Group ash photo!!!
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(Ttrong, Oare, Tkson, Sarwa and Kuom)
You know, kind people here gave me an idea. Do we still remember that group photo of Sally's family? So that's it! It really pisses me off that the Spider wasn't even invited there! (Okay, Jake and Neytiri, they have the same gyrus for two, but why were the children silent?) Therefore, I decided that Ttrong should have his own photo with blackjack and slu... Ahem... Well, you get it. 😏
Let's give the boy a family photo😘
Знаете, мне тут добрые люди подкинули идею. Все же мы помним то самое групповом фото семьи Салли? Так вот! Меня искренне бесит, что Паука туда даже не позвали! (Ладно Джейк и Нейтири, у них одна извилина на двоих, но дети то что молчали?) Поэтому, я решила, что у Ттронга должно быть свое фото с блекджеком и шлю.... Кхм... Ну вы поняли.😏
Дадим мальчику семейное фото😘
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xenioshelios · 4 months
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Small art dump moment because im adding colour to some old sketches and thought at post them despite some anatomy mistakes ayyy.
This is human Aithusa that i totally hc her as merthur kid, she is adorable so here is Arthur being a supportive dad ✨✨
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macbethz · 23 days
Imagine being modified and trained since birth to be the perfect servant to the infallible god-computer that your entire society revolves around to the point that you don’t believe in free will anymore. In fact free will as a concept is counter to your very purpose, which is to act as a living repository for unchanging information about the future. And then your perfect god shoves that highly engineered overclocked brain into the body of a heroin addict. And it’s not part of some grand plan it just destroyed your life by accident. Not even by accident, it doesn’t have the capability to commit “accidents” because it’s not sentient. It just miscalculated. It’s just a computer.
So there is this show called travelers (2016)-
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sadlynotthevoid · 8 months
I want to read an og AlbeCale fic where someone or something doss Alberu with an aphrodisiac. He manages to get away but passes out near Cale's house (or crash right to his balcony), who nurses him. Not smut involved, because og!Cale A) it's not going to do that with a drugged person, and B) for some reason knows a lot about poisons— aphrodisiacs included— and their cures.
So, basically a sick fic, except Og!Cale has to hide the sick person until he recovers. Plus, they have to plan how to catch the culprit.
Maybe the house where Og!Cale is at that moment (and therefore, where Alberu crashes) is the one at the capital. Maybe he went to pick up Bassen or maybe in this AU Bassen, Lily and Og!Cale went all at the capital together.
Maybe there was a swordmanship competition/event that Lily really wanted to go to. And og!Cale decided to accompany them because Lily will go alone if not.
Maybe Violan came too because og!Cale just got injured a few days ago. (Deruth cries bitter tears over his paperwork. He can't join his family and leave the territory unsupervised from suddenly).
Maybe they eventually find out and the talk that follows leads them to discover about og!Cale's act. Whatever shenanigans he stumbled into when pretending to be trash and all that this implies included.
All of this happening through Alberu's eyes, who is absolutely confused but so warm. He was drugged as fuck when he ended up here. He felt horny and dizzy and wanted to cry, but this guy here just treated his fever and waited until he woke up. He gave him water and asked a few questions. Then he got him medicine, telling him exactly what it is made of.
He even was careful when giving him meals, making sure nothing would react wrong with the poison on his system.
Cale Henituse, the person rumored to be trash, was more kind and considerated in a pair of days than most nobles can expect to be in their whole lives.
After witnessing the conversation between og!Cale and his family, Alberu realizes that he is just like that. This is not special treatment nor pity. This is who he is when his mask doesn't reach to cover him up fully. It's just a part, but is more than most people get to see.
Soft and warm.
Once Alberu heals and can go back to his palace, he still comes to visit og!Cale many times.
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thrashfish · 5 months
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wawataka · 7 months
gonna be a little vulnerable on main but i’m genuinely terrified of the idea of losing my hyperfixation over mob psycho 100. i think about it every day of my life (not even joking). i’ve splurged hundreds of dollars on it. it’s been six years. i’ve dedicated so much of my life to it i don’t know what i am without it
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bisexualfagdyke · 4 months
I hate functional bisexuality made to appeal to monosexuals so much!!!! If ur character is playersexual or has the option to date both men or women, I'VE DECIDED THEY ARE CANONICALLY BISEXUAL!!!! If you disagree suck on my left nut or smthing
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losttoliterature · 2 months
the drive from france to our house in england is a long one, 12 hours or so, and it was around 1am and we were fucking tired, and i started sleep-deprived-giggling and my brother asked why, and i couldnt stop laughing, and i he asked again and i said 'jrr tolkien's full name is jolkien rolkien rolkien tolkien'
and i managed to convince my brother that jrr tolkien's full name is jolkien rolkien rolkien tolkien
and it is only by the light of day and some sleepings later that he has realised that jrr tolkien's full name is not in fact jolkien rolkien rolkien tolkien
im dying
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separatedleoau · 2 years
Regarding this ask
One being called a “bad but sad boy”
Donnie: Excuse me. I’m the one with the bad boy persona here, you have a bad but sad boy persona, quoting the April O’Neil.
One: A bad but— what now?
Mikey: Give us back our bad but sad boy!
One: Mikey, and you two?! What are you guys doing here?!
Raph: Saving you!
One: I’d rather have this dude crush me.
Big Mama: And you, you must be Draxy Waxy’s little Junior.
Splinter: Give back the boy Big Mama!
Raph: Yeah, that’s our bad but sad boy!
One: I don’t know which nickname is worse.
But actually, how would One react to being called that? (for some accuracy)
This is so goddammed funny
He would be so confused, he would have no fucking idea of what they mean, at first it was just one of them and he'll internally be like "okay, weird insult, but okay... is this even an insult?" Then one by one the rest of the mad dogs will join in calling him "bad but sad boy" and he is pretty sure is an insult now, but they never really say it in a bad tone????? What does it meaaaan??????
No one ever bothers to explain
He finally gives is and asks April, since aparently she is the on who stared it. She explains shortly and he is so overdramatilly offended, he leaves immediately and refuses to talk to them for a week. He still shows up anywhere they go and is around but refuses to turn his attention to them, of course he makes sure they know he is ignoring them. Drama queen.
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whisperoftheheart1995 · 9 months
i wrote a short thing bc franklin is gay and also a spiderman fanboy so ofc he'd have a crush on miles
Johnny hadn't meant to meddle, he really hadn't. He'd just be venting to Peter about the kids, about how they seemed so lonely after coming back to Earth. He understood why, for them, it had been years, but for everyone else, time had passed much slower. The world hadn't changed that much, but they had. Johnny'd had the same feeling of displacement when he'd come back from the Negative Zone.
Not only that, but the Future Foundation, their closest friends, were still in space. They hardly knew anyone, especially not anyone their age. He was glad at least that Val had befriended Lunella Lafayette. She seemed to be adjusting better to life back on Earth than her older brother. 
He'd said all of this to Peter when they met up one night for dinner. 
“I'm just worried about them, Pete,” he said, “Especially Franklin. You should see his hair…”
“That bad, huh?” Peter empathized, then stole a handful of Johnny’s fries. Johnny shot him a look, ignored by Peter, and continued with his rant. 
“I just have no idea how to be around him. Last time I saw him, he was still this sweet little kid, and now he's a full on moody teenager. I wish he at least had some friends to talk to.”   
Peter hmmed around a mouthful of burger, but otherwise said nothing. Johnny looked at him in disgust. “Good talk, Pete.”
He hadn’t given the conversation much thought until a few weeks later. He'd been fighting aliens with Peter and half of New York's superheroes by his side. He'd lost track of Peter afterwards, until the other man had suddenly reappeared, slinging an arm around Johnny’s shoulder. 
“I told you I was listening,” Peter said, sounding smug. He could see one eye twinkling mischievously behind the cracked lens of Peter’s mask. Johnny didn't know if he wanted to punch him or kiss him. “I found a playdate for Franklin.”
Johnny’s eyes followed his gesture to where Franklin stood talking to the other Spider-Man. Spider-Man appeared to be talking animatedly, gesturing with his hands and laughing at something Franklin said. Franklin laughed too, looking at Spider-Man with big eyes and pink cheeks and-
Uh oh. Johnny knew that look. He'd been there before, knew what it felt like to crush on someone inside a mask, and it wasn't easy. 
“Peter,” Johnny started, not taking his eyes off of Franklin, “what have you done?”
“Nothing, I just,” Johnny grabbed him by the chin and angled him toward Franklin, as if urging him to look closer. Johnny knew he got it when his one eye widened behind the mask. “Oh.”
“You’re an idiot.”
If his nephew got his heart broken, Johnny was going to set Peter’s hair on fire.
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Hold your bow tight, child....
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Куом является одним из лучших (если не лучшим) воином клана Чапива. В его опыте и навыка никто не смеет сомневаться! А если в его мысли и зауралось недоверие, то надолго оно не останется. Потому, что этот здоровяк выбъет его из бедняги. Ужасающий, усеенный шрамами, никогда не снимающий свою костяную маску, этот на'ви заставит ваши поджилки дрожать!
При этом он весьма добр к детям своего клана, и является для них отличным наставником. Именно он научил Тксона, как орудовать копьем. Научил Оаре стрельбе из лука. Ттронг под его началом стал первоклассным бойцом. Куома даст все знания какие потребуются для малышей, чтобы сделать их сильными и стойкими!
Ребята, давайте все дадим автору этой прекрасной истории @sandiavolo немного любви❤️❤️❤️ Ему нужна наша поддержка!!!
Kuom is one of the best (if not the best) warriors of the Chapiva clan. No one dares to doubt his experience and skill! And if there is distrust in his thoughts, then it will not stay for long. Because this big guy is going to beat him out of the poor guy. Terrifying, scarred, never taking off his bone mask, this na'vi will make your hamstrings tremble!
At the same time, he is very kind to the children of his clan, and is an excellent mentor for them. It was he who taught Tkson how to wield a spear. He taught Oara archery. Trong became a first-class fighter under his command. Kuom will give all the knowledge you need for kids to make them strong and resilient!
Guys, let's all give the author of this beautiful story @sandiavolo a little love❤️❤️❤️❤️. He needs our support!!!
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asterisque · 3 months
//i'd like to write more female muses, any suggestions ? 👉👈
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stefsdean · 2 years
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Major Mish. Dee. Vibes
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sttoru · 1 year
if i see one more person say well well well .. u r blocked
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yurkievich · 2 years
Good morning! day or afternoon everyone!
(This post is also available in polish language)
Guys it’s my new page, I’m starting with a manifestation hints for you, and I’m giving you the knowledge I’ve learned.
I want to write my manifestation for the day, I want you to write those with me.
I’m still learning, I’m still discovering new stuffs that works for me and probably gone work also for you!
The law of attraction - let me quickly explain
Everyone of us have thousands of thoughts a day, and the clue is just to control you thoughts and make them positiv or just keep them positive.
Bad thoughts attract bad stuff, good thoughts attract good stuff and positive future.
I know that’s a bit hard, at the beginning you catch yourself very often by things about the “problems” bad.
If you start to surcharge for results or solution trying also a positive mindset, you gone see a big difference in your life….
But it’s take some time and a lot of self control.
Witam wszystkich !
To co napisane jest na górze, a to co będę pisać tutaj na dole, może mieć trochę inną treść. Ze względu na to ze mój angielski trzeba trochę podszlifować, jednak staram się jak mogę by pisać i rozmawiać jak najlepiej.
O czym chce prowadzić tego mojego małego bloga ?
Właściwie o temacie którym teraz jest dosyć głośny, o prawie przyciągania, sublimalach oraz pozytywnym myśleniu i jego oddziaływaniu na nas i kasze życie.
Przeszłam długa drogę, ale przede wszystkim wydaje mi się ze tez trochę ciężką. Na swój temat nie chce się rozpisywać aż nadto, jednak jaki osoba która naprawdę wierzy w magię, bo wręcz można to tak nazwać, gdyż życie niesamowicie potrafi się zmienić gdy tylko zmienisz pare rzeczy w swoim życiu.
Prawo przyciągania - to są twoje myśli, to co myślisz przyciągasz, jednak myśli per dzień mamy tysiące i kiedy nigdy nie medytowałeś ani nie próbowałeś zagłębić tych tematów o których pisze, będzie tobie na początku zrozumieć jak wielki wpływ maja twoje myśli na twoje życie.
Chętnie podzielę się swoją wiedzą z wami, przedstawię wam kilka filmów, nie mojego autorstwa ale, bardzo ciekawych z których JA potrafiłam wyciągnąć dla sobie ciekawe wnioski.
Będę dzielić się z wami tak zwanymi „sublami” które będą programować waszą podświadomość na nowo - na pozytywnym sposób.
Kto będzie chciał spróbować, kto będzie chciał zmienić swoje życie na szczęśliwe będzie musiał nauczyć aie kilku rzeczy i zmienić myślenie, ale skutki są tego gigantyczne i w to możecie mi wierzyć ! Ponieważ sama podążam ta drogą !
Do napisania i dla uwagi zostawiam kilka zdjęć ktore również pomagają w afirmowaniu ! 
Have a beautiful day !
Mniej piękny dzień !
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cinlat · 8 months
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"Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week."
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