#street fighter jaime
I have another question...
Out of everyone in SF6 who do you think would like a Scene! S/o?
(Other than Bosch, I'm trying to see if I can write for other SF6 characters)
I don't think I ever mentioned it to you guys, but I'm alt. And I genuinely do not know who in Street Fighter would appreciate a Scene S/o. Any thoughts on who would?
Edit: after much consideration, Kimberly is the best option! Saving this in my drafts for later. Thank u everyone!
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eunnieverse · 1 year
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Dumb_Blanka.png I did not get 10-0'd by Blanka. I did not get totally wreaked and destroyed by Blanka. I most definitely and certainly did not get repeatedly ball to wall pounded drive rush 3HPed by Blanka into the corner where his son ate me for dinner. I totally know the match up there's no w
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jrlunaart · 6 months
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TeePublic is having a site-wide sale right now, which includes all of my designs! Get your graphic tees now before the sale is over!
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saikyo-rat · 9 months
here’s an idea that I have.
Imagine a street fighter au where a lot of characters are actually monsters. But they take the appearance of humans in public in order to hide their identity from others due the fact that monsters aren’t seen as good by many people. Plus disguising themselves as humans makes them less likely to be hunted down by others.
Since there’s a lot of people who are interested and hunting monsters and there’s also a bunch of scientists who want to study and experiment on them. Now Jamie is a Chinese dragon whom one day ends up accidentally revealing his true identity to Luke. Who ends up staring at him in awe as Jamie completely freaked out and says “DON’T YOU DARE TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS OK!!!”
And Luke promises that this will be a secret between the two of them. Until they realized that Kimberly was also in the room with them causing them to panic before she goes “don’t worry I won’t tell anyone.” And then later Jamie finds out that there’s a secret underground city.
Where monsters can be free to be their true selves and not have to worry about others harming them because of their identity. He decides to bring Luke with him. But since Luke is human he’s not exactly welcomed with open arms.
Since the underground city was built so that monsters can be able to escape humans and be free to be themselves. So now Jamie has to struggle with his human and monster identities while also trying to find balance between his two homes as he tries to keep the fact that Luke is with him in the underground city a secret.
Also there’s Honsim elements involving them being both monsters but neither of them realizes that. Until they are invited to the underground city where they reveal their true forms and look at each other. And realize that they both have been keeping the same secret and say “you too?” Before hugging each other all happily.
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saltynachobeliever · 2 years
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Character art by Tamio
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k1spiegel · 1 year
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i should post these here bc Sometimes I Post Abt Him. my sf6 world tour character is king bc hes my favorite guy + Thee fighting game master. if u see me in the battle hall feel free to send a challenge or friend request :)
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jess-owl · 11 months
Halloween Nibble #8: One Night Stand
I wish all of you a 🎃Happy and Spooky Halloween 🎃
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rock-a-noodle · 1 year
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Some cute weirdos.
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
i don't understand got fans like how is tywin a genius strategist when the only thing the red wedding accomplishes in the long run is north independence with the starks on top of it probably forever 😭
yeah, like there's a lot of shit that goes wrong on tywin's watch that just shouldn't i mean-
FIRST OF ALL, he is getting his ass kicked all over the riverlands, westerlands, and crownlands by a teenage boy. GET GOOD OLD MAN
the situation between cersei-jaime-robert should not have escalated that far. i do get that it's not like tywin could have predicted exactly how god awful robert would be but i find it incredibly difficult to believe that he had no idea robert was abusing cersei that severely. i know i probably sound like a broken clock here but Even Viserys II Attempted To Protect Naerys From Aegon So What Is Tywin's Excuse.
i mean.......i feel like tywin was always jockeying for another Hand appointment when Joff became king so why does he let Joff get so out of control? Losing control of Aerys is one thing, especially since they were peers. Losing control of Joffrey and Cersei and Jaime in such an insane way? Tywin why are you slipping like this.
And this directly gets Joff killed. If Tywin had more control of Joffrey, the Tyrells wouldn't have killed him. Sansa wouldn't have been so desperate to escape (she'd still be desperate but being actively terrorized by joffrey does add to the issue).
Sending Tyrion to the capital was a good idea I'll give him that
But mistreating your LEGAL HEIR whether you want him to inherit or not, is so stupid. especially because - tyrion isn't disabled in a way that would make him incapable of taking casterly rock by force. he's quite intelligent and he's not stupid when it comes to battle/tactics/war even if he's not a fighter himself. this man is setting his own house up for a succession crisis and egging on the rivalry and hatred between his kids. DUMB.
Like the thing is, the Castamere thing is......brutal, I don't want to say it's not but having one (1) brutal act to fall back on isn't terrible. He even got a great jingle out of it. But then he botches the stuff with the Darklyns and has to massacre them, sacks KL brutally and slaughters Elia and her babies, AND pulls the red wedding. That's too much!!!! I know Caesar doesn't exist here but SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS TYWIN. YOU CAN ONLY BE A BRUTAL TYRANT FOR SO LONG BEFORE PEOPLE WANT TO KICK YOUR ASS BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE.
Ultimately, he fucks up in the exact same way half these idiotic patriarchs fuck up. He sees his children as extensions of him, not as people with their own minds, he sees everyone around him as lesser, and makes everyone so afraid of him that they decide "we have everything to lose staying under this man so let's throw everything at the wall."
rest in piss you idiot.
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ilynpilled · 2 years
These two characters are usually not in the same conversation because they are pretty isolated from each other’s stories, but I talked to one of my Dany mutuals about this and there is one thing in particular that I desperately want to see happen down the line. The duality of fire is such an integral part of this series: its function as a representation of passion, emancipation, and light along with destruction, corruption and death. I think it is supposed to speak to the multifaceted nature of power in general. Jaime’s relationship with fire (wildfire in specific, the most corrupted version of it) is pretty singular, especially among PoVs, because of his trauma. He associates it with Aerys, and then later Cersei. To him, it means destruction, corruption, and death. It represents the epitome of the abuse of power. So what I would find very poignant is the redefinition of it for him in particular during The Long Night.
I am very convinced Jaime will be present: George spending time on him training again as a competent fighter feels like something with a function beyond a LSH confrontation, the whole Oathkeeper and Widow’s Wail thing for JB, and trauma being packaged deliberately with TLN imagery: “In his dreams the dead came burning, gowned in swirling green flames. Jaime danced around them with a golden sword, but for every one he struck down two more arose to take his place.” Then the prophetic weirwood dream in general: “The shades dismounted from their ghostly horses. When they drew their longswords, it made not a sound. ” “They were armored all in snow, it seemed to him, and ribbons of mist swirled back from their shoulders. ”
His trauma is so focused on the fact that Dany’s father used something of such great power for something so deeply evil and destructive: “Jaime saw green flames reaching up into the sky higher than the tallest towers, as burning men screamed in the streets. I have dreamed this dream before.” For us to see the daughter of that man use it for the exact opposite, to repel death, through his eyes at some point would be one of the best ways to communicate and really drive home that duality that permeates this series regarding fire. It is not just fire that is being redefined, but power in general: who wields it and how.
Not to mention Jaime’s relationship with Rhaegar. Deep inside of Jaime’s mind Rhaegar was the “good king that never was”, something he still clings onto despite how much he represses the idealist romantic boy he used to be:
Rhaegar had put his hand on Jaime's shoulder. "When this battle's done I mean to call a council. Changes will be made. I meant to do it long ago, but . . . well, it does no good to speak of roads not taken. We shall talk when I return." Those were the last words Rhaegar Targaryen ever spoke to him.
On the morning after the battle, the crows had feasted on victors and vanquished alike, as once they had feasted on Rhaegar Targaryen after the Trident. How much can a crown be worth, when a crow can dine upon a king?
He rues Robert, and aspects of Barristan’s character’s commentary of who you represent and choose to serve are more subtly present in his story too.
Jaime snorted. "It's not Aerys I rue, it's Robert. 'I hear they've named you Kingslayer,' he said to me at his coronation feast. 'Just don't think to make it a habit.' And he laughed. Why is it that no one names Robert oathbreaker? He tore the realm apart, yet I am the one with shit for honor." "Robert did all he did for love." […] “Robert did all he did for pride, a cunt, and a pretty face." He made a fist . . . or would have, if he'd had a hand. Pain lanced up his arm, cruel as laughter. "He rode to save the realm," she insisted. To save the realm. "Did you know that my brother set the Blackwater Rush afire? Wildfire will burn on water. Aerys would have bathed in it if he'd dared. The Targaryens were all mad for fire."
And because he deserved to die. "I have made kings and unmade them. Sansa Stark is my last chance for honor."
Dany is destined to succeed in the places that Rhaegar was doomed to fail, they have a plethora of parallels, so her reawakening that hope in Jaime in some form too would be something I would love to see actually.
Jaime is one of the characters that does have a very emphasized relationship with Rhaegar and his children. The guilt is very present, other than the reevaluation of his father, it might also be building to something concerning Rhaegar’s legacy: be it Jon, Dany, or even FAegon. He also has guilt regarding Dany’s mother:
And dragons, lurking down below. He remembered the sullen orange glow of the coals in the iron dragon's mouth. The brazier warmed a chamber at the bottom of a shaft where half a dozen tunnels met. On the floor he'd found a scuffed mosaic of the three-headed dragon of House Targaryen done in tiles of black and red. I know you, Kingslayer, the beast seemed to be saying. I have been here all the time, waiting for you to come to me. And it seemed to Jaime that he knew that voice, the iron tones that had once belonged to Rhaegar, Prince of Dragonstone.
"You're hurting me," they had heard Rhaella cry through the oaken door. "You're hurting me." In some queer way, that had been worse than Lord Chelsted's screaming. "We are sworn to protect her as well," Jaime had finally been driven to say. "We are," Darry allowed, "but not from him.”
Prince Rhaegar burned with a cold light, now white, now red, now dark. "I left my wife and children in your hands." "I never thought he'd hurt them." Jaime's sword was burning less brightly now. "I was with the king . . ."
For an instant, the deep red clouds that crowned the western hills reminded him of Rhaegar's children, all wrapped up in crimson cloaks.
Dany is one of the most raw representations of hope in this story, so I would love for that to be a through line with multiple PoV characters she interacts with. She is the fire in the title. Not to mention that fire is already associated with life, light against darkness, very directly in Jaime’s prophetic weirwood dream:
Brienne’s sword took flame as well, burning silvery blue. The darkness retreated a little more.
The fires that ran along the blade were guttering out, and Jaime remembered what Cersei had said.
“the flames will burn so long as you live” “when they die so must you”.
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Sorry for not updating more often everyone.
My house just got a new dog, and I have to watch her until someone comes home to take over. I do see you all in my inbox, so please don’t think I forgot about you.
Also as a life update, I got into my dream school! yippee!🥳 I’m studying to be a Radiology tech, and I start June 1st. I’m going to be doing this for 2 years straight with little to no breaks, so I probably won’t have any time to write for the Street Fighter 6 fandom like I used to.
So for anyone who wants to request anything for SF6, go crazy in my inbox. I’ll answer all of them the best I can until May 31st.
But after that, I will be on Hiatus for 2 years until my program is over. Boo. I’ll still reblog sf6 content on here but I won’t be as active.
Hopefully you all understand.
NOW request what you want ppl. My restriction is don’t request characters outside of SF6 that haven’t been properly introduced yet. Because it takes more time for me to research characters than it does to write them.
Characters I wouldn’t write for:
E. Honda
M. Bison
These characters are hard for me to write fanfics for, so please refrain from requesting them.
ps this is the little rascal keeping me up at night. Her name is Sasha.
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thenixkat · 2 months
Just picture instead of the bullshit that was everything Rebirth did and how much it fucked up Ted's character and turned Dan into less than an afterthought:
(Using the Palmera City is also Hub City and somewhere in Texas not terribly far from El Paso for setting)
The Covenant of Ka (retconned to be a cult of assassins, mystics, and warriors that formed around the Blue Beetle that held the title before Kha-Ef-Re) tries to steal the Scarab from retired superhero Ted Kord and kidnaps him to perform a magic ritual to break his bond with Khaji Da as its host since he refuses to use it due to previous 'murderous alien parasite tried to make him and his mentor who it revived from the dead fight to the death over the title of Blue Beetle'.
Let's say they use the (considered inferior due to being made by Kha-Ef-Re, the Blue Beetle that no one liked and who broke the passing down of the true blue Scarab for 3000 yrs, who used impressive by Earth standards magic and non-consensual cloning of a chunk of Khaji Da) as part of the ritual to un-Blue Beetle Ted by forcing him to bond with the inferior Scarab via brainwashing/mind control.
(in this the Red Scarab not having a copy of Kha-Ef-Re's personality in it, is its own very very young and inexperienced but murderous, ruthless, and hedonistic personality)
Retired chubby ex-superhero turned full time CEO and researcher Ted Kord isn't a push over mind you, and puts up a good fight against Scarab. Which leads to Khaji Da being lost somewhere in Texas due to falling out of both fighters' hands during the battle. Ted does end up kidnapped. And the ritual happens to break his bond with Khaji Da as the Covenant of Ka can track down the blue Scarab's unique energy signature later.
Due to the ritual and mindcontrol, Ted Kord is overpowered by the consciousness of the red Scarab and becomes Blood Beetle. Who is then sent to retrieve the blue Scarab so the Covenant of Ka can appoint a new willing Blue Beetle.
(B/c we love face-monster turns in this house. And let's throw a dark mirror at Jaime.)
Meanwhile, Jaime finds a neat blue bug-shaped rock while walking to school with his friends one day. That fuses itself to his spine when he sleeps that night and starts giving him superpowers. And gets him mixed up with the local superpowered street gang (The Posse) and the local magic artifact-collecting crime lord (La Dama).
Meanwhile, Vic Sage/The Question starts investigating the disappearance of his friend after getting contacted by Ted's wife/confidant/assistant/copilot Traceywho's running the company in Ted's absence. Apparently, Vic can sense chi and tracks what he thinks is Ted's chi signature after examining the scenes of the fight and finds Jaime a very new meta in over his head and dealing with a lot. (The chi signature that Vic thought was Ted's was actually Khaji Da's)
The Question becomes Jaime's off-and-on mentor as he continues his search for Ted Kord.
Jaime dealing with having a Zen Buddhist, weird conspiracy theorist, faceless, somewhat able to do magic but prefers martial arts, street level detective politically focused superhero attempting to help him with magical shit, alien shit, assassins, and another bigger badder fucker in an alien magi-tech bug suit all out to get the kid. Both coaching him in how to superhero better, learn how to fight without the bug suit, and pointing him at places to try and help get the Scarab out of him and/or showing him how to help people outside of heroing if he really doesn't want to be a superhero.
I think it is very important that Jaime is presented repeatedly with options to not be a superhero if he doesn't want to be. Like shown superpowered folks who choose to live as normal people (like Mr. Calhoun and my version of Tracey who is magic b/c I think it'd be neat and also funny to have two magic Traci/Tracey's running around)
And so and so, several adventures. Eventually, folks figure out that Blood Beetle is Ted and rescue him. And congrats Jaime you have two mentors now. Tho Ted is more cynical about Khaji Da being very fucking dangerous given past experiences and the murder puppy red clone of Khaji still stuck in him just suppressed. On the plus side, Ted is more straightforward mentor and around more and a bit more personable. (Also Ted Kord's tendency to take care of people he cares about. Like that man has got the Reye's family's back financially for life.)
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maxwell-grant · 1 year
SF6 Comic Thoughts:
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(Spoilers) For those wondering at home why the dude became homeless in SF6, Ken Masters got suckered into a crypto scheme and is tanking his company and a developing country’s budget and his relationship with his son at the same time, and he almost gets politically assassinated by the end of this.
This rules.
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Yeah this was great. Completely forgot this was even an Udon thing until I started writing this because this had like, a story, and dramatic tension, a major character facing consequences and minor characters getting attention, things happening besides boring basic pretext for fanservice and special moves which has basically never happened in an Udon Street Fighter comic. I like a lot that this is keeping things in limited scope so far.
Even Bengus’ art is pretty good here. I’m really not a fan of how Bengus’s art style looks nowadays, but the black-and-white heavy shadow palette really works here (seen some scans in color and, yeah just doesn’t hit as nicely), the stylization and paneling’s pretty great, idk man, it’s Bengus with a marginal budget and time to work on his art and having interesting material to work with. This has gotta be a breath of fresh air for the dude after years spent in the SFV mines.
Oh thank heavens the character in the poster isn’t Laura, sweet lord mercy I never want to see Laura again I know she’s coming back at some point but we’re good for now thanks
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I’m really liking Mel as the other protagonist here. They’ve been sitting on Mel havin an expanded role since SF3 and here he’s given quite a lot more personality than I expected, lonely and frustrated by a sheltered upbringing and biting back against his father’s indecisiveness and immaturity, a pretty great foil for idiot manchild Luke to bounce off.
Mel Masters as he’s presented here is a frankly pretty terrific idea for a Street Fighter protagonist outside the games: someone who couldn’t be less impressed by street fighting but is bound by blood and circumstance to be a part of this, the anti-Sakura. An introspective kid who really just wants to go hang out with friends his age and play Pokemon, but who’s getting dragged through wolf-filled mountains and putting up with hyperactive fireball-tossing buff dudes because his dad is one of the greatest among them.
I like Luke quite a bit here. Not gonna touch the private military contractor thing here though, I feel like that’s a can of worms to unpack later, but if nothing else, Luke gets a lot more tolerable and even enjoyable when he has someone to bounce off even just visually, whether it’s Ryu or Jaime or the player character or Mel here. I think SF6 in game and here has settled Luke into maybe the best niche they could slot him in, described as “someone who likes to fight  but with no intention of getting stronger”. As in, the New Generation but not necessarily the protagonist, but rather the coach who’s showing the ropes for the protagonist, getting you used to the controls or pumping you up or teaching Mel how to improve his camping skills and etc (and in that context him being visually and personality-wise reminiscent of videogame streamers and E-sports celebrities is, a more logical and less grating decision, if nothing else, since those are the guys people go to nowadays in order to learn and improve at competitive videogames).
Curious as to what is Kalima’s deal given she’s making her debut here and what is her dynamic with JP, because I don’t think they’re quite retreading Kolin and it’s unclear as of yet how much is JP masterminding everything.
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Zero clue as to who decided to have JP talk like a German cartoon here when he’s Russian and otherwise has little accent in-game. Would love it if they just revealed this was part of the ruse he was pulling on Ken and would even be in-character, since JP’s so far been defined as a duplicitous gamemaster, a brutal crimelord masquerading as a benevolent oligarch and someone who quite literally hides his winning hand the whole time he’s fighting you. I could buy that guy putting on a fake accent to trick a foolhardy American into underestimating him just enough to sweeten the pot.
In what is already a multi-layered scheme to ruin this guy and involves weaponizing the public spectacle of Street Fighter tournaments to leverage viral fame and, having a tragic child king beg Ken to fight in the tournament right in the middle of the guy having the worst time trying to manage his relationship with his son. JP is ice cold, I’m loving it. I’m loving this role he’s having as Ken’s biggest personalized enemy.
I’m loving having a Street Fighter villain who actually does have to take the slower route of planning and masterminding and backstabbing his murderous fighting tournament plots instead of just brute-forcing calling the fighters to take shots at him. JP seems significantly underpowered by fighting game villain standards, and this might make him dramatically more interesting as a villain proper.
I’m really liking the lengths that this is taking to ground Street Fighter in the here and now. IV and V took the Alpha route and moved the series onto a sort of comic book fantasyland where they’d never have to grapple with dates and timelines and so they could slide things into prequel territory, where as this seems closer to SF3 in that it wants to place Street Fighter firmly in the Now, with modern concerns and styles and changes to the world shaping the whole thing.
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Almost didn’t think Street Fighter would ever bother telling a story with Ken that was actually about Ken and not just his relationship with Ryu. I’ve gone to bat for the guy before but this is easily the most interesting he’s ever been fucking ever, just this massive reversal of fortune grounded entirely in him finally not getting to have it both ways. His lore said he was facing “accusations of orchestrating a criminal plot” but little did we suspect he really DID assist in a huge criminal plot by sheer negligence. Bison would have pulled some ridiculous super brainwashing plot, but all JP had to do was just get Ken into crypto and hook him into a Nigerian Prince scam.
Ken wants a lot of things, he HAS a lot of things to deal with, and he can’t commit to any of them. He wants to be there for his son, but he can’t be there for what his son actually wants to do in life, so he drags his son into an anciliary role in his life instead. He wants to do right by the family name and company, so he blindly follows lifestyle mottos his dad used and tanks a billion dollars into a humanitarian project while constantly rejecting everyone who asks him to slow down or reconsider what exactly he’s sinking that money into.
He wants to use his privileged position to help those in need, so he funds a project intended to help a developing nation by, what else, a fighting tournament, and funds a nation into speedrunning through technological revolutions. He very clearly desperately wants to be a fighter in his prime again and do more than just fight “with paperwork”, and in the whole comic he only really comes alive when he gets to spin kick a drone, and he has this brief little moment when he has to will himself back into Business Mode to complete a deal with the least trustworthy man of all time, and the whole time he’s patently unsure about what he’s doing and the comic calls him out on it.
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It calls him out on just how selfless this idea is and how much is it really about him wanting to help Nayshall’s uncertain future, and how much is it him desperately just trying to achieve something, or even deep down how much does he just want to fight again and feel good about something the way he does when he’s fighting, and the comic makes it clear it isn’t just one or the other. Ken has always been the guy who had everything, who had everything Ryu didn’t. In at least two games his plotline is “things are going great for Ken in his home life and company as usual, but he heard Ryu is showing up at the tournament so he’s dropping literally everything to go fight the one guy who makes fighting worthwhile for him”.
This is what happens when Ken’s character catches up to reality, of what it’s like for Ken Masters, immature carefree good-hearted fighting hothead, to try and manage being himself against being a global titan of philantropy and industry (and having had this entire thing thrust onto him from birth) and being a wholly attentive family man all at the same time. Something’s just gotta give. You can’t be as wealthy and connected as Ken and be irresponsive and impulsive and immature, no matter how well-intentioned or good you are. I’m frankly shocked that this went there at all after the trailers mostly implied Ken was just framed injustly.
Street Fighter has never ever even so much as gestured into the idea of Ken’s position and money as anything other than a point of contrast between him and Ryu, so to go from that to this where the whole thing’s predicated on the idea that Ken, while every bit as well-intentioned as ever and certainly a lot more mature than he’s ever been before, fucked up badly and is doing some real damage to people he cares for? That he tried to have everything and now stands on the precipice of having nothing? That’s good shit my dudes.
He hears “You said you were doing this for all the people in this country. So...haven’t you already decided?” and solidifies his decision, while the panel focuses very clearly on him clutching the red headband, the object that’s always been strongly associated with both his and Ryu’s trajectories, the thing that he gave Ryu all the way back in the Alpha series as a reminder to stay focused and not give in to the Satsui no Hadou, the monstrous thing that was tearing Ryu apart and costing him every ounce of concentration to stave off, a thing that’s come to represent their friendship as well as Ryu personally. The thing that he now clutches to stay focused in his decision, before everything goes wrong and he pays the price for it no matter what his intentions were.
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This is some primo shit and easily the most I’ve ever been ecstatic about a Street Fighter plotline in a very long time. Seems like they set out hardcore to undo Ken’s long-standing role as a secondary character to Ryu and not rely on their traditionally hackier stuff with superpowered dark sides or Shadaloo plots. Thoroughly impressed and I can’t wait to see more.
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the-babygirl-polls · 7 months
Babygirl Polls Lineup: Week Five
Hey everyone, here is the lineup for Week Five of the Babygirl Polls! Thanks to everyone who submitted a character!
Doug Rattmann (Portal)
Sol (Warrior Cats)
He Who Gets Slapped (He Who Gets Slapped)
Yu Junghyeok/Yoo Joonghyuk (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Reinhardt/Valier Jr. (Demon Prince Goes to the Academy)
Viktor (Arcane)
The Shadowplayer (Warning Shadows)
Nardole (Doctor Who)
Dan Hibiki (Street Fighter)
Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle (DC Comics)
Enjolras (Les Miserables)
Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold (Once Upon A Time)
The Master (Doctor Who)
Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
Dani Rojas (Ted Lasso)
Amelia Hughes (Infinity Train)
Martin Septim (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Dirk Gently (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency)
Future Leonardo (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Leonard "Bones" McCoy (Star Trek)
Saitama (One Punch Man)
Dale Jennings (The Newsreader)
Soldier/Jane Doe (Team Fortress 2)
William Afton (Five Nights at Freddy's (2023))
Stu Macher (Scream)
Luigi (Mario)
Meta Knight (Kirby)
Papyrus (Undertale)
Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Astarion Ancunin (Baldur's Gate 3)
Makoto Kagutsuchi (Master Detective Archives: Raincode)
Sauron/Annatar (Silmarillion)
Sydney Carton (A Tale of Two Cities)
Yasper Lennov (The Afterparty)
Hannah Minnows (The Afterparty)
Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver (1976))
Michael Corleone (The Godfather Trilogy)
Winslow Leach (Phantom of the Paradise)
Luis Serra Navarro (Resident Evil 4 remake)
Rune Saint John (The Tarot Sequence series)
Zakuro (Marikinonline4)
Gou Kirimi (Marikinonline4)
Recurser (Friday Night Funkin vs. Dave and Bambi 3.0)
Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle)
Basil (Omori)
Giygas (Mother)
Galo Thymos (Promare)
Joo Yeo-Jeong (The Glory)
Ken (Barbie)
Crosshair (The Bad Batch)
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give-me-your-forearms · 10 months
What are the few good street fighter fanfics you know about and what's they're names?
I don't know many very good ones that haven't been deleted, but I do have my all time favorite, a Luke/Jaime one I'll link here (this is smut):
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jess-owl · 11 months
Extra nibble with Luke and Jaime.
Just something extra, like a delicious leftover xD
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