as well.
You pulled your key out of the lock before you realized that they were right. The house was a mess.
You let out a quiet laugh and shook your head. You'd been the Trap Boys' assistant for a little over two months now and you loved them, of course. Corey insisted on teaching you how to dance even though you'd tried your hardest to convince him you couldn't, Jake could make you laugh by just walking into the room, if he was trying, Sam enjoyed your company and practically sang your praises when you helped him with the more serious stuff, and Colby very nearly relied on you to remind him to do stuff and would always be the first to joke with you and invite you to stuff.
You walked into the kitchen and were surprised to see the boy standing at the fridge. He had ridiculous bedhead and was only wearing a pair of sweatpants that hung low on his hips. He turned to look at you when the donut bag rustled as you set it on the counter.
"You’re up early," You commented, picking up his cup. “Coffee?”
Colby let out a groan, shutting the fridge and taking the cup from you. "You're a goddess."
You laughed. "It's what you pay me for."
He rolled his eyes as he took a long sip, reaching for the donut bag and examining its contents.
“Got about every kind. I’m still not sure on what donuts are your guys’ favorites.” You said as you set your purse on the table.
“We’re not picky,” Colby replied, pulling out a chocolate covered donut and biting into it.
Conversation with Colby was always easy. He never took things too seriously, but also didn’t always feel the need to crack a joke. It was simple and you found yourself talking to him quite regularly.
“How was the party?” You asked, making your way around the kitchen to silently tidy it up.
Colby shrugged, watching you lazily. “Fun. Would’ve been better if you were there.”
“Ha ha,” You replied, tying up the old garbage and replacing it with a new bag. “You know that’s not my scene.”
“And I don’t see why not. Do you ever do anything besides work?”
“I enjoy my work.”
Your job was fairly easy and was always changing. Sometimes you’d be a cameraman, sometimes you tagged along to meetings, sometimes you helped them organize their bills or other expenses, and sometimes is was things as simple as putting gas in their cars. You never knew what to expect from them and that’s partially why you enjoyed the job so much. That and how fun all the people you got to interact with were.
"That doesn't answer my question."
Ignoring his comment and the way he was staring at you, you pulled another couple trash bags from the roll. "Since you’re Mr. bright and early today, you get to help me clean up.”
He shook his head at you but took a bag from your hands. "Seriously, you should come to the next one, have a little fun."
"I wouldn't know anyone."
"You'd know us."
"I don't really drink,"
"Don't have to to have a good time."
You dumped out two red solo cups into the sink and disposed them into his trash bag. "What do you want from me, Colby?"
"I want you to have some fun."
You scoffed at him, grabbing another four cups from the table.
"I’m serious, Y/N. When was the last time you did something a little dangerous or even just for fun?"
"I have fun with you guys all the time."
"You know what I mean."
You sighed, shoving a pizza box into the bag. He was staring at you with those piercing blue eyes and it was hard to ignore him when you knew he wasn't going to drop the subject until he got what he wanted.
"Not since I moved out here," you admitted.
"What?" Colby seemed taken aback by your answer. "You're kidding, right?"
You shrugged. You were trying to live in LA. You had to eat and pay your bills; you didn't feel like you had time for fun.
"That’s insane! You’re in like- the funest city and you’ve never even tried?”
You started making a stack of empty cups. “It’s not that I haven’t tried. I just...don’t know anyone out here. I’m not like you and Sam, I came out here all on my own on my own dime and before I had this job I was living off a barista and a bartender salaries. Fun didn’t come easy.”
Colby’s frown only deepened at your words. You could see the wheels turning in his head as you dumped the stack into his trash bag. You’d come to learn it was never a good sign when he was quiet.
“Colby?” You said cautiously, looking up at him.
His eyes were locked on you, focused and unwavering. The heat rose to your cheeks as you looked down at the floor and moved to grab your trash bag.
He grabbed it before you had a chance.
"No, nope, unacceptable. I refuse to let you continue living your life like this."
You scoffed. "You're being ridiculous,"
He swung the bag out of your reach, holding it above his head.
"Colby! Seriously, I need to get this place cleaned up."
“No! Not until you agree to have some fun!”
“When?” You retorted, mildly annoyed with his antics. “With who? Where?”
“With me!” He exclaimed. “One month. Give me one month to show you how much fun LA can be and by then if you don’t ever want to have fun again, I’ll drop it.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “What’s your game, Brock?”
“No games or deal’s off, okay?”
You considered for a moment. You knew he wasn’t going to let this go. Plus he was basically your boss, you kinda had to do what he says. Not that you thought he would fire you if you didn’t agree, but still. Even so, a whole month of Colby trying to convince you to let loose and have fun. What could go wrong?
A lot. You thought.
But your mouth betrayed your thoughts. “Fine. Deal.”
Colby grinned, handing you the trash bag back. “Awesome. And as for where, let me take care of that.”
“Should I be nervous?”
“Only if you don’t trust me.”
“I’ve known you for, like, maybe three months.”
He let out a small laugh, a wide smile stretched across his lips.
“When do we start?”
“Tomorrow.” He confirmed. “Give me the rest of the day to figure out the details.”
You shrugged. “Whatever,”
He winked at you and disappeared into the hall, probably on his way to get dressed and hopefully brush his hair.
You sighed when he was out of sight, huffily shoving more cups into the bag. This was going to one eventful month.
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psycheophiuchus · 5 years
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DAY 18 : " CIRCE"
In Mythology, Circe is one of the most famous "witches" of antiquity. "Particularly expert in multiple drugs or poisons, able to operate metamorphoses," warns Homer, Circe is a very powerful magician. Sometimes a sorceress, sometimes an enchantress, she is the daughter of Helios the Sun and Perseis - herself a daughter of the Ocean - or perhaps Hecate.
Her name means "sparrowhawk": in addition to being a bird of prey, the female of this species is larger than the male. In her story, Circe killed her husband and embodies the dominant woman who hunts men.
The name of "Circé" evokes beauty, sensuality, danger. She exerts horror and fascination on men, even today for many painters, writers and musicians.
To represent her, I chose a painting by John William Waterhouse (1892) depicting the moment when Circe went to the cave where her rival bathed: "It spreads the juices she has drawn from fatal roots ..." . She is associated with instability and mixing, herbs with each other, drugs with food, men with animals.
No doubt her bad reputation comes from the domination she exerts on men and the humiliation she makes them undergo by transforming them into animals (and pigs, more often than not).
Dans la Mythologie, Circé fait partie des « sorcières » les plus connues de l’Antiquité. « Particulièrement experte en de multiples drogues ou poisons, propres à opérer des métamorphoses », avertit Homère, Circé est une magicienne très puissante. Tantôt sorcière, tantôt enchanteresse, elle est fille d’Hélios le Soleil et de Perséis – elle-même fille de l’Océan – ou peut être d’Hécate.
Son nom signifie « épervière » : en plus d’être un oiseau de proie, la femelle de cette espèce est plus grande que le mâle. Dans son histoire, Circé a tué son mari et incarne la femme dominante qui chasse les hommes.
Le seul nom de Circé évoque beauté, sensualité, danger. Elle exerce l’horreur et la fascination sur les hommes, même encore à notre époque pour bon nombre de peintres, écrivains et musiciens.
Pour la représenter, j’ai choisi un tableau de John William Waterhouse (1892) représentant le moment où Circé se rend dans la grotte où se baigne sa rivale : « Elle y répand les sucs qu’elle a tirés de ses racines funestes… ». Elle est associé à l’instabilité et au mélange, herbes entre elles, drogues avec aliments, hommes avec animaux.
Sans doute sa mauvaise réputation vient-elle de la domination qu’elle exerce sur les hommes et de l’humiliation qu’elle leur fait subir en les métamorphosant en animaux (et en porcs, le plus souvent) ?
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prezaki · 5 years
The 31 year history of Eddie Brock in comics, rated by me.
1988-93: The funest five years you can get. Michelinie is writing and, being the creator of the character, he actually knows what he’s doing. Hallelujah. 1993-1994: Wacky 90s comics of varying quality, always funny. 1995: Michelinie is back to deliver Plant of the Symbiotes. Hell yeah. 1995-96: Unfortunately, we decide to bring Anne back its to her detriment. Eddie is at least still recognizably himself. 1996: The Hunger comes out and knocks it out of the park. Otherwise, typical 90s Venom stories. A good year. 1997-98: Venom is a government agent now?? The majority of those stories are actually super fun, regardless of the odd concept. 1999-2000: Eddie being afraid of the symbiote is introduced here (if I recall right, correct me if I’m wrong), but it’s not dwelled on. Venom returns to villain status quo but with less nuance than in their original villain days. It’s pretty disappointing after the past decade, but still reads kind of like Venom? 2000: Anne dies for no good reason, but Eddie is written still like himself in most ways. He’s missing for a good bit after this. This is honestly the last year of Eddie Comics worth reading for a LONG time. 2001-02: Eddie Brock is completely missing from comics for the first time since his creation. 2003: Jenkins fucks up Venom lore for the entire rest of time. Symbiote is now for the first time unambigously evil. Eddie has cancer now and is a victim. His previous characterization and story is pretty much retconned. Sucks. Probably the worst year for Venom prior to 2019. 2004: Nobody knows, not even the writers. 2005-06: Blissful absence. 2007-08: We’re back to cheap Symbiote Is Addiction bullshit. But Eddie is set up onto the journey of recovery and briefly works with Aunt May. That last part is nice, but Eddie is basically a different character now anyway so. Still sucks. 2008-11: Anti-Venom time. Eddie is more Eddie than he’s been in the last 5 years, but Anti-Venom conceptually is just ????. It Could Be Worse, I Guess. 2012-13: We’re Toxin Now and by god, do I not understand what the themes and coherence is supposed to be at this point. 2014-15: Neither did anyone else so Eddie is pretty absent from those years. 2016: THE FIRST GOOD YEAR IN NEARLY TWENTY YEARS. Conway and Costa bring Eddie back to who he actually is, comics are good once more. 2017-18: Still good, but it has Venomverse which is boring, so things get more boring here. 2019: A re-run of 2003. Donny Cates once more decides to destroy all Eddie stands for. He does it sliiiightly more coherently than Jenkins, but that’s a low bar and it really doesn’t help because it just makes the bullshit harder to ignore. Goddamn.
Verdict: out of 31 years of Eddie Brock, 13 are actually worth it, 5 are tolerable, 7 are unreadable garbage and 6 don’t contain any Eddie. Out the of the Eddie-containing 25 years, thus half are good.
My recommendation for maximum content and minimal headache is to read up to The Venom Agenda in 1998 and then skip ahead to 2016 tbh.
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searchingforbucky · 5 years
Happy New Years Guys 🌟
I know a lot of people are doing this, and I hate to add a sappy post to your feed, but I have to talk about how fantastically unpredictable this year has been for me.
This year has been a rollercoaster. I officially started my last year of college, I hit rock bottom in my mental health state, I moved into a new apartment, I adopted a dog! But the most important thing I did this year was start this account. I cannot begin to explain how much this account has helped me.
I was terrified to start it, interacting with people online scared me senseless. To do this account, a thing I’ve never seen before, and To put myself out there, as anonymous as I was, was nerve wracking.
But you guys accepted me into this site, into your conversations, and your stories with open arms and full hearts. You are all so supportive, and talented. You share your work and yourselves so selflessly and wonderfully. You all make me want to put myself out there and accomplish everything I’ve ever wanted to do. I can’t fathom how one fandom can hold so much talent and kindness and beautiful people. But I’m grateful that somehow I’m lucky enough to be in your guys’ presence.
No matter what our relationship, whether we speak daily or once every month or not at all, just know that what you have given me, the confidence and friendship you have allowed me to have, that I will take it and hold it with me for the rest of my life. Fandoms were never kind to me, but you all have made this the funest place to be.
Thank you for accepting me and this account onto your feeds. Thank you for allowing me to do something good in this fandom. Thank you for making 2019 an amazing year. I can only hope 2020 will live up to it 😊 to all of the friends I’ve made, I love you, and I hope our friendship will grow immensely next year. 💗
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luma-az · 5 years
Apocalypse tomorrow
Nouvelle écrite pour le concours https://www.wattpad.com/story/198493717-id%C3%A9es-folles-et-autres-fariboles
Une apocalypse, ça se prépare. Minutieusement.
Sans vraiment s’en rendre compte, par petites touches, c’est ce que les gens ont commencé à faire.
C’est logique, d’une certaine manière. Si la fin du monde est imminente et inévitable, comme on le craint de plus en plus, la population va peu à peu cesser de placer son énergie et ses espoirs dans sa propre sauvegarde et penser à la suite. Les humains sont de plus en plus dégoûtés d’eux-mêmes et de tout ce qu’ils ont fait et continuent de faire. Ils se disent qu’après tout, la fin ne sera pas une grande perte à l’échelle de l’univers. Et qui sait, la suite pourrait être bien plus intéressante.
On ne sait pas qui peut survivre à une fin du monde. Peut-être personne, peut-être une poignée de gens. Mais on sait que la vie ne s’arrête pas là et trouve son chemin d’une manière ou d’une autre. Peut-être que les suivants seront nos lointains descendants, peut-être qu’ils seront l’évolution d’une toute autre espèce. Quoi qu’il en soit, d’autres viendront après nous, et ce sont eux qui repartiront de zéro pour tout rebâtir. Autant prévoir, dès maintenant, ce dont ils auront besoin dans cette tâche titanesque.
On s’est mit à construire des bunkers pour les bibliothèques. De grands bâtiments à l’épreuve du temps. On a réfléchit à la manière de les protéger pour que les suivants ne les ouvrent pas trop vite, qu’ils ne gâchent pas de précieuses ressources intellectuelles à une époque trop barbare pour que quelqu’un s’intéresse aux vieux messages des anciens.
Il fallait aussi de quoi transmettre des informations pratiques également, de quoi aider à la survie immédiate. Des statues et des bas-reliefs retraçant, étape par étape, les moyens de développer les ressources de base. L’agriculture, la métallurgie, la poterie... Les suivants pourront sans doute se passer de domaines de pointe comme la pétrochimie – et les réserves seront sans doute épuisées d’ici là – mais ça ne fera pas de mal d’avoir quelques bases. Histoire de ne pas stagner trop longtemps à l’âge de pierre à nouveau. Nos successeurs ne méritent pas ça.
Et puis ils créeront leur propre technologie aussi. Il ne restera pas grand-chose des ressources auxquelles nous avons eu accès, mais il y en aura d’autres. Nous avons laissé un impact important sur cette planète et quelle que soit la manière dont tout finira, nous laisserons beaucoup de restes derrière nous. A eux d’être ingénieux et d’en tirer parti.
Ils vont être vulnérables un certain temps. Il faudra que certains endroits restent protégés. C’est assez difficile d’anticiper exactement comment l’Apocalypse va impacter la terre, mais on peut essayer. Sauver quelques coins, c’est plus facile que de sauver la planète entière. Donc on le fait.
Tout ça fait à partir des bonnes volontés de chacun.  Certains ne sont pas d’accord. Soit parce qu’ils croient encore pouvoir se sauver. Soit parce qu’ils estiment qu’il n’y aura aucun survivant du tout et que ça ne sert à rien. Mais globalement, les gens aiment bien cette idée de préparer l’après. Ils se demandent quelle image les descendants auront d’eux, qu’est-ce qu’ils raconteront, autour du feu, sur ces Anciens qui ont détruit leur propre monde. Ils essayent de leur transmettre aussi d’autres choses qui seront importantes. Des leçons de sagesse. Ce n’est pas parce qu’on ne les a pas appliquées qu’elles ne sont pas bonnes.
Pour ça, on a aussi construit des statues de nous, des symboles que nous trouvions importants. C’est difficile de se dire que la seule trace que laissera notre espèce sera la fin du monde et des montagnes de déchets. Il fallait que quelque chose d’autre perdure. Nos mythes. Nos rêves. Nos histoires.
Donc les gens se sont réunis et organisés. Il le faut, quand on veut construire des projets aussi colossaux. Ce n’est parce qu’ils n’avaient pas les moyens d’empêcher l’Apocalypse qu’ils sont dénués de talents. Tout le monde peut apporter sa pierre à l’édifice – et concernant certains édifices, il y a eu des milliers de gens qui ont littéralement apporté leur pierre. C’était beau, symbolique, et fort. Un moment de communion comme notre monde en connait peu. La fin du monde est le seul projet qui unit tant de personnes sur la Terre entière. A travers ces constructions, notre société a un but à nouveau, quelque chose qui donne de l’élan et de l’espoir aux gens.
On ne sait pas à quoi ressemblera la suite, mais on spécule, on essaye d’imaginer. A quoi pourrait ressembler un monde totalement différent du nôtre, élevé sur nos restes ? Nous pouvons facilement lister toutes les erreurs à éviter – après tout, nous les avons toutes commises - mais savoir ce qui pourrait être fait à la place est bien plus compliqué. Nous essayons de comprendre, dans notre histoire, dans notre présent crépusculaire, ce qui est bon et précieux, ce qui fonctionne bien, ce qui pourra pousser nos successeurs bien plus loin que nous n’avons été. Nous cachons des messages, des conseils qui ne pourront être accessibles qu’à certains types de sociétés, certaines philosophies. De petites récompenses pour encourager ceux qui choisiraient de bons chemins.
Au final nous pensons tant à ceux qui viendront après nous que nous en oublions notre propre funeste destin. Nos esprits restent légers et nos cœurs vaillants tandis que nous travaillons, réfléchissons, bâtissons, cachons, écrivons sans relâche. Nous restons constamment tournés vers le futur. Des milliers d’années avant leur naissance, les suivants nous aident à tenir le cap sans faillir, sans dévier de notre route, droit vers le précipice. Nous ne pouvons plus avoir d’enfants. Notre espèce meurt. Mais nous n’aurons pas vécu en vain.
Il fallait que les suivants soient alertés des dangers qu’ils pourraient rencontrer, mais aussi des merveilles qu’ils peuvent créer. Si nous avons su aller aussi loin, faire naitre une société aussi grandiose, alors vous le pouvez aussi, ou vous pouvez faire mieux encore. Souvenez-vous de nous, même si c’est sous forme de fable et de spéculations, souvenez-vous que les humains ont existé et qu’ils ont remodelé le monde, souvenez-vous de nous et n’oubliez pas que vous pouvez faire bien plus que seulement survivre.
Retrouvez mes autres textes sur mon profil Wattpad : https://www.wattpad.com/user/Luma_az
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imlittleredbird · 6 years
Figli d’inchiostro.
Stavo revisionando Stelle funeste (sì, sì, giuro che vi darò una data prima o poi) e ho dovuto fermarmi per scrivere questo post.
Stavo revisionando, dicevo, e mi sono ritrovata a sorridere. Era una scena particolarmente melensa su Rae e Julian, si parlava di sentimenti, di ricordi, di cose condivise in passato, e ho provato nostalgia per i bei tempi andati insieme a loro.
Mi capita, con i personaggi. Mi capita quando leggo, quando scrivo le mie storie e quando scrivo (uff, va bene, scrivevo) fan fiction.
Quando mi affeziono ai personaggi di cui leggo nei libri o che vedo nelle serie tv, io li adotto, scavo nel loro passato, invento i pezzi che mancano, ricucio le ferite e (poveri loro) ne creo di nuove.
Quando scrivo dei personaggi originali delle mie storie, li partorisco. Dalla tastiera (e a volte dalla penna o dalla matita) nascono i miei figli d’inchiostro.  Hanno un’infanzia, una giovinezza, un’età adulta, una vecchiaia. Anche se non metto per iscritto tutto il loro percorso (e anche se, lo ammetto, qualcuno alla vecchiaia non ci arriva), nella mia testa hanno tutti una storia lunga una vita.
Suonerà strano, stupido o ingenuo, ma rido con loro, piango con loro, mi innamoro con loro, soffro con loro. Tutto quello che loro sentono parte prima da me, eppure lo sento solo quando sono loro a tirare tutto fuori.
Forse tutto il resto degli scrittori del mondo potrebbe dire la stessa cosa, forse sto solo pensando troppo (come mio solito).
Io, comunque, lo trovo fottutamente interessante.
E passatemelo il francesismo, che quei due deficienti di Rae e Julian mi stanno facendo impazzire.
E voi? Lettori o scrittori che siate, cosa provate con i vostri figli d’inchiostro?
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simbatokonga · 5 years
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Sincères gracieusetés à @monaalidrissi pour m'avoir laisser acquérir la permission de faire partager ses stories. Le Québec est en train de traverser une crise majeure. Nos leaders politiques s'avèrent hélas trop fort bien véreux afin de pas endiguer les défaillances identitaires comme socio-économiques véritables de cette province en préférant soit s'abstiner de réponse, leur couardise aussi légendaire qu'un Ponce Pilate, soit en se propulsant eux-mêmes ET pour leurs propres intérêts égoïstes vers les plus hautes instances de l'arène du pouvoir sur le dos du populisme grisant de troupeaux de plus en plus hystériques et apeurées par leurs propres ombres. Une Guerre des Tuques nous distrait tous trop bien des monticules fondants d'aplomb sous le soleil ardent de la réalité, nous conjurant davantage une atmosphère putride derrière cet amont de superstitions et d'illusions... une pomme se pourrie et l'abrisseau rabougrie mais encore pleine de vitalité de notre économie se doit d'être corrigée. Le Quèbec possède une opportunité de figurer enfin en tant que région politiquement exemplaire au sein de la façe du monde occidental, ou embrasser davantage la folie de leurs voisins du sud et courir à de bien funestes conséquences pour le peuple tout entier. Ce nettoyage ethnique en sourdine, cette 《Inquisition Tranquille》 doit cesser. #québec #montréal #canada #xénophobie #crise #loisdiscriminatoires #discrimination #profilage https://www.instagram.com/p/BwLNeijA3x5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tug7fqkopu27
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Play To Win »
Author:  Enterprisingly  (Tumblr: @commandercait)| Word Count: 69.4k (WIP) | Rating: Explicit
Summary: Ben Solo – aka KyloRen – is a professional gamer, playing the first-person-shooter StarKiller for the internationally ranked esports team, The First Order. He’s made a name for himself as a ruthless competitor with a ferocious temper and top-notch skills that can’t be beat. That is, until a mystery player named ReyOfLight begins thoroughly trouncing him whenever they cross paths.
What follows is the unlikely story of a rivalry that turns into a friendship that turns into… something else entirely. All while the esports community watches with bated breath and popcorn in hand.
Why You Should Read It: Ok, I’ll admit it: I’m weak for gaming AUs. I’m a gamer, my dad is a gamer, my best friends are all gamers, and I dated a guy for four years that studied Videogame Design and was ranked high-tier Diamond on League of Legends. It’s in my blood. Of course I love gaming AUs, the familiar dynamics and language, the vicarious thrill of the game. Enterprisingly’s fic has all the little things that are so much fun about this AU, but doesn’t stop there.
In my opinion, good fics are like Shreks, or like onions (but not like cakes): they have layers. Layers within the characters: in P2W, how Ben Solo interacts in front of a camera, with his team, with Snoke, and with Rey (a relationship whose development acts as a “peeling” process). Layers within the world: the multiple dynamics between characters and in relation to their personal stories. Layers are what make a story rich, and Enterprisingly draws upon them to make a great narrative of one of the funest tropes. 
If you are looking for a good fun time, combined with great character/relationship development and a story that you can’t put down, this is your fic.
Content and Warnings: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Humor, Drama, Online Friendship, Professional Gaming AU, Profuse Cursing, Slow Burn
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years
06/09/2018 DAB Transcript
1 Kings 5:1-6:38, Acts 7:1-29, Psalms 127:1-5, Proverbs 16:28-30
Today is the 9th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is a pleasure and an honor to be here with you today as we get ready to close the books on another week. And we've been reading from the Amplified Bible this week, which is what we will continue to do today. We are following the story of King Solomon as we go through the Old Testament portion of 1 Kings. And we have just seen a blip on the radar of this man named Stephen, who we're going to get to know a little bit in the book of Acts. But first, 1 Kings chapter 5 and chapter 6 today.
Okay. So, we have heard of the temple of God in Jerusalem probably for a very, very long time. Today in our reading from 1 Kings, that temple is first built. Prior to this, there was no temple. There was only a tabernacle, more of a tent temple if you will. And this is how God had chosen to be among His people. If we'll remember all of this from the time of Moses, the temple was in the center of the camp and all of the different tribes had spread out from there. God was literally dwelling with his people in the middle of their society. And it was portable and it was movable so that the people would follow wherever God led. Now a temple has been erected that is a permanent place in Jerusalem. And as we will see, this brings an incredible amount of stability to the people.
Now when we get to the book of Acts, Stephen is being questioned and he has begun to tell the story of the Hebrew people. This is in his defense because he's basically being accused of perverting that story. So, he's just simply telling the story to the council so that he can show that he knows how the story goes and that he actually is a Hebrew person. And, so, right up until the time that he gets to Jesus we will be reviewing the territory that we have covered this year so far in the Bible, in the Old Testament. But one of the things that Stephen is accused of is Jesus’ declaration about tearing down the temple and then building it back in three days. Now that temple, the temple in Stephen’s time, the temple in Jesus’ time, is a different temple than the one Solomon built today. The one Solomon built today is what would be referred to now as the first temple. So, the first temple period or era. Eventually, Solomon's temple gets destroyed. And we'll get to that story soon enough. And then it is rebuilt over time and then it is really rebuilt in the time of Herod the Great, which would fall in time just a bit before Jesus’ birth. So, we'll get to all that, but let's just continue to listen to Stephen tell the story that we've gone through as that story reaches its culmination. And then we'll continue to watch Solomon. Now there's a temple in Jerusalem and there's gonna be a great celebration and we'll continue with his reign.
Father, we thank You for another week in Your Word. We thank You for all the things that You've spoken to us. Sometimes You speak deep into our hearts and reveal things that we must change and repent of. Sometimes the story gets carried forward and we see how things are linked together. Always You are inviting us to take the next step forward in relationship with You, and that is what we continually choose to do and Your Word guides our steps. So, come Holy Spirit, we pray.  Plant the words of the Scriptures in our lives and change us through them, we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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And one of the things that we're talking about right now is the forthcoming Daily Audio Bible Family Reunion, a first of its kind. We do a lot of travel. I'm somewhere else besides here a lot of the time. And we're inviting you to come here to the rolling hills of Tennessee, where we can enjoy a family reunion. Like I said, first of its kind and it's gonna be great. We’re looking forward to it. It's over Labor Day weekend, which is September 1 and 2. And you can get all the details at dailyaudiobible.com. Just scroll down to the Initiatives section, look for Family Reunion. Or you can click the navigation at the top of the website. Click the Initiatives button there and you'll find it. Hope you can come. It's gonna be great. It's filling up. We're gonna have a blast. I think this is gonna be one of the funest things maybe we've done. And, so, I'm looking forward to it. So, check it out. dailaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in keeping this global campfire burning, this community that we share with each other every day as we take a step forward in the Scriptures. If that has been meaningful to you, then thank you for your partnership. There is a link. It's on the homepage of dailyaudiobible.com. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174.
And, as always if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for next month, which is tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi family. I’m calling…I need your help. I have been listening to the DAB for almost since the beginning. And recently I’ve been hearing a lot of prayers with women calling in about their husbands, which has given me a little bit more courage to call in. I used to call in on a regular basis but I kind of stopped but I do pray for everybody. I’m in trouble with my marriage. My husband has recently retired and he did allow me to retire. He was a doctor. So, we can afford for me to retire. I had a laborious job that’s really…I was just exhausted all of the time. So, he did allow me to retire. And I’m only 61. So, I’m very grateful and thankful for that. But being a doctor, he is very controlling, and he has three nurses that they just did everything that he wanted them to do. And now it’s turned out to be me. And I apologize if I hang up quickly because he might commend. But I’ve started drinking a lot. Nobody knows about it, but I am…I am so sad. I cry every day. I just do what he says. I can’t talk back to him. I can’t stand up. My sister asked me why I can’t stand up on my own two feet. But he always manages to turn everything around back to me. I need your help. I need your prayers. Please, I love you. Please help me. I don’t want to do. I pray. I pray every day. I just need your help family. I love you. I love you so much. Thank you, Brian, thank you Jill for all you do.
Hello DAB family. Hello Brian and family. I guess you can call me __ would be my name. I’ve been listening to DAB for, it’s going on at least 5 to 6 years or so, right? But this is my first time calling. I would just like prayer. I’m a single mother but I don’t feel a lot of joy in that. I just feel like everything that I enjoyed I can no longer enjoy. I mean, even the work that I used to do, traveling, and training, and technical work, I can’t do that anymore. So, my life completely started over. __ over the years. And my prayer is __. So, my prayer request for the community is family. I’m not finding that in my church, even though __ several years __ five years committed to the same church. It just seems like, sermons is…is pretty much not a requirement __. I want to life. I want to life. I want something different. I’m not happy with my job. __ the basis of my life __ and managing the house. And that’s where I am. And that’s what I want prayer for. __ thank you all. Have a good week.
Hello friends. Hey, this is Annette Allison. I love you guys. Hey, would you guys pray for my friend David at work? Tell you what. This guy, he handed it to me. You know what I’m saying? So, I get this new guy in my shop and he’s kind of overweight and kind of old and kind of sweaty and kind of reminds me of the dog named Lucky, missing a few teeth. All he did was that there and sweat. And it’s like, he was quiet, and he never talked to anybody. And I was like, what’s up with this guy? I was kinda busy with my project and I didn’t get the chance to know him. And, well, I’ve changed locations and I got sat next to David and pretty soon I got to know him and I got to figure out what an amazingly intelligent, smart, funny, he is hilarious, and he is so smart, and I have learned so much from him, including how not to judge a book by its cover. Awe….I failed. I had to ask forgiveness. I kid you not…in that, I asked for God to show me people as He sees them not as we see them. Awe…so…I did learn a lesson out of this. But my friend David is very sick. He’s in the hospital. He’s in ICU. He’s been fighting pulmonary obstructions and I think that maybe he has one in his lung. But he came to work and he fell out from low blood pressure. And would you guys please pray for him? And we are all really worried because, you know, because we kind of fell in love with them, you know? And, you know, I just don’t want to see him go out like this. So, would you all please pray for my friend David? And…
Hi family. This is Jeanette from Charlotte. This is my first time calling in and like so many of you, I have been listening and pray along with you all for quite a while now. I want to ask for prayer for my husband Vince. He has Parkinson’s disease and his symptoms have progressed to the point that he’s going to have brain surgery called the brain simulation. This surgery happens in three stages, the first of which will be on June the 5th, when they place 4 screws called fiducial’s under his scalp to serve as markers. The second phase happens on June 13th. This is the most invasive part of the process, where they drill holes in his skull and place electrodes into his brain. The last stage happens on June 25th when they place of battery pack on his chest, kind of similar to what they do for a pacemaker. On July 10th they will actually turn it on for the first time and we’ll find out how it works for him. Vince has been struggling so much. We have been asking God to heal him since he was diagnosed in 2008. We realize that God uses everything in our lives to draw us closer to Him. So, would you please pray that, number one, we will draw still closer to God through this process and that God will accomplish what He desires in our lives? Number two, would you please pray for an extraordinarily successful outcome, so that Vince can regain a good quality of life and that he would be able to do things again? We really want God to be glorified above all else. Vince and I love and appreciate you, family. Thanks for your prayers.
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