#streotypes like that really annoy me
fiery-emblems · 7 months
People going off about the Engage height chart again. I gotta admit part of the reason I like Soren a little taller is that it makes sense, but part of the reason is that so many people who are adamant about Soren being a "short king" seem to be doing it because of yaoi tropes and I kind of hate that.
Why do like 90% of ship arts just straight up portray Soren as a girl. Why is he suddenly a meek UwU soft boy?
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babu-haitani · 3 years
Hi! Could you do Mikey, Chifuyu, Baji, and Hakkai with a gn!reader who’s like Mitsuri from demon slayer? They’re super pretty and cute but is actually crazy strong and they hid it from them cause they thought their strength would make the boys turn away from them.
I'm not a mitsuri kinnie nor do I know anything about Mitsuri since she was only showed like only a few times both in the Anime and Manga so i have to research what her actual personality is...sooooo...I hope I got her reader's character right! <3 Enjoy!
DANGO (Tokyo Revengers)
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons
Pairings: Mikey, Chifuyu, Baji, Hakkai x G/N Reader
TW: Mentions of stalking on Mikey's part, Streotypes.
A/N: What I write is not my personality. I'm a person of EQUALITY so in this headcanon when the characters are stereotyping feminine features, it's only for the plot but I do see them as someone who would judge a person base on their outer features.
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I always headcanon mikey as someone who looks up to people who are stronger than him or just someone strong in general.
But I also headcanon Mikey as someone who judges a person before even actually meeting them. Like if your petite looking then that means your weak like really weak and you being a cute girl who loves the color pink, Mikey thinks your one of those annoying types.
You were Emma's friend so even if he wants to shove you away because of your pinkish awra. He can't.
The only time Mikey would actually talk to you is when you bring him Dorayaki.
When he found out that the reason why your hair is pink and green he was quiet baffled...Like how much dango have you eaten for you to have color green and pink hair???
You were also good looking and charming so there was no doubt that you have a lot of admirers and that also includes stalking...
Mikey happened to see what happened that day, you were beating up 5 large buff dudes and the five of them didn't even bother to fight back...instead of running away they just sat there trying to ease the pain they felt from your beating.
After him seeing you fight, he actually changed on how he acts around you...He also learned to never judge a book by it's cover cause when he thought of how 'pink' you were and could never lift a fist---he was fucking wrong.
He would totally try to get more closer to you. Like really close. <3
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You know that scene when Chifuyu was staring at Baji as he slammed someone's head in the wall? yeah he was looking at you the same way when he saw you beat the shit out of someone that tried to lunge themselves at him.
You and chifuyu were bestfriends since you were kids. Despite being childhood best friends he always saw you as someone petite, sweet, and charming and whenever you need to open a jar you would always ask him to open it.
So when you punched the guy and they went flying away from you and chifuyu he was fucking shocked.
*Insert Suprised Pikachu Face*
During the fight you would be scolding him while you back him up and he would just stare at you.
Trust me when I say this boy asked you to teach him how to fight, you were anxious since you were really insecure about your physical strength but the look on fuyu's eyes when he asked you was too adorable.
And of course, YOU being the person who loves cute things...You agreed...
Fuyu's favourite time with you is when you give him tips and would teach him how to properly fight <3
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...This man would ask you to have a fight with him...like fr...
You and Baji have only been dating for like 5 months and during those 5 months, he doesn't know a lot about you yet. Like, he has a lot to know about you. MORE.
So it was a shock and an adrenaline rush trigger when he heard from his comrade's about them seeing you beat the shit out of someone trying to harass a girl.
He would boast how cool you were and would scream to the top of the world how strong and awesome you are. It would make you feel embarassed but at the same time, you feel loved beause Baji doesn't mind physically strong girls...
But despite you being strong, Baji would still want to protect you from any harm. As much as he likes the Idea of you being able to protect yourself, he still wouldn't let you raise a fist cause you are his baby and bloodied knuckles are not 'OKAY' for him.
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Faint...HE would faint when he saw you fucking punch Taiju for beating him up everytime he catches hakkai going out on a date with you.
You and Hakkai's relationship is a secret to the public, like he never invites you to toman meeting and would just hangout at your house because he was scared of his brother hurting you.
And yuzuha also told him to never let Taiju found out about you since they both thought you can't lift a fist.
But when Hakkai visited you and you saw how fucked up his face was, you just rushed to his house. Yuzuha even greeted and tried to stop you but anger was taking over your body during that time.
When you entered their house you quickly walked up to Taiju and punched him, making him fall asleep. His men just stared at you in awe...
YOU??? A small-pink person managed to put taiju to sleep???? with a single punch???? wtf????
After that incident, the shiba family have high respects for you---Including the Black Dragons and Toman. You were embarassed but if it means Taiju not hurting your boyfriend and his older sister then you're fine with showing a little bit of strength.
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rant abt being gnc as a child
so I see the kind of movie that explores how the feminine girl is more than just being the girly girl theme so much(eg.legally blonde)but never see any genuine exploring of gnc girls being framed as a streotype like that?In movies, for gnc girls, it’s always they are nerds and it’s makeover time!!!for them and then they look beautiful now or they find it kind of uncomfortable so they find a middle ground or whatever, it’s OH I NEVER THOUGHT I COULD LOOK LIKE THIS and baam! everyone else just changes their opinion. Which annoys me because as much as I like the streotype breaking girly girl theme exploring, as a young girl who was gender non conforming,I had a hard time bc my family already thought I was “not like other girls”,they would laugh and say “but you don’t like that kind of thing” when I was slightly older and wanted to try something feminine by my own choice, guys would laugh and say you still look like a man when I dress up, act surprised when I said I liked Disney or other soft things and saying “wow you were a girl afterall” and I would always be “the strong girl” so it was ok to take a jab at me cuz I am not emotional like “other girls” etc... these things hurt me, very bad, and when you go from presenting as gender nonconforming to showing somewhat conforming,it’s not easy even if it’s something you genuinely want(I still like gender neutral or tom boyish style but like to wear high femme when I feel like it now)because now to them you’re a weirdo trying to fit in or the boyish girl trying to do something not meant for her(very similar to how they don’t want boys to do”girly”things). I see the kind of narrative of tomboys being forced to feminize(which is also important) being represented but not any of this.I was also being forced to feminize when I was a tomboy,but laughed at when I tried to on my own terms,andI think it is also important,because it’s not that they don’t like you being femme, it’s they don’t like you being anything other than your image,or conventional.it’s the control, the binary even in the gender expression they want to maintain.So media, plz we like your femme sparkly girl is also smart and takes no bs,now give us strong independent suit wearing girl who likes disney and occasionally dress up for herself not as a joke
Anyways, this led to me dressing up really fucking extra(like goth and lolita) to fuck w all of them and release all my repressed self expression
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babeejeon · 5 years
tag tag tag
 @livlovesbangtan and @gukieyoongles tagged me, thanxx 🤭🤭🤭 
I wrote too much stuff and also stupid stuff, feel free to pass it if it bores you. But it really relieved me to get these of my chest.
little rules our game has is;
*tag the person who tagged you
*answer the questions
*tag 10 people
i am starting ahahaha!
1. how tall are you?
I am 163 cm i guess, but I haven’t have measured since 8th grade and actually I feel like I haven’t grow since then. And my lil sis is even taller than my ideal height, ugh cryyy... Is there any one magic to spare me a few centimeters 🙏🙏
2. what colour and style is your hair?
My real hair colour is dark brown but i colored my hair with some temporary hair dye at the end of 2017 and around february 2018, 2 times. I dye it to a colour ‘Toffee Caramel’ and since my hair has really dark colour i didn’t expect it to change my hair colour too much but i think it did. Actually the dye was popular and also under nice brand. So i trusted and it was saying only for 28 wash or something <sorry i couldn’t translate 🤭🤭🤭> But i still have that dye at the ends of my hair but it looks horrible but my hair is so damaged. I cut it short, it doesn’t get longer and i don’t know what to do. I want to dye my hair in darker colour, similar to my real hair color and have my own colour back but my sister doensn’t let me do. HELP!!!
3. what colour are your eyes?
Dark brown 🤭🤭🤭 listen this song  😉 this song for all the jungoo lovers..
PS: I might write somethings about this song 🤭🤭🤭
4.  do you wear glasses?
Thankfully no. Because glasses never look good on me, even sunglasses. Maybe because i have sharp and thick eye brows but i love my eye brows  🤭 🤭🤭 But everyone in my family wears glasses due to eye problems so i might wear in the future.
5.  Do you wear braces?
I never wear braces and actually i am scared of dentists so i am glad. 
6.  what’s your fashion sense?
Actually it is very complicated. I might like anything. But i am not so into popular fashion sense, i sometimes find it weird or can’t like some fashion trends no matter what. 
I like to wear anything i found stylish and what wanted to wear and if feel that suited me. Actually if i feel confident with my clothes, hair, make up and over all look, my day starts so nice but if not, nothing helps too much. But lately i am in a depressive mood, especially at college and i feel super fat and ugly and i had other problems. But i am in a spring break and i hope to start motivated to new semester.
I love high waisted jeans and short tshirts. I dont like thick sweaters because i feel suffocated idk why. I love wearing short sleeves any time. I love sneakers. I love cute clothes. 
7.  full name?
I dont want to expose my real name here, I mean friends i have here know it but this post can be seen by everyone and i dont want anyone from my real life to find me so i am passing this question, sorry 🤗🤗🤗
8.  when were you born? 
I was born in 1999 and @gukieyoongles i definetely agree to you about being 90′s child ahaha if my older sister read this she would laugh at this 90′s child part but yes i am 😒😒😒
9.  where are you from and where do you live now?
I will pass this question too, sorry 🤗🤗🤗
10.  what school do you go to?
I am in college or university, I don’t know the difference between them, please enlighten me. We use university in my language but to be exact i am undergraduate student.
11.  what kind of student are you?
I used to be number one student because my mother was primary school teacher, my father is professor at university and my sister studied in best schools. So i had the effect and actually i was so focused and used to this thing. But in last semester of 10th grade my life turned upside down in the aspect of success. I lose it so fast and it added up my depression, I felt like only speciality i had was being a succesful student and now i am nothing. But i actually lost my motivation that times so i didnt put some effort. But due to my 10 years of hard work, I get the chance to get into nice university.
I am still lazy and unsuccessful but lately trying to get better so wish me luck 🙏🙏🙏
12.  do you like school?
I dont like it but that must be something with my self. Because after 2 semesters i still couldn’t adapt it totally. I hate being alone at school but also i am not such a social butterfly. So i feel confused. I have friends but i feel awkward sometimes. I don’t know adult life is so hard.
And also i sometimes feel like i hate my major but sometimes i love. So when the lessons are hard i cry and feeling like i dont belong here. So my advise is studying your dream job. but i dont have one, so yeah 😫😫😫
13.  favorite subject? 
Actually none, engineering majors suck. I love English lessons because i only feel confident in them and understand things easily and sometimes enjoy. But it is also about academic sides of English, so not very fun.
14.  favourite tv shows?
I don’t watch tv, also i don’t watch tv shows online too. I sometime start series on Netflix or some korean dramas but lose my interest soon. I AM BORED BORING 🤐🤐🤐
15.  favourite movie?
I don’t have an exact one but I love Harry Potter films and Midnight in Paris as the ones i remember. I recently watched To All The Boys i Loved Before, Like for Likes(korean film), Shazam and enjoyed all there of them.  But i don’t have a favourite one because i don’t watch a lot.
16.  favourite books?
I am not a good reader of real life books because i might lost my consciousnes with fanfiction and fangirl stuff. But now i really want to read somethings, but have no time, but will try my best.  This year i finally read Pride and Prejudice and love it too much. *searches for her Darcy hopelessly* 🤭🤭🤭 I also read a book related to Pride and Prejudice, it’s name is Austenland and it slapped me in the face about reality. If someone read it, dm me, i really need someone to talk about it without giving spoilers.
Also i read last year Stranger by Albert Camus. I don’t think i understand it exactly but it gave me this feeling in my chest. I think a lot of people probably read it, I would also love to talk about this book if you dm me.
I read all Harry Potter books except the last one idk why. But i read them in 8th grade. I know I was pretty late to read them but I was scared of Harry Potter 🤭🤭🤭 But now I reminisce that year as the best year of my life despite the fact that i was preparing for high school enterance exams. So Harry Potter holds a lot of emotions and memories for me.
17.  favourite pastime?
Wasting my time! Spending all my time on social media. Sleeping too much. Listening music with my earphones and stare outside dreamily. Doing some penpal and bulletjournaling projects(i cant do lately tho)
But in everyday life my favourite past time is listening songs we like while my sister is driving us to school. We also talk, gossip, laugh, sing along. We do it everyday while commuting and i enjoy it too much. Our school is pretty far and i dont really enjoy car rides but sometimes i enjoy this time too much that i want it to last longer.
18.  do you have any regrets?
Too many. But i can’t change them. So best thing is focusing to future but I am a person who lives thinking past and lost chances or mistakes so it ruins me. But actually to live it free, forgetting and trying to not to do them again is the best.
19. dream job?
I dont really know, but something that can make me happy. I want to go to work eagerly, enjoy my work and be proud of with my life. Something that can satisfy me and make me improve myself.
I had dreamed to be singer similar to @livlovesbangtan . But I might hate singing if I have the responsibility so no. I would love to sing and annoy people while showering like Namjoon. 🤭🤭🤭
20. would you ever like to be married?
Yes, i would love to. But actually for a very long time marriage scared me. Because of the people around me and our culture. My dad and mom had rational marriage so it also made me lose my faith. Also i see like everyone marry and streotypical life starts. People work, have childs and WHAT!!!
I am not necesserily living for marrying. I would never, if I can’t find the love of my life or i can’t trust someone. But i am such a hopeless romantic, I want to experience pure love for someone and get the same love back. It doesn’t sound so realistic so I might find it ever. But still i wish.
I want to have someone I can trust but actually it never happens in real life. Or i can’t like someone in that way, i always find some flaws. So i really need to fall in love miserably to not to see anything and love someone too much, but i don’t know if i can.
I want my s/o to propose me in a night picnic, alone and out of sudden. I would love him to carry the ring in his necklace and didn’t plan to propose exactly. Like he wants to but doesn’t know when, so he carries it with him. And that night with outbursting love, he would propose me and i accept and we have surprise weddding that night by our selves. UwU *dead*
21.  would you like to have kids?
I am not sure. First of all, I would marry to spend all my time with my s/o not for having childs. <saying this just because a lot of people around me does like that> 
I love kids but I am not sure. Like they are so cute as a baby and child but what if i can’t stand while they are in puberty?! 🤭🤭🤭
Also i sometimes feel like ‘why did i born? i didn’t want this? i don’t want to live!’ . Also feel like what if my child feels the same? Also think it is selfish to bring someone to life because we want to but life is just for suffering. Idk, i am pretty pessimist sometimes. And i dont know 😭😭😭
but i love babies, especially when they hold my forefinger with their whole fist. *cryyyyyy*
22.  how many?
Idk, bro.
23.  do you like shopping?
Yes 😉🤗🤭 i love to buy stupid things that i dont need or use.
24.  what countries have you visited?
I only visited UK and actually i loved it 😍😍😍. Also spent one day in Georgia, see around in a one day trip. But i would like to see more. 
25.  scariest nightmare you have ever had?
Let’s not talk about this. I see stupid, weird, annoying, scary dreams too much and i hate it.
26.  any enemies?
I used to have too many, but actually i realised it was one sided hate. They annoyed me but didn’t give any fuck. I hated but it only effected me, they continued carelessly so i decided to not to have one. I feel annoyed and dislike and hate people but control it to not to effect on my life. Also i try to not to have any fights with anyone. If i really don’t like them i ignore them etc.
27. any significant other?
Not yet but waiting for him to find me!
But i can’t pass this without mentioning jeon the dork jungkook. I love him 😍😭🤭
28. do you get along with your family?
I love them and i am very attached to them but also fight with them time to time.
29.  do you believe in miracles?
I believe but don’t believe i will have one.
30. how are you?
I dont know. Not too bad, not too good, enjoying but sometimes bored but sometimes tired of this life but sometimes enjoying too much???
I warned at the start so i don’t know if someone is reading still. but thanks for reading and feel free to talk to me about this stuff.
I tag everyone who wants, please tag me so i can read your answers. as the 10 people thing;
@teanites @artjjk @nochuuuenthusiast @yoongspeach @iamsadsstuff @mintseesaw @jeons-wasabi @arthoejaebum @yoongithes @kayakookie
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vitaman-b · 3 years
anne amphibiashow
favourite thing: she acts like an ACTUAL teenager, at least at first. her obsession with her phone? selfishness (well the word is harsh but. what else do i use)? her adaptability? wah. you barely see teenagers act like ACTUAL TEENAGERS but anne really does act like your streotypical teen, at least at first.
least favourite thing: teenagers suck though so the first is a double edged sword, as realistic as her acrions areee it can get a bit annoying, despite it making sense? i dont really hate it though, just if i had to choose
favourite line: “I think the reason I don't want a new look is because I'm finally happy with who I see in the mirror right now. So what ever I put on, I just want to be able to see the same me looking back.”
brOTP: using the same def i did for kels of “relation thats not romantic” her and sprig, i like their sibling dynamic.
OTP: im not really into the shipping scene in amphibia, but if i had to choose, my preference would lean towards her and marcy, i guess?
nOTP: unsanitary tm ships
random headcanon: that one hc that she throws away her swords all the time now due to bad experiences with them that was a throwaway joke? i kinda like that.
unpopular opinion: besties shes not calm or a therapist friend. she isnt. at least in my view. shes just moral if that makes sense
song i associate with them: new years eve mal blum, for some reason
favourite picture of them: my pfp!
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ladyloveandjustice · 7 years
so, now that i feel mildly better enough to write about it, I did indeed see Justice League.
It was...it was better than the Superman movies and BVS. And Suicide Squad. Definitely watchable. Not spectacular but there were only a few scenes where i was like “ugh this is taking too long”, the ending actually went by pretty quickly.
But did have a very forced patchwork feeling of two movies smashed together (which it was, considering the reshoots). I mean ya wanna talk about tone problems. On one hand we had somber dark and edgy BVS type stuff on the other hand it was incredibly cheesy! so cheesy! and I like cheesy! but this cheese kinda felt really forced- if you’re going cheesy you need to go the whole hog. own the shit out of it. this movie didn’t quite make it.
They definitely made an effort to revert Superman to Superman Classic. Apparently dying and coming back to life makes you like 1000% more cheerful everyone should try it. And I like what they were going for but I don’t think Henry Cavill can quite pull it off. yet. i mean maybe he’ll get used to it, it was a major tone shift for him. It doesn’t come off a genuine “aw shucks” thing like it should for Clark it felt...forced and a little condescending. Supergirl’s Superman, in contrast, was a lot more of a natural at it. But yeah, maybe he’ll get used to it. Points for trying.
the absolute worst part was the Superman is OUT OF CONTROL RAGEZOMBIE BACK FROM THE DEAD fight vs everyone else like it dragged so long and we all knew exactly how it would we know he’ll beat up everyone we know Bruce will get Lois and love will cure everything just got STOP WE DON’T NEED THIS JUST GET ON WITH THE MOVIE
actually the worst part was the villain, a very generic evil it was absolutely impossible to care about them fighting at all like it was even worse than Suicide Squad and that is saying a LOT
they...definitely tried for some Bruce/Diana sexual tension and i was definitely not here for it like oh god can you just not arbitrarily pair Diana up with one of them always can DC stop. 
speaking of Diana she was one of the better parts of the movie, as expected, her actress has a good presence and all that. 
of course the movie had to comment on how HOT she was ALL THE TIME though.  (oh god the bikini armor on some of the Amazons was the worst even worse that i expected)
I do like that Bruce seemed to recognize she should be the one leading the team because YEAH. GLAD YOU’RE ON TOP OF THAT CHUM. And her feeling uneasy about being in the spotlight because of survivor’s guilt over Steve and not wanting another death on her conscience that made...kinda sense i guess. Her arc of getting comfortable with her status as a leader and inspirational figure again after being a behind the scenes hero for so long was nice in some parts. The fact that Bruce of all people called her on it...not so much, but I’m glad the rest of the team was basically like “wow Bruce stfu” and he said sorry. (Cyborg’s “SO ANYWAY WHILE BATMAN WAS BEING AN ASSHOLE I WAS DOING ACTUAL IMPORTANT THINGS” comment was good, that’s my dude right there) (Barry’s “you know if she kills you, we’ll all be on her side” comment to Bruce- how I feel about every Bruce v Diana conflict ever. )
For Barry he was likeable...but he fell heavily into the overdone “funny-autistic-streotype-but-we’re-not-gonna-say-it” bit for me. like. am i out of line here? it was the whole “I don’t understand people what is brunch” speech that pushed it over for me, but idk. it was very weird, and like a lot of the movie, sometimes felt forced.
Cyborg! He was there! He was definitely 80s comic mega-angst “I HATE U DAD” Cyborg which made sense as the Accident had literally just happened and as the movie went on you kind of saw his personality emerge a little- complete with the “boo-yah” thrown out there for us cartoon fans. When a review complained about it i was like “how dare u for once that is something from these movies that caters directly to me” but wow it was delivered immediately after they defeated the bad guy very dramatically so i can see why it stood out to that reviewer so much.
 I did think the angle of him hearing weird languages in his head and not knowing what the fuck’s happening made the whole “AM I MAN OR MACHINE” angst a little more relevant. The whole “I’M NOT HUMAN” bit has a bit of a different context now than in the 80s with tech being more accepted, so that was probably needed.
He unfortunately wasn’t terribly memorable, though I did like the “we’re both accidents” bonding moment with Flash and how Diana immediately seemed to decide she was his big sis. 
Aquaman...probably shoulda been in it interacting with the others more? The whole vibe he had going could have really worked if they spent more time establishing it and him, but they didn’t, so it...once again...felt kinda forced. I did like that his Mom seems to be the key component to whatever his backstory is though. Well at least ONE male hero’s mom apparently gets to be the complicated heroic figure he has a weird relationship and doesn’t understand instead of like. just. dead.
There were a lot of parts of the movie that would have worked better if i hadn’t seen the movies preceding them. like Bruce’s whole “WE NEED CLARK” and “HE WAS SO IMPORTANT” and “HE WAS MORE HUMAN THAN ME” and “YES I THINK WE SHOULD BRING HIM BACK FROM THE DEAD WITH THIS THING WE HAVE NO IDEA HOW IT WORKS SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN” like...you didn’t even know him Bruce. you guys measured your dicks for twenty minutes and then teams up for two minutes you had no chance to get to know each other. and nah, he actually was equally as annoying and broody and cold as you! You’d know that if you’d ACTUALLY EVER TALKED. 
also the opening montage of “THE WORLD IS LOST NOW THAT SUPERMAN WAS DEAD” he was only around for TWO MOVIES guys, he spent MOST OF THOSE MOVIES IN WEIRD FIGHTS WITH ALIENS DESTROYING MAJOR CITIES like the previous movies really did not do anything to establish he was this essential to the world’s hope. In fact the entire last movie was about how the world didn’t really like him all that much.
(especially painful was those white guys yelling at the Muslim lady and that was supposed to be connected to Superman being dead somehow? BIGOTRY ONLY EXISTS BECAUSE SUPERMAN DIED GUYS. IF HE’S ALIVE BIGOTRY IS OVER.)
I think another thing that held the movie back was they basically had to establish half the team. Cyborg’s origin was actually plot relevant (but still didn’t feel fleshed out enough), but for Flash and Aquaman it was very casually thrown in our faces and yeah. Just felt messy.
it could’ve been worse. it could’ve also been a lot better. i dunno guys. i really want DC to get their act together, and i know there were a lot of tragic issues with this one. but at this point their only solid offering has been Wonder Woman. It’s...looking grim.
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autistichansolo · 7 years
replied to your post
“graciecatfamilyband replied to your post “News Flash” ...”
I have 3 DSM-5 diagnoses myself and that statement took the breath away from me. I APPLAUD you for standing up for people with mental illness AND for separating HARMFUL ACTIONS from ILLNESS. (If Kylo were mentally ill, which he does not appear to be, it does not cause or justify his actions in the movie! Desire for power is not mental illness! Worship of the Dark Side and consciously chosen rejection of the Light is NOT mental illness!)
And saying people w/mental illness are not accountable for their actions is NOT supportive of us or of the other people with mental illness we may care about.
like man i was just doing it bc of the affect it has on me personally and how it’s literally harmful to prepture this idea in the first place (like damn being mentally ill doesn’t make doing shitty harmful things right) and yeah man i really don’t think any of kylo’s actions show him as being mentally ill more of a overprivelged white kid who never grew up and can’t handle things not going his way
and like yeah i get wanting to headcanonning your fave as being similar to you bc i do that all the time but like there’s a differences in doing that and using mentally illness as a reason for why the villian isn’t responsible for his actions of mass murder and torture bc that is what it’s only seem to be used as (and then used as a why we hate mentally ill ppl) 
and it’s extremly annoying to act like they’re all supportive of mentally ill ppl but yet they are prepturing horrible streotypes and literally acting like mentally ill ppl can’t be accountable for their actions when um yeah they should be if they’re literally hurting ppl like mental illness isn’t an excuse to be use as why it’s literally ok for a person to kill ppl and torture them (bc that’s really what they’re saying even if they don’t mean it it’s basically what they imply)
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yoohyeon · 5 years
Same! I'm super close with my mom
I’m close too both my parents, but my dad’s sister and mom aren’t like me at all so they kinda annoy me sometimes 😅 and I don’t see my grandfather often. My mom family tho live close to me so I see them really often and my personality match them more so I get along really well with them, also I’m one of my cousin copy, we look so much alike personally wise our moms are shook khjvkjhvkjhv
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vt-cahya · 3 years
It's 9th June 2021
You know, I started to love my family, I guess. Every moment we made, I can record every good thing inside. Well, I know well why I resent my family before. It simply because I remember too well every mistake, bad thinngs we have.
So yeah, I can say I started to love my family. But today, I wish I could vanished them all. This morning, such a good start, I wish I could stab my stomach. Lay on bed, hoping no one notice that I slowly losing my blood. So then, they will shocked that their little sister has attempt suicide. Perfect.
Maybe I'm just being dramatic. But, I really wish I could scream in front of their face, saying, "I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU ALL. I F*CKING HATE YOU.
"You know what An, I hate you. But there are so many things that would make me forgive you. I really wish one day I could fine the reason to hate you.
And Pi, you're such a good thinker. I really like discuss something with you. I really like your uptight personality. But I hate you for you became such a ruler in this house
Mom, I hate you. I really hate you with your trying to understand me attitude. Like, you already abandoned me. And now, you want to be a mother that a child can rely on to? It's too late. Just to know, everytime we have conversation about me, I put my guard on. I pick my word wisely. Just to make sure, anything bout me is unreadable. Why? I don't know. I never let people know everything bout me. And you're people right? I'm gonna act like a good friend in front of my friends. I act like a good-annoying sister in front of my siblings. And so, I'm gonna act like a good daughter for you. Don't you feel honored? You will have this good daughter. Someone who gonna listen to every single demand you ask. No matter how much I hate it.
And Bib, I already hate you cause you're the the youngest child. The loveable one. Who get the most attention by mother and father. The one who get spoiled. I know it's annoying actually, how everyone gonna control our action in the name of love, but sometimes when people adore you, I really wish I could be the one too.
But, my image is the reliable Aisyah. That mature one in early age. That smart Aisyah. Perfect one, active in organization, teachers count on her, famous, like by any friends, the wise decision maker.
F*ck. Those streotype is thrilling. Scary but made my heart rush. I like to try. So every streotype is fine. But, one thing sure, everything so far that comes out perfect made me scared of failure. Made me that perfectionist girl. Well, it's reduce at some point now but that perfectionist made me hard to rely on somebody. And looking at my childhood with lack of attention from my parents, do I have to rely on you Mom, Dad?
I promised to him. My 7-year- old me promised to him to not tell anybody bout this. I'm just a child who taught about the mighty of being a trusted person. And you not even notice a slightest bit that something happen. It's been 7 years since those things. And now, when you find out, you try to approach me. Try to being a good mother. Hey, I trained to rely on myself in those years. Trying to believe on myself. Keep everything shut. And so, I became that perfect girl. I through it all with the trust of myself. When you came now, it's just leave me a thought, "Where have you been?"
I really hate my family.
But.. beside everything, they're my family. And my God told me to love my family. So yeah, I love them. Because every person have their lackness. And Allah did say human aren't perfect. Everyone have their strengths and weaknesses. So no matter how much I hate them, they are the person I spend most of my time with. They are the one I made my first laughter.
I love them, more than my hatred.
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plumcheshir · 8 years
Reviews for Isolation
Isolation(Bex-Chan) ♥♥♥♥♥
Since the writer of the above is ‘the’ Bex-Chan, I obviously believe most of you Dramione Shippers have read Isolation. As you can see from the ratings, I absolutely loved Isolation. Some other Dramione fanfics tends to depict Draco as a too kind, sweet boy, and leave me dumbfounded with his rough turn of 'fuck you discriminators’ attitude. It’s completely disowning. However, this one, I believe is surely the classic among Dramione Fanfics. The characters are distinctively described, which makes you scent the reminiscence of the original Harry Potter series. Hermione as a know-it all,sometimes an annoying snooty bookworm, but still the heartwarming and emphatic character. And for Draco, a stubborn, strong believer of ethnicity, however still bearing the careless charm. The onwarding movement of Draco trying to debunk his own prejudice and streotypes is cordial for us readers. The soft emphaty Hermione provides to Draco, which finally indeed breaks the stony inwards inside him makes it even better. The turnover from the harsh hostility to a caring couple is pleasant, even warming ourselves. So mostly I loved it, but still it is only fair to warn you that the hostility part can be much annoying. Personally, I thought it makes Draco look like a downright shit, kindling every single spitfire. Also, in the first several chapters, tolerating the frequent bad words used may be difficult. (But then again, do we really expect Malfoy to be kind, heartwarming, and sweet? For me, not his language, at least.)
But still, I can assure Isolation was one of the best I ever read and strongly recommend you shippers to read it. (Believe me, I’m quite a picky eater.) Below, there is the link for dropbox for Isolation and the original site.
P.S And thanks very much to the writer of Isolation, namely Bex-Chan, because her work really opened me to the new havenly world of Dramiome.
Fanfiction.net link→ https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6291747/1/Isolation
Dropbox link→ http://www.mediafire.com/?dcuhy9h7dzvsn5i
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