bestsellingsurvivor · 5 years
licks lana's cheek
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“Excuse me, but—                          What the fuck?”
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dxmagedrose · 5 years
@strangesurvivals​​ said:
“  if he puts his hands on you, cut them off.  ”
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The street-wise girl smiles. She’s young -- too young, too little to be here in the grimy alleyways, not even old enough to be bringing the half-smoked cigarette to her lips and taking a well-practiced drag. She looks so OUT OF PLACE, but that was just always the way with those seeking to break the natural planes of the universe, wasn’t it?
“ That’s... actually some  r e a l l y  good advice, ”  Rosa Hauley says casually, and GODS ABOVE it’s GENUINE. One couldn’t be sure that the simple interaction hadn’t LEGITIMATELY given her the go-ahead to actively dismember the next asshole that found themselves getting handsy with the merchandise before paying up.         “ You speaking from experience? ”
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wantlonger · 5 years
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strangesurvivals​:    “All the darkness goes into you.”
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“darkness?” she’s about as dark as vanilla ice cream in a waffle cone. least, that’s what she likes to think about herself. every harsh word, longed to be released in anger, is constantly swallowed before it dare reach the tip of her tongue. every doubt that may crack the mirror of her ideal life is shattered before it shatters her. everything is peachy keen, jelly bean, and that’s the way that dolores likes it. 
that’s the way it’ll stay.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about ... i don’t have any darkness.”
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highbredblood · 6 years
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[+] “I’ve prepared something special for you, Cath..”
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pohocounty · 6 years
scathach and dulu eating fries out back of the local insanely liminal and creepy mcdonald's
they’re not only behind the building, but are sitting inside of the open bed of dulu’s rusty old truck, craning their necks to see over the establishment’s half-rotten green fence  &   watching the cars go by on the nearest overpass.  the fries at the top of the cartons are cold but they’re eating them anyway.  the burgers have too much ketchup on them.  a streetlamp is flickering.  the neon light of a neighboring pawn shop reflects rainbow in a puddle of oil on the asphalt.  a few kids smoking together pass by.  dulu and scathach’s eyes reflect the lights of their cigarettes.  it’s 3am.  it’s been 3am for over two hours, now.
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wantlongera · 6 years
strangesurvivals replied to your post “y’all want to hear some unpopular onions”
'you're a snack and i could use a good dicking' is just proof positive the writers of the show have never met a young woman in her 20s and don't know how one would talk
LITERALLY like who. in the fuck. besides a character speaking lines that a #woke male writer thinks are “witty”. speaks like that. no one. that’s who.
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godbloodednope · 6 years
Creature old, a beast most weary, has laid down roots nowhere but everywhere at once. For to a god, all realms are but theirs, aren’t they? This is untrue of the deathless, she knows, but fear recedes as the tide does when the moon says so in this world. She has no reason to be afraid. Scent of something she doesn’t know of well, but friendship is easy for Kitty Valentine when a creature answers back. It is no offense to the human-creatures, Otherworlders they may be, but the absence of magick or of anything else is a gaping void within her soul. To be not surrounded by it is to be alone.
How many generations has she spent so fundamentally alone, surrounded by those she always knew were not quite hers? An animal, of sureness, and shaped as ‘humans’ might considers themselves. She did not know this word until crossing into the Otherworld, and knowing humans to be selfish, self-obsessed animals. All things of their shape immediately labeled ‘humanoid’. Even arrogant as she, the death god could not begin to so blindly, so ignorantly decide. 
All things are, unto themselves, what they are. This is what she knows. And while others smell like her, they are not her, and she is who she is, and that is all.
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“Bubble,” It floats in the center of a palm, lilac-scented, a body made of solid muscle sat upon a tiled floor, hulking and small at once. Wildly mussed black hair around shoulders, never tamed, and the god blows gently on the sphere so it drifts away and toward the other, twitching a fanged smile bright with sharp, terrifying teeth, “See? ‘S’comfy. Smells nice. Sawft. Bubbles.”
A low, low, low purr in the back of a throat. It stays, pleased as a growl, metamorphosed into a strange but rattling sound. The noise a snake makes before it strikes, but it is innocuous. Even, it means a kindness.
“Eyuh nice. ‘Umans ‘ave ‘em in’uh bath. I love ‘em.”
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waspeachy-a · 6 years
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                         The grass is damp, leaving wet spots scattered across her skirts, sticking the thin material of her dress to her skin, she doesn’t mind. never has if only because she loves the rain, the way the sun will split the clouds and warm her skin. Spring colored eyes dance across the other woman before they fall back delicate fingers weaving flower stems, a halo held within the goddess’ hands. Ostara is careful to move towards the other, moving to set the crown atop the other’s head. 
@strangesurvivals - starter call !
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bidrums · 6 years
Something about episode 4 that bothered me that I really need to get off my chest
So @strangesurvivals​  has really good posts about this that honestly made me realize that was exactly what bothered me and they are very put-together posts, so if you want something that’s not as rambling as mine, go check it out. Check it out regardless of what I put on here, because it’s a great blog and they deserve love and attention.
Here’s what rubbed me the wrong way: the stupid Warlock school subplot and the concept of the Alpha.
In a post I made with my general thoughts on the episode, I mentioned that I thought it was interesting about the concept of Supreme vs Alpha but followed it with saying I wasn’t about to start discourse.
Well, I retract that statement and am going to start discourse.
I’ll probably be crucified for saying that Coven wasn’t my favorite season, but it wasn’t. I love the concept and absolutely adore the characters and agree that the season kicked some serious ass, but I couldn’t really jam with the plot. I don’t know why, since I’ve watched and read very similar things, but I just couldn’t really get into it. Sorry. Even though it wasn’t my favorite season, I definitely screamed when they appeared and loved all the scenes they were in. Because they're characters that I love and actresses that I love, and I knew that would up the stakes more than they were already upped.
And then the plot happened.
I make fun of the fact that it started out like Harry Potter with Michael being recruited, but then Ryan took the Chosen One concept a bit too far and decided to call it the Alpha. And I just, no. Just no. No, don’t do that. Don’t do that to Michael. He’s already the Antichrist. That’s more than enough of a role to fill, and he doesn't need some Harry Potter/Star Wars magic Chosen One that’s destined to defeat the Ultimate Evil (TM) on top of being the Antichrist. It’s unnecessary and it took away from that subplot for me. It felt lazy, it felt forced, it felt contradictory, it just lessened the impact of the Antichrist plot and Michael’s harnessing of his powers. At least, the way Ryan did it. I’ll get back to that.
So Michael Potter Skywalker is taken to a magic school to develop his Amazing Magic Powers because something happens that tells The Powers That Be that he’s Super Powerful- more than any of them. Only one of those Authorities is suspicious and hesitant to take this person is because he can smell Big Trouble because This Kid Ain’t Right. But everyone laughs off Cheyanne Yoda Jackson because holy fuck he pulled some Exorcist shit then curled up in a ball crying on the floor he must be The One With The Ultimate Power (TM) we must take this emotionally unstable child in and harness his magic because absolutely nothing will go wrong with taking him in and teaching him to control his crazy strong magic that manifests himself in murder. Cheyanne Yoda Jackson is just being paranoid, he only impaled a guy with multiple knives and blew a guys head up. He may have Much Anger In Him and acts in a way that looks like he’s Demon Possessed, but have you seen his Midichlorian count? We have to bring him in because he might be able to destroy the Sith and bring Balance to the Force and finally dismantle the ever-present fear of Voldemort’s Reign of Terror! Stop being a spoilsport and train him like the rest of us, it’ll be fine! Oh, and we won’t help him adjust to his power gradually in order to make up for the years of training he lost in order to give him the same foundation everyone else has and the skills and trust of the System to not be reigned by his unstable emotions and Much Anger In Him. Nah, throw him in the deep end headfirst, he’ll be fine. In fact, we’ll raise our expectations and push him harder than everyone else and tell him his Destiny from the beginning so he has all this pressure on him. There’s no way he’ll lash out and have a sense of entitlement.
Now, who are The-Sith-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named that oppress the poor, defenseless Warlocks? The rest of humanity? That was in Coven, and it would be interesting to have a Magneto-type background that ties into his disgust at humanity and proves his “evil motherfuckers” point. Is it the Humans? It’s not? Who is it?
The Witches, of course! Those Nasty, Horrible Women who use their Superior Woman Magic to press the poor defenseless Warlocks who just want to Be Equals and not be molotov cocktailed after those Stupid Women didn’t have the foresight to the potential consequences of trying to foster good relations with the Muggle World and being open about their Mutant status because they’re Mutants, and they’re Proud! We need an Alpha Male to save us from the Uterus! A Level Four! The Manliest Man in all of Manhood who will put those women in their place and take them down from their High and Mighty Egos. In Coven they had thinly-veiled metaphors for racism by having European vs Voodoo magic fights that tried to make us see that the Poor White Girls are just Misunderstood and Blissfully Ignorant that the Voodoo Community is just as Powerful and Valid as the rest of them! And they still have that in Apocalypse, but now they also have Gender Inequality in it, too! But like, not showing the tired, traditional Oppressed Women narrative that a lot of feminists tell. No, it’s the Refreshing alternate view that maybe, there are areas of life where Men are not on top? And that’s bad for them? It’s daring and bold and no one has ever proposed this idea ever! I’m so creative and revolutionary!!!
The Supreme title was interesting to me because there’s always the Head Witch or something like that. But Ryan gave her the title of Supreme, because the one to master all fundamental areas of magic has Supreme Magic that is more powerful. Which makes sense and is pretty refreshing to me, because it felt like an acknowledgement while over-glorifying the title. Because Supreme also sounds like a threat and a title everyone would fight over, so whoever has that title has to constantly watch her back because other people will try to take that for themselves. The title was forged in blood, and it’s a constant reminder of that. And the show does a great job showing how hard and how dangerous that title is. It shows work, it shows strength, it shows earning the title.
That is the complete opposite of the Alpha role. Level Four. Honestly I hate the fact that they rank the students with 4 levels because it’s honestly unhealthy competition in my opinion. But we’re focusing on the Alpha. It’s a stupid concept, it’s a stupid plot device, it’s a stupid mentality, it’s a stupid rank, it’s a stupid title. “But you’re a Christian, isn’t that hypocritical of you because you’re okay with calling God the Alpha?” Actually, that’s not His full title. The full title is the Alpha and the Omega- which is FUCKING GREEK FOR THE BEGINNING AND THE END AND IS A PRETTY ACCURATE TITLE FOR THE FUCKING CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE AND DON’T BRING MY RELIGION INTO THIS I AM NOT GOING TO SAY THAT AGAIN
Anyways, the Alpha thing and why it’s hella problematic. Its real-life counterpart is a hideous mentality that really messed-up men have that leads to entitlement issues that lead to violence- usually against women whose bodies they feel they are owed and believe that their superior “Alpha Male” status demands. Just, it doesn’t matter if that’s what he was imagining- which I doubt given the context- or not, the fictional Alpha Male trope and the real-word damage the Alpha Male mentality causes make this fictional title undesirable and uncomfortable. It also doesn’t imply the hard work that the Supreme title does. Like I referenced in my sarcastic rant, it’s why people hated the Midichlorian thing in Star Wars. I actually asked my dad if they were mad because it wasn’t referenced in the original trilogy. He said, and I paraphrase, “Partly. It’s the implications of them not mentioning it in the original trilogy that we have a problem with. When it first came out, the Force was something that everyone had and that some people were more in tune with than others. But it was in everyone, so everyone with the right training could become a Jedi. You might not be as powerful as the other Jedi, but you can be a Jedi or at the very worst, someone with cool Force abilities that can use the Force. Just not at the level of the Jedi. That was awesome because me and everyone else was saying, “I could be a Jedi! I could learn how to master the Force! Then Episode 1 came out and it said, nah, you can’t. It’s twitch muscles. You have it, or you don’t. Your DNA determines wether or not you can actually use the Force. Everyone has the Force, but you can’t be trained to tap into that power. It was like a slap in the face to the people who spent decades with the fantasy of training to be a Jedi. Since you haven’t had the time gap between movies, it’s less of an issue. But to us, it hurts a lot.” And that’s exactly what the Alpha does. It’s not that Michael is powerful and gradually shows the potential to be the Alpha then proves himself to be able to survive the grueling process to earn that status. It’s just that they see that he’s powerful (which I have no idea how impressive that footage is since we don’t have a great example of how weak everyone else’s magic is in comparison, imo) and assume that because he’s super powerful he’s The One. It just wasn’t as compelling to me as finding out about the Supreme. And yes, the witches do inherently have more magic and yes, the Supreme inherently has more magic, but it’s still like the Jedi. Not everyone is Force-Sensitive, so not everyone can be a Jedi; by extension, not all the Jedi can have the highest rank and there are many nuances and strengths of the people’s Force abilities. That’s something that I thought was interesting in Coven and was a bit disappointed that they didn’t play around with it more, but that’s not what this is about. I’m just showing how the Warlocks could have a similar Nuance even with their ranking system and could’ve had more of a parallel with the Witches.
But they didn’t.
Instead Ryan decided to have some weird social commentary about how women could be as bad as men and whenever they have some area where they’re better than men, they abuse that area and twist the narrative to make themselves the victims; in these areas, the men are now the ones who have to fight tooth and claw to get equal treatment. This is the standard “Women can be just as bad as men given the opportunity!” narrative that hurts legitimate activism to get men the same treatment in areas such as domestic abuse, where the statistics of male victims and the numbers of how they receive justice for it are much different than for women. There was a social study where two actors pretended to be a couple having an argument in public that gets violent, with one partner starting to get more and more physical and the other partner getting more and more in danger of being seriously hurt. When the woman was the victim, people rushed to her aid and got in between them and called him out on his behavior. When the man was the victim, a significantly less number of people did that, and most people laughed it off as the male being “whipped”- or, not filling the male role in the relationship. The power balance is suddenly funny when the woman has more power over the women. Now, I’m not going to go into that discourse, and you have my word on that. Domestic abuse is a horrific epidemic that both men and women face, and statistically women are the victims much more than men. But that doesn’t mean that when men are abused, it’s not that bad as when women are. And so when activist groups push for more awareness of this epidemic and trying to change the narrative of what domestic abuse looks like, we should listen and treat it seriously. But when narratives like the Witch oppression of the Warlocks being used to bring attention to “reverse sexism”- which is bullshit, btw- it lessons actual legit activism and make both activism for male issues and activism for female issues seem less important. Less serious. They become more of a joke and people overreacting than things of actual importance. And it’s just bad writing. There are way better ways to have a Warlock vs Witch narrative that Michael is involved in. Way better ways. Way better ways than “oppressed men might have someone who can overthrow the oppressive women because he’s more powerful and men might be able to reclaim their position of power”.
Honestly, I was mostly annoyed by this is that not only was Ryan- consciously or no- even doing it, but he was doing it where the men were just being whiny and had no real argument. They gloated at Cordelia and tried to provoke her by dangling Michael as “The One (TM) who would overthrow the Witches’ power over them” in front of her to try to get her angry. They act like her refusing to put him through the Seven Wonders is proof that she’s scared of being overthrown. Because cowards act like that. And that when she uses Misty and Queenie as examples of how she isn’t all powerful like they believe and to give examples of how dangerous the world of magic is and how just recklessly going forward can land them in trouble, they just scoff like she’s not really worthy of being the All Powerful and can you believe this chick? She walks around like she owns the place but she can’t even save one of her own kind from being perpetually held in Limbo for eternity with possibly thousands of other souls being held captive and suffering unimaginable things. Some Supreme. She can’t possibly think that’s a good reason to not do the test of the Seven Wonders.
Just- it’s really bad. It’s not a good way to even make this lazy writing a passable attempt. Cordelia telling them about how she tried to save Queenie once she found out she was dead in order- this is what I interpreted from that sequence- to help her pass on or come back to life was a great way to show her character. She’s empathetic, she’s protective, she actually cares about the people she’s supposed to be the authority over. And her regret over not being able to save Queenie hurts because she was supposed to watch over her and be able to protect her from something like that, but she couldn’t. And she is heartbroken because people she loves and cares about are casualties of a dangerous world and she’s helpless to stop those casualties. And when she refuses to let Michael do the Seven Wonders, it’s because she doesn’t want an innocent party that is being put on a pedestal to get killed. She fucking says that she doesn’t want to risk him dying and the fuckwads act like that’s a pathetic excuse!!!!! That was so infuriating for me because it was treated like Cordelia was being unreasonable by the characters and Ryan. I mean, in Coven the Seven Wonders was constantly hammered in as dangerous at every level, and as the stakes are raised, the more it’s hammered in, and the more people get hurt. There are actual consequences, and Cordelia witnessed it from the beginning to the end. So she knows that there’s an 87% chance that Michael will die, and she doesn’t want someone else to die in the process that killed her friends. And she gets more and more angry about people talking over her and ignoring all of her very solid arguments against this until she has no choice other than to give into their provocations and get angry, having to firmly shutting it down and ending it before someone gets hurt and when she gets questioned again, she snaps one of the greatest lines in the season and the show: “BECAUSE I’M THE FUCKING SUPREME!” And the men just look at each other like, “I fucking knew this bitch was too scared of being usurped to agree to our very reasonable proposal to take a vulnerable youngster who’s only just started to control his powerful and unstable magic and force him to go through a dangerous test he has a high chance of dying from just to soothe our wounded egos that we’re grooming several impressionable young men to emulate, women are so unreasonable” and I wanted to punch everyone in the face. 
So the thing I mentioned waaaaay earlier in this super-long post: the way Ryan was doing this lessened Michael’s character was done really badly.  Here’s an idea on how to go through a less-sexist conflict between the two covens that actually makes him more powerful:
Michael is powerful- more powerful than they’ve seen. Cheyanne Yoda Jackson still gets to be suspicious, and they are inclined to agree. After some debate, everyone except Warlock Yoda agrees that it’s probably powerful, unstable magic that is being handled by a teen with anger issues and an obvious propensity for violence. They can teach him to handle the magic and maybe to control his emotions. Everything’s the same until they do their tests. It’s still after a month or two, but this time it’s after he’s had time to adjust and had some basic rudimentary training that everyone has when they first start. They explain that everyone is evaluated at the beginning to get a feel for their magic, and Michael already seems to have some control of his powers. Not much, but it’s impressive considering how insane they are. They start with the mirror. He does it, and they share shocked glances. That’s something that a lot of people have trouble with after years of training. So they hesitantly do the teleporting. Flawless passing, more shock. Then they ask him to waterbed snow, and they have their happy moment before they almost freeze to death. They see how freaked out Michael is and tell him that he has super strong magic and when you push yourself like he did, it’ll get a bit out of hand. Just be more careful and they’ll talk about where to put him then get back to him, okay? Then they talk about how freaky it is that he can do this with little training, Magic Yoda is suspicious, they shoot him down with a lot of irony because Antichrist. Then one of them suggests that maybe, just maybe, they might be seeing a Male Supreme. Use the phrase, “Male Supreme”. It’s less stupid and worrying. There’s banter about how there hasn’t been a male version, it’s only been a woman, you know how many powerful Warlocks have died trying to do the Seven Wonders, he can barely control snow, you think he can come back from the dead? But then they agree and call the Council.
Most of the Warlocks’ bitterness towards the Witches stems from two places: 1) Fiona was a bitch and took her Supreme status to exert absolute control of the Council and 2) Cordelia just announced the existence of Mutants Witches and Warlocks without consulting the Council, a decision that they feel should have been unanimous. So there’s some banter about the Seven Wonders and Michael and she doesn’t want to hurt him because of how many powerful Witches and Warlocks have died and he sounds like he’s emotionally and magically unstable and he most likely will die. It also makes more sense for them to be snarky at her because of the above two reasons, and they can invoke Fiona’s name which will make those of us who are familiar with Coven squeal at the mention of Fiona and remember that yeah, that sounds in character, as well as having Cordelia react to the implication that she’s being the same sort of Supreme her mother was. Like, that has waaaaayyyyy less sexism and provides a great conflict between the two schools. It also has a less cliche Chosen One story arc shoved into Michael’s already-established “I’m the Antichrist” story arc and still shows just how powerful and scary he is.
Again, that’s my idea on how it could’ve been better. I just hate that the potential badassery of rivals schools was ignored to have Ryan Murphy pretend to be revolutionary and critical and thinking outside of the box when he’s really condoning a dangerous and sexist narrative that puts characters that are both potentially awesome and badass and established to be awesome and badass into weak storylines that destroy a lot of great character arcs and characteristics of everyone.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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anabioun · 6 years
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wantlonger · 5 years
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strangesurvivals​:    ‘ alms, alms for a miserable woman, on a miserable chilly morning... ’ her hand curls into the young woman’s coat, catching her before she can pass by. ‘ come, miss... ‘ scathach’s touch trails down her arm to her wrist as she leans closer, bringing with her a scent of forest and rot. ‘ let me read... thy fortune. ‘
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had she a heart that still beats -- oh! it would leap right out of her chest! guilt draws it back into place, however. the poor woman ... she is -- a sight to behold but ... no! that’s such a cruel thought. dolores chides herself yet again for it. gently, the bride pulls herself from the witch’s grasp, only to pat the other’s hand sympathetically in turn.
"oh! i have no money, i’m so sorry,” crimson lips tug downwards in regret, as she releases the older woman’s hand. 
“i don’t --” she is about to tell the other of her disbelief in ‘fortune telling’, but. how, in good heart, can dolores deny this beggar, when she has nothing else to give. instead, the young woman nods in compliance; “yes, please.”
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exaltcdone · 6 years
‘the truth shall be dug out of you at all costs.’
⇏ i’m too lazy to find the meme :-/ △ @strangesurvivals △ maybe later!
H– how–? ( The words choke out of Brighid, chafe her throat like she’s eaten sawdust. ) 
How? ( Her voice trembles. That’s all she can say. 
She’ll swallow shakily, and try again. ) What– what truth? ( Brighid’s stomach squeezes. ) I’m no’– no’ lyin’, I promise– ( She knows she’s not helping her case by not meeting Scathach’s gaze still but her eyes don’t want to, can’t for more than a few seconds. Scathach’s eyes scrape Brighid when she looks at her, scrapes her raw and vulnerable. It hurts. 
Brighid releases her hands from their searing press on the sides of her thighs and shows her palms, more proof. They’re empty. Still stained wine with beet juice from earlier, but they’re empty. ) See–what– what truth. I’m not, I’m not. 
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thaegeiro · 6 years
strangesurvivals replied to your post: moment of silence for the shit alphonse and...
caroline: what do you have? baby victor: A KNIFE!!
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illuderite-blog · 6 years
powerful / pure, raw strength. detecting it in the faintest. she doesn’t know who she is ; flirting with the idea that she really doesn’t even want to find out either. but who would billie be if she didn’t at least do an introduction ? a coward.
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❛ interesting. ❜  a smile finds its way upon her lips.  ❛ i’ve never seen you around. ❜  nor has she met someone quite like the other.
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prevsapphism · 5 years
☄ for margot!
⇏ random headcanons ☆ @strangesurvivals ☆ accepting!!
margot LOVES self-help books. LOVES them. she has TONS. it’s hard to explain, but they present the fix to her problem she sees as a step-by-step Process she can Go Through and Ereminds her of the scientific method, which is familiar to her; rather than Advice she can argue with or choose to ignore. they taught her how to acclimate to college life overseas, graduate school, phd programme, everything she wasn’t familiar with. they saved her LIFE as a single parent. if margot’s struggling w something, the first thing she’ll reach for is a self-help book.
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dxmagedrose · 5 years
bold   –   always  ⁄  often italic   –   sometimes
001.   smoking:  the  action  or  habit  of  inhaling  &  exhaling  the  smoke  of  tobacco  or  a  drug.
002.   binge drinking:  the  consumption  of  an  excessive  amount  of  alcohol  in  a  short  period  of  time.
003.   drug abuse:  the  habitual  taking  of  illegal  drugs.
004.   nail-biting:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  anxiety / tension.
005.   lip-biting:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  anxiety / tension.
006.   night owl: a  person  who  is  habitually  active  or  wakeful  at  night.
007.   early bird:  a  person  who  rises ,  arrives ,  or  acts  before  the  usual  or  expected  time.
008.   negative attitudes: a  philosophy  of  approaching  life  with  criticism  &  pessimism.
009.   positive attitudes:  a  philosophy  of  approaching  life  with  optimism  &  confidence.
010.   swearing:  the  use  of  offensive  language.
011.   superstitious:  an  irrational  belief  that  an  object ,  action ,  or  circumstance  not  logically  related  to  a  course  of  events  influences  its  outcome.  
012.   inspecting fingernails:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  boredom.
013.   scratching your neck:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  uncertainty.
014.   foot  & finger  tapping:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  stress / impatience.
015.   nose touch:  a  subtle  body  language  sign  of  deceit.
016.   flipping  hair:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  craving  attention.
017.   twirling  hair:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  flirtation.
018.   cracking  knuckles:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  readiness.
019.   hands behind back:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  confidence.
020.   finger  –  pointing:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  authority.
021.   hands on hips:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  readiness.
022.   hands in pockets:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  mistrust / reluctance.
023.   frequent touch:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  warmth / familiarity.
024.   throat  –  clearing:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  rejection / doubt.
025.   jaw  –  clenching:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  hostility.
026.   eye  –  rolling:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  irritation.
027.   head  –  tilt:  a  common  body  language  sign  of  interest.
028.   whistling:  to  emit  high  –  pitched  sound  by  forcing  breakthrough  a  small  hole  between  one’s  lips  or  teeth;  usually  to  a  tune.
029.   humming:  make  a  low,  steady  continuous  sound  like  that  of  a  bee;  usually  to  a  tune.
030.   perfectionism:  refusal  to  accept  any  standard  short  of  perfection.
031.   photographic memory:  the  ability  to  remember  information  or  visual  images  in  great  detail.
032.   paranoia:  a  mental  condition  characterized  by  delusions  of  persecution,  unwarranted  jealousy,  or  exaggerated  self  –  importance,  typically  worked  into  an  organized  system.
033.   exaggeration:  a  statement  that  represents  something  as  better  or  worse  than  it  really  is.
034.   intuitive:  using  or  based  on  what  one  feels  to  be  true  even  without  conscious  reasoning;  instinctive.
035.   quick  –  witted:  showing  or  characterized  by  an  ability  to  think  or  respond  quickly  &  effectively.
036.   interrupting:  breaking  the  continuity  of  a  conversation  with  one’s  own  statements.
037.   doodling:  to  scribble  or  make  rough  drawings,  absentmindedly.
038.   irritable:  having  or  showing  a  tendency  to  be  easily  annoyed.
039.   gambling:  to  play  games  of  chance  for  money;  bet.
040.   travel – sick:  suffering  from  nausea  caused  by  the  motion  of  a  moving  vehicle ,  boat ,  or  aircraft.
041.   sensitive:  having  or  displaying  a  quick  &  delicate  appreciation  of  others’  feelings.
042.   melancholy:  a  feeling  of  pensive  sadness,  typically  with  no  obvious  cause.
043.   chewing gum:  the  exercise  of  chewing  flavored  gum  which  is  not  intended  for  swallowing.
044.   fidgeting:  to  make  small  movements,  especially  of  the  hands  &  feet,  through  nervousness  or  impatience.
045.   skeptical:  not  easily  convinced;  having  doubts  or  reservations.
046.   neat–freak:  compulsively  obsessed  with  cleanliness.
047.   gossiping:  divulging  personal  information  about  others.
048.   prim:  feeling  or  showing  disapproval  of  anything  regarded  as  improper;  stiffly  correct.
049.   abbreviating:  giving  others  nicknames / shortening  names / giving  pet  names.
050.   having a catchphrase: having  a  sentence  or  phrase  typically  associated  with  a  specific  person.
tagged.   @ninetyscnds <3 tagging. @limlnal, @kaengeru, @whcwashe, @illfollowthee, @strangesurvivals, & anyone who wants it that hasn’t been tagged!
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