#sua fics
whizzinpast · 4 months
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I would be amazed if Mizi accidentally found herself in this position. In my heart of hearts I am going to believe that Mizi and Ivan are casually affectionate with each other because they’re just Like That. (Also, his finger movements look like he’s trying to mimic the way Till plays his recorder? Or guitar? Hm.)
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Ivan and Mizi (sort of) affection. Sua and Ivan (sort of) affection. Ivan and Till casual affection. Immaculate. I’ve been fed.
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nanaszx · 3 months
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★. same sun
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maluyoongi · 8 months
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título: Diário de Casadinhas 2 data: 26 de janeiro de 2024 programa: ibis paint x doada para: @aitcport link: 📔
eu não ia mais ficar postando capa das doações isoladamente pq acho q o tumblr n gosta muito de engajar capa repetida, mas eu precisava falar DESTA CAPINHA!!! tudo foi feito à mão, desde doodles ao título, e isso me orgulhou tanto. eu me divertido tanto fazendo e eu tenho vontade de mostrar ela pro mundo todo. e usando as duas bandeirinhas óbvio óbvio pq a laranja é linda mas a roxinha é a maioral!
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santiivans · 4 months
taking a break from stuff to scribble
AU where grim reapers Sua and Till randomly pick a file on the next soul they collect. Till gets Mizi (“oh? a pretty girl!”) and Sua gets Ivan (“hm. young.”) But when they go to check on/‘haunt’ them (shadow of death etc.) they find out the locations on the files got switched due to some bureaucratic error at the grim reaper office.
Sua finds Mizi in what's supposed to be Ivan's location, vice versa for Till. Shenanigans occur, then devastation as the angels of death feel themselves get drawn to these two, beautiful people who are not meant to last.
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yaoigoddess9158 · 6 months
I think this fic portrays their characters perfectly and Idk why but I can’t find any more of them 😭😭 (this scene in particular gets me)
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And also this one:
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(Sorry it’s not orv, I’m going through smth rn)
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kimbappykidding · 6 months
Imagine overhearing your crush, Jongho, getting rudely shut down by a mean idol and deciding to do something about it.
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You thought there was nothing worse in the world than watching your crush ask out another girl but you were wrong. 
You'd known Jongho had a crush on Maisie even since he checked her out at an award show and the boys never let him forget it. So when you saw him heading towards her you knew what was going to happen and even though you were sad because he was asking out another girl he was your best friend so you just wanted him to be happy. You were stood on a platform near the girl and so you could hear the whole conversation. You went to move away until you heard her reply and it made you very angry indeed. "I'm sorry I'm just way too pretty for you" Maisie said and your jaw dropped. It's fine for a girl to say no to a guy but there's no reason to be rude about it. Sure if Jongho had been harassing her you'd be praising her for telling him how it is but he'd been nothing but respectful and nice to her. There was no reason for her to hurt him like this. "She did not just say that" you said and your fellow Dreamcatcher member Yoohyeon looked at you "what did she say?" but you shushed her because the conversation was carrying on. Jongho must've also been confused because she was now being even ruder. "Look I only date guys who are at least as good-looking as me and you're not so later" and she walked away. You saw she was actually smiling and felt anger surge through you "I'm going after her" you said but your members, who finally realised what was happening, knew in your current state that probably wasn't a good idea. "Y/n just wait a minute" Dami said and JiU nodded "yeah just take a moment to calm down" when Siyeon grabbed your arm "Y/n you have bigger issues, Jongho". You looked over to where he'd been and froze to see him making a beeline for the door clearly upset and rattled. "Shit" you swore "text Hongjoong and tell him I'll make sure Jongho gets home okay" and you rushed after him.
You found Jongho outside just sitting on the curb staring into space. "Jongho" you called and he looked up but didn't meet your eye. "Hey Y/n I just wanted some air" he said flatly and you nodded coming to sit beside him "okay". You'd known Jongho for 4 years now and in that time learned you just had to let him speak when he was ready. Jongho was silent for a few seconds before he sighed "you know don't you?". You paused before nodding "yeah I heard but Jongho please don't be upset, she's horrible and should be ashamed of herself". Jongho buried his head in his hands not speaking and you looked at him unsure of what to do. "Jongho?" you asked "do you want me to take you home?" and he nodded "yes please". You got him in your car and then paused. "I don't want to talk about it" Jongho said pre-empting your next question and you nodded "okay" and drove home in silence.
Once you got to Jongho's place you came inside and watched tv with him until his members came home. He was quiet all night and the guys asked what happened but he wouldn't tell them. They then asked you once he'd gone to bed and you shook your head "it's Jongho's story to tell, someone was just incredibly rude to him so he might be a little down the next few days. So just keep an eye on him and big him up as much as you can". The boys assured you they would and thanked you for being with him. "I'll always be there for Jongho" you replied and San smiled "Y/n where can I find a woman like you?" and you laughed "with that smile of yours you'll find one easily" and you said goodnight to them all before driving home. Your members were all anxious to know how Jongho was and were furious on his behalf. They didn't know exactly what Maisie said but could guess and all promised the next time they saw Jongho they'd be extra kind to him. You appreciated all their support and texted Jongho before you went to bed telling him you were here if he needed you but didn't get any reply. When you next saw Jongho he acted like that night never happened and you figured he was trying to move on so went along with it. Maisie didn't come up in your everyday conversation anyway so it was easy to pretend she never existed but there was an event looming on the horizon. The yearly Isac games. You knew Maisie’s group Porcelain was going to be there because you got a list of the attending groups a week before. You asked Jongho about the event and he didn't say much about it but you knew he was worried about seeing her again. He hadn't been at many events, especially not the socials afterwards since that night so this would be the first time he saw her. His members had worked out which group it was and which member and promised you they'd keep an eye on him. You saw Maisie enter before you saw Jongho and you tensed up watching her. She looked so happy and carefree and that bugged you. Gahyeon hugged you telling you to ignore her and you nodded taking her hand "yeah...I won't let her ruin my day" but of course she was everywhere you went. When you went to go grab a bib she was in front of you. When you were lining up on the track her group was right behind you. You kept hearing her annoying laugh, the same one she'd used when she rejected Jongho, and it bothered you insanely. So when you found out your group was facing Porcelain in a football match you were more than ready. You were competitive anyway but JiU made you promise to behave. "Don't start a fight with her or anything, not because I think you wouldn't win but more like I know you'd kick her ass and get told off" and you laughed "I would, wouldn't I?" and the girls chuckled. You were pretty good at football so were the striker and it just so happened Maisie was a defender. You sighed when you saw the position she'd been given, meaning she'd be with you all the time and Siyeon rubbed your arm "it's okay, you can beat her but just don't be excessive" and you nodded "okay". Anytime Maisie got the ball you dispossessed her and it was honestly quite cathartic but to be honest she didn't get the ball much because she acted like this was 50 years ago and screamed anytime the ball came near her. She'd then look around to see if anyone had noticed her reaction and adjust her hair telling you she wasn't really scared but was doing that annoying thing of pretending to be weak to appear more girly as if being weak had anything to do with being a woman. So you started marking other players because she was clearly no threat and you didn't want to be beside her any more than you had to be. You managed to score twice and were winning 3 - 1 when the literal golden opportunity arrived. They were playing music in the background and an Ateez song came on making you glance to where the boys were standing, cheering you in the stands. Then there was a scuffle on the pitch where one of Maisie's members pushed Handong nearly making her fall. The ball rolled away from the group of girls and directly to Maisie. She got the ball but didn't see you directly behind her. She actually giggled thinking she was in the clear and it was so perfect you smiled. You sprinted towards her and her fans started trying to warn her but it was too late. You tackled the ball from her, not even touching her, but with enough momentum, she was knocked to the floor with a child-like scream. You proceeded to the goal and shot it into the top right corner and your fans erupted into screams. Your teammates all cheered and you did a celebration dance. Maisie was furious because there was now mud on her face and she claimed you pushed her. The referee kept telling her you hadn't even touched her and that made her actually shriek. "God what a mess" Sua said and you giggled. You knew it was mean but after that, you tried to annoy Maisie as much as you could. You'd purposefully bump into her and anytime she so much as went near the ball you were there. She was clearly getting really annoyed with you and you actually heard her comment that girls like that shouldn't be allowed to play with normal girls. "If she falls on me she could literally injure me!" you heard her tell one of her members and you grinned "then maybe try and stay on your feet? Hard I know but give it a go" and you ran off. The hilarious part was she actually did try challenging you a few times too but you easily outmanoeuvred her by being faster, stronger and more skilled. You were enjoying this way too much but thankfully the whistle was called and you won. You didn't gloat too much but did cheer with your members. "Y/n you murdered her!" Handong cried and you laughed "well I guess it was just payback for Jongho" and they all nodded. "Plus revenge for knocking you down" you said to Handong who blushed and smiled. Nobody messed with the people you cared about. When you saw Ateez later the boys were similarly pleased with your performance and congratulated you. "Way to take out the trash Y/n!" Wooyoung cried and Seonghwa nodded "I thought she was actually going to try and fight you at one point". "Yeah like she'd be dumb enough to try that!" Yunho cried and you laughed thanking them all but one member was suspiciously quiet. Jongho. You figured he might just be quiet because of the circumstance but even later on when the event ended he still hadn't spoken to you. You thought this was odd so managed to find him backstage. "Hey" you said waving to him "how are you? I haven't seen you all day". Jongho nodded "fine" but didn't look up from his phone. You frowned "are you sure? You don't seem fine". "I'm fine" he repeated not coldly but firmly so you let it drop. After Isac Ateez were having a party and they invited your group and a few others. You went and noticed Jongho wasn't joining in. He claimed he was getting changed but spent nearly 2 hours in his room and when he appeared he just went outside so you followed him. "Hey" you called and Jongho nodded "hi". "So... you sure you're still okay?” you asked and Jongho just nodded. "Jongho look it's okay you're upset to see her. It's going to be awkward the first few times but it must've been great watching us beat her". Jongho sighed "yeah sure...watching your friend fight your battles feels great". You paused "what? I wasn't fighting your battle just giving her a taste of her own medicine”. Jongho shook his head "didn't look like it to me. Looked like I was too pathetic to act so you did instead". "Jongho people aren't going to think that” you argued but he shook his head "yes they are! People know we're friends and you made it so obvious you had a problem with Maisie. They can easily connect the dots". You frowned "I...well I don't think I embarrassed you. We're friends, why wouldn't I want to defend you?" you asked. Jongho sighed "but it makes me look so weak y/n!". "Why because a girl was defending you?" you asked. "No of course not! I've watched you beat Wooyoung up tons of times and cheered you on. I know you're strong and have no issues with that". "So what about me was so embarrassing?" you asked. When Jongho couldn't reply you shook your head "sorry for trying to help" you said "next time I won't so I won't humiliate you" and stormed away. Jongho watched you go and lasted 10 seconds before he rushed after you, the guilt setting in but you’s disappeared!The house was pretty full but he spotted your members and approached them. They just wordlessly pointed to the front door and he receded out of it. He thought he might have to chase after your car but he found you sitting at the bench at the end of the path. "Mind if I sit?" he asked and you shook your head. "I'm sorry" he said "you're not embarrassing. You always have my corner and I'm so grateful for that". "So what made you so upset?" you asked. Jongho sighed "I guess because you confronting her confirmed it happened. I know it did but I just pretend it didn't in public. That's why I've never confronted her, I'm too embarrassed to but you going head to head with her...I felt like it made it more real. It wasn't something I could just pretend didn't happen and that embarrassed me. I was embarrassed of myself" he clarified "for being such an idiot to think a girl like that would be into me". You shook your head "don't do that, don't put yourself down for her". "But it's true!" Jongho said "I was feeling good that night because I'd got compliments from lots of idols about the high note I reached and my body was the best I'd ever seen. I was feeling confident so I tried my luck but I overshot. No matter how good a singer I am I still don't look like Wooyoung". "Stop it" you said "I didn't kick Maisie's ass today for you to think you're not good-looking. I did it to prove to her you were. That there are people out there who disagree with her and think you're a great guy. You're strong, handsome and have a beautiful kind face any girl with a brain would want". "That's sweet but you're probably the only person who thinks that and you're my best friend so you just see me in the perfect non-sexy way friends view one another". You looked down and shook your head "guess I'm not a friend then" and Jongho looked at you "what?". "I think you're hot Jongho, I have for a while" you admitted and Jongho's eyes widened "what?". "I'm attracted to you" you admitted "which is partly why it angered me so much to hear Maisie say that stuff to you and how it affected you. I hated that it made your confidence dip because to me... you're beautiful". Jongho blushed and looked down "I had no idea...". "Yeah well it was something I kept hidden" you admitted "I wasn't going to melt anytime you walked in the room". Jongho smiled "no you're way too cool for that" making you pause and blush. "So you're telling me all this time I could've had a girl like you and I was after Maisie?" Jongho asked. You paused "I guess" and he shook his head "wow now I'm really glad she rejected me because nobodies better than you". You blushed "wait so you...". "I like you too" Jongho admitted shooting you one of his beautiful smiles "you've always showered me with care and love and I want to do the same with you. I think I can make you happy" he said placing a hand on your face making you blush even more. "I think you can too" you admitted and you both leaned forwards at once. "Hey has anyone seen Jongho?" Seonghwa asked the group assembled before him "he's not in his room". "He went after Y/n like an hour ago, is he not back yet?" Siyeon asked. "No, I hope he's okay" Yunho sighed when Sua started laughing. "What's so funny?" Hongjoong asked and the girl turned around smiling. "Neither of them got very far, look" Sua said stepping away from the window and they all rushed forwards...to see the two of you wrapped up together on the bench. Jongho had an arm around you and you were leaving against his chest. Jongho was leaning his head against yours and the two of you looked so cute. "Finally!" Wooyoung cheered and all the members laughed before gasping realising the other group knew all along too. They all began debating which one of you had fallen for the other first but you and Jongho were far away. Wrapped up with each other nothing else in the world mattered because you'd finally found each other. _____ Okay so I heard a rumour something similar to what I described at the start of this story really happened to Jongho. I'm not saying the rumour is true and I changed the idol's name to not accuse her, but the idea alone made me so sad and angry so I created this!
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chanyouchan · 8 months
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⌕ capas dreamcatcher
⚠ em caso de inspiração, me credite.
📆 27/01/24 | ✎ @mnini (psd)
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nottoonedin · 3 months
"AU where Ivan is alive" this "Fic where Ivan and Till are saved by the Rebels" that..
Where are all the fics where Sua is alive/saved by the rebels with Mizi? ¿Dónde? ¿Dónde están??
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minjiarchive · 1 year
“hold onto the desk” | sua x fem!reader
for @belongtodeukae 😵‍💫
warning / smut
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“I locked the door, baby. No one will see that pretty body of yours.”
“Now hold onto the desk, Y/N.” Sua commanded, looking down at your bodies to see your hand slowly grip on the wooden desk. She smiled hard at the way your body trembled around her, she was standing right between your thighs anyway – the view was breathtaking.
She ran a cold hand up and down your waist while tracing a finger over your slit. You let out a hushed moan, not wanting to cause any disturbance to any of her coworkers in the hallway.
Even Sua found your mannerisms adorable.
When she started getting dangerously close to your clit, you swore you never whined louder in your life. In reality, she did suggest on ruining you right on her desk as soon as you came to visit her – so why wasn't she fucking you already?
“How bad do you want me, baby?” Her thumb applying pressure to your clit, causing you to bite down lightly on her neck in order to silence yourself before you got too loud. You exhaled deeply as you tried to formulate words instead of sounds.
“I don't want it, I need it...”
“Yeah? Let me hear how bad you need me then.”
Her fingers suddenly parted your folds and dipped in your entrance with ease. She backed you up against the desk further while slipping herself deeper in you.
Your body twisted and turned as you felt your body completely take in her digits one by one.
She was curling them, pumping them in and out, doing anything she could to get you all messed up for her. You struggled to keep yourself quiet, not even biting down on your own lip helped. Your hands gripped at her desk tighter as you let your head fall back in pleasure.
“You're so pretty,” She said against your burning neck that was covered in hickies, “it makes me want to fuck you harder.”
Her palm slowly moved up and down your clit, sometimes being too painfully slow for your liking. You knew she was absolutely aware of what she was doing – she even smiled at you as she did so.
“Go faster Sua, please...” You begged, trying your best to gain more speed by grinding yourself on her hand.
“Like this?”
Her soft lips immediately made into contact with yours, feeling her palm starting to rub your clit harder and faster. The move itself left you breathless, having you whimper softly against her lips from time to time.
You were almost sure that at least one person stopped infront of Sua's door to check in on the both of you after hearing the desperate pleas that made it quite obvious something was going on. Dark shadows flashed underneath the cracked door, symbolizing the amount of people that could just interrupt the moment between you and Sua at any time.
But not even one knock would be enough to stop your girlfriend from absolutely devouring you and truthfully, she could care less about anyone hearing you two.
She wanted everyone to hear who belonged to her.
“Do you believe me now when I say I could make you cum anywhere, anytime?”
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gold0venice · 5 months
I need a hunger games au fic with ivantill, mizisua, the rebels and hyuna, luka etc.
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child-of-hurin · 24 days
lost my ability to cook in the move & i cannot seem to find it
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whizzinpast · 5 months
Writing a Childhood Friends AU with Sua and Till made me stumble into my worst enemy: nicknames.
I have no idea if this is a common author issue, but I grind my teeth to dust every time I’m faced with the possibility of giving characters nicknames. Like, I have to reel it in. Research dictates that nicknames aren’t that significant in any part of the world, let alone South Korea.
But also:
- Sua being called ‘paperweight’ or ‘twigs’ while also being called ‘Daisy’ by very close friends
- Till being responsible for ‘Daisy’ because he’s a flower kid and Sua reminds him of daisies
- Ivan calling both Sua and Till ‘peanuts’ or ‘the peanut brigade’ when he hits his growth spurt
Would it be realistic? Absolutely not. Do I still think it would be funny if Ivan called the Shorter Kids ‘peanuts’? Yeah.
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nanaszx · 3 months
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★. spiracle
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let-them-read-fics · 2 years
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Pairing: Sua x Fem!Reader
Warnings / Misc. -- Smut, Some Fluff
Word Count: 4,287
Summary: When a rough day at work leaves you in need of some TLC, Sua knows just what to do to make things better.
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Hey everyone! Here's some Sua smut :) Next up is Yoohyeon, so stay tuned!
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◂ ❚ ⊱ꕥ⊰ ❚ ▸◂ ❚ ⊱ꕥ⊰ ❚ ▸◂ ❚ ⊱ꕥ⊰ ❚ ▸◂ ❚ ⊱ꕥ⊰ ❚
Friday, 11:37 PM – Y/N's Apartment, Seoul, SK
Your bleary eyes raised to meet Sua’s warm ones the moment you arrived at the door to your apartment. She didn’t even give you the chance to put your key in the lock before she had it opened and was welcoming you in, the ghost of a frown on her lips, pitying you. 
She greeted you softly, so as to not worsen the pounding headache that you’d mentioned over the phone. 
In one smooth motion, your bag was surrendered to her waiting hands, and you were melting into her strong frame as she drew you in close. 
"Come here, my love," she sighed, happy to finally have you back in her arms. 
She shut the door and locked it before setting your bag on the entry table, never once pulling away. You slipped your shoes off and blindly nudged them in the direction of the door, resolving to tidy them up later. You nuzzled your face into the crook of her neck, reveling in the comforting smell of her perfume as it greeted your chilly nose. 
The sensation brought goosebumps to her skin and reminded her of the surprise she had waiting in the other room. 
She rubbed your back gingerly, asking, “How does a bath sound? I have everything ready; we just have to put the water in.”
You nodded softly, your pouty lips brushing her pulsepoint in the process. 
“That’s my girl,” she smiled, pressing a kiss to your temple before turning around to lead you to the bathroom. One of her arms remained wrapped around you, helping you amble your way there. 
The soft scent of roses was the first to greet you upon arrival, and you blinked your eyes open as she turned to shut the door behind the two of you. 
Around the room, candles were placed in various spots, flickering gently and providing enough light that she didn’t need to turn on the overhead one. Some were on the floor, while others sat on the end of the tub or along the sink. 
In addition, rose petals were scattered across the tile. Vibrant, rich hues of red caught both the shadows and golden light of the room, looking like something out of a movie. 
A plethora of essential oils was placed near the tub, waiting and ready for you to choose from as you pleased.
“I know today was rough, so I wanted to try and make it a little better,” she explained from just behind you, peering around at the room as if she hadn’t spent the last hour making sure everything was perfect. 
She could almost give you the precise coordinates of each individual petal, if you asked. That’s how serious she took it. 
Your sock-clad feet wiggled, reveling in the softness of the swath of petals beneath you. Sometimes the depth of her love was too much for you to wrap your head around; the notion that she took so much time and effort out of her own day to make yours even a fraction better meant the world to you and then some.
“It’s not much,” she dismissed humbly, “but I couldn’t just sit around and do nothing.”
“It’s perfect, jagi,” you refuted gently, lifting your head to look over at her. 
Your eyes were glossy, practically brimming with salty tears just waiting to fall. Her sentimental side always had a way of doing that to you. 
“Hey,” she soothed, stepping forward to hug you close again. “Don’t cry. Let’s just get you in the tub, yeah? You’ll feel better in no time.”
“Alright,” you mumbled, nodding. As you reached up with one hand to wipe your tears, she gently took the other into her own and led you across the room. 
Her fingers skimmed down the front of your shirt as she faced you, gliding towards the buttons so she could begin undoing them. You watched her fondly, noticing the concentration on her features when she reached a troublesome one. 
Soon you were freed of the garment, and she slid it off of your shoulders before reaching around to undo your bra. It fell easily, and in less than a second – she’d become a master at undressing you over your years together, and the sentiment of that made you smile a little. 
“Is there anything in particular you’d like for dinner?” She asked as she lowered down onto her knees. The cushioned rug below welcomed her, preventing her skin from meeting the hard tile. “I’m planning to fix something while you’re in here.”
You swallowed thickly when she undid the first button of your jeans, feeling her warm breath spread across your exposed abdomen. Though her intention wasn’t necessarily set on getting you going, her movements certainly didn’t get the memo. 
When you failed to answer her, she lightly pinched your thigh. 
“U-uh,” you stuttered, trying to come up with a reply. “Maybe Y/Fav/Dish?”
She nodded, accepting the request without a second thought. “I’ve been craving it, too, actually, so that’ll be good.”
The material of your pants was soon tugged down to your ankles, and she helped you step out of each leg before finally peering up at you. The sight alone – her pretty eyes, warm and full of love as they gazed into your own – was enough to flip your stomach. But being practically naked in front of her – just the slip of a hand, or a kiss away from starting something sinful – filled your mind with possibilities that were lightyears away from innocence. 
Surely it was just the fatigue talking. You were exhausted, truly, so it was no wonder your emotions were so out of whack. Normally you weren’t this easy to rile up.
She looped her fingers in the material of your panties and slid them down your smooth legs, seemingly taking her time with it. 
If she noticed the way your nails pressed into your palms to prevent you from pulling her in, she didn't show it.
Once the thin garment came to pool at your feet, her eyes tracked back up to your center. 
They widened subtly – a mix of surprise and pride swirling within them – as she spotted the slick there. It glistened in the candlelight, making her smile. 
You looked away, feeling a bit embarrassed under her observant gaze. 
“Is that for me, baby?”
The wonder in her voice pushed away your shyness, if only for a moment. “Of course,” you answered, peeking back at her. "Who else?"
“But I haven’t even touched you yet…”
Her use of the word yet made your heart skip a beat. 
An amused scoff left you. “Do you seriously think this is the first time I’ve gotten wet just by being around you?”
Sua swallowed, blinking a couple of times as she centered her thoughts. Admittedly, that simple question sent her imagination a little wild. 
“Well I-” she paused, and you watched as her innocent wonder melted away, getting replaced by a self-satisfied smirk that you adored as much as you loathed. “I knew I was good, but that good?” Her brows raised, and she looked you up and down. “I’m honored, jagi.”
You reached a hand out to her shoulder and playfully shoved her backwards, making her flail for a moment as she fought to remain balanced. 
“Don’t let it go to your head,” you warned, pointing a finger at her in mock authority as you stepped past her and closer to the tub. 
You leaned over to examine the oils and scents that she had laid out for you, rummaging through them until you found the ones you wanted. You sat them apart from the rest and turned the faucet on, ensuring that the water flowing out was a good temperature. 
When you were satisfied, you grabbed the stopper and pushed it into the drain’s entrance.
Gradually, the tub began to fill. As the water splashed out into it, you added a few drops of the liquids to the steady stream and watched as suds began to appear in time with the new smells being released. 
It was pleasant, and you inhaled peacefully as you sat the last bottle down.
But suddenly, just as you went to upright yourself, a surprised moan was slipping out of your mouth and resounding around the room alongside the swashing of the water. 
Sua wordlessly bent you forward a little further, causing you to steady yourself on the wall with a shaky hand. The tile was cool against your palm – almost capable of distracting you from the heat pooling between your thighs. 
Her soft lips kissed a messy, impatient path from the back of your thigh up to your center, and you couldn’t help but shut your eyes. It felt like she had been holding back – restraining herself, for a time – and her resolve had crumbled.
Her hands stroked your skin gingerly, working up from your calves to the curve of your ass. 
With you presented so beautifully for her, positioned just right, she couldn’t stop herself from getting a taste. 
You whimpered when her tongue parted your folds and she began to lap up your arousal. It caught you off guard at first, coming out of left field, but you responded immediately, on instinct, and pushed yourself against her a little more. 
The tip of her tongue dipped into your entrance briefly, teasing you with the promise of what she was capable of. She moaned against you, enjoying the way you squirmed at the stimulation. 
The arch of your back gave her better access, and she took advantage of it for a few glorious seconds, indulging the both of you. She reached an arm between your parted, trembling legs to toy with your clit; it was already swollen, just begging to be touched by her.
"You taste so good," she praised against you, voice low and lustful. She licked you again, but this time it was slower – more torturous. Like she was savoring you in more ways than one. 
You unconsciously writhed, pursuing the warmth of her mouth and tongue; but she merely grasped your hips and stilled them. 
There was little more you could do than moan in response to her strong grip; it was gentle enough, but an undeniable roughness lied just beyond her fingertips, waiting to be unleashed. 
It was easy to see that she wanted to ruin you, right then and there. But she refrained.
"I've been thinking about this all day," she admitted. Her lips ghosted across your sensitive center as she spoke, making you whine. "I already couldn't concentrate at work, but it was even worse when I got home. One look at the couch and I was thinking about the mess you made on it last night." 
"Oh god," you groaned pitifully, not only at her words but also the memories they brought back. 
She'd fucked you so hard that you'd been plagued with a limp all day – and a difficult one to conceal at that. 
Embarrassing, sure, but even more so arousing. The ache simply reminded you who you belonged to. That you were hers, totally and utterly. 
And you wanted more. No – needed it.
A breathless please was all you could manage, but it proved successful for the time being. 
She quickened her pace and pushed her tongue in further, feeling her own clit throb at the way your walls clenched around the intrusion. Your slick dripped down her chin, making a mess as you greedily swayed your hips to gain more friction against her face. 
She entertained it for a bit longer, getting just as lost in the sensation as you did; but just when that familiar fire in the pit of your stomach was sparking up, she retreated. 
All at once, without warning. Like the gates of Heaven itself were shut right before you and you were pulled back to Earth. 
A chaste kiss was placed against your folds, serving as a parting gift before she fully withdrew. 
Dazed and confused, you found yourself sulking at the loss of contact; the haze of pleasure had clouded your mind and made you forget about the task you had been in the middle of, before her little sexcapade started up.
At the sound of your ensuing, frustrated sigh, she could only grin.
“Tub’s full, baby,” she noted, standing up to reach around you and turn the water off. The simple observation served as a stand-in explanation for her withdrawal, and you accepted it after a moment. 
You were excited for the bath – to unwind after such a long day and get the chance to de-stress – but part of you wanted to say to hell with it and drag her to the bedroom so she could finish what she started. 
Though, of course, her efforts weren’t lost on you, and you knew you couldn’t just disregard the work she had put into arranging all of this for you. It deserved to be used and taken advantage of – but that didn’t mean you couldn’t strike up a deal with her somewhere in the middle. 
“Will you stay?” You tried, looking at her over your shoulder with an expression that she admittedly couldn’t say no to. "At least for a bit?" The soft grip you applied to her wrist didn’t help her resolve any, either. 
“Sure," she agreed with a smile. "Go ahead and get in; I’ll move some of this,” she motioned to the candles and petals around the tub. 
You followed her instructions and stepped inside, wincing at the slight sting that the hot water brought on. It mellowed out once you lowered yourself in and got comfortable, fading to a pleasant tingle, which you reveled in.
Steam radiated from the water's surface as Sua quickly cleared a spot for herself beside the tub, just behind your back. She retrieved a stool from the adjoining closet and placed it down, taking a seat.
Her fingers raked through your hair as she gathered up all of its strands, and soon she was twisting a band around them to keep them up and out of the way.
A quiet hum of gratitude resounded in your chest, and she kissed your temple in reply.
No more words were spoken after that for a while; they simply weren't needed. She knew that some silence would serve your tired mind well, and, frankly, she didn't need to be told how to help you relax. 
She already knew all of your ins and outs. What you liked, what you needed to unwind. 
Like the Sun in the sky, casting itself across the world below, she watched over you. Made sure you were comfortable, not needing for anything. That you were content and happy, tucked away from the outside world and centered in your own little paradise. 
It was domesticity at its finest, and you both loved it. Touches conveyed a million unspoken words; glances and microexpressions even more. Just the simple hitch of a breath could enable you to read one another like a book. 
So, of course, when a moan slipped out of your mouth at the feeling of her hands kneading your shoulders, Sua smiled knowingly. Like clockwork, she'd expected it; one muscle in particular always gave you trouble, and with the right application of pressure and care, you–
"Mmm," you moaned again, features scrunched up in equal amounts of pleasure and pain. 
"That's it, sweet girl. Let it out," she encouraged.
You listened, and soon the tension was leaving your body in droves.
When your shoulders and neck had loosened up, her hands drifted lower, ebbing just as softly as the water as they disappeared beneath the bubbly surface. 
Once they reached your abdomen, you allowed your head to loll back against the cool edge of the tub. You could feel her just beyond the limits of it, hovering close, warm and tempting. Her breaths landed on the exposed skin of your neck, a little jagged as they showcased her own sweet arousal. 
Tension and comfort permeated the air, mingling together like two lovers. They blended into one sensual, cozy ambience that came to settle over the room. 
The first two fingers of her right hand made contact with your clit languidly, taking their time, in no rush at all. Your sensitivity was through the roof already, but you pushed it aside to the best of your ability to enjoy her for as long as possible. 
She used all of the patterns you liked best, alternating between them as she dipped her head down to kiss your neck. You both loved and loathed the fact that she knew you so well; it was a bit embarrassing to be getting worked up again so easily, but god did it feel good. 
She moved in closer, raising her left hand to knead one of your breasts. The movement centered you between her arms, and it provided an added element of support. You were free to melt into her – to let yourself go. 
She rolled your nipple between her fingertips, toying with it as it hardened.
Her tongue slipped past her parted lips to lick across your skin in between kisses, swirling over the marks she left behind to soothe them.
“Sua, please,” you whispered breathlessly, shifting slightly. The waterline wavered, lapping a bit because of your movements. 
“How do you want it, baby?”
“I want your fingers,” you pleaded. “I need you inside.”
“Okay,” she whispered against your pulsepoint, as she obediently trailed her fingers down from your swollen, aching clit to your entrance. You were more than ready for her, and she could feel it from the very second she circled them over it. 
Desperation ruled you, clouding your mind; all you wanted was her. 
The whines that left your lips sold you out, each serving as its own plea for her to fuck you. On their own accord, your legs parted wider, falling open as far as the bounds of the tub would allow. 
Her fingers dipped inside of you with ease, and she didn’t waste anymore time teasing. Even if she had wanted to, she couldn’t have; the pulse of your walls was simply intoxicating. It spurred her on, luring her in further with every flutter and rush of warmth that came to surround her fingers. 
Wetness pooled in her own panties as well, leading her to unconsciously grind against the middle seam of her pants to attain relief in the meantime. 
"Can you take three, sweetheart?" She nibbled lightly on your ear, causing you to squirm helplessly. "Hmm? Will this pretty pussy stretch a little more for me?" 
Eager to please, you nodded vehemently, trapping your bottom lip tightly between your teeth. The move muffled your whimpers to a degree, but Sua heard every one of them. They were shuddered and broken – changing pitch when she finally slid another finger into you.
Your bare back met the soft material of her shirt when she pressed forward, transferring little droplets of water over to the fibers. 
Your mouth fell open when she pushed in knuckle-deep, curling them in time with the press of her palm to your clit. She took advantage of the opportunity presented and kissed you, greedily exploring your mouth as you sought air. All tongue and lips, she took what she wanted, making you melt into her and let her have her way. 
You could taste yourself on her when she deepened the kiss, and your legs instinctively closed around her hand, keeping her in place. You humped wantonly, inspired by the proud groan that resounded low in her throat. 
Water splashed roughly against the sides of the tub, some spilling over; but she simply leaned further into you and tightened her hold, cradling you close as you spiraled towards the edge of no control. 
Your heart pounded in your ears, so loudly that you feared she could hear it as clearly as you. 
The rush of warmth throughout your body – hot blood pumping through your veins, sent to each and every site that she touched you – brought even more blush to the surface of your heated skin. Flushed, desperate, yearning: you were a wreck for her in so many incredible ways. 
“Ah,” she sighed into your mouth, breaking the kiss but not pulling away, “just like that, baby. You’re close, aren’t you?” Her fingers curled within you, repeatedly rubbing up against your g-spot as a cocky smirk played on her lips. 
If you had been standing, your knees would’ve given out in a second. 
“Y-yes,” you struggled out, proud of yourself for managing even the simple confirmation.
“I can feel it,” she admitted, pressing a kiss to your chin, and then your jaw. “You’re taking me so well. So soft, begging for more.” The satisfaction in her low voice worked wonders for your praise kink, truth be told, and you nearly lost it at her words alone.
Her hand on your chest briefly came up to your mouth, and she extended two fingers, sliding them across your pillowy, kiss-bruised lips. “Open,” she commanded, watching over you from above. 
You did, and she pushed them inside, smiling to herself when you obediently swirled your tongue around them, coating them in your saliva. 
“Good girl,” she commended, appreciating how well you were listening. As much as she loved your bratty side – and taming it, more specifically – she couldn’t deny the hold that your submissiveness had on her.
With a wet pop, she drew her fingers out of your mouth and rubbed them against her thumb, coating it as well. She trailed them down to your other breast, finally offering it its own dose of attention as she rolled your nipple between them. 
You gasped when she pinched it, jutting your hips into the air on instinct. Your walls fluttered at the sensation as well, pulling her in deeper. 
This game she was playing with you, this push and pull, perfectly torturous, was just what you had been in need of all day. Where you ended and she began, you had no idea. The water blended everything together; your pleasure was hers, and hers yours. Every time you sank down onto her fingers, striding, leaping and bounding towards ecstasy, she grew closer, too. Due to her own grinding, her ruined panties had worked in between her folds, offering friction to her aching clit. Just from touching you, kissing you, holding you – she was so close.
She was simply under your spell. Enraptured, completely.
And realization dawned on you, then – like the Sun peeking out from behind a batch of clouds – that your headache was gone. Like the best kind of medicine, she was curing you.
Behind your eyelids, colors danced; her fingers flexed deep inside of you, pulsing, guiding them in their waltz like the maestro that she was. 
It didn’t take long for you to finally unwind, unraveling at your very seams with a sharp cry of her name. Surrounded by warmth – immersed in it, both inside and out – you fell into paradise. 
Time stopped for a few seconds, awarding you the opportunity to bask in the moment you had created together. Just as smoothly as the water, she coaxed you through it; and then the aftershocks, planting kiss after kiss against your skin, leaving even more marks in her wake. 
Your head fell back against her shoulder as you drew in deep breaths through your nose, attempting to return to normalcy. She eased out of you, careful and considerate along the way, and you shut your eyes again to calm your heart rate. 
The sound of her sucking her fingers clean of your slick was enough to spark up your desire again, so there’s truly no telling what would’ve happened if you had bore witness to it.
In your post-orgasmic haze, you reveled, holding onto the feeling for as long as humanly possible. Like the reward that it was, you savored it. Euphoria coursed through your frazzled mind, lapping at the edges of it like waves on a shore. You surrendered yourself to the bliss and sighed, feeling content. 
However, the sudden sound of pants hitting the floor brought you out of your reverie. 
Sua stood next to the tub in all of her glory, now naked from head to toe as her hands rested on her hips. She allowed you to gawk, because, frankly, watching you practically eye-fuck her was well worth it. 
“I’ll give you a choice, jagi, since tonight is all about you,” she spoke, when she noticed your tongue darting out of your mouth to wet your lips. 
“I’ll either join you in the tub for round two,” her head tilted to the side subtly as the notion brought a smile to her face, “or I can start prepping dinner.”
This wouldn’t be the first time she’s cooked naked, and the sight of her dressed in only an apron admittedly sent you a little wild, too. But could you pass up on her offer for another round?
You swallowed thickly, feeling overheated again with her brazen attention invested solely on you. 
“What’ll it be?”
‘My demise,’ you thought, though your lips instead declared an aroused, “Come here,” as you tugged her forward by the hand. 
Another splash of water was cast out of the tub as she tumbled into it, displacing itself in the name of making room for her. A high-pitched squeal pierced the air of the room, followed closely by her sweet laughter as she teased you for your eagerness. 
You chuckled, too, feeling the happiness bubble up in your chest as she wrapped herself around you and leaned forward to capture your lips in another kiss. 
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binaut · 9 months
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⌗ nix ∿ pedido de orbitar. / ⌕ psd: colour-source
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nekomancee · 2 years
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★ BOOK OF DEVIL ★ pedido por isateez;
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