acrosstobear · 2 years
mands now feels like an important time to remind you i live 25 minutes away from haas hq. will you visit me in jail?
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felixir · 3 months
rumour has it comeback is soon which probably means we’re getting a trailer this week/next week with some hints about new songs and a date!!
AND episode 56 of SKZ CODE?
I am overwhelmed 🥲
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soobnny · 1 year
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motivation 💗💗💗💗
OH IM MOTIVATED NOW ALRIGHT 😋😋😋i need to do well in my Exams bc i need the validation of people who do not know i exist #crazy
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mixtape-timeout · 5 months
Hi Stays, this is a post to warn everyone to be wary of a SKZ author here on Stayblr with the username @/gimmeurtmi
I followed them not too long ago, but they suddenly blocked me. I was confused why because I have my age in my account and followed all of their rules. However, I have some reasons to suspect that this user is a Zionist. As you can see I am very Pro-Palestine, it’s in my blog title and bio, and I think this is why they blocked me.
They made a post showing anger about Stays educating Felix on his live about Coca-Cola (For people who don’t know, Coca-Cola is on the BDS boycott list, they support Israel and built an R&D center in occupied Palestinian territory of Atarot) In their post they said it’s “pathetic” for Stays to inform Felix about this and that he wasn’t doing anything wrong. Felix made the effort to read about the issue on his live and chose to apologize to Stay for it, but this user thinks that boycotting a brand tied to a genocidal state is the same as bullying.
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((Screenshots are not mine))
They also showed strong support for the new SKZ collab with Charlie Puth. Many Stays are boycotting this collab because Charlie Puth is a raging Zionist, and the track also has an Israeli producer, Johnny Goldstein who is also a proud Zionist. gimmeurtmi even made a whole tag for this collab on their blog to show how much they’re excited for it, even though two Zionists worked on it and will be receiving royalties for it. You can also see the tags in the third post showing them speaking of Tommy Hilfiger, yet another Zionist, in a friendly manner.
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Furthermore, I talked to other Stays in the community about this because I don’t want to jump to conclusions and gimmeurtmi blocked other users who are showing support for Palestine, not just me. From reading their posts on their other blog (@/stuckonspidey) you can also see how far their beliefs about this go. That’s not to say them being Jewish means they must be a Zionist, because that’s a completely false idea. There are plenty of Jewish people who are not Zionist and support Palestinian liberation because we recognize that what Palestinians are suffering through is a history repeat of what our people went through. But this added with all the other questionable evidence makes me suspicious that this user is a Zionist, or at least an Israeli sympathizer who treats support for Palestine as an inconvenience.
From these posts on their main blog, you can see them refuse to condemn Israel or even say anything about their crimes when they got asked about it. Instead, they just talk about how this genocide has personally affected them. There are no posts (that I could find) of them showing any sympathy or support for Palestine, all their posts about the subject are just self-victimizing posts about how they feel. Yes, it’s a scary time to be a Jewish person as well, I know this as a person of Jewish ancestry, too. But fighting anti-semitism AND fighting for Palestine can and SHOULD co-exist. It’s a huge red flag that the only thing they have to say about the genocide is how Jewish people are the victims in this. They also made another post where they claim that “Zionist” is just a word people use to be anti-semitic. This is a tale as old as time that Zionists have used to excuse, deny, and even justify Israel’s war crimes. I was once told that a genocide of Palestinians doesn’t exist and is just an “anti-semitic blood libel”. This is the exact same rhetoric that Zionists in my community and Zionist news outlets use (which, I add, almost ALL news outlets are strongly biased to Israel because of America’s ties to it. Israel is heavily backed in support from some of the richest and most powerful countries in the world, it is not the victim and never was).
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I am not making this for drama. I made this post just to tell fellow Stays to be cautious of which writers you’re reading from and supporting. If you are against the genocide that has been happening to Palestinians for 75 years now, I suggest not supporting this person’s work, because at best they don’t care about what’s happening in Palestine, and at worst, they actually endorse it. There should be no place in our Stay community for this hateful ideology.
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lixielovess · 2 months
for stays on Tumblr: if @/goharting(gimmeurtmi) or if @/stuckonspidey DM's you claiming they're pro -palestine do not respond and block her immediately.
go to @mixtape-timeout 's post for more info on what she did!!
back in june @/gimmeurtmi was exposed by a zionist as you can see on this and this . shes claiming that mixtape is bullying her "because she's Israeli and jewish." calling mixtape racist and antisemitic, which is entirely not true. you can see that on their blog there is alot of posts about the Jewish community advocating for palestinians and mixtape is jewish aswell. and gimmeurtmi dm'ed me on their personal account named stuckonspidey after i commented on how dissapointed i was of her and shes saying how "mixtapes post was just bullying, she's being nothing but antisemitic and racist." as you can see from my screenshots
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though i apologized, mixtape informed me on how shes trying to manipulate me by saying shes pro palestine (which she isnt). if you checked mixtapes post there were multiple indicators on gimmeurtmis blog on how shes a zionist. im not making this post to be hateful but to inform anyone who gimmeurtmi did dm, cause im probably not the only one she tried contacting, if she did it once surely she'll do it again.
keep in mind that her saying what mixtape is being antisemitic is WRONG. once again, mixtape is jewish and mixtape has a bunch of posts about the people of the jewish community supporting the souls that are currently suffering in Palestine.
again im not doing this to be hateful but to spread awareness, so please reblog as much as you can so people know that if they contacted by her, they'll know she's only doing it for her own image.
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bandzboy · 3 months
hello! last month someone made a post about @/gimmeurtmi being a zionist (so they tried to hide it and made their blog private) but they're active on their blogs again (besides @/gimmeurtmi they have several blogs @/stuckonspidey is their main) and they also interact with another zionist @/yong-bokie, they post a lot of propaganda. they're both loud and proud zionists and i think stays should be aware of who they are following and who is following them
stay mutuals please look at this!!
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geooooooorge · 9 months
got tagged by @belteppismo @nickcassldy @bellcza @babysdrivers and @mebiselfandi to make my own Christmas tree and omg!! its the cutest thing cuz u can leave little messages in the form of ornaments🥹
imma tag a bunch of people cuz i have no idea whos done it already and who hasnt, but no pressure tho @ferrawrri @f1-birb @elementalmoments @alexi-01 @n0rric @cryingforcrocodiles @hermywolf @messi-thebest @rawairdontcare @erlingshaalands @boston-strong-forever @emeraldphilo @virgilvandijkswifey @thatbrightblueshine @doinggreat @academyofbrokenhearts @stuckonspidey @strawcars @rainingmbappe @nmsxi @funmentality4eva @marco-bezzecchi
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harrie-fic-center · 1 year
tom holland
always and forever by maaaddiexo
blow a kiss, fire a gun by hollandroos
forever by tomhollandd
i only feel you by stuckonspidey
it echoes through by stuckonspidey
lost in translation by ijustreallylovezebras
royal pains by gab-spidey
run to me by hollanddroos
take my hand, don't look back by allfandomxreader
yellow roses by grussel63
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acrosstobear · 2 years
omg nooooooo??????????? send a link!!!!!!!!!! literally am at a cafe in portugal LMAOOOOO
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terrifictomholland · 1 year
I know everyone thinks I’ve disappeared (I pretty much have, but I actually wrote something! Sliiightly based off of a conversation me and my bf had not too long ago, it’s a complete fluff piece. But with our favourite Tom instead of my bf, or no one would read (maybe you’re not judging by how inactive I am on here lmao 😂✌🏻) anyway, almost 11pm blurbs - here you are 😊
Idk if anyone is even here anymore and not on a hiatus or have completely abandoned ship but some of my mutuals - here you are @spidey-sophie @worldoftom @stuckonspidey @tetralea @duskholland @userholland
You unlocked the door to your shared flat, stepping inside to the sounds of mugs clinking about, an audiobook playing and Tom humming a song to himself. No doubt being in the midst of making some tea.
“Honey, I’m home!” you sing sang only for his face to pop out from the doorway leading from the kitchen to the hallway. “Hi cakes!” He grinned, “you want a cuppa?”
You took off your shoes, placing them neatly beside his. “Yeah sure hun, just going to the bathroom! Give me a moment!” You quickly went inside the bathroom doing your business and coming out after drying your hands.
Sneaking up behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist. You felt his sculpted back and shoulder blades underneath your touch through his cosy-looking hoodie.
“How’s your day been?” You murmured, lips pressing against the back of his neck, sensing the shiver that ran through him.
“It’s been good, haven’t done too much - did some tidying up and took some garbage out.” He said swiftly turning sideways to fully wrap you up in his strong and safe arms.
“Oh, thank you,” you positively beamed hearing that. If there was one thing you absolutely despised it was taking out the garbage. Such a hideously boring task.
“You talked in your sleep again,” you laughed thinking back on early this morning before you left for work. He tightened his hold on you. “Oh yeah? What was it this time then?”
“That your team apparently sucked so hard, they aren’t getting any of the 4 blocks of chocolate. We’ll be keeping them all to ourselves.” You cackled seeing the way Toms cheeks turned pink before he burst out into hysterical laughter. “Well that sucks for them, not for us though,” he grinned.
For a second he let go of you to throw the teabags into the sink. “Oh come on,” you complained seeing where he threw the tea bags. He simply shushed you with a kiss.
“Come join me on the couch, what do you fancy watching?” He was already on his way to the living room and you had no other choice but to follow him.
“I’m not too bothered,” you said tucking your legs under you in the couch. Tom sitting right beside you giving you a sweet smile.
“I’ve missed you,” to hear those words made your heart swell, “I’ve missed you more,” and his eyes softened with a much smaller smile, but the one he always reserved just for you, on these moments where it was just the two of you in your own little world.
“Do you fancy watching Mindhunter?” You asked after you took a sip of your peach and mango black tea. No milk, no sugar - just some honey in it.
“The FBI show?” And you nodded, he shrugged and turned the TV on, going to Netflix to search for the show.
After a good while of watching the second episode, you snuggled up against Tom’s chest, playing with the strings of his hoodie. His steady heartbeat soothing and calming you right down.
“Do you ever think about what our song is, Tom? Like that one song every couple has?” You asked quietly feeling him run a hand through your hair.
“Sometimes, which song do you think is ours?” His voice laced with curiosity now. You took a moment to ponder over his question.
“For me, spontaneously I’d have to say ‘Photograph’ by Ed,” you landed on, “I feel that song has stuck with us through thick and thin,” you added and felt his lips on your forehead. “Yeah I agree, Ed’s been there for us a lot hasn’t he?” He joked and you buried your face in his clothed chest, laughter bubbling out of you.
“He sure has,” you lifted your head up, looking into his eyes, just getting lost in those brown eyes, the longer slightly curly hair at the ends that framed his defined face so well.
“Do you ever think about the day when we get married? Like, our first song to dance too?” You mumbled slightly embarrassed now that you had exposed the thought of being married to Tom.
The tiniest of smiles played at his lips, eyes glittering ever so slightly, “yeah I do,” he said almost nonchalantly and your eyebrow lifted at that. “Oh?”
“How could I not? It’s gonna happen one day, don’t you worry,” he smiled matter-of-factly, stealing a kiss from you. “What song would you choose?” He mumbled pulling away from your lips ever so slightly, still close enough for his breath to land on your face.
“You’re Still the One by Shania Twain,” you said embarrassingly fast and his lips formed a massive smile. “Play it for me, please.” he urged handing you his phone.
Soon enough, the intro to You’re Still the One started up and you revelled at being in his arms, hearing the song you hopefully danced to one way day in the future, wearing a pretty tux and a beautiful dress.
“I’m feeling really vulnerable right now,” you whispered as to not ruin your moment with the song still playing in the background. “Why?” He whispered back, placing two fingers under your chin gently, to meet his gaze.
“Because I’m exposing such a deep and private part of me, to you for you the best my innermost truest feelings for you - and as much as I love you, it’s still scary to put all of this trust and love in your hands although I know you’d never do anything to hurt me or in any way jeopardise my love for you.” You got out, your eyes turning misty as did Toms at your confession.
“Thank you darling for letting me hear your innermost personal song, but I think it describes us perfectly and I’d be more than honoured to dance our first dance to this song.” His smile could have lightened up ten thousands miles, your heart about to burst with love for this man. Knowing how precious you were to him, for him to treat your feelings so respectfully it meant everything to you.
“I love you, those words aren’t even close to describing the way I really feel about you but they’ll have to do - though I’m more of a shower on how I feel, you know that.” a lone tear spilled over your cheek as you poured your heart out to him and all he did was smile that special smile just for you.
“I love you too, more than words could ever mean,”
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bandgie · 5 months
hey jsyk, the stray kids writer @/gimmeurtmi is like 99.9% either a zionist or zionist apologist based on the posts they make on their writing blog + main blog @/stuckonspidey. just a head’s up to not support them for all stays who are against the genocide in palestine ✊🏼
thank you for telling me! I've seen so many people defending the collab by saying 'this isn't gonna help what's going on' or 'just donate money instead of boycotting' but we also need to let the people who we literally support know when something isn't right?? by boycotting, we're preventing future zionists collabing with kpop as a whole. like ugh sometimes I read the comments stay makes defending this shit and I'm like 'I do not wanna be associated with ya'll'
anywho! thank you for letting me know. I try not to stray away from kpop fics when it comes to asks but this is important to address.
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mixtape-timeout · 3 months
This is the last post I will be making on this topic. Since gimmeurtmi is back and posting again, here is yet another reminder for you that she is a Zionist. She is trying to spin the story and claim that people are witch-hunting her for being Israeli, which is just another excuse to deflect from her disgraceful behavior. Since she wants to say that we are spreading misinformation, please look at the screenshots in the link. These are screenshots of posts SHE made herself. Not my words, just hers. Read her posts without any of my commentary, and come to your own conclusions about her beliefs. Her posts speak for themselves.
((More below))
She can say she's Pro-Palestine all she wants, but her actions do not reflect that. I can't prove if she is attending peace rallies like she says she is, but what we do know is that the things she says and does are in direct contradiction of this. Please look at the tags of the original callout post and see the sheer number of bloggers (including other authors) she had blocked for being Pro-Palestine. She claims she blocked people for being Anti-Semitic, but what she perceives as "Anti-Semitic" is anything Anti-Zionist. The testimonies from people who used to follow her and used to be very close friends with her all say she is a very manipulative person who always makes herself the victim. She has repeatedly made Zionist posts, deleted them, pretended to change her views, post "Pro-Palestine" things, then go back and show her true colors once the accusations blow over. She had reblogged fundraisers for Rafah weeks ago on her blog @stuckonspidey after being called out that are now nowhere to be found. She is a liar and a manipulator who has repeatedly said things that contradict her actions just to save face.
If she's Pro-Palestine, why does she make posts sympathizing with the IDF? Why does she support the occupational force that kills Palestinians for fun, undresses hostages to humiliate them (including CHILDREN), beats hostages to death with hammers in their captivity, disguises themselves as HUMANITARIAN AID to kill hundreds of refugees, takes pictures with hostages/dead bodies and posts them on social media, steals Palestinian women's underwear and takes pictures with it after killing them/ransacking their houses, targets journalists and humanitarian aid workers, straps injured Palestinians to their trucks and uses them as human shields? This is the army that fired 355 bullets at the car that 6 year old Hind Raghab was in while she was surrounded by her dead family members, KNOWING she was in there. They are a depraved, violent occupational force that kills and tortures civilians, and one of the most basic pillars of being Pro-Palestine is opposing the IDF. You cannot be Pro-Palestine and have sympathy for the army that is killing and oppressing them. You cannot say you stand for Palestinian liberation and peace, yet mourn for their oppressors when the resistance fights back. There is proof all over the internet of the IDF's war crimes because they post it themselves. Here are a few links if you don't believe me. LINK LINK LINK LINK. Please research it yourself, too. You'll find no shortage of it.
If she is Pro-Palestine, why does she refuse to acknowledge it as a genocide? Why does she call it a "war"? Why does she call the International Court of Justice's decision to take Israel to court for its war crimes "questionable"? If she believes what Israel is doing is wrong, why would she criticize it being held accountable for its crimes against humanity? If she is Pro-Palestine, why would she call an Israeli propaganda movie that paints Arabs as barbaric savages her all time favorite and complain that it's getting RIGHTFULLY negative reviews for its blatant racism, glorification of war criminal Golda Mier, and historical misinformation? Her excuse was that "she posted about a movie because she likes movies." That is an absolutely pitiful reason and being deliberately obtuse to distract from the actual issue. When you say it like that, of course it sounds harmless, but the CONTENT of the movie matters. For example: Would you call "The Birth of A Nation", a disgustingly racist white supremacy propaganda movie your favorite? Absolutely NOT. And if you did, people would rightfully question you for that. If she's Pro-Palestine, why didn't she boycott LMB when there are two Zionists on it? One of which (Johnny Goldstein) is a former IDF soldier and attends Pro-Israel events? If she's Pro-Palestine, why would she use the well-known Zionist talking points, conflating Judaism with Zionism, and saying that when people say "Zionist" they really mean "Jew"? If She's Pro-Palestine, why would she have such an issue with Stays trying to inform Felix about the Coca-Cola boycott and say they are bullies? Do you notice a pattern here? Her labeling ANY attempts at calling out Zionism to be "bullying" or "Anti-Semitic"? This is the exact rhetoric Zionists use. Once again, she can say she's Pro-Palestine, she might even actually believe that she is, but her behavior does not reflect this. Saying "My posts aren't Anti-Palestinian because I'm not Anti-Palestinian" proves absolutely nothing. Someone who can't even call the genocide a genocide is not an ally to Palestine.
She continues to hide behind "Anti-Semitism" despite me and many of my friends who called her out being Jews or of Jewish ancestry ourselves. If you look through my blog, you will see a majority of my posts are dedicated to dismantling the idea that Jews = Zionists. I have worked so hard in my community to do this in real life, and it's incredibly frustrating to see her perpetuating this harmful stereotype when us Anti-Zionist Jews are doing everything we can to separate Judaism from Zionism. She is also saying we are racist against Israelis, which is an absolutely ludicrous claim. Israeli is not a race, just like American isn't a race. Israeli is a Nationality. 75% of Jewish people are Ashkenazim, meaning European/White, and about 50% of Israelis are White. Nationality =/= Race. Her claims of racism are, again, her using terms of discrimination to distract from her blatantly Zionist posts.
Furthermore the claim that we are attacking her simply for being Israeli is not only wrong, it makes no sense. I was not aware that she was Israeli before suspecting her of being a Zionist. A huge chunk of Zionists are actually Western Christians who support Israel for Anti-Semitic reasons, and I would NEVER sabotage a fellow Jew for their identity. I went out of my way to emphasize this in the first post. Gimmeurtmi was called out for Zionism that me and several other people in the community recognized, point blank period. We are not "painting her in a specific light", we are bringing attention to harmful, dangerous things SHE said. If I presented her posts to you without commentary, even in context, you could come to the same conclusion. The original callout post was edited many times with many additions as new screenshots/information came forward, and it was through the comments from other people talking about their experience with her that we found out that she was Israeli and had made those Anti-Palestinian posts on October 7th (which she deleted). It was her thinly-veiled Zionism that originally raised our suspicions, the knowledge that she's Israeli came after.
I know gimmeurtmi will continue to see herself as a victim no matter what. I know she will keep pretending she's being attacked for her identity just as all Zionists do. This post is just to disprove her accusations that we called her out on the basis of "racism", when the callout for her was a result of HER racism herself. I never had any problem with gimmeurtmi before she blocked me, I enjoyed her fics and looked up to her, as many others in the community did. She gave me no reason to dislike her before this. The only reason my friends and I put that post together was because we felt it was imperative that someone like her, who uses her SKZ blog to normalize Zionist ideology amidst a genocide, gets de-platformed. I cannot tell you what to believe, but I urge you to be careful and understand what a manipulative person she is. I urge you to read the screenshots of her posts for yourself and come to your own conclusion.
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tomhollandfics · 2 years
Soulmate Fics
* = smut
My Youth Is Yours - @waitimcomingtoo
in a world where you don’t begin to age until you meet your soulmate, tom notices you started aging when he hasn’t 
Learn To Be Lonely (Series) - @cali-holland
in a world where two souls are destined for each other, is it possible to find love when your other half has passed - or are you truly destined to have a lonely heart forever?
Soulmate (Series) - @spiderboytotherescue
sometimes finding your soulmate doesn’t always happen where you expect it too and sometimes, you’re just not ready to fall head over heels in love just yet
Not Like This - @angelic-holland
in a world in which your partner is decided for you from birth, in a world in which soulmates are predetermined by some arbitrary rule like ‘their name is tattooed on your wrist’ or ‘once you see them, your world turns from black and white to colorful’, you meet the love of your life purely by chance
Oh, Fiddlesticks - @angelic-holland
what if the first words your soulmate says to you are tattooed on your ribs from the time you’re born? what happens when you lost your first soulmate, you’ve given up on meeting someone else who you would connect with in the same way, and you run into someone who claims to be your new soulmate? 
Meant To Be - @mcumendes
what do you do when you are in love with someone and want to spend the rest of your life with him, until you find out one day that he is not your soulmate?
* I Only Feel You - @stuckonspidey
a world in which soulmates feel their other half, physically and emotionally - y/n has given up on finding her soulmate, prompting her to give up on him, but her other half, she’d come to find, is the leader of the holland crime family and in no means the easiest person to love
Mood Rings - @missnxthingg
(Y/N) grew up in the Hollywood scene, being the amazing child star that she is. But when Tom Holland steps into her life for a photoshoot, her whole career gets overshadowed by Marvel's Golden Boy, making her annoyed by him. But what happens when she finds out that Tom is her soulmate?
Invisible String - @peeterparkr
life has a way of pulling you and tom close to each other, then it pulls you apart
Soulmate!AU - @bi-bi-buckleydiaz
they say soulmates are a load of crap, that the words etched on our skin from the moment we’re born means nothing, that the universe can’t decide who we love, we choose - you were one of these people
IDK You Yet - @ckvsen
in which tom finally finds his soulmate
Just A Touch - @mcwriting
adrenaline spiked as you realised that the hand and voice belonged to tom himself, a quick smile and nod and he was on his way again - what you didn’t realise until later was the way your aches had disappeared and the surge of energy had rushed over you
* Couldn't Utter My Love (Series) - @peterplanet
in which she watches as tom lies to himself about who his soulmate really is
Happiness Is A Butterfly (Series) - @blissfulparker
you and tom spend your whole lives looking for your soulmates - how could you not see that you two were right under each other’s noses both coming from a mob family?
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princemick-archive · 2 years
i hope it's okay if i send you this but i'm pretty new to the f1 side of tumblr and don't really know the ins and outs yet and you're literally the first blog i came across and you seem really popular and talented so i thought i'd ask you for some blog recommendations? and maybe you'd know if there's any like fandom etiquette one should follow on f1 tumblr that's different from general tumblr etiquette because i know some fandoms have some extra unspoken rules and all that
Hi nonnie ofc it's okay!! so here's:
kyle, princemick's beginners guide to f1blr!
basic rules to f1blr:
please always tag any kind of crash, they happen, theyre scary please remember to tag them with 'crash tw'
don't cross tag keep the right drivers in the right tags, we dont wanna see max in the ferrari tag or charles in the merc tag etc
tag your hate with 'anti *insert driver*' (use first name not both first and last so it doesnt show up in the main tags) and don't go looking in those tags for ur fav just to defend them that's annoying ass hell
basic things to remember:
rpf is very likely to happen, if you dont enjoy it no worries to blacklist or not follow people who are active in it BUT rpf does happen a lot casually as jokes etc so dont take it to seriously
everyone has their favs and critize everyone, the block and unfollow button is right there, its still sport. curate your own experience.
NOW kyle's blog rec list below the cut!
go and support and show some love, they're all incredible creators and organized by fav driver/genre of content so please take some time to check them out!! (tried to explain what they mostly do but some just rb and post so ajksdb theyre still all amazing though)
a lot of these are also mixed in who they support, I put them in the catagory of people I identify them w most.
also tumblr is a dick so has a tag limit which means half of these are links so there are a bunch of people in here who didnt get a notif that they're in this post, so rip.
FIRST OFF follow my most beloveds @milflewis and @yeericcihaw theyre two of the most important people in my life who are on their own incredible creators, niamh is an incredible writer and fran a wonderful gif maker. both of them make tumblr so so much better for me and I love them dearly
general f1 blogs/people i think everyone should follow:
@race-week should be in everyone's following if they call themselves an f1 fan // @maranello THE ferrari blog (and incredible editor) // @brawn-gp incredible editor, ferrari main // @formulaoneisajoke lando main // @h-f-k amazing graphic designer // @alpinegasly insane f1 poster designer // @f1-stuff mosttly ferrari gifs that are incredibly and high quality // @yukierree irl friend and wonderful graphic designer // @husbono amazing writer and graphic designer // @hakkinens one of the source for classic f1 stuff also lew/seb/charles main // @greenliketheskyf1pics the classic f1 blog // @edoardo-mortara one of the non f1 motorsport blog // @josefnewgayden also one of the non f1 motorsport blogs // @oscar-piastri one of the best gifmakers/editors on this website
@souriadraws incredible artist // @alboncat amazingly stylistic and cute artist // @stoffelwdc incredible artist // @russilton incredible artist with a really distinct style // @absurdt funny and cute artist // @livetogether--diealone amazing charles main artist // @ruszhou incredible artist and george/yuki/guanyu main // @sebsxmp amazing linework // @mangocito incredibly cute artist // @cedobols the seb artist // @hyonibee one of the cutests styles
@stuckonspidey one of the mick writers in the fandom imo // @effervescentdragon insane (affectionate) and incredible writer // @schulott amazing schullot writer // @redpaint charles fan and writer
@acrosstobear 1/3 of the pilars of mickblr // @boomacher 2/3 of the pilars of mickblr // @mickstart the schumacher blog on this side of tumblr // @userhamilton funny, creative and gifmaker // @grussell63 funny and insane (affectionate) also big merc fan // @guanyu-ilott mick/callum main
@leqclerc incredible editor // @16whispers writer // @lukamodric wonerful editor // @mssr-monagato dramatic and a tifosi // @dobbiamo-capire tifosi and local italian translator // @monacoprince amazing editor // @ferrariprince16 major tifosi // @lileclair charles main // @lolaleclerc charles main // @finalgirlcharlesleclerc charles main // @c2stan one of the charles blogs // @balaclavacharles another one of the charles blogs
@lisandro-vettel very funny seb main // @teamgreenheart seb/lew main // @4xmulti21champion the ted kravits source // @005seb seb/alex main // @multi-2-1 seb main // @unhinged-vettel incredible designer // @youjustwaitsunshine funny ass seb main
@teamroscoes the lew blog // @lewki lew/yuki main // @xiaozhous guanyu/lew main // @danielssmile danny/lew/george main // @alexanderalbons seb/lew/alex main // @andreagrimes val/seb main also nando but won't admit it also incredible artist
@spygate nando main, very funny // @beparwah96 yuki main, v creative // @formulaonedirection lando main, very funny // @pierrelli pierre main, cool ass editor // @its-always-silly-season funny ass hell // @dilfgrassi danny and lew main also fe fan // @tsuchansworld one of the yuki blog on this site // @gcsly the pierre giffer // @lesellieknope danny main // @estebanbicon este main // @raceweek the alex blog // @robinfrinjs one of the FE blogs // @estiebestieban este main
I think that's it!! go and support all these amazing blogs, this is bascially just my following list so it's how I've curated my tl and it's a wonderful place so highly reccomend.
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princemick · 1 year
what are your best f1 fic recs
okay okay, I've done a bunch of fic recs before so I deff recommend looking at them first
BUT here's basically my like 10 fav fics of all time that ive reread or litteraly obsessed about. the ones in red are the ones that I like, see as my personal canon yk.
okay I just finished putting them all in n it might b a few more then 10 but still. yk, okay.
some things you choose by trailsofpaper
(sewis, 5+1 things, mutual pining, angst with a happy ending)
pleaser by alltimecharlo
(martian, sugar daddy au, porn with plot, college student seb)
You Don't Remember Me by FormulaFerrari
(webbonso, amnesia au, angst)
all the while you were stood here waiting by likelylarks
(maxiel, mutual pining, getting together, oranges)
it's lights out and away we go by lewisshamilton
(lando/charles, stripper au, angst, slow burn)
can't stand the heat by toastandvegemite
(dewis, omegaverse, just good, very good dynamic)
License to pretend by Sonnenscheintraum
(nicky/mick, spy au, mutual pining, fake/pretend relationship)
the alps by grandprix
(yukierre, pining, hurt/comfort, getting together)
seasons (waiting on you) by empireoffclouds
(sewis, friends to lovers, slow burn, pining, 2008 til 2017)
It's Friday I'm In IKEA by carocoffee
(dantteri, friends to lovers, basically dan has a realization in an ikea)
yeehaw! by hungerpunch
(dantteri, trans dan!, first time, cowboy dan/biker val, porn without plot)
good to you by TheNorthRemembers
(maxiel, friends to lovers, sike kink, miscommunication, messy)
Hard Year / Good Time / Socks Up / Foot Down by bestliars
(sewis, amnesia au, established relationship, angst n comfort)
hoping for you to come make my world new again by misonikomi
(sebchal, soulmates, mutual pining, miscommunication)
The Cloud That Settles by antimonyandthyme
(sewis, friends to lovers, idiots in love, getting together, the monaco fic)
The mountains, the lake and the mist by Jean____Ralphio
(alex/mick, arranged marriage, royal au, moto gp/f1 paddock, slowburn)
lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all by Quagswagging
(mixed ships, regency era, family, courting)
summer sun after the rain by gentleau (iwanna_seeyou_undoit)
(maxiel, kidfic, found family, fluff, retired drivers)
Oh fuck you, darling by individualist (and the whole series)
(toto/christian, married, 4 + 1, secrecy)
Saltwater and Gasoline by Kaytheologie
(charles/bono, porn with feelings, slow burn, praise kink)
how good it feels to be needed by hibivrooms (hibiscuswings)
(carlando, personal chef carlos, friends to lovers, slow burn)
pointless by stuckonspidey
(schulott, exes to lovers, angst, theyre both dumb)
a secret language (i can't speak with anyone else) by Anonymous
(schulott, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, callum learns german)
Misalignment by Azzy
(sewis, jealousy, lewis comes out n sebs confused abt it personally)
it doesn't come that easy anyway by greeneyeddisaster
(sebson, college au, slown burn, pining)
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lxndonorris · 3 months
Rules: add 10 gifs from your favorite shows and tag 10 people.
Thank you, @frantastichenrik for the tag ;)
1. Sense8
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2. Arrow
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3. How to get away with murder
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4. The walking dead
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5. Stranger Things
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6. Cold Case
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7. Wandavision
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8. Scrubs
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9. Supernatural
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10. The Boys
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Tagging at random followers and following as well cause it seems fun! Feel free to ignore. @fencergirl13 @bolligandmuttfangirl @4and55 @goldenboots1 @stuckonspidey @coffeeandparchment @elisepotter @princedevitt @heyitsbella @landoom
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