#stunt handler Jessie
skepticalarrie · 1 year
what do you think of this?
Hi, anon. So, this is not my area of expertise to talk confidently about it. Lee & Thompson LLP is definitely familiar, they've been around since 1D (I don't know if since the beginning though) and I think the fact HL had the same lawyers was a point of discussion before. Maybe it's just an industry thing and it's easier to work with the same people?! Because to be perfectly honest with you, I don't know what that means in a practical way. Lawyers are not single-handedly putting them under contracts or telling them what they should do with their careers, they are just working in favour of their clients. So in this case, what is being implied is that they would be working in favour of Sony. Which... I don't know if makes sense. And I have no idea about the other people. There's no doubt they signed incredibly abusive contracts in the past, and that some of those will last indefinitely and they will always have certain obligations attached to that. That's 100% a fact, regardless of what corner of this fandom you're coming from and what you believe. But IMO it's impossible to tell what are these obligations and how this affects them in their solo careers, it's the kind of discussion that is endless and we will never know.
Plus, Louis had other lawyers before, I remember that when he was arrested there was a big "lawyer of the celebrities" working for him, because it was a different situation so he had other people to handle it, and he was still under Syco during that.
To be honest, the name that caught my attention here was Jessie Martin, her name rang a bell and I did a little research and it's interesting that she is still working for Louis. She used to work for Sony (I don't know if still do, couldn't find her linkedin profile), she was some sort of marketing person and "artist relations". A stunt handler, basically. She was always with Eleanor and Louis, and then with Danielle. I don't know her involvement in Louis' current situation, even because his documentary had a lot of old footage as well, so maybe we can't categorically state any of it has something to do with Sony or old contracts.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 6 years
Wed 27 Feb
Two Of Us T-8 DAYS
Today at dotd we give thanks for, above all, my convenient fucking time zone wrt the rise of King Louis, thank the gods above for that. I can't tell you every little thing it's TOO MUCH but some highlights of today's barrage of lontent in roughly chronological order... Louis Instagram and twitter profile pics changed, there was a very clever tweet that you had to retweet to unlock the ToU cover art so yeah, boom, trending immediately, followed shortly after by Two Of Us official art and presave links and release date posted (Mar 7! It's moved up a day!) across every platform known to the modern world, trick tweet deleted, Louis' spotify instantly crashed under the weight of people trying to presave and stayed intermittently crashed for like an hour, Louis' website and twitter and everything else updated with the new art theme featuring Louis' handwriting for everything, a handwritten letter emailed out, label and team and colleagues all publicly showing up to support... then a lull. We relaxed, and appreciated the truly astonishing amount of very fast fanart that posted. But then! House of Solo new issue with Louis cover! Presales up for about two minutes, immediately taken down and put back up at a higher price due to demand (:/)(but also now available internationally), sold out, restocked, sold out again, restocked again, idek now go check for yourself. And then! Sun exclusive with preview material from the House of Solo interview- quotes about the song being about Jay! It's Louis, talking about the music!! THE LYRICS OF THE CHORUS. Then more pics from the HoS shoot like every half hour, THEN people discovered a bts photo from that shoot that had been sitting on ig, tagged and everything, since EARLY DEC! Then Louis popped into a Twitter chat ("Thank you for being such a loyal fan base...lots of love") good god I would die. Louis trending for like the third time today. Louis employee Jessie Martin out there liking memes about record labels screwing over clients, lol.
Takeaways and discourses in brief- Jordan Green says Louis was very involved in all the creative and more importantly that this is the "first single of the new campaign" NICE. The release date being moved from Fri to Thurs, which worried some as Fridays are the traditional release day for chart action but Billboard tells us "Thurs is the new Fri" for getting lots of attention. Twitter bio updated but the '1/4 of One Direction' still there, aww. Biggest takeaway of the day though, team Louis is KILLING IT, promo is ON POINT and we are absolutely living for it!!! And, possibly we're about to fucking die of it, this is a lot. Still to come probably in the next few days, Line of Best Fit interview or tease, MeRCh??, more video snippets? They've posted starting at exactly 5 pm GMT the last couple days, it seems totally possible that's going to continue all week so clear your schedules and brace yourselves!
In two of the HoS photos we've seen Louis is wearing a very distinctive shirt that was also worn by Rami Malek to the premier of Papillon, in which he played the character of Louis. Papillon, of course, is the story of two men, Henri and Louis, who are locked up by tptb and plotting to escape together: the 1973 Steve McQueen version of the movie was the inspiration for many of Harry and Louis' tattoos, including the butterfly and the card suits. Maybe it's unrelated! But I personally really hope he wore it as a coded message cause tbh wtf is that shirt, it looks like a 90s lesbian sitcom character promo photo top. Yeah yeah I know y'all love that I'M SORRY I just CANNOT
Some discourse about appropriate things to post about this very personal song/topic which I absolutely do not have space to cover but everyone seems to agree that we should tag for death and grief warnings and some are already having a hard time, so let's go with that?
Phew okay. Listen Niall's really out there making a bid for headlining these updates but dude, this is Not the time for your antics! Not till after the 7th! Sheesh. Still, props, getting drunk and getting papped being ridiculously handsy with your PA is a damn good bid for attention, I'm listening... So, "oops I was drunk and getting sloppy with a pal?" Cynical bid for media coverage on the heels of the recent "mystery girl" articles about them being papped so much together? Trying to tell us he's actually dating his employee? This seems the least likely scenario but Niall is a dark fucking horse, who the hell knows. Anyway to be fair he was also being handsy af with some blond dude, covering all the bases?
And finally Harry was spotted lunching in London. I don't know what this fandom's coming to when Harry news is the most relaxing and straightforward part of it, honestly. Again, get it together Niall - that's supposed to be you! I don't even know which way is up anymore I swear.
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strangenewfriends · 4 years
What’s your opinion on Jessie? Is she really a stunt handler or just his pa who goes well with Eleanor?
She’s a PA, that’s her job. As part of that job, she interacts with his stunts and helps deals with things. She seems to get along with E as well.
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alltheselights · 6 years
Eleanor the beard? Check. Jessie the beard handler? Check. Annas the bar/club stunt coordinator? Check. Only unflattering photos chosen to represent Louis in the Daily Mail and the Sun to prompt commenters to accuse him of being a drug addict even though there are way more pictures of him looking normal and walking happily with Lottie? Check. When the fuck are things going to change???
I wish I knew.
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louehvolution · 6 years
Time to be vocal. Hope people are tweeting Louis' team - Mark Gillespie, Matt Vines, ThreeSixZero about their displeasure. We won't stand for this kind of promo for Louis anymore, and these bottom-feeder press features. He needs a great launch next year for his new music and this bullshit won't fly. Let his team know and use your voice!
Hi, anon,
I’m all for @-ing his team like we did with JGG. But realistically, beyond leaving some kind of record of their mismanagement and some awareness and condemnation of it - which is worth something, don’t get me wrong - what does our displeasure mean to them?
Any good team taking on an artist will look into their fanbase, and will be well aware of what they want to consume and what they don’t. Any good team would want to strengthen and increase an existing fanbase, finding the best ways to engage with old fans as well as reach new audiences - rather than building on precarious foundations and chipping away at all the weak spots.
But it doesn’t seem like this new team cares any more than the old one? One of the first things they did was follow Eleanor on IG. Why? What possible justification is there for that? There was an official confirmation of signing with Louis, and then nothing from their camp to signal they are working with him until an IG post with a questionable choice of setting - clubbing after the XF final - with some questionable wording. [I understand not being able to trash it, but what a blast?] Jessie the stunt handler was partying with Matt Vines the other night. I can’t be the only one who gets Russell Eslamifar vibes?
Russell who posted a picture of himself in a hot tub making fun of fans’ frustrations. And Russell who was nominated for an award for best management. They are not incompetent. They are not unaware.
Up until now what has there been? Eleanor omnipresent for months, and Louis pulling insane hours at the XF house while being completely erased as an artist, except for two pictures in the studio - as opposed to regular XF content on his social media - and a couple of tweets that always came along with XF or some other type of promo or subject.
Look at Liam headlining an innovative show tonight, distributing merch straight to his fans at a music event. While Louis’ merch has been sighted over the course of almost an entire year: while Louis was stunting, on Eleanor and Nizam backstage at XF, and leaked on a website. That is not normal.
The same article as last year following the XF finale of Louis clubbing with Eleanor in the headline. A round of press about an old feud. The small publication House of Solo being ridiculously unprofessional…
And now, essentially kickstarting promo for his single - it’s the first ‘official’ mention of a single coming - a tabloid trash award that’s no compliment at all for an ‘exclusive’ interview with headlines about his mother; Freddie; and, in a way, his failings [he should have asked for a collab but didn’t] in order to essentially give a throwback to XF and promote it - see how they got the legend Nile Rodgers to judge?
He continues to be defined by fatherhood and XF, and his loss sensationalised, and used to legitimise the stunt narratives. His music continues to come as a side note to his ‘personal life’ which is the focus. 
This is not what he needs or deserves.
And his new team knows this, without a doubt.
Since his solo launch, marked by beard headline in The Sun exclusive about the music video; Freddie + guitar IG post and round of press; Dan Wootton interview and press, including some presenting him as borderline homophobic; the Andy Cohen E tattoo horror; and interviews riddled with the same talking points about Eleanor, Freddie, 1D and XF/Simon, the girl band… that, despite Louis’ best efforts, were made to overshadow his music - the strategy seemed bent on erasing him as an artist as much as possible, and alienating fans. An absolutely deliberate strategy. Interviewers confirmed his management insisted on certain questions. And no doubt on the headlines. Despite fans arguing or pleading.
Today’s Metro article seems to indicate that this has not changed.
Perhaps the rest of promo in January will be different. But it’s not encouraging that this is how it starts.
It’s worth calling them out, and letting everyone know we’re here for Louis and his music. The most important thing we can do for Louis is to stay. To continue supporting him and his music as much as possible; continue sharing, buying, streaming and supporting his music and content related to it.
But never ignoring and denying what is being done to him in the process. Because it’s wrong and unfair, and it matters. Dismissing abuse only contributes to silence the victims, further isolating them and denying them what solace acknowledgement and understanding might bring them.
God, Louis deserves so, so much better. Everything shouldn’t come at a price for him, he shouldn’t have to go through so much just to be allowed to exist. :(
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aristocratslog · 2 years
Pantser (Shielded) (2021, Jan Verdijk) from DPPLR on Vimeo.
Who can be trusted during a worldwide pandemic?
** Winner Gouden Kalf Best Short Film - Nederlands Film Festival 2021 ** ** Vimeo Staff Pick ** ** Short of the Week Official Premiere shortoftheweek.com/2022/02/03/pantser-shielded/ *** ** Telluride Horror Show 2021 Official Selection ** ** LA screamfest 2021 Official Selection ** 
A DPPLR Production Written & Directed by Jan Verdijk Starring Nola Elvis Kemper, Femke de Booys & Ward Weemhoff
This film was supported by the Netherlands Film Fund 
Producer - Daniel Dow Line Producer - Lino Kempees Director of Photography - Noël Schoolderman Production Design - Jazz Kuipers Music - Koen van de Wardt Editing- Joshua Menco Casting - Madelief Blanken First AD - René Jonkers, Timo Ottevanger, Said Aafer
First AC - Alyssa van Veen Second AC - Boyd Bakema, Massimo Rangda Grip - Pim Brandsen, Melle Vaarzon Morel Gaffer - Jeroen Zwart Electrician - Ayke Govaart, Nina Kleinstra, Sam van Vught
 Art Director - Joardy Tummers Set Designer - Jade Hermans Set Dresser - Lena Visser Costumes - Minke Lunter Styling - Roxanne Mion MUA - Renee Wijnhoven SFX - Rolf te Booij
Production Manager - Floor Geleijns Production Coordinator - Jimi Visser Location Manager - Johan Wijffelaars Location Scout - Matthias Cleerdin Covid Manager - Hotze Eising Chaperone - Doenja Coolen Security - Jip Rietveld Animal Handler - Ton Does
Colorist - Ruben Labree Online editor - Laura Brouwer Transcoding - Niels Koopman Postproduction Assistant - Martijn Teelen
Sound Recordist - Ruud Bouma, Sjoerd Kats, Joris Prakken Sound Design - KlevR Sounddesign (Lennart Kleinen, Alan van Ramshorst, Kirill den Outer) Foley Artist - Yuri Pridachin (Foley First)
Visual Effects - Jos Wabeke, Luke Pompe (Brandspanking) Stunt Coordinator - Liam O'Callaghan, Simon van Lammeren
Script Consultant - Jessie Tiemeijer Script Supervisor - Lauren Weinberg
Poster Design - Silas Onoja
The Netherlands Film Fund - Dorien van de Pas, Mirjam Bal
Special Thanks to - Lites Film, Gripwise, Camalot, Action Pact, Hotel Asteria Wageningen, Edward van de Zande, Landgoed Roghairsparren 'Huis van de Burgemeester', Juliette Hielckert, Nils Vleugels, Maarten Groen, Christine de Groot, Gerhard Gosselink, Teuntje van de Brink, Sarah Offringa, Kurt Platvoet, Favor Talents, Moeder Anne Casting
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artwalktv · 3 years
** Winner Gouden Kalf Best Short Film - Nederlands Film Festival 2021 ** ** Short of the Week Official Premiere 2022 *** ** Telluride Horror Show 2021 Official Selection ** ** LA screamfest 2021 Official Selection ** A DPPLR Production Written & Directed by Jan Verdijk Starring Nola Elvis Kemper, Femke de Booys & Ward Weemhoff This film was supported by the Netherlands Film Fund  Producer - Daniel Dow Line Producer - Lino Kempees Director of Photography - Noël Schoolderman Production Design - Jazz Kuipers Music - Koen van de Wardt Editing- Joshua Menco Casting - Madelief Blanken First AD - René Jonkers, Timo Ottevanger, Said Aafer First AC - Alyssa van Veen Second AC - Boyd Bakema, Massimo Rangda Grip - Pim Brandsen, Melle Vaarzon Morel Gaffer - Jeroen Zwart Electrician - Ayke Govaart, Nina Kleinstra, Sam van Vught
 Art Director - Joardy Tummers Set Designer - Jade Hermans Set Dresser - Lena Visser Costumes - Minke Lunter Styling - Roxanne Mion MUA - Renee Wijnhoven SFX - Rolf te Booij Production Manager - Floor Geleijns Production Coordinator - Jimi Visser Location Manager - Johan Wijffelaars Covid Manager - Hotze Eising Chaperone - Doenja Coolen Security - Jip Rietveld Animal Handler - Ton Does Colorist - Ruben Labree Online editor - Laura Brouwer Transcoding - Niels Koopman Postproduction Assistant - Martijn Teelen Sound Recordist - Ruud Bouma, Sjoerd Kats, Joris Prakken Sound Design - KlevR Sounddesign (Lennart Kleinen, Alan van Ramshorst, Kirill den Outer) Foley Artist - Yuri Pridachin (Foley First) Visual Effects - Jos Wabeke, Luke Pompe (Brandspanking) Stunt Coordinator - Liam O'Callaghan, Simon van Lammeren Script Consultant - Jessie Tiemeijer Script Supervisor - Lauren Weinberg Poster Design - Silas Onoja The Netherlands Film Fund - Dorien van de Pas, Mirjam Bal Special Thanks to - Lites Film, Gripwise, Camalot, Action Pact, Hotel Asteria Wageningen, Edward van de Zande, Landgoed Roghairsparren 'Huis van de Burgemeester', Juliette Hielckert, Nils Vleugels, Maarten Groen, Christine de Groot, Gerhard Gosselink, Teuntje van de Brink, Sarah Offringa, Kurt Platvoet, Favor Talents, Moeder Anne Casting
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1dhq · 7 years
LMAO Elk returns to IG sories after she got papped yesterday to follow up with BTY official release date and now she's hanging out with Jessie Martin the stunt handler™ at a London zoo LMAO (how must Danielle feel now?)
i'm just having a good laugh about the absolute transparency of jessie's job and eleanor's involvement lol
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onelifeforlouisandi · 5 years
Hi why is it terrible that Jessie is playing his management part? Is she a bad person?
She is a terrible professional and she isn’t qualified to do this job. She was louis PA until yesterday. She was in Mexico when Louis released wmi, Mexico, and there she stayed for a week. Good manager? Good PA? I don’t think so. She is there to handle demon, that’s why she was always called stunt handler. She takes demon for walks and they spend time together on weekdays. Good manager for Louis? Good PA for Louis? I don’t think so.
I don’t know why she is still around, she wasn’t a good PA and she definitely lacks a lot to be a manager.
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hyunjining · 7 years
@angelboyslarry jessie martin, dubbed the "stunt handler" because she always used to accompany l*uelle everywhere and she hangs out w/ eleanor sometimes... she's also followed by danielle, eleanor and briana on ig lmfao
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Sat 22 June🏳️‍🌈
Matty Selly posted photo booth pics of himself and his cousins, a group which includes Harry (and Gemma) from a family wedding on the 20th. The tiny pics of pics are not great for spotting detail so while some are pleased about Harry's possible facial hair situation I'm just personally gonna cross my fingers that it's more of a general stubble until proven otherwise. Anyway they all look very happy, I hope it was a good time for everybody, and if Harry has decided that a moustache is the way to go I will support him in his right to do whatever he wants with his face <sobs violently into a pillow>
Ruth Anne Cunningham talked about writing with Niall for NH2. She wrote on some fan favorites on Flicker (as well as No Control and WDBHG, talk about fan favorites) so this is welcome news! And Niall retweeted Official Irish Charts who congratulated 1D on being the group with the most number one albums on the charts of the whole decade.
Meanwhile Sky One who recently rebranded themselves as a "Louis fan account" apparently got a crash course in fandom dynamics and scrambled to re-rebrand to say "we love Harry and Louis equally." Good luck with that there's no satisfying people BUT the "Louis & Harry 💕💕💕" post was a savvy attempt! And Kacey Musgraves posted a throwback photo of her and Harry singing You're Still The One at MSG for the year anniversary of the occasion which is what many of us were also doing so she gets to count as a fan account too for today.
Not sure how to classify Louis team member Jessie Martin's post though- she posted some lyrics from a Catfish and the Bottlemen song. Specifically, the same lyrics Louis recently posted, from the song that starts with the word Larry. And then she quickly deleted the tweet. Some interpretations: it's what they've been listening to around the office lately and she was feeling it but immediately got one thousand "LARRY" replies and was like oh hell what have I done. Or she was the one who posted it to Louis' account (she almost certainly does some of the LTHQ stuff, she would have access to his account probably) and this was an error related to that. Or Louis is going to cover the song (that would be... A CONCEPT wow. Like a really good choice musically it would totally make sense but there are other of their songs that also would and would not involve Louis standing onstage singing about 'Larry' which would really... be something. BUT there's no actual reason to think that's happening, as of now it's quite a leap, but people were saying it so there ya go.) Or...? Did I miss any? Hit me up with your conspiracy theories!!
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katesotherpage · 7 years
Eleanor's out there snapping the stunt handler Jessie literally doing our work for us, nice
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dreamings-free · 4 years
Whos jessie?
she’s part of louis current team but she’s been around since the 1D days and somehow always around stunts, earning her the title of "stunt-handler" though i have to admit i didn’t really pay attention to her back then. i also don’t think we know for sure who employs her now, but probably seven7
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sweariwouldnt · 8 years
Hi I a new to the fandom and see the references to Jessie...but can't find anything on who she is? Can you help? Much appreciated!!!
Hi Nonnikins, and welcome, or should I say my condolences ;) 
We are not quite sure on her specific role but she seems to work as a sort of stunt handler/PR/PA role under some Sony connection. I’m very bad at explaining this but luckily a few people are better - I’ll reblog a post that explains it better (sorry I’m useless with links today), and you can search her blog with the tag ‘Jessie Martin’ as well. 
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hyunjining · 7 years
i just remembered that eleanor just followed stunt handler jessie martin rip!
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strangenewfriends · 5 years
Isn't Jessie the stunt handler? But the stunts not there? 🤔🤨🙄😏😜🤪🧐🤞
She’s an assistant
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