#stout halfling barbarian
l0cal-cryptidd · 23 days
I make these little mood boards my my and my party's D&D characters and figured I'd share :)
(I claim none of these images as my own, they're just from pinterest. This is just for fun.)
This homebrew campaign took place in a land called Arcadia. The group was affectionately called "Kylar Verinius, and Others". It was the first full campaign we saw through to the end and it holds a special place in my heart :)
1 | Minerva "Minnie" Grace Honeyhill | Lightfoot halfling, life cleric in service to Cyrollalee | Guardian of the Eternal Knowledge
2 | Narzar Drak | Githzerai, kensei monk
3 | Ketari | Tiefling, druid of the circle of the land | Ambassador to the Feywild
4 | Kylar Verinius | High elf, hexblade warlock, Storm sorcerer | Wielder of Dayrend
5 | Stilte Van De Maan | Tabaxi, shadow monk, knowledge cleric in service to Selûne | Master of the Jadeshoe Grove Monastery
6 | Smasherino | Stout halfling, berserker barbarian
7 | Raven | Shadar-Kai, ranger | Champion of the Raven Queen
8 | Mixim Nozzleflog | Rock gnome, armorer artificer | Beloved NPC and resident Wiki
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eldritch-ace · 1 year
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Here’s some sketches from my stranger things dnd au from last year(not like anyone’s done that before).
I left some explanations under the cut…
So Steve is a high elf eldritch knight fighter/ paladin. Eddie is a black dragonborn valor bard. Robin is a half gnome illusionist wizard/ bard. Chrissy is a fairy bard. Erica is a half wood elf thief rogue. Dustin is a stout halfling lore bard/ battle smith artificer. Hopper is a half orc path of the warchief barbarian. El is a bloodline of levistus tiefling aberrant mind sorcerer. Max is a fire genasi speedster rogue/ fighter. Lucas is a half wood elf hunter ranger. I also have races and classes (and spells and character sheets) set up for characters not in these drawings too.
I have a lot of ideas of how the world would work. It’s more of a stranger things except it takes place in dnd kind of au. I tried to set up a lot of characters with that in mind. I thought through everything for quite a while and I’m pretty proud of it.
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gymleadercheren · 7 months
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Name: Peregrine “Perry” Heath O’Dell
Race: Halfling (Lightfoot/Stout)
Class: Paladin/Barbarian (Oath of the Crown/Path of the Ancestral Guardian)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 27
Where: Mal Famaburg
Ninth-born of the O’Dell family, Perry was always the wild child of the bunch, bursting with energy and an unfortunate love of wrestling (which his father and brothers did their best to tolerate). As he grew older, his energy was channeled into something a little more productive when he met a stern paladin in town by the name of Paul. Paul, as a favor to his friend Lady Cornflower, took to putting Perry through years of intense (and admittedly ridiculous) training– which Perry absolutely loved. As a result, he grew to be not only one of the tallest halflings ever seen (an impressive 4’2”), but also one of the strongest. It’s rumored that he eats twice as much as a normal halfling and converts it all into solid muscle.
Perry’s dream is to be allowed to officially join the city guard, but his parents have requested to Lady Ari that he is not permitted to join unless he can prove himself responsible and keep his temper under control. Perry has been trying especially hard recently to prove himself ready, but he’s always had a bit of a temper issue. Though normally perfectly friendly and enthusiastic, he gets immediately riled up at anything he perceives to be an insult and he finds it difficult to calm back down. This has proven quite the turn-off for his on-again off-again paramour, Teagan, the owner of the nearby inn Dove Wing Corner. They are currently off, but Perry is eager to impress her by joining the guard and hopefully get back together again.
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TWST D&D Characters
Partially inspired by Book 6, but largely because I love Dungeons and Dragons; me and my partner came up with this list, if anyone wants me to elaborate I will, I just didn't want a thesis length post
This is all for fun, we borrowed some of the subclasses from unofficial content because we thought it would fit, some people are multi-classed, some aren't
Riddle Rosehearts: High Elf School of Abjuration Wizard
Trey Clover: Human Oath of the Watcher Paladin
Cater Diamond: Tiefling College of the Maestro Bard
Ace Trappola: Fire Genasi Arcane Trickster Rogue
Deuce Spade: Water Genasi Cavalier Fighter
Leona Kingscholar: Leonin Eldritch Knight Fighter
Ruggie Bucchi: Tabaxi College of Eloquence Bard
Jack Howl: Frost Wolf Way of the Open Hand Monk
Azul Ashengrotto: Sea Elf Pact of The Fathomless Warlock
Jade Leech: Air Genasi Circle of Spores Druid
Floyd Leech: Tiefling Storm Sorcerer
Kalim Al-Asim: Stout Halfling College of Glamour Bard
Jamil Viper: Aasimar Order of the Profane Soul Blood Hunter, Pact of The Great Old One
Vil Schoenheit: High Elf Ambition Domain Cleric
Rook Hunt: Wood Elf Gloom Stalker Ranger/College of Swords Bard
Epel Felmier: Half-Elf Path of the Ancestral Guardian Barbarian
Idia Shroud: Hill Dwarf Battle Smith Artificer
Ortho Shroud: Warforged Artillerist Artificer/College of Lore Bard
Malleus Draconia: Gold Dragonborn Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer
Lilia Vanrouge: Eladrin (flips between Winter and Spring most often) Oath of Vengeance Paladin/College of Whispers Bard
Silver: Aasimar Fey Wanderer Ranger
Sebek Zigvolt: Half-Elf Oath of Devotion Paladin
The Prefect: Human Beastmaster Ranger
Grim: Tabaxi School of Evocation Wizard
I miss D&D
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spectralscathath · 10 months
What would each Antares character play as in a tabletop RPG like Dungeons and Dragons? What races, classes and builds? Why? What does it say about them as a character?
now this IS a fun one. I'm gonna go with standard D&D because I know it well enough, though there is actually an in-universe dungeon-crawler tabletop RPG called Grimmlings & Grottos. But anyway! Let's do some breakdowns. Let's just set it tentatively at the beginning of the story, because what the characters might play at the end would be very different. But lets just stick with early days for now. I'm also gonna stick to the people, so far, who might currently have played in Ruby's hypothetical D&D game, so thats mostly her family and friend group. Beacon Era, even. Or else this would be VERY long.
First of all: Ruby is the DM. No question. She wants to tell stories, make homebrew stuff, and gets to play all of the monsters and NPCs. done deal. If she had to be a player at all she'd probably want to be something she can do a lot of fun roleplaying in, and also probably be really rules-lawyering and try to swing it all in her favour. Which makes me think that her go to is a Stout Halfling Dhampir (its a lineage that goes on top of a base race) as an Arcane Trickster Rogue or something ("yeah DM sneak attack is once per turn"). But yeah Ruby is the DM. As for why? She likes storytelling, and she likes having a measure of control over things around her, she's not ever been a 'go-with-the-flow' person, she thinks and plans and even as leader her worries were 'what if things get out of control and I can't handle that' rather than 'i'm too young for this'. And, well, Ruby is all about fairytales and grand adventures, what suits her better than making that grand adventure?
Which is to say: when the players go off script she gets grumpy about it. She'll roll with it but she'll complain. "Yang I gave you eight seperate story threads and you picked PIRACY? that wasn't one of them do you know how many crew member NPCs I have to roll up now?"
I like to think that canonically the Xiao Long-Rose-Branwen household has played at least one session with Ruby DMing and Yang instantly picked the highest damage output possible and built an Orc Barbarian (Path of the Beast). Backstory? What's that? "Her name's Ember and she's killed twenty people, lets go kill monsters'. I think this should be quite self-explanatory to Yang's beginning characterisation. She wants to skip ahead to the cool fight scenes where she can describe how badass her character is.
Taiyang and Qrow (they're mostly here to support Ruby's interests and don't actually get what's going on but they have a great attitude and Ruby's patient with them) both individually saw 'Bard' and Taiyang saw 'well that looks fun, I can make up lil rhymes' and Qrow saw 'I can be a sex, drugs, rock-and-roll guy that's the epitome of cool' and drummed up a bard duo called where one is an aging punk rocker Tiefling based on all Qrow's fav emo bands as a twenty-year-old and Taiyang saw 'gold dragonborn' and blacked out. They both picked College of Eloquence because it looked easiest. Not much to say about why beyond 'parental support and really trying to understand their kid's interests' which is why Tai is the best parent in Antares and why Qrow- well, sometimes he hits the mark.
Weiss has no fuckin clue what any of this is aside from 'nerd stuff for plebians that I suppose I must join for team building'. Basic first options on the list, human fighter, basic stats, doesn't really get into it for a couple of sessions but once she twigs that the dice is like a numbers game it really catches her interest and she starts looking into it more. She snags Eldritch Knight as her path for access to spells and ends up having a good time. Its a microcosm of Weiss's 'defrosting ice queen' plotline. Once she gets into to she gets into it.
Blake actually read the players handbook for more than half a second and decided she wanted to be creative and have a bit of fun while also quickly making the connection that the party was very tanky, so she decided to create a Water Genasi Sorcerer with the path of Lunar Sorcery, since she thought the options it had were fun and she absolutely did extra reading to decide. Mostly this ties into Blake's early character of, though not looking like it, actually genuinely really wanting to get along with her friends while also rediscovering her interests. She also decides to play an optimist, just to try and have that bit of escapism she so desperately wants. Oh- play as a Tabaxi? No, why do you ask?
Onto JNPR, Jaune has the distinction of Acutally Having Knowledge of This, he strikes me as a 'oh I love D&D podcasts I've always wanted to play it'. His dicerolls are, obviously, fucking horrendous at all times, but he ends up playing as a dwarf paladin, I think, good ol Oath of Devotion. He just wants to do a bit of wish fulfilment as a hero, but he doesn't really push it to the point of being a pure 'must follow all the rules' type of paladin roleplay. He just wants to enjoy having friends and mostly tries to keep things chill at the table.
Pyrrha has no idea what she's doing either but she's trying really hard even though she can't wrap her head around any of it. She picked a Cleric because it seemed nice, she could be the party healer. Life domain, Ruby threw her a softball and said 'that's the healing one' and Pyrrha went 'yep'. She just wants to be a normal girl who plays games with a friend group and also be useful in a way that will keep them from ditching her. Gotta please everyone, and healing- it's nice. Useful. They'll invite her more to play.
Nora wants to be a barbarian too, specifically a Goliath with path of Wild Magic for the chaos because she wants to try derail the campaign like she heard about, but Ruby plays favourites with her sister and tells her to pick a new one so Nora goes sulking through the book again for something else, sees the words 'blood' and 'hunter' next to each other, and goes feral. Order of the Lycan is an instant follow-up. Race? Oh- yeah, still a Goliath. Nora just wants to fuck shit up and be with her friends, there's no underlying deeper character issues. Possibly height envy, maybe.
Ren, similarly to Blake, reads the handbook cover to cover, does his own research, and gets super into the idea of Roleplaying as well. However, he goes full 'how dark can I get away with' and creates a warlock, specifically with a Great Old One as patron. A haunted man, troubled by shadows and loss of the past long before being cursed with a treacherous deal that leads to the nightmares and madness of the present, desperately struggling to hold onto sanity as their patron eats a piece of their mind with every spell he casts. Yanno, standard Lovecraftian horror. Ren's really trying to be dramatic and hoping for a tragic end, where his character is twisted into the secret main villain, and Ruby thinks that would be really cool and is pushing for it if only the rest of the campaign wasn't trying to power of friendship this. Ren's just trying to lowkey work through some stuff, it's fine. It's totally fine. Oh- and he picked Pact of the Tome, he wants more cantrips.
Sun got invited along and was like 'gnome ranger lets fuckin go'. Epitome of 'holy shit I can have a pet dinosaur this game RULES' as a player. Mostly coasting on dice luck but can pull out one HELL of a bit of roleplay when he wants to. It's beautiful. He really wishes this campaign could go on forever, it's easier when the bad guys are just figurines on a table.
Penny is ready and waiting to play but she never gets the chance to join a session. Her schedule just doesn't line up, unfortunately. And she hasn't decided her class- she'll see what everyone else needs for an effective party balance first and then she'll pick one. So she doesn't get to pick a subclass. But she'd really like to give it a try if she could! She'd play a standard human character. No there's no other meaning in her wanting to be a human character when she could be something way more interesting, not at all.
Ruby offered to Sun to bring Emerald along for a session but Emerald said no. F in the chat for Emerald (one day).
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firstruleofmethclub · 10 months
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Gimly's D&D 5E Player Characters - #9
Name: Mulber Goodtimes
Race: Stout Halfling
Class: Circle of the Moon Druid
Background: Brewer
Ability Modifiers: +4 Wisdom; -1 Strength
Campaign: Mulber was a character I wrote years ago, but only got the chance to play as in my most recent campaign. I've been playing as the barbarian from my last post, Lobo, but when my DM wanted to introduce some new players, I had the opportunity to play with them too. It was the same world, but like 50 miles away and a week earlier from where I was playing Lobo, so it wouldn't have made any sense for him to be there. Perfect chance to pull out Mulber Goodtimes.
The timeline between the new players where I'm Mulber, and the OG players where I'm Lobo, have now met up. So. Am I playing as two characters? No. Lobo had a building dropped on him the last time I played as him, and was abandoned, and when the new bigger group went back to where he was left, he was gone. So for now I'm still playing as Mulber until we find Lobo, then I'll switch. It's actually been good to do it this way. I had written Mulber's backstory as his halfling husband and their adopted bugbear daughter having been kidnapped, and he's on a mission to find them. But doing this little quick half-dozen sessions arc with him is giving me a chance to play him before that happened, he's in town because it's the Midsummer festival in Phandalin, and he's here to make cocktails, which is a huge part of his character.
Backstory: Worships Uller, God of Winter and the Hunt
Famed in his village for the cocktails he designed, Mulber would often barely leave his house for weeks on end, then suddenly throw a massive party when he had "perfected his latest recipe" inviting the entire village to come over and try his newest beverage. He often sells, not the cocktails themselves, but the rights recipes to used to make them.
Married by a traveling Half-Orc Paladin in a private ceremony to the son and heir of wealthy brewery magnate. Together they adopted a young Bugbear girl, who they raised lovingly, and who loved them in turn.
Mulber's husband and daughter were kidnapped, and he has left the safety of his rural home for the first time in his life to find them.
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Necrobane Yvonya, The Devotee Stout Halfling Barbarian
My Curse of Strahd character! After finishing Descent into Avernus, my group is back with new characters. I wanted to play a religious zealout this time around, inspired by the likes of Father Gascoigne. Yvonya is a follower of Kelemvor, having grown up in an Abbey devoted to him. She's a champion of the people and I can't wait for her to have her faith challenged and sense of sense eviscerated by Barovia.
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fedorasaurus · 2 years
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Really excited to have started DMing a Hoard of the Dragon Queen campaign in DnD 5e! I love these dragon-centric stories but I haven’t yet had the chance to run it in full, so here’s hoping it works out this time!
More drawings/details to follow later, but the party is:
Charlotte (they/them) Tiefling Barbarian
Therin (he/him) Hill Dwarf Druid (plus Phoebe the Squirrel)
Baba Yoda (she/her) Stout Halfling Monk
Enebin (he/him) Copper Dragonborn Paladin
Tari (she/her) Half-Elf Rogue
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charaday5e · 9 days
Character Count 5R
It's been a long time since I counted the characters on this blog. So I'm splitting the list into two, separated by edition/revision. 5e Revision (2024) Mort 1st, Cleric Hermit Dwarf Rad 1st, Fighter Soldier Orc Zim 1st, Fighter Farmer Dwarf Splendor 1st, Paladin Noble Human Yoku 1st, Ranger Wayfarer Elf Tesco 1st, Ranger Guide Human Wisp 1st, Rogue Criminal Halfling Kane 1st, Wizard Criminal Human Soon to complete 12 base classes, Barbarian - Rek Bard - Philmore Druid - Gwen Monk - Poe Sorcerer - Keu Warlock - Juno
Legacy 5e (2014) Rak Tak’Kaz 1st, Barbarian Outlander Half-Orc Philmore Sangbringer 1st, Bard Charlatan Half-Elf Lydia Callessa 1st, Cleric Folk Hero Wood Elf Mort Eaglehart 1st, Cleric Acolyte Hill Dwarf Lambert Saint-Germain 1st, Cleric Acolyte Variant Human Leonard Stormshower 1st, Cleric Outlander Variant Human Jyin Tarn 1st, Cleric Acolyte Varian Human Jyin 12th, Cleric Acolyte Varian Human Plotz 4th, Cleric Acolyte Varian Human Gwenole Caedmon 1st, Druid Outlander Variant Human Kive 1st, Fighter Soldier Mountain Dwarf Delancy McDermont 1st, Standard Human Acolyte Fighter Tassle Proudfoot 1st, Stout Halfling Criminal Fighter Boomer Westwind 1st, Variant Human Folk Hero Fighter Rik Whip 2nd, Fighter Hermit Variant Human Lars 12th, Fighter Soldier Variant Human Poe Dansen 1st, Monk Outlander Wood Elf Bainard Fitzroy 1st, Paladin Noble Variant Human Splendor 3rd, Paladin Soldier Variant Human Garr 4th, Paladin Custom Outlander Soldier Half-Orc Garr 12th, Paladin Custom Outlander Soldier Half-Orc Reng 2nd, Paladin Outlander Half-Orc Brutus Callahan 5th, Paladin Outlander Variant Human Dabet Larin 1st, Ranger Folk Hero Variant Human Gunhem Kul 3rd, Ranger Folk Hero Variant Human Lail’eliam Featherbow 4th, Ranger Criminal Wood Elf Wisp Ficklebottom 1st, Rogue Criminal Lightfoot Halfling Wisp 12th, Rogue Criminal Lightfoot Halfling Sarro Malvice 1st, Rogue Noble High Elf Rossum Kould 1st, Rogue Ex-Acolyte Variant Human Simon Ghesh 1st, Sorcerer Criminal Variant Human Iago Brimstone 1st, Warlock Criminal Tiefling Benny Briarsong 2nd, Warlock Criminal Variant Human Azonzaval La’liam 1st, Wizard Sage High Elf Xander Struan 1st, Wizard Noble Standard Human Oliver Trailborough 1st, Wizard Sage Variant Human Tassilo Staunton 5th, Wizard Custom Hermit Noble Variant Human Rei-hito Rog8/Ftr6, Rogue/Fighter Urchin Wood Elf Dugan Myers Ftr3/Rog2, Fighter/Rogue Folk Hero Variant Human
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cagemasterfantasy · 1 month
Kender Ranking and Features (5e)
1=do not play this class as this race
2=can play but not recommended
3=decent choice
Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen
During the mythical origins of Krynn, Reorx, god of craft, indulged in an age of unfettered creation. Many peoples sprang from his divine forge, but not all among them remained as the god created them. Altered by unbridled magic, a group of gnomes were transformed and given almost supernatural curiosity and fearlessness. These were the first kender.
Originating on the world of Krynn, kender are diminutive Humanoids who look like humans with pointed ears and diverse appearances. Kender have a supernatural curiosity that drives them to adventure. Due to this inquisitiveness, many kender find themselves falling through portals to other planes and worlds.
Kender sometimes amass impressive collections of curiosities. Some might collect mundane knickknacks or relics from magical sites, while others might become professional thieves.
Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score by 2, and increase a different one by 1, or increase three different scores by 1.
Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
Size. You are Small.
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Fearless. You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the frightened condition on yourself. When you fail a saving throw to avoid or end the frighted condition on yourself, you can choose to succeed instead. Once you succeed on a saving throw in this way, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
Kender Aptitude. Thanks to the mystical origin of your people, you gain proficiency with one of the following skills of your choice: Insight, Investigation, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Survival.
Taunt. You have an extraordinary ability to fluster creatures. As a bonus action, you can unleash a string of provoking words at a creature within 60 feet of yourself that can hear and understand you. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or it has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you until the start of your next turn. The DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (choose when you select this race). You can use this bonus action a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate for the character.
Artificer 3 Artificers have numerous uses for their Bonus Action which makes Taunt difficult to use. A Stout Halfling will frequently be a better choice with a similar feel
Barbarian 2 Barbarians almost universally dump their mental ability scores so Taunt will usually be unreliable. Many Barbarians also lean heavily on their Bonus Action
Bard 3 while Bards have many ways to use their Bonus Action they’re all limited use so turns in which you’re not using your Bonus Action occur often enough that Taunt is appealing. A College of Lore Kender max out their action economy by using Vicious Mockery as an Action Taunt as their Bonus Action and Cutting Words as their Reaction and spend all of their actions for a round doing nothing except insulting people. This isn’t abnormally powerful but it’s fun and it can shut down one creature’s attacks for a turn quite a bit
Cleric 3 Clerics have many excellent uses for their Bonus Action including spells like Healing Word Shield of Faith and Spiritual Weapon. However those all cost expensive and limited spell slots and often can’t be used when you’re casting another spell on the same turn. As a whole this means that you’ll have occasional turns where your Bonus Action is unused but not many beyond low levels
Druid 4 most Druids have few consistent uses for their Bonus Action so Taunt is easy to fit into your tactics. Taunt does require speech unfortunately so you won’t be able to use it while using Wild Shape. This makes Circle of the Land and Circle of Spores particularly good choices
Fighter 2 while most Fighters don’t lean heavily on their Bonus Action they also generally don’t have mental stats good enough to make Taunt reliable. If you can spare a bit of Wisdom to support it you might do alright
Monk 2 Monks have too much competition for their Bonus Action to fit Taunt into their tactics easily though of every martial class they’re among the most likely to have mental stats to support it
Paladin 4 Paladins often have Charisma close to that of full spellcasters and aside from a handful of spells most Paladins have few uses for their Bonus Actions making Taunt easy to fit into your tactics. It does compete for space with Compelled Duel but Taunt doesn’t require Concentration and doesn’t eat a spell slot so it adds to your existing resources without directly competing with them. Unfortunately once a Paladin becomes immune to the Frightened condition at level 10 that makes Fearless a dead racial feature
Ranger 2 Rangers need a bit of Wisdom for spellcasting which can make Taunt viable. However they often need their Bonus Action for things like spells commanding pets two-weapon fighting and using damage boosts provided by many Ranger subclasses so there is a lot of competition for your Bonus Action
Rogue 2 Rogues have too much competition for their Bonus Action to fit Taunt into their tactics easily
Sorcerer 4 while Bonus Action spells exist they are in the minority, so there will be many turns where your Bonus Action is free to use on Taunt. While drawing attention to yourself may feel counterproductive as a caster if you’re fighting from a safe distance it’s a great way to protect your party’s front line with minimal consequences
Warlock 4 same as Sorcerer
Wizard 4 same as Sorcerer and Warlock
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angstyavocado · 1 year
If my motivation holds, I may try to document some DND info here. I recently joined a second campaign, and the DM assigned us the task of creating a character playlist, which is sending me down a flavor text rabbit hole. Will hopefully go back and add stuff for my original character from long running campaign 1 as well.
This is Chancey Stillbrook. She is a stout halfling barbarian, level 3. Campaign is combat-heavy, so playing her as tanky, reckless, and with a little trust issues for spice.
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gin-draws · 5 years
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just some more misc d&d doodles
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dndsheetspremade · 2 years
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NAME: Trym Brushgather
RACE: Stout Halfling
CLASS & LEVEL: Paladin 1/ Barbarian 1/ Monk 1/ Rogue 1/ Sorcerer 1
BACKGROUND: Criminal/Spy
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enrcincorporated · 4 years
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Digitally colored an old sketch of my character Bobbin Wildheart. Shes a dumb halfling barbarian that loves parties and killing things
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7ice · 5 years
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The recently deceased d&d party (except one of them because they finished us off)
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d20-dimwit · 3 years
Warning: Opinions Below
So with Tasha's Cauldron of Everything customizing your origin, Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, and some of the recent UAs, Wizard's has starting changing a few things with player races. They have changed towards letting people select their ability score increases instead of specific racial bonuses. I'm all for playing against type like orc wizards and halfling barbarians. But this change feels very geared towards power gaming.
Why would I not just play a Mountain Dwarf wizard with +2 Intelligence, +2 Constitution, and wearing medium armor? The ASI always felt like how races are physically different from eachother like stout halflings being a mix of halfling and dwarf while lightfoot are less gruff and dwarflike but can't handle poison as well
The other issue I had was with the plasmoid and thri-kreen races from the spelljammer ua not being humanoid at all. This makes them completely immune to charm person, hold person, and dominate person. But that's an easy fix to just make them both humanoid and their second creature type.
These are just my thoughts. My wife is playing one of the new dragonborn from Fizban's that let her choose ASI, so I'll see how I feel about that. What do you all think?
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