#studying more streamlined artstyles
fate-defiant 4 months
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hey kid you want some fuckin uuuuuuuhDoodles x5
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11vein 1 month
heyho! how did you learn how to draw and make art in general? i find your artstyle visually pleasing and nice to look at, i wish to one day be able to draw like you but i don't know where to begin 馃槥 also what are your art inspirations?
i know this is a cliche answer but i self-taught myself and improved quickly in my early years simply by attaching to a character i really liked and drawing them nonstop especially during my school days (and that character eventually morphed into my oc kaizer) because my ADHD ass didn't want to do anything with school loL genuinely though this is one of the best ways to learn is just to get really obsessed with something and draw it and branch out from there after you've had your fill dont be like me completely though when it comes to studying with art, you should absolutely do fundamental studies too (still life/etc) . i was stubborn and didnt really do it because i dont find a lot of joy in it but i think its kinda stunted my abilities that i never did in recent years though i went from drawing characters just standing/busts in an empty space to realizing i love drawing actual scenes with characters interacting with their environments and it has forced me to learn ways to streamline my art process and learn to do backgrounds. its been fun but now ive gotten way too ambitious and perfectionistic about one-uping myself and burnt myself out so im currently working on re-finding my passion and ways to work around that perfectionism. so thats kinda where i am rn...?
anyway, its really a matter of finding an obsession and honing in on it like i said . so do that but dont get so obsessed you ignore important stuff like i have done haHA
sidenote. don't fuck up your wrist listen to artists when they say you should not overexert it and do stretches because im fucked with carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists already at age 23 whoops. also references. dont be afraid to use those theyre so important it took me so many years to not be stubborn about them and that also stunted me anyway when it comes to my art inspirations/??? a lot of it is just aesthetics of various media ive absorbed into my brain and jumbled around, but when it comes to actual individual artists here are some im heavily inspired by on the visual art side (warning for nsfw/suggestive works on some of these artists pages)
nuqelear (rip)
vellmori (inactive)
bakui (is this their name?)
avrilundi/_96peori theres absolutely so many more but these are like. some of my primary ones i can recall lately
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cy-lindric 2 years
Hello! First of all let me say your art is amazing!!!! The colors are so fresh and the lines are c r i s p !!!
Sorry if this has been asked before, I tried searching for but I couldn't find any similar questions: I assume you first learnt traditional/realistic anatomy, fashion etc art, and then you naturally developed your own art style?
I find it very hard to stray from realism and I don't find it fun, but I can't draw, say, cartoony faces without thinking they look wrong. Any uh, tips? 馃ズ should i do studies of artstyles i like to get used to it?
Hi, thank you !
To be fair, I'd already been drawing stylized stuff for a while before I started studying art, so when I actually tried to learn to draw more realistically I had a lot of habits to unlearn. I have a fairly realistic artstyle now, compared to what I did before, and I do notice that as I grow stronger in that direction, cartoony stuff comes less and less naturally. I think it's a normal thing to happen, if you don't stretch both muscles, so to speak.
In your case, gathering a panel of stylized works you enjoy and figuring out what you like about them does sound like a good start ; not really doing a study of a single artist's style, as much as picking up ideas here and there. What kind of lines (or flats) do you like, do you prefer shapes streamlined into curves or broken into dynamic angles, how would you like facial features signified, etc.
I wouldn't worry about it too much, though. What we tend to refer to when we say "artstyle" or "graphic style" is a combination of conscious decisions and mecanical habits, and the latter part tends to outweight the first in a lot of situations, so it mostly comes down to doing something one way enough that you start doing it the same way everytime without thinking about it. It's shaped by the references you try to emulate and your work habits, so it'll come to you. The only thing (and I know it's not always easy), is to keep asking yourself, what kind of art do I want to make ? What would I love to see if this came from someone else ? And the answer doesn't always have to be the same, it should adapt depending on the project and you can look for references accordingly.
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