#stories with 20-40 pages could be told in the time of a tv show episode and i have a few like that! :)
britishchick09 · 2 years
i came up with a rewrite book title- fun in ‘91! B)
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(Originally written on October 8, 2020)
🎵Bang, Bang Bangedy Bang
I said a Bang Bang Bangedy Bang🎵
My How I Met Your Mother Thoughts
I just spent the last nine seasons in New York with the gang that spends all their time in MacLaren’s Pub. SELF FIVE! I have to say, this binge of How I Met Your Mother brought me so much happiness. I started watching this show for the first time back in high school, and I ended up watching the last six seasons as they aired. I remember loving this group of characters, and now I am reminded why. There’s so much chemistry between the five, and it makes for one of my favorite Comedies/Sitcoms of all time. If you’ve read any of my previous Show Thoughts, then you know I’ve been watching several over the course of this lovely Pandemic That Will Just Keep Going. After this rewatch, I’ve decided HIMYM is my third favorite Comedy/Sitcom, right after Boy Meets World and Scrubs.
Now, I know that the Finale is infamous. It’s in the Mount Rushmore of Terrible Endings, and people end up getting a sour taste in their mouth when they bring up the show. Well, it’s been some years. There’s been time to reflect and look back. And, while I’m not in favor of the Finale, I also don’t hate it anymore with the passion of a thousand suns. I just loved watching and growing with the gang, seeing them experience their highs and their lows, their triumphs and their failures. It just hits harder as an adult, like most of these shows assuredly do, and I cherish so many of these episodes and moments.
And now, my rankings for the seasons!
Seasons Rankings
1. Season One
2. Season Four
3. Season Two
4. Season Six
5. Season Eight
6. Season Five
7. Season Three
8. Season Seven
9. Season Nine
My rankings for the girlfriends, purely on how much I like them as a character
The Girlfriends Rankings
1. Robin
2. Tracy
3. Victoria
4. Zoey
5. Stella
6. Jeannette
And now, a ranking of my favorite episodes. From 1-50, these are the ones that stand out above the rest. I consider every single one of these enjoyable.
Favorite Episodes
1. Slap Bet (S2E9)
2. Come On (S1E22)
3. The Limo (S1E11)
4. The Best Burger in New York (S4E2)
5. Ten Sessions (S3E13)
6. The Pineapple Incident (S1E10)
7. Bachelor Party (S2E19)
8. Game Night (S1E15)
9. Oh, Honey (S6E15)
10. Glitter (S6E9)
11. The Duel (S1E8)
12. The Pilot (S1E1)
13. Arriverdverci, Fierro (S2E17)
14. The Over-Correction (S8E10)
15. How Your Mother Met Me (S916)
16. Intervention (S4E4)
17. The Magician’s Code, Part II (S7E24)
18. The Autumn of Break-Ups (S8E5)
19. The Ducky Tie (S7E3)
20. The Best Man (S7E1)
21. The Leap (S4E24)
22. Blitzgiving (S6E10)
23. Three Days of Snow (S4E13)
24. The Scorpion & The Toad (S2E2)
25. Bass Player Wanted (S9E13)
26. The Final Page, Part 2 (S8E12)
27. Duel Citizenship (S5E5)
28. Happily Ever After (S4E6)
29. Farhampton (S8E1)
30. Bro Mitzvah (S8E22)
31. Robin 101 (S5E3)
32. The Magician’s Code, Part I (S7E23)
33. Last Words (S6E14)
34. The Playbook (S5E8)
35. The Time Travelers (S8E20)
36. Splitsville (S8E6)
37. Subway Wars (S6E4)
38. Showdown (S2E20)
39. Drumroll, Please (S1E13)
40. Front Porch (S4E17)
41. Twin Bed (S5E21)
42. Who Wants to be a Godparent? (S8E4)
43. Girls vs. Suits (S5E12)
44. Something Borrowed (S2E21)
45. As Fast As She Can (S4E23)
46. The Wedding Bride (S5E23)
47. The Bracket (S3E14)
48. The Sexless Innkeeper (S5E4)
49. Third Wheel (S3E3)
50. Spoiler Alert (S3E8)
And now, just some thoughts on the show and on the gang!
Ted - I know people don’t like Ted. I don’t actually like Ted all that much. And yet, I found myself rooting for Ted just like I did the first go around. He’s not the worst person in the world, and I would be scared to see half of the decisions we’ve made in the dating game stringed together into a TV show. I know people wouldn’t like me very much for those decisions. Then again, I also don’t get super crazy about details about buildings, I don’t pronounce encyclopedia that way, and he tends to stick his foot in his mouth with this White Man confidence that I just don’t have. With all that being said, I still find Ted being a great friend, a man who is just trying to find the love of his life, and someone who really drives this story with great tales and narration (Bob Saget is the Sixth Man of the Show for just always bringing it). I think Ted does stupid things and he pretty much admits it after the fact. He learns, sometimes, and also doesn’t much like most of us. When he finally found the Mother, when he finally found Tracy, I cared. I cared so much, and I still do. Even though they just shit on her character and don’t give us enough time with her, I almost wonder if that’s a metaphor for the fact that you won’t always have enough time with your loved ones.
Robin - Let’s go to the mall! Yeah! Robin Sparkles is a Canadian Treasure, and so is Robin Scherbatsky. She is one of the best things about this show, and I love her so. Played by Cobie Smulders who I need to see in more stuff, Robin is who we all wanted Ted to maybe be with first. Then we go through all the loops of the HIMYM roller coaster, and a lot of us still wanted them to be together. I was one of them. Yet, she was more than just a romantic plot line for Ted. She was a part of the group who we got to see join it and evolve into a member of their family organically. Robin is fun, loud, full of fun quirks that we get to learn over the course of the series. I was heartbroken when we found out she can’t have children. I was loving the back and forth between her and Barney (the first time), and kind of mad at Barney about being such a crazy ass prankster the second time. Robin shows us just how amazing some gun loving, hockey obsessed Canadian news anchor can be, and how much she cares for her friends.
Lily - Justice Aldrin ends up being one of my favorite characters, even if that gets some curious looks. Yeah, she left Marshall for a summer. Yeah, she had some hesitancy with the marriage and everything. That happens. Lily was also always there for her friends, even if she ends up going a little overboard. She wants Ted to find happiness, and does whatever she can to help. She is there to listen to Robin at all times, and her and Marshall are easily one of the best relationships in TV I’ve ever witnessed. Then we have Lily and Barney which is honestly super underrated. Barney trusts Lily, even though she can’t keep a secret, with all of his emotional problems. Lily is who thought Barney could change before anyone else, and I love seeing their friendship grow from eye rolls to eye tears.
Barney - Oh, Barney. He honestly brings so much annoyance and fun to the show. He’s the friend of the gang who everyone tolerates. He’s the one in the gang who everyone ends up loving just as much as everyone else. Barney shows such a terrible face to the world, sleeping with over 250 women and lying to most of them. He has all these rules that aren’t very ethical. He gives us most of the Misogynism in this show, which is definitely prevalent and makes the show not as strong as it was in the first watch. Still, we get to see Barney grow into someone who wants real love and a happy life. Sure, they show us that his marriage to Robin only lasts three years, but at least they tried. Barney just couldn’t make it work, and that’s honestly who Barney really is. A person who just enjoys sleeping with different people. I was very warmed to see the baby reveal and that Barney becoming a dad was what would change him more than anything. Barney is an underrated friend, and his importance to the gang is legendary.
Marshall - I. Love. Big Fudge. He’s just so fun, caring, goofy, loyal, and everything that I aspire to be in life. For some reason, when watching the show the first time, I related to Ted the most. I was definitely a bit more selfish then. But now, I see that I am a Marshall. He wants to do good in the world, and it drives him so much. He only loves Lily, and his loyalty to their relationship is just Goals. He is also the most fun to watch having a crisis. He gets the big eyes and covers his mouth and just gets obviously super uncomfortable. Some of my favorite moments of the show are also Marshall’s talks with Ted about his feelings for Robin. Any one-on-ones with Marshall and someone else are probably my favorite moments. And yes, I will always root for him over those damn machines!
Last Thoughts:
Sure, the writing wasn’t as sharp or as witty in the later seasons, but I loved the story lines and seeing the gang just live.
Tracy was an amazing character as The Mother, and I truly wonder what could have been if they had given us two full seasons of story with her instead of any episodes of Jeannette.
I really can’t believe Ted told his kids all those stories. A fun premise for a show, but really, not very realistic telling them all that jazz.
Ranjit and Carl are such fun recurring characters that I always enjoyed seeing every time they popped up.
Out of all the recurring jokes and gags, which there are many (y’all said Community has so many, but HIMYM really swings for it), I love the Major/General salute joke. Idk if I just didn’t care for it the first time around or forgot about it, but I just love how silly it is and how they kept it through to the very last episode.
Watching the gang sit at their table in MacLaren’s just hanging out will always make me smile.
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legxllyblxndc · 3 years
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thalia frank, 41 years old, primary school teacher: during a trip to the museum with her school, thalia met ashton. while he was showing the class around, the pair got on like a house on fire. he caught her just before she was leaving and asked her on a date. the pair went out for drinks. thalia didn’t know that he was in a relationship when they slept together. they had a short lived affair - only ending a couple months previously - when she found out about his girlfriend. thalia has every intention on telling poppy about what happened. 
chloe richards, 40 years old, cafe owner: when chloe was young, all she could dream about was opening her own cafe, with a little reading nook so people could eat cake and read. she was so determined to make it happen and never really had much of a chance to date. she had a couple of boyfriends but none that had lasted that long. she recently decided - after having the cafe for two years, to concentrate on love, now. she me jude after his break up with ava and he came into the cafe. she thought he looked pretty lonely so struck up a conversation. chloe has always loved hearing other peoples stories. the two of them ended up chatting for most of the afternoon and ended in chloe asking him on a date. he liked her confidence, how sure of herself she was and so he said yes. they’ve been dating since then and recently became official. 
franklyn brooks, 42 years old, english teacher: franklyn met river in the library. he was looking for a book and she was able to help him find it. they got chat after that and got on really, really well. they went out for dinner that even and basically saw one another every single day afterwards. a few months in, river found out that she was pregnant and growing up the way that he had, he proposed. he genuinely already thought he could be with river for the rest of his life. their daughter, ravens, birth and their wedding was the happiest time of his life. for the longest time, river, franlyn and raven were a team. they were happy. and franklin wasn’t even sure what changed, what caused him to cheat on his wife. but after fifteen years together, that was exactly what he did. he had been out with some friends on a stag do. he ended up talking to a couple of girls - he had always been a very friendly person, so that wasn’t out of the ordinary - and when one of the girls kissed him, he kissed her back. he went to her hotel room with her. and although it was only the one time, franklyn was torn apart by the guilt. he told river as soon as they got home. for a little while, they tried to make things work but after a couple of months, river told franklyn that she just couldn’t get past it. that she saw him differently and so she filed for divorce. his daughter hasn’t spoken to him since but franklyn is determined to win river back. he still loves her. 
brett porter, 41 years old, editor: when brett was asked to go to a comedy stand up night, he hadn’t known what to expect. it turned out to be one of the best nights of his life. it was that night that he met audrey mccoy. she had been with some of her friends - one of which was dating his friend. they were introduced and basically didn’t stop talking for most of the night. they swapped numbers and then he asked her out for dinner a couple of nights later. it wasn’t too long before they found out that audrey was pregnant with their daughter, phoebe. a couple of months after phoebe was born, brett proposed. they’ve been married for seventeen years now and he loves audreys other daughter, ivy, as much as he loves phoebe. he’s has had suspicions about audrey and ashton for a little while now and is really struggling being okay with him being back in her life. 
enid mcguinness, 40 years old, florist: when johnny and enid were set up on a blind date - by one of their mutual friends - she hadn’t expected to get on quite so well with him. he was everything that she had been looking for and the two of them quickly became official. he was her best friend and her boyfriend all rolled into one. pretty much straight away, enid started thinking up the life that they would have together. it was about a year after they had gotten together, that she found out that they were going to have a baby. although they hadn’t been together that long, enid was thrilled and so was johnny. they had twin boys - robin and teddy. and about a year later, they welcomed virginia to their family. it was just after ginny was born, that johnny proposed and of course she said yes. their wedding was a joyous occasion - with the boys being the page boys and ginny as their flower girl. although they were happy, just over a year after their wedding, enid started to think that the feelings she had for him were more friendship than love and once she spoke to johnny about it - she was relieved to hear that he had been thinking the same thing. they agreed to a trial separation, which resulted in their divorce. enid still has the utmost respect for johnny and still considers him as one of her closest friends. she is trying to ignore the return of butterflies in her stomach any time he’s around - she doesn’t want to complicate things. 
katherine ‘kat’ vincent, 24 years old, tv personality: ever since katherine was 18 years old, she has been on made in chelsea. she is the sister of one of the main cast so was only in a few episodes here and there for the first couple of years but people seemed to enjoy her dry sense of humour and how unafraid to tell it how it was so she was made a main cast member. when kat was told that lydia davenport was joining the cast, she was pretty excited. she had been following the other girls career for a little while now and she was looking forward to working with her. what she didn’t realise, though, was just how closely she and lydia were going to be working. after a few months of lydia working on the show, she and kat started dating. their relationship has never been straight forward. they’re both very firey people and so, sometimes, they can butt heads. it makes for great tv but it’s hard to properly form a strong relationship when they’re like that constantly. all kat really knows is that she likes being with lydia and she doesn’t really think that any of the rest of it matters that much.
oscar blake, 154 23 years old, police officer, vampire: growing up in 1867 in salem heights was difficult for oscar and his family. they were poor and finding the money for food was hard. as soon as he was old enough, oscar was sent to work in the factories so that he could bring in a little bit of money for his family. he had always dreamed of a bigger life, a better life and so when he was asked to run away with an older, wealthy woman when he was eighteen, he jumped at the chance. he didn’t say goodbye to his family. what oscar didn’t know, though, was that this woman was a vampire. when he found out, he demanded that she turn him - and she did. he was twenty three years old when he ‘died’ and oscars new life began. with his new found vampirism it meant that he was able to get whatever it was that he wanted from people and he absolutely exploited that. oscar travelled the world, discovered things that he never would have if he had stayed in the life he had, had at home. he came back to england, though, in 1940 and met charlotte gilmore. he took advantage of her need, using her as his personal blood bag, making sure that she never remembered and then - when he decided it was time - he changed her. oscar and charlotte were together for about ten years - he even took her back home with him - before he got bored and moved on. things didn’t tend to take oscars attention very much. he rarely makes connections with people and is forever moving from town to town and doing all the things that a working class boy in the late 1800s would never have been able to do. although, recently, thoughts of charlotte have been creeping in and he decided to try looking for her, just to see how she was doing.
lucy taylor, 21 years old, journalism student: lucy was born in salem heights and has always known about the supernatural and it was for that reason, that she was dying to get out of the town. when she started university, lucy moved to edinburgh. she was home during the christmas holiday when lucy met finn. her car broke down at the side of the road. he stopped to help her - eventually he towed the car into the garage that he worked out. he and lucy talking all the way there. there was an instant spark there and finn asked her out on a date when she came to pick up her car. it wasn’t the best first date - finn was so nervous - but lucy found that pretty endearing and so they went on a couple more before they decided to make things official. she really likes him and has no idea that he’s still so cut up over his ex girlfriend. they’ve decided that they’re going to try long distance. 
tristan odema, 20 years old, was a film & tv student, deceased: being from salem heights,  tristan was enveloped in the supernatural and it was something that never really bothered him. it was something that was just a part of the world. he was that kind of person though. as long as something wasn’t bothering him, then it wouldn’t be something that he really thought about it. about a year ago, tristan and another friend decided to tag along with enzo on a trip to london but on the way home, his friend swerved to miss an animal and enzo completely lost control of the car. tristan died in the car accident that they then had.  
george hunt,  239 27 years old, vampire: the world when george was turned into a vampire, was a world that’s incredibly different to the one that he is in now but he has been able to adapt. he enjoys the difference in the decades. george has never gone too far from his home - salem heights. he has the image of being the nice boy. he can come across as being incredibly kind and very funny when in reality, he’s actually the opposite. he is harsh and he is cold. he would change his personality to suit whoever it was that he was near and when he was done with the other, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill them. george has never been someone who was particularly careful with the pile of bodies that he left behind but he was always one step ahead of the hunters, too strong, too smart. he’s been drinking vervain since he had been changed, after all. george met nell when he returned to salem heights only a couple of months ago and he has set his sight son her, to charm her. so far, it seems to be working. 
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buttdawg · 3 years
AEW Dark and Dark Elevation
I’ve been trying to catch up on AEW from late March to present, and Dynamite was pretty fun, but these Dark and Dark Elevations have been kind of a slog.   I usually watch Dark in batches like this, so I think the fault mainly likes with Elevation for doubling the backlog.  
I finished DE#8 last night, so I only have this past Monday’s episode left to watch.   From what I’ve seen the show is fine.   Paul Wight seems to be fitting in well on commentary, and Tony Schiovane called the early months of Dark, so really, this is just More AEW Dark.   And that’s kind of the problem, because they promoted Elevation like it was something different.   
I thought the idea was that Elevation was supposed to emphasize the mid-tier performers as they competed for airtime on Dynamite.  That was kind of what Dark had become, as embodied by Scorpio Sky’s “Throne” promo last year.   The implication was that Dark wasn’t just a B-show, or bonus footage that they couldn’t make room for on Dynamite.   Dark was the place where all the wrestlers had to go when they couldn’t get booked on the A-show, and it was every wrestler’s goal to try to build up their win-loss record to get a spot on TV.  So Elevation seemed to offer this middle-tier, where if you won a lot of matches on Dark you could go wrestle more serious competition on Elevation, and maybe if you did well there you could get on Dynamite.  
Maybe I just misunderstood the concept, but Elevation just feels like More Dark, which defeats the point of the name of the show, if nothing else.    The Dark Order appears on all three shows, for example.    So does the Hardy Family Office.    So does Team Taz.   So does the Factory.    But then you’ve got Fuego Del Sol and Alex Gracia and Peter Avalon’s group, who are YouTube-only.   There’s an implied pecking order, but it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with what show people are on.  Fuego del Sol could easily appear on Dynamite, but it’d only be so he could get destroyed in a squash match, so it doesn’t matter. 
So it feels like Dark and Dark Elevation are just B-shows, like they seemed to be from the beginning.    The thing is, they used to do stuff with Dark from time to time.  I always wished they would do more, but they had a few running storylines and feuds that rewarded you for watching the show.  Now, that’s mostly a thing of the past.  I see a few segments with Avalon and Nemeth trying to make their stable sexier, but there’s no sense that it’s going anywhere.  It’s mostly squash matches, like WWF Superstars in 1990.    And THAT wouldn’t be so bad, except they’ve been making these Dark episodes over 90 minutes long, and now we have Dark Elevation doing the same thing.   Superstars was only an hour a week, if I remember right.   If you wanted more, you could check out WWF Wrestling Challenge, except they never advanced any storylines on Wrestling Challenge, so it really only mattered if you missed Superstars that week.
I have no idea what these shows are trying to be, other than just 28 wrestling matches a week that they wanted to show off but there wasn’t room on TV.   Is AEW’s YouTube channel pulling down huge numbers because of this?   If it is, then why don’t they make the matches more important?   Have Fuego del Sol feud with Peter Avalon.    Have Brian Cage lose the FTW title and try to get it back.  Have someone score an upset on Nyla Rose.   Do some matches where it’s not immediately obvious who’s going to win.    DE#8 had a nice Abadon vs. Ryo Miznami match and I was like “Oh, yeah, they should be doing this all the time.”
Maybe things will change when they get to do shows in front of live crowds again.   I’m not sure how they plan to tape THREE HOURS of dark matches alongside Dynamite every week in front of a live crowd, but at least there’d be an audience to weigh in on Layla Hirsch’s performances.   They did a video package about her recently, and it told us a few things about her, but there’s really no payoff to her story.   She’s very happy to be in AEW, and she just keeps plugging away on Dark, but there’s no sense that she’s close to breaking through to Dynamite, or even if that’s her immediate goal.   I think Alex Gracia has a cool look, but it never amounts to anything.   She just stays in the same role every week.    It’d be nice if the fans could force the issue, and AEW would have to recognize someone in that talent pool as being worthy of promotion.
All I know is that I don’t have time to watch 5-6 hours of AEW every week.  I think what I may start doing is only checking out the women’s matches on Dark and Dark Elevation.    That way I can keep up without actually sitting through the entire show.   Let me just run down the lineup for Dark #87
0:45 Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs vs Unannounced Tag Team
2:50 Leyla Hirsch vs Diamante
7:48 Varsity Blonds vs Liam Gray & Adrian Alanis
13:23 SCU vs Jake St. Patrick & Spencer Slade
19:50 Big Swole vs Megan Bayne
25:20 Sonny Kiss & Joey Janela vs Kit Sackett & Justin Law
29:59 Kilynn King vs Julia Hart
35:25 Serpentico w/ Luther vs PAC w/ Penta El Zero M & Rey Fenix
40:17 The Bunny vs Leila Grey
45:30 PAC Backstage Interview 
46:03 The Acclaimed vs David Ali & Vary Morales
51:51 Hughes Bros vs. Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky
57:55 Ryan Nemeth, JD Drake, & Cezar Bononi  vs Evil Uno, Stu Grayson & Alex Reynolds
1:09:28 Dante Martin vs Danny Limelight 
1:21:06 Lance Archer vs Luther
I mean look at this card.    They have the temerity to call the last four matches a “Quadruple Main Event.”   Like it’s fucking WrestleMania or something.  Dolph Ziggler’s brother is in the main event?  Danny Limelight is in the main event?  Fuck outta here. 
But if I pare it down to the women’s matches, it’s a lot more appealing.    Hey, they’re letting the Bunny wrestle!   That sounds like a good time.  And I might as well check out the Lance Archer match and the PAC stuff while I’m at it.     But the rest of this show looks like the other twelve shows I watched all this past week.    It’s a mess.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, November 30
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: The Kennedy family torn apart 
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Page 2: Angry and isolated Caitlyn Jenner is on a downward emotional spiral that some friends believe have left her one step from the psycho ward -- she feels shunned by her own family and can’t find romance and is unhappy with with her looks -- Caitlyn is so tense and insecure and sensitive about everything so she’s diving into more and more prospective projects in a desperate effort to kickstart her flagging career and she’s flying off the handle all the time plus she’s tried to drown her sorrows in a new round of cosmetic improvements including a face-lift and lipo to trim her waist and thighs but she’s horrified she’s still not happy with her looks after all her surgeries 
Page 3: Lovestruck Halle Berry has leapt headfirst into a red-hot romance with Van Hunt but the singer is a skirt-chasing cheat -- Van and his ex-wife split in 2007 after she said he abandoned her and their only child to move to L.A. and she claimed the musician admitted adultery shortly before divorce documents were filed -- Halle would be disturbed to hear that Van walked out on his son because she’s a very family-oriented person and she could never imagine living on the other side of the country to her kids -- Van’s grown and matured since the divorce and is sure to have shared all about his situation with Halle and he’s said to be on good terms with his ex-wife but people say once a cheater always a cheater and that’s got to be at the back of Halle’s mind 
Page 4: Runaway Prince Harry is reeling after being publicly snubbed by his royal relatives and now he is having second thoughts about ditching his official duties for a glam life in Hollywood; he’s finally realizing just what he gave up when he left England with wife Meghan Markle and their son Archie and he’s wondering if it was worth it -- the simmering rift between Harry and the royals exploded after they refused his request to be part of Britain’s Remembrance Day ceremonies to honor fallen soldiers so Harry retaliated by staging a photo op at Los Angeles National Cemetery with Meghan with his military medals pinned on his navy suit; Harry was banned from wearing his military uniform when he quit royal duties and he also had to give up his military duties which devastated him -- photos from the cemetery released by the couple triggered an immediate backlash and they were accused of being shameless publicity-seekers trying to steal headlines and overshadow the royals doing their duty back home; it was a disaster and Harry was shocked -- he’s reaching out to the palace to make amends but calls to his brother Prince William and father Prince Charles have gone unanswered
* Katie Holmes and Emilio Vitolo Jr.’s hot new romance is in a pressure cooker as their families fight to claim the couple as their guests for the holidays -- things were going great for them but this tug-of-war may tear them apart because Emilio’s folks told him they want him home with them but Katie is desperate to spend Christmas with her relatives in Ohio and they really want to meet her new boyfriend and Katie is feeling guilty because she spends so much time with Emilio’s clan at his dad’s Manhattan eatery so she thinks it’s only fair that he does this for her but Emilio’s never missed a holiday gathering with his own family and there are a lot of them he hasn’t seen because of the pandemic 
Page 5: Celine Dion is finally ready to put the past behind her as the fifth anniversary of her beloved husband’s death approaches in January and she is planning to leave Las Vegas with their sons and she is pining to return to her native Quebec and give twins Nelson and Eddy and 19-year-old Rene-Charles a taste of her own childhood -- Celine had been careful to not upset her kids’ lives since the death of their dad from throat cancer but she now believes the boys would benefit from spending time in The Great White North -- she also thinks it might be more likely she’ll find lasting love in her home country 
Page 6: Defiantly plump Lizzo has ditched her diet and frightened friends are staging an intervention to get her to a fat farm to save her life -- Lizzo had committed to eating vegan after weighing in at 350 pounds but once on vacation it lasted like two days before she couldn’t take it any longer -- she has anxiety issues and uses food to comfort herself but the stress the weight is putting on her heart and other organs could have a detrimental effect on her health and cut her life short
Page 7: Mark Harmon and Pauley Perrette have agreed to meet for peace talks after a long-simmering feud triggered her angry departure from NCIS and Mark reached out to her to invite her back -- Mark feels bad about how Pauley left the show and knows she played a big role in its success and he’s anxious to set things right between them and bring back one of the show’s favorite all-time characters for fans -- Mark also feels he’s been painted unfairly in Pauley’s departure and would like to know he was not behind it but the two clashed for years with Pauley charging Mark’s bullying caused her to quit the show and Pauley even tweeted she is terrified of Harmon and him attacking her -- while Pauley is not saying yes or no to returning to the show she’s definitely willing to sit down and talk 
* The drama between sickly Phil Collins and his squatting ex-wife Orianne Cevey is really getting down and dirty with Orianne charging that Phil degenerated into a pill-popping addict who stopped showering and brushing his teeth and was impotent and she also claimed Phil became emotionally and verbally abusive and refused to provide emotional support or love or care for her -- Phil’s lawyers said Orianne’s charges are scandalous and scurrilous and unethical and for the most part patently false or grossly exaggerated
Page 8: Power-hungry host Savannah Guthrie is gunning to be the reigning queen of Today and is willing to walk over anyone to achieve her goal and her blind ambition is ripping the once-invincible morning show apart and she even used Al Roker’s prostate cancer diagnosis to push her own agenda and capitalize on Al’s absence for surgery to demand more airtime for herself -- every meeting starts with the focus on whatever Savannah wants and the staff is far from happy about it and morale has never been worse -- Savannah has constantly pushed the producers for Jenna Bush Hager and herself to take the lead on big news stories and keep Hoda Kotb stuck in the fluffy stuff and Hoda’s completely pissed off -- Savannah’s rising star has come with temper tantrums and diva-like demands -- fed-up Hoda recently met with friends of Gayle King and there is speculation the two women could make a powerful pairing and revitalize third-place CBS This Morning 
Page 9: Regis Philbin’s death certificate reveals paramedics waged a desperate 40-minute battle to try to save his life -- he suffered a heart attack just after 3 a.m. on July 24 at his home in Connecticut and he was rushed to the emergency room where medics fought to save his life but he eventually succumbed at 4:18 a.m. 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Queen Latifah on the NYC set of The Equalizer, socially distant host Ellen DeGeneres went the extra mile to greet guest Jimmy Kimmel on her talk show, Steve Schirripa and Bridget Moynahan shot Blue Bloods in NYC, Kristen Taekman prettied up her pout in L.A., Tracy Morgan attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new community center at Brooklyn’s Marcy Houses 
Page 11: Smitten ‘70s TV stars Patrick Duffy and Linda Purl may owe their late-in-life romance to Zoom but according to the actress the couple didn’t rush their relationship -- the two have been friends for decades but a COVID-19 group video chat helped spark love during lockdown -- after one of their lengthy one-on-one conversations Patrick jumped into his car and drove 20 hours from L.A. to her Colorado home like a lovestruck teenager 
* Beloved Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek left behind a final touching message for his fans and it will be extremely moving -- Alex’s final message will follow his last episode of Jeopardy! set to air on Christmas Day
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- Joel Michaely at the opening of The Comeback Trail (picture)
* Kelly Clarkson’s divorce meant she booted ex Brandon Blackstock out of her professional life but he’ll still be in her work life thanks to Blake Shelton -- Brandon might not be Kelly’s manager anymore but he still manages Blake which might get awkward when Kelly runs into him backstage at The Voice
* Keeping Up with the Kardashians is notching all-time low ratings and the family is blaming Kim Kardashian saying she’s lost her sense of humor and she’s too busy trying to be taken seriously
* Nitpicky Ryan Seacrest has ditched celebrity designer Nate Berkus’ husband Jeremiah Brent as his decorator because they had a nasty falling out over the renovation of Ryan’s townhouse in New York City 
Page 13: Steve Harvey’s daughter Lori Harvey escaped jail time after cops claimed she fled the scene of a Beverly Hills car crash in 2019 -- she was charged with two misdemeanors for hit-and-run and delaying a police investigation after she walked away from a smashup that damaged her Mercedes G-wagon and nearly destroyed another vehicle but she cut a deal with prosecutors and pleaded no contest to resisting arrest and will serve two years probation -- she reportedly had been texting at the time of the accident 
* Reba McEntire confirmed she turned down a regular role on The Voice which left the life-changing gig open for Blake Shelton -- Reba said she didn’t think she could ever tell somebody that they’re terrible 
* Cancer warrior Olivia Newton-John revealed she kicked a dependence on morphine with medical marijuana -- to cope with her pain during her third bout with breast cancer that had spread in 2017 doctors put her on mega doses of the highly addictive drug and she weaned herself off the morphine with the cannabis which she thinks is incredible and says people should know that because you’re not going to die from cannabis and you can use it to wean off morphine and she’s continued on a regime with cannabis ever since 
Page 14: Crime 
Page 15: Los Angeles’ newly elected District Attorney George Gascon has vowed to reopen the probe into actress Natalie Wood’s mysterious drowning and her husband Robert Wagner could finally be dragged before a grand jury -- Gascon said he’ll work with investigators from the L.A. Sheriff’s Department homicide squad to reexamine the case after the previous D.A. refused to present evidence to a grand jury -- Natalie drowned in 1981 while enjoying a holiday with Robert and actor Christopher Walken off Catalina Island 
Page 16: The Talk has been thrown into chaos by cast shake-ups and co-host Sharon Osbourne’s power grab and may be on the verge of being silenced forever -- staffers are expecting the worst after popular co-host Eve announced she was splitting after four seasons becoming the latest in a long line of damaging departures and while Eve blamed her exit on COVID-19 travel restrictions from England much of the blame goes to self-promotional Sharon’s relentless efforts to take over the show after former moderator Julie Chen’s departure last year -- Sharon has made it clear she’s in charge now and the other ladies are not thrilled with being reduced to supporting cast and fans have started calling for Sharon’s head 
Page 17: John Lennon’s widow Yoko Ono has sparked fears she’s nearing the end after handing her business dealings off to their son Sean Lennon -- the wheelchair-bound Yoko had been managing the late Beatle’s vast $800 million holdings since his 1980 shooting death but it’s now beyond her abilities
Page 18: American Life 
Page 19: Johnny Depp is writing and planning to star in a tell-all movie about his divorce war with loathed ex-wife Amber Heard -- after a U.K. court ruled he was physically abusive toward Amber during their marriage Johnny wants to tell the world his version of the marriage and he will set people straight about what happened and clear his name to millions to fans and he believes this is a slam dunk once he gets it in front of the right producer especially as he’s more than willing to play himself 
* The family of vicious Boston mobster James “Whitey” Bulger has filed a lawsuit against the federal government accusing prison officials of orchestrating the 2018 hit on the Mob boss -- the action accuses the Federal Bureau of Prisons of intentional or deliberately indifferent deeds that led to the murder of the wheelchair-bound mobster just hours after he was inexplicably transferred to the Hazelton penitentiary in West Virginia where he was beaten to death by prisoners to keep him from singing about corruption inside the FBI and the Department of Justice -- Whitey was bludgeoned with a padlock stuffed inside a sock and his murderers had enough time to cut out his tongue and eyes to make it seem like a classic Mafia hit 
Page 20: Angelina Jolie lives in constant fear one of her six children will be kidnapped and held for ransom according to her former bodyguard -- Angie and her ex Brad Pitt are worth hundreds of millions which Angie feared provided plenty of incentive for criminals to target her offspring
* Hollywood Hookups -- Sofia Richie and Matthew Morton dating, Sabrina Parr and Lamar Odom split, Daniela Rajic and Paul George engaged
Page 21: Justin Bieber’s pastor Carl Lentz lost his job over a steamy affair with an exotic beauty -- Lentz was fired from the megachurch Hillsong and his mistress claimed the two were in love 
* Wildlife lover Bindi Irwin has announced 20 weeks into pregnancy her baby is the size of a tiny emu -- she delivered the news flash beneath a photo with her husband Chandler Powell appropriately taken at the Australia Zoo
* Hugh Grant made a bizarre confession admitting his bout with COVID-19 left him wanting to sniff strangers’ armpits -- Hugh revealed he tested positive for coronavirus antibodies and believes he contracted the bug in February and the illness caused a feeling of an enormous man sitting on his chest but Hugh also claimed he was rattled by losing his sense of smell which is a known symptom of the disease and purposely sought out putrid odors to test his useless nose 
Page 22: Jailed Ghislaine Maxwell’s latest devastating court defeat has heightened fears that the woman accused of being billionaire sex fiend Jeffrey Epstein’s madam will die behind bars just as he did -- since July Maxwell has been locked up in solitary confinement at Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center where her jailers subject her to daily strip and cell searches and is monitored 24 hours a day she doesn’t suffer the same fate as Epstein whose death was officially ruled a suicide -- now the U.S. Court of Appeals has denied her bid to publicly name the women who have come forward in the media and civil actions as Epstein’s alleged victims and implicated the British socialite in his twisted sex ring so the damning decision upheld an earlier ruling and shattered her defense team’s bid to investigate and refute the claims of the unnamed accusers
Page 23: Tom Cruise’s plan to shoot the first movie in space may be in jeopardy after Russia vowed to beat him to it -- Tom has teamed with tech billionaire Elon Musk’s SpaceX program to film the unnamed project on the International Space Station in October 2021 -- but a rival Russian agency plans to already be in outer space by then and the Russian film is titled Challenge and its team has sent out a casting call for a female lead -- Tom sees this as a gauntlet being thrown down and he always rises to the challenge and he’s told SpaceX they have to get up there before next October
Page 28: Cover Story -- Kennedy curse rips clan apart -- the family takes sides as Michael Skakel skates and William Kennedy Smith stalls $50 million will 
Page 32: Ric Ocasek’s oldest son has blasted him as a deadbeat dad who was never there -- Chris Otcasek who uses the original spelling of the family name wrote on Instagram that his father in essence died the day he was born and he was never present and he was never there -- Ric left his mom who was his second wife Suzanne while she was pregnant with their second child 
* Lisa Marie Presley has had a medical emergency so severe it brought her bitter custody trial with fourth ex-husband Michael Lockwood to a halt 
Page 36: Health, Ask the Vet 
Page 38: Pope John Paul II was aware that disgraced and defrocked Cardinal Theodore McCarrick was a pedophile but elevated him anyway to the powerful post of Archbishop of Washington D.C. in 2001 -- McCarrick had showered over $600,000 in donations on powerful clerics including Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict while facing allegations of abuse -- Pope Francis finally defrocked McCarrick in 2019 
Page 42: Red Carpet -- Mandy Moore 
Page 45: Spot the Differences -- Emma Corrin as Princess Diana in The Crown 
Page 47: Odd List 
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kristyavson · 5 years
Gene’s Ducktales Adventure/Gene-Centered AU. Season: 1 and Episodes: 26
Ducktales 1987 AU: Gene’s Ducktales Adventure/Gene-Centered. Season: 1 and Episodes: 26 (gene will appear in most episodes)
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"Send in the Clones"- season 1, ep. 6 ( Everyone begins seeing double when Magica DeSpell gets the Beagle Boys to help her steal scrooge’s Number One Dime, disguising them as the nephews. Can the nephews expose them before the dime is stolen (and before Mrs. Beakley loses her mind)?, they didn't know that gene lives here too because he’s new)
"Where No Duck Has Gone Before"-season 1, ep. 8 (gene already knows of what's real and what's not, he read it all about Hollywood movies/tv show works on the encyclopedia. he plays along for Doofus and the boys' sake and their safety. but he won't be doing this alone, Launchpad helps each other out as they meet the aliens for the first time. plus he meets gyro Gearloose.)
"Master of the Djinni"-season 1, ep. 12 (both Djinni and gene knows each other when the gene was a genie back the past and Djinni picks on him for being too young to be a genie and gene don't like that along not trusting him while Scrooge and Glomgold race for the mastership of Aladdin's genie. gene feel worries about scrooge too.)
"Hotel Strangeduck"-season 1, ep. 13 (Gene helps Scrooge, Huey, Dewey, and Louie to solve a mystery of Ludwig Von Strangeduck's ghost while Scrooge turns a castle once owned by a mad scientist into a hotel.)
"Sir Gyro de Gearloose"-season 1, ep. 17 (gene tags along with gyro the boys to the Middle Ages by gyro's time machine and uses it to go back in time due to fed up with being looked upon as a "gadget man".)
"Superdoo!"-season 1, ep. 20 (gene joins the junior woodchuck and lives the camp for trying to earn the badges, but he keeps on trying, after all, it was his first time. gene was little tick off about Doofus because Doofus accidentally finds a stolen alien crystal that grants him numerous superpowers. But the aliens who lost it want it back. you guys think that Doofus was the only one that has a hard time at camp, so does gene. but Launchpad also told gene that it's ok to make mistakes, learn from it and try again. gene took his advice and tries again, he could be useful the next time he goes with them on their next Adventure.)
"Pearl of Wisdom"-season 1, ep. 25 (gene helps webby by giving a pearl as he thought that pearl as a great masher and gene's first mistake that ever made, owning apology to scrooge for help webby to get pearl by mistake for marble and help them to get the pearl back.)
"Home Sweet Homer"-season 1, ep. 30 (scrooge asked gene to come along with the boys this time and According to Greek mythology, Circe, a wicked sorceress from the past, accidentally transports Scrooge and the boys back to the time of Ancient Greece, where they meet up with Homer.)
"Bermuda Triangle Tangle"-season 1, ep. 31 (Scrooge seeks to find out why his ships are disappearing in the Bermuda Triangle. gene and the boys will come along with Scrooge)
"Back to the Klondike"-season 1, ep. 33 (Scrooge takes gene and the kids to the Klondike, where he met an old flame, Glittering Goldie.)
Gene takes part in "Catch as Cash Can" part 4 Episodes.
"A Whale of a Bad Time"-season 1, ep. 37 (gene is with Scrooge, the boys, webby and Mrs. Beakley to find out what happens to his money As Scrooge tries to deliver his fortune to Macaroon. where gene meets Donald duck for the first time and already noted that he's a friend with Huey, Dewey, and Louie.)
"Aqua Ducks"-season 1, ep. 38 (After dumping his fortune under the sea, Scrooge, along with Launchpad, Gyro, gene (as his first stowed away) and Doofus, submerges in order to get it out. There they encounter an underwater race of mermen, and a monster named Glubbzilla. gene knew the lost city of Atlantis comes back to haunt him.)
"Working for Scales"-season 1, ep. 39 (the boys forgot something and blow their cover, but gene told the boys that he'll handle the lost treasure of Atlantis by himself while Glomgold and the Beagle Boys attempt to make sure Scrooge does not win the contest on his way to Macaroon. the boys are counting on him to find it.)
back to Original episodes
"Merit-Time Adventure"-season 1, ep. 40 (The Nephews, gene, Webby, and Doofus attempt to earn a Junior Woodchuck badge in sailing while a sea monster is preying on Scrooge's shipping fleet.)
"Ducks of the West"-season 1, ep. 42 (Scrooge, the boys and gene go to Scrooge's oil wells to find out why they ran dry.)
"Raiders of the Lost Harp"-season 1, ep. 45 (Scrooge acquires a magical harp that can determine if someone was lying or not. gene helps the boys clean up their room by stuffing them in their closet. However, Magica de Spell wants the harp for herself, and so does the harp's guardian: a five-story stone Minotaur.)
"Scroogerello"-season 1, ep. 47 (While experiencing a fever, Scrooge has an extended dream sequence parodying the fairy tale of Cinderella, with himself in the titular role. gene was part of it as jack from "jack and the beanstalk")
"Duckworth's Revolt"-season 1, ep. 50 (After being fired by Scrooge, Duckworth, gene and the boys are abducted by plant aliens and enslaved aboard their ship along with dozens of other kidnapped aliens. after Duckworth tells kidnapped aliens to stand up and said 'no', gene explains his story about being a genie was hard and being abused by merlock and didn't even care what the others think. he also said that's why he needed to be free from the magic lamp.)
"Magica's Magic Mirror"-season 1, ep. 51a (Magica uses a pair of magic mirrors to try to get Scrooge's Number One Dime. gene went to the picnic with Doofus)
"Take Me Out of the Ballgame"-season 1, ep. 51b (gene joins in Junior Woodchucks in a baseball game as Duckworth coaches them.)
"Duck to the Future"-season 1, ep. 52 (Magica sends Scrooge into the future, where she has stolen his Number One Dime and taken over his company. Gene becomes a young yet strong adult and starts a Revolution against magica and he a leader of the rebellion and everyone joins him to stop her and get the dime back as the war was endless. he realized that Scrooge is still alive and got confused for what's going on. gene told scrooge about what happen. gene can't stand it about another evil take over just like the same way merlock did, even means that he's no longer friends with the boys because he believed that something's wrong. looks like both scrooge and gene was on the same page, huh? after he returns to the past, scrooge told gene that how much he so proud of him for stand up to his beliefs and knowing the difference between right and wrong and the type of the boy he becomes. which it confused gene for a while.)
"Duck in the Iron Mask"-season 1, ep. 56 (Scrooge, gene and the boys take a trip to visit an old friend of his, Count Roy. However, unknown to Scrooge, Roy's evil twin Ray rules Roy's kingdom with an iron fist.)
"The Uncrashable Hindentanic"-season 1, ep. 57 (Scrooge makes a bet with Glomgold that he can make money off a blimp called the Hindentanic and gene was part of it along with the boys.)
"Nothing to Fear"-season 1, ep. 59 (Scrooge, gene, the nephews, Doofus, and Duckworth are intimidated by a cloud that generates their worst fears, conjured by Magica. gene has so much fear of merlock from the past and unable to forgive himself. scrooge told him that he did his best to stop him and he needed to face his fears and moved on. gene understand and faced his fears, spilling his true feelings out that goes with it.)
"Once Upon a Dime"-season 1, ep. 61 (Scrooge tells everyone, even gene his story of how his Number One Dime got his fortune started.)
"All Ducks on Deck"-season 1, ep. 63 (Donald Duck makes up a story about being a hero to his nephews and gene. The boys stow away in the Navy and try to make him a hero. Meanwhile, the Phantom Blot has a spy infiltrating the Navy while he has Scrooge McDuck and Launchpad McQuack as prisoners on Cat Island after they go to investigate Scrooge's missing fishing fleet there.)
"Till Nephews Do Us Part"season 1, ep. 65 (Scrooge is romanced by a billionaire named Millionara Vanderbucks, but as the nephews, gene and Webby find out, she only wants his money. maybe Millionara might send gene to an orphanage.) ------------------ I hope you guys like it and it's my first time drawing gene the genie.
let know what you guys think of Gene’s Ducktales Adventure AU.
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Well, Supernatural is actually ending and I don't know what I'll do
[ Brevity is not a strong suit of mine since I've included personal details but there's stuff I feel everyone in the SPN family needs to read]
You might be expecting another post about how Supernatural saved someone's life and how devastated they will be when it ends because they've watched it for so long as well as how the actors have impacted their lives. This is probably one of those but please hear me out.
Supernatural premiered in 2005 and I was in preparatory class (aged 5 years and was before I began 1st grade). I heard of it because my aunt would watch it time to time so I'd also tried to get some peeks myself but I wasn't allowed to because it was "too scary".
Then our local cable began to show seasons 1-5 and that was when everyone in class started watching and quoting it. This was in 6th grade and I was frustrated because I knew about it before most of them yet they acted like it was a new show. I had a fair idea about the story but once I began watching it, I fell in love with it and loved it like a part of my soul.
Yes, Jensen Ackles was my first crush but I still thought (and do think) that both he and Jared are super hot. So I was sucked into this vortex, this Neverland which I never thought I would end.
I joined Tumblr for this show in 2013 because I saw the jokes about there being a Supernatural gif everywhere and wanted to be a part of the fandom/community. This was also the year I actually became interested what other fans felt though I never used this site properly until 2016 I would read the IMDb discussion boards because I hated scurrying through Destiel-infested posts.
(Fun fact:I wasn't using any social media of my own but on my mother's Facebook I liked a Supernatural fan page asking people's opinions on Destiel. This is was around the time season 8 was just finishing or had already finished so I read the comments--- people talked about Dean and Castiel being gay and didn't approve of it as there was this one girl who was conservative and didn't believe in homosexuality while others went on how Dean was always a ladies man which I agreed with. Not that I commented but I thought there was something I missed and I thought Castiel used Dean as a vessel, thus Destiel.)
But I digress. I was in deep by the time season 9 premiered and majority of the people I knew stopped watching the show except for this girl who bullied me throughout preschool who put up this update that Dean had become a demon. I doubt she watches the show now but it was hard seeing her put pictures of "I heart Dean Winchester" and pictures of Jensen when my mom asked me why I don't do the same.
Supernatural, I feel, has become that embarrassing thing you are into in middle school but suddenly drop when you're older, looking back and thinking, "Yeesh, I can't believe I used to watch this show."
I'll be a grown woman at 30 or 40 and probably eventually in my 70s and 80s but I will still look back fondly, the good, the bad and the ugly because I have like many teenagers have undergone many changes (friends, family, emotions, hobbies etc) but Supernatural has always been this constant in my life.
Because let me tell you, I'm seeing these posts saying stuff like how people are glad that it's finally over with its "bullshit" and that's it's dying. That is extremely disrespectful and insensitive to those people who literally live for it, who have invested time and money into it: gif makers, artists, meta writers (I may not agree with you guys but even you count). They don't know what to do once the show ends because it has helped them in ways others will never ever be able to fathom.
I saw the video put up by the guys. I saw and I could tell that Jared, Jensen and Misha had probably cried their guts out before the announcement because their eyes were red and puffy. Jared was controlling himself by talking less as Jensen was clearly on the verge as well but yes they said that they should save the angst for next year.
I love the guys; I love Jared being a goofball and Jensen being equally goofy as well and I'll say this too, I used to enjoy some of Misha's crass jokes (not the highlight ) as well which was why I looked forward to the gag reel every summer (because of J2) because it was cathartic after a traumatic season finale. I love the witty banter and the pranks the cast would do and I will miss it tremendously.
I have some issues with my aunt but everything would be okay when we would fawn over the guys and bingewatch the entire season the summer after it finished airing. We'd quote quotes back and forth and even spiritually killed ourselves watching short clips of "Sammy, close your eyes", "I'm proud of us" etc. Hell, she even promised me that when we go visit my uncle in the States we'd attend a con together.
If, and whenever we do go, it'll be different because the show won't be on air anymore and I know for a fact that I won't feel the anticipation of an episode.
So don't say disrespectful and callous things like "fucking finally". You can dislike the cast/plotline/show but don't ridicule and mock those who invested in the show,some of you are most probably speculating and have barely seen it.
I'm not some dumb, blind fan. I can see some stupid mistakes and don't always eat up what the writers show. For example, everyone must have figured that I dislike Destiel because it's based on groundless assumptions. I thought the Bloodlines was a crap idea that had nothing to do with the main plot and knew it was destined to fail.
As for Wayward Daughters/Sisters or whatever the fuck it was supposed to be called, I was not looking forward to it at all because it was one of those "forced diversity" shows, y'know gender bent stuff.
I felt that they were bastardising everything that Supernatural has and will (always) stand for because some people had a hair up their backsides. Yeah, I loathed Claire and that Kaia mourning thing was bullshit. Thank goodness I was sick that day and couldn't keep my eyes open for that episode.
If we were told that there would be a Men of Letters(with Henry Winchester) or even a Bobby-Rufus spinoff I would be okay with that but for now since the show will finish next year let's the wounds heal first, shall we?
I hope that Jared and Jensen get some offers once the show is done and I will pay good money to see movies, TV shows of them etc but for now I will keep quiet since I hope we get an ending we (and the boys) deserve.
Yes, the writer situation scares me and I think they should call Eric Kripke for a last hurrah. I mean, it is his baby and he should get to have a say in the series finale as well as J2.
Will one of the brothers die and the other will live (I'm worried we'll get a reverse Swan Song)? Will they both die leaving Cas behind and Jack as some sort legacy who trains future hunters? That would be a possibility since the sheriff in 14.16 asked the Winchesters why they don't tell people about monsters. What happens to Baby?
I seriously doubt the ending will be happy(maybe not 100%) but the best thing would be if they go driving with Baby into the sunset...
Dean at the steering wheel with Sam riding shotgun, where they should be ---- where they will always be, home. Dean plays his "mullet rock" as Sam would playfully mock his brother's musical choices. No chick flick moments. Just the Winchesters.
The boys need to lay their weary heads to rest, so they can cry no more. Because they are the legendary Winchesters, the hunters who saved the world countless times unbeknownst to many. I don't think their work will ever be done but there will be peace when they are done and how they will reach that point we'll never know till 2020.
Everyone will hear "Carry on wayward son" for the last time ever in Supernatural over a painful montage of "Dad's gone on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days" and "Saving people, hunting things, the family business". Now who in this fandom wouldn't be wracked with pain?
This is the show we all joked about that made a deal with the devil to never go off air but I did expect this a long time ago. Only thing was that I didn't know how I'd treat the news. I was that person who would go, "pfft, of course Supernatural would get renewed". Then again, this was the show that an ending was imminent and the whole season 4 debacle about Misha and the angel storyline saving the show blah blah blah.
So next year, everyone will flock to see the finale and epic conclusion to the Winchester saga whether they stopped at season 5,6,7 or 10,12. Diss it all you want for the shit show it may have become but wherever you left off, you may still want to know what happens to Sam and Dean Winchester in the end.
Once Supernatural ends, I'll turn 20 next summer and I would like to think of it being poetic that I end my adolescence with a show I have loved when I brave the cold, ruthless world of adulthood. I'm a picky person and can't say what's my favorite xyz is but you know what I'll say about my favorite TV show.
We will have completed 327 episodes which is the highest for a scifi TV show so I do hope the boys get some sort of recognition. It was us crazy bitches and jerks that gave the show the mileage and it was us that gave Jared and Jensen faith that they could carry on so for the remainder of season 14 and for 15,support these guys. Support these annoyingly sexy and ridiculously hilarious dudes for this show. I'm sure Jared and Jensen love the show like it's their kid practically but I wish everyone would just shut up, tinhatters, bronlies, stans, destihellers because we are all fans of the one show so let's ease the time we have left.
But seriously imagine Sam and Dean on a desert highway, the orange and yellow rays of the setting sun make Baby shine in all her splendor which makes Dean swell with pride. He starts the engine with a low rumble and they're off. They might to California to feel the sand beneath their feet or to Disneyland. They're living the "apple pie life" and this is their personal heaven : with each other.
I wouldn't mind this playing in the background if the ending is the inevitable and unspeakable you know what :
It's wishful thinking, since I wish they'd actually play some Zeppelin instead of song titles being used as episode titles but I wish they could use some Queen or Guns n Roses and stuff before 1979 because everything sucked ass afterwards according to Dean.
I want the classic rock resurgence in the show as well but I know they'll end up using the cash elsewhere. I wouldn't mind a body swap episode but if wishes were horses, right?
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starchild--27 · 5 years
85 questions
I was tagged by @kafkascupcake .  This will be fun, so thanks ^^
rules: answer 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
1. drink – water with lemon flavour
2. phone call - my hair dresser (if i ignore the fact that i accidently called my dad a few momnets ago when i wanted to look up my last phone call - ofc this had to happen xD)
3. text message - i told some kid from my spanish class tht we didn’t have spanish class last week
4. song you listened to – Californiacation by Red Hot Chili Peppers
5. time you cried - three days ago i think, but i waas at the verge of crying yesterday evening  
6. dated someone twice? – nope. i never dated anyone 
7. kissed someone and regretted it – nope
8. been cheated on – no
9. lost someone special – i’m so grateful to say that i never lost anyone in my life and i am so afraid of the day this will happen to me
10. been depressed - kind of. i have my depressed moments but everyone has at some point
11. gotten drunk and thrown up – never, i’m not drinking much 
fave colours
12. navy blue
13. black
14. metallic shades of basically every colour
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends – i’m always careful with the word friend when it comes to my real life, but let’s say i got to know some people better that have been around for a longer time but i never really interacted with. on the internet things are a little different, so i can say i’ve interacted with a lot of people here and i can’t help but treat them as friends 
16. fallen out of love – not in the last year
17. laughed until you cried - multiple times xD
18. found out someone was talking about you – i really don’t know and i hate that i can’t say this wouldn’t bother me because i really want to know what people think of me - just to be able to understand why they treat me how they do. 
19. met someone who changed you - oh, i really don’t know. i think i didn’t change that much in the last 365 days
20. found out who your friends are – it was a little more than a year ago, but yes i did.
21. kissed someone on your Facebook friends list – i don’t even have facebook
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl – since i don’t have facebook i’ll do this for instagram and there it is probably a minority since i follow countless art pages, celebrities, fanpages, animal pages, political pages, people i don’t know in real life, …
23. do you have any pets - yes - a black cat with the name Black Pearl, which we gave him before i even knew about the song by EXO ^^ his name referred to the ship from Pirates of the Carribbean first xD
24. do you want to change your name – i did in the past, because my name is very rare where i live. but i started to like it after some time. the great thing is that it’s meaning differs since no one really knows it’s true origin. 
25. what did you do for your last birthday - i invited my two best friends but one happened to be sick at that day (ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ) so we were only two but it was great anyway. since i was born the day after walpurgis night we went to the bonfire and spent some time there
26. what time did you wake up today – 7 am but i slept in again and got at 11:20 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night – reading or sleeping, i don’t know for sure
28. what is something you can’t wait for – vacation with my family and the summer holidays in general (school was … much in the last weeks.)
30. what are you listening to right now – the sound of me slamming my fingers on my laptop’s keyboard while writing this lol
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom – i did, in fact to more than one
32. something that gets on your nerves – that i have to go to school for one more year (i hate this place wholeheartedly) but i don’t know what to do with my life after graduating 
33. most visited website - tumblr and youtube
34. hair color – my natural hair colour is brown but i dye it ginger red and i love it
35. long or short hair – pretty long actually, but i have curls so it’s pretty hard to notice how long 
36. do you have a crush on someone -  if we ignore my celebrity crushes then … i don’t know…probably no. i’m not sure about this one boy though but…yeah, i don’t really know him that well and i probably only like the idea i have of how he could be. (this is btw so typical for me xD)
37. what do you like about yourself – don’t get me wrong, i know it sounds tragical and sad, but i don’t have something i like 100% about myself. i am used to it though because i’ve been this way since forever, having high standards for me (and for others probably too, which is very unfair from me) but the closest to 100% is my talent for music.     
38. want any piercings? – only at my ears
39. blood type – A positive
40. nicknames – the most common nickname for my name is Selmi but hardly anyone except for my mom and my sister calls me like that anymore. other than that i have the feeling my friends and i don’t have nicknames but more like pet names for each other. like, i was called “Flauschebausch” (in english “Fluffpuff”) not that long ago (it referred to my hair). i would also count “squirrel”, “the stars” and all that stuff as nicknames but we don’t really call each other often like that in person xD     
41. relationship status - single 
42. zodiac - Taurus (but most of the stuff people say about tauruses are not 100% true for me)
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave tv shows – lately i finished Game Of Thrones and i liked it so damn much, especially the ending (i really don’t get why it was so hated, but i’ll not explain further - i don’t want to write an essay here xD). i also enjoy watching Gilmore Girls from time to time, but hardly anyone in my generation knows it. and since i read it at @kafkascupcake ‘s post for this tag i just remembered how much i liked Memories of the Alhambra too (gosh, how i waited for every episode to air … i still remember this impatient feeling so well)
45. tattoos – i’m not allowed to have any yet but i’m thinking about getting smaller ones later since i think tattoos are pretty. buuuuut i’m also afraid because i can’t really imagine the pain
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery – yeah. unspectecular story tho.
48. piercings - only earrings but one of my friends and i plan on getting helix piercings soon (originally this was planned to be done before last christmas but we never found time)
49. sport – no no no no no. i hate it. i always did. i did some horse riding in my childhood but that’s it. i’m just not able to coordinate my body so a fail at basically every kind of sport. and i am easily frustrated when i fail at something so i never really tried to ace sports.  
50. vacation – my last vacation was when i visited Berlin with my two best friends and m next vacation will be in Denmark with my family
51. trainers – Converse Chucks, always and forever
more general
52. eating – i used to be a very picky eater but it gets better with every year. lately i really like spicy food. but i also have a terrible sweet tooth. i am surprised how i am still like super slim …
53. drinking – a trait i inherited from my dad: i love milk. but i also like juices, tea, coffee (with milk ofc xD) and plain water too
54. i’m about to watch – Avengers Endgame. like today. in 2 hrs.
55. waiting for – my train ride to the next bigger city for seeing endgame. and for me getting an idea what i want to do with my life
56. want – to travel and to make music. my two passions
57. get married – i don’t think it’s necessary for a happy relationship but it depends on the person. to be honest, i like the thought of getting married but i totally understand if someone doesn’t like it.
58. career – the biggest question mark in my life rn
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs. i can’t even explain why. but hugs.
60. lips or eyes - i thinj i look at the eyes first. but i am damned if a person has beautiful lips too
61. shorter or taller – taller
62. older or younger - not important
63. nice arms or stomach – yeah ofc stomachs are great. but let’s be real here: i’m a swooning bitch for nice arms.
64. hookup or relationship – relationship. i am a hopeless romantic
65. troublemaker or hesitant - i am an overthinker, which makes me the epitome of hesitant.
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger – never kissed anyone lol
67. drank hard liquor – only mixed with juice
68. lost glasses - yeah. wasn’t cool.bc without glasses i am literally blind
69. turned someone down - kind of.
70. sex on first date - no
71. broken someone’s heart – i hope not.
72. had your heart broken – yip. my first heavy crush was not that happy. but i am over it since the guy was and still is a jerk and i don’t even know why i fell for him anymore
73. been arrested - no
74. cried when someone died - yes
75. fallen for a friend – never
do you believe in
76. yourself – depends on the situation.
77. miracles - there are moments in which i do
78. love at first sight - yes
79. santa claus -  no
80. kiss on a first date – yeah.. i think itmight happen xD
81. angels - who knows? it would be great though.
82. best friend’s name - deer of the sun @swiftfeatherscorner and cat of the moon @fille-de-janvier xD i don’t know if they’d like to have their real names published here but here you ahve their tumblrs
83. eye color - i looked it up someday and it’s called glasz - a strange mix between green, blue and grey with some golden dots and marks. depends on the lightning which colour is stronger.
84. fave movie – impossible to tell.
85. fave actor – also impossible to tell. there are so many good actors in this world
i’m not even sure if 20 people will read this so i’ll just tag everyone who has time to answer 85 questions xD
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untapdtreasure · 6 years
TV Show Ask Game 1, 3, 5, 7, 9-29, and 31-49.
TV Show Ask Game
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1. if you could reboot one TV show, which one would it be? Earth 2. But only if they could go back in time with the same cast at those ages. It was a brilliant concept that maybe just came ahead of its time.
3. have you ever quit a show before it finished? why? No. But I've wanted to. Once I start something I like to finish it.
5. what’s your comfort show? H20: Just Add Water. I seem to go back to it when I need something light and fun and that doesn't require a ton of thinking in order to enjoy it. I know it's an Australian teenage drama, but I absolutely adore it and the characters.
7. have you ever been inspired to start a new show based on gifs or memes it has produced? The Man From the High Castle and Westworld.
9. what’s one show you thought you’d hate but turned out to really enjoy? Family Guy. I usually don't care for shows with that kind of humor, but it has turned out to be a true gem and favorite of mine.
10. what’s one show you thought you’d love but turned out to really hate? Sons of Anarchy.
11. which TV show has the best musical soundtrack, in your opinion? Cold Case. And Supernatural.
12. have you ever watched a show just for a specific actor? did you enjoy it? I tried to watch Californication because of my love for David Duchovny. I didn't get past season one, and I haven't had the urge to continue it further.
13. what genre of TV show is your favourite? Science-Fiction.
14. do you tend to stick to one type of TV show (eg, short-form comedy), or are you into many different genres? I love a ton of different genres. I mean, sticking to one type is mega boring. And I'm not always in the mood for something funny or drama or sad or whatever. So I like to have options. Lots and lots of options.
15. do you feel like there are any overrated TV show formats? I'm not really sure what this means so I'm not going to comment.
16. do you feel like there are any underrated TV show formats? I'm not really sure what this means so I'm not going to comment. 
17. have you ever written fanfiction for a TV show? I started with CSI and The X-Files a long time ago (2004) and still write it today. So yeah. I've written fanfiction for a television show that I love. Several of them in fact. Fifteen years and still going strong.
18. have you ever drawn fanart for a show? I cannot draw to save my life. So the closest thing I've ever drawn for a show was stick figures for The Walking Dead for another ask meme. LOL.
19. are there any shows on your “to watch” list right now? Oh my heck! There are a ton of shows and movies that are on my list to watch at a later date. I even go through it sometimes and delete things that I've added in the past that I know I will never get around to watching. It drives my husband mad to see all the crap in there that never gets watched.
20. Netflix, Hulu, or Prime originals? I happen to like some of all of them, but my favorites just so happen to be Hulu ones. The Handmaid's Tale and Hollie Hobby!
21. if you could be a guest star on any show, which one would it be? The X-Files but that won't ever happen because I'm pretty sure that the show is likely done this time around. I hope anyway. LOL.
22. if you could write your own TV show, what would it be like? A complete disaster. It would be a feel-good show with characters that care more about others around them than anything else. So yeah! A complete disaster. I'll leave the writing to the professionals and stick to writing fanfiction because it's so much easier.
23. are you a fan of will-they-won’t-they plots? Yes, I am. Some of the best ships have come from just that scenario.
24. how do you feel about bottle episodes? I have a love/hate relationship with them. When I haven't seen a character or a couple of characters for a bit, they are fun to play catch up with them, but then I would rather every episode have a little of everyone than focus on one group or character solely.
25. do you prefer proper opening credits, or a simple title card? A simple title card is all that I need because I'm ready to watch the show. I know who stars in it. I don't need to see it every time.
26. favourite TV show theme song? Pretty Little Liars.
27. which actor do you think deserves an Emmy for their work on TV? Melissa McBride and Andrew Lincoln from The Walking Dead.
28. who would be your dream cameo on your favourite show? Kathryn Erbe in the Zombie Apocolypse would be an absolute dream come true! I'd love to see her play in a scene opposite Melissa McBride's Carol.
29. do you tend to quote TV shows a lot? have you ever started using a word/phrase because of a TV show? No, I don't usually quote anything from a TV show unless I'm talking to a fellow fan and we're discussing the show. And I can't think of a time that I've ever taken a phrase from a show/movie and used it in real life. OHHH! Yes, I have! There is a contestant on Survivor that says, "Oh my heck!" and I love that phrase now. LOL.
31. do you use subtitles while watching TV if you can? I will rewind a scene and turn them on if I'm confused about something that is being said, or I'm making a comic strip/photo or gif set where I need the exact quote.
32. what’s one show you could watch over and over? Earth 2, H20: Just Add Water, Mako Mermaids, etc. I could go on and on with some of my favorite feel-good shows.
33. would you be interested in trying a show in another language? I've tried to watch a new series on Netflix, but it just really takes me out of it when I have to read the words. I can't focus on the actions and scenery if I'm constantly having to read the dialogue.
34. what are your top 5 shows right now? The Walking Dead, Law & Order: SVU, Heartland, The Rookie, and 9-1-1.
35. who are your top 5 TV characters right now? Carol Peletier, Lt. Olivia Benson, Athena Grant, Howard 'Chimney' Han, Rookie Officer John Nolan
36. what TV character would you die for? Carol Peletier. But not really.
37. which TV show setting would you most like to visit? The Walking Dead.
38. do you prefer hour long episodes, or 30 minute? It really depends on the material. Sometimes thirty minutes is long enough to tell a complete story, but sometimes, you really need that full hour.
39. do you prefer 22 episode seasons, or 13? It really depends on the show and the story being told.
40. is there a show coming out soon that you’re really excited about? The sixth season of The 100. There is nothing new coming out that I'm that interested in.
41. if you could change 1 detail about any show, what would you change and why? I would change the way in which season four of The Walking Dead was executed so that it made better sense. I wouldn’t necessarily change the main plot points, but I would change how the story was told and would elaborate on whatever needed to be elaborated on so that it made more sense narratively speaking. I believe that certain things had to happen to get the payoff down the road, but the way in which it was written and executed was entirely bogus. Scott Gimple did not trust his audience at all. 
42. what’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever watched a show in one sitting? Five plus hours when binge watching ER with my Mom on the weekends.
43. what do you think is a good amount of seasons for a TV show? Six or Seven. But that depends on the show and material for the show. Some shows really can't be wrapped up in that time frame, but some that really should end on a good note. Justified is a wonderful show, but those in charge knew that it was time to let it go. But Supernatural doesn't seem to know that it should end already. The first five or six seasons were brilliant, but it got a little (or a lot) stupid after that.
44. if you could replace any actor on TV in playing their role, who would you like to play and why? I wouldn't want to replace anyone because I absolutely love and adore the people chosen to play their specific roles. I wouldn't want to mess with the chemistry of the cast for even one minute.
45. do you own any TV shows on DVD? I own several shows on DVD. Too many to list.
46. do you prefer to watch TV alone or with friends? Alone because if you watch with friends there is too much talking going on.
47. are there any shows you love but your friends aren’t interested in? Like almost everything. LOL. My tastes and theirs do not usually mesh. It's rare that we have overlapping interest in a show.
48. are there any shows your friends love but you aren’t interested in? Yes. Just about as many of my shows as their shows, honestly.
49. who are your favourite couples on TV? Well, most of them are really canon ships, but there is Carol & Daryl from The Walking Dead, Olivia Benson and Rafael Barba from SVU, Regina Mills and Robin of Locksley from Once Upon a Time, Mulder and Scully from The X-Files. There are several more, but I think those are plenty to list right now. I have an otps page if you'd like to see the ones that I love the most. Oh! Han & Leia from Star Wars.
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stylinbreeze60 · 6 years
My “WIPs”
Thanks @sugaandyams. I don't get tagged too often, so thank you!
“The Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.”
Oh my goodness. I had stuffed saved in all different places. I’ll start with the folders that contained fics that are incomplete. Welp, here I go!
Great Galactic War - this folder is the dump for my Haikyuu space/war AU, one of three or four fics I may focus on writing in the near future (first chapter is already published); the folder has very little atm, but I have about two dozen different scenes on my phone that aren't saved on PC
Kenma Project - the dump for my actively ongoing Haikyuu next gen captain war AU. I have a file in here further titled Ennoshita chapter. I wonder what that’s about? ;)
Three Kings - the dump for my Haikyuu samurai AU starring Hinata and Noya, the second possible fic I may commit to writing (first 2 chapters already published); there’s a chapter outline (which is dated because I’ve updated it in my head so much), and there are notes and many chapter tidbits on my phone too
Vice - the dump for a canonverse Haikyuu fic that was borne from a desire to write more Nekoma, so I subjected them to debilitating angst. There’s a rough chapter outline in here, and there are a couple of chapter drafts saved as emails on my phone. It’s the third fic that I might commit my time to (first 2 chapters, starring poor Inuoka, already published)
March of Justice - this folder was the dump for my aborted One Piece/My Hero Academia crossover, in which a couple of One Piece villains travel to the BnHA universe to conquer it
And here’s the rest I found. Some of these are just notes on fanciful ideas I had for a day and then never revisited. Others were never intended to see the light of day whatsoever
Abe dake ga Inai Machi - Oofuri-Erased - oh goodness. I had to stare at that title for a while to figure out what was wrong with it. An Oofuri/Big Windup fanfic that I didn’t play with for very long, but I was surprised to find I actually wrote the first chapter. Like Boku Dake ga Inai Machi (Erased), there’s a murder and then Abe finds himself transported back to the start of the Oofuri series, 10 months earlier. I reread some of this first chapter, and by my standards, it’s awful
Ace of Diamond - scandal fanfic - one of the ones never intended to see the light of day. It’s just notes. Basically Seidou pulls off its own Black Sox scandal and gets nailed, with some drama over whether Eijun is actually guilty
Ace of Iron / Ace of Swords - a Diamond no Ace samurai AU, mostly notes but also including drafts of a first chapter. It grew so huge there was no chance I could ever write it as a fanfic, so I actually converted it into an original story idea that I may do something with some day
Big Windup - cheating ploy disaster - this one is just notes and also never intended to see the light of day. An Oofuri idea in which Nishiura’s defeated rivals suspect them of cheating and kidnap the club boys to force them to confess. It goes even more downhill. (I’m very glad that, since discovering Haikyuu, I now conceive fanfics I actually want to write.)
Day of the Countercoup - I had to dig to find this one cos I knew it existed, but it wasn't a file. It was a tab in an Excel doc I used for my Haikyuu political AU, Coup d’Etat. It’s notes for an aborted sequel (Coup d’Etat’s original title was “Night of the Coup,” hence this contrasting title) that I scrapped soon after starting work on it. So glad too! Coup d’Etat got its due, and that AUverse shall be left to itself now
Haikyu - Gospel of Shouyou - oh goodness. I’m not gonna explain this one. Me experimenting, not intended to see the light of day
Haikyu - Nightmare from Heaven - this one may be the fourth candidate for continuation as a long-term fic but is currently unpublished. A war/occupation fic in which Miyagi Prefecture is conquered during a contemporary World War III, and the Karasuno boys must now live under foreign military occupation. The first chapter and part of the second were written, and I've got several notes on my phone and PC about subsequent chapters. Thank goodness tensions in that part of the world have simmered down since I devised it
Life Hereafter - Chapter 6.5 alternate ending - oh no. Life Hereafter is my darkest and most sensitive fic, published only on FFN, written to process a RL tragedy I was distantly affected by. I struggled with the ending of Chapter 6, which covered Tsukki and Yamaguchi’s coping with the canonverse tragedy. One draft (called “6.5″ in case I ever wanted to publish it, but I likely never will) featured Tsukki, seeking solace and desperately wanting to console Yamaguchi, giving in to poor judgment and kissing him. Only to then learn Yamaguchi doesn't have the same feelings back. Topping off their hurt with this was far too cruel and painful, and even before I started typing it, I knew I wouldn’t actually publish it. Rereading the draft even now made me feel uncomfortable which is why I kept it because it’s perhaps the best friendship-ruining moment I’ve ever written
Oofuri fanfic - Sakura Conspiracy - I thought I wrote a chapter 1 draft too, but this is an outline for a WWII Oofuri AU in which Nishiura, after winning Koshien in the late 20s or early 30s, moves on to military and political careers, one of their former teammates dies under suspicious circumstances, and Mihashi fears one of his old teammates may be responsible. The story stretches from 1937 to 1945
I'm actually surprised I found no notes on my Haikyuu mafia AU idea. I guess I never actually transcribed any, even though the plot is substantially complete in my head!
These four are all notes for gigantic crossovers:
Periods of World fanfic - This was an experiment, in which each century from 2000 BC to 2000 AD was listed out, a different part of the world selected for each century, and then a different anime or manga assigned to each part of the world. The idea was to write a chapter set in that century in that area starring those characters. The last chapter, for the new millennium, would have covered all parts of the world. The file is dated 2013. It never became more than this list
Periods of World fanfic 2 - and so it seems I tried again! This file is dated 2014 and shows just a teeny bit more dedication, with the 20th century further subdivided into decades, then every year from 2000-2009, and then every six months for 2010-2014. There are some different anime choices than the 2013 version. Never went anywhere with it, never gonna
Reborn epic crossover anime tribute layout - yes, that’s the literal filename. This is from my days as a Katekyo Hitman Reborn fan, and I don't even recognize most of the character names anymore. Apparently the villains of Reborn travel to seven other anime universes to kidnap major characters to sacrifice them as part of some weird magic scheme that I can’t properly decipher now
Random multi-anime WWII fanfic plan - yes, that’s also the literal filename. This is an outline for a 50-chapter crossover set before and during World War II, where the main characters of Naruto are Russian, One Piece are British, Bleach are French, Katekyo Hitman Reborn are German, Blue Exorcist are Italian, Fairy Tail are Japanese, and Ed and Al from FMA are American. The plot is emotionally devastating, doesn’t pull the punches on all sorts of WWII-related triggers, and frequently and cruelly denies catharsis.
To be perfectly honest though, rereading it, I swear this is the best story I have ever invented! It has a heartrending blend of tragedy, poignant poetic justice, subplot causality, and social commentary and contains few of the traps I sometimes fall into like cheap shock and subplots going nowhere. I really wish I could do something with this narrative now
And I’ll count the hefty handful of TV scripts I’ve written in an effort to practice and hone my scriptwriting skills. All but the last one of these are hypothetical new seasons of real anime:
Blue Exorcist s2 - 1 episode. My attempt to write the Impure King arc, years before they actually produced the Impure King arc. This was not my best work
Noragami: God’s Secret - 2 episodes for a manga-based Season 3. These were pretty decent imo
Oofuri/Big Windup: The Coming of Fall - 17 episodes. I got really into this one. A speculative season 3 assuming three cours (imo we probably won’t be blessed with that many episodes if season 3 comes), covering everything up until the end of the fall tournament. The first 13 episodes covered the story up to chapter 84 minus the Kasukabe match, followed by an OVA (ep 13.5), and then I was working on the Kasukabe match told in hindsight before planning to continue with the big game of the fall prelims. The third cour would have covered the fall tournament itself
Mekakucity Actors XX - 4 episodes. My own idea for a season 2/alternate ending. Because I was very conflicted with how the anime ended
School Babysitters - this was an original episode idea for Gakuen Babysitters that I enjoyed writing very much but turned out too long (40 pages) and features the babies turning into insects. I wouldn't mind publishing it somewhere actually!
I am going to tag @wire-pudding and @kemoiunder! Anyone else who reads this and wants to explore the abyss that is non-started WIPs, be my guest too!
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Submission - Help
So this is quite long but I need to get it all off my chest. About a year and a half ago I gave birth to my son. He was born 13 weeks early and had to stay in hospital for 3 months. During that time I’m pretty sure I had postnatal depression and I definitely had ptsd. Every time I seen a pregnant lady I would cry. Even on tv or randomly in the street. While we were in hospital one of the NICU parents told me about a Facebook page for parents of premature babies and it helped me so so much to have these people to talk to and who were going through the same thing. While we were in the hospital my partners sister got pregnant and it just ruined me. Everything I had kept bottled up just came to the surface and I was in bits. I would post on the Facebook page (thinking it was a closed group no one could see the posts) about how much it upset me and my feelings were validated which made me feel better. Turns out people on my Facebook, including my partners family could see it all. I’d stopped posting stuff after my son got out of hospital but a few months later my partners sisters baby was stillborn and he found out everything I had posted about how upset I was with her being pregnant and that I resented her. His other sister had screenshotted it and showed his whole family. They were all extremely angry with me and his sister hasn’t spoke to me since. They all acted like it was my fault the baby had passed away and I can understand why they are so upset completely. My partner threatened to leave me every day and he told all my friends of 9 years what had happened and they’ve not spoken to me either since. I have completely isolated myself. I talk to only my mum and my partner and sometimes can go days without talking to another adult. The day after the baby passed away I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I wasn’t allowed to talk about my pregnancy at all or enjoy it without being made to feel guilty. She was also very early and nearly passed away after the first night but she made it and came home 2 months ago. His sisters have not spoke to me or asked how she is and neither have any of my friends. I’m incredibly lonely and can’t leave the house without being with someone else because I don’t drive and going out with 2 babies is impossible so I’m stuck indoors for days on end. I definitely still have ptsd and have depressive episodes that can last for days and have found out his sister is pregnant again. I’ve had suicidal thoughts but I really love my children and they are the only things keeping me here. My partner really hates me but said he won’t leave because of the kids.
Hey love,
There’s a lot I want to address with you about so we’re going to walk through them as slowly as we can. 
First, it is not your fault. It isn’t your fault that you had PPD. Statistically it happens to 50% of all women and about 10-20% of those are severe cases. It’s not your fault that your baby had to stay in the hospital for longer. You didn’t cause your partner’s sister’s baby’s death. You had no play it in. Sure, you resented her but your feelings are not a direct cause for their death. Is it tragic? Yes. Does it have correlation? Perhaps but correlation does not equal causation. So get that in your head. Remind yourself of that. It is not your fault. At all. 
Second, I highly recommend that you talk to a professional about these feelings. You’ve been dealing with them by yourself for so long and it does not seem to improve. While some women do improve on their own, others don’t. We cope with things differently. We process things differently so it’s okay to get help. it’s okay to talk to a therapist about what you’re feeling and have them explain to you in laymen terms what happened, how it happened, and what you can do to help yourself. I highly recommend that. I highly recommend considering group therapy with mothers who have been through the same thing. It doesn’t have to be often. I know that you have children so it’s difficult to do things but for once every two weeks your mother may be able to watch the kids for you to get help. If not, figure out if you can utilise your church’s nursery for it if you go to church. Maybe a friend can watch your kids. Or maybe you can pocket out $30-$40 bucks once a month for a babysitter. You have a lot going on and all of that cannot be dealt with alone. You can’t deal with it by yourself. I truly think your best shots are to speak with a professional and receiving treatment that way. 
Third, your partner isn’t good for you. he shouldn’t have blamed you. Sure, it was a tragic thing that happened but he shouldn’t have pitted everyone against you. You needed support as did his sister but it was just the wrong thing to say at the wrong time. It wasn’t your fault. You misspoke and a tragic thing happened. It was a terrible terrible coincidence but that’s not your fault. I think you should talk to your partner about this. Talk about your depression. Talk about how it affects you and that you are apologetic for what happened but you shouldn’t be responsible for something that was beyond anyone’s control. I honestly wouldn’t stay with him if I were you. That’s my honest opinion but talk to him and make that decision for yourself. You may be more forgiving and you may see something that I can’t - as I am only receiving the information you’ve given. Talk to him about it. You need help and if he can’t be a source of support then I’m not entirely sure what he can do besides being a father figure. To do that, you don’t necessarily need to be together. 
Fourth, make some new friends. It’s easier said than done but hopefully once you’ve received treatment you’ll feel more comfortable going out and meeting new people. Your friends should’ve talked to you and found out your side of the story before making their judgment so I'm sorry that they abandoned you. But understand that true friends would listen to you first before making the decision to leave. However, real friends would tell you that you were wrong and help you right those wrong instead of leaving. Real friends would hold you accountable for your actions but they would be beside you for it. They would reprimand you but they wouldn’t leave you. TO meet new friends, I would go to the park with the kids and chat with the other moms. Attend Mommy & Me classes. There are several activities that you can do with the kids and still have a chance to meet mother people to connect with. 
Lastly, I know that it’s a lot and I know that all of this is easier for me to say than do but I hope that you do get help. I hope that you receive the treatment you deserve because you deserve to be happy. You deserve to be happy and healthy mentally and physically. You deserve to see your kids grow up. You deserve to wake up every day and not dread everything that’s coming your way. You deserve more than this and better than this. Remind yourself of that. 
Always by your side,
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The Final Blog Post of 2020
Greetings, friends. It has been a while. 
I think, as it has been for so many of us, 2020 is going down as a year where I accomplished pretty much nothing.I had big things planned for 2020, as I am sure a lot of you did, and they just… did not happen. Most of the downhill slide started in March, when I accepted a third-shift job. My body did not respond well to working third shift, and it sapped me of just about any will do to anything. I spent my days asleep, and my nights hovering through a weird twilight state where I was awake and doing things, but I was not happy about it. On my days off, I could barely function, and I started getting little fits of narcolepsy. After a doctor’s appointment, I mentioned these issues, and the doctor told me that someone who has the sort of thyroid and metabolic conditions that I have should not work third shift because it throws my whole system into whack. 
So, I’m looking for a new job, a better job (hopefully), and something that I actually look forward to doing. If nothing else, I’ve learned that money isn’t as important as actually enjoying your work.But, with this job, and the pandemic, of course, all my routines were knocked out and I have been struggling to figure out a new routine. I used to be able to write at home back when I lived in rented apartments. Since I bought a home, I’ve found it difficult. There is always something around the house that needs doing. I found a refuge at my local Culver’s restaurant. I’d go in, get a diet Mt. Dew to drink, and kick over 3-5 hours in my favorite booth grinding out pages. Now, with that not exactly being a favorable option, my writing output has decreased to almost nothing. A sentence here. Maybe a page or two, if I was lucky. The inability to generate a solid routine has made the story harder to solidify in my mind. So, it’s been a rough year is what I’m saying. 
I’m still kicking, though.
As is traditional, I like to list a few things that I found that brought me some joy this year and share them with you, as maybe you might like them, too.
--I have not watched a ton of movies this year. The last movie I saw in a theater was “1917,” which I enjoyed greatly. It was an excellent WWI film, and the fact that they made it look like it was done in a single take was a masterstroke. It was beautifully filmed, and almost every frame could be a painting. Well worth the time. 
I also just watched “Soul” on Disney+. There was a lot reminiscent of “Inside Out” in “Soul,” but “Soul” was a much quieter, more existential film. I liked it a lot, but it wasn’t one of Pixar’s best outings. 
I watched George Clooney’s “The Midnight Sky” the other day. It was a long, dreadfully slow, and ultimately pointless film. I did not care for it. Most of the other films I’ve watched this year were fairly forgettable. 
They were titles on streaming services that have been out a few years, but never generated a lot of noise. 
I watched a ton of television this year. What the hell else was I going to do, right? I’m sure most of you are in the same boat. Anyhow, I have long believed that TV has become superior to films in the last few years. Better characters, better stories, and the time to tell those stories. I prefer episodic television to just about anything film has given us in the past few years, so here’s what I was watching this year.
--“19-2” (purchase four season on Amazon Prime):  If you’ve watched “Letterkenny” on Hulu, then you must be familiar with Jared Keeso, who plays the central character Wayne. Keeso won some awards for a Canadian cop drama called “19-2” before he made “Letterkenny,” and I can understand why. This is a fairly dark, but realistic cop drama about the 19th Precinct in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and deals with the new guy (Keeso) transferring into the precinct from a small town and dealing with his new partner (Adrian Holmes) and the rest of the flawed members of the station in addition to dealing with policing duties around the city. One thing I liked about the series is that it never got away from the day-to-day grind of policing in a big city. The characters’ story arcs had to be worked in around the calls and patrols. The first episode of the second season of “19-2” deals with the precinct responding to a school shooting. It is, by far, one of the finest hours of television I’ve ever seen. Chaotic and hurried, brutal and bloody. It’s everything that keeps your eyes glued to the set. There were only 38 episodes of “19-2,” but I could have watched another four seasons of it. It supplanted “The Shield” as my favorite cop drama. Well worth the time.
--“The Queen’s Gambit” (Netflix): I’m not going to add anything original to this that hasn’t already been written by other people. This highly lauded limited series was well-written and acted, and it actually made competitive chess interesting. Anna Taylor-Joy was excellent in the lead role, and the costumes and sets were fantastic.
--“The Uncanny Counter” (Netflix): My mother watches an insane amount of South Korean TV shows. I don’t know why. She is the butt of many jokes because of this. However, “The Uncanny Counter” is a pretty cool series that feels like an indie comic book. The premise is a group of Grim Reapers run a noodle shop and fight demons. However, the show is much more complex than that. The characters’ stories are all intertwined in odd ways, and it’s very watchable. 
--“Hospital Playlist” (Netflix): Another show my mother suggested was the sappy, and almost twee hospital show “Hospital Playlist.” This show is a fairly soft, airy, and cute little hospital drama about five doctors who have been friends since medical school. They’re all heads of their respective departments now, and they work at the Yulje Medical Center. While the show centers around the five main characters, there’s a whole slate of other doctors and interns who add to the story. Inevitably, the show is about life, love, and death—like any other hospital drama. However, the core group of friends also get together once a week and play music to relax, so there is a cutesy pop song at the end of the episodes that plays into a montage of that week’s story wrapping up. The characters in the show are very likeable, and that’s about the best thing this show has going for it. Each episode is like 90 minutes, and there are 12 episodes in the first season, but I watched them all, and I hate to admit it, but I’m interested in seeing what season 2 will bring.
--“Upload” (Amazon Prime): Greg Daniels of “The Office” fame created and produced this series about the Singularity, a hypothetical point in the future when we will be able to merge our consciousness with a computer, and thus physical death will mean we have a chance to live a digital afterlife where we can still interact with our loved ones on the earthly plane through VR. The show is funny and extremely intelligent. It’s satire and commentary wrapped up in a solid existential premise. 
--“Star Trek: Discovery” season 3 (CBS All Access): I’m not going to write a ton about ST:Disco, but I will say that season 3 is the first season that felt like “Star Trek” to me. It’s one of the few shows that I have actually looked forward to week-to-week.
--“The Mandalorian” season 2 (Disney+): Like ST:Disco, this is one of the few shows I actually looked forward to. The first couple of episodes felt like the series was in a bit of a rut, but the last three episodes made it all worthwhile. Total fanboy moments abounded. 
--“Ted Lasso” (Apple+TV): Strangely enough, a sitcom based on a single-premise joke from a series of Superbowl ads from a couple years ago is, hands-down, my favorite new show of 2020. Jason Sudeikis of SNL fame plays Ted Lasso, the former head coach of the Wichita Shockers college football team who is hired to be the head coach of FC Richmond, a Premier League Football team in England. Initially Ted is hired by the new owner of Richmond, who happened to have won the team from her ex-husband in a messy divorce. Her initial goal is to have Ted unknowingly destroy the team, but Ted’s boundless optimism and true concern and care for his players flips the script. This is the show that 2020 needed. It is funny and joyous, and it’s another feather in Bill Lawrence’s (Scrubs, Spin City, etc…) cap. I watched this show out of a sense of loyalty to Bill Lawrence, but I ended up LOVING it. The fact that Apple renewed “Ted Lasso” for two more seasons immediately is very telling about how good this show was. Highly, highly recommend.
I barely listened to anything new this year. Not many bands I liked came out with a new record, and I was usually listening to podcasts or watching TV instead. However, there were two albums that came out year that I would note.
--Kyle Kinane, “Trampoline in a Ditch”: Kinane’s newest stand-up album, recorded in Madison, Wis., is a fun jaunt through Kinane’s weird sense of humor and excellent writing style. This record had me and my daughter laughing out loud on the day it came out, and I’ve listened to it several times since. Kinane’s writing is so good, I pick up subtle jokes on additional listenings. 
--Brett Newski, “Don’t Let the Bastards Get You Down”:  Milwaukee Dork Rocker Newski put out another solid album this year. Check out the video for “Wha’d Ya Got to Lose?”
Spent a ton of time listening to podcasts at my third shift job. I’m not going to write a ton about them individually, but here’s the list of the podcasts that got the most listens from me:
--Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing, Colossal Podcast --Fake Doctors, Real Friends --Timesuck --Scared to Death --Office Ladies --Unexplained --Lore --Cabinet of Curiosities --Haunted Locations
I probably read the fewest books I’ve read in ages this year. I’m usually good for 20-40 books a year, and this year—I just did not get there. I maybe read 12 books this year, and that bothers me. I just could not focus on reading. However, much of what I did read, I enjoyed. The best of those are as follows: --Craig Johnson, “Next to Last Stand” --CJ Box, “Winterkill” --Joe Ide, “IQ” --Sebastien de Castell, “Crownbreaker” --Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child, “Crooked River” Anyhow, I hope some of those media suggestions will bring you some joy. We sure could all use some in 2021, no doubt. In the meantime, do continue to stay safe and healthy. Take precautions. Don’t throw caution to the wind. My plans for 2021:  --Lose weight (as usual) --Finish the second Abe & Duff novel --Maybe finish another of the several novels on my desktop --Get a job I don’t hate --Make it to 2022 Here’s to hoping I have some good news about Abe & Duff in 2021. Thanks for reading, and Happy New Year. --Sean 
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5thinvictus · 7 years
The Strain 4x05: A Write Up
Disclaimer:  The point of this is not to belittle or undermine anyone else’s interpretation or headcanon of the episode.  The point of this is simply to get it off my chest.  This is in no way an attack or a troll.  It’s simply what I do after episodes, I just normally attach it with GIFs.
As MANY people in this fandom already know ... I’ve never been a Tasa shipper, but I accepted the relationship as a part of Quinlan’s life which allowed him to grow and feel.
I admit, full-heartedly, that The Strain is no longer a good TV show, but until now it was a HELL of a guilty pleasure. I watched it despite some part of myself understanding that it was bad, because I dug some of the characters and actors. I spent a LOT OF TIME pushing the show and creating content for it. I even spent nearly all of my time at SDCC doing so, knowing it wasn’t critically acclaimed or anything. However, this past episode wasn’t a guilty pleasure. This past episode, the creators actually insulted my intelligence a bit.
From the truck action (there were a few cool bits, but i.e. Quinlan falling to the truck for SEVERAL seconds, as the strigoi looks CONFUSED at him before getting cut in half. The wire was REALLY high up. It would have been so much cooler if Q had ducked under it at the perfect time) to the flashbacks to the unnecessary meandering dialogue/romance with Eph and his new lady friend (did we need that scene at all? There are only 5 episodes left and … what was the point of it all?), to Eph just letting that woman go to become the Master and know his location ... the writing and direction in this episode was scattered all over the place.  ಠ_ಠ
I could likely go on for pages about the rest of the episode, but I’m not going to rant about anything in this post except the flashbacks and their personal impact on me.
Quinlan: out of Character? Perhaps ... Perhaps not.
The Strain is a bit notorious for not being able to keep any of their own characters straight. I think this might be because of the wide range of writers and I know this happens on TV shows because of that fact, but they flip-flop back in forth for everyone, with the only exceptions being Abraham and possibly Mr. Quinlan. Until now.
The flashbacks.
Very simply put, I would have accepted this all better if he was younger. That’s the crux of my problem with it. Not Louisa. Not that Louisa isn’t Tasa. Not that they’ve, once again, changed canon. I’ve read some arguments for this behavior that conjecture he was just "curious" and he had talked about being “curious” in Rome two thousand years prior. But that was when he was very young. If you follow the canon timeline, he was in his late teens or early 20s in that scene.
That was when he was STILL trying to figure out humans. In this scene, he is 1848 years old (1888 A.D. - 40 A.D.). Take a moment to fathom that number. 1848 years old. If human’s average lifespan is around 70 … that is a little more than 26 lifetimes. At this point in the story, he has lived 26 lifetimes. He has traveled the world, leading the life of a demigod undead hunter, integrating with societies all over. He was a gladiator, which meant he was likely used for sexual purposes. He would not be as curious as a schoolboy, or confused by a woman painting his face. Makeup is not a new invention. Over 1848 years, it’s ludicrous to think that he hasn’t TRIED to paint the strigoi out of himself before.
What I find the most hard to swallow about this scene is not that they replaced Tasa with Louisa or that they gave him a woman at all. I don’t care either way. It is that he acted like a child for most of the flashback. When the little girl ran in and met him, he acted like he’d never met a child before … Wait what?
So, if they had done this "love story" in Rome or sometime around that part of his past, I would have actually bought into it, because he was still on his first lifetime and he was still trusting, and curious, and childish, and … naive.
This leads me back to my headcanon about it. Louisa and her daughter remind him of Tasa and Sura, so he bought into the "romance," or the “idea” of it. He’s been alone for a long time and he’s grown tired and this woman pops out of nowhere and offers him a chance to revisit what he had lost so long ago, then maybe he would be more open to … moving in with her after a couple of days / weeks? (I agree with @theforgottensheikah on this. I fully understand they are rushed, but some kind of montage would have made it seem like more time had passed? The quickness was terribly OoC).
Expectation vs. Execution: The scene itself
Intimacy + Bonding vs. Strange Stinger Kink + Porno Moans
IMHO, this was weird. He’s feeding on her. There’s no kiss, there’s no intimacy, there’s no bonding.
They could have made that scene very sexy and made the audience feel the emotion that was supposedly there (even with the unbelievable Quinlan makeup) by having something like:
Forehead or nose touches (I fucking love these, sorry).
Quinlan refusing at first, telling her he didn’t want to hurt her, expressing concern for her.
Kissing … good lord, some kind of kissing.
Twitching and rattling with excitement over just the possibility of touching her.
I’m not daft or a fool. I get what they were trying to convey, but it fell flat. I’m not a crazy fangirl because I was more than open to see this. I DIDN’T MISS THE POINT AT ALL. But I wanted to see some intimacy. I wanted to see how Rupert would convey that intimacy. I was excited to possibly see Quinlan kissing someone.
IT … FELL … FLAT and then they made it weird.
He drinks her. Hmmm. To him, humans are food. To him, humans have always been food. 1848 years of food food food. I get that she’s got the kink and he conforms to it, but that’s not his kink He does what she asks but I’ve never been a huge vampire/blood play fan because … You like a good steak, but that doesn’t mean you want to fuck the cow, and if you are fucking the cow, doesn’t mean you are eating them at the same time. This disappointed me because it’s an incredibly clichéd vampire trope and I would hope that someone like Quinlan would be beyond it, especially at his age.
Also, I want to point out something particularly poignant here. Given how he reacted to the Master reminding him of Ancharia in 2x07, her death is still very much an open wound. So, I would think that being encouraged to drink from Louisa would be uncomfortable for him, to say the least. Since the Master forced him to drink the last known human that he cared for to survive, this scenario should actually be quite traumatic to him.
And, why would he want to drink someone he loves, especially after she just told him he was more beautiful as a human than a strigoi?  Isn’t that confusing?  She just painted him up like a human and then told him to drink her like a strigoi.  I digress ...
When I watched this part of the episode, I wasn’t crying, I wasn’t angry, I wasn’t even cringing. When I watched this part of the episode, I started laughing. This is no exaggeration. Even my husband asked me what I was ‘cackling’ about because these flashbacks played as if I was watching them re-enact a bad fanfiction. After it was over, I was more embarrassed and a bit creeped out about being a fan than angry or even disappointed.
What ran through my head was:
Oh good god. Is this what the show runners think of us?
Someone who accepts him in all of his unique beauty vs. Someone who tells him he needs to be human to be beautiful
I don’t need to touch on this subject as many already have. Instead, I’ll let Guillermo del Toro speak for all of us:
Well, I have said this in the past, so I hope i don’t bore you by repeating it, but I think that we live or die under the tyranny of perfection. Socially, we are pushed towards being perfect. Physically, beautiful to conform to standards that are cruel and uncommon, to behave and lead our lives in a certain way, to demonstrate to the world that we are happy and healthy and all full of sunshine. We are told to always smile and never sweat, by multiple commercials of shampoo or beer.
And I feel that the most achievable goal of our lives is to have the freedom that imperfection gives us.
And there is no better patron saint of imperfection than a monster.
We will try really hard to be angels, but I think that a balanced, sane life is to accept the monstrosity in ourselves and others as part of what being human is. Imperfection, the acceptance of imperfection, leads to tolerance and liberates us from social models that I find horrible and oppressive.
— Guillermo del Toro, on why he has always been intrigued by monsters
Passive vs. Submissive vs. Dominant
Quinlan was uncharacteristically passive in this episode. HE WAS THE SEXY LAMP THIS TIME. From Ancharia to Rome to modern day, he’s never been this passive. Even when he was working with Abe, he was still contributing and arguing.
This breaks the continuity of his characterization.
For those comparing him to Dracula AND/OR Lestat and using that as a basis for belittling others into loving what they saw: I didn’t pick Mr. Quinlan because he reminded me of other critically acclaimed vampires.  I picked Mr. Quinlan as my favorite fictional character because he was uniquely interesting and beautiful.
I chose him because of how intriguing and new he looked, how he acted and how Mr. Penry-Jones portrayed him.  I picked him because he was different than any other vampire/dhampir/nephilim I had ever seen.  Comparing what they did to him with other vampires, regardless of how I feel about those other character, actually cheapens his uniqueness for me.
Also, Gary Oldman was a shapeshifter in that movie and thus, it was well within my suspension of disbelief that he could change the contours of his face to look entirely human.
Now ... Understanding Your Fanbase
Part of the reason I, and many more fans, like the character of Quinlan is because he doesn’t conform to modern beauty standards. I loved that he wasn’t your average handsome, makeup-laden (cough - Twilight) vampire hunk. I loved that he was unique and complex. They took one of the most important aspects of his character and they wanted us to buy into a rushed and botched romance with a woman who wanted to fundamentally change him. Tasa fan or not, it’s very clear why this bothered people.
Would you and SHOULD YOU be with someone who convinced you that you needed to get plastic surgery?  I guess, since this is made by ‘Hollywood’, then this is an acceptable thing in that space?
In Conclusion: 4x05
No, we did not miss the point. No, we aren’t being stupid fangirls who don’t want to share Quinlan. The fact is, we just aren’t that gullible. Many of the people in this fandom have written their own fics, whether it be explicit or not, whether it be with an original character or Tasa or another canon character.
An impressive amount of us have actually sat down and put pen to paper in an attempt to characterize Quinlan. This is a difficult thing to do, because we like to think that he’s incredibly complex and mysterious. But, everyone is free to have their own interpretation of him.
Mini rant: Why does The Strain always make their female characters so sexually aggressive?  From Nora ripping Eph’s clothes off in the middle of an episode, to Anya being the one to invite Gus into her warm bosom, to Dutch VERY AGGRESSIVELY seducing both Fet and Eph, to Louisa begging for it?  Is this really the only type of woman that exist in this world?
In Further Conclusion: Quinlan and The Strain Fandom
I’ve never been a superfan of anything in my life and, while it has been a phenomenally creative outlet, the toxicity and ugliness of the current fandom makes me realize that I’ve got to get back to being an adult now. At the end of the day, it’s just any old terrible TV show and they’ve decided to remove the one thing that was inspiring me to continue watching and the bragging that it’s only going to get worse only tires me more.
It’s absolutely no secret that if the Strain didn’t have Quinlan in it, I would have stopped watching it halfway through season 3. It was all over the place, from the plot holes, strange character direction, and … of course … the treatment of women.
On that note, allow me a tiny tangent.  Something has seemed significantly off about the Strain since it came back together to film Season 4. Speculation on the cause of this tepidness shown from the creators, crew, and actors has driven mad speculation throughout the remaining members of the dwindling fandom.
What was going on that no one wanted to say anything? Was it that good that they didn’t want to spoil anything or … was it that bad that people are actually embarrassed about their contractual involvement? Why wasn’t the cast promoting it very much anymore? Why wasn’t the social media team themselves promoting it very much? Why weren’t there any teasers or anything to drive anticipation. And … most importantly … where the fuck did Guillermo del Toro go?!?
While we’re desperate to know why everything seemingly fizzled out, as just ‘simple fans’ who’s opinions don’t matter, we will never be privy to such information. If anyone has any insight into this and they’d like to share with me as a parting gift, please do so. It would be a private conversation.
I’ve been putting far too much passion into promoting and generating content for this show and after the atrocity that was the last episode (and the manner in which people reacted to criticism of the episode), I’ll be taking an indefinite hiatus from further involvement in this fandom. (Indefinite: lasting for an unknown or unstated length of time.) After all, I’m just a ‘simple fan’, and the only way that I can really show my disdain for the misdirection is by boycotting further direct involvement in the fandom.
I do not regret the time I’ve put into this as it gave me the confidence to reach beyond what I thought I was capable of and it drove me to start writing finally. I don’t even regret that the Strain was terrible in Season 3, because the best fanfic actually comes out of terrible shows (for obvious reasons). And regardless of what happens next in the show (which I am politely declining to watch further), no one can EVER take away the headcanon that I’ve created for myself and my version of Quinlan. Overall, I am incredibly proud of the characters that I built and the fandom that I have for my own interpretation.
With that being said, the latest episode was amazingly uninspiring and it kinda murdered my muse a bit. I will see what I can do about that. I promise. And if there is enough interest in me continuing it, I will.
Now, my fierce and lovely fandom … prepare yourselves for one final and epic commission for Straining for Originality. I’d wanted to wait until the chapter, but fuck it all …
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Gif by @quintustheinvictus
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vuryxn · 8 years
1-150 bich
I hate you Diane lmao, we can suffer together though binch
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? My girlfriend-chan, Kaylah~
2. Are you outgoing or shy? I could be both depending who Im with
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? People who I care about
4. Are you easy to get along with? I would like to believe so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? Yeah!
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? I guess people that I can get along with
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? I hope so
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? My girlfriend~!
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? A little bit
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Kaylah
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? My brother brought home food lol
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? That’s What I like - Bruno Mars, Pretty Thoughts - Alina Baraz & Galimatias (FJK Remix), By Your Side - Hoody, Good - Loco & Gray, and Rendezvous - Sik-K
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Yeah!
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Not really
15. What good thing happened this summer? There’s a lot of things!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Ofc!
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Yeah probably, the universe is so vast~
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? No
19. Do you like bubble baths? I don’t remember ever having one, but I think I would
20. Do you like your neighbors? Never talked to them lmao
21. What are you bad habits? Lmaoooo procrastinating, overthinking, I tend to get annoyed pretty easily lately, sometimes I don’t eat
22. Where would you like to travel? Yeah, I want to go to a lot of places! Like Japan and Korea~! Especially with loved ones, that would be so perfect tbh
23. Do you have trust issues? I have pretty bad trust issues lmao, I literally don’t really consider anyone really my bestfriend
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? I dont really have a daily routine, but I like waking up to goodmornings from my girlfriend
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? Lol
26. What do you do when you wake up? I usually check on new anime episodes or go on tumblr
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Lighter
28. Who are you most comfortable around? Probably my friend Gabby, we can be really weird together lol
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Lol nahh
30. Do you ever want to get married? Yeah, not anytime soon though
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? Yes
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? I am a child of god
33. Spell your name with your chin. frhyanhj, lmao I actually tried
34. Do you play sports? What sports? I don’t play sports really, but playing badminton or biking is fun
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yeah
37. What do you say during awkward silences? I don’t
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? I like the cutesy type, innocent but can also have a dirty mind, funny, have things in common, and someone who is always down
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? I shop a lot at H&M, Cotton On and Top Shop
40. What do you want to do after high school? Well Im down of hs already, but Im just going to work and school rn
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? I actually don’t believe in second chances
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? Most likely Im sad or annoyed, or tired or all of the above lmao XD
43. Do you smile at strangers? Sometimes? I kinda have to for work
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Im not sure, they both seem really scary tbh
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Work/school, friends
46. What are you paranoid about? I’m paranoid about a lot of things, I guess I’m pretty insecure
47. Have you ever been high? A few times
48. Have you ever been drunk? A lot of times lmao
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? I guess yeah
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Black
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Yes, all the time
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? Probably my motivation in life
53. Favorite makeup brand? I don’t
54. Favorite store? I like Top Shop or Cotton On
55. Favorite blog? My friend hikikohmori, ayeee shout outtt lmao, holla at her, she’s single hahaaha
56. Favorite color? Black
57. Favorite food? Sushi
58. Last thing you ate? Rice porridge 
59. First thing you ate this morning? I ate cup noodles lol
60. Ever won a competition? For what? Im a failure in life XD
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? I had a in-school suspension for one day for punching another kid in elementary lol
62. Been arrested? For what? Lol
63. Ever been in love? Yes
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? It was in a library lol, it was really awkward
65. Are you hungry right now? Not really
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? No one talks to me on here lmao
67. Facebook or Twitter? I dont have a twitter so I guess facebook
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now? I haven’t watched tv in years lmao
70. Names of your bestfriends? I don’t really consider anyone really my best friend, but closest would be Van
71. Craving something? What? My girlfriend-desuu~ lmao jk, but I’m not really craving anything rn, I was thinking of getting mexican food but I was like nahh
72. What color are your towels? I have a blue one and one that has brown and teal
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? I have two, one normal and a body pillow, I also have a plushie that’s big enough to be a pillow so I guess three?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? I guess? lmao
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? I use to have a lot but it took up too much space in my room so I took them out
75. Favorite animal? I like foxes
76. What colour is your underwear? It’s either black or grey
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
78. Favorite ice cream flavor? Pistachio~  
79. What color shirt are you wearing? Black
80. What colour pants? Grey
81. Favorite tv show? I don’t watch tv
82. Favorite movie? I really liked FFVII
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? There‘s a second movie?
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? 21 Jump Street
85. Favorite character from Mean Girls? I don’t remember names
86. Favorite character from Finding Nemo? I guess Dory?
87. First person you talked to today? Kaylah
88. Last person you talked to today? Kaylah or Diane lol day hasn’t ended yet, but probably Kaylah
89. Name a person you hate? I don’t really hate anyone tbh, I’m pretty chill, I tend to tolerate if anything
90. Name a person you love? Kaylah~
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?  Myself XD
92. In a fight with someone? I was????
93. How many sweatpants do you have? Like 4 or 5 haha
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? A lot, maybe like 7+
95. Last movie you watched? I don’t remember
96. Favorite actress? Sulli baeeee
97. Favorite actor? Johnny Depp
98. Do you tan a lot? No
99. Have any pets? I use to have pet fishes, but not anymore
100. How are you feeling? Okay
101. Do you type fast? Kinda, I tend to have a lot of typos though
102. Do you regret anything from your past? I regret a lot of things
103. Can you spell well? I think so
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? I guess I do, but times past
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Yeah
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? Lmao lowkey
107. Have you ever been on a horse? No, idk if ponies count lol
108. What should you be doing? A lot
109. Is something irritating you right now? Not really
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Yeah...
111. Do you have trust issues? I think this question is repeated
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? I don’t cry in front of people lol so I don’t recall ever, or I don’t even cry tbh, maybe teary but that’s about it
113. What was your childhood nickname? Never had one
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Nuuu unfortunately ;-;
115. Do you play the Wii? Lol I actually really wanted one when I was younger, because Wii sports was so fun
116. Are you listening to music right now? Yes
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? Depends how it’s made
118. Do you like Chinese food? I love chinese food
119. Favorite book? I don’t read lmao XD
120. Are you afraid of the dark? Not really
121. Are you mean? I don’t think so, I’m generally pretty nice 
122. Is cheating ever okay? Never
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? Nah
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? No
125. Do you believe in true love? Yes
126. Are you currently bored? I have to be if Im answer all of these XD
127. What makes you happy? Spending time with my girlfriend~, and food
128. Would you change your name? I never really liked my last name
129. What your zodiac sign? Aquarius
130. Do you like subway? Never been in one, but I think it’s really aesthetic
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Lol nah
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Kaylah
133. Favorite lyrics right now? Idk
134. Can you count to one million? No wtf
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? Idk
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Closed
137. How tall are you? I’m like 5′7 or 5′8
138. Curly or Straight hair? Straight
139. Brunette or Blonde? Idk, I like both
140. Summer or Winter? Winter~
141. Night or Day? Night
142. Favorite month? December
143. Are you a vegetarian? No
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Dark
145. Tea or Coffee? Coffee
146. Was today a good day? It could have been better
147. Mars or Snickers? Snickers
148. What’s your favorite quote? The less you care, the happier you’ll be
149. Do you believe in ghosts? Maybe idk
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? I don’t have books
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latestnews2018-blog · 6 years
Obituary: Dame Gillian Lynne was a leading light of dance
New Post has been published on https://latestnews2018.com/obituary-dame-gillian-lynne-was-a-leading-light-of-dance/
Obituary: Dame Gillian Lynne was a leading light of dance
The choreographer with ferocious energy helped create dozens of hits including ‘Cats’ and ‘The Phantom of the Opera’
Dame Gillian Lynne, who has died aged 92, was a figure of extraordinary versatility and longevity in the dance world, the choreographer of such world-renowned musicals as Cats and The Phantom of the Opera, the creator of scores of stage shows and television dance films, and also a former Royal Ballet ballerina, musical theatre star, and a Hollywood co-star — and lover — of Errol Flynn.
Even as she approached 90, she kept a working pace of ferocious energy, recreating a lost 1940s classical ballet for Birmingham Royal Ballet and co-directing a large new production of Cats in the West End in 2014. She told an interviewer: “It’s only because I’ve been so busy I’ve not had time to die.”
Her CV of shows, roles and awards ran to 10 pages.
Two weeks ago she became the first non-royal woman to have her name on a West End theatre, when the composer of Cats, Lord Lloyd-Webber, renamed the New London Theatre, Drury Lane — the venue for the show’s record-breaking 21-year run — the Gillian Lynne Theatre. Lynne was borne onstage in a golden throne by four bare-chested men, bedecked with pink ostrich feathers.
With her long slim limbs, frequently displayed to great advantage in short dresses and leotards even in her eighties, Lynne insisted that her arrestingly youthful looks were the result of being married to a man 24 years younger than her.
Lynne crossed every borderline in dance, choreographing straight ballets for Western Theatre Ballet, Birmingham Royal Ballet and Northern Ballet, creating new television ballet dramas and enjoyed being known in the dance business as the “queen of sexy”.
“I remember saying to the cast of Cats that we wanted it to be the sexiest show ever,” she recalled. “I told them that our aim was to make people jump up from their seats, rush home and leap into bed to make love.”
Yet she also regularly created the dances for the Royal Opera and English National Opera — for Wagner’s Flying Dutchman and Parsifal, Tippett’s Midsummer Marriage and Berlioz’s The Trojans, as well as for popular films such as Wonderful Life, Half a Sixpence, Yentl and Man of La Mancha.
Despite two hip replacements (she shared a surgeon with the Queen Mother), she remained able to tuck her feet behind her ears at 88, and produced a fitness DVD to prove it. “Retirement’s the biggest mistake you can make,” she said.
Born Gillian Barbara Pyrke on February 20 1926, the only child of Barbara and Leslie Pyrke, a Bromley house furnisher, she lost her mother in an early tragedy that she said drove her achievements throughout her life. In 1939 her mother and three friends went on a shopping trip and were all killed in a car crash, leaving four families motherless.
The young Gillian had been encouraged in dancing by her mother, but the accident, and wartime evacuation, interrupted her progress. When her father joined the Army she was evacuated to Somerset, but ran away. Her mother’s sister became her guardian back in south London and helped her win a place at the Cone Ripman dance school.
As a teenager she began performing with Molly Lake’s Ballet Guild, and in 1944 danced the leading role in Swan Lake at a gala for the Daily Telegraph’s then ballet critic A V Coton. For the programme, Molly Lake changed the girl’s name to Gillian Lynne.
One of the guests was the founder of Sadler’s Wells Ballet, Ninette de Valois, who invited Gillian to join the company. During her seven years with the Sadler’s Wells Ballet Gillian collected a quiverful of new leading roles. The American choreographer George Balanchine picked her to double Beryl Grey’s role in Ballet Imperial, and Frederick Ashton cast her, aged 20, in the second night of his 1946 masterpiece Symphonic Variations.
She was frequently cast in dramatic roles such as Myrta, the queen of the supernatural Wilis in Giselle and the Black Queen in de Valois’s Checkmate, and she featured prominently in Robert Helpmann’s ballets Adam Zero and Miracle in the Gorbals. She was also a soloist in the historic Sadler’s Wells Ballet performances of The Sleeping Beauty that reopened the Royal Opera House in 1946, and at the company’s celebrated New York debut in 1949.
On the Sadler’s Wells Ballet’s second US tour in 1951 Gillian Lynne went to see the new Broadway production of South Pacific, which “changed my life”. Within two years, aware that she was likely to remain a secondary soloist in classical ballet, she took up the London Palladium’s offer to become its resident star ballerina, performing alongside such household names as Vera Lynn, Terry-Thomas, George Formby and the Billy Cotton Band.
Her salary jumped from pounds 15 to pounds 40 a week, and she turned down de Valois’s request that she return to the ballet: “I had smelled another world, one that I knew I could conquer.” Spotted by a Hollywood scout at the Palladium, in 1952 she was hired by Warner Brothers to play the sultry gipsy dancer Marianna in Errol Flynn’s The Master of Ballantrae, and the two had a brief affair.
In a characteristically unlikely sequence of events, she returned to Covent Garden to dance in the Royal Opera’s Tannhauser and Aida, then starred in Goody Two Shoes in Windsor and Puss In Boots at Coventry’s Empire, supported by Morecambe and Wise and Harry Secombe.
Soon after, she landed the first of many jobs dancing in BBC television productions, then performed live: she performed the Dance of the Seven Veils in Salome, played Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and narrated and mimed all nine characters in a 1959 live filming of Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf, with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. To train for the last, the BBC sent her to Jacques Lecoq’s renowned mime school in France, an experience that she later drew on for Cats.
Gillian Lynne’s first choreography was also for television, Western Theatre Ballet’s jazz-ballet The Owl and the Pussycat, composed by Dudley Moore. Moore next collaborated with her on her first original stage work, an innovative revue of jazz, ballet and words, Collages, for the 1963 Edinburgh Festival, which was so successful that it transferred to the Savoy in London.
In 1973 she and Moore accepted a BBC Two challenge to create a Saturday night live television Soccer Ballet, as a rival attraction for viewers of Match of the Day.
She directed award-winning dance sequences for episodes of The Muppet Show in the late 1970s, and in 1987 created a celebrated BBC television dance film about the life of L S Lowry, A Simple Man, which she adapted for Northern Ballet Theatre to perform in theatres. She also choreographed for her great friend, the skater John Curry, when he essayed a move from ice to the boards in 1978.
However, it was her creation of Cats with Andrew Lloyd Webber and Trevor Nunn in 1981 that was Gillian Lynne’s passport to world celebrity. An acrobatic “dance-ical” in cat costumes making a sexy semi-pantomime from T S Eliot’s poems was hardly expected to be a world smash, but it ran for 18 years on Broadway and 21 in the West End. Gillian Lynne would stage dozens of productions around the world till the end of her life, including a new West End staging in 2014-16.
The record-breaking popularity and longevity of Cats were overtaken in 1986 by the next Lloyd Webber musical with Gillian Lynne as musical stager and choreographer, Phantom of the Opera, directed by Hal Prince. Gillian Lynne used her backstage knowledge of the Royal Opera House to bring atmospheric veracity to the Paris Opera of the story, and it became the most financially successful musical ever created, winning Best Musical at both Britain’s 1986 Olivier Awards and New York’s 1988 Tony Awards.
It is still playing in New York, by a long margin the longest-running Broadway show in history. Aspects of Love, Lloyd Webber’s 1989 musical, which once again Trevor Nunn directed and Gillian Lynne choreographed, was less successful. It closed on Broadway after less than a year, losing $8 million (Dh29.38 million), and was described in The New York Times as “perhaps the greatest flop in Broadway history”.
Gillian Lynne directed or choreographed more than 50 shows, including the RSC’s The Comedy of Errors and The Boy Friend (both directed by Nunn), and on Broadway and in the West End Roar of the Greasepaint, Pickwick, My Fair Lady and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. She created several original shows for the London Palladium, including Queen of the Cats and Hans Andersen. Among opera productions she directed and choreographed for the Royal Opera and English National Opera were Bluebeard, Parsifal and The Trojans.
As a ballet choreographer she became associated with Northern Ballet Theatre, after the star of A Simple Man, Christopher Gable, became artistic director at the Leeds company. But her later works for the company, Lippizaner and The Brontes, were less successful than the Lowry ballet.
She was a tireless advocate for popular music and jazz dance, and made acclaimed television dance films on the Beatles (The Fool on the Hill for Australian TV) and on Burt Bacharach and Hal David (The Look of Love for the BBC). She enthusiastically joined Twitter when she was 85, but remained strongly sceptical of other modern developments in the dance profession, believing that an old-fashioned work ethic was what trained the best.
Among Gillian Lynne’s many honours were Olivier Awards for the RSC’s The Comedy of Errors (1977) and lifetime achievement (2013), a Bafta for A Simple Man (1987), and the Samuel G Engel TV Award for her BBC drama Le Morte d’Arthur (1985).
In 1997 she was appointed CBE and in 2014 DBE, for services to dance and musical theatre. She published her autobiography, A Dancer in Wartime, in 2011, and was elected vice-president of the Royal Academy of Dance in 2012, receiving its top honour, the Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Award.
Gillian Lynne’s first marriage to the barrister Patrick St John back in 1948 did not survive her affair with Errol Flynn. In 1980, during auditions for My Fair Lady, which she was directing, a 27-year-old actor, Peter Land, auditioned for the juvenile lead, Freddy Eysnford-Hill. “He was standing there at the bar, and he was drop-dead gorgeous. We just looked at each other,” she recalled. He was exactly half her age when they married in 1980.
Peter Land survives her. There were no children.
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johannamaur34-blog · 7 years
The Light Of Enthusiasm Is Gone As Depression Takes Over.
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