#straw hat ronin
sliverofdust · 1 year
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Quick doodle inspired by some of the endgame npc dialogue.
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travajoke01 · 2 months
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You want to kill me? You couldn't even kill my boredom!
continuing my series wing + swords seems like a good idea,really hope i could convey the massage of him being his captain's wing esp because i need to practise: continuando una serie, espero que yo puede transmitir el mensaje de que Zoro es una ala de su capitán
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charsui · 8 days
I'm back on my one piece schtick and reaching Wano I gotta ask, where the fuck does Zoro get off?
I mean he drops the identity (that was literally just his life without the straw hats he just didn't have to get in any fights and immediately did so [the second time he's done this, the previous being Dressrosa])
He (after making Usopp feel like he had to beg to be on the crew and then from that point never question their captain) demanded the sword Luffy had acquired because it was cool and he wanted it.
Damn, why couldn't that execution have taken.
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talesofedo · 10 months
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My re-design of Mizu, the protagonist of Blue Eye Samurai.
The original series design for Mizu gives her a couple of expensive accessories, specifically her traveling cloak and her eyeglasses. (And yes, I realize she is supposed to have made her own eyeglass frames, but Japanese manufacture of glass was still new at that time and the lenses themselves would likely have been expensive.)
I kept the travel cloak design, but as many surviving originals are made from striped fabric, I chose to go with that.
She's wearing tattsuke bakama, rather than having separate, removable kyahan (gaiters). This was a really common style for traveling, and since Blue Eye Samurai takes place in the 1650s, I went with a contrasting, rather than matching, waist tie. That style of contrasting colors would have been a bit more of an old fashioned look at the time already.
She's wearing straw waraji instead of the black sandals she has in the series, and warajigake tabi, tabi with reinforcements in the toe split and the front of the foot that made them more durable for walking long distances.
I switched the short, samue-like jacket she's wearing in the series for an actual kimono, but used the water pattern of the fabric she is using as an obi in the series as the pattern for her kimono.
Since she's trying to pass for a ronin on her travels, I switched her hat for a sandogasa, which was a common design for traveling, and gave her a short sword in addition to her meteoric iron sword. (The lack of samurai carrying two swords in the series drove me absolutely bonkers.) I kept the un-wrapped rayskin design of her tsuka, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. 😅
I also changed the design of her eyeglasses to one that was common during the Edo period, using string instead of folding temples. The eyeglass design I'm using here is from the oldest known pair in Japan, Tokugawa Ieyasu's reading glasses, but that same style was worn right up until the introduction of modern western eyeglasses at the end of the Edo period.
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viharbinger · 4 months
ahhhh!!! it’s so exciting finding writers to write for jin sakai <3
can we have jin sakai x reader ( married au ) in which the reader gets kidnapped and jin does everything in his power to get his partner back? it’s unlike the feeling of freeing his uncle bc jin becomes scary looking for them.
“where is my wife?!” kind of vibes ( though not necessarily have to be fem! reader )
+bonus points if he calls his partner “beloved” :3
a/n: I gotchu anon... i GOTCHUUUUU (I hope U like it :D )
pairings: (ghost of tsushima) husband!Jin Sakai x gn!reader (married au)
tags: ...erm fluff? It's definitely fluff at the end idk about the first part tho😹
warnings: married au, mentions of blood, starvation, reader is kidnapped, no pronouns are used, usage of the word y/n (I honestly felt the ick writing that but I had to)
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It was terrifying. Getting caught in an ambush while you were out with Jin was not in your plans. You were captured before Jin could even turn to look at you, driven away on the back of a horse. You can't understand a single thing they're saying, but you keep hearing the same thing over and over, "Ghost". Was that what your husband was being called now?
You've been on the move for days ever since you've been captured, riding on a caged carriage behind a horse. Certainly an upgrade from a horse's back. It looks like they want to cover all of their tracks so he can't find you fast enough. Do they want to bring you to Khotun Khan? The thought just gives you goosebumps.
You've heard of all of the stories. Everything he's done. He's already killed more than a hundred samurai on Tsushima island without mercy, what could he do to you who's just the spouse of the ghost?
Your clothes were muddy from how much you've been tossed around on the ground lately, and your stomach was already digesting itself. Finally, they settle you into a new cage. To say it was filthy was an understatement. You don't want to admit it, but you're not used to this sort of life compared to the clean and neat home you worked so hard to keep back at Omi village with Jin.
Well, everything's got to change now, huh? You sat in silence for hours until you heard a familiar language you could finally understand. It was one of the straw hat ronins, oh you've heard of their betrayal to your husband, alright.
"—Seen him myself! He's tracking us down like a wolf to its prey! He's killed at least a few dozen of us already!" A ronin clearly afraid, exclaims to one of his fellow members.
"Oh shut up. You're just feeding into the rumours the peasants have been yammering about. What harm can one man do against an army of us right here?" He's right. It looked like one of the biggest camps you've ever seen so far into your abduction. There were enemies everywhere from top to bottom and archers from miles away watching for flanks.
"I'm serious. I'm sure he's coming for a certain someone." He points to you, to which the other ronin just glares at you. They walk away from your line of sight, continuing their conversation till they were out of earshot.
You could barely think about that right now, you were so hungry. The last thing you ate was a piece of pity bread given by a straw hat ronin and the only drink you'd have was rainwater. They've never beaten on you before but it was cruel enough they didn't bother feeding you anything.
Soon, the moon was in the sky, you could barely see a thing but the torches illuminating the faces of the invaders. Just as you were lost in your thoughts, loud terror screaming could be heard. Before you knew it, a lot of the men started investigating and picking up their sharpened weapons. One of them stood right in front of your door, guarding you.
Next thing you knew, there was so much chaos. Other fellow captured prisoners ran away to safety, screaming and explosions could be heard in all sorts of directions. Could this finally be the time for you to be saved?
"Where is Y/n?" You hear Jin. He sounded so angry and not his usual soft-spoken self. You peek through a hole to try to find him. If you yell, surely they'll finish you off before he gets to you. He's standing in front of the camp leader, in a stand off. "You killed my men. Destroy my territory. For that, you will pay!" The leader is prideful, intimidating yet your spouse shows no fear and draws his blade. They fight for a few moments and before you know it, the leader drops dead on the mud.
The man guarding your cage shudders in fear and opts to run away with the rest of the scared shitless army. Jin sheaths his sword seeing as nobody else dares to stand against him. He was definitely not one to mess with. You take this as an opportunity to call for your husband. "Jin!" You yell, your throat felt like it was being scratched. God, you were so parched.
He immediately looks for the source of your voice, running over to you. He wastes no time in opening your door. "Are you okay? What did they do to you?" He holds your cheeks gently, turning your face in different angles to look for injuries.
"Jin. I'm fine. I missed you so much." You teared up, hugging him. He hugs you back, tightly. Inhaling his scent which smells like blades of grass, you're content. You haven't felt like you were going to die every second you were in this god forsaken camp until this moment with your husband.
"I'm so glad you're here." It was your turn to cup his cheeks now, you pull him into a sweet kiss to which he returns. When you finally pull away you use whatever energy you have left peppering kisses all over his face which made him laugh and turn his face away. Hugging him again one last time again, he pets your hair lovingly.
"I'll get you home, my beloved." He whispers to you softly, tucking a stray hair away from your eyes. His once angry and frustrated voice at the standoff replaced with one of love. Clearly you've been through too much that you uncharacteristically gave him this much affection. You could care less he's killed hundreds just to get to you, you just want to love the hero who's just saved you.
Finally, you were on your way back home with Jin. Your hands were wrapped around his waist and head was pressed against his back as you rode back home. Boy, the thought of eating some rice just makes your mouth water. And of course, finally being home comfortably with your husband is great too.
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bidisastersanji · 10 months
The Old Guard x One piece AU got my brain going brrr and i'm gonna make it your problem now. Center of the matter is I want Zoro and Sanji to meet kind of like Nicki and Joe did (discovering their immortality by fighting on opposite sides and killing each other over and over and then becoming eternal lovers) so I went and did some research for the entire Straw hat crew. Main thing is I wanted to link them to historical events that will give them the right motivations and backgrounds! so here we GOOO
Sanji and Zoro: Because Japan has an isolationist past, the only battle I could find that would work is the Cagayan battles of 1582 in Jakarta between Spanish-Philippine forces vs Japanese pirates (a.k.a Wokou, which are basically pirate ronin) Sanji would thus be a reluctant "Rodelero" sent to South East Asia by his noble family (jokes on them he loves being in the middle of the spice trade and he hates being part of a noble family funding the conquistadores) who one day finds himself fighting a mysterious Wokou samurai Zoro. They're partly isolated from their respective camps when they first kill each other, and again, and again, until they realise they should by all means be dead but they keep healing. After a couple decades of -against all odds- running into each other everywhere, they reluctantly decide to try and figure out what the heck's happened to them together- struggling to communicate at first, then learning each others' language over the following decade, then falling in love and becoming inseparable. This makes Zoro and Sanji both over 400 years old, and they are the same age. Zoro learns about so many sword techniques and Sanji about different cuisines/ leg-centric fighting styles during this time.
all the other straw hats and their historical periods under the cut!
Robin as an Egyptian scholar who died during the burning of the Library of Alexandria in 48 BC/ was killed for researching something forbidden during the declining years of the Roman Period (early 200s) and found out she was immortal this way, making her around 2 millennia old. She spends her time recording history and traveling the world and encountering new cultures. Her long time enemy is religious obscurantism, and the Catholic church spends a lot of resources trying to kill her. (they have conspiracy boards about this immortal witch in the Vatican)
Brook: so ancient he doesn't remember much, other that he came from Kerma culture (2500 BC), loved music, and that his entire village had died from an illness, but he came back. His memory isn't great but if there's one thing he's loved in his Millennia of existence is discovering and learning how to play all the instruments that he could find. He mostly hangs in Vienna nowadays as a music teacher.
Jinbei is a Samoan chieftain from around 1000 BC who one day died during a battle with a Fijian chieftain. When he came back from death he assumed Tagaloa chose him. He loves navigating, sailing, exploring and going on voyages with his people. In more recent times (post european contact) he was forced to ally with the US Navy to protect his people.
Nami: Irish lass from around 800 who's coastal, tiny village was about to be raided by Vikings from Sweden. She made a deal with their chieftain Arlong to go with them and map out the British isles for them to help their raids be more effective and targeted, in exchange for not killing people in her village, and that she would make back the plunder they did not get from this town for them. She started to join their raids to try and make this money, but she died in battle. She came back and they believed her to be some kind of Valkyrie or Einherjer brought back to midgard. She took over the raider's leadership- also Norsemen always had women handle money, which works great here. During her time as an immortal she travels, seeks treasure, double crosses people etc.
Usopp a young double agent/CIA spy from the Cold War who died on a mission. He tragically could not return to his love Kaya because he was afraid of putting her in danger by revealing he was alive to the spies that killed him. He relocates and starts anew constantly, his entire life a web of lies. He's a great marksman/sniper.
Chopper died young of the Bubonic plague in medieval Europe. He resuscitated, tragically his father is infected as well and he's unable to save him- motivating him to get to the bottom of this disease, he decides to become a doctor. Looking like a 15 year old for centuries doesn't make this task easy and he has to hide a lot.
Franky is an American veteran of WWI who was heavily disfigured first, and died later (which is why he's not fully healed and needs prosthetics). He's heavily anti-government from having been sent to fight in such a meaningless war that sacrificed young men like cannon fodder. He learned to fix himself up and make prosthetics and masks for veterans, got into making tech stuff
Luffy is a modern, 21st century 20 something year old from Brazil's favelas. He dies in a gun violence incident (maybe linked to a drug war/gang war where he's been trying to protect his neighbourhood) and comes back, experiencing visions of others like him. He's resolute to find them and make a crew, thinking that with all of them together, maybe they can help liberate the world from opressors and inequality
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this is a total shot in the dark but does ANYONE have any Jin Sakai x reader stories with a male or gn reader??? ill take anything i just love him and cannot find ANYTHING
give me Jin who fell in love with one of the straw hat ronin. give me Jin who had something secret going on with a peasant boy back home. Jin reminiscing over a fellow samurai he lost on the beach. having a fling with one of the trappers he keeps running into. dreaming of the farmboy he promised he'd return home to. the possibilities are endless please someone send me something my crops are dying and they wither everytime i read one where you're his wife
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pod-together · 24 days
Pod-Together Day 6 Reveals 2024
Of Soulmates and Assassins [text, audio] (Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Hawkeye (Comics)) written by 42donotpanic, performed by rscreighton Summary: Ronin and the Winter Soldier are two assassins in the same system. They cross paths a lot, but usually, they don't interact much. They don't mind; neither of them is particularly interested in getting to know the other. It's just that the universe seems to have other plans for them.
Bend & *Snap* [text, audio] (Stranger Things (TV 2016)) written by artaxlivs, performed by steddiestories Summary: UPS guy is pretty, for sure, those lips, that square jaw? Eddie dreams about sitting on his face, honestly. But it’s not like the cardboard-brown uniform is given away any secrets beyond well toned arms and thick thighs. Oh, man, his thighs? Fuck, Eddie has to force himself not to stare as those little brown shorts ride up on hairy thighs when the guy squats to pick up a box.
on monsters (Star Wars Prequel Trilogy) written by cabezadeperro, performed by korechthonia Summary: Obi-Wan was trained on the finding and killing on monsters. Experience has taught him that the former is always much easier than the latter.
Got You in My Sight (Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types) written by Elthadriel, performed by stargateinmybasement Summary: Echo and Fives haven’t been subtle—Rex doesn’t think they've been trying to be subtle—and he already knows how this will end. They’re a hard pair to want to say no to.
Survival to Flourishing [text, audio] (Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling) written by HadrianPeverellBlack, performed by Mangotart_reads Summary: Harry Potter is raised by his godfathers, Sirius and Remus. This is how everything changes
keep thy friend under thy own life's key (Good Omens (TV)) written by hiddendruid, performed by ReformedTsundere and hiddendruid Summary: The theatre owned by Anathema Device is close to declaring bankruptcy. Crowley and Aziraphale team together in order to save it.
Captain's Log, by Captain Dan "The Fox" Wilds [starting text written by Opalsong, with pensieve podfics by bluedreaming, GodofLaundryBaskets, litra, and MistbornHero] (One Piece (Anime & Manga), All For The Game - Nora Sakavic) Summary: The Fox Pirates pick up a new member in Loguetown before heading to the Grand Line. Nicky says there was some kid in a straw hat climbing the execution platform, glad they set sail before that nonsense went down. Captain's Logs of the Foxhole on its trip to the One Piece.
An Ambiguous Gift: Silver (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) written by RisalSoran, performed by BardicRavenReads, audio production by OneGoldenRaptor
blood/thirsty (Men's Hockey RPF) written by Robokittens, performed by cosmicanon Summary: Brady hadn't really thought about the logistics of the whole thing. Was it like when some girls get dumped, they get depressed and cut their bangs? Timmy got dumped and … got fangs?
Emojis as a Love Language (방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS) written by strangecobwebs, performed by celli Summary: Hoseok has a crush on Park Jimin from Payroll. He is super chill about it. Really.
rational and level-headed (Dimension 20 (Web Series)) written by travvymybeloved, performed by Poluche Summary: Cody was well-known for his normal and grounded reactions to things. He told himself that frequently. He was good at handling things with grace and poise and wasn’t notorious at all for blowing his shit at the slightest provocation. That was why he was handling being faced with the realization of a lifetime in a rational and level-headed manner. “You’re sitting in your bathtub and eating an ice cream sandwich because you’re sad but don’t have a tub of ice cream?” “I mean, yeah.”
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ttttobistuff · 8 months
“Feels like an eternity…”
—Zolu, situated after Whole Cake Island arc, fluff, short
Words: 700
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Eyes closed, Zoro drowned his thoughts in more and more gulps of sake. A sweet taste flooding his throat, alcohol catching up to his brain…yet that bright smile and loud laughter remained strong within him. No amount of distractions could get the now ronin to forget such dazzling details of a certain person. He had never felt such a thing, his chest heavy when breathing as if something was missing. Yet, he couldn’t allow himself a single second of pondering about it. The mission was more important, and he knew well that if he ever dared to explore his mind he would end up going mad. Losing his head wasn’t too far away from a result even with those restrictions, though.
Taking a deep breath, he placed the empty bottle down and took the impulse to get up. Stumbling a bit, he turned around and admired the colossal dessert before him. Roronoa could feel the heat coming from his oesophagus towards every limb and chunk of skin, muscles relaxed yet tried his best to stay alert. Unfortunately, but as expected, he couldn’t control his mind or body whatsoever. The green-haired boy had never found himself in such a vulnerable position, never had he gotten drunk before ensuring safety. Perhaps drinking wasn’t the best option, but he couldn’t help himself. What would you expect from a poor man who so desperately misses his dear captain? Only inebriated could he admit this. He knew Luffy was an important part of his life but…to such an extent?!
Zoro made his way across the sizable piles of sand, falling to his knees several times. As the sun shined down upon his already bronze skin, sweat seemed to never stop slipping from the very top of his head to down his covered legs. At some point through the journey, the half top of his kimono ended up laying against his bottom half. Even after the heat decreased a degree or two, the vertigo and disequilibrium brought him down once and for all. Laying on his back, Roronoa felt sand sticking to his drenched back and neck. Even at this point, he kept only one thing in mind: his commander.
Thanks to the dehydration and tiredness, his mind started playing games on him. Few moments after giving in to the exhaustion, he could swear he glimpsed a very peculiar hat…one made of straw. In pure despair, he brought his torso up and looked everywhere. Eye moving rapidly from side to side, up and down, he couldn’t seem to find again what he thought he had seen. Once again, while he was about to lay down, not only did he spot the straw hat but was caught by surprise by a marvellous sound. Almost as a melody, the delightful frequencies made Roronoa melt away. Not the heat, not the sweat, not the tiredness, but this. He felt as if he was in paradise,
“Heaven is what they call it…right?” he chortled.
The most atheistic man on the surface of the Earth has now considered the possibility of a blissful afterlife, all to search for an explanation to the intense feeling within his heart. There was no way anything mortal could make his chest ache, or make him stay awake at night picturing a certain face. That breath-taking sound was Luffy’s laughter.
Moments away from Zoro fading away and drowning bottom-deep into his hallucinations, he was brought back by a pair of hands holding him tight. Shutting his eye open, he was met with the most ravishing face. His captain, with a bright kimono hugging his rough skin and that damn hat hanging from his neck. Without a second thought, Roronoa pulled himself up and into Luffy’s chest.
“Ah- Zoro, I’ve been searching for you!” Uttered the black-haired boy.
The ronin could only crack a smile in reply, no words could explain the happiness which was now flooding him. Still a bit drunk, he grabbed Luffy’s head by the cheeks and forced eye contact.
“Those eyes…quit making the sun insecure” said Zoro, and in response his commander could only stare wide-eyed. A soft smile was painted upon his face, right before closing the distance between him and his first nakama. Giving a quick kiss, Roronoa was practically brought back to life.
“C’mon, get up. We have to get going, you’re not the only sick one here!” Luffy said, rapidly wrapping his arm around the other man’s torso to throw him on top of the yellow dog. Zoro, left speechless, was only able to frown his eyebrows and crack a grin.
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sonicasura · 2 months
Yeah they are, and any who knew them would often say that Kafka took a bit after the pair as well. Something a very young Kafka took great pride in, much to his grandparents amusement and joy.
Now how the pair meet was a frightining encounter to say the least. Around the village Hina lived in at the time are many coasts, some of which is well hidden and hard to get to by either boat or feet. Its in one of these hidden coasts that Hina meets a very injured Proto for the very first time.
Now something I've not told you about is what Proto looks like as a kaiju. Like I've mentioned from another ask, the man is the same size as the kaijus found in the DF's entery exams at the highest. But if anyone of the DF saw him for the first time, they probably piss their pants.
Thats solely thanks to his apperance alone. Proto is what many would call a bastardisation fusion of a human, chimera, and cerberus for lack of better words.
His body is for the most part humanoid, even though he is almost 12 meters long if you count his tail, which is a thin snake/fish like thing apperance wise, 5 meters long and far more sturdy looking than it looks. He is also more build for speed than strength, unlike his daughter and grandson.
However, he also has three pairs of arms. The lowest pair is the most human looking, even with the fish like scales and claw like fingers that looks like they could cut a man in half. The middle pair consist of a tigers and wolfs paws, with the tiger on the left and the wolf on the right. The last ones are the most monstrous of the bounch, the two arms seeming being a mix of a spiders leg and a tentacle.
His legs aren't much better. They are hoves like that of a goat and a little oddly bent in the knee area that makes it painful for him to stand on them alone. Hench why he prefers to walk on four or six if you count the extra arms.
And his head is not easy on the eyes either. Or heads rather. The one to the left is that of a komodo dragon with odd glowing purple cracks along its scaly face. The one to the right being that of a black coloured lion with similare cracks like the left. The one in the middle is the most human looking, though it has certain musrhoom features as well with the same purple cracks too.
All in all, Proto is not something you want to see in the middle of the night, to but it bluntly. Proto can thanks this horrid apperance to his creator No 9.
At least Kafka didn't inherit that form from Proto because I imagine it would be a pain to move all those limbs. Also I don't know why but when I read mushroom features, what came to mind is a mushroom mimicking those straw hats ronin are often portrayed wearing. No.9 would be more wild with his creations' appearances in the early days as Proto would be one such victim.
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justagamerandaweeb · 6 months
Wake up.
This is a clear inspiration from the mission in Spider-Man 2 where you play as MJ and try to look for Peter all while the Symbiote is taking control of his body. But, instead of Peter, Giyuu is rather the host (mainly because I think he would be a great host, and I think it would be cool if he had the Symbiote, and I had this idea in the back of my head).
By the way, I love how the Symbiote is supposed to represent substance abuse/addiction. But some of you might've already known that.
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A stormy and rainy night hailed down the Demon Slayer HQ, thunder booming like an explosion with every lighting constantly striking like a flash from a bright light.
You were writing notes for Shinobu about how the suit operated, and how it alters a person's personality when worn. You then heard the sound of a thump outside your door, and you turned around to see Giyuu in front of the door, wearing the suit. "T-Tomioka? What... Are you still wearing the suit? I thought Tamayo would help you take it off." You said, sounding extremely perturbed.
He glanced at you with his cold blue eyes as he said, plodding to his bed, "I was... but it was an ambush... Not by her, but rather by some rouge ronin who tried to kill her, and me." He lays down on his bed, and yawns as he continues, "But, I stopped them." You walked up to him and said, "But, shouldn't you be concerned? I mean you know what'll happen to Ubuyashiki if we don't give him the suit, right?"
He nods his head as he makes another yawn. "I know, but can I get some rest? Stopping those ronin... made me exhausted..." he said as he started to softly snore. You quietly stammered as you dedided to save your breath and went back to the table to continue writing your notes. You look back to see that the tendrils of the suit were pulling the comforter of the bed up to him, making him more comfortable as he was sleeping.
You seeing that made your skin crawl as you verbally shivered and went back to what you were doing. But that didn't last long as through the deafening sounds of the rain, you could hear the sound of someone talking outside. You peek through the window and see a few straw hats outside with black and red kimonos. "Tomi--" you softly shouted out to wake Giyuu up, only to find an empty bed.
(Y/N) grabs her katana that was propped right next to her and stuck it in-between the belt and took the long blade out of her sheath as se sauntered to the door, and slowly slid the door open. A crow swooped down to her, perched on your forearm as she said to the crow, "Wake up the Hashira, tell them to help us." It nods, and started to fly away.
As it was flying, a ronin put his tanto around her neck as they whispered to her ear in a parlous tone, "Where is the Shadow?" (Y/N) puts your hands up as she responded, "W-What?" Which makes them dig his blade deeper into her neck. "Don't toy with me, girl. Where. Is. The Sha--" he was suddenly interrupted as they was yanked off, and was thrown at a tree trunk.
(Y/N) turned around to see Tomioka, snarling at the limp, unconscious body, and scales up the tree, platforming on them as he ran. "Up there! In the trees! Follow it!" One of the ronin shouted as they ran into the woods, trying to capture Giyuu. (Y/N) followed them, but without them knowing. She stealthed around them, even silently taking them out using lethal force. It was until she reached a small village, some place that could fit a group of 50, to 100 occupants.
She hid behind one of the small houses as you leaned her head to see Giyuu perched up on one of the roofs of the houses, scouting the area to locate any more ronin. She were sneaked around, and stopped dead at her feet as one of the ronin passed by the alley, looking around for her, and Giyuu.
(Y/N) rolled and quickly hid behind a house as she looked both ways to confirm that you were in the clear, and let out a soft sight of relief. That relief was ephemeral as she heard a stranger shout above her, "The hell are you doing? Do you not know how late it is!?"
(Y/N) begged them to stay quiet and they responded, "Don't tell me to be quiet when I'm trying to sleep!" Resulting in one of the ronin finding her location. But they were quickly put down as Giyuu latched his tendrils on the wall of a house, and used his momentum to smash the ronin's head against it. He let out a horrifying roar as he started to pounce on the houses to escape.
(Y/N) looks at the stranger, completely in shock as she says to them, "Stay inside, and keep quiet." And paced herself to catch up with Giyuu. (Y/N)'s clothes were completely drenched from the rain, but none of that mattered to her was her first priority was keeping Giyuu safe. You knew things would go bad ever since the suit was transferred to him. When he almost died from a stab wound in a vital area. At first, she thought it was a blessing. But as time went by, the suit started to corrupt him more, it was making him more truculent in combat, made him more inflamed to his comrades and friends, and made him have little regard for civilian casualties.
We'll fix you, Tomioka. And we're gonna destroy that suit. She thought as her pace changed from running, to a full-haul sprint. (Y/N) dropped down a cliff as she then felt another ronin have their tanto up against her neck. They shushed (Y/N), but she retaliated as she hits their face with the back of her head, and made a quick slash on their neck, making them choke on their own blood. She winces as she touches the back of her head, and then hears the sound of something dragging behind her, and she turns around and sees Giyuu walking with an unconscious body behind him.
"Tomioka? You still in there?" She asked in a dithered tone as Giyuu tilted his head, and threw the body on a tree trunk, hitting the back of their head as they lay there dead on the floor. Giyuu jumps into the trees, as you look in the distance to see another small village, connecting the pieces to figure out that's where he's going.
(Y/N) felt someone touch her shoulder, and she made a pirouette and prepped her blade, only to see that it was the Hashira. "Calm yourself, (Y/N), we came here as fast as we could. You okay?" Kyojuro said to her as he put his hand on her shoulder. (Y/N) sighs out of relief as she says, "Thank goodness you guys are here! Tomioka, he's—"
"We know, we saw the damage he's causing. We have to stop him before he hurts innocent people." Shinobu said as she had something in her hand. "Then what the hell are we standing around for? Let's go!" Sanemi said, having a sense of urgency in his voice, which was rare considering his personality. (Y/N) nodded as she says, "Okay, follow me." And started to run through the forest.
As you were all galloping through the forest, Kyojuro matched his speed with (Y/N) as he asked her, "What's going with Tomioka? Why is acting rouge and killing anyone he comes across?" "It's not him, I think it's the suit. That thing changed him so much in so little time, he actually believes that it makes him a better Hashira." Shinobu ran right next to her as she added more to this conversation, "But it's making him worse. Ever since he had the suit, his personality began to change. Me and (Y/N) both knew something like this would happen, but we didn't expect it to happen so quickly. All that pent up anger and sadness, it's a dengerous combination when paired to someone like him and the suit."
"We need to get it off him, and destroy it. We can find another cure for Ubuyashiki when we finish this." (Y/N) said as her pace started to hasten, urgently trying to get to the village before a makes a massacre. You came across two ronin lying on the floor, dead. One had multiple broken bones and some of them were protruding out of the skin, while the other's body parts were in the opposite direction, including their neck. He's already started...
(Y/N) began to sprint as he heard the sound of someone exclaiming. "(Y/N), wait up! You know you can't do this alone!" Kyojuro shouted out, trying to stop (Y/N) from getting hurt. (Y/N) makes a turn to see a Giyuu fighting the ronin surrounding him. (Y/N) shouts at Giyuu, "Tomioka, stop!" which makes Giyuu's head bolt to lock eyes on her, and then he throws the body in her direction. She jumped over the body and the body hit the corner of a wall, the ronin's back bent backward, potentially breaking their spine.
Giyuu then prances away as just when (Y/N) was about to call out his name, she sensed someone behind her as she saw a silhouette of a katana above her head, and she turned around to see one of the ronin about to slash her, but Muichiro was quick to deflect it. "Kyojuro told you to wait for us, right?" He then parries the straw hats katana, slashes their chest and neck. "You should listen to your superiors to when they tell you to wait."
"I'm sorry, but Giyuu needs me. He's gonna get himself killed if I don't snap him out of this." (Y/N) said, indisputably worried about something happening happening to Giyuu. "Then don't let us stop you. But before you go, take this." Shinobu said as she gave you some sort of object. It were little bells mashed together, like as if it were a high-pitched alarm, and a stick. "It might be loud enough for Tomioka-san to get him back to his senses. Although I think it might be more effective if you're in a spot that has a lot of reverb."
"We'll take of the ronin, you make sure his ass stays in check." Sanemi said as he took his katana out of his sheath and (Y/N) nods. She then began to run as she was following Giyuu to some sort of cave. Hang in there, Giyuu. I'll help you get rid of this... thing. She jumped down and the first thing she was met was Giyuu pouncing on a rock, and snarling at her. He then jumps deeper into the cave as she says, "Wait! Giyuu, I wanna help you!"
(Y/M) slowly walked around the cave as the only thing helping you navigate through it was the chaos that Giyuu was causing as he went deeper. It came to a halt as she looked up to see Giyuu latching onto the ceiling with his tendrils, curled up into a ball as if he was becoming a cocoon. "G-Giyuu?" She grabbed the mashed-up bells as she continued to talk, "I need to know, if you are going to comply about us taking the suit off of you, are you content with us doing that?" She spoke out, but not a reply elicited out of Giyuu's mouth.
(Y/N) pulls out the stick as she says, "C'mon, Tomioka, say something." And still no answer. She puckers her lips as she thought, Forgive me, Tomioka. And started to repeatedly hit the bells. The sound of it ricocheting off of the cave walls as Giyuu made a screech of pain, and collapsed to the floor. Mini tendrils were flailing around him as he was covering his ears to make the hearing less painful.
She stopped and slowly walked up to his unconscious body as she said, "I know you're in there, c'mon." She was about to touch his face, but retracted back as she noticed the suit disembarking to reveal his sleeping face. (Y/N) was flabbergasted from this. This whole time, as he was doing this, he was asleep? That must mean... that the suit is really controlling him. She was scared to even touch him, but she then took the bell and the stick, and smashed them together one more time to see what would happen.
His body had a malfunction, but he started to recover. Giyuu started to sit up as he said to you, "(Y/N)... " but the suit, embarked on his face again as he looks up to you and says, "Run." His eyes looked more menacing, and his voice sounded more demonic. (Y/N)'s eyes dilated in fear as she dodged a punch from his tendrils. Giyuu unleashes a deep, rumbling roar as (Y/N) speaks to him, "I wasn't trying to hurt you!"
She then wedges through a crack in the rocks when she felt him grab her wrist. "(Y/N)..." She panicked as she said, "Tomioka, THAT'S ENOUGH!" and clashes the bells, making him screech and giving her enough time to squeeze through and continue running. She then somersaulted as she rolled over his tendrils. There's the outside, almost there! Giyuu latched next to the entrance as he was about to grab her, but you slashed his tendrils, making him grunt in pain.
She slid under the rocks and quickly hid in the woods as shortly after, he broke the debris covering the door, and frantically looked around for her, like a hungry predator looking for its escaped prey. He then started to go the other way, prancing away as (Y/N) let out a sigh of relief. Her hand was shaking with adrenaline and she tightly balled it up as she said, "Tomioka... That suit... is making you a monster." She started to walk back to base as she thought, I hope the others are okay... she then looked at her wrist and said, "We're gonna fix you, Tomioka, I promise."
Hm, honestly don't know how I feel about this, since I almost took every set piece of the story and parodied it to make it work in the Demon Slayer world. But if you enjoyed it, that's all that matters.
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bunnys-tiny-space · 1 year
-A Small Ronin in a Foreign Army (Headcanon)-
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Ryuzo always felt stressed. In his attempts to be a good leader to the Straw Hats, he suppressed his emotions as much as he could. Hovever, a person cannot hold back their feelings forever.
After he deflected to the Mongol army, Ryuzo soon found that the guilt of his betrayal casted a shadow over his mental and physical health. He was exhausted, stressed, and starving. As he began to feel weaker, he knew he needed to regress a while in order to relax.
Who would watch over him, though? His main caregivers, Hirotsune and Tomotsugu, were waiting to duel Jin at chosen locations in Toyotama. Although Ryuzo could regress by himself, he wanted the comfort of his caregivers. He figured he would be able to hold off his regression long enough for their return.
Waiting did not work. He suppressed his emotions for too long, and it was their time to be released. They were not released at an ideal time, either. Ryuzo happened to vent regress while he was talking with Khotun Khan.
While Khotun prided himself in knowing how to handle most situations, he was quite unsure how to react when Ryuzo regressed. The ronin was calmly speaking, but he then began to wail uncontrollably. Khotun first tried to soothe him by hushing and whispering. When that did not work, he scooped the little into his arms and rocked him. Ryuzo settled down almost instantly.
Ryuzo had a wide age range, but his stress caused him to slip into baby regression. Khotun quickly found that he had a soft spot for the tiny ronin. He carried the little around, listening to his babbles and soothing him whenever he fussed. Although he was adamant that Ryuzo would earn his food, he made an exception and spoon-fed him when it was mealtime. At night Khotun tucked him in and recited Mongolian folktales as a bedtime story.
Ryuzo never expected to form a bond with Khotun. For the first time in a while, however, he felt content. Perhaps he could try regressing with him again someday.
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💐flowers// main verse
Yasuo arrives for once not empty handed to Robin's abode. He looks sheepish, foreign for the ronin usually. But still-- he's here and in his hands is a mishmash of a bouquet: white clover, gardenia, white hycacinth, and hydragreas all carefully bound together with a piece of twine. And once he catches the attention of the mage after standing awkwardly outside--
"For you," is all that says while holding the gift out, trying to avoid that peircing gaze he'd grown all too fond of.
The garden was lit with the warm bask of daylight as it sprinkled through the treeline, the doe that occupied that space noticing him first with a low grunt before it praced over to him, its fawn bounding forward past the two of them into the river. Its spots had all vanished and two dark buttons sat upon its head, revealing how it was to grow into a buck; its loud call towards its mother the thing that signalled the mage to stop his work and turn with a smile,
"Are you being a big baby again? Your mother can't--Ah....Yasuo....?"
He paused when he caught Yasuo's silhouette and slowly set down his shovel what had he been burying? in order to brush himself off and quickly approach. A few butterflies kissed his being while he stepped carefully over his flowers and herbs in order to come face to face with the ronin. He removed the straw hat for work from his head, the luminosity of day catching his pale locks and igniting them in a dazzling shine, "Pardon my enthusiasm, he's grown quite loud within the past few weeks...It seems spring sits well with him." Robin chuckled politely with a bow as he closed the gap, finally straightening before his large eyes focused on the bouquet within Yasuo's hands - it brought pause to his form.
Did he even know what he was telling him with such a combination of flowers?
Each flower reflected within the moons upon his iris, weaving an intricate pattern that caused the mage to chuckle as his hands gently took the bouquet from the man's scarred hands. Robin brought them close to take in the scent, and for a moment in time - a rare occassion - his wintry lashes lowered and slowly opened in order to lift his suddenly bright eyes up to Yasuo's. His eyes crinkled upwards with a hidden smile, a delightful giggle accompanying such an affectionate look as his hand dipped low to take the swordsman's hand within his own as he turned on his heel. The fawn cried once more before prancing up beside the both of them, its teeth nibbling upon the edge of Yasuo's sash as Robin interlocked their fingers,
"Come, I want to plant these with the other you gave me...I did promise to take care of them, I want you to see all they have grown into, what you have come to mean to me." And Robin slowly led him closer to the stream to where they had planted the very first tulip Yasuo had gifted him, a single stalk had turned into an entire patch which painted the space pink - almost the same shade the samurai held on his cheeks. "Thank you for this gift, Yasuo..." He trailed off slowly as his voice grew somewhat cheeky despite the demure way he turned back to peek at the ronin, the flowers still hiding his grin; before he asked a question he already knew the answer to:
"Would you tell me what each one means?"
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thuganomxcs · 2 years
“H’alright lady stay back.” Yusuke spoke out against the woman that had commissioned him on this quest. She was stubborn as she wanted to grab a flower that could also be used as medicine to help her rather sick husband. Of course the riffraff that guarded the area were a pack of ronin in the way. With a crack of his knuckles Yusuke steps forward with a smirk on his face. “Is this guy crazy? It’s five of us and one of him.” One of the straw hat swordsmen spoke out mocking Yusuke. “alright boys get in formation.” The ronin said as his brethren circled yusuke with their hands ready to unsheathe their swords.
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Once the crimson leaf blew past them they all ganged up on the pyro martial artists but were all introduced with pyro infused fists and kicks, creating what seemed to be gauntlets and shinguard made out of the flames and yet pummel with incredible blunt force. It took no time at all before they were all taken care of. “Okay, go ahead.” He spoke towards the older woman as she stood impressed with Yusuke’s abilities. This was quite different from the troublemaker people made him out to be just that one year ago. “Thank you so much.” The woman spoke as she began searching. Then came the sounds of more footsteps approaching their direction..was it another ronin??..judging by the figure of the hat from afar he WOULD assume it was one of them. “Are ya lost?”
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like this for a starter / @wcndcrcr​
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
reading an issue that has a deliberate fake out in it: OH. I understand Everything now
[Mirage 17, Eric Talbot (who also credits Eastman on story and scripting, which Eastman mostly refutes in idw's ultimate collection), Letters: Steve Lavigne]
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[ID: Two panels, Mikey, in simple Japanese style dress. He reaches out and says "I have need of your hat." Then a shot of him wearing a straw hat, which shadows his face, to conceal the nature of his being. END ID]
Last Ronin 2, Art: Esau & Isaac Escorza. Normally, a fully colour comic of the modern style
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[ID: Small art of Mikey, kneeling, tending to a garden, he wears a straw hat. The art is in graphic black and white, with half tones like the duoshade paper, and jittery line paneling. END ID]
So. Square that mystery away. why are the flashbacks of mikey alone in japan different from the other flashback style? Well aside to just communicate tone and atmosphere (which they do). This stuff. Eastman's annotations also mention possible influence from the unmade 'final turtles story', (the idw ult collection pub. 2012) which very first conceptions seem to be very old, and is now the last ronin, 2020.
anyway. more art from the mirage issue
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[ID from alt: Mikey jumping out a window, his clothes now tattered, a young woman, Tai, clinging to his back. off panel speech "Guards!!!" END]
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Three panels, over 2 images. Mikey grimly, speaking to Tai "But I cannot... I must keep searching for my brothers." He turn away with a dark expression "Together, we must return to our home. I'm sorry...". Tai hugging Mikey, his face comically shocked, his hands hovering up. There is a lightened halo affect in the panel around them.
Now only scroll further if you wish to have the gimmick explained to you.
They really had me, with this one. Cause time travel IS A THING. The turtles can do. AND this was published after the turtles 1st cross over with Usagi Yojimbo, and (i didnt include any but) many dinosaur like animals are shown in the art. Like in that comic, tho clearly the inhabitants are human people, not anthro animals. And even, this plot in some ways resembled the third live action turtles movie. The Real Answer?
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ID: Full page panel, rich with details. Mikey, in his room. Seated at his desk, a stack of writing, and the mess of work around him. In a sheepish gesture, pen to his mouth, and other hand on his head, he speaks to his cat, "Well, that's the story so far, what do you think Klunk-- Too corny?". He's wearing a batman logo tshirt, and his room has many other popular media franchises in it. There is also a poster for Eastman and Talbots comic "Melting Pot", and even, a ninja turtle toy on his shelf. He has is knee pads and belt on the bed, mask and nunchaku on a hook, and shuriken thrown into the wall. END
dudes in the 80s fucking loved to write themselves a Ronin inspired story. art intimates life inmates art. or something. i think its hysterical they did this.
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medicus-mortem · 1 year
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@chatcambrioleur​ asked: ✘ 
Send a ✘ for a kiss from my muse
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   Law leans against the alley wall, shadowed and hidden. He watches the street through the slits in his tengai, the woven straw hiding his features. He’s watching for a particular individual. One who was supposed to be on her way out of this town a day ago. She’s lucky his wanderings have taken him close and he’s on hand to help her if need be. Which is what he’ll say. Definitely won’t mention he did a couple teleports to get here quicker when he found out the Straw Hat navigator had missed her last check in time.
    He’d tracked her movements the moment he stepped into town. His Observation Haki locating her and feeling some relief when he realised she wasn’t captured. She’s still in trouble, of course, but not the kind that requires him to play the murderous ronin role. For now, he simply has to help her get out of this situation, and the shouting he soon hears tells him Nami is on her way.
   A flash of orange hair and blue cloth before the area is blanketed in a sudden fog. He smirks at that, enjoying Nami’s ingenuity with her own weapon. Certainly helps with the shinobi style she’s going for. His eyes narrow, and he focuses on his Haki. There she is. Then a breath and a heart beat, and she’s within reach.
   Law’s hand reaches out of the cramped ally to grab Nami’s arm. He pulls her into it and out of the path of her pursuers. He pulls off the tengai, smirking at the red head now right in front of him. He’s hit with an overwhelming urge to just kiss her, the sight of her giving him an odd wave of relief. He catches sight of some bruising on her skin, and his gut twists with worry.
   “Hey,” he says, before leaning down and pressing a kiss to her lips. His other hand cups her cheek, touch gentle as he lets himself relish the taste of her and release the tension he’s been feeling. He pulls back a minute later, letting them both breathe but keeps Nami close.
   “So? How did it go?” he asks, deciding to act like he didn’t just kiss her like he was worried about her safety.
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