strange-old-worlds · 2 years
✨️The Cosy Study Club✨️
Y'all, I made a server! It's for 20+ postgraduate and mature students who want a study server that isn't dominated by kids and teenagers. (No insult to them, it can just be uncomfortable to be there as an adult)
Some features:
Sprinto bot
Chat rooms for study sessions or hanging out
Dedicated fandom and infodumping spaces
Dedicated space for talking about neurodivergent study tips etc.
Sharing access to resources (down with capitalism)
Feel free to join and help me shape the server while it's new, or just come along and use the space 💜
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strange-old-worlds · 3 years
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Wednesday 28th July, 2021
I'm feeling under the weather today, so I'm taking it easy. I borrowed this book from my university's library over a year ago, and today I'm finally going to read it!
Raspberry tea and reading Hamlet in bed sounds to me like a perfect antidote for an off-day 🍵
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strange-old-worlds · 2 years
Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Have-done list:
Put propagated succulent leaves in soil
Uploaded a new listing to etsy
Attended a talk on emotions history
Continued a crochet work-in-progress
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strange-old-worlds · 3 years
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Monday 23rd August, 2021
It's hard to get back into the work mindset after a week off! I'm taking it steady - my aim today is to get just the necessary thesis work done, and some administrative stuff. I bought myself this new book last week - my first in-person trip to a bookshop in so long! It looks so interesting, I can't wait to read it 😊
I hope you all have comfortable and enjoyable weeks!
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strange-old-worlds · 3 years
Those of you who bullet journal, what kind of notebook do you use?
I have a Rhodia dot grid reporter's pad, and while I *love* the paper quality and freedom of layout, I'm using it horizontally and weekly logs are getting tricky to fit on a page.
Any recommendations?
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strange-old-worlds · 3 years
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Wednesday 23rd June, 2021
This afternoon I'm getting started with a cup of raspberry tea and some more thesis editing! The plan is to edit my first three chapters this summer, before moving on to writing chapters 4 and 5. Today's section is on emotions as performances, which is the really fascinating idea that emotional expression is used to make promises. I also have 3 essays to mark this afternoon. The little succulent cutting seems to show signs of growing tiny roots, but maybe that's just wishful thinking at this early stage!
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strange-old-worlds · 3 years
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Monday 21st June, 2021
I'm typing this more slowly than usual because I have a new keyboard! I realised recently that I've stopped working at my desk, and started doing all my work in my bedroom - which means I'm less productive, and my bedroom stops being a place just for resting. So I've reorganised and revamped my desk set-up! I treated myself to a new mouse and keyboard, new laptop stand, and a new pink desk organiser. Along with the little succulent cutting I'm encouraging to grow roots, it's a much more inviting work space!
(And cuter to photograph! 😊)
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strange-old-worlds · 3 years
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Wednesday 7th July, 2021
I went out for a walk before lunch, and now I'm settling down to some marking. My thesis reading for today is this lovely old book! It's one of those wonderful books you buy because it looks interesting, and then realise it's going to be useful too. I'm interested in it for the primary author, and his thoughts on Julius Caesar's character.
Oh! And the little succulent cutting is definitely putting out roots now, which is very exciting! My desk is so much more welcoming with a plant on it.
I'm feeling a bit tired, but I'm motivated and ready to get to work! ✨
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strange-old-worlds · 2 years
Wednesday 6th April 2022
Things I want to do with my week off:
Sew a new skirt
Pick up a book on HTML from the library
Finish reading my current book
Deep clean the kitchen
Reorganise my room
Get through all the laundry
Spend a day doing nothing important
Go for a long walk somewhere new
To-do today:
Make soup
Clean the kitchen cupboards
Day 6 of my crochet challenge
Walk to the library to pick up HTML book
Work on new skirt
Create tutor profile
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strange-old-worlds · 2 years
Tuesday 5th April 2022
Had a late start today and now I'm feeling indecisive about what to do with the rest of the afternoon.
Things I want to do with my week off:
Sew a new skirt
Pick up a book on HTML from the library
Finish reading my current book
Deep clean the kitchen
Reorganise my room
Get through all the laundry
Spend a day doing nothing important
To-do today - completed! 🎉
Buy groceries
Day 5 of my crochet challenge
Post etsy updates to instagram
Work on OFMD sticker design
Start new skirt
This week I've started listening to the radio again. There's something nice about just letting it carry me along and waiting to find out what will be on next. This afternoon I cut out skirt lining pieces to a Raffles radio play, and then listened to a Sherlock Holmes - The Resident Patient.
Started a new sourdough starter tonight - hopefully by the weekend I'll be able to use it to make bread!
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strange-old-worlds · 3 years
Wednesday 16th March 2022
Morning routine
Crochet pins
Go to the post office
Buy groceries
Sort through books
Work on thesis
I realised recently that a 30-day duolingo challenge makes me less likely to keep up with my practice, so I won't be continuing with that - day-by-day goals seem to work better for me
Sorted through my books and discovered that I have more than I realised! I've set a few aside to donate, to free up some shelf space for other things
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strange-old-worlds · 3 years
Wednesday 9th March 2022
To-do list:
20-minute thesis writing sprint
Complete 2 Etsy orders
Completed 1/2 orders
Supervision meeting
30-day Duolingo challenge: Day 1
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strange-old-worlds · 3 years
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Monday 16th July, 2021
Not a study post today, because this week is my summer holiday! I'm staying at home, taking it easy and indulging in my hobbies. Yesterday I explored a beautiful park I'd never visted before, and today I took a trip to the sewing supplies shop in the city!
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strange-old-worlds · 3 years
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Monday 12th July, 2021
Recently I've been thinking about one of my favourite quotes, by the physicist Richard Feynman:
'I was born not knowing, and have had only a little time to change that here and there.'
I'm spending my little time this week writing feedback forms for my students, and pushing on with my thesis. I have plans to rewrite my course booklet for next term, but I don't want to move on to that until I've finished all this marking for the summer. And my thesis is coming along - 8,720/12,000 words written in my current chapter! I'm writing about Caesar and the Rubicon at the moment, so I've gone right back to Suetonius' account.
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
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strange-old-worlds · 3 years
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Monday 26th July, 2021
Last week of teaching-related work before summer! I do plan to rewrite my course handbook before next term, but that's voluntary. No marking means more time and more energy to spend on getting my thesis done, and that's very exciting. I don't plan to overwork this summer - I just want to be able to stick to my work schedule, and keep up the habit of doing some thesis work every weekday. That's fallen by the wayside a bit in the last couple of weeks, but I'm hoping the summer will give me a chance to get things back on track. I'm also planning to take a week or two fully away from work, which will be so nice!
I hope you all have wonderful weeks!
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strange-old-worlds · 3 years
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Friday 2nd July, 2021
It's been a strange week! I'm feeling much better today but I've been under the weather all week, and it's really disrupted my work patterns. I'm hoping to get back to working on my thesis properly next week, and to hopefully getting this marking finished!
In other news, I'm so excited about the announcement of another series of Good Omens!! Expect many Aziraphale-aesthetic photos in the weeks to come - starting with this one! I bought the mug on Amazon (because I am but a PhD student with little disposable income) but I think they're also available on Etsy. Please do tag me in your posts if you include an angel mug in your study photos, or if you find Good Omens vibes get you in the study zone too!
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