#strange new worlds season 2 episode 9
It's time for the musical episode on SNW I'm actually excited for this one It's something new that's for sure oh and Spoilers!
Season 2 Episode 9
Unusual Phenomenon always a good start
Oh I love the communicates manually
Oooooo "Anything Goes"
I fucking burst out laughing at the first musical line about the Intermix Chamber
This is killing me
The accidentally doing things in unison is great
Pike saying but "why are we singing?" Reminded me of that Le Mis skit form Key and Peele
Did they use a Acapella intro? Lol
Kirk first compliment of Spock and Spock face afterwards was funny
I'm having more fun then I should
Ah the under the bed sheets cliche lmao
Oh my god Pike falling to his knees mid song just for it to be ended is hilarious
I thought they were float from the power of music but it was just anti gravity I'm dieing
Everyone dancing in the Chapel song was funny
It would have been funny if Spock said understandable after the ready to leave song
They're breaking up in the Musical episode?!?! Lmaoooo
So far my favorite song is Uhura one
Uhura smiling while explaining that they have to do a grand finale is a mood and a slay
This is a Uhura episode
I hope we hear the klingons sing
The group of redshirts dancing 🕺
Oh my god the guy on the bio bed clicking their feet together
OH MY GOD The Klingon that was not what I was expecting
I had to stop for a good minute just to laugh of all the things I was expecting to hear that wasn't it
The Klingon background dancer are killing me
Sam Kirk being the only one into the Klingon song is so weirdly in character lmao
A dancing starship this is so cheesy but I'm having fun
Spock diplomacy is just drinking god he must have a had a lot of Romulan Ale
The panic from Uhura humming
It was cheesy and absolutely ridiculous it was completely and utter nonsense but it was very funny nonsense
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pikefied · 1 year
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strangenewwords · 1 year
So that was a thing. I have major mixed emotions about it and it's tumblr so I can sit here and spill them all out so that the people in my life don't get super sick of hearing them. All the spoilers for Subspace Rhapsody.
I was not looking forward to this episode at. all. Hard core decades long treker, love me some camp, but I admittedly also hate musicals in general so this sounded all sorts of cringe to me.
I changed my mind about three minutes in. It started off as a fun, campy romp where I was so utterly impressed by the talent of everyone in the cast.
Some of these songs were surprisingly moving and brought about some pretty excellent character growth.
But then the thing with Christine happened and I stopped liking this.
I mean, I haven't been a Chapel/Spock shipper ever before other than recognizing random poignant moments in TOS. But okay, they sold me on them becoming friends, and getting closer, and Spock wanting to explore his humanity with her. And they sold me as Chapel as a Stand Up Kick Ass woman who could fight Klingons in hand to hand and battle her own emotions. And sure, the Spock/Chapel thing escalated quickly, but thats totally true to real life.
BUT OH MY EFFING GOD, she's just like whelp, I need space and I got this job and I'm okay with this all ending baaaaaaaaai.
And I want strong powerful women who don't need to be held back by male counterparts. But holy crap, like, it was so callous. And while Christine has always seemed capable and independent, callous is not what I've gotten from her. Cavalier, maybe. Not even talking about the singing thing, just like, when she gets the acceptance she's "I need to talk to Spock" and then bam, she's drinking champers with other people on the crew without having talked to Spock.
So that just tasted really bad and totally ruined the rest of the episode for me.
The tie in for Wrath of Kahn was pretty on point.
Anson Mount apparently can't sing because they gave him like zero air time.
The Klingons were The Best. Litteral loud squealing/clapping when that happened.
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jonberry555 · 1 year
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Subspace Rhapsody REVIEW
My Review of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2. Episode 9: "Subspace Rhapsody." " An accident with an experimental quantum probability field causes everyone on the U.S.S. Enterprise to break uncontrollably into song, but the real danger is that the field is expanding and beginning to impact other ships—allies and enemies alike."
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startrekprodigyfan · 2 months
Okay, this is going out to the die-hard old-school Trekkies. And I’m going to be including spoilers because at this point if you haven’t been watching Prodigy yet, this is the only other way I know how to convince you to start! And even seeing spoilers won’t give you any context to the how or why they’re there, so that should hopefully give you incentive to watch the show!
For starters, what is Prodigy? Star Trek Prodigy is a 3D animated Nickelodeon show meant to introduce kids to the world of Star Trek. But don’t let the “kids show” title fool you, this is a show for ALL ages and even the most die-hard Trekkie will find something about it to enjoy.
The story centers around a group of alien kids who have been imprisoned on a mining asteroid as they stumble upon an abandoned Federation Starship and use it to escape with the hopes of one day joining Starfleet.
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Are you happy that Star Trek is back but haven’t been excited or jazzed much about some of the recent shows? Then please watch Star Trek Prodigy! Here’s a visual list of things to expect to appease your continuity and cannon loving hearts:
1) The Enterprise D bridge on the holodeck, alongside Uhura, Odo, Doctor Crusher, Scotty, and Spock (using original legacy voice clips for many of the characters too)
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2) The original Enterprise (non-Strange New Worlds) bridge!
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3) An explanation for what happened to the original Galileo shuttle craft from the TOS series.
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4) Both the original Vice Admiral Janeway and the new Hologram Janeway.
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5) Wesley Crusher!
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6) The Voyager-A!
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7) Chakotay and the Holographic Doctor!
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8) Original TNG (pre-First Contact) style Borg!
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9) Legacy side characters returning such as The Outrageous Okona, voiced by the original actor Bill Campbell!
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Currently the show is on Netflix. There are two seasons, 20 episodes each season that run around 24-30 mins long each for a grand total of a whopping 40 episodes! And there’s hopes that if Netflix thinks the show is worthy a 3rd season could be ordered. But only if you watch it now and get those ratings and viewership numbers up!
Please! Prodigy needs the help! Paramount+ canceled the show and yanked it from streaming before season 2 could even air (it had already been completed too)! Through a grass-roots campaign fans were able to get Netflix to pick it up and release the second season! Without Netflix this show would’ve just disappeared!
So please… if you love old school Trek and just want to exist in this world, you’re going to love Prodigy! And trust me, even those spoilers I showcased don’t even begin to scratch the surface of what this show has to offer!
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totallynotokguys · 1 month
Lego Monkie Kid Rewatch: Season 3
Episode 9, The King, the Prince, the Shadow Part 2/2
"Does anyone else feel like-" "We've been here before? Yeah. Its weird, right? But- I ah- know I haven't." "Me neither. And yet this place feels so familiar." "Nah. Not me, man. This is all new to me."
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Remember when I said that a lot of characters keep wrongly comparing MK to Wukong, like MK is supposed to be the next Wukong. Well…. that wasn't just at the characters. That was at us the fans too. Up until this season, I too just thought of MK as the next Monkey King. It just felt right. Pigsy was Zhu Bajie, Tang Tang Sanzang, Mei as Ao Lie, and Sandy as Sha Wujing. Simplistically, I assumed MK was supposed to be this new version's Monkey King. But he's not. He's not like the rest. He's not part of their story- at least he wasn't supposed to be.
MK was never meant to be here... to experience this, or them. And this season is when the show really starts opening our eyes to it.
(Also… I think this proves pretty definitively that Sandy is not the still alive Sha Wujing. With his flashback in To Catch a Leaf, I was so sure. I mean, look at those old looking weaponry?!)
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(But unless Sha Wujing has amnesia that conveniently lets him forget the Samadhi Fire incident, than he really is just the reincarnation instead of the original.)
"It is on brand for you to have a worse version of everyone elses powers."
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Ouch. Also… is this a hint at Macaque having been a clone of Wukong once upon a time? Like, in Shadow Play, Macaque chooses to feature a lot of Wukong and his clones for some reason, especially when speaking of the Warrior and Hero being a team. Strangely, some of those clones look an awful lot like Macaque.
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Or could this be a hint at season 5 where its revealed Macaque's shadow powers are more like certain other being who shall not be named for sake of spoilers?
Loud Annoying Wukong: "What? You got what you wanted, didn't you? Not going to gloat, monologue a little bit before scurrying off to your master?"
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Inner Panicking Wukong: "Ah drat! He's totally gonna know those are fake. Quick! I gotta distract him into wasting more time!"
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I'm pretty sure that's Ne Zha's favourite word. He says it almost every second. Might even be his catch phrase.
"Oh, so the piece of paper just magically made a bunch of light!" "That's exactly what happened and you know it!"
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Ah, I love these two.
"Stop! If you hurt that kid I'll-" "What. Make things worse for MK?"
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Like I said last time, bad hero, good mentor. He cares about MK more than anything else right now. This same kind of protective passion has happened before, back in the Journey to the West. Wukong is good at devoting himself to one person, and tolerating everyone else for the sake of that person.
"Glowy mystic symbol thingies are always never good!"
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Proceeds to touch said glowy mystic symbol thingies.
AWWWW! Tang trying to protect Mei!
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I love the majority of the adults in this show. They do their best to help the kiddos and protect them, even when those kiddo's are typically more powerful than them. Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy understand that young one's always need to be cared for.
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I totally missed this shot the first time around! OH MY GOSHNESS SANDY I LOvE YOU!
Once again Macaque forgets about Mei.
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I'm starting to see why she and Macaque were put in a team together in season 4. She is, strangely enough, his blind spot.
And once again I am shaking my head at the way the show treated Macaque's supposed redemption arc. Look at the way he's treating her, the way he's treating them all! The fear and pain he causes them!
Bashes MK repeatedly into the ground until he is unconscious.
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Threatens Mei's life while holding her by the throat.
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Forces the parental figures to watch their kids get ruined.
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Forces Tang to choose the life of his friends over the sake of the world.
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The trauma this guy is causing them- and they just never bring it up? Mei should have held the largest grudge Katara style until Macaque made it up to her! Tang should be absolutely afraid to go near Macaque after the moral trauma the simian caused him. Pigsy should throw a spoon at him every time he darkens his door way with all his ping pong master might. Sandy should constantly keep Macaque between himself and the kids as a protective barrier everytime the shadow comes around.
Until Macaque makes it up to them, apologizes and tries to do right by them all... they should have continued to treat him with fear, anger, and wariness.
"But he was under LBD control' you say. 'He had no choice."
No he wasn't. This threatening, this danger he puts them in? That was for his own gain. Macaque wanted the Samadhi Fire to escape LBD. He was in control of his actions here. He was going to take the power needed to break her control over him and then dip, leaving the mortals to parish under LDB's rule. Sure, he was probably in pain and obviously scared for his life- but that doesn't excuse the choices he made and the trauma he caused.
It's like Macaque said last episode. You have to look out for yourself, no one else.
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quasi-normalcy · 9 days
Star Trek series rated by Canadianness!
The Original Series - Shatner's from Montreal; Doohan's from Vancouver; John Collicos (the guy who played Kor, the first Klingon) is from somewhere in Canada; and, um...yeah. 4/10
The Next Generation - So, in the episode "Lower Decks", Lavelle tries to bond with Riker over being from Canada (he's actually from Alaska). Also, Matt Frewer and Saul Rubinek are in episodes. 2/10
Deep Space Nine - I was going to rate this one pretty low since it has pretty much only Nicole deBoer and that one scene where Eddington mentions having a "lucky loonie" to go on, but then I realised that the series was literally premised on a brutal colonial project aimed at mineral extraction, and that's like...the *most* Canadian thing. 7/10
Voyager - WTH is this? No Canadians; nothing particularly Canadian. 0/10
Enterprise - Hoshi Sato wants to take leave in Canada after getting tortured with heat. 1/10
Discovery - Points for being filmed in Canada, and most of the extras and personality-less bridge bunnies being played by Canadians (though points off because the one Discovery novel that I've read keeps emphasizing that Detmer, who has the most personality out of all of them, is from Düsseldorf). Callum Keith Rennie's in the last season. 4/10
Picard - um...Alison Pill is there! 1/10
Lower Decks - Let's see...two of the ships have been named the Vancouver and the Toronto. The plot with Barb Brinson is riffing on having an imaginary girlfriend in Canada (one of our most famous exports). Also, I know this isn't canon, but the comics are done by Ryan North, which has to count for something. 4/10
Prodigy - Man, this series doesn't even air in Canada! -1/10
Strange New Worlds - Filmed in Toronto: actually *set* in Toronto in one episode; retroactively makes Khan Canadian (Khanadian?) which...sure. I'll accept that. Points for casting Edmonton's Bruce Horak as Hemmer, who comes from an ice planet and, as an Aenar, has a generally laid-back, pacifistic attitude towards life (which I think is how a lot of Canadians like to think of themselves); points off for killing him off 9 episodes into the first season. 9/10
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ansonmountdaily · 1 year
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Anson Mount in "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Exploring Season 2" interview
Not being allowed to reveal much about Season 2, Anson was asked safer questions: he talked about loving Star Trek since he was a child, what makes Star Trek different from other sci-fi shows, the various genres episodes in s1 and s2 are exploring (the cast mentioning "taking big swings" in s2 and pointing to episode 9 in particular), and what it was like sitting in the Captain's chair for the first time.
Source: Official Paramount+ clip, June 9 2023
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halevren · 3 months
Never Stop Blowing Up Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 1
Oh we are so back chat. I will do my best to do this for all 10 episodes but honestly? It's all up to my mental health 🔥🔥
Honestly I'm already on the verge of tears after learning that Brennan made this season as a homage to Izzy.... THAT'S SO SWEET 😭😭😭
This cast is so loaded I'm so in love with it
lovely cardigan!
I like the DM screen it's so neat
Ify looks like he just came from the season finale of FHJY
Rekha's hair looks so incredible, those curls are PERFECT
what flavor of monster. what's the new flavor. I need this world building info Brennan please
Dave's video world
fun fact my favorite race car is a charger. I don't know anything about them and can't recognize then but very often I have pointed out a car to my mom like "that's a nice car" and 9 times out of 10 it's a charger 😭😭
Wendell Morris I fw you
the captions not being accurate is lowkey annoying but whatever.
UC Irvine
I love Jake's laugh so much
"You can't spend your whole life playing dodo games" "it's Dota 2..."
Liv Skyler!
5'6 perfect height for a woman— actually any height is good be whatever height your heart desires
Liv is a klepto. real as hell (sorry)
Webster's is trash
"You never know Ms. D" "No, I know."
Take it back. Take it back.
Floppy-droppy disk
Kingskin is so calm as he crushes somebody
This is Usha, she is 100 years old
I would die for Usha
"Who are you calling?" "I'm tryna call everybody."
I love Usha so goddamn much
"Everybody you see, say hi"
does everyone have 4s across the board for abilities
need to unplug to save battery
DAVE 🔥🔥🔥
Usha, you're my rock
Russell I think I'm romantically attracted to you
ok chill russell
"That bastard made it..."
"A lot of positive sentiments from contents not in your phone." 😭
Jennifer is giving me a strange sense of gender envy as someone who doesn't identify with gender
God I love Cait May's art
Tough Kill
"Hey guys, sorry I'm on time"
Pants are more patches than pants
More patch than pant
All these characters are incredible how could I ever choose a fav (I think Usha is my fav. She's special to my heart)
Greg Stocks 📈
Mr. Everybody
Lunch dates all the time
slamming it down like a laptop
Jack Manhattan
I love Izzy so so much
"You calling me a chicken, Johan? because I'm actually the cock of the walk."
Are you doing menopause???
This is the best cast for bits
He's not jacking off, just talking to the alien
He's in me and I'm him
he was 100% getting eaten by a snake
"Favorite movies:
Never stop blowing up
Never stop blowing up
Never stop blowing up"
The constrast between Usha and Paula with Barsimmeon
Brennan said the title, roll the credits
"That's cocaine."
This is so cool
The scene story boards are so cool
"DID IT WORK??????"
the latex is so loud
I'm so excited
This season will be my favorite
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cartoonrankings · 2 years
10 Cartoons With The Best Racial Diversity
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Diversity is important in cartoons, and while racial diversity has been done well a lot for a while, I am happy to say that it is continuing to be done more and executed in a better fashion as time goes on! Today, I will be discussing what are, in my opinion, the 10 cartoons with the best racial diversity.
10. OK KO! Let’s be Heroes
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Kicking off the list with a series that was also featured in my list counting down the cartoons with the best LGBTQ representation! OK KO! Let’s be Heroes had many awesome instances of racial representation throughout as well. A good portion of characters all have different races, which is amazing to see! While many shows do have different races between characters, one thing that separated OK KO! Let’s be Heroes from the rest was one episode called “No More Pow Cards”, in which KO’s friend Dendy feels that she will never be a hero due to the fact that her turtle race has been viewed as monsters. Due to this, these cards that KO and Dendy collect do not represent Dendy’s race. However, instead of just letting that happen, KO and Dendy confront the CEO. When seeing Dendy, the CEO sees that some of the Kappa are heroic, and due to this, he finally allows Kappa cards to be made. This episode was one of the main standouts to me, but aside from that, the series does stand strong in the field of representation!
OK KO! Let’s Be Heroes was a Cartoon Network series that ran from 2017 to 2019 for a total of 3 seasons and 112 episodes. The series was about Kaio Kincaid, also known as K.O. who hopes to become the world’s greatest hero. While hoping to accomplish this, he works at a store known as Gar’s Hero Supply and Bodega, which sells a variety of items, whether that be food, or even hero supplies. He works alongside two other employees known as Radicles and Enid. Oftentimes, the trio have to fight off Boxmore, a store that sells items to supervillains. OK KO: Let’s Be Heroes! is an amazing series with a unique artstyle, interesting characters and a great concept! It is definitely an amazing series that is racially diverse, and just a good series in general!  You can watch OK KO! Let’s be Heroes on HBO Max or Hulu!
9. The Hollow
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Now, we move onto another show that I feel is quite underrated! The Hollow was a series which had a diverse main cast, all having a different race. Furthermore, the characters all feel normal, and they do not act differently based on their race, making them all feel more human. Having almost every main character different worked very well for me because it just felt that the series had the goal of showing people that different groups can get along well regardless of race. This series was one that was made in Canada, and in Canada, diverse groups like the one in The Hollow is very common.
The Hollow was a series running from 2018 to 2020 for a total of 2 seasons and 20 episodes. The series takes place in a strange world, where three teenagers named Adam, Mira and Kai all wake up. The three do not have any memories, and all they have at the time they wake up are each other. Due to this, the three work together to explore this new world, and to find their way back to their home (wherever their home is). However, they soon find that this world is not all that they think it is. The Hollow was a great series to me. Alongside its highlights, I loved the worldbuilding present in the series. Furthermore, the darker colors really stood out to me! It really matches with the feel of the show! It was definitely a fun series, and I do wish Netflix treated it better! You can watch The Hollow on Netflix!
8. The Loud House
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Now, the Loud House is definitely another series that has to be mentioned if talking about diversity! The series has a lot of diversity among the different characters, from the Loud’s being a family with a Scottish Heritage, Lincoln’s best friend being African-American, and another family somewhat close to the Loud’s, the Santiago’s are Mexican! Furthermore, the series is a great representation of how different families can be as they have different struggles that they face, and different circumstances overall. The Loud House may have a bit of a negative reputation these days, but diversity is one thing it did well!
The Loud House is a series that is currently running on Nickelodeon. It has been a Nickelodeon hit series since 2016, and it has so far had 6 seasons consisting of 156 episodes. The series revolves around the Loud family, a family of 10 sisters and one single brother. The show is mostly focused on the brother, Lincoln, with some episodes focusing on certain sisters. The sisters, from oldest to youngest are Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola and Lily. Each of them have their own unique quirk, whether that be being good at a sport (Lynn), being a great musician (Luna), or even being filthy (Lana). The family often go through different sorts of adventures, some of which being adventures that most everyday families go through, with others being a bit more quirky than your average real life family. While the series is mostly episodic, there is some change as the series goes on, but none of these changes are huge. The Loud House has a lot to love! I love how there are so many characters, but all have unique quirks to set them apart, I love the comic book art style and I love the wholesomeness it has! While it is not as good as it was when it first aired, The Loud House is still pretty great to me! You can watch The Loud House on Netflix!
7. The Ghost and Molly McGee
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I’m sure someone expected a Disney show in here somewhere seeing how I am obsessed with Disney, and I had to have The Ghost and Molly McGee in here somewhere! Now, this series was a standout to me because it includes a bi-racial main character who is half Irish and half Thai. The series is great at representing what our current society looks like - a mix of all sorts of races and religions. In fact, there was a whole episode where Molly was confused on her heritage, and was trying to find out where she truly belongs. Furthermore, while this is not direct, the ghost and Molly’s friendship symbolizes inclusiveness to me. The reason for this is because the two are clearly different in terms of their backgrounds, but once they meet, Molly is excited to have a friend, which shows kids that having friends that are not similar to you doesn’t have to be scary, and it can even be exhilarating!
The Ghost and Molly McGee is a series which aired first in 2021 on Disney, and is still airing! The series is about a 13 year old girl named Molly, who alongside her family moves to a rusty old house. Little did they know that this house has been inhabited by a ghost. Now, unlike most teenage girls, Molly wants to be his friend. He puts a curse on Molly, but that only brings them closer together! While he does not like Molly at first, he slowly opens up to her as well, and they eventually become good friends! Now, there is a lot to love about The Ghost and Molly Mcgee! Firstly, I love the designs and the brighter colors the show has. Furthermore, I love how vibrant the characters are! While The Ghost and Molly Mcgee is one of my less preferred shows from Disney’s more recent hits, I still have lots of love for it and hope it succeeds! You can watch The Ghost and Molly McGee on Disney +!
6. Amphibia
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Now, I had to include this somewhere as it definitely has great representation for a variety of different races! The three main friend group consists of three girls, all of a different race - one of which being Thai, one being German and one being Taiwanese. Outside of the three main girls, many of the human characters are also represented through different races, which can be seen with the girl's classmates or even their principal. Amphibia has definitely done well with the representation, and they have shown how a normal society is with different races of people interacting with others, and not just sticking to one race in the series, like some do.
Amphibia is a series running from 2019 to 2022 on Disney, and has had a total of 3 seasons and 58 episodes through its runtime. The series revolves around Anne Boonchuy, a middle schooler, who steals a box with her friends Sasha and Marcy. However, they were in for a bit of a surprise. The box was actually a magic box, and once they stole it, they were transported to a new world, which is known as Amphibia. Amphibia differs from their regular world because it is full of frogs. When waking up in this new land, Anne realizes that she has been separated from her friends. Now, she must go on a quest to not only get back home, but to find them along the way to take them with her. She is originally found by a frog named Sprig, who came with the purpose of hunting her. However, after he finds her, they become good friends, and Anne moves in with them temporarily. However, along with meeting new friends like Sprig, she also runs into quite a few obstacles. Now, Amphibia is truly one of my favorite shows! I love everything from the characters to the humor to just the concept of middle school students getting sent to a frog world! It is definitely a great show, and I am glad to have found it! You can watch Amphibia on Disney Plus!
5. 6Teen
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6Teen was another Canadian series that accurately captured Canada’s feel. In Canada, we have such a diverse range of people, and we get to see so many people mix around and mingle. In 6Teen, we have a mixture of different races among the main six characters, and we have the different background characters all from different ethnic groups. Seeing this accurately represented in a TV series was great, and it made me connect with the different characters.
6Teen was a series which ran from 2004 to 2010 for a total of 4 seasons and 93 episodes. It is about 6 teens who are 6teen! The teenagers go by the names of Wyatt, Jude, Jen, Caitlin, Jonesy and Nikki. They all just go through typical teenager situations that we all have been through, with some definitely being more insane than others! These situations are all that I am sure that we can relate to, whether that be the pressure of making money, the pressure of school, the pressure to impress a crush, you name it! Now, 6Teen is definitely a loveable series! Some of the standout attributes for me are the raunchy humor that was not overdone, the relatability and the development of certain characters (especially Caitlin). 6Teen is definitely an amazing series, and the diversity was a highlight! You can watch 6Teen on the YouTube channel Retro Rerun or on Tubi!
4. Detentionaire
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I previously mentioned an underrated show, but now, we will be talking about what I think is the most underrated show! Detentionaire is a pretty unique show when it comes to diversity. The show takes place in a high school, and the different cliques that the school has is similar to cliques you would find in real life. Furthermore, the school has a bunch of different races and ethnicities mixing along. While many of the different characters in these cliques seem like stereotypes in the first few episodes, the series illustrates how while someone may seem shallow from surface level, they have much more to them. While the series is mainly focused on the main character, some background characters get shine on them, and we learn much more about them than we thought they had. Detentionaire did a great job at illustrating that all sorts of people are more than what we think they are, and that all people do go through different circumstances.
Detentionaire revolves around a highschooler named Lee, who on his first day of school, gets framed for a huge prank, and gets a year of detention for this. With some help from his friends, he goes on a quest to clear his name by investigating different students and cliques. However, early on, he realizes that whatever is going on is more than the prank. Instead, he finds out that the prank was just a small set piece that connects to this huge government level conspiracy. He is not the only person who has a connection to this conspiracy - his parents do as well! Due to his connection, he realizes that the whole world may be at stake unless he does something. Now, Detentionaire is so great that I do not know where to start - firstly, I would say that the characters all feel like what you would see at an actual high school, and as they open up, it makes them all feel very real. Furthermore, I love the plot progression - the show really starts with a prank in episode one, and by the final episode, he is trying to stop an ancient pyramid from opening up as an ancient species is inside, waiting to take over Earth. Finally, the mystery itself was a pleasure to watch as it had so much depth to it, and each answered question would open up many new questions! Detentionaire is one of my favorite shows, and I could go on forever talking about how amazing it is! You can watch Detentionaire on the YouTube channel Retro Rerun, or on Tubi!
3. Glitch Techs
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Now that we already have a Nickelodeon show down, I might as well add another one to the list! Glitch Techs was another series that had great diversity! The series had two main characters, with one being a Mexican American, and the other one being a Japanese-American. The Glitch Techs (which is the name of the group as a whole) has a lot of members of different races, whether that be Zahra, who is an Arab-American girl that actually wears a hijab, or the Leader, Mitch, who is a Black British male. Now, I brought up these two in particular because they really stood out to me. I do not usually see characters represent their religion by wearing hijabs in animated TV shows, so it was amazing to see! Furthermore, I have watched lots of cartoons, and it’s rare for me to see a black character leading a group, which I always found sad as they are underrepresented! Seeing this in Glitch Techs made me really happy!
Glitch Techs is about two teenagers named Hector and Miko. The two often work together to stop “glitches”, which are video game characters that leave the game and try causing havoc on their world. Now, there is a lot to love about Glitch Techs, whether that be the concept alone, the vibrant and as I mentioned earlier, diverse characters, or the amazing designs that the series uses! Glitch Techs is an amazing series, and it truly deserved better from Nickelodeon! I hope that one day, it gets the continuation it deserves! You can watch Glitch Techs on Netflix!
2. Dead End: Paranormal Park
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Now, I recently started Dead End: Paranormal Park, and I have to say that in the field of representation, it is spectacular! The series has a variety of characters of different races. For instance, the main character Barney is white, while his best friend/co-worker Norma is Pakistani. Through the series, there are many other characters coming from different races such as his boyfriend Logan, who is Vietnamese. Another thing that makes the diversity powerful to me is that each of the characters are being played by a person who is the same race as that character, which, to me, is going above and beyond to contribute to a diverse environment. Many shows do not do this, but Dead End: Paranormal Park stood out for this.
Dead End: Paranormal Park is a Netflix original that originally aired early this year for a season of 10 episodes, with plans for a second season to come out soon. Dead End: Paranormal Park revolves around Barney and Norma who were recently hired at a new theme park that is actually haunted. However, aside from being actually haunted, there is actually some big lore that is being built upon. From the first scene itself, we see Pauline Phoenix, the actress who the park is based off, get killed. This indicates what there is to come! Dead End: Paranormal Park is one of the more recent shows I have checked out, and there is so much greatness the show offers! I love the representation, the color choices they use and the horror elements (I will be rewatching it this Halloween! Dead End: Paranormal Park is a great show with awesome representation, and it is probably my favorite series that came out this year! You can watch Dead End: Paranormal Park on Netflix!
1. Craig of the Creek
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I have seen many shows, but in terms of racial diversity, Craig of the Creek is outstanding! The series has had so much when it comes to racial diversity as we get introduced to so many characters of different ethnic groups. For instance, we have the main character, who is African American, but outside of that, we have Indian characters, East Asian characters, you name it! The characters are not only all there and have an important role, but these characters also all embrace their different ethnicities, and the specific cultures that the characters have are mentioned in the series! For instance, one of the Indian characters Raj, had a short dedicated to him and his grandma, where the main character Craig was trying to learn more about their culture. Acts like these go a long way as they encourage children to embrace their culture and to not be ashamed of it. Craig of the Creek also showed how so many different people can become great friends regardless of the ethnicity they are from. The main cast of characters are all so diverse, and instead of running from that diversity, they all embrace it and continue to spend time with each other.
Craig of the Creek is a series that is currently running. It started in 2017, and through its time, it has had a total of 3 seasons with 120 episodes. The series was about a young adventurous boy named Craig, who often goes on different sorts of adventures at this creek he lives near. He is accompanied by his friends Kelsey and JP. The adventures vary from episode to episode. Sometimes, they are more nature-esque in the creek, and sometimes they are more technical. Whatever they are upto though, is always entertaining to see. Now, with me, I love the character designs (with JP being my favorite), I love the characters who bring these designs to life, and I love the wholesome feeling that I get when watching it as it definitely has some touching moments. I am almost caught up with Craig of the Creek, and I have to say I definitely love it from what I have seen! You can watch Craig of the Creek on HBO Max!
So these were the 10 cartoons with the best racial diversity in my opinion! Which ones did you agree with? Disagree with? Would you change anything? And follow me for more cartoon-related blogs!
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uncleasad · 17 days
I’ve mentioned a few times recently in conversations with others how I’m having to recalibrate my mental expectations around response (or lack thereof) to my fics.
It’s not 2020, when I started writing in the midst of a world being turned upside down and a season that ended, however abruptly, on a Hosie high note.
It’s not 2021, when I spent the summer writing after the uneven and frustrating S3 (which nevertheless featured a few of my favorite episodes).
It’s not 2022, when the series limped to a conclusion/cancellation after losing one of its core trio and half of one of its most popular ships.
It’s not even winter 2023, when I last finished and published a fic prior to this.
No, it’s nearly a year later, and there are other fandoms out there 1) still in production and 2) that don’t hate their queer characters/pairings, so it’s no surprise readership and commenting here have plummeted (even though new authors continue to appear!)…and by my not publishing anything during that 9-month dry spell, I didn’t keep the attention of folks who previously had enjoyed my wacky takes on Hosie, either.
All of which is a prologue to the thought/feeling I had today…
Last night, I punted on posting Chapter 4 of The One with Hope’s Wedding on its “regular” night—which is something I never would have done in the past…if the fic/chapter was ready, I would have stayed up late (even later, in this case) to get it in the hands of my readers.
Today, I didn’t feel bad about not having posted it. In fact, I felt no urgency to post the final chapter at all. After all, I wrote the story for myself, it’s written, and I enjoyed it, so from my perspective, mission accomplished. It was a really strange feeling to have, though.
(I would never actually be so cruel to existing readers—whether they’d commented or not—to stop posting a finished fic 75% of the way there. And when the author of one of your favorite fics is a big fan of this latest fic of yours…definitely never gonna stop before posting the whole thing 😂)
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disneytva · 8 months
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February 2024 Programming Highlights
Friday, Feb. 2 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Pizza-struction/Baby Builders” (1-18) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EST on Disney Channel/9:00-9:30 a.m. EST on Disney Junior) “Pizza-struction” – The Pupstruction Crew helps Chef Bonetelli make a giant pizza for a big bunny birthday party!
“Baby Builders” – Pupstruction needs to create a daycare center fun enough to keep baby builders busy! TV-Y
Original Series – Season Two Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “The Great Beyond-er!” (2-01) (8:00-8:30 p.m. EST) When Moon Girl and The Beyonder become stranded on a desolate alien planet, the two set out to find a rumored black hole in hopes of getting home. *Edward James Olmos (“Battlestar Galactica”) guest stars as Molecule Man, and Laurence Fishburne (“The Matrix” trilogy) returns as The Beyonder. TV-Y7 FV
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Suit Up!” (2-02) (8:30-9:00 p.m. EST) When Lunella tries to juice up her new super suit, she goes overboard and accidentally “juices up” a dangerous desert scorpion. *Jackée Harry (“Sister, Sister”) guest stars as Merle, and Ann Harada (“Avenue Q”) guest stars as Matsuye. TV-Y7 FV
Saturday, Feb. 3 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Kiff “Fun Uncle Pat/Kiff Escape!” (1-29) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EST) “Fun Uncle Pat” – Kiff’s favorite uncle visits.
“Kiff Escape!” – Kiff and the crew must solve an escape room. TV-Y7
Friday, Feb. 9 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Firebuds “Balancing Act/Monster Truck Piston” (2-14) (12:00-12:30 p.m. EST on Disney Channel/9:55-10:25 a.m. EST on Disney Junior) “Balancing Act” – Violet tries to impress her visiting birth mom, a circus acrobat. *Lea Salonga (“Mulan”) guest stars as Yolanda Yamada.
“Monster Truck Piston” – Piston gets new monster truck tires and helps the Firebuds stop a theft. *Adam Pally (“Happy Endings”) guest stars as Diamond Diesel Dave. TV-Y
Saturday, Feb. 10 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Kiff “Beach Day/Sun’s Out Buns Out” (1-30) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EST) “Beach Day” – Barry and the Chatterleys go to the beach.
“Sun’s Out Buns Out” – Barry learns to swim. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Belly of the Beast” (2-03) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EST) When Devil Dinosaur eats a dangerous Moon Girl gadget, Lunella and Casey must shrink themselves to retrieve it. TV-Y7 FV
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Ride or Die” (2-04) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST) When Moon Girl must transport Quickwhip to S.H.I.E.L.D., keeping the criminal in custody becomes harder than she imagined. *Robin Thede (“A Black Lady Sketch Show”) guest stars as Quickwhip, Carol Kane  (Star Trek: Strange New Worlds) guest stars as Bube Bina and Cobie Smulders (Marvel’s “The Avengers” franchise) returns as Agent Hill. TV-Y7 FV
Wednesday, Feb. 14 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “AfterShock/Feather Frenzy” (1:00-1:30 p.m. EST on Disney Channel and Disney XD/11:40 a.m.-12:10 p.m. EST on Disney Junior) “AfterShock” – The Jedi help a prince serve his people.
“Feather Frenzy” – Large creatures take over the landing pad at Nash’s garage. TV-Y
Friday, Feb. 16 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “Best Friends/Happy Trails, Nubs” (1:00-1:30 p.m. EST on Disney Channel and Disney XD/11:40 a.m.-12:10 p.m. EST on Disney Junior) “Best Friends” – Kai and Nubs team up for a training exercise
“Happy Trails, Nubs” – Lys and Kai must rescue Nubs from the Ganguls. TV-Y
Saturday, Feb. 17 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Kid Kree” (2-05) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EST) Moon Girl’s rivalry with a new teenage super-foe, Kid Kree, threatens her budding friendship with his human alter ego, Marvin. *Xolo Maridueña (“Cobra Kai”) guest stars as Mel-Varr, and Andy Gracia (“The Godfather Part III”) guest stars as Pad-Varr. TV-Y7 FV
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Wish-Tar” (2-07) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST) When The Beyonder gives an arcade machine the ability to grant wishes, Lunella is pumped to use it. *Ephraim Sykes (Broadway’s “Hamilton”) guest stars as Bobby the Myth, and Laurence Fishburne (“The Matrix” trilogy) returns as The Beyonder. TV-Y7 FV
Friday, Feb. 23 Original Series – Season Three Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “Chickie Boo-Boo, Where Are You?/Playground Heroes!” (3-01) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST on Disney Channel/9:30-10:00 a.m. EST on Disney Junior) “Chickie Boo-Boo, Where Are You?” – Mickey, Minnie and their pals picnic with Willie and Chickie Boo-Boo.
 “Playground Heroes!” – Clarabelle invites the gang and their gnome friends to help build the Herotropolis playground. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “The Tale of the Short Spire/The Team Up” (1:00-1:30 p.m. EST on Disney Channel and Disney XD/11:40 a.m.-12:10 p.m. EST on Disney Junior) “The Tale of the Short Spire” – The Jedi investigate who is cutting down spires on Batuu.
“The Team Up” – Taborr and the Jedi must work together. TV-Y
Saturday, Feb. 24 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Make It, Don’t Break It!” (2-08) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EST) When I.S. 833 gets an impressive science teacher, Lunella is so eager to impress her that her drive toward perfectionism starts doing more harm than good. *Cynthia Erivo (“Wicked”) guest stars as Dr. Akonam Ojo. TV-Y7 FV
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “The Devil You Know” (2-09) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST) When Lunella and Devil Dinosaur spend the weekend apart after a disagreement, Devil Dino gets mixed up with a rag-tag group of ex-super-hero sidekicks. *Giancarlo Esposito (“Breaking Bad”) guest stars as Granite, and Alex Newell (“Glee”) guest stars as Pebble. TV-Y7 FV
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justahumblememefarmer · 9 months
Ultimate Doctor Who Poll Round 2 - Matchup 9
Episode Summaries under the cut:
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14: The Haunting of Villa Diodati - Season 12, Episode 8: The Doctor, Yaz, Graham, and Ryan go to visit Mary Shelly on the night she got the idea for Frankenstein. The Doctor notices that Percy Shelley should be there, but is missing. They notice that the villa seems to be haunted as strange things begin to happen. A figure appears, which seems to be a partially converted Cyberman, which Captain Jack had previously warned the Doctor's companions about.
The Cyberman is looking for the Cyberium, which holds all the knowledge of the Cybermen. The Doctor finds that Percy has become the host of the Cyberium and was hiding, while defense mechanisms mixed with his mental projections caused the strange disturbances. The Doctor takes over as the new host, but the Cyberman threatens to bring a ship to destroy the world if the Doctor does not give it to her. She gives it over, and the Cyberman leaves to rebuild the Cyber-armies. The Doctor and her crew take off to stop it.
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142: Into the Dalek - Season 8, Episode 2: The Doctor brings Clara to a space station in the future where they are treating a "good" Dalek, who has seen the error of the Daleks ways and seeks to destroy all other Daleks. In order to treat it, the Doctor, Clara, and some soldiers must shrink down and enter the Dalek's casing, where they fight off Dalek antibodies. The Doctor and Clara are still getting used to the Doctor's newest incarnation and his lack of empathy and morality at some points. They find what is wrong with the Dalek, a radiation leak causing the Dalek's change in morality.
They accidentally fix it, restoring the Dalek to it's former self and it begins to attack the crew of the space station. They manage to restore some of the Dalek's good memories and the Doctor creates a psychic link with it, giving it visions of the beauty of the universe, but also all of the Doctor's battles against the Daleks. The Dalek stops attacking the crew, and all those inside it are restored to their original size. The Dalek leaves, vowing to bring about the destruction of all Daleks.
(Beat #115: The Vanquishers in Round 1)
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feministsouthpark · 3 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 17
Link for Seasons  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13 14 15 16
You know the drill by now, I’ll judge whether an episode has all the qualities of a canon one, or is it just shameless filler.
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S17E1 Let Go, Let Gov is FILLER Eric unveils that the government keeps Santa as a hostage, but nobody cares. S17E2 Informative Murder Porn is FILLER The parents learn Minecraft and then proceed to never talk about it again.
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S17E3 World War Zimmerman is FILLER Tolkien and Eric get development, however it's not grand enough to count it. S17E4 Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers is CANON Do I just like messing with everyone by caring so much about the goth kids canon specifically? Maybe, but the fact that the vampire kids teamed up with goths makes this one a big development for the rivaling teams.
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S17E5 Taming Strange is FILLER Ike gets hormones by accident, which is solved by the end of it. S17E6 Ginger Cow is FILLER Eric and Kyle accidentally create the peace between religions which Stan and Kenny accidentally ruin.
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S17E7 Black Friday is CANON S17E8 A Song of Ass and Fire is CANON S17E9 Titties and Dragons is CANON This is obviously a trilogy and it wouldn't make sense to grade them differently. The reason why they're canon is partly because they are the backbone of the video game, Stick of Truth, partly because how it deals with the main character dynamics, such as Scott Malkinson becoming friends with Butters and a more prominent character, and partly because it establishes backstory for Tom and Tammy Thompson (I know they are bit characters, but it all added up), and following through with the Vamps being on the same side as the goths!
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S17E10 The Hobbit is FILLER Wendy is against a fad, but in the end, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. South Park: The Stick of Truth is LORE
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At one point I wanted to include it as canon, however it's equal parts its own canon, as The New Kid doesn't appear in the show. But if you followed my guide, you won't have many questions playing this game, as I made sure to include the major references.
S17E1 Let Go, Let Gov is FILLER S17E2 Informative Murder Porn is FILLER S17E3 World War Zimmerman is FILLER S17E4 Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers is CANON S17E5 Taming Strange is FILLER S17E6 Ginger Cow is FILLER S17E7 Black Friday is CANON S17E8 A Song of Ass and Fire is CANON S17E9 Titties and Dragons is CANON S17E10 The Hobbit is FILLER South Park: The Stick of Truth is LORE* *It builds upon the series, but the series doesn't build upon it
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13  S2: 3 out of 18  S3: 6 out of 18  S4: 10 out of 17  S5: 8 out of 14  S6: 11 out of 17 S7: 6 out of 15 S8: 4 out of 14 S9: 8 out of 14 S10: 4 out of 14 S11: 4 out of 14 S12: 8 out of 14 S13: 3 out of 14 S14: 7 out of 14 S15: 6 out of 14 S16: 2 out of 14 S17: 4 out of 10 + a highly lore based game
Overall: 103 out of 248
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boardchairman-blog · 1 year
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**Shots of the Episode**
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022)
Season 2, Episode 9: “Subspace Rhapsody” (2023) Director: Dermott Downs Cinematographer: Benji Bakshi
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sun-lit-roses · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tags @curator-on-ao3 and @emonydeborah! I apologize for how long it's taken me to respond 💛
I'm so late to this, I have no idea who's already done it. If you haven't yet, please, please consider yourself tagged - and tag me in your response so that I can read your answers! (Actually if you have done it already, also link me so I can read your answers. These are fun questions with bonus fic recs so I'd like to see them all!)
Anyway, I got a little rambly, so I'll put in a cut to not murder anyone's dash 😁
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 82.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 397,560.
3. What fandoms do you write for? I've been primarily writing Star Trek (Strange New Worlds and Voyager) lately, with a dash of The Librarians and Leverage.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Fringe Benefits (SNW) - My beloved monument to ridiculousness where I approach the totally canon subject of Chris Pike's horse skills via Number One's hair.
October 2373 (Voyager)- My magnum opus! The one time I've managed to achieve completion of an October prompt list - five of them. In one coherent (ish) fic. Granted, it did take me until December... but the point is that I finished it! It follows a very eventful and occasionally random month aboard the Starship Voyager, where they have to deal with imprisonment, alien attacks, diplomatic meetings, and Kathryn's inability to talk about her feelings.
For the Captain Who Has Everything: A Prixin Story (Voyager) - Look. You can't just give me three delightful misfits for ONLY ONE EPISODE and not expect me to adopt them as my own. SO this is what happened next for the little Good Shepherd flock, where 'what happened next' is shenanigans to set up their Captain with her First Officer as a gesture of gratitude.
Growing Pains (SNW) - Aw, one of my early Chris and Una fics! This is one of the set I wrote while the first season was just airing weekly - hard to believe that was almost two years ago 😲 This one was the aftermath of Una 'I'm just fine-ing' her way into emergency surgery and Chris letting her know that there were things up with which he would not put - top of the list being losing his Number One.
Command Advice (SNW) - Another of the early SNW set! This was my 'spicier' take on the resulting conversation between Chris and Una after she learns about her Where Fun Goes to Die nickname. In one version, they have a very serious conversation about Starfleet principles. In *this* version, they're less serious. Also naked.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! Or at least I try. I love and cherish every comment, but I tend to run (very) behind on responding and have to play the game of 'is it weird to reply to a comment this late?'
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? My very first fic ever! Actually I think it might be my only fic with an angsty ending. I guess I got it all out of my system early. That one is Wednesday, a Sanctuary fic where Helen has a very sad day.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Literally everything else. I can't even pick out of my collection of sappiness.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, there's very little I would not be willing to at least try writing! Up to now I think I've written at least mildly smutty M/F, F/F, and F/M/M sexcapades and/or BDSM. I'm working my way around to some F/F/M for SNW if I could get the three of them to cooperate.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I think I've only written one crossover and it was for SNW/The Librarians, bringing about a meeting between Eve Baird and Una Chin-Riley, which we would have in a fair and just universe.
Wait, I take that back! I also had a little snippet on Tumblr where Hawkeye, BJ, Jonathan, and Ardeth meet up, because The Mummy/MASH is... certainly a combo. Actually, I think I also had a snippet of Gomez Addams meeting Hawkeye and BJ? What is it about MASH?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Also not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Kind of? The Discord crowdsourced the plot to a ridiculously hilarious fic and I wrote a bit of it for fun, but I'm not sure if that counts? Co-writing does sound like a good time, though!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Voyager! The happiest little ship in the Delta Quadrant 🚀
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a lot of bits and pieces on my hard drive that will never be finished and released into the Ao3 wilds - the plot didn't work out/was barely a plot, I've moved on from the fandom, I was trapped in a fever dream of my nieces playing Frozen on repeat, blacked out, and woke up to 3 chapters dealing with the socio-political ramifications of Elsa decamping and Anna appointing the prince of another land in charge rather than Arendelle's Privy Council. Anyway.
The WIPs I have posted, though, I fully intend to finish at some point! It may take a while and it might not be my original planned ending, but they haunt me. So one day I will have to put them to rest. Possibly with a 2x4, tarp, and shovel.
16. What are your writing strengths? I like to think I'm pretty good at getting into the character's voice. I hope so, at least; I spend a lot of time on it! Also, humor, although that one is objective, of course.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Commas. Clearly.
Structurally, it varies per fic, but I have a habit of running thin on plot. I start strong at A, want to get to B, but the middle gets kind of wander-y. This also leads to me sometimes stalling mid-project if I get distracted or pulled away - hence my current three WIPs. Though it doesn't help that the past six months have sucked on letting me have much free time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? If it was short, easy dialogue in Spanish or French I might be able to swing it. Otherwise, I would need to phone a friend.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Sanctuary!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? This is a hard one. I love them all for different reasons, some of which have more to do with the time I was writing them than with the actual contents. Reluctance was my first multi-chapter fic ever back in the FFN days, so that seems like a pretty good candidate. I learned so much while writing that fic!
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