#stygian original
dragon-wishes · 5 months
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monhun fusion custom comm :) ruiner nergigante/stygian zinogre hybrid. had a lot of fun with this guy!!
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damnwyverngems · 1 year
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Stygian Zinogre original figure by DragonFrontierStudio
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whitestorm0 · 2 years
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two of my ocs as monster hunter monsties! (ive never drawn mh monsters before so be kind-)
i never posted those ocs im referencing here before,, ill post them here another time! just to give an idea: roselle my bunny girl oc is the lagombi, and vide my wolf girl oc is the stygian zinorgre!
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mfreelovely · 1 year
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My newest D&D character, Tephna of Wytchwood!
She's a gloom stalker ranger I made for a Stygian Library fun little campaign the vivacious and wonderful @oracleeyesart is running.
She's very outside of the kind of character I usually play and I'm SO EXCITED!!
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caged-nights · 5 months
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⛓️"Put your fucking dogs on a leash!"⛓️
The two executioners, the loyal hunting dogs of their "clan".
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eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
oh em gee can i have a title
(TW: Unwanted tangent. I’m so sorry.)
(Previous post)
I mean—it stems from the kuro blog chess idea.
I suppose if a blog is particularly sticky-outy/popular, I take note of what they’d have a title for.
Like, @anawkwardlady and @nullb1rdbones would be the knights of the board for they both impact the Alois (and Claude) community greatly—in their own respective rights (conceptually, therefore anointed two of the hierarchal pieces—Nana with her Weston AU and scenario posts, and Null with their fanfictions, art and S2 rewrite). Hence the “Dame” title for Nana (Null can choose what they deem most fitting for themselves).
I’ve already got the queen worked out (we all know who that is, and due to my recent posting habits, so does she @pain-in-the-butler), and I’ve only speculated the king. (Also worthy to note that art-only blogs don’t register with me—and as amazing as they all are (@/i-n-e-a, @/vapidus-art, etc.) I haven’t added them to the idea. And to that I abide and apologise.)
The hierarchal pieces would be those especially known for concepts or multi-characters pawns would most probably be less-noteworthy blogs in terms of popularity, but still highly prominent in the community.
Pawns would also be assigned to a singular character and perhaps a representative democratically (although it’s just me who’s deciding the roles… sorry, I am such a dictator, I know) or communally elected or merely agreed upon by the communities they are meant to represent.
This is mostly due to the holy-fuck-what amount of Grelle-based blogs there are (especially those with manga-panel profile pictures, like by god, there is a lot), therefore they, as a mostly unspoken but vast community need a president or mayor of sorts.
(Honestly, I’m stuck between @cherumie — who I’ve already called the Grelle Messiah* in the past — and @milfhandholder, they’re both so equally incredible in their own rights. Plus Maia’s written The Whole Being Dead Thing. So… scores, people. Scores. /jk)
As for the UT representative, I can only assume @abybweisse or @imintobones would be a good place holder (although I’m sooner to elect Bones, because the former isn’t just Undertaker-based and therefore would be better suited to a turret or castle or whatever those things are called… as their lengthy analyses on Kuro pieces allow them to travel lengthy paths along the board).
(Plus, if imintobones and cherumie were elected as character representatives, and then Grelltaker was ever hinted or directed to in canon—which it most probably will not, but the idea’s been stuck in my mind ever since I proposed it to bones himself—I just think they should collab or hold hands (/p), or something. As a celebration. The fandom would go wild.)
I’m still stuck on the knaves and other pawns, though. I’d appreciate help on those, thusly.
TL;DR: You’re the head of cherumie’s (or milfhandholder’s) presidential office.
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Don't underestimate Nico
I wrote this because I agree with some other posts that I've been seeing that point out Nico is underestimated and thought weak just because he's described as thin and deathly looking.
Note: I made up 'Josh'
Piper: ...and this is the arena where we practice fighting and engage in chariot races.
Josh: Who's that dude?
Josh pointed to a thin guy with messy black hair who using a black blade to decapitate dummies with one swing.
Piper: Oh, that's Nico di Angelo.
Josh: I bet I could take him.
Piper: (eyes widen) I wouldn't be so sure you know. He's one of the best sword fighters we've got, and he can do all kinds of weird stuff. He's a son of Hades.
Josh: Hand me a sword and just watch me take that little dude!
Piper: Well, I see you can't be dissuaded...
Piper handed the new guy a sword.
Josh confidently made his way into the arena with a little swagger in his step.
Nico could already tell that this dude thought he was real hotshot. The corners of his lips turned up in a smirk.
Josh: Yeah, I bet I can wipe that smirk from your face, pretty boy.
Nico twirled his Stygian Iron blade in a circle and caught it by the handle.
Nico: Alright then. I'll play. Lesson one. Always be on your guard for sudden attacks.
With that Nico charged, and Josh had to jump back to dodge a hard swing.
Josh brought his blade swinging around and slammed it into Nico's. Nico smirked again.
Nico: Let's see you deflect this.
Nico set his jaw into a fierce expression and brought his blade down on Josh's with all his might. It was all Josh could do to keep his sword up.
Nico gave him no time to recover. He swung hard two more times in rapid succession.
Josh began a retreat, just as Nico expected. He jumped backwards.
Nico: Now you're just giving me an opening!
Nico lunged and thrust his sword out, making Josh jump back again.
Then Nico went for an unexpected maneuver. He crouched down and then swung up hard, forcing Josh to lower his blade to deflect.
Nico twirled his sword around with seemingly lightning speed and swung, stopping his blade when it was a mere inch from going through Josh's stomach.
Nico: (smiles) Not bad, but I win.
Josh was absolutely thrown for a loop. How could he have so underestimated Nico?
Josh: I'd hate to be your enemy.
Nico: That makes two of us. It took guts for you to come at me. I like that! Anytime you want to try again, just find me. I'll give you good practice, and I don't extend that offer to just anyone.
Josh went to where Piper was sitting.
Piper: Geez. I thought Nico was going to slice you in half. Instead, you managed to impress the guy.
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dragon-doggo · 2 years
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“You are trapped in my labyrinth, little rabbit. Can you solve the puzzles and escape?”
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failmeep · 4 months
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I've updated Meep's Design! Leaning way more into Semi-Realism and Barn Owls instead of being a mix of Barn Owls and Horned Owls! Their vines still act like arms and they emote mostly with those!
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I made a detailed forest scene for them! My first piece of art as a "scene"! This was actually made for a 3DS theme!
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Meep's Palette page! Gave them a bunch of alt palettes in case people wanted to use different versions for them! 1. Barn Owl 2. Horned Owl 3. Stygian Owl 4. Hyacinth Flower 5. Rose Flower 6. Lily Flower 7. Arctic owl 8. Samus 9. Crow
This is something I've had in the works for a while, sharing stuff in private! Glad I can finally release it to the world!
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fourcloven · 5 months
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sketchbook from april ✨
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heilos · 3 months
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Living Harmony AU relevant character sheets/info: Harmony aka the "Tree of Harmony" Stygian Somnambula Starswirl the Bearded Shadow Lock is actually an official canon character from the IDW comics No. 51-53 and I really enjoyed his mini arc introduction enough to include him as a more significant part of my "Living Harmony" MLP AU animation project. When I found out he's a direct descendant of Stygian, one of the Pillars of Equestria, I had to find a way to work him in and give him a bit of an updated design to fit more into my story setting I have planned. My good friend Ori helped vector my finalized concept redesign in the very top image. Listed below is some character and story context for these sketches provided by my myself and Ori who's been a huge help in fleshing out the world building with this cast of characters I'm using in this AU so far. Shadow Lock's main abilities and canon backstory are expanded upon and/or flavored a bit differently here as well.
Stygian’s distant descendant, the last living branch in his family tree
Lives alone in his family’s castle after they retired to the town of Somnambula
Temporary antagonist to the mane 6 that stems from a fear of the Pony of Shadows returning to plague Equestria
Believed he was descended from a monster and desperately tried to erase any mention of the Pony of Shadows from written history
Was talked down from his history erasing spree by Twilight and ends up traveling around Equestria to find more info on the Pony of Shadows, without trying to erase the knowledge this time, and prevent it from returning
The symbol on the front of Shadow Lock’s cloak is his family crest that dates back to Stygian's time period.
There’s a glamor woven into Shadow Lock’s cloak that enshrouds its wearer’s face.
Shadow Lock’s special talent is the concealment and binding of dark magic. He can effectively bind malevolent “spirits” into vessels where they’re unable to cause harm. This can also be reversed as an unbinding spell. ("spirits" in this context are more like a culmination of lingering, concentrated dark magic that takes on a will of its own)
His family castle used to be quite “haunted”. It’s quieter nowadays, but he does have a large collection of miscellaneous items that most ponies would consider “cursed…”
Always carries a healthy stack of books on his person to read and use as a weapon. His spells can pull fictional characters and monsters from stories to fight for him
Created a spell that can trap a creature into experiencing a historical event on loop by using a small amount of written text. The spell can be broken by doing something significant enough that did not occur during the looped event in history.
Shadow Lock and Stygian are extremely hesitant to meet each other at first in present time. The mane 6 and Harmony step in as mediator eventually to help them work out their issues so they can reconnect as family
Much later in the story, Shadow Lock invites Stygian to live in his castle once their family relationship is repaired, the two becoming inseparable
His original design from the comics:
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sassenach77yle · 3 days
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The men sat around the fire after their supper, lazily enjoying the feeling of full stomachs, exchanging stories and scratching.[..]
I was still standing by the fire, frozen in my original position, when Jamie reemerged from the Stygian dark of the forest, a captive before him, one arm twisted behind its back. Loosing his grip, he whirled the dark figure around and gave it an abrupt shove that sent it crashing backward into a tree. The man hit the trunk hard, loosing a shower of leaves and acorns, and slid slowly down to lie dazed in the leaf-meal. Attracted by the noise, Murtagh, Ross, and a couple of the other Fraser men materialized by the fire. Hauling the intruder to his feet, they pulled him roughly into the circle of firelight. Murtagh grabbed the captive by the hair and jerked his head backward, bringing his face into view. It was a small, fine-boned face, with big, long-lashed eyes that blinked dazedly at the crowding faces. “But he’s only a boy!” I exclaimed. “He can’t be more than fifteen!” “Sixteen!” said the boy. He shook his head, senses returning. “Not that that makes any difference,” he added haughtily, in an English accent. Hampshire, I thought. He was a long way from home. “It doesn’t,” Jamie grimly agreed. “Sixteen or sixty, he’s just made a verra creditable attempt at cutting my throat.” I noticed then the reddened handkerchief pressed against the side of his neck. “I shan’t tell you anything,” the boy said. His eyes were dark pools in the pale face, though the firelight shone on the gleam of fair hair. He was clutching one arm tightly in front of him; I thought perhaps it was injured. The boy was clearly making a major effort to stand upright among the men, lips compressed against any wayward expression of fear or pain.
“Some things you don’t need to tell me,” said Jamie, looking the lad over carefully. “One, you’re an Englishman, so likely you’ve come with troops nearby. And two, you’re alone.” The boy seemed startled. “How do you know that?” Jamie raised his eyebrows. “I suppose that ye’d not have attacked me unless you thought that the lady and I were alone. If you were with someone else who also thought that, they would presumably have come to your assistance just now—is your arm broken, by the way? I thought I felt something snap. If you were with someone else who knew we were not alone, they would ha’ stopped ye from trying anything so foolish.” Despite this diagnosis, I noticed three of the men fade discreetly into the forest in response to a signal from Jamie, presumably to check for other intruders. The boy’s expression hardened at hearing his act described as foolish. Jamie dabbed at his neck, then inspected the handkerchief critically. “If you’re tryin’ to kill someone from behind, laddie, pick a man who’s not sitting in a pile of dry leaves,” he advised. “And if you’re using a knife on someone larger than you, pick a surer spot; throat-cutting’s chancy unless your victim will sit still for ye.”
��Thank you for the valuable advice,” the boy sneered. He was doing a fair job at maintaining his bravado, though his eyes flicked nervously from one threatening, whiskered face to another. None of the Highlanders would have won any beauty prizes in broad daylight; by night, they weren’t the sort of thing you wanted to meet in a dark place. Jamie answered courteously, “You’re quite welcome. It’s unfortunate that ye won’t get the chance to apply it in future. Why did you attack me, since I think to ask?” Men, attracted by the noise, had begun filtering in from the surrounding campsites, sliding wraithlike out of the woods. The boy’s glance flickered around the growing circle of men, resting at length on me. He hesitated for a moment, but answered, “I was hoping to release the lady from your custody.” A small stir of suppressed amusement ran around the circle, only to be quelled by a brief gesture from Jamie. “I see,” he said noncommittally. “You heard us talking and determined that the lady is English and well-born. Whereas I—” “Whereas you, sir, are a conscienceless outlaw, with a reputation for thievery and violence! Your face and description are on broadsheets throughout Hampshire and Sussex! I recognized you at once; you’re a rebel and an unprincipled voluptuary!” the boy burst out hotly, face stained a deeper red even than the firelight.[...]
“Aye, well, I’m afraid that I’m no prepared to kill ye—just yet.” Jamie’s voice was soft, filled with a quiet menace all the more frightening for its control. “Who d’ye march with?” The question snapped like a whip, making its hearers flinch. The knife point hovered slightly nearer, smoking in the night wind. “I’ll—I’ll not tell you!” The boy’s lips closed tight on the stammered answer, and a tremor ran down the delicate throat. “Nor how far away your comrades lie? Nor their number? Nor their direction of march?” The questions were put lightly again, with a finicking touch of the blade along the edge of the boy’s jaw. His eyes showed white all around, like a panicked horse, but he shook his head violently, making the golden hair fly. Ross and Kincaid tightened their grip against the pull of the boy’s arms. The darkened blade pressed suddenly flat along its length, hard under the angle of the jaw. There was a thin and breathy scream, and the stink of burning skin. “Jamie!” I said, shocked beyond bearing. He did not turn to look at me, but kept his eyes fixed on his prisoner, who, released from the grip on his arms, had sunk to his knees in the drift of dead leaves, hand clutched to his neck. “This is no concern of yours, Madam,” he said between his teeth. Reaching down, he grabbed the boy by the shirtfront and jerked him to his feet. Wavering, the knife blade rose between them, and poised itself just under the lad’s left eye. Jamie tilted his head in silent question, to receive a minimal but definite negative shake in return. The boy’s voice was no more than a shaky whisper; he had to clear his throat to make himself heard. “N-no,” he said. “No. There is nothing you can do to me that will make me tell you anything.” Jamie held him for a moment longer, eye to eye, then let go of the bunched fabric and stepped back. “No,” he said slowly, “I dinna suppose there is. Not to you. But what about the lady?”[...]
“You may be indifferent to your own welfare, but ye might perhaps have some concern for the lady’s honor, since you were at such pains to rescue her.” Turning me toward himself, he twined his fingers in my hair, forced my head back and kissed me with a deliberate brutality that made me squirm involuntarily in protest.[...]Freeing my hair, he pulled me hard against him, facing the boy on the other side of the fire. The boy’s eyes were enormous, aghast with reflections of flame in the wide dark pupils. “Let her go!” he demanded hoarsely. “What are you proposing to do with her?” Jamie’s hands reached to the neck of my gown. With a sudden jerk, he tore the fabric of gown and shift, baring most of my bosom. Reacting instinctively, I kicked him in the shin. The boy made an inarticulate sound and jerked forward, but was stopped short once more by Ross and Kincaid.“Stop it!” The boy’s voice was trembling, but with outrage now rather than fear. “You—you unspeakable poltroon! How dare you dishonor a lady, you Scottish jackal!” He stood for a moment, chest heaving with emotion, then made up his mind. He raised his jaw and thrust out his chin. “Very well. I do not see that in honor I have any choice. Release the lady and I will tell you what you want to know.”
Face like stone, the boy gave the required information, speaking in brief syllables. His name was William Grey, second son of Viscount Melton. He accompanied a troop of two hundred men, traveling to Dunbar, intending to join there with General Cope’s army. His fellows were presently encamped some three miles to the west. He, William, out walking through the forest, had seen the light of our fire, and come to investigate. No, he had no companion with him. Yes, the troop carried heavy armament, sixteen carriage-mounted “galloper” cannon, and two sixteen-inch mortars. Most of the troop were armed with muskets, and there was one company of thirty horse.[...] He turned back to the prisoner, busying himself in checking the priming and loading of the pistol. The twelve inches of heart-butted metal gleamed dark, the firelight picking out sparks of silver at trigger and priming pin. “Head or heart?” Jamie asked casually, raising his head at last. “Eh?” The boy’s mouth hung open in blank incomprehension. “I am going to shoot you,” Jamie explained patiently. “Spies are usually hanged, but in consideration of your gallantry, I am willing to give you a quick, clean death. Do ye prefer to take the ball in the head, or the heart?” The boy straightened quickly, squaring his shoulders. “Oh, ah, yes, of course.” He licked his lips and swallowed. “I think … in the—in the heart. Thank you,” he added, as an obvious afterthought. He raised his chin, compressing lips that still held a suggestion of their soft, childish curve. Nodding, Jamie cocked the pistol with a click that echoed in the silence under the oak trees. “Wait!” said the prisoner. Jamie looked at him inquiringly, pistol leveled at the thin chest. “What assurance have I that the lady will remain unmolested after I am—after I have gone?” the boy demanded, looking belligerently around the circle of men. His single working hand was clenched hard, but shook nonetheless. Ross made a sound which he skillfully converted into a sneeze.
Jamie lowered the pistol, and with an iron control, kept his face carefully composed in an expression of solemn gravity. “Weel,” he said, the Scots accent growing broader under the strain, “ye ha’ my own word, of course, though I quite see that ye might have some hesitation in accepting the word of a …”—his lip twitched despite himself—“of a Scottish poltroon. Perhaps ye would accept the assurances of the lady herself?” He raised an eyebrow in my direction and Kincaid sprang at once to free me, fumbling awkwardly with the gag. “Jamie!” I exclaimed furiously, mouth freed at last. “This is unconscionable! How could you do such a thing? You—you—”[...]
“James Fraser,” I hissed between clenched teeth. “If you touch that boy, you’ll certainly never share my bed again!” Jamie raised one eyebrow. His canines gleamed briefly in the firelight. “Well, that’s a serious threat, to an unprincipled voluptuary such as myself, but I dinna suppose I can consider my own interests in such a situation. War’s war, after all.” The pistol, which had been allowed to fall, began to rise once more. “Jamie!” I screamed. He lowered the pistol again, and turned to me with an expression of exaggerated patience. “Yes?” I took a deep breath, to keep my voice from shaking with rage. I could only guess what he was up to, and hoped I was doing the right thing. Right or not, when this was over … I choked off an intensely pleasing vision of Jamie writhing on the ground with my foot on his Adam’s apple, in order to concentrate on my present role. “You haven’t any evidence whatever that he’s a spy,” I said. “He says he stumbled on you by accident. Who wouldn’t be curious if they saw a fire out in the woods?” Jamie nodded, following the argument. “Aye, and what about attempted murder? Spy or no, he tried to kill me, and admits as much.” He tenderly fingered the raw scratch at the side of his throat.
“Well, of course he did,” I said hotly. “He says he knew you were an outlaw. There’s a bloody price on your head, for heaven’s sake!” Jamie rubbed his chin dubiously, at last turning to the prisoner. “Well, it’s a point,” he said. “William Grey, your advocate makes a good case for ye. It’s no the policy either of His Highness Prince Charles or myself to execute persons unlawfully, enemy or no.” He summoned Kincaid with a wave of the hand. “Kincaid, you and Ross take this man in the direction he says his camp lies. If the information he gave us proves to be true, tie him to a tree a mile from the camp in the line of march. His friends will find him there tomorrow. If what he told us is not true …”—he paused, cold eyes bent on the prisoner—“cut his throat.” He looked the boy in the face and said, without a shadow of mockery, “I give you your life. I hope ye’ll use it well.”[...]
“I owe you my life,” he said formally. “I should greatly prefer not to, but since you have forced the gift upon me, I must regard it as a debt of honor. I shall hope to discharge that debt in the future, and once it is discharged …” The boy’s voice shook slightly with suppressed hatred, losing all its assumed formality in the utter sincerity of his feelings. “… I’ll kill you!”
Jamie rose from the log to his full height. His face was calm, free of any taint of amusement. He inclined his head gravely to his departing prisoner. “In that case, sir, I must hope that we do not meet again.” The boy straightened his shoulders and returned the bow stiffly. “A Grey does not forget an obligation, sir,” he said, and vanished into the darkness, Kincaid at his elbow. There was a discreet interval of breathless waiting, as the leaf-shuffling sounds of feet moved off through the darkness. Then the laughter started, first with a soft, fizzing noise through the nostrils of one man, then a tentative chuckle from another. Never raucous, still it gathered volume, spiraling round the circle of men.
Dragonfly in amber
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onebadpunspoilsabunch · 8 months
I really think G5 should've been a PREQUEL to G4, instead of a sequel. It could've been about the pillars, or Celestia and Luna as kids, or the founders of Equestria, etc.
That's actually a really great idea. G5 being in the same universe as G4 was most likely a last minute decision made by Hasbro in order to get G4 fans to care about G5, which would explain a few things.
But if they really wanted to do that, why not make it a prequel that doesn't completely destroy the established world, and make everything blander by having it take place in a modern society with smartphones and social media? Lol
The prequel G5 could've shown any number of things:
The founders of Equestria bringing the three pony kinds together and creating Equestria. 
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The Pillars of Equestria, who were brought together by Stygian to defeat the Sirens. It could've focused on their adventures. 
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Celestia and Luna as kids. It could've shown their backstory and how they became separated from the other alicorns. Starswirl finds them and takes them in, training them to be the rulers of Equestria. 
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Luna's descent into Nightmare Moon over the course of the show.
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The backstory behind Alicorns and where they came from. BTW, they gave away where Alicorns come from in a THROWAWAY LINE in G5.
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They could've adapted some of the Fiendship is Magic issues that showed how certain villains came to be (Tirek, Chrysalis, Sombra). Some other villain backstories too, how they rose to power, and their defeats.
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Princess Cadence and Spike's origins. Their parents, how they became separated from them, and them being found and brought to Equestria. 
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I could go on, honestly. But you get the point.
Hasbro doesn't actually own all of the rights to G4, they share it with Discovery Family. So whenever G5 shows or talks about something from G4, Hasbro has to pay royalties to Discovery Family…
So instead of having the prequel G5 be exclusively on a streaming service, or YouTube Kids, they could've just… made the show on Discovery Family, the same as G4. That way they don't have to pay extra money for no reason…
Whatever 😅 I'll stop b**ching
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danika-redgrave124 · 2 months
Umbra Witch Yuu
@sapphirepastries @twisted-dreamscape
I had an idea for Umbra Witch Yuu, so after each Overblot fight. I imagine they get a new weapon from the fight or they get new ones from Rodin if the world's are closely connected and Umbra Witch Yuu can travel to the Gates of Hell.
Queen of Hearts (Heartslabyul)
Royal Reckoning
This enchanted axes embodies the queen's authority and power.
The Royal Reckoning have a special ability called "Hearts' Fury, where upon striking enemies, it creates ethereal projections of playing card suits (hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs) that Swirl around Bayonetta, enhancing her attacks and providing protective barriers.
This axes possesses a vibrant color scheme, incorporating the Queen of Hearts' iconic red and black colors along with intricate details reminiscent of Wonderland's whimsical aesthetic.
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Scar (Savanaclaw)
Predator's Claws
These claws would embody the lethal and stealthy qualities of a predator.
The Predator's Claws have a sleek and deadly elegance of a big cat's claws. They have a dark shadowy appearance with etchings resembling paw prints along the blades.
Their special ability involves a Shadow Stalk, allowing Yuu to momentarily blend into the shadows, becoming nearly invisible to enemies. This enables Yuu to plan surprise attacks or evade incoming threats.
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Ursula (Octavinelle)
Tidebreaker's Grasp
The Tidebreaker's Grasp is a formidable trident with the essence of the ocean depths. The design reflects the swirling, dark waters of the sea, adorned with intricate seashell motifs and a deep, oceanic color palette.
The Tidebreaker's Grasp harnesses the power of the tides, allowing Yuu to manipulate water-based attacks. It summons surges of water to knock down enemies and create a protective barriers of swirling currents that deflect incoming projectiles.
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Jafar (Scarabia)
Eternal Scepter
The Eternal Scepter design features a serpent mortif, with a coiling snake winding around the staff. The staff is adorned with ornate engravings and glowing gemstones, exuding an aura of dark magic.
The Eternal Scepter grants Yuu control over arcane forces, allowing them to unleash devastating magical attacks. It conjures swirling vortexes of dark energy and cast illusions to confuse and disorient her enemies.
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Evil Queen (Pomefiore)
Envious Reflection
The Envious Reflection takes the form of an ornate handheld mirror adorned with intricate filigree and gemstones. The surface gave a dark smoky appearance, hinting at the mirror's mystical and nefarious abilities.
The Envious Reflection have the power of illusion and manipulation. It creates mirage or phantasm duplicates to confuse adversaries, making them doubt reality itself. It possess the ability to felect enemy attacks back upon them, turning their own strengths against them.
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Hades (Ignihyde)
Stygian Reaper
The Styigan Reaper embodies the dark and ominous essence of the underworld. It's design features a sleek obsidian blade adorned with intricate blue etchings depicting scenes from the realm of the dead. The handle is wrapped in firey blue tendrils that writhe and twist giving it an omnious and foreboding appearance.
The Stygian Reaper taps into the powers of the afterlife, allowing Yuu to summon spectral manifestation that drain the vitality of their foes.
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Malefcient (Disamonia)
Nightshade Horns
The Nightshade Horns is a tall and elegant staff, adorned with twisted thorns and dark, iridescent crystals. It's design incorporate dragon motifs and exudes an eerie, greenish glow.
The Nightshade Horns harness the powers of dark sorcery, allowing Bayonetta Yuu to conjure swirling mists of dark energy and unleash bolts of arcane power that linger, causing lingering damages to the enemies.
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I hope this is considered interesting for Umbra Witch Yuu. Also, there was a tag on Bayonetta Yuu on my blog. It was originally on TwistedOverbloat blog, but that has been deactivated, soooo..... yeah.
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qeireinier · 4 months
I think what Original Luo Binghe did to Shen Jiu parallels what happened between Wei Wuxian and Wen Chao. Let me yap.
Look this might sound stupid to you but I just rewatched MDZS and I JUST saw some similarities with PIDW. After coming out of the Burial Mounds, WWX literally tortured WC before his death. The Burial Mounds is a place of literal torture and WWX went through HELL in it without his golden core. Because of what? Because of WC, he's the one who threw him into there.
It's an eye for an eye. WWX must've gotten his organs rearranged, bones crushed by constant attacks from walking corpses, eaten corpse fingers to survive, and many other horrors MXTX didn't mention. So WC SHOULD feel all of that, as payment for his sins to WWX and all other people he inflicted.
With LBG and SJ, the Endless Abyss is almost no different than Burial Mounds except it's festered with demonic instead of resentful energy (I think they're not really the same type?) and various types of beasts iirc. So even with his golden core, it's still harder for LBH because he barely knew how to avoid or fight them, where their weak spots are, etc. And instead of 3 months, it's 5 YEARS so it's enough time for his hatred for SJ to fester like a fairytale witch's soup. In the very beginning, he must've also gone through hell. Maybe the beasts ripped his limbs apart, stabbed his eyes, pulled his tongue out and only because of his Heavenly Demon blood that he recovered himself back (probably). It's very different from running away from resentful corpses because you KNOW just how to fight them off, even though it's just impossible for their number.
So, seeing LBH making SJ into a human stick doesn't surprise me too much. It's the case of an eye for an eye. No, it's still wrong, I'm not justifying it. I'm just making my analysis. THAT'S why it reminds me so much of WC's death.
Even both of the MCs have a demonic object in their hands, the Stygian Tiger Seal and Xin Mo. Both are untamable and capable of driving their holders insane. What differs our MC however—is that WWX has things to lose, and that's why he's often shown to be holding himself back from a killing spree. Hell, he's even the actual most righteous character in the novel.
While LBH doesn't have anything left to lose. He doesn't have a family, friends, all these wives and servants probably don't mean much on him. Also, his demon blood affects his mindset, giving his brain more "predatory instincts" as I'm gonna call it. Added with the fact that he spent more time in the Endless Abyss and how his mind had been corrupted by Xin Mo, LBH would pull a "No More Mr. Nice Guy, Heh >:)". That makes him not so kind as to give SJ the mercy of death. He probably wanted to keep SJ alive for 5 years or maybe forever til his brain finally decides "yep, that's it, go die or whatever idc anymore". Yeah, until BingggeMei extra happened and we could probably assume SJ's death is never gonna happen, but that's for another story nevermind.
However, it does mean that the latter won't hold himself back. The point where he crosses the line is when he burns down the CQMS, kills the Peak Lords, and even went so far as to merge the demonic and mortal realms. That's what differs him from WWX, so much. It's literally canonically said that he's not the nice kind of protag.
SO in conclusion—when I see people talking about how "SJ didn't deserve all that", I'm between agreeing and disagreeing. What LBG did to SJ is terribly inhumane, but that's to be expected from a demon emperor like him. Hey I'm a SJ stan, it doesn't mean my views are completely biased. Especially considering what LBG possibly went through in the Endless Abyss for five years as a mere disciple without a sword like Xuan Su.
I think this is why PIDW readers rooted for LBG, because the story was from his POV. Tragic MC, thrown into the pits of hell by his cruel master. Our perspective is widened through reading SV and we can see the tragic POV of SJ and so we start to root for him too. No, it doesn't mean that either of these 2 are completely right in their choices, the both of them are very flawed and they're trapped in this cycle of abuse, very harmful to the surroundings. We can't fully fault or justify them. Yes, they need therapists, perchance one hidden behind a very powerful barrier in case any of them decides to attack the poor therapist.
But this realization—the parallels between LBG&SJ and WWX&WC—just kind of amazes me. Okay, ted talk ends, thank you for surviving through, if you don't have any nice words to say please scroll away :(
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Sword gays showdown, round 1, bracket three
For Nico:
Son of Hades master of the dead. He wields a dark sword of Stygian iron and commands the dead. He’s also got the cutest relationship with the son of the sun god .
Listen he's one of the OGs rolling up with a Stygian Iron sword and a happy meal about to commit necromancy 
he's a small, (justifiably) angst-filled teenager with a giant black sword that can kill pretty much anything as well as sucking away the victims soul. iconic. 
He definitely uses a sword and I’m pretty sure it’s some rather emo one 
very first canon gay person I ever read * his sword is made of black iron mined in the Underworld and cooled in the River Styx, and traps the monsters he kills within it, preventing them from reforming (this is edgy as all fuck and I love it) * he has used it to raise and command an army of dead spirits
For Liu Qingge:
Warning for spoilers, He’s the War God of Bai Zhan Peak basically the original sword gay in the world of SVSSS, whether or not you ship him with Shen Qingqiu, Luo Binghe or neither the point still stands that he’s a draw his sword first ask questions later kinda guy. Also SQQ basically canonically calls him a pretty boy, what more do you need 
He's one of the best swordsmen in-universe! According to the author, he's not interested in a relationship so he's canonically aro and possibly ace as well!
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