#sturmhond aesthetic
kaitlinamberxo · 2 months
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“He’s damnably handsome. Brave in battle, smart as a whip. An excellent dancer, oh, and an even better shot.”
kaitlin's 100 favorite fictional muses — 97/100: Nikolai Lantsov / Sturmhond
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 1 year
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"He would not rest until his country could too. And he would never turn his back on a wounded man, even if that wounded man was him." -Nikolai Lanstov, Korol Rezni (King of Scars)
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alectology-archive · 2 years
wait the costumes do look sooo much better for the second season
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korolnichevoya · 11 months
redoing my tags part 1
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okay I’ve seen posts from a handful of creators on sjm’s next series and how it’ll get tied into her old ones… (all the screenshots I’m posting here belong to @/emilystheories but I’ve seen other blogs mention it too)
Crucial Side Note: any criticisms I bring up about sjm/her series have nothing to do with emilystheories, I’m just trying to give credit where it’s due and get you the background info on what the hell I’m ranting about this time
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All this to say… why? What purpose is served by making three separate (lengthy) series part of a larger multiverse besides alienating casual enjoyers?
The grishaverse is great because you can read both series or just one or not read anything and only watch the show and you’re not lost. If you read S&B I’m sure the end of CK was even better for you since you recognize Sturmhond, you already know Genya and Zoya — but for someone who didn’t read it, I just got to be pleasantly surprised when the privateer turned out to be a king. Gee, who would’ve seen that coming?!
Little nods to other characters/content isn’t the same thing as a whole complex multiverse, and honestly, I’m not sure sjm has the writing chops to pull something like this off. She’s already had many moments and characterizations in the individual series that felt rushed or retconned (at least acotar & tog, bc I haven’t read cc) that I’m not sure how she plans to seamlessly tie everything together. Her world building is also flawed, incohesive, an amalgamation of different aesthetics from real-world cultures thrown together into a soup with no respect for the source material. She focuses too much attention on certain characters, countries, and courts while she leaves others half-built or barely-there… if Twilight of the Gods is the multiverse culmination of tog, acotar and cc, it’ll be an incoherent mess.
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usmsgutterson · 2 years
LAVENDER HAZE- Nikolai Lantsov
Okay! First fic for the midnights event! For those who don’t know, Midnights is the album by Taylor Swift that came out a week and a half ago. In short, a bit of chaos between @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r​ and myself ensued and here we are!
I have a few things to clarify before we jump in, however. None of the fics in this event are song fics. Some of them will have lyrics from the song somewhere or the song title referenced, but I primarily based them off whatever the like, vibe of the song is? The fics will hopefully match the songs aesthetic pretty well, but if they don’t, I apologize in advance. 
Fic type- fluff
Warnings- none
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The largest part of being a royal was being under public scrutiny near-constantly. At every single dinner, every gala, every time you showed your face, had an opinion to voice, you were critiqued. Notes about your outfit were made by journalists who’d later critique them in their gossip newspapers. Notes about the way you stood, what your expression was as you stood in front of a crowd.
People even made it their own prerogative to assume things about your relationship, to make assumptions and then to treat those assumptions as the truth, only to be confronted by the real truth when it smacked them across the face. They were hurt when it finally did, when the writers of the gossip newspapers saw you and Nikolai in public, hands interlaced, grins on your faces and love clear as day in your eyes.
Nikolai and yourself had been courting since before the civil war. You’d been around as long as he’d known Dominik, your relationship having begun at sixteen. The three of you enlisted in the First Army together, and when Nikolai took to his boats and the identity of Sturmhond, you’d been at his side, his partner in all things, love and war included.
“How do you do it, my love?” Nikolai asked as you stepped out of the carriage. The two of you would enter a building, enjoy two minutes of private time while you walked down a long corridor before you met a crowd. “How do you handle all of this with such cadence as you do? I wouldn’t mind knowing a few of your tricks.”
“You get used to it,” you said with a laugh. “I would’ve presumed you knew that. You’ve been handling this all your life, have you not?” Nikolai offered a mere shrug as the two of you proceeded up a long marble staircase.
“You seem to handle it better than I sometimes,” he said. “You handle it beautifully, Y/N.”
You took his hand, interlacing your fingers and pressing a kiss to his cheekbone. “I thank you for your compliments, but I’d rather not be blushing when we face the crowd, Nik. It’ll become all the news if I am. The writers will assume you’d told me something scandalous beforehand.”
Nikolai laughed, an easy, open laugh as the two of you reached the landing and the doors for the venue opened.
“Heaven forbid I make the love of my life blush when doing so is just so fun,” he said. “Oh, the gossip writers! Their dresses and suits will certainly be in knots if we dare!” You laughed, giving his hand a squeeze as he straightened his shoulders. About a minute into your walk down the corridor, Nikolai would straighten his expression to convey what seemed to be happy indifference, though the two of you both knew that you would rather be anywhere else than addressing a crowd.
“I love you, Nik,” you said.
He grinned as the two of you stepped past the venues threshold.
“I love you too,” he said.
The walk through the corridor was quiet, the pair of you heading down it and putting up the royal façade like it was second nature. Your shoulders straightened, expression nullified into simple indifference.
You’d long learned what to do to keep your relationship private, to keep the writers and their gossip from assuming much of anything. The people got what you gave them in terms of your relationship with Nikolai. They got your loving gazes as you watched one another across rooms, the fact that you didn’t shy away from holding hands or just looking like a couple when you were seen taking walks on tours throughout various Ravkan cities.
It was funny to you, really. Every single gossip column that you’d read in regards to yourself had always had a specific point of speculation. When would there be an engagement? You’d been seen with rings on your finger before, could that possibly mean that the Ravkan royal you loved had finally proposed, after nearly ten years together?
The doors to the crowd were opened, and you let yourself cast a look to your lover as the two of you stepped past the threshold and onto the stage. He met your gaze, grinning at you for only a moment before the both you had to turn your attentions to the crowd.
You found yourself fighting an eyeroll as you recognized the faces of several gossip writers. There was respect for them somewhere, but to be in attendance at an announcement about the reduction of the debts Ravka owed to other countries? There was nothing worthy of note there, unless they were going to treat the fact that the debts Ravka owed had gone down by thirty percent as a rumor, as something only being said to ensure that the Ravkan royals still looked good to the citizens, even though the thirty percent decrease was precisely the truth.
Or, perhaps, it seemed likely that they’d comment on you. Your outfit, your expression. How many times you glanced at Nikolai or how many times you glanced away from him. How long you kept your eyes on the crowd, because how dare you look at the group of people whom your spouse is addressing? The gossip writers liked to make scandals out of anything, and they’d surely find a way to make a scandal out of that. They’d twist a detail so that it looked how they wanted it to, take something out of context or just blatantly make something up. It was all that gossip writers tended to be much good for, anyway.
The announcement finished, and once again, you and Nikolai found yourselves walking down that corridor. You couldn’t hear it, but you knew that the gossip writers were rushing outside while you and Nikolai walked, prepared to shout questions, demand answers, and remain upset when no answers were given.
“You’re ready to be asked if we’re engaged for the umpteenth time?” Nikolai asked, steeling his shoulders as though preparing for it. “Oh, the gossip writers never stop, do they?”
You laughed, leaning your head against Nikolais shoulder for a moment. “They never do. I just don’t think it’s in their nature, but yes. I’m ready to face it. I’ve become more than capable of facing it since the civil war, have you not?”
The rumors of engagement, the talks of coronations and marriages, they’d been happening since Nikolai was crowned king. The two of you had long learned to ignore them, content to remain in your bubble of romantics away from the rest of the outside world. You were content to remain there and you would’ve preferred staying there rather than having to face the writers of the gossip mags who showed up where they weren’t needed.
The doors opened, the two of you stepped out, and instantly, you were bombarded.
“King Nikolai, you do realize that you need to find someone whom you can rule alongside in the coming years? You need to provide an heir to the throne before it is too late to do so!”
“King Nikolai, what is your relationship with your honorable consort like? Can you tell us any of the details?”
“Y/N, you were spotted with a ring on your finger just last week! Can you tell us whether or not you and the king are engaged? My readers would love to be the first ones to have such information!”
“Y/N! When is the wedding? Have you begun the planning process yet?”
“Y/N, how well have you accustomed to royal life since the start of the civil war?”
The words drowned out all others as the two of you cascaded down the steps, both of you eager to get to the carriage and a safe distance away from everyone who wanted every piece of your life, including the ones you remained unwilling to give.
As the carriage doors opened and the questions continued, Nikolai said the words that made a silence ring true over the crowd.
“My partner and I do not wish to comment on your questions, which were asked at a grossly inappropriate time. You may consider that an engagement would be so obvious that questions would not have to be asked. You may also consider that my partner and I do not owe you explanations of any kind. We thank you so much for your time, however, and bid you all good day.”
With the word, Nikolai and yourself both climbed into the carriage, grinning triumphantly as the doors closed and the voices stopped. He leaned across the space between the two of you, pressing a quick kiss to your lips and one to your hand before sitting back and closing his eyes.
“We did it,” he said.
You laughed. “Back to our perfect romance we shall go.”
Nikolai opened an eye, gave you a charming grin that had you falling head over heels all over again.
“I can’t wait,” he said. “I love every minute. I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Nik.”
The romance you had with him was perfect, certainly, the lavender haze was worth every minute of fighting. Every minute of disagreement was worth it for all the perfect moments in between.
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inkbirdie · 2 years
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starstruckwillows · 2 years
hi !!!
if it's allowed may i request a 🃏for six of crows? you can just ignore this ask if not. the info is the same as before - i'll just copy paste it here:)
I'm fourteen (nearly 15 :D) 5'5". I've got shoulder length (VERY) curly black hair, brown eyes, and glasses. I'm a pretty quiet person most of the time, unless i know someone well and like them a lot and get attached very firmly to people. i've been described as 'smart and funny but an idiot' too many times to be funny anymore. this is a bit of a tangent but it's funny, i swear - when i was a little younger, i put some coconut oil in a pan when i was trying to heat up some bread (because the current was cut and i was hungry so i adapted to my unfortunate circumstances) instead of putting on butter. my family still makes fun of me for it - i get excited really easily and i can't really control how loud i get when i get too Emotiony and i get a little bit insecure when someone calls me out on it. I really love space, science, engineering and physics and i'd love to pursue a career in it or study those subjects in college when i'm older
i also write sometimes, though i don't think it's very good, it's fun to just chicken-scratch sometimes
tysm in advance <333
ofc you can!! 🤎
okay okay okay so you'd be a massively important member during heists, particularly ones involving vehicles or any sort of mechanics, and you've got the whole steampunk aesthetic going on. jesper is always getting in your way, faffing around you, while you work on anything with gears. if you start explaining something to the dregs and someone dares comment on or laugh about your enthusiasm, inej will glare at them sharper than her knives could ever be.
you'd arrived on the docks of ketterdam bright-eyed and eager, enrolling in the university, and very quickly falling into the barrel. not by any nefarious means such as gambling or drugs, but because you very quickly befriended inej, and from there, kaz took an interest in your talents.
wylan is more chemistry based, you're more physics based, and with nina mastering human biology, you form a mean trio.
during the events of crooked kingdom, you were delighted to meet the privateer sturmhond, who later turned out to be the king of ravka, and talk about his brilliant inventions with him. working with grisha, and mixing their power with regular science, is pure genius.
following these events, you come up with the perfect solution. working with grisha in the barrel to start a school of sorts, where they can practice under senior grisha to master the small science, much like the little palace in ravka, and practice other sciences with you, learning two valuable skills.
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ohhthereuare · 3 years
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“Anything worth doing always starts as a bad idea.” - Sturmhond / Nikolai Lantsov ⚓️
✨ (if ben barnes could be manifested into the darkling after a fan edit then so can evan roderick) ✨
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lagarta-isabo · 3 years
Accidentally found quite interesting casting for Nikolai Lantsov in future seasons of Shadow And Bone - Michael Provost. Of course, Daniel Sharman is perfect for this character, but I don't know what age do they plan to show Sturmhond? Michael is closer to Jessie by age, looks quite talanted and very alike of young King Of Scars. Closer to "puppy" look)
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Zoyalai Aesthetic
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anveyegres · 3 years
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Nikolai had been told that hope was dangerous, had been warned of it many times. But he’d never believed that. Hope was the wind that came from nowhere to fill your sails and carry you home.
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littlemoondance · 3 years
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I just read the Shadow and Bone trilogy and immediately had to make mood boards 😅
Tap here for my Six of Crows mood boards.
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1ghibligirl · 3 years
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Hi my phone is Nikolai Lantsov themed and I'm going to make it everyone's problem🥰💖
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evasjacks · 3 years
what about….a sturmhond playlist 😳
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Completed Book Aesthetics
"When people say impossible, they usually mean improbable." ~ Nikolai Lanstov
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