arxims · 5 months
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After committing a serious violation of the Higher Realms protocol, You were punished to live on earth for 30 human days without your powers. Considering your lack of experience on earth, you doubted your survival on the mortal plane especially without any powers, you only had one choice, the human you met 8 mortal years ago. But you were completely oblivious of the chaos awaiting you on the mere mortal plane of earth.
au /genre : human!Jungkook x guardian!reader, fantasy au humor, fluff, crack, a bit angst, supernatural au
Warnings : mentions of dark elements like satanic worship and black magic, and human sacrifice, magical elements, spiritual elements, eventual smut.
Rating : 17+
© All rights of this story belong to arxims. This cannot be modified, translated or republished without my permission or knowledge.
This is a work of pure fiction and has no relation with the BTS members in real life. Please take it in a story sense.
Word count : 1.4 k
In the multiple realms existing in the universe, exist the higher realm. A realm which is home to the guardians. A species created by the almighty creator, blessed with certain powers, born to maintain the balance of all realms and all multiverses. The powers and abilities of the whole realm was provided by a rotating Mystic sphere, called the Mystic core situated in the heart of the realm. The source of magic. The higher realm is divided into peculiar subrealms, each subrealms, houses guardians with similar powers and abilities. Air Realm, Fire realm, and all elementals have it's own realm, with Mind Realm, Space Realm and Time realm. Each realm was ruled, looked forward by the superior of each. And the most powerful realm of all subrealms is considered to be the Energy realm. And the new superior of the energy realm was Jieun, Guardian of Cosmic energy.
Though all kinds of energy guardians were present in the energy realm, one kind of energy was rare. The primordial energy guardian. The Higher realm will only contain one primordial energy guardian in one generation and it's a rare phenomenon of the birth of an energy guardian. After skipping a generation with no primordial energy guardian, born You, (Y/N). The guardian of Primordial Energies. Capable of controlling any energy. Even the primordial energies itself.
Growing up as an enigma, you were spoiled by everyone. Especially by the superior of that time, Boa. Boa trained you by herself, as at some point, energy realmers believed that you would be crowned as the next energy realm superior. But Boa knew you couldn't look after a realm all by yourself. She chose Jieun before her death. And Jieun treated you, Just like Boa did. It does erupt jealousy from other sub realms that (Y/N) of the Energy realm was given more importance than other guardians, given allowance to roam anywhere in the vast expansion of the multiverse. But one thing remained strict is the set of rules that has to be strictly followed by any guardian, even you. And you, of all, unintentionally violated it.
The council chamber of the higher realm was silent. The tension resonated on the pristine white walls.
The vast hall was filled with a tense atmosphere. The guardians of the various realms were assembled, seated according to their ranks and realms. At the center dais sat the Council Elders, who were also the superiors of their respective realms – Zephyr, the wise Elder of the Air Realm, Ignis, the stern Elder of the Fire Realm, and Aquarius, the ancient Elder of the Water Realm. Their faces were etched with concern.
You, the Guardian of Primordial Energies, stood defiantly before them, your eyes blazing with indignation. Jieun, the Superior of the Energy Realm, stood beside the Council Elders, her expression grave. Orin, the Superior of the Mind Realm, and Tharos, the Superior of the Space Realm, flanked Jieun, their expressions inscrutable.
"Elders, I implore you to reconsider," you pleaded. "The energy surge was an accident, a result of my inexperience, not malice."
Zephyr, the wise Elder, spoke up in a gentle tone. "We understand, (Y/N). However, the consequences of your actions were catastrophic. The destabilization of the time-space continuum and the Mystic Core's rotation could have been disastrous."
Murmurs of agreement rippled through the gathered guardians.
You stepped forward, voice laced with defiance. "I never intended for such chaos to unfold! It was a miscalculation, nothing more. Surely my service and loyalty to the Higher Realm count for something?"
Ignis, the stern Elder, leaned forward. "Your power is unmatched, (Y/N). Such power comes with great responsibility, which you have failed to uphold."
"Failed?" you scoffed. "I have dedicated my life to maintaining the balance of the multiverse! One mistake should not negate all that I have accomplished."
Aquarius, the ancient Elder, rasped, "We understand your frustration, young one. But the threat you posed to the very fabric of existence cannot be ignored."
All eyes turned to the Superiors, awaiting their judgment.
Orin, the Superior of the Mind Realm, stroked his chin thoughtfully. "While I empathize with (Y/N)'s position, the Council's concerns are valid. Her power is immense, and a lack of control could prove catastrophic."
Tharos, the hulking Superior of the Space Realm, nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Perhaps a period of intensive training and guidance, rather than outright banishment, would be more appropriate?"
Jieun remained silent, her expression inscrutable as she weighed the options before her.
You seized the opportunity, turning to Jieun with pleading eyes. "Superior Jieun, you have been my mentor and guardian. Surely you can see the injustice in punishing me so harshly for an honest mistake?"
Jieun held your gaze, her expression unreadable. After a long moment, she spoke, her voice heavy with reluctance. "Your actions, however unintentional, put the entire multiverse at risk, (Y/N). This cannot be overlooked."
Your shoulders slumped, but her defiant gaze remained fixed on her mentor.
"However," Jieun continued, "I agree that banishment may be too severe. Perhaps a period of intense training and reflection, under the guidance of the Council Elders themselves, would be more appropriate."
Zephyr considered Jieun's words, her brow furrowed in thought. "A reasonable suggestion, Superior Jieun. What do you say, fellow Elders?"
Ignis stroked his beard, his stern gaze focused on you. "The threat she poses cannot be ignored. But perhaps, with proper guidance, she can learn to harness her abilities responsibly."
Aquarius nodded slowly. "Yes, a period of training and reflection may be the wisest course of action."
The Elders exchanged glances, silently communicating their thoughts.
Finally, Zephyr spoke once more. "Very well. The Council has reached its decision."
The hall fell into a heavy silence as all eyes turned to the Council Elders.
"(Y/N) shall be stripped of her powers and sent to the Realm of Earth for thirty human days," Zephyr proclaimed. "During this time, she shall live amongst the humans, without her abilities, and learn the value of control and responsibility."
You recoiled slightly, but remained silent, her jaw clenched tightly.
"Furthermore," Zephyr continued, "upon her return, (Y/N) shall undergo rigorous training under the guidance of the Council Elders themselves. Only then will she be deemed fit to wield her powers once more."
Jieun bowed deeply, relief and gratitude evident in her features. "I accept the Council's decision, and I shall ensure that (Y/N) understands the gravity of her actions and the importance of her training upon her return."
The Elders nodded solemnly, their expressions a mixture of respect and relief at the resolution.
Orin and Tharos exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the wisdom of the Council's decision.
Jieun turned to you, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and determination. "I know this is not what you wanted, child. But as your mentor, it is my duty to ensure that you learn the lessons you need to wield your power responsibly."
You took a shuddering breath, her defiance deflating in the face of Jieun's unwavering resolve. "I understand, Superior. I will use this time on Earth to reflect and grow. And when I return, I will prove to the Council that I am worthy of my power." your fierce attitude returned.
Jieun placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "I know you will, child. Now, go and prepare yourself for your journey to the Realm of Earth. May the light guide you on your path."
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You never wanted to live on earth. But little did you know that the set of events waiting for you on earth would potentially change your celestial life forever.
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Prologue is here. I've made some changes from the prequel since this was supposed yyo be a one shot with no romance and thus I never considered adding elements that could potentially lead the story. We'll here we are on our way to approach the fic. I thought it'll be better to post prologue before posting the chapters so that readers could get a good look on the premises of the story. But trust me, the story is not as serious as the prologue looks like. It's more of a less serious one. Oh I'm spoiling it more. But let me tell you, this more of a (Y/N) story than Jungkook story. So let's goo
I'll only start posting angel baby angel after finish moonstruck. So this is all you'll get of angel baby angel before moonstruck. This is more of a fantasy fic so be readyyyy. Love yall so much, kisses...
- mars
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ : @looneybleus @ttanniett
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twig-gy · 3 months
challenging atoll is the zone 1 subrealm. so of the areas you can access when you first start playing jtoh, you have ring 1, forgor ridge, zone 1, and challenging atoll. these are the pivotal areas because these are your only choices to get enough tower points to get to ring 2/zone 2 and advance in the game. paradise atoll should be a beginner friendly area with a bunch of towers to choose from so you can get tower points if you don't like the offerings in z1(/r1/fr). and yet it blatantly fails. besides somm all of these towers. are not for beginners. one hard. two difficults. MAYBE. but the players we are talking about here aren't the ones who can beat difficults or even hards, they are the ones who need easys and mediums to deal with, and paradise atoll has almost ZERO. ONE. THAT'S IT.
and yeah sure it's labeled as a non beginner friendly area, but that doesn't solve the problem! beginner players of jtoh are notorious for playing towers harder than they can beat! notoriously, they first go into tots or cols not understanding how hard it's going to be, see the first jumps are too hard for them, and leave! this is constantly talked about! it's silly to assume a simple warning can fix it.
but that isn't even the main thing i'm worried about here, it's getting enough points to advance through the game, my problem is progression. there are already so few towers to play to progress farther. subrealms are important if you want more variety than the old towers in r1/z1. the easys, mediums, and hards in zone 1 are zero disturbances (good tower for beginners, introduces them to cos), tophat (i'm not gonna label all of these bc i'm kind of eo and idk how beginners actually like them), atlantic depths (spam jumps iirc, but i mean it's a medium), hands sweating (i did not like this one.), peace (it's basically just tohs iirc? the fakeout at the end is actually stupid tbh), and mirrored hecc (this took me a while to beat as well). so count them up that's six. however the requirements for zone 2 are 4 positive energy (towers = 1, steeples = 0.5), and 1+ hard tower beaten. variety is important in case you don't like some of these towers, which you probably don't! it's zone 1! one of the worst zones! and, i didn't like any of the hards! so we need variety here!
the OTHER thing is just. not being a beginner friendly area. as one of the first areas. is so SILLY. WHY
and if you know the pa origin, meant to be an event, this makes a bit more sense. it was never intended to be a beginner area. however it's still. SILLY. WHY? WHY CAN'T THEY JUST MAKE A BEGINNER SUBREALM THAT'S GOOD? goe is the PERFECT example of a subrealm, not only in general (it's my favorite subrealm cause everything in it is at least 5/10), but for a beginner subrealm. it has so many easy friendly picks! why can't we just have more goe! please. please. i want better subrealms theyre all kind of annoying except goe which is my heart and mind and soul
pa contributes to the whole thing of, jtoh is not easy to get into at all, and the progression is actively hostile. and ik theyre releasing purgatorio in probably june 2040 because you know how jtoh devs are but. STILL. INSANE.
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luonnon-varainen · 1 year
Are we gonna pretend that the fact collectors magic actually works very well on titans doesn't exist?
Obviously titans glyphs cancel out collectors magic or if collector would be infected by titans form of magic like heart(probably with a bile sac of the titan) tissues - nothing to argue about.
But titans themselves aren't immune to collectors magic. It's been presented in the first meeting with physical form of Colly when they without any difficulties reconstructed papa titan's skull into an arcade. And all small things shown in ftf and wad when they use their magic to move king around with themselves and during games to put them in the game. After all a titan without ability/knowledge of glyphs doesn't differ from a witch or a demon, cause they can't undo collectors spells. A dead titan works like any other corpse - a mater easy to bend and create new forms. Collectors can use their magic on titans in same way as any other mortal. They can manipulate their body structures like any other mortal. Control mater and physical forces impacting titans like any other mortal. Transfer them into subrealms like any other mortal. Whole difference between typical mortals and titans is the fact that titans possess the magic enough strong to break most, if not all collectors spells.
That's why there is strong assert that the archivists were scared of titans power-enough powerful to break their collection spell, but no one ever said that they were scared of titans. Because they weren't. Why would they be scared if they opposed mortal just as organic(in meaning they need sleep, food, drink, oxygen all of bodily functions) , imperfect, weary(in meaning titan easily gets tired, needs break and rest to restore used energy), delicate and fragile as an other they met and will meet.
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interstellarbozo · 3 months
towercare (new name!) characters for ring 1
Newbies (Players) - main protagonists, literally just some of the patients from og sparklecare but semidifferent, they also sneak around to find and do stuff (eventually leaving ring 1 after like 3 days to sneak around startin shit)
Annie (ToAST) - welcoming committee, basically always the first one to be like "oh hi"
??? (NEAT) - i actually legitimately have no clue at all (it doesn't help that idk what to do with mini towers at all yet)
??? (ToA) - KIND of nice but has bad anger issues(?)
??? (ToM) - idk
Heccster (ToH) - miserably unfunny, likely the kind of insufferable dipshit to call himself a skibidi sigma
Kailey(?) (ToK) - you know how tok has a weird frame? affliction would likely something to do with that, also has a cynical, sarcastic and rude attitude
??? (ToKY) - won't stop tossing shit around
??? (ToS) - very bad stress problems, both mostly just defines them as a person and also escalated into being detained in the hospital
??? (ToSP) - idk
??? (ToR) - explodes (mentally ofc), occasional violent outbursts, got turned in after a pretty bad incident
??? (ToIE) - idk
??? (ToTS) - idk
Thanatos (TT) - bro thinks he's descended from the heavens or smth, legit nobody knows his real name, he just calls himself thanatos because that's what he thinks it is (also he believes in these weird things called stones and they're colorful and like there's six of them so yeah)
??? (CoLS) - pretty much the guy meant to actually do shit to the patients and overall do work around the ring, that's basically it
Bonus: Forgotten Ridge - obviously not a character it's just a location but like. it's the "subsect" (every ring/zone has a subsect and they're meant to be subrealms) of ring 1 that's mostly neglected, most patients and staff members alike really don't care what happens
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malicious-fisheeves · 3 months
wrote those ideas down
Very loose, mostly because Im just trying to excise this outta me so I can move on with my life. Feel free to take any of these btw I have no strong attachment
‘Land of Shadow’ more akin to weird purgatory? Ala Hunter’s nightmare where its a weird demi plane kinda thang that twists and warps strangely and has pieces of a physical location but is. Not entirely just that, ie calling into if Marika Literally warped this past land in some kind of way to be inaccessible and hostile and miquella is just kinda twisting it to be less so in a capacity
Da Goal: miquella still seeks godhood bc he’s an idiot. Trying to break the cycle by just recreating it. Dumb ass 😔
Miquella puts the shard bearers in purgatory/eeby derby super hell kind of confinement. Again, it can be vague, but essentially he has trapped their souls in a bottle and is threatening to shake them vigorously if they won’t give him what he wants
In exchange for each soul he acquires, maybe he gives up a piece of himself ala the DLC and we get to see a gradual change theresuch. Maybe he expresses doubts that over time fade and he’s like ‘it’s fiiiiine don’t worry about it I’m just doing what needs to be done :)” - the way we See this change is that we need to interact w miquella to get the scadutree fragment upgrades
Maybe snippets of Marika lore that can be calls both her and Miquella’s parallels
Back the shardbearers you essentially go around their subrealms trying to get them to give up their shit to Miquella. Either for not wishing to do it himself or because he physically can’t, but Miquella can’t just Take their souls from them. Miquella also wishes to convince them to give up ‘willingly’ so as to cement their followers new loyalty to Him instead.
Rennala fight 2.0: hell have her be the rellana fight??? May give us some more of her lore but continue to be vague, could also allude to the horror of The Egg that’s not just ‘boohoo radagon left her :(“. Spooky library 2.0, but Beeger and Magickier…
Follower: Ranni? Or moongrum, or a previously unmentioned carian knight perhaps. Or maybe she doesn’t get one, who knows
Can also get maybe snippets of pre-fuckening carian siblings, more insight onto their relationship albeit still very vague
End of fight: Rennala gives up the goat but again mourns the loss of her children, now again having to come face-to-face with how her love and guidance couldn’t stop her kids from getting themselves killed in the end. In the overworld, she leaves the Academy altogether and can’t be found. It’s unclear if she A. found the resolve to say fuck this i’m out, or B. had a death of dispair. She leaves the egg for you to respec tho
Rykard: Didn’t get to think of this one so much but I had an idea that you’d actually fight some sort of Amped Up Tanith eg you try to fight rykard but he just gets back up bc he’s like haha my hot wife will succeed me 😏 and then you kill her, extra, and he’s like. Fine. here’s your stupid thing. I hope you choke on it. It can perhaps speak to a better clarity of vision Rykard might’ve once had while not necessarily justifying his actions. I also just had the image of Rykard cradling Tanith in pitch darkness, slowly fading from view from the player and it being a moment where you are supposed to go. Hm. maybe what im doing isnt good?
Tanith is like it’s less that I don’t agree with Miquella and do want to see the Erdtree burned down but i am a ride or die bitch so you gotta Earn It, kid.
Radahn: Miquella puts Radahn in the Eternal Torment Pit, mostly out of a personal vendetta even though Miquella’s like No Its Fine I totally get that he nearly killed my sister it was a War You Know *smiling so hard his skin peels off* (again, speaking to Miq’s mortal flaws). Radahn’s done the rigamarole enough time that in between thunder dome hours he does some sort of peaceful activity and maybe even acts like a vendor for the player. He expresses regret, in some capacity, for his wanton past violence, but says he won’t give up his soul because he Does Not Trust Miquella to do whats right.
Jerren is his follower. Allusions to mlm relationships that are not incestuous coercion. Perhaps. 
Mohg/Morgott: Again not entirely certain. I was sort of imagining a sort of nightmarish Subterranean Shunning Grounds But Worse (more frenzy stuff to be found here ala Midra’s manse?) evoking their memories of terror and abandonment. Perhaps by the time we get to them morgott and mohg have already killed each other. Or something, not sure. Someone else have a better idea
That one unused NPC that Loved Morgott Shanehaight and Annsbach (although i refuse to do the mohg-was-manipulated-angle I think we can still have annsbach be like. Well he used to be cooler i guess just having all that power and undying devotion made him like way worse. You know. Like a theme, or something)
Godrick: I actually want to treat him seriously but I can’t think of anything. Maybe he’s just like in the opening area and you can just ask him and he’ll be like. Yeah fine I guess.
Ranni: i think ranni actually did something really funny by upending Miquella’s plans without meaning to. You might fight her body’s pre-death memory of herself. Just me wishing to see Ranni with a huge fuck off weapon like her brothers. Maybe again spiritually guarding Rennala? Again could also be like a ‘sucks to suck miq i yeeted that shit forever ago’
Malenia: final shardbearer you get The Item from. I think Miquella has, in an attempt to be kind, tried to sugarcoat it for her. You find her in some pretty flowery field in the nice warm sunlight, and she’s just waiting for you. She knows why you’re here. She feels betrayed by Miquella. But acquiesces, because she doesn’t or can’t think of not doing so. So you kill her, again.
Finlay as a follower? I like the idea that the entire realm, the boundary between life and death, dreams and memory, are all blurred.
You are given the option to give some part of their leader back to their follower and make changes to the game world or the outcome of a questline. Giving Rya the item from Tanith/Rykard shows that she was wanted, and loved, and not any more an ugly thing than the world itself. Maybe doesn't change that much buy hey. Jerren gets some peace of mind or puts to rest some lingering doubts he had. Annsbach and/or Shanehaight’s endings could be opposites where Annsbach comes to his DLC thang (lord of men not gods etc) whereas Shanehaight’s faith is shaken by how His Guy was an omen.
You get Miquella’s his things and he’s like Thanks Bestie :) see you at the Erdtree. So you go and you fight Radagon and Elden beast and Miquella just stomps the shit out of them. Turns that space worm into creamed corn. And then miquella’s like alright I need a consort to ascend now.
Could be a moonpresence thang where if you didnt get his great rune you can’t say no. ends ominously on an “age of abundance” where your character is charmed.
If you do say no, he will try to kill you. Bossfight. Ends on an unfortunate note, back to base game endings.
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shellyscribbles · 1 year
Happy WBW! ^^ If you could bring one thing/person/place/etc. from your wip into the real world, which one would it be and why?
I thought this was an easy answer, but the more I think about it, it's actually really hard to pick.
My first thought is Zuriel just cause he has been a favorite character of mine for years, but I'd also hate to take him from Aila.
I think maybe Nydia, the subrealm Aila made with Kyra. It'd be a neat hide away with really interesting plants and buildings. A place made with the goal of it being as beautiful and peaceful as possible to bring Kyra back from the darkest despair. By it's nature it would just be so restorative.
So yeah, I think Nydia would be it.
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beanmaster-pika · 2 years
psst. can i ask for some trivia about your ocs they sound interesting
Absolutely you can thank you so much for asking!!! Here we go!!!!!!!
1) Working title “My roommate the demon lord”
Okay so the MC was raised in a strict household and she was always studying as a kid, when she grew up and got her degree she became an office worker and moved out as fast as she could. UNFORTUNATELY due to a mix of never being taught and being So Fucking Tired she’s terrible at housework and now she’s just some lady in her mid-twenties with no friends that aren’t work colleagues. So she’s eating takeout in her apartment one night, spots a cockroach (as you do when your living space is a mess), tries to ignore it but then it flies right at her and she’s scrambling around trying to avoid it and spilling sauce all over her floor and then it’s hurtling straight at her face and she lets out a bloodcurdling scream and BOOM. Something (someone?) squishes it in their hand. She passes out but after she wakes back up it turns out the sauce spilled in a summoning circle and her scream was a a poorly-pronounced incantation and she’s summoned a demon.
You know how a lot of manga will use Christian-adjacent stuff with like angels and things like that? Yeah. So the demon was once an angel that had been responsible for being a caretaker for the realm’s god’s new creations, and he was supposed to be unfeeling being made of only logic and loyalty while carrying out Her will, but in the process of looking after Her creations he developed emotions. Stuff happens, he becomes a demon, and the angels who are under his jurisdiction fall with him. He feels guilty about it because they only followed him out of their loyalty protocol, and he petitions to God to let them back up. She agrees, and he’s left alone in the subrealm/Hell. And He’s Feeling The Empty Nest. The MC tries to kick him out but he took one look at her living conditions and was like Nope, I’m fixing this first, and so he gets to enjoy living with and taking care of another person again and properly teaches her how to take care of herself. It’s a healing experience for both of them as they become friends and their loneliness dissipates, and they can like. Feel safe enough to settle the things that have happened to them across their lives.
Additional trivia:
-the demon has a demon cat who comes out of the portal as a regular housecat. She is fluffy and they adore her.
-MC still has to speak to her parents once a year or so. Since she’s been out of school for a while her mom is insistent she get married and tries to matchmake her, so there’s a fake dating arc to throw her off. The issue is the MC actually has a crush on one of her colleagues who unfortunately runs into the party while demon roomie is pretending to be her boyfriend and she’s like “oh my gosh you didn’t tell me you were dating someone! :D” and MC goes “*vice grip on demon roomie’s wrist* Kill me”
-at some point God goes to check on Her demon boy, finds out he’s gone, and pays a visit. MC, who’s got mom issues galore, nearly starts a physical altercation and calls Her out for what she considers to be a disproportionately harsh sentence. God agrees, which kinda knocks the wind out of her sails. I haven’t yet figured out how I want the conversation to resolve or even written out the full dialogue.
-MC’s crush is a herbo
2) Villainess isekai
-I’ve actually decided on names for my characters for this one!
-the MC’s “name” is Sabrina. She was a grad student and while collecting samples with some of her undergrads disaster struck and one of them died in the accident
-she’s overcome with guilt about it because they were her responsibility and then she gets hit by Truck-kun while thinking about it
-she tries to put it behind her because the plot waits for no one! The royal family has invited young noblewomen for a stay in the capital to arrange for the first prince to get married. Sabrina’s parents send her in to win, kill the prince after he becomes king, and use her authority as queen regent to free her great-aunt who had been imprisoned for attempting a coup against the warmongering former king. That king had also been killed by his queen before he could escalate aggression with their neighbors into full blown war.
-There’s No Way In Hell she’ll fight her way to her death so she tries to find where her great-aunt is being kept and jailbreak her the old-fashioned way. Then she can leave the palace right?
-and this is a villainess isekai after all so!
—Lady Stella: original protagonist. Sabrina hangs out with her for a bit in the beginning to try to throw off the events of the original novel enough that she has a fighting chance to survive, piquing her interest, and she observes Sabrina for a while throughout the first couple arcs. She concludes that she likes what she sees and earnestly befriends her, and from there it grows into falling in love.
—Sir Vicidia: castle-assigned knight of Stella. Originally a capture target. Protective of her, somewhat hostile to Sabrina. It’s not that she’s done anything, they just don’t get along.
—Sir Borace: I forgot the name is spelled Boris and just went “rhymes with Horace.” Vicidia’s childhood friend; knight assigned to Sabrina (the Sabrina of the novel had a different knight with the power of Bribery). Was killed somewhat early on in the original novel, and so was the lady he protected soon after. He’s a gentle giant and Sabrina’s first true friend in this world. He knits her a shawl and she cries about it :)
—Jay: son of a vassal family to Sabrina’s, but his aunt is her mother so they’re also cousins. Originally a capture target. In the novel Sabrina used him cruelly as an assassin, and Stella’s kindness to him when she met him made him feel happy and safe. This Sabrina doesn’t do such terrible things for obvious reasons but also he’s like 18/19 and reminds her of her undergrads so she lowkey dotes on him because Guilt. After a while he tries to do his job anyway because of Family Guilt (there’s a whole thing with disgrace and regaining their honor as her family’s foremost vassals and he feels a lot of pressure) and he takes a stab wound for her and after she’s sure that he’ll be fine afterwards when he’s been treated she’s like “thank you but do NOT do that again I’m your older cousin which means I’m responsible for your safety not the other way around. Do you understand me.” I’m frustrated with stories like ‘my next life as a villainess’ (Keith I’m so sorry the author did that to you) which i otherwise enjoyed and that’s what spawned Jay. They’re family!!!!!!
-little note but I really wanted to write a protagonist like Cale or Lloyd from Greatest Estate Developer but I feel like I’ve written Sabrina as too earnest 😔
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wretchedsurvival · 2 years
the world ( so far )
there are 5 schools of magic : - caelism : the manipulation of oxygen ; - tetherance : enchanting and chaneling energy through a proxy ; - pocket : reaching into " subrealms " , sumoning , banishing ; - corporalism : manipulation of living mater ; - noesis : manipulation of mind and perception
the most prevalent religion is worship of the aethra : man-made gods that surpased the human afterlives (Cricete and Ayedia) into Empyrin : - Novian : the oldest aethra , governs chaos, revenge , " time " - Born with the curse of knowing the future, Novian tried to warn his king of an impending ruin to descend on his country. The elders ignored him and half of Arkkukari was entirely wiped out. He was believed dead and his journals preserved as the only records of the incident, worshipped as a tragedy. He returned “from the dead” and sought revenge on the other half of Arkkukari; he went down in a blaze of rage and dishonour and left a trail of his own ruin in his wake
- Azrasil : governs the hunt and the earth, patron of wariors - Azrasil's parents pressured them into entering a political marriage with Kyr, a girl from a powerful family. Neither consented but complied with their parents wishes and married. They grew to care for each other, became friends, and agreed that they would each have their own lives and keep it quiet. When their parents discovered what they were doing, Kyr and Azrasil ran deep into what is now known as Kyr's Wood to flee their parents' wrath. They hunted and gathered for food until a fruitless winter, and they died holding each other and moss grew over their corpses until they were swallowed by the earth.
- Cerise : governs medicine and alchemy , patron of the ocean - The first Hidrrai, a race of people deep in the ocean, by result of a mutation from birth; her parents cast her into the ocean to die. She survived, some say she was blessed by the preceding divines, and founded the first underwater civilisation. Some say she was a curse upon her parents by Novian as revenge, and after he saw what was done to her he brought her to Empyrin and blessed her with power and status of a divine.
- Micarah - governs disease and the afterlife , patron of martyrs - "She had this rare disease when she was young. There's conflicting accounts of what it caused, but her health was never great, and when she got older it only got worse. She saw so many healers and corporalist mages, and none of them knew how to help her. Cerise caught wind and for whatever reason decided to heal her completely. She became renowned in her town as a miracle, and when she eventually died she was inducted into Empyrin, just like the other aethra. She was assigned as the keeper of the afterlife, which she accepted for a few hundred years... until she decided she didn't want to anymore. It was outrageous, insulting, that the aethra would make this sick little girl preside over death and disease... she rebelled. Cerise was the only divine with any sympathy for her, but what could they do just the two of them? Cerise did nothing, and Micarah was cast down from Empyrin, stripped of her status, her power sealed away across the continent."
- Rimeis - god of order , education , justice
- Mehaura - divine trickery , deception , shadow
- Aradia - godess of mercy , love , daylight
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dimensionalspades · 1 year
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@healingbrews said: “I don’t want to be alone.” [Vittorio]
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- affection || accepting -
. The campfire was both a place of refuge and a reminder of how trapped they were. No matter the trials they escaped, the killers they evaded, they always landed back at the campfire. He could visit other subrealms, did sometimes, but there was no real escape that he'd found. And being separated from the others did not sound at all appealing.
. So sometimes he would sit and rest against a stray log, dozing on and off to the sound of quiet conversation held by others nearby. It was calming, almost like he was back on the road. He could pretend night was falling as tents were set up and horses were untacked.
. The illusion broke when Hinoka approached and spoke, and there was a brief moment where he seemed somewhat lost. But he refocused on Hinoka, glad to see her.
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. Wordlessly, he lifted an arm, the other still slung lazily across his stomach, fixated partially on the feeling of the fabric there. He would let her curl up under his arm, settle in for the moment and watch the fire flicker.
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prcjections · 2 years
It was quiet, so quiet, not even the sound of oneself breathing. A gentle movement was felt in the static wind, and he opened his blue eyes. Floating in the white void, there, in a meditative state, existed Orphion, the Director. Once human, now static. Quietly, their form shifted, going from a cross legged sit with their hands on their knees, to a gentle floating one, feet down above the ground with a knee slightly raised, hands resting gently at their sides.
The ground made contact with them as they floated downward, the quiet sound of their boots against the invisible ground echoing off non-existing walls. The Director walked for a while, it’s been a while after all, being in a form of stasis isn’t exactly the most.. Welcome, feeling. Especially when that stasis was forced upon you. Orphion sighs quietly, reaching their hand up and grabbing something.
They turn their hand, as if it was a handle, and before them the space begins to recreate the ambient of the offices, with each window being a screen. A few more had popped up, a few had been replaced and a few were smashed. Orphion can only sigh “I’ve disappeared for too long…” He says to no one in particular. 
Orphion’s state of stasis was placed upon him as a measure of security, to not risk his place as The Director being taken away, after all, multiple narrators have already fallen or changed their status of Narrator. He walks around the office mock-up, quietly looking forward, there is nothing of his interest in these halls, the beings he needs to find are not here. 
He keeps walking, eventually finding the place he was looking for. Walking into the Boss’ office, he’d direct his gaze at the area above the Boss’ desk, which displayed a stained glass window of himself, one he designed himself for both ego and pretty points. The Director walked behind the boss’ desk, taking a seat on the chair, crossing their legs, and watching the reflection of the window on the ground form a figure.
Upon seeing that the scene was just an empty room, they sighed, they got out again. This time however, they’re not going to chase them down, they’ll let them be, if they get into trouble it’s not on him. He gets up from the chair and extends his hand again, this time in it materializes a sword. Utilizing this blade, they cut a rip in the reality of the out of bounds, walking through it, it’s time to pay a visit to the lady, for if things do not change, the stability of this subrealm is in danger.
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twig-gy · 6 months
been wondering about this for ages but
what does "name until first sc" mean?
uhhh sometimes in the jtoh leaderboards there will be ppl with usernames like ‘Name_Until_Ring_9’ or like ‘Name_Until_ToTS’ and i assume this means they will have that username until they do whatever the objective in their username is, and then they’ll change the username back to whatever. an sc is a tower in jtoh above remorseless (rem) difficulty, so insane, extreme, terrifying (terri), and catastrophic (cata). the noncanon difficulties, difficulties so hard they are relegated to the pit of misery subrealm, are horrific (horri) and unreal. anyway sc difficulties are special cause scs have special winroom and shit and also you won’t be bullied in the jtoh chat for only having rems at ~150 towers. it’s like an Accomplishment it’s like when you become good at the game or something idk
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I would be interested to hear more about Mezuriach and his followers, too. He sounds cool, though honestly the entire theology of your setting is really cool.
He's not spectacularly elaborate, since he's an older element of the setting, but sure.
What I remember settling on is that per the actual nakarakas, he and his servitors (Oni, as in some belief systems, and also because that's cooler than them just being ogre magi) are responsible for cleansing the wicked of sin before reincarnation, which is accomplished in various compressed-time subrealms of Hell. He was originally simply the executor of the judgements of the King of the Gods (as well as the accuser, as in older conceptions of Satan) and both argument for mercy and final judgement were the provenance of the Firstborn Daughter and King, respectively, but as I mentioned previously, with the Daughter slain and King stripped of his power and cast down from heaven by Thurakanda, Mezuriach eventually stepped into the role himself. There's a tense, wary truce between the two now, mostly because Mezuriach has his clear role but Thurakanda's Exalted Path, which outlines how a mortal can achieve demigodhood after death and escape the cycle of reincarnation, is quite amoral and works just as well for the brutal as it does for the righteous.
His followers actually fill out the role of being a professional core of the city's army, as well as functioning as its police force. This is generally a smooth process, though can lead to odd peculiarities (their code of conduct demands retribution for absolutely any wrong or slight, all the way down to striking someone who jostles them on the street).
Most notably, the Prince of Thieves' followers have worked with them to develop ways around the letters of their respective codes so as to actually function together, since his followers function as spies and scouts as well as arbitrators and advocates in some cases. When the thieves are caught in one of the ritual acts of thievery required by their strictures (a few coins left in a pouch on the right hip is, in fact, the official way to make a donation to the Prince's temple) Mezuriach's Justicars enact a similarly nominal punishment (ranging from shallow cuts across the forearms to a single, hard strike to the stomach to minimize risk of actual injury to an ally).
Again, Paladins are very rare in my setting, but there being one, perhaps two at any given point is likely, along with a similar number of actual spellcasting Clerics for each of the two gods.
Oh, and so many of these gods being nameless isn't a mythical thing about them being archetype figures, these re all just working titles because I suck at naming things
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interstellarbozo · 3 months
Istg bro i'm less than a day away from making this a full ass au with its own dedicated blog n allat shit
this is about jtohcare btw
There's actually two hospitals. Makes the job kinda easier. They're called The Great Inferno (I'll come up with a better name later) and The Spatial System respectively. Apparently a third one is in the works as well...
Each floor is pretty big, and each floor is a mirror of a "realm." TGI's floors mirror rings, and SS' floors mirror zones.
The actual characters will mostly just be towers turned into furries. There will still be a few original Sparklecare characters to serve as some weird allegories for the players themselves.
Normal towers and steeples are normal patients. Citadels are staff members. Soul crushings are particularly fucked up patients who need to be locked up because of how dangerous they are. Obelisks are basically the Cuddles of their respective hospitals (as in they run the place)
Some floors have "subsects" to mirror subrealms, often as part of some bizarre program. I don't know what most of these will be like, but I do know the Pit of Misery will be some abandoned place formerly used to store terrible patients prior to TooHard becoming a thing after some awful riot (and thus having all the patients killed off because they just couldn't be trusted with lives anymore)
If JJT (oh god no) somehow existed, it would likely take the form of yet another hospital used to store stuff like literal reality warpers who could blow up pancakes with their mind. Basically a discount SCP with furries in a hospital.
I don't know about the Chunklings or the social workers. Nor do I know about the mini towers (e.g. NEAT). Stop asking me.
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laurentiakitchn · 2 years
This project began as a personal archive to organize experience–people, places, books, music, ideas–and got put on hold soon after I planted my first seedlings in a community garden plot in Somerville, MA.
After a brief hiatus (4.5 years, 3 moves, 2+ kids, a marriage, a dissertation, and a global pandemic), I’m back with a sharper focus on one specific aspect of my experience: bioregional awareness. Or, at least, I’ll be exploring what it means to attempt cultivating that awareness. It’s an exercise in placefinding, with the resources, limitations, inclinations, and identities I have at hand.
Hence, Laurentia.
Laurentia is a bioregion spanning, by some accounts, from around the Great Lakes (where I grew up) to the New England Atlantic coast (where I now live).
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Level II Ecoregion 8.1: Mixed Plain Forests
Also classified as the “Northeastern American Forests” subrealm and the “Laurentian mixed forests” biohabitat, the region has been called various names by the people who have lived here for millennia—though many of those words have been lost or actively destroyed during the long process of European colonization.
For me, the word “Laurentia” has become a synonym of “utopia,” though with the added complexity that it names a real place with a storied and violent history. I use it to evoke both the biogeographical realm I call home and a loose ideal of more balanced, integrated, and sustainable existence.
This digital space will record my encounters with Laurentia, as place and ideal, along with other aspects of my life in and around Cambridge, MA. And it will include recipes, more or less attuned to my bioregional surroundings. After all, the fact that most of what I buy and cook and consume comes from who-knows-where is one of the main issues I’ll be reflecting on here. The point isn’t necessarily to cut ties with distant places; it’s to develop a bioregional awareness of things; to see and evaluate the ties between places as they intersect in my life and, specifically, in my kitchen.
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boethiah · 3 years
clavicus vile boethiah shared custody meat subrealm
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unseelie-suggestion · 4 years
Do the fae ever steal mortal souls not as slaves or brides, but because they are highly intelligent and want them to?
Short answer: no, and do not take invite such a fate.
Long answer:
The wording of your question is a bit difficult for me to understand, so I’m answering the question as I understand it: do fae kidnap humans that want to cross the veil?
The wording of your question implies that fae exclusively allow human passage and presence to their courts via enslavement and kidnapping. The history of this topic is complicated and dense, but to summarize: fae in modern times have no need to procure human spouses or children, and the Seelie courts view such deals has archaic and grounds for expulsion from the realm.
Fae and humans did, historically, freely crossed the boundaries between our realms - legitimate kidnappings and enslavement of humans in the fae courts (and fae in service to humans) was actually a relatively recent and ultimately rare occurrence until the Industrial Revolution, but was ended with the Talún Convention circa 1934.
This Convention, as upheld by the Seelie Courts, limits fae and human interaction to a minimum and officially closed the veil to nonessential travel. There were many reasons for this decision, including the increase in abuse of power in both realms, but revived population levels on both sides of the veil also influenced this decision.
Essential travel, as defined in the Talún articles, is limited to fae performing necessary maintenance to the human realm such as Unseelie management and household fae safety inspections, and emergency conditions that endanger the balance between the realms.
No Seelie would ever willingly or knowingly allow a human to cross the boundary, let alone invite or force a human to cross. Violation of the Talún Convention is punishable via: excommunication from the Seelie Courts, permenant exile from the fae realm, and/or death for both the fae responsible and the human (although this clause of the law has been under scrutiny for potential disruption of the balance).
Fae have no qualms interacting with humans they find intriguing or fascinating! They’re excellent conversationalists and, if you have riddles to exchange, easy to please. The Seelie Courts have no issue with fae choosing to strike deals with or otherwise prank and bamboozle humans so long as no exchange of life, health, or person crosses the boundaries between our realms.
Now, the Unseelie Courts are another entity to consider. They neither recognize nor follow the Talún Convention guidelines for human interaction or boundary travel restrictions. Their realm is a subrealm of the Seelie Courts, and as such the Seelie cannot enforce their jurisdiction on any violations.
Unseelie are not your friends. They are not the Seelie fae that may have once whisked you away to the fae realm to live your life in decadence and mirth in exchange for your freedom. They will manipulate you and use you for their own gain with no respect for your boundaries, happiness, safety, or sentience. Inviting fae to take you alerts Seelie to avoid you for their own safety, leaving room for Unseelie to take you away.
If you choose to invite fae to violate the most serious laws of their land and a friendly fae comes to take you away, be prepared for the consequences of your choice - and for the love of all you hold dear bring a knife. It might save your life.
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